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The fiction thread

Guest Eli

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This is the first, and only original piece of writing I ever did. It was my English Major Work, and looked much better printed out of word - It had pictures and everything, which I could try and recreate, but figured it would be too much hassle. Having re-read it a year on, I find it completely confusing, but I'd love to know what others thought about it. For all intents and purposes thought, please ignore the sentence structure and puncuation - it's supposed to be that way.


Nessun Dorma


“I’ve dreamt in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas, they’ve gone through and through me, like water through wine, and altered the colour of my mind”

-Wuthering Heights.



The sun peaks through my blinds. A small simple ray, nothing more. I’m half asleep, waiting for the alarm to ring through my ears, signaling the beginning of another day. My eyelids feel heavy, lethargic, unwilling to open, and let sunlight in. Sudden shrill ringing in my ears, indicating time for the world to quicken its pace. Stumble out of bed, and saunter towards the kitchen. I reach for the kettle, turning it on while I search for the coffee. Moments later I hear the piercing whistle. As the steamy liquid flows down my throat, I begin to feel more in tune with the world. Smell the crisp morning air, breathe in the scent, lush and rejuvenating. I feel calm. A jackhammer in the background, a car alarm, sounding inaudibly in the distance. The world has gained momentum, a pace that I need to keep up with.

I mentally tick off everything that needs to be done when I arrive at work. Then everything that should be done before going home this afternoon. Pay the




Quickly park the car and run into the skyscraper. Jump into a crammed elevator and stand still, mixing inconspicuously with those around me.

This continues for four excruciating hours, answering, directing, hanging up, answering, directing, and hanging up… a vicious cycle. Then comes lunch. Crazy lunch hour. Walk to the little café on the corner of the street. Sit at my usual table and call out to Sarah, the waitress. She brings me my usual, chicken on white, smidge of salt and pepper, and an orange juice.

Wander through the front door, the days events dragging me down. Answering machine beeping, new messages waiting for me. It’s Jane, asking me if I want to hang tonight. I contemplate the question momentarily before answering yes.

Drinks with the gang, loud and fanatical as usual. Laughing and screaming surround me, and I'm engulfed by my friend’s overly dramatic lives. Someone’s broken up with someone, someone else has found a new love, got a new puppy, a new and improved apartment, a new life for themselves. Someone else is eyeing up the guy across the room, looking for some fun tonight. Others are attempting to whisper quietly, however their alcohol-induced states are stopping them from doing this successfully. I sit back and observe how everyone interacts with life. Imprinting notes into my memory, of how not to act when under the influence. Hours pass, and soon we’re calling it a night. Trudge up the stairs, change into pj’s, clean my teeth and fall into bed. I pull the quilt up around me, and fall into a deep sleep.


Life continues like the constant waves crashing on a shore. Sometimes life can seem so hectic that some would forget what day it is, what month it is… what it’s like to feel the cool, crisp morning air on their face, and the morning sun warming their bodies. I try to make time for these things. Sometimes it’s a necessity in life to stop and smell the roses, as they say.

One thing that remains constant is Jane. She is always there, always dragging me out to places, making me meet new people and try new things. She knows things about me, and yet, she still pushes me.

My pet hate, and Jane’s one love – Opera. Dragged along once again, being the supportive friend she always knew I could be. Tonight “Truandot” is playing. A love story about a Princess who overcomes her pride and falls in love with the mysterious stranger. There are song translations in the program, which I read while pretending to be engrossed in the production. “Nessun Dorma” catches my eyes. No one sleeps, it says. I remember a time when sleep didn’t come as easily as it does now. I remember it lasted until Jane came. It’s the only thing I remember until Jane, laying awake in bed, thinking. But then..

I’m new here. Getting used to my surroundings, I play down the side of my house dancing to music only I can hear. There’s a space that’s about two meters wide, grassy and empty, that’s out of the way, isolated.


Enthusiastically, I twirl round and round in circles, refusing to give in, refusing to stop. I’m not paying attention to any of my surroundings, only the intense feeling I'm getting from the twirling. Without warning I’m faced with a girl about my height, with short brown hair and glasses covering half her face. My head spins still, from all the twirling I was doing. She smiles warmly, and I give her a lop-sided grin, which is all I can manage for the time. I hear a click behind us. We both turn around, and I see my mother, with a camera in hand.

As we arrive home from the opera, barging through the door I accidentally knock down the photo frame that’s on my front desk, next the phone in the hallway. I pick the photograph, and Jane and I look down at that picture. We’ve been best friends ever since. Neither of us know of a time before then, we were about ten years old, maybe almost eleven. Relocation of my parents, and our lives seemed to be the thing to do, and when I look back, I truly only remember Jane, and everything after her. Movement was common in my fathers profession, I guess that’s why we moved so constantly. Life seems to have been forgotten in the process of moving.

I sit down one night, to watch the news. There is so much pain and suffering encompassed within this short hour program. I wonder, how can man be so cruel, so inhumane, so against the life forms of this world. One story grabs my attention. It’s about a little girl who lost her parents in a bombing somewhere in the Middle East. Its so far away from me, but images of a little girl, they pull me in. She’s sitting all alone, huddled up in the corner of a room. Cuddled to her chest is the one remaining piece of her past she was able to hold onto. A small stuffed animal of some description, torn, tattered, from years of use. I stare intently into the shifting eyes of the child, and even though it’s impossible, improbable, I feel as though she’s staring back at me.





Then everything.

A world full of hatred, of war, of loss.

Her world.

Suddenly the air has turned cold, as I shiver, and rub my arms up and down my body, trying to retain the warmth.

I quickly get up to close the window, pushing hard on the stiff shutters, forcing it to close. Walking back to the couch, fatigue takes over my body.

I lie down clutching for my quilt and wrapping it tight around my body, I fall effortlessly into sleep.

I can hear guns sounding in the distance. Hear the cries of a war torn nation. I see the girl shielding herself from stray shrapnel, hiding alone, in a dark corner of a room. I hear her crying. I see the pain as hot tears cascade down her face, falling rapidly. They fall so naturally. Without shame.

