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Hee well this is the first NON H&A fic I've ever tried so i hope you guys like it will post the rest of it when im done and if you guys like it:

The dead never dies.

Samantha Bryne was lying on her bed doing her homework, there was a storm outside, she hated storms espescially when she as on her own, her Mum started doing nights at work, her dad lived in America so he wasn't here and her sister was out on a date, she wanted to ring her and tell her to come home but she didn't want to disturb her, Kelli would be angry if she did,

"I'll go to bed early and try to ignore the storm, I cant let myself get so scared!" Samantha whispered to herself, putting her homework on the desk and going to her drawer to get her Pyjama's out,

She heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs, she grabbed the nearest thing she could see and stood behind the door ready and waiting,

"Sam I'm home!!" screamed Kelli, running up the rest of the stairs to the bedroom she shared with her sister,

"you scared me to death Kel, I was getting ready to hit you over the head!" replied Samantha putting the light back on her desk,

"sorry Sis I should of called out earlier, so what have you been doing?" asked Kelli, jumping onto her bed,

"nothing just catching up on some homework that's about it!" repied Samantha, pulling the covers back and jumping into bed,

"borng, anyways the date went fine, he's so sweet, he pulled the chair out for me everything!" said Kelli, telling Sam about her date,

"well I'm glad to hear you had a good time Sis!" replied Sama, all she wanted to do was cuddle up and go to sleep,

"I think he's the one Sam, I mean I love him already and it was only the first date!" said Kelli, geting up from her bed and putting her night clothes on,

"I hope he is Kel, anyways I'm going to get my beauty sleep!!" replied Samantha, turning her back on her sister,

"ok Sister see you in the morning!" said Kelli, jumping into her own bed.

Sam woke up at midnight, she heard footsteps downstairs, she decided to go down and check them out, just in case someone was trying to rob them, climbing down the stairs slowly, her heart was pounding, she was probably oer reacting it was probably Mum getting a drink,

"Mum, is that you?" asked Sam, calling out before she walked into the kitchen,

"yeah of course its me, who else would it be" replied Mrs Bryne, putting her cup in the sink,

"Oh I heard noises, I thought someone was trying to break in!" said Sam, sitting on the kitchen chair,

"well it was me so you have nothing to worry about sweetie!" replied Mrs Bryne, walking out the kitchen to go back to bed.

Samantha woke up the next morning sweaty, she must of had a nightmare when she finally went back to bed,

"sis are you ok?" asked Kelli, it was a cold frosty morning and her sister was sweating,

"yeah, just had a nightmare that's all, I'll go take a shower!! I feel better afterwards" replied Samantha, grabbing her school uniform, her school had just started wearing uniforms,

"ok sis but hurry up in there I need to have one to remember and dont use all the hot water!" said Kelli, her sister had a habit of using most of the hot water, Kelli always ended up having a cold shower after her sister had been in there,

"I won't be in there for long, don't panic!" replied Samantha walking into there bathroom and locking the door behind her.

Kelli was staring out the window while she was waiting for her sister to finish in the shower, she swore she could see someone staring up into there bedroom, maybe Kelli was being paranoid,

"sis can you see that guy staring up into our bedroom?" asked Kelli, she was hoping Sam could see him to,

"yeah, spooky wonder who he is!" replied Sam, staring back at the guy who was gawking up into there bedroom,

"I'm not going down to find out who he is! Anyways do you want a lift to school?" asked Kelli, offering her sister a lift to school, save her some petrol,

"um no I dont mind taking my car, I've got to pick up Lilly and Katy anyway!" replied Samantha, it was nice of her sister to offer to take her anyway,

"ok, well I'll see you at school then!" said Kelli, Picking up her books that she needed for the day and her school bag and left the room.

Samantha was on her way to Katy's house when she noticed a note sticking out of the glove box, she opened the glove box and grabbed the note out,

Your dead Samantha Bryne and your sisters next!

she read the note twice, she didnt know what it meant,

"probably a sick joke from one of the guys at school!" Sam said to herself, parking outside Katy's house, she saw Katy running out the front door,

"Hey, isn't Lilly coming to school today?" Asked Katy, putting her seat belt on,

"um no, she's sick, so her dad says!" replied Samantha, driving to school,

"Sam what's this note?" asked Katy, reading the note Sam had found in the glove box of her car,

"A sick joke someones playing on me Probably!" replied Sam, hoping that's all it was,

"you should take this to the police Sam, it might not be a joke, i mean who jokes about death!" said Katy, putting the note in the glove box out of site,

"what can they do Kat? its only a note" replied Sam, trying to find a carpark,

"they can find out who sent it to you before its to late" said Katy, she didn't want her bestfriend dying on her,

"how will they know Kat? its a piece of paper not blood or anything!" replied Samantha, getting out of her car and locking it.

