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Five editing

Guest girl_from_uk

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no one on here likes five why? If it wasnt for five we wouldn't be able to see H&A at all

The trouble is these days, the world has become a 'follow the americans and sue the pants off anyone for anything just to get money' state. British TV these days has become so Nannyfied because people complain about the slightest things. - Its not right for my kid, Huh sorry believe it or not the children are probably seeing and doing a lot worse in schools than whats on HAA. A lot of these kids use language that is ten times worse than the one or two words that if no one made a fuss over would be missed by most people anyways. The british soaps are a lot worse and the other tv stations dont feel the need to cut them.

I think Five are very responsible in the things they choose to edit.

Can you imagine how many complaints they would have had showing the plane crash after the London Bombings? I'm certain that if I had children, I wouldnt want them watching scenes of people taking drugs. I can see the logic behind the thought that Kim being knocked over by a car, could have been cut......... it made me jump.

I think Home and Away has an excellent time spot in the UK, most people are coming in from work and are sitting down to watch TV, but they are extremly aware of different factors which work both alongside and against this time.

With regards to the Cyclone episode. If they cut it for the reasons that I have heard (because of the strobe/harsh lighting sequences) then I'd be gratefull to Five.......... I'm epileptic and wouldnt be able to watch it without having a seizure. If it gets cut for that reason then it really does show that Five are responsible in thier editing and not just being mean.

I hope this doesnt offend anyone

With the Drug scenes however annoying it was maybe they had a point - but why not show an uncut version later at night - they only fill up the early hours with the crap that is american baseball.

With the plane crash i felt that using the London bombings as an excuse was LAME, A plane falling out of the sky will of course produce casualties. It didnt include a Bomb, nor was it a train or a bus - or in a city - or did it at the time have any reference to it being tampered with. It was a totally different thing altogether and i was throughly Pi**ed at them cutting this episode as all the seven promotional material was cut. Very bad decision in my opinion.

As for the cyclone episode I hope to god its not cut - If there are a few flashing lights then a warning before the programme and maybe even a 'subtitle' warning 30 seconds before the scene would suffice.

The episode recently that I think they may chop is the housewarming party for Jack/Kim as is shows (speaking in a 5/ofcom voice) 'Excessive drinking of alcoholic drinks made up to be entertaining and acceptable.'

The storylines at the moment are lame enough as it is without any exciting bits being cut.

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I completley agreee that the world seems to be lead by the Compensation Claim culture, TV and Radio is certainly not an exception!

With regards to the plane crash episode being cut, I still dont understand what was wrong with that decision, especially on the basis of what had happend and how many people were affected. Can you imagine the uproar which would have been caused if a show with any act of terrorism (on whatever scale) had been show after 7/11............................ gut instinct tells me that it would have been the same after 7/7.

I cant comment on what Seven do in Aus but Five are obviously just being sensible and covereing thier backs!

Going back to the flashing lights, even with a subtitle warning before it happens, covering you eyes isnt enough. To be honest, I cant see that a few flashing lights will make a huge difference, especially with the strong actors Home and Away has.

I appologise for this coming across as being excessivle selfish but im sure im not the only one who stand to be affected by this.

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I completley agreee that the world seems to be lead by the Compensation Claim culture, TV and Radio is certainly not an exception!

With regards to the plane crash episode being cut, I still dont understand what was wrong with that decision, especially on the basis of what had happend and how many people were affected. Can you imagine the uproar which would have been caused if a show with any act of terrorism (on whatever scale) had been show after 7/11............................ gut instinct tells me that it would have been the same after 7/7.

Going back to the plane crash again. At the time of the storyline there was no act of terrorism. If you remember rightly the fact that the stalker was to blame was not revealed until several months after, In fact 5ive hadnt even advertised at this point there was a stalker storyline (unlike Aus who was advertising at the xmas break). The stalker was only brought up well after 7/7. As far as we knew the plane got into difficulty and fell out the sky leaving behind casualties, which anyone would expect after a plane crash. As for injured people - they didnt pull casualty off of BBC1 because of it. Just because the plane was in a different place (ie the bush instead of a ward) doesnt mean that people would have thought worse about it. Five made the british people out to be a dumb babysat state that needed mothering. I can understand that some people were affected by 7/7 as i too had friends living in london and my neighbour travels to london daily and uses those services. But as there was no proof or indeed any sign of terrorism at all it was a bad call made by five IMO.