She is crying for the life she lost…

I wake up and feel my pillow soaked through and realise

I’ve been crying for her too.




Time flows differently now.

I wake up feeling the peace in my soul. Only remnants of a sad child flash before my slowly waking eyes. However in the depths of my mind, I can feel happiness, hear a small, far off giggle. This clear sound stays strong in my mind. I can hear her joyous laughter all through the morning, and the mysterious smile that remains glued to my face is explained, at least to me.

Soon Jane calls me up, she wants to come over and have a video night just for us. It only takes me a few seconds before I give in. I love spending time with her, she’s my best friend. However I don’t let on that I’m so happy, instead I tell her in my most serious tone, “Okay, but you have to bring the popcorn AND the movies”. I hear a squeal on the other end, and a small “yay” before we hang up.

I stroll back to the couch and settle down, tired from my cleaning spree, slowly drifting into slumber.

Grass. The distinct aroma of grass surrounds me. I can see something in the distance. I walk, stumble towards it. However it never seems to get closer. Giggle. Laughter. Children or child. I think. Reach out to touch. Something is shaking.

It takes me a moment to realise that it’s me shaking. Jane’s laughing because I’ve fallen asleep.

“I wasn’t asleep’ I tell her, ‘I was just resting my eyes” I finish lamely as I sit up and make room for her on the couch. “Sure Sure” she laughs as she shoves the videos she’s picked in my face. She picked out new releases, which apparently covers most ends of the broad spectrum of theatrical home video… Her voice travels off into the distance and for now, I almost forget about the dream.

Salted, buttered, fattening popcorn and three videos later, Jane is quietly snoring on the lounge next to me. I chuckle quietly before tucking her in with the quilt and tiptoeing out of the room. The cold winter has almost frozen the air, and the short walk from the lounge room to my bedroom has drained all warmth from my body. I hastily jump into bed and smother myself with my quilt. Soon the warmth envelops my body as I drift into sleep.

There’s a faint noise, something on the roof. Thousands of miniscule pebbles are being thrown. Other senses heightened.

Sweet scent. Luscious, cool, refreshing. Lingers on my lips. Rain. Pouring buckets of water droplets onto my tin roof. Blazing sunlight surrounds me Look outside, see a child, playing in the sunshower. Back towards me, oblivious to anyone observing her, blissful contentment. Jumping and prancing, twirling an umbrella.

All is gone.

And what’s left is peaceful slumber till morning.


The sweet aroma of pancakes fills the air, as I walk slowly down the stairs to my kitchen. Jane is making breakfast. “Morning sleepyhead” she calls over the noise of the radio, and motions for me to take a seat, before placing a large stack of pancakes in front of me. I smile at her, but feel distanced behind that smile.

The world begins to move slower for me. During the day, I search for something undefined. At night I dream, of something that begins to be clear, however the giggle is all I’m left with.

To ponder

over and over .

Winter comes in full force. Gail winds howling in my ears, as I pull my jacket up, hoping to warm the numbness they are beginning to feel. The last leaves of Autumn are blown across the sidewalk, dancing along with the wind. The sun’s trying to peak through, however dark storm clouds on the skyline threaten its existence any moment. Hasten my walk, not wanting to be caught in the torrent. Reach home just before the rain begins to fall. Lightly at first, creating a fine mist, but then it becomes heavier. I can’t see further than the tree in my garden, its as if the world has been washed away.

The bath calls my name. Slowly run the bath, letting a soft haze form, bringing immediate warmth to my body. Let it fill to the brim, then slide in, inch by inch, taking in every ounce of ecstasy it brings. Lay back, slowly. Close my eyes. Take in every second of pleasure. Turn over. Watch droplets of water form, roll down the side of the bath. Slowly at first. They are alone, small and powerless.

Then they gain momentum, join forces, become unstoppable.

Until they join the large sea of water. Return to normal. Eyes softly close. The warmth envelops me.

A Giggle.

A child, laughing. But where? Unknown.

Lost in a room foreign, confused, scared.

The Giggle. Some light in the dark. Follow the noise, quiet at first, then louder and louder. Splashing. Laughing. Happiness.

A child is playing.

Then, coldness. Darkness. Sadness. Nothing is there anymore.


Jump, hear my own splashing. Water luke warm. Not holding the heat anymore. Need to escape.

Sprint for the bedroom, hoping to outrun the chill that slowly creeps upon the world. Fall into bed, climb under the covers, hauling them up around my chin, not letting any cold underneath. Small droplets ping against the tin roof. Lay in bed listening to the rhythmic beatings of the raindrops. The storm has calmed now. All that remains is the light rain that tranquilizes those into a deep sleep.

A giggle. I turn around. A little girl, playing, laughing, listening intently to the rain and all that comes with it. Looks towards another window. BANG! We both jump slightly, the clap of thunder startled us into shock. She smiles as she stares purposefully out the window, towards the eye of the storm. She looks into it with such courage.

I begin to walk towards her, but the scene fades away.

I can make out silhouettes of trivial objects. My room, with all its trinkets, is not where I thought I was. I sit up. I hear the rain softly on the roof, but the light is brighter than before. A new morning has come. The phone on my counter rings, I reach for it, knowing instinctively that it’s Jane. She asks how I am, I tell her about the dream. She laughs, when I tell her it was almost real. “Was it in colour or black and white?” she asks, taunting me. I breathe out, before asking her about her plans for the day, regretting ever mentioning the dream to her. She launches off into some detailed plan, while I sit back and listen, wanting to forget every second of the dream.

Winter, with all its frost, brings unbearable tiredness. Days bring a lagging drowsiness. A constant tired state that drags on. Eyelids feel heavy. Rub my eyes, try to concentrate, try to stay awake, for moments longer. Head falls lightly into hands, rest against the cheek, close my eyes, only for a second longer. Try to break free from the grasps of sleep, but I’m pulled deeper and deeper.