Samantha walked to her locker to put the books she didn't need until later on in the day in,

"Hey Sam!" said John, going over to Samantha,

"Hey John whats up?" asked Sam, Sam knew John had a crush on her, he was like the hottest boy in her school,

"uh nothing much really, hey I was wondering if you'd like to catch a movie or something with me tonight?" asked John, he couldn't believe he'd just asked Samantha Byrne out on a date,

"um yeah ok that'll be fun um meet me back here at lunch time" replied Sam, twirling her long blonde hair around in her fingers,

"ok sweet as see you then!!" said John, walking away from his could be girlfriend.

"omg Kat, you'll never guess who asked me out!" said Sam, sitting in sience,

"who? do I know him?" asked Katy scribbling on her note pad,

"John!! can you believe it, he asked me if I wanted to catch a movie with hm tonight or something!!" said Sam, excitedly, she was looking foward to her date with John tonight,

"omg Sammy, he's had a crush on you for so long, I didnt think he'd ever ask you out! I'm so happy for you!" replied Katy, at least one of them would have a boyfriend,

"I know! I'm suprised he asked me out to, he seems so shy!" replied Samantha, smiling,

"you girls down the back keep quiet or i'll have to send one of you out of the class!!" said Mr Micunick,

"sorry sir!!" said Katy, writing down her notes.

Samantha stood next to her locker waiting for John to come, she didn't think he was going to turn up, lunch was ten minutes in and there was no sign of John anywhere, Samantha opened her locker and pretended to look for something so it didn't look obvious,

"hey sexy bunny!!" said John, walking over to Samantha and kissing her on the cheek,

"hey!! I didn't think you were going to turn up!!" replied Sam, returning the kiss,

"me stand you up? nah I wouldn't do such a thing!!" said John, why would he stand the hottest girl in the school up,

"didn't think you would! Anyways about tonight I think we should meet up at the mall and go from there" replied Samantha, suggesting that they meet at the Mall for there date tonight,

"Um yeah ok sounds good, do you have my cell number just in case we cant find each other?" asked John, he didn't think he had Sam's cellphone number,

"um no I don't think I do" replied Samantha, writing her number on a piece of paper for John,

"thanks, so do you wanna go get something to eat with me?" asked John, he was starving,

"um yeah ok that'll be nice I'm starving!!" replied Sam, smiling at John,

"sweet!! I cant wait for our date tonight!!" said John, he could see Kelli sitting in the cafetateria,

"hey, go get us a seat, i'm just going to talk to Kel for a second!!" replied Sam, walking over to her sister,

"hey Sam what are you doing with John?" asked Kelli, lookng at her sister,

"he asked me on a date, we're going out tonight!!" replied Samantha, happy she finally got a date, she hadn't been out since she broke up with Patrick,

"wow, did he really? I'm so happy, I didn't think you'd get over Patrick!!" said Kelli, she was happy for her sister,

"neither did I sis, but I have, I'm ready to date again!" replied Samantha, she'd never been so happy in her life before,

"I'm happy for you sis, maybe we could go on a double date one day!!" said Kelli, she hated double dates, but she'd do itwith her sister,

"yeah maybe!! Anyways I better get back to him, see you next period!!" replied Sam, walking back to John.

"you and your sister seem to get on quite well, no fighting or arguing!" said John, looking at Samantha while she sat down,

"yeah we do, we're practically unseperable, we're like twins!!" replied Sam, giggling, her and Kelli had there times but they hardly ever fought,

"well that's good compared to my ex girlfriend who was a twin, they fought all the time!!" said John, remembering how much his ex girlfriend used to fight and argue with her sister,

"haha, you must of got sick of it, you have nothing to worry about with me and Kel!!" replied Samantha, she wanted to change the subject, but didn't know what to change it to,

"haha yep I was sick of it anyway let's change the subject!!" said John, he didn't want to bore Sam with stories about his ex girlfriend, he didn't want to think about her anymore,

"so what movie do you want to see tonight?" asked Samantha, she was hoping he wouldn't choose a scary one, she hated horror movies, maybe she'd be ok if she was with John,

"I was thinking maybe Final destination" said John, he had always wanted to see that movie,

"um yeah ok sounds good, I'm not really a fan of scary movies but I don't mind as long as you stay with me, I'll be fine!!" replied Samantha, she'd only just started getting to know John properly, before they only said Hello to each other when they passed each other in the corridors,

