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Teenage Dream

Guest marie_the_bee

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Thank you @~JarlieFanEver~ for commenting much love M x

Well what’s a story without a bit of drama?? ;)

Charlie P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to see the sun gently coming through the curtains, I quickly shut my eyes again as I could feel my head begin to bang, hangover time. I forgot where I was until I felt an arm around my waist, I couldn’t help but smile, I was laying in bed with Brax. Last night had ended up a great night after Teghan had left we went back outside, danced and partied until I think 5 am, Brax and me had fallen into bed he was draped around me in only his boxers and I was in my underwear and his t-shirt. I looked to the side of his bed to see it was 11am.

"Brax, Brax" Charlie said kissing his lips.

"Ummm" Brax said not opening his eyes.

"Baby come on it’s time to get up we have to clean the garden before your mom comes back" Charlie said getting up.

"Yeah, Yeah" Brax said rolling over only to realise she was gone.

I made me way up to the kitchen and got a black sack and started putting empty beers bottles into it, it wasn’t that bad a few plastic plates, bottles and plastic cups, I had it done in no time. I made me way back to Brax room to get my stuff to be dressed for when Cheryl came back Brax had fallen asleep and Heath seemed dead to the world.

I changed into my white tee denim short and thongs and put me hair up in a messy bun. I made myself some toast and got some juice along with 2 aspirins. This hangover was the worst I sat down on the couch and was watching some chat show which I had no interest in.

"G’day Charlie" Cheryl said walking through the door with Casey in her arm.

"Li Li" Casey said running at Charlie.

Charlie picked him up and hugged him.

"Hey Casey" Charlie said. Charlie had grown to love Casey he was so cute and such a good kid.

Charlie followed Cheryl to the kitchen.

"Good Night? Where are my boys?" Cheryl asked.

"There in bed no sign of them getting up anytime soon" Charlie smiled. "Yeah it was really good only for Teghan showing up but she left well Brax threw her out, it was a late one I think 5."

"I’m glad Darryl threw her out she isn’t welcome in this house" Cheryl said. "Well how about you and Casey go wake those to boys because I have jobs for them to do!"

"Ok come on Case" Charlie said holding his hand as they made there way down the hall. Heaths room was the first stop.

"He He" Casey said as Charlie put him beside Heath.

"Not now Case, Heath is tired play later" Heath said rolling over.

"No now" Casey said beginning to cry.

"Wooow Mate don’t cry Heath has a pain in his head" Heath said.

"Your mom has job for you to do today, she said for you to get up" Charlie said.

Charlie you gave me such a fright Heath said not realising Charlie was there. " Ok i’ll get up in a minute just have to wake up."

"Come on Case will we go wake Braxy" Charlie said.

Casey ran down the hall "Braxy!Braxy! Braxy!" pushing the door open and pulling on the blanket.

Charlie soon followed after and lifted him up on Brax double bed.

"Case mate we go sleepies?" Brax said lying his brother down.

Charlie sat on the bed.

"No up" Casey said.

"In a minute" Brax said as Casey began to play with his phone.

Brax put his arm out to pull Charlie closer Charlie soon snuggled up beside him and kissed his cheek as Casey played at the end of the bed.

"You should have woken" me Brax said.

"I tried but failed" Charlie smiled.

"Sorry did you clean up everything? I owe you big time you’re the best you know that" Brax said kissing her.

"No" Casey said placing himself between the two, "my LiLi"Casey said hugging Charlie.

"Oh is that right Case" Brax said tickling his brother "well you’re going to have to fight me for her."

Charlie laughed and got up. "Come on Case you can take me to breakfast" Charlie smiled.

Brax laughed getting up as Charlie and Casey walked out of the room.

They day went quiet fast Heath and Brax had to a few chores will me and Cheryl sat out in the garden baking in the sun. Brax had decided we would go for a drive get some take away and sit at Stewarts’ Point, they were both sitting on the bonnet of the jeep watching the sunset. They conversation had started out about last night but had slowly began to get serious.

"My dad and I don’t see eye to eye" Charlie admitted. "He wants me to join the police force and follow in his foot steps but Brax I want to work with kids maybe become a teacher, I don’t know I have another 2 years to decide but I know I don’t want to be a police officer. He always wanted a boy you know and he got me."

"Charlie he’s lucky to have you he should be happy whatever your going to be" Brax smiled.

"Well he doesn’t see it that way he’s my dad, I love him but sometimes I wish it was just me and my Mom" Charlie admitted.

"Well everyone gets like that at some point, your Mom is one of the nicest people I know Charlie, just like you" Brax said putting his arm around Charlie.

"You know Brax underneath the bad boy exterior lies the heart of the nicest of guys that only me and the Braxtons get to see" Charlie said.

Brax slightly awkward but he was the bad he was a dealer, he was everything Charlie said he loved her he didn’t want to loose her but he had to be straight with her, Brax kissed her passionately hoping this wasn’t going to be the last time.

"Charlie there is something I haven’t told you about me" Brax said.

"You know you can tell me right?" Charlie said taking his hand.

"But Charlie it isn’t a good thing or a sad thing its well about" Brax stopped he didn’t know how to tell her but there was no going back now.

"Brax come on you can trust me" Charlie smiled.

"Charlie.... me and the boys ....well...... we deal weed" Brax finally spat out.