The Giggle. Dripping can be heard in the corner. Small droplets fall from an umbrella hanging on a rack, soaked from the rain that’s pouring down outside. The ceiling creaks above me, small footsteps can be heard, only lightly, running overhead. Slowly walk to the stairs, follow the soothing footsteps. Near the top, peep over into a room. See a child, giggling, playing, facing the corner. I’m drawn towards her, drawn into her, into her games. Alluring, mystical, she has an aura around her, keeping her safe, keeping her happy. Muffled screams interrupt the perfect harmony she brings. She looks up, towards the wall, then runs for shelter. Hidden deep within her bed covers, she finds a sanctuary from the outside pain. Hear her small whimpers from under the covers, feel her own pain, the reluctance she feels, the happiness lost. Screams become louder, clearer.

Lightning. Thunder cracks, rings strong in my ears, forcing the yelling to die away, slowly vanish into nothing. Now only quiet sobs in my ears.

A sense of something lost washes over me, as I wake from my slumber. Search the back of my mind, for the lost images, that were playing in my mind only moments beforehand, but no pictures remain. No pictures, only words… a tune. A song plays in the back of my mind. Hum it to myself, can’t seem to shake it. Words from somewhere in the darkness. Words to a song. How do I know them, never have I heard them, have I? Sing aloud, may make sense to me then.

Say nighty-night and kiss me

Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me

While I’m alone and blue as can be

Dream a little dream of me.

I can imagine a sweet soothing voice, a soft melodic voice, singing to calm someone down. I can almost hear the voice, whispering the last line, before tucking someone in, with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Make the tears dry up. Why, was I crying?

Dream a little dream of me, won’t you love?

I can almost feel the light kiss, and I shiver, and look to the window that, moments ago, was giving me warmth.

The Giggle. A child. Laughing. Happiness. No more tears. No.

Grey clouds swarm overhead, the last rays of sunlight peak through, before being engulfed by the clouds. Quick lightning flashes illuminate the sky, before loud cracks of thunder shake the earth. A storm is brewing in the distance.

Stay close to the window, wrapped tight in a blanket. Want to watch the rain falling perpetually down the pane. Constant tapping on my roof, heavy beating.


The stormy night comes yet again. Lightning lights up the room. I’m sightless momentarily. Deep claps of thunder ring through my ears. My eyes slowly adjust to the shadows. The clock flashes red, against the pitch black.


I groan. Toss and turn restlessly.

The giggle. A Girl. Facing the corner playing with a stuffed animal. As she turns to smile,

I reach out infront of me for the giggle of a child I cannot place. The darkness surrounds me. In the far off distance, light up momentarily. I search the horizon and know its coming. I hear a deep rumbling in the sky heavens. The downpour will be rapid, quick,


She’s hiding away; shying away from all that will hurt her. I cannot see nor hear her, or anything else. I reach out only to find black emptiness. It overwhelms me.

My eyes open, barely seeing. Blinded by the harsh thin light my blinds have let through. There’s a feeling of hollowness, of loss, of missing. Something is there, a certainty in my mind of events that have come before, but as I try to pull at it, I lose everything.

As morning dawns, recollections of a giggle chime clear in my ears. I search my mind, for something, dig deep into the heart, looking for anything that will make sense. However my reality has been changed.

Nothing seems normal anymore.

Winter brings rain, the ever-present rain that brings these dreams to life.

For nights on end, I’ll hear that simple giggle, and my nightmare will begin.

Only at night do I see images, only in dreams.

With daylight, an escape is almost provided but for my curiosity, yearning… who is this girl?

Why does she haunt my very presence?




Normality is no more.

Darkness surrounds me. Storm is brewing

on the horizon. Hear laughter. Search for the source.

A child’s laughter. She too is facing the oncoming tempest.

Walk towards it. I reach for the child. Fade to



Half sleep, half waking, daylight burns my eyes. Gone are the joyful cries of a child,

walking towards pain. I roll over, and curl up into a ball, willing the remnants

of the dream to disappear. Slide in and out of mind, gone are the fears felt whence dreaming.

I need to be rid of this

tempest in my mind.

Haunting my every sleeping second, she’s there in my dreams. Giggling, playing, laughing into the rain. Gone are the days when sleep would come naturally, it was avoided at first, anything to stop this child invading me.




Search, for anything to stop the dreams… but…


Water vapor forms a mist surrounding me, as I climb from the shower, search for something tangible in front of me. Condensation forms on the mirror. Little droplets form around me, form on me, wanting to roll slowly on my body, creating glistening trials, like snails. I reach for my towel and draw it close, trying to keep the warmth in my body, and keep the severe cold out. Quickly rub a circle into the mirror and look at my reflection. Sharp movement from behind me. Blonde curls are reflected in the mirror.

That giggle

Climbing In around the shower, laughing, slipping, splashing in the small puddles that have formed. Her back is turned, she can’t see me.

Back away, slowly, close my eyes and count to ten while taking deep breaths. Pray, then maybe she’ll go away.

Slowly open them, peak with one eye, let out the breath that I was unaware I was holding when there is no sign of her.

That giggle sounds clear in my ears. My heart crumbles. Torn into pieces, never to be left alone. I follow the sound to my bedroom. In the corner, playing with a scraggy bunny animal, is a blonde haired child.

Collapse onto the bed, pull the covers close, stop anything from invading me. Never to be left alone again. I fall into sleep, while the storm outside continues, expecting the girl to haunt me once more.

To the world, I am normal, to me, I’m mad.

Scream. Sunlight burns my eyes.

Remember nothing.

What ever happened to me?

Dream nothing.

Where did she go? Will she leave me alone?

Cover my face to keep the harsh sunlight out of my eyes. A stinging sensation. Squeeze eyes shut them tightly together, make the pain stop. I can see lights; I can hear music, faintly in the distance.

Last night, what happened?

Search my mind for more clues. Only darkness then comes to mind. Forgetting. Shrill rings echo through my house. Cover my ears, make the noise stop ringing. It won’t stop, so I clamber out of bed and reach half-heartedly for the phone. Hello, I grumble into the receiver, before I’m greeted back with a chirpy hello from Jane. She follows this up with many words strung endlessly together.

