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Back to the Bay: Big Brother 2007: Archive Thread

Guest Big Brother

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I'd like to thank God, Jesus, Buddah, that Dragon in Chinese mythology that eats the sun... And of course, the Greek Gods, without whom none of this would be possible. Ooh, and my Qua'lin. And JK Rowling, who's fanfic-base has nurtured my dirty, depraved mind for many wonderful years.

To my fellow housemates, what can I say? I won. You suck. Deal with it.

... Oooonly kiddiiiiiiiing! :P

It's been fun getting to know everyone, and getting to see everyone at their absolute smuttiest. And here I thought I was the only one?

Well, that's a lie. I already knew Lynd and Andy were filthy whores. As such, I would have been nothing in this house without them. They were my most able enablers. This ones for you, bitches!! :D

Special mention to Chris J and Cal - your perversion did not go unoticed, and Luce, you were a formidable apponant in the voting, due largely I hope, to you also learning the skillful art of public cybersex.

And on that note, to Hades with this quest for purity and spirtual enlightment! I don't need them at all anymore! I WON BTTB BB '07! YEEEEEHAAAAWWWW!!

Rides Andy around the yard like a buckin' bronco.

Outside world, here I come!!!!!

Oh bloody hell. Almost forgot my adoring fans!!! OF COURSE I couldn't have won without you, because you lot are the one's that voted!! So THANKS! :D

Now don't beat me up when I get oustide for almost forgetting you in all the confusion... :unsure:

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