"we can see another one if you don't want to see it" said John, he didn'twant to scare Sam on there first date,

"no, no its ok like i said I'll be fine as long as i'm with you!!" replied Sam, the sound of the bell made her jump she didn't expect it to go, she wanted to sit here with John all day, she didnt even get the time to eat,

"so what do you have this period?" asked John, he had english, not that he wanted to go,

"I have english with my sister, I better go and catch up with her!" replied Samantha, she hated english though she was good at it,

"hey same, let's go get your sister and we can all go together!" said John, walking with Samantha,

"omg yay, what a coincedinse, let's go get Kel!!" replied Samantha, she saw Kelli sitting at the table still,

"hey Kel, do you wanna come to english with us? this is John by the way!!" said Sam, introducing her sister to John,

"um yeah ok, hey John!!" replied Kelli, shaking John's hand,

"Hey, nice to meet you!!" said John, grabbing hold of Samantha's hand,

"you to!!" replied Kelli, walking to english with Sam and her new boyfriend.

Sam opened her bag to get her english book and found another note in her bag, she was to scared to read it, but she did anyway she had to,

Enjoy you last few weeks Sam, tell your sister to as well, because as soon as you've had your eighteenth birthday, you'll die!!

Sam wanted to show this note to her sister, but didn't know how to get her to stop her working,

"oi!! Kel!! take a look at this note!!" whispered Sam, she hope the teacher didn't here her,

"what note? Pass it here!" Kelli whispered back and took the note out of her sisters hands quickly,

"do you think its a joke?" asked Sam in a whisper,

"who'd want to kill us??" whispered Kelli, almost falling off her chair,

"gimmie it back I'm going to take it to the teacher and let her know!!" Sam whispered back,

"she's only going to say to take it to the police!! But let her know!!" whispered Kelli,

"Um Miss can I talk to you for a second in private?" said Samantha, leading Miss Jackson outside of the clasroom,

"what is it Sam?" asked Miss Jackson, staring at Samantha,

"I've been recieving death notes, one in my car and one in my english book, I didn't know what to do so i thought i'd let someone know" said Sam, passing the notes to her teacher,

"oh wow Sam!! Do you know whose been sending them? Do you have any enemies?" asked the english teacher, re reading the notes,

"no, and no I don't have any enemies that I know of" said Samantha, trying to think if she had any enemies,

"Take these to the princabel with your sister, see what he has to say about them!" replied Miss Jackson, going back into the classroom to get Kelli.

"I'm scared Sam, what if someone really wants to kill us? I dont want to die!!" cried Kelli, she was to young to die, she had her whole life to live and she wanted to live it right out till the end,

"Sis don't worry we won't die we'll go into some sort of protection if someone really is trying to kill us, I dont want to die either!!" replied Samantha, knocking on the door of the princebals office, when she heard the princabel say come in they both walked in,

"Sir, we showed these two notes to our english teacher and she said to come and show them to you!" said Samantha, passing the two notes to their princibal, she watched as he read them twice over,

"do you have any enemies that yo two know of?" asked Mr Roxenbur, putting the notes on his desk,

"no sir we don't!" answered Samantha, she really was getting scared now,

"well I'm going to have to ring the police and see what they can do about it!!" replied the princabel, picking up his phone and dialling 911,

"Kel what are w egoing to do, how are we going to tell Mum!!" Sam whispered to Kelli, listening to the princabel talking to the phone,

"I don't know and I dont want to think about that right now, I can really see her quitting her job because her two daughters could get murdered!!" Kelli whispered back, her Mum wouldn't even think about giving up her job to make sure her daughters are safe,

"the police will be right down, I want you two girls to stay in here untill they come ok, and I want you to think of any enemies you two could have!!" said Mr Roxenburg, hanging up the phone,

"um ok, can you call our Mum for us please!!" replied Kelli, she was trying to think of any enemies that her and Sam had,

"I already have Kelli, she said she'd be right down!!" said the princabel, walking out of his office to leave the girls alone to think.