“What happened to you last night? One minute you were there and then the next minute poof, nothing. Did you find someone and sneak off with them? I bet you did, didn’t you? You’re so bad sometimes.” And thus it continues.

If I had the energy I would snort at her claims, the stupid girl. I drift off instead, trying to remember what did happen last night.

It began with ringing, I can hear the ringing go through me… through my mind. Jane, it began with Jane, and a night on the town…

We walked down the street, watching as everyone goes past. Their faces smiling happily evidently oblivious to the read world of reality. They too, are living in their own dream worlds. Skipping, smiling in their intoxicated state. I wish I were like them sometimes. Without the pain I feel when I sleep.

Bright lights fill my mind, eyes adjust to the flashing, multi-coloured glimmers. The steady beat of music fills my head. Boom, boom, boom, heartbeat speeds up, faster and faster. Caught up in the world that surrounds me. The world that’s turning around me, spinning and spinning. I’m taken away from everything, from everything that plagues me. Move with the music, move with the constant beat, move with the masses. A giggle – in my mind. Nagging me. I look for the source, search restlessly for the giggle, push everyone away. Eyes dart from one corner to the next, through bodies of sweaty people, oblivious to my wants and needs. I hear the giggle again. Hands fling to my ears. I can’t take this anymore. Push the doors, scream to the night air. But nothing comes out. The scream is stuck in the back of my throat. Cough, splutter… empty the contents of my stomach on the grass.


…help me…

…make this stop!!


Jane drags me out, makes me shower. She wants the water to ease my life, clear my mind, of whatever has been bothering me.

She has no idea.

Takes me out, intense sunshine blinds me. Something I haven’t seen in days. Makes me walk, tries to talk. I don’t want to, I just want to be left alone. I can feel the sunshine’s warmth, it’s beginning to soak deep into my body.

Almost touching my soul.

Suddenly I feel cold. All the warmth has been sucked from my body. My head feels dizzy, my body feather light. Something is taking over me, digging in my mind, heaping useless information to the sides… trying to find something locked deep away in my subconscious.

The room starts spinning, the incense turns to vapor. I’m alone, with a white spray,

then darkness.

I can hear continual patter.

I can smell the pure, delicious mouthwatering rain.

I can see flashes, bright, white glow.


…I feel alone.

Alone and unloved. Nothing to keep me going anymore, nothing to keep me happy, nothing to keep me


Small objects in the far off distance. Can’t tell what they are. Voices call my name, but I can’t see where they’re coming from. A beat, in the distance. Soft at first. Louder and louder. Gaining, coming towards me. Winds whistle outside. Shiver, feel the cold seep through my skin. Drenched. Clothing is dragging me down, down down away from this life.


Blinded by the light


Back again.

Jane stares. I can feel her eyes, boring holes in the back of my head. So strong, so powerful, so painful. Confusion reeks havoc in my mind. Everything and nothing is there. Searching, everything is filling again. Heightened senses, hear the buzzing of a fly, the trucks on the main road, the smell of grease, of something cooking in a vat of fat.

Wafts up my nose.

I feel sick.

Head in my hands. Jane begins to speak, but I silence her. Head in hands, unremitting thudding in my head. Look up, she stares into my eyes, into my soul. I feel her eyes, feel her connection.

B r o k e n,

T o r n,

air, must have air.

Must get far far away, go back to my reality.

She’s there

across the road.

Eyes dance.

mouth smiles

Why won’t she leave me alone?

Does she need me?

Why does she haunt me…

Why does she bring with her…

…the horrible tempest

…that takes over my mind?


I hear it…




Silent scream.

Eyes search for something. Anything to focus on…

…but she’s always


Close my eyes, take three deep breaths. Slowly open my eyes and look around.


Bare streets.

No giggles ringing through my ears.

Jane runs up beside me. Searches my eyes for something, anything. Quietly, simply I say “Let’s go” and walk away, never looking back.

But I can’t escape her. Forever she now visits me, watching me, stalking me, following my every move. I am no longer free. I am now the haunted. Now I must live with this


in my mind. She giggles, I turn around. Across the street she’s waving at me. People oblivious to her. Walk around her. She stays unnoticed, her eyes smiling at me, while her blonde curls bounce because of the laughter. I stand rooted to the spot, unmoving before people start to take notice. I turn around and search their questioning eyes, following my own to the spot where she is. One more glance at her laughing face.

My eyes burn into her skin, into her smile, into her heart.

Her mouth opens, moves to yell, to scream. I hear a high-pitched cry, she is howling out, crying to me, in pain.

And I walk away.

I’m determined to let myself be unaffected by this girl, whoever she may be.

I will beat this.

She follows me, across the road, walking unseen through the traffic. As tears stream down her face, she floats through the traffic, detected by no one. Looking over my shoulder, she smiles at me through her tears. Smiles that once wonderful smile that used to bring joy in my heart.

Now it simply brings fear.


At night she haunts me.

Seemingly random events pass through my mind.

A sense of familiarity, yet I cannot remember anything else.

Giggles turn my dream world upside down.

One night there’s rain, deep and dark, pouring down onto me, in the midst of the tempest. Another a bright shiny day, with the rainbow after the storm. Smell the robust morning dew in spring, the delectable sweetness that comes after the storm.

A stuffed animal discarded carelessly in the dark corner of a room, filled with cobwebs and niggling memories. Tiny wet footprints shine throughout the house. An umbrella dripping away, a screen door banging in the wind.

Random objects that have a different meaning to me, don’t they? Dreams that just won’t go away. Dreams that are haunting my very existence. Not letting me move on, not letting me see past.

Mocking me in my sleep.

Try to fight it all night long, but give in, give in to everything that hurts me.


Humid sticky weather. Rain’s threatening in the west. Life seems to move slower. She’s there. Across the street. Little umbrella, little gumboots. Little child. I begin advancing towards her, before I realise what I’m doing, and back away.