Besides if a show is shown on telly all around the world would you not rather have a full episode instead of a slashed to pieces one? If a show is worth seeing its worth seeing it all. I was heavily peeved that the episode I had been waiting for for ages was slashed to bits with well over 3 minutes being cut. Again a warning at the start would have been enough to say some people may be sensitive.

As for flashing lights, Do they not have epilepsy in Australia? would they not have to take into account too the fact that their audience would also be affected. Epilepsy is not native to the UK.

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Reminds me of those trains in Essex or Kent or wherever it is that have been banned because the writing is 3mm too small and this disadvantages people who have sight problems.

So they've had to roll out the old trains which pass all tests, but make the journey crapper for the vast majority of people.

Actually the worst episode for strobe lighting is the one where Kirsty goes off the club and takes drugs. Now I don't suffer from epilepsy, butI watched this episode late at night with the lights off and felt me feeling a bit queasy. It's a difficult one do you edit for a minority or tell the minorty "There may be trouble ahead".

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Although I dont have epilepsy or any other condition that is caused by flashing lights, I do still close my eyes or look away when something like that is on TV as I just find it uncomfortable to look at.

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I completley agreee that the world seems to be lead by the Compensation Claim culture, TV and Radio is certainly not an exception!

With regards to the plane crash episode being cut, I still dont understand what was wrong with that decision, especially on the basis of what had happend and how many people were affected. Can you imagine the uproar which would have been caused if a show with any act of terrorism (on whatever scale) had been show after 7/11............................ gut instinct tells me that it would have been the same after 7/7.

Going back to the plane crash again. At the time of the storyline there was no act of terrorism. If you remember rightly the fact that the stalker was to blame was not revealed until several months after, In fact 5ive hadnt even advertised at this point there was a stalker storyline (unlike Aus who was advertising at the xmas break). The stalker was only brought up well after 7/7. As far as we knew the plane got into difficulty and fell out the sky leaving behind casualties, which anyone would expect after a plane crash. As for injured people - they didnt pull casualty off of BBC1 because of it. Just because the plane was in a different place (ie the bush instead of a ward) doesnt mean that people would have thought worse about it. Five made the british people out to be a dumb babysat state that needed mothering. I can understand that some people were affected by 7/7 as i too had friends living in london and my neighbour travels to london daily and uses those services. But as there was no proof or indeed any sign of terrorism at all it was a bad call made by five IMO.

Besides if a show is shown on telly all around the world would you not rather have a full episode instead of a slashed to pieces one? If a show is worth seeing its worth seeing it all. I was heavily peeved that the episode I had been waiting for for ages was slashed to bits with well over 3 minutes being cut. Again a warning at the start would have been enough to say some people may be sensitive.

As for flashing lights, Do they not have epilepsy in Australia? would they not have to take into account too the fact that their audience would also be affected. Epilepsy is not native to the UK.

Exactly- I never understand why the flashing lights are cut so much here as if it could affect more people than it could in Australia. I'm sure seven take all this into account in the first place when making the show. I really do think a warning should suffice in regards to the flash lighting, as in an episode with a cyclone, there's bound to be thunder, lightening etc. Having seen this episode, I would have to say I feel there's so much of this that if it was cut out, it would be more a matter of what's left than what's taken out, so I'm sure they'll be careful doing this.

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Again I doubt it's anything to do with Five. Different countries have different laws. The regulations in the UK for broadcasting flashing lights must be different to those in Australia. It's not that one country is right and the other is wrong, it's just that there are differences.

It's not as if someone at Five head office is sitting there saying "Oh we're more likely to be affected by those lights than any of those aussie guys, we better cut it."

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