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Seven Network on the warpath?

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I did actually watch a bunch of 2007/2008 episodes at Christmas to tide me over the break and at least some of them are still there.I have noticed a lot of the recent episodes(it's mainly 2009/2010 ones so far as I can see)have been blocked in the UK.It's a bit odd since the episodes have already been shown and aren't likely to be repeated any time soon but I guess they see it as protecting their rights.

Should be added at this point that all episodes shown in the UK are available on the official DemandFive site for four weeks afterwards, so if you have trouble getting to a television set you can always watch them on there.Although they appear to have just made the page harder to navigate by adding plot synopses for the last year.


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I don't get any of what Channel 5 are up to, largely because I've always regarded Richard Desmond as a complete moron. A rich moron, granted. But still a moron.

The fact he's resurrected Big Brother from the grave it should have gone to years ago just says it all for me.

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there's one Youtube user who has recently (within the past 2-3 weeks) closed down their account, which now means i can't watch any of the Early Years any more. WTF?

and it seems as though either all the other videos have been removed or the users have all closed down their accounts. very annoying :angry:

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If people could put themselves into the minds of these mega-rich business peeps for a moment, unpleasant a prospect as that might be, it might be possible to discern method in this seemingly self-destructive, possessive, behaviour.

Scrubbing out old episodes on YT might seem to be illogical at first sight. However, I don't think that that is the real purpose in pursuing (however they do it) the people who post old episodes. I'm presuming that the goal is to intimidate all past and existing posters, now and into the future, to desist posting. Their business case would be that advertising revenues are tied to viewing figures, and any elements causing a diminution of those official figures would be treated as hostile (to be terminated with extreme prejudice.)

I presume that 'historic' posters would receive threats or suspension of their accounts on YT, to dissuade them from continuing into the future.

The other explanation is that people who have grown used to possessing more than they could ever reasonably want, let alone need, become greedy dragon-like creatures, sitting on their treasure-hoard, spitting fire at all who approach them. Or have I confused this thread with one about 'The Hobbit' ?

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Scrubbing out old episodes on YT might seem to be illogical at first sight. However, I don't think that that is the real purpose in pursuing (however they do it) the people who post old episodes. I'm presuming that the goal is to intimidate all past and existing posters, now and into the future, to desist posting. Their business case would be that advertising revenues are tied to viewing figures, and any elements causing a diminution of those official figures would be treated as hostile (to be terminated with extreme prejudice.)

yes, especially when i live in a country that doesn't broadcast the early years of Home and Away :huh:

as for the episodes blocked here in the UK by C5, removing the episodes from 2009 onwards made total sense as they were being broadcast in the UK at the time, leading to cannibalisation of viewers as you mention. however, although this week one user has been reposting episodes from early in the 2007 season - and we'll see how long they last - C5 blocked all episodes from 2007 and 2008 which included the full title sequence.

this was probably done electronically though rather than by an irate C5 employee who really hated Israel Cannan's version of the theme :lol: as i believe they scan all videos for certain images, which would pick up on the credits and block all episodes containing them - my two cents.

EDIT: added to that, they leave 'part 2' of an episode featuring the credits un-blocked.

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, you would think, as that was shown every episode. But it the measures are likely implemented by people who work at C5, but don't know the show well at all. Even regular viewers were confused by the will they?/won't they? credits of that period.

The 2007 premiere episode (

) remains though, and I imagine this is due to the sides of the video being cut off, changing the aspect ratio. The software they use therefore probably doesn't recognise it.
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