She cries out to me and

I walk rapidly. She screams my name as

I break into a run.

Tears stream down her face.

Faster and Faster, leave the screams and tears behind, go to Jane. Jane is safe.

Burst through Jane’s front door, tears threatening to spill any second. She’s standing in the living room, I walk towards her, but halt suddenly. Someone else is sitting on her lounge, with deep concerned eyes. They both look at me. Jane starts towards me. But, they’re plotting. I can smell guilt. See it in their eyes, cast downwards, won’t look back at me. I begin to realise, I’m only safe in my sleep, in my dreams. Nothing can harm me there. I back slowly away. Jane reaches for me, but it’s too late. I reach for the door, and break into a full run, running from reality, because this is no more.

Her eyes tell me that soon I will no longer resist her happy giggle, and her needing gaze. Soon she will be my every need, my every craving. I will wish to see her, everywhere I go.

I will want.

And she is right.


Days seem longer than before. Friends seem clingy, unable to let me be. Always wanting me to go out always ringing up, checking up on me, asking how I am, like I’m some kind of invalid.

Some kind of insane person.

Jane doesn’t understand just how much my life has changed in the last couple of weeks. Nothing is the same; nothing will ever be the same again. Nothing could ever be the same. Not now. I don’t have time to go out. I don’t have time for friends! They don’t understand how important sleep has become. Just how much my dreams mean to me now. How dreaming has become my very existence…

…how I live for that smile.

I stay in bed for any extended length of time, as long as I can possibly spare, willing for dreams to come, simply so I can figure out their meaning. Piece everything together like a puzzle that I’ve been presented with. The idea of truth calms me down, when I begin to think irrational thoughts, like, maybe she’s not real, maybe her smile isn’t reaching her eyes. Other normal people just don’t understand this. They don’t get me. They don’t get anything. I just don’t have time for their silly little games anymore. I need to focus on me. Be selfish and focus on figuring out my own mind,

...my own deadly game I’m playing.


Walking outside. Bright sunlight in my eyes.

I squint and feel my head beginning to ache.

People stare.

They dare to stare at me. I keep my head down and walk slowly through the crowd. Bumped, eyes gawk.

Look down at me, questioning my every move, my every decision. Bumped again. The person stops. Look’s searchingly at me. I glare. Their eyes ridicule me. They all mock me. They mock my pain and suffering, my dreams, my very existence. I push. It’s harder to get through the sea of people. Everyone watches me. I break into a run. My dreams are the only safe place to be right now.

Sleep is my sanctuary.

My peace.

A tune forms in my head, and words begin to melt together, to create music, that I’ve heard only once before. If only I knew then, their significance.

No one sleeps!... No one sleeps!...

Nor do you, o princess

in your cold room

Look the stars that tremble

with love and hope!

But my mystery

it is locked in me,

my name no one will know…

Somewhere, someone breath’s in a quiet whisper ...Nessun Dorma...

Theres a noise in the far off distance.

Calling me back to reality.

Calling me away from my dreams, my safe haven.

Something wants me to stop living.


Something, someone. Interrupts my sleep. Bashing loudly at my wooden door. Constant. Relentless.


Force myself out of bed. Feel the weight of my sleeping. I can no longer see clearly. My surroundings have become blurred. Stumble down the stairs, taking one at a time. Coordination seems to have disappeared.

All I want to do is lie in my bed, to feel sleep wash over me.

Open the door slightly. Peep through the crack.

Get a package shoved roughly in my face. A grunt from a man, and then nothing.

Quickly shut the door. Not wanting outside presence to interfere.

Swift glance at the writing. It’s old and so very faded. Means nothing to me.

This thing of the past.

Shrug it off, more important things to be done rather than to open an old package, with no meaning. Find the energy to sprint back to bed. Wait, restlessly for a time when dreaming will come. I need to feel safe again.


She’s there

Playing in the corner. Giggling


at the package.

Her writing is

full of colour.







The package is there.

It stands where she once stood, but she is there no more.

The writing has faded again.


from a deep black

to a dull grey.

Faded like she did, gone into the past.

Slowly crawl to the end of the bed, not wanting to leave my sanctuary, my safe haven. Not wanting to forget.

Gently pick the package up, not wanting to break the magic that links everything. If she can touch it, so can I.

The tape is old, cracked. It comes off sharply, like it’s been waiting for years to be torn.

Inside there’s a letter.

And pictures. Dozens of pictures.

All of her.

Her dancing eyes, her laughing smile. Her face lights up every picture with natural ease. More and more. Scattered everywhere. All the same face, all full of happy memories. Look to the letter. Cast aside. No address, no name. Reach again, carefully open the back. There’s a slip of paper with the same dull writing that’s on the package.


My Darling Sarah,

We always loved you.

Never forget that

Never forget any of this.


Ever watched raindrops on the window pane?

Small and delicate, the beads begin moving slowly, then quicken.

Faster and faster, joining together, until it runs off with the wind.

Like tears cascading down soft coloured cheeks.

Blossoming from the eyes, rolling down to your chin.

I smiled through my tears that now trickled down my cheeks, just as the raindrops slid softly along the pane. A realisation had dawned on me. This was my past, my life, my being. Something moves in the corner. Catch a hint of golden. I turn and look towards the child. Her head moves up and our eyes interlock. Once again, her eyes are dancing. I smile, and she giggles, as she fades away, into me once again.

Rain cascades down the windows. I stare out into the vast emptiness. I used to feel so trapped by my life, my dreams. Now I look out and feel free. Lost in my own thought for mintues. Just thinking, about nothing in particular, and then the noise around me stops. I look to the outside, and see a hidden blue patch of sky, peeking its way through the dark clouds. Slide the door, step outside into the fresh, crisp morning. Feel wind across my face, close my eyes, let it soak through. Freedom spreads deep, throughout my soul. I feel at peace. As I smile, I feel rays of sunshine sweep across my face. Winter has broken. Spring has arrived. I can now see the future.