"Kel, we don't have any enemies,I cant think of anyone can you?" asked Samantha, she had thought as hard as she could,

"Um no I can't, I don't know anyone who would want to kill us, we're nice to everyone, no one has a reason to want to kill us!!" replied Kelli, she had tried her hardest to think but no one came up,

"we're nice caring people Kel, we'd do anything for anyone, we'd never say no to anything, maybe its someone we don't know a stranger maybe!!" said Sam, she was hoping it was a stranger, none of her friends would want her dead,

"I hope it is a stranger, I cant see it being one of our friends!!" replied Kelli, she could see her Mum coming down the corridor,

"Mum!! You came" said Sam, running to her Mother,

"Yes sweetie I did, now do you want to tell me about these notes?" asked Mrs Bryne, she didn't want to see her girls upset about something that was probably just a joke,

"Someone's sending us death notes, they're on the princabels desk and the police are on there way!" said Samantha, getting the notes off the princiabels desk to show her Mother,

"Oh sweetie, do you know who sent them?" asked Mrs Bryne, reading the notes three times over,

"no we don't, we don't have any enemies that we can think of!" said Samantha, taking the notes off her Mother,

"Sam the police are here!!" cried Kelli, watching the two officers make there way up the corridor,

"I know!!" said Samantha, watching as they got closer and closer to the office, she didn't know what to say to them,

"Mrs Bryne may we have a few moments with your girls we need to ask them a few questions!!" said one of the police officers, looking at the girls mother,

"Uh yeah sure, I'll be right out here girls if you need me!!" replied Mrs Bryne, watching her girls go with the two officers.

"Girls this is Detective Jack Shrewberry and I'm detective Inspector Chris Levowsky!!" said Chris, introdsucing himself and his partner,

"Uh hello, here's those notes!!" replied Samantha, giving Chris the notes, watching as they read them,

"do you girls have any enemies?" asked Jack, he didn't know what to think of the notes,

"no, none that we can think of sir!!" replied Sam, she'd been asked that question so many times today and repeating the same answer,


Damn Andy, I love your work. That's freakin awesome ^^

Nothing new that's dark from me, I havent really been posting stuff like that. It's nasty. But, for One Tree Hill Fans, I was bored today. So check out



If Children are supposed to bring you together, how far apart were Nathan and Haley before the Birth of James Lucas Scott? After years of kidding himself he was happy with Haley, Nathan turns to drinking and drugs, and when he is due to play in the State Championship, he turns up in a drugged up state. Mistakes lead to him being thrown off the team and banned from playing basketball anywhere in North Carolina. He now has to find something else in life. Haley is working at tree Hill High as beloved Maths and English Teacher, 'Mrs. Scott'. She fails to realize how far Nathan and her are drifting, and the sad thing is she has no idea about her husbands state. Haley is still singing in her spare time, and is shocked when she gets a Record Contract. Brooke Davis, the brand, is spoken about all over the world. She was voted the Number One Top Designer in the US. Rachel is one of the models for Brooke's Clothes and is always away on fashion shows with the designer. Peyton works with a record company, living with Lucas and he, well, he is a published author. Mouth still announces basketball, Deb is still sober, and Dan is STILL alive, yet rotting in jail, but in hope of being released due to a shocking discovery.

Yeah, R and R if you have time. First Chapter is TINY, Second is 700 Words which will be the average amount for the next chapters. It's rated M for Drug Abuse and Sexual Content and language and stuff.


Awesome story, Sarah_Lewis! :D I hope you're gonna write more non-fanfic!

Damn Andy, I love your work. That's freakin awesome ^^

Hee. Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

I just read your fanfic and it was wicked! Ain't seen One Tree Hill before but I might have to check that one out now. :P


Thanks. I'm wrote another Chapter last night but I think I'll re-write it because it's very badly written and too much info revealed for the third Chapter.

I'm considering writing writing a short Fic again based on One Tree Hill. I think I write it better than original or HAA based Fics. Characters include Rachel/Brooke/Nathan/Peyton/Dan. I'm dissing the others in this, because they (especially Haley) annoy me. Basically same idea that Rachel is modelling Brooke's Clothing Line, but when Brooke gets the news that her label will be axed, both the designer and model are torn. But Brooke had a backup plan in case somethimg like that happened. Rachel on the other hand; not having studied in college, is going downhill. The two girls move back to Tree Hill where they find things have changed. Haley left Nathan, in the same style as she did in Season Two (went on tour with Chris), and Nathan and Peyton realize that the love they had six years ago had not fully died out. But Nathan is in a state, and Rachel finds out he was broke and made a dodgy deal with his lunatic of a father, Dan. Note Dan was never put in Jail for the murder of Keith, I never liked that he confessed, because that was so not typical Dan. Anyway, Dan gave him Money but then destroyed Nathan's life by destroying everything he had or cared about. Rachel is desperate, so she tracks down Dan and asks for help, and he's happy to have another person to rip apart.