"What??" Charlie said in shock.

"We started a while back when we started high school it was easy money and well we haven’t stopped since" Brax admitted.

Charlie got down of the bonnet.

"I can’t Brax" Charlie said. "You’re a drug dealer? How could I have been so stupid!! All those lies you fed me what they all said about you was the truth" Charlie said as tears started to brim in her eyes.

"Charlie you know me, you know the real me! I might deal but that’s money to help my family you know my story better than anyone else does" Brax said.

"I can’t Brax you lied to me for 3 months our whole relationship has been built on a lie" Charlie said walking away.

"I love you and you know that nothing I ever said while I was with you was a lie I was scared to tell you because I didn’t want us to end" Brax admitted.

"Well now it just has" Charlie said tears running down her face. "My Dad is just waiting for an excuse to ship me off to boarding school, my parents marriage is a mess and now this. My dad the detective would love to know I’m going out with the local drug dealer that’s a one way ticket to boarding school for Charlie."

"Charlie he will never keep us apart and there is nothing he can trace back to us, just think about us our relationship not anything else, we need, want each other" Brax said. "Charlie you’re the best thing that has happened me, don’t walk away from this because of something I’ve been doing since before I met you" Brax pleaded.

"I can’t Brax I’m sorry" Charlie said running down the road not able to believe her Brax was a drug dealer.

Brax was left rubbing tears from his eyes as he got in his jeep to drive home.

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Two AWESOME updates, especially ......

 I was in a white Bikini with my hair in loose waves leaning against my board.

 Charlie took her hands away from Brax eyes to reveal a new board.

"I didn’t know what else to get you and you were always complaining about your board" Charlie rambled on.

 I quickly rang Mom to tell her about Charlie Mom, She told me she had already rang and that she couldn’t wait to meet Charlie. Mom was always hard on my choices of girls she despised Teghan and a few of the other girls she called skanks she liked Stacey, Brodys girlfriend.

 Charlie was dressed in yellow sundress and brown sandals with her hair in loose waves.

 Ms Braxton make me sound old" Cheryl said.

"Eh Mum news flash you are old" Brax laughed.

 "Well my mother owns a restaurant C’s in the Bay and my dad is a detective, it’s usually me and my mom my dad is always working and we don’t see much of him"

 "So Brax said you own the local bar?"

"Yeah my parents gave it to me, my sister runs the other bar in the city" Cheryl said.

 "Charlie I have to admit I was expecting an airhead to walk through the door like that skank Teghan but I have to admit I like you, I think you will be good for my Darryl" Cheryl admitted.

"Thank you Cheryl, I should really be thanking Teghan though she pashed my boyfriend well ex now at my birthday causing us to break up and well me and Brax to get together" Charlie admitted.

"See she’s a skank but at least something good came out of it, welcome to the family" Cheryl said. "Make yourself at home the chick flicks are behind all the other DVDs the boys don’t know that" Cheryl said getting up to get ready to leave.

 The night was great I had resorted to wearing on of Brax jumpers over my dress sitting out in the Braxton garden at 11pm wasn’t a great idea in a sundress.

 "You know Brax is a womaniser right? Him and Teghan will get back together like they always do your a nice girl but they are like magnets to each other" Chloe hiccupped obviously after one to many.

 Teghan!! Great Charlie thought. Teghan was dressed in a hot pink top and the shortest on skirts Charlie had ever scene.

 "Well I’m lasting aren’t I and who’s going to be in bed with him tonight in his arms ME" Charlie shouted.

 Charlie looked over to see Teghan trying her past to crack onto Brax, she was failing miserably for some reason Charlie knew Brax wouldn’t go there well at least he hoped after what Stacey had said earlier she couldn’t see it happening.

 Teghan closed the distance between her and Brax pushing her body into his.

"Brax, I want to give you your birthday present" Teghan said about to wrap arms around Brax neck.

Brax caught her hand and dragged her up the hall.

"Teghan I’m with Charlie and you and me never again you here? Now get the hell out your no longer welcome in this house" Brax shouted as he pushed her out the door and shut it behind him.

 Brax and me had fallen into bed he was draped around me in only his boxers and I was in my underwear and his t-shirt.

 I changed into my white tee denim short and thongs and put me hair up in a messy bun.

 "Li Li" Casey said running at Charlie.

 "Case mate we go sleepies?" Brax said lying his brother down.

 Sorry did you clean up everything? I owe you big time you’re the best you know that" Brax said kissing her.

"No" Casey said placing himself between the two, "my LiLi"Casey said hugging Charlie.

"Oh is that right Case" Brax said tickling his brother "well you’re going to have to fight me for her."

 I want to work with kids maybe become a teacher, I don’t know I have another 2 years to decide but I know I don’t want to be a police officer. He always wanted a boy you know and he got me."

 Charlie got down of the bonnet.

"I can’t Brax" Charlie said. "You’re a drug dealer? How could I have been so stupid!! All those lies you fed me what they all said about you was the truth" Charlie said as tears started to brim in her eyes.

 "Well now it just has" Charlie said tears running down her face. "My Dad is just waiting for an excuse to ship me off to boarding school, my parents marriage is a mess and now this. My dad the detective would love to know I’m going out with the local drug dealer that’s a one way ticket to boarding school for Charlie."

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