Slowly the world returns to normal pace. No more haunting, I am no longer the haunted. Jane is again, my one and only best friend. I sleep as I used to. Dream still, but of things I am unable to recall. Of things that mean less to me.


The Tempest took them away that night.

I’ve dreamt dreams in my life that have altered the colour of my mind.

Now, I can see a rainbow in the distance.




Authors Notes: Just thought I'd add a little of the background here underneath. I had to write a story (or stories) using themes from one of our topics we studied. Mine became based around King Lear, particulary his madness, and how he finds serenity at the end, when the storm clears his mind (or turns him completely mad).

But more than that, it developed mostly though the simple (or complex) theme of memory, and how our memories of past events shape who we become in the future. And if they are distorted, then we too, feel like theres something missing from out lives.

I actually wrote a 1500 word reflection statement that becomes a justification of my story for part of the assignment too, but thats not a story, rather a critical analysis, so I didn't bother sharing that.

I'd love to know (if people have the time to read) what they thought about it.


Woah, i have just read some great stuff.

The two ive mentioned below just stand out to me

Eli-your story was funny especially the ending. :lol:

And Jess/Musie - yours was "deep" (it's a compliment btw, i just cant find another word.) :P

There is some serious talent in this thread and i hope you guys realise that.


  • 5 months later...

Muse, I love your story. Short but awesome.

I wouldnt be confident enough to share my original stuff, but I might just post something based on another Movie/TV show or something


This was my english coursework for language and I got a B for it.



“I need my shoes now so hurry up”. Cinderella was so frustrated because her first party was that night and she had nowhere near ready.

Two minutes later the strappy stilettos were on her feet, so she began to calm down.

Little did she know that a reporter was eavesdropping outside the door disguised as one of her long term servant? She was sent in by her boss to help him with his palace coup.

Prince Charming however was ready about 1 hour ago and was ordering people to get on, decorating and stay on schedule for the party.

He was getting annoyed but wouldn’t disclose why. He decided to go check on the catering. It was chaos so he decided not to bother.

An hour later the guests has arrived and were filling up the ballroom in a speedy way.

“Darling, five more minutes I will be perfect” she silkily purred to her husband.

“Be quick” said the prince in a firm but soft stance.

When the couple entered the ballroom to the elegant ballroom, all heads were on them.

The party was very good but quite slow in the dancing stakes.

This displeased Prince Charming because he wanted a lively party like when he met Cinderella.

He spoke to the band and it seemed to do the trick as everyone was dancing to Kanye West ‘Golddigger’ and Goldie looking chain.

Meanwhile Cinderella was talking to someone she did not know from America.

In fact it was her best friend from the market where she used to work and she was betrayed by robbing her off her market stall. She used to sell unlicensed tobacco to under 16’s off the books.

After a while she was in such a daze that she did not realise she and her guests were in danger.

A small rumble came thudding in from the side, getting louder and louder till all the guest could see was rubble falling and tripping and trapping them.

A couple of minutes later, a guest called Mia tried to get up and did so with some success.

She had injured her ankle so she could not walk very well. She heard Prince Charming grumble and mumble and tried to slide over to help him get free but she found herself trapped again somehow.

The rubble started to crumble and was on the verge of breaking up.

People had started to come around from the aftermath of the attack.

A couple of miles away, Queen Eliza hadn’t received any notice of how the party was going and she was beginning to get very worried. She decided to phone her son for a talk as she has been lonely without King Mark. ‘Ring, ring’ and so on for at least 20 rings till she decide to send on her footmen to check the party out.

20 minutes later she received a phone call that was very vague but relayed the message that she needed to get there as soon as she could. Worried for her son and her daughter in law she was sped off to her son’s palace.

Cinderella woke up to find herself in a musty, dark, dirty cell, it had cobwebs all over the place with a seam of light trying to get in from a place which seemed to be faraway but wasn’t that faraway to the naked eye. Trying to scream, but stopped when she realised that she knew where she was but couldn’t at that moment place it. The door made a creaking voice as the sound reverberated around her. She found it really hard to focus on anything as the last thing she felt was a deafening crack.

Queen Eliza gasped when she saw the palace; she called all the available emergency services to help with the attack. Some were ordered to put a perimeter up around a five mile radius while some were ordered to keep the public away. She managed to keep the situation under control as she needed to keep her mind off how her son and her daughter in law were. However disguised as a paramedic was a man with a smug grin on his face, he watched as she got into a car and was sped off to her palace for relaxation. A vibrating noise occurred a few seconds later as the two buildings on the side of the palace blew up sending citizens flying in all different ways. The vision of the place she was in was to her very distorted and she felt very tired even thought she had only just woken up a few moments before.

Prince Charming woke and felt over to what should have been Cinderella side but was very upset when he realised she wasn’t there by his side. He started to remember the last few memories he had of Cinderella and it broke his heart to have to remember those memories without Cinderella.

Creak! The door opened and two men bustled in and blindfolded Cinderella. Moments later she was in a room taped to a chair.

“Well well Prince Charming’s darling is here all for me”

Cinderella felt him touch her and she felt a weird sensation which she couldn’t make sense of.

“Your darling is not going to know what has hit him”

“Why are you doing this for” she cried

“Revenge” signalling to his bodyguards to knock her unconscious. A few minutes later she had fainted into a state of nothingness.

As Mr Ehrwich left his car outside the palace, questions were being thrown at him.

“It is under control and we have some leads” His sad excuse of his assistant piped up “The prime minister will answer all questions in an official conference later today”

The Queen greeted him “Hello”

“Your majesty” he replied curtseying

“Is the situation under control?”

“Yes it is and we have some promising leads”


Mia was getting angry “you have to do something to hurry it along”


“They are getting close”

“Do you trust me” as he cocked his head

“Yes you know I do” as she snuggled up to him.

“Go home and I will deal with this, we both need to be able to account for our actions”

Cinderella woke up and instantly went for the door, to her surprise the door opened and she stepped out very slowly as not to arouse any suspicion. She looked both ways and she saw that one way there was a guard and the other way to her eyes was clear. Unfortunately for her Mia was watching her instead of going home. She thought to herself let her get caught.