Peyton and Brooke had an arguement a few years back and turned from best friends to bitter enemies. Now that both Nathan and Rachel are under Dan's control, can Peyton forgive Brooke's fatal mistakes? Will she turn her in for what she did two years ago, or will she take the blame?

Guys, we're talking serious Pathan and Brachel in this fic.

For people who dont know OTH Character Pics:

Rachel Gattina

Brooke Davis

Peyton Sawyer

Nathan Scott


Gah! I found it. I was bored last week so I wrote a fairly long Story. Again, of course, it's Pathan. I just copied it onto this computer, so... here it is. (Italics are flashbacks)


He saw it clearly for the first time. Those eyes said it all. Those clear, green eyes.

He stared straight into them. The intense connection that ran between them made both shake. This was Intense. This was the start.

"Nathan, you know we can't do this. I... I can't."

She shuddered, and looked away, but then it was like she was forced to look back. She knew it, and knew he knew it.

Peyton didn't look up, just stayed huddled in the corner, knees up to her chin, face in her hands, tears running down her pale cheeks.

"Lucas will be back soon." she said, croaking.

"I know. But... Peyton, I can't stop this. I have so many memories rushing back to me."

"Get out." she said clearly. "I mean it this time we're done. I finally saw you clearly for the first time that night."

She sniffed and lifted her head slightly. Her eyes were puffy. Nathan knew he should leave her alone. But.... he wasn't going to. He knew what Peyton could do when she was depressed. He remembered two years ago, that Haley had got a Phone call from Brooke...

Oh god. Haley.

But the Phone call

"Haley, I need to tell you something okay." over the loudspeaker, Nathan thought it sounded like Brooke had been crying an awful lot.

"It's Peyton. Luc just called... Haley, she's took an overdose and done her wrists. I think she might be..."

No, Nathan knew Brooke wasn't able to say it. But he was well aware of what was going on. Anger, sadness, and the urge to do some damage to whoever made Peyton do this - those emotions erupted all over his body.

"Brooke." he said steadily. "I'm coming. Where is she?"

Haley had wondered, that day, why he hadn't booked a ticket to L.A for her. When she asked he had just brushed her off and rushed to the Airport. It was the moment Nathan realized how he felt about his ex.

"Then stop the memories! Nathan, it's wrong! We can't be together! Think about Haley. God, think about James! You have a son and a wife but you'd rather be with your ex-girlfriend, who is engaged to your brother?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Hmm, actually that is pretty messy."


I'll post the next few Chapters if anyone else is interested...?


You should definitely post more, Kirst! :D

And because I've got nothing better to do right now I figured I'd post the opening sequence to the last half of NFTU called At Your Mercy. It's not really bad but kicks off a lot quicker than the first part. I'm only posting this because I can't get into writing at the moment and this way I don't feel like such a slacker.

A sickly yellow lit the streets as Lacey crossed the road at the traffic lights, in attempt to see whether or not she was being paranoid. She had grown suspicious of two men who were seemingly tailing her. At first she thought they were just a pair of commuters on their way home from work, up until the point when she realized that they had taken the exact same route as her to wherever it was they were going, and had done so for the past 5 minutes. She looked over her shoulder casually to see if they had followed. They did. Something most definitely was not right.

Lacey picked up the pace in a bid to lose them among a group of hooded teenagers that lingered outside an approaching off-licence, whilst looking down at the side to keep her pursuers in sight from the corner of her eye. They, too, walked faster, pushing past the chavs, who grumbled in defiance. Her heart hammered against her chest as she felt their presence advance, noticing their reflections caught on the window of a closed TV store. The one who seemed to be a step ahead was the oldest of the two, aged at least 40 with a shaved head. The other was in his early 30s and had short, spiky hair. Both of which had a fierce look of determination upon their face, which alarmed Lacey further. They were closing in.

Liberating a Swiss army knife from the pocket of his long, dark coat, the shaven-haired man and his ally seized the opportunity when they noticed Lacey near the opening of an alleyway. He flicked open the switchblade and took long strides in aspiration to walk beside her, the younger man following suit.

Lacey flinched and let out a startled gasp as her assailants unexpectedly appeared at either side, boxing her in with nowhere to turn. She would have called for help or kicked out and ran away if it weren't for the distinct feeling of the cool metal of a blade pressed firmly against her wrist. All it took was one peep and they would have slashed her to bleed and fled the scene undetected amidst the busied pedestrians.

"Keep your mouth shut and you won't get hurt." the leading thug warned sternly, looking to his accomplice for assistance, who grabbed hold of Lacey's upper arm and guided her stalwartly toward the alley.



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