“Run a background check on everyone Cinderella has been in contact with the past two weeks and then on any deaths threats she may have received.

“Ok boss”

A few minutes he returned with a name for the Detective Chief Inspector Turner, Craig Baisley. His face fell but he quickly regained his composure and said to the police constable that he would deal with it as of now. He rang a woman and told her the name and she took some notes before hanging up.

Prince Charming was beginning to lose his temper with everyone and anyone. He went into his den and began to tear it up so he could take his frustration out on it. King Mark walked in and told Prince Charming all about Craig. Prince told his father that he knew Craig and then relayed the full story about Craig.

Craig was sat in a room which had newspaper clippings all about Cinderella and how she met Prince Charming when Mia walked in.

“Cinderella is trying to escape” she said sheepishly

“Well stop her”

“No, let’s think about this, she loves Charming and that is the problem”


“You need to woo her and show her what real passion is”

“If she knows who I am then in time she will help me wreak revenge”

“Yes she will” with an evil grin forming on her face.

“Mum, for the last time I am ok” Prince Charming said to his mother.


“Tell Mr Ehrwich to hurry up”

“Don’t worry I will” she walked away from him and headed off to make a phone call.

Cinderella was opening a door just as someone placed a hand on her shoulder and steered her away. She tried with desperation to get away but a man just kept on dragging her across the cold floor. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on a man that she thought she recognised. He turned around so all she could see was a cross section of his face.

“Craig? Is that you?” she said in a quiet whisper

“Yes like my new look?”

A man knocked and entered with a tray which was full of drinks. Craig motioned to the man to put the tray down and then leave the room. He picked up a glass, filled it up and gave it to Cinderella. She took it and had a small sip before Craig retrieved the glass and his thigh brushed hers, again she felt that weird sensation. As she was taken up to her room that was all she thought about.

“I need to get rid now”

“Darling its ok, calm down” said King Mark behind her. She turned around and looked into his eyes which were full of warmth and love. Prince Charming was in his room looking through Cinderella’s belongings when his phone beeped.

His text was a picture of Cinderella with a knife to her head with a message saying pay up or she dies.

Craig was in his room sorting through his clothes when he saw a note, the plan is in motion love Mia. “Oh man” he murmured to himself “how could I forget?”

Cinderella was in her room just as Mia walked in, she walked up to Cinderella and pulled her towards her with a grip on her hair “Just a quick message, keep your hands off Craig or I will cut you hair off and serve it up to your husband”

She recoiled “You are sick”

“I know, don’t you ever forget it”

Cinderella fell back on the bed and couldn’t believe she was stuck between two people like a puppy. These two people obviously had issues with each other. She ran out of the room and headed for the stairs where she tripped up a guard and took his swipe card. She ran hurriedly down the stairs and headed out through the nearest fire exit. She prised the door open and ran for her life. She ran for the gates and as she got there she opened it with the swipe card and left the building running for her life.

Prince Charming heard a commotion and asked the nearest servant what was going on. She replied “Cinderella was spotted running towards the palace” His heart jumped as he ran towards the gates. Cinderella ran in and straight into his arms. “Oh god it was horrible” she cried

“Its okay, you are safe now” as he comforted her in his arms for a long time.

“Cinderella don’t do this” came Craig’s voice and as she heard his voice she realised that all the weird sensations she had been feeling were all because she had fallen in love with him. It scared her to feel like that.

“Craig, don’t”

“Come with me, please?”

“What? This cannot be happening” he watched as Cinderella looks into Craig’s eyes

Queen Eliza had woken up and asked Prince Charming “what is going on” but as she saw Craig, she worked it out. She realised it was over and that Prince Charming had to know the truth.

She told the guards to let Craig in. “We have to talk” directing it at Craig, Cinderella and Prince Charming. She led them into the dining room and sat down at the round table before talking to them.

Prince Charming started by asking Craig “why are you trying to pinch my wife?”

“Why? Because she loves me”

Cinderella didn’t say anything but when Price Charming saw her face he knew that she had fallen for him.

At this point, Eliza interjected and told Prince “I am going to tell you something, that I know will shock you”

“Ok” unsure of what it was

“Craig is my son but not by your father”

Cinderella sucked her breath in as she realised that is why Craig looked like Prince Charming. “She gave me up for adoption when she had me, when I was searching for my birth parents I found her.”

“You planned this so you could get the throne” said shocked Cinderella

“At first but then I fell in love with you”

“He wanted to back out as soon as he realised he loved you but I persuaded him not to”

King Mark and his best friend walked in. Staring daggers at Craig and Cinderella, Eliza nodded at him. “Craig your father is here”

“Eliza, what is going on?” she put her hand up to stop him.

Craig intervened by asking Cinderella “will you marry me?”

Prince gasped at that but pleaded with Cinderella “don’t leave me for him, please I will do anything for you”

Cinderella didn’t say anything as she made her decision. She turned to Craig. “Craig I will marry you but it will be a long engagement”

“How long?” taking her in his arms

“One year”


“So I can divorce the prince and be happy”

“You can divorce him in 3 months”

Cinderella thought about this and then said “I know, but this is for our future”. At this point, Prince Charming was in his fathers arms crying.

Two years later Cinderella married Craig and changed her name to Emma. “This marriage is a match made in heaven”

“That is so true”

They drove off into the sunlight, bringing together all their hopes and dream together on what was their amazing journey of love.


This was my english coursework for language and I got a B for it.



“I need my shoes now so hurry up”. Cinderella was so frustrated because her first party was that night and she had nowhere near ready.

Two minutes later the strappy stilettos were on her feet, so she began to calm down.

Little did she know that a reporter was eavesdropping outside the door disguised as one of her long term servant? She was sent in by her boss to help him with his palace coup.

Prince Charming however was ready about 1 hour ago and was ordering people to get on, decorating and stay on schedule for the party.

He was getting annoyed but wouldn’t disclose why. He decided to go check on the catering. It was chaos so he decided not to bother.

An hour later the guests has arrived and were filling up the ballroom in a speedy way.

“Darling, five more minutes I will be perfect” she silkily purred to her husband.

“Be quick” said the prince in a firm but soft stance.

When the couple entered the ballroom to the elegant ballroom, all heads were on them.

The party was very good but quite slow in the dancing stakes.

This displeased Prince Charming because he wanted a lively party like when he met Cinderella.

He spoke to the band and it seemed to do the trick as everyone was dancing to Kanye West ‘Golddigger’ and Goldie looking chain.

Meanwhile Cinderella was talking to someone she did not know from America.

In fact it was her best friend from the market where she used to work and she was betrayed by robbing her off her market stall. She used to sell unlicensed tobacco to under 16’s off the books.

After a while she was in such a daze that she did not realise she and her guests were in danger.

A small rumble came thudding in from the side, getting louder and louder till all the guest could see was rubble falling and tripping and trapping them.

A couple of minutes later, a guest called Mia tried to get up and did so with some success.

She had injured her ankle so she could not walk very well. She heard Prince Charming grumble and mumble and tried to slide over to help him get free but she found herself trapped again somehow.

The rubble started to crumble and was on the verge of breaking up.

People had started to come around from the aftermath of the attack.

A couple of miles away, Queen Eliza hadn’t received any notice of how the party was going and she was beginning to get very worried. She decided to phone her son for a talk as she has been lonely without King Mark. ‘Ring, ring’ and so on for at least 20 rings till she decide to send on her footmen to check the party out.

20 minutes later she received a phone call that was very vague but relayed the message that she needed to get there as soon as she could. Worried for her son and her daughter in law she was sped off to her son’s palace.

Cinderella woke up to find herself in a musty, dark, dirty cell, it had cobwebs all over the place with a seam of light trying to get in from a place which seemed to be faraway but wasn’t that faraway to the naked eye. Trying to scream, but stopped when she realised that she knew where she was but couldn’t at that moment place it. The door made a creaking voice as the sound reverberated around her. She found it really hard to focus on anything as the last thing she felt was a deafening crack.

Queen Eliza gasped when she saw the palace; she called all the available emergency services to help with the attack. Some were ordered to put a perimeter up around a five mile radius while some were ordered to keep the public away. She managed to keep the situation under control as she needed to keep her mind off how her son and her daughter in law were. However disguised as a paramedic was a man with a smug grin on his face, he watched as she got into a car and was sped off to her palace for relaxation. A vibrating noise occurred a few seconds later as the two buildings on the side of the palace blew up sending citizens flying in all different ways. The vision of the place she was in was to her very distorted and she felt very tired even thought she had only just woken up a few moments before.

Prince Charming woke and felt over to what should have been Cinderella side but was very upset when he realised she wasn’t there by his side. He started to remember the last few memories he had of Cinderella and it broke his heart to have to remember those memories without Cinderella.

Creak! The door opened and two men bustled in and blindfolded Cinderella. Moments later she was in a room taped to a chair.

“Well well Prince Charming’s darling is here all for me”

Cinderella felt him touch her and she felt a weird sensation which she couldn’t make sense of.

“Your darling is not going to know what has hit him”

“Why are you doing this for” she cried

“Revenge” signalling to his bodyguards to knock her unconscious. A few minutes later she had fainted into a state of nothingness.

As Mr Ehrwich left his car outside the palace, questions were being thrown at him.

“It is under control and we have some leads” His sad excuse of his assistant piped up “The prime minister will answer all questions in an official conference later today”

The Queen greeted him “Hello”

“Your majesty” he replied curtseying

“Is the situation under control?”

“Yes it is and we have some promising leads”


Mia was getting angry “you have to do something to hurry it along”


“They are getting close”

“Do you trust me” as he cocked his head

“Yes you know I do” as she snuggled up to him.

“Go home and I will deal with this, we both need to be able to account for our actions”

Cinderella woke up and instantly went for the door, to her surprise the door opened and she stepped out very slowly as not to arouse any suspicion. She looked both ways and she saw that one way there was a guard and the other way to her eyes was clear. Unfortunately for her Mia was watching her instead of going home. She thought to herself let her get caught.

“Run a background check on everyone Cinderella has been in contact with the past two weeks and then on any deaths threats she may have received.

“Ok boss”

A few minutes he returned with a name for the Detective Chief Inspector Turner, Craig Baisley. His face fell but he quickly regained his composure and said to the police constable that he would deal with it as of now. He rang a woman and told her the name and she took some notes before hanging up.

Prince Charming was beginning to lose his temper with everyone and anyone. He went into his den and began to tear it up so he could take his frustration out on it. King Mark walked in and told Prince Charming all about Craig. Prince told his father that he knew Craig and then relayed the full story about Craig.

Craig was sat in a room which had newspaper clippings all about Cinderella and how she met Prince Charming when Mia walked in.

“Cinderella is trying to escape” she said sheepishly

“Well stop her”

“No, let’s think about this, she loves Charming and that is the problem”


“You need to woo her and show her what real passion is”

“If she knows who I am then in time she will help me wreak revenge”

“Yes she will” with an evil grin forming on her face.

“Mum, for the last time I am ok” Prince Charming said to his mother.


“Tell Mr Ehrwich to hurry up”

“Don’t worry I will” she walked away from him and headed off to make a phone call.

Cinderella was opening a door just as someone placed a hand on her shoulder and steered her away. She tried with desperation to get away but a man just kept on dragging her across the cold floor. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on a man that she thought she recognised. He turned around so all she could see was a cross section of his face.

“Craig? Is that you?” she said in a quiet whisper

“Yes like my new look?”

A man knocked and entered with a tray which was full of drinks. Craig motioned to the man to put the tray down and then leave the room. He picked up a glass, filled it up and gave it to Cinderella. She took it and had a small sip before Craig retrieved the glass and his thigh brushed hers, again she felt that weird sensation. As she was taken up to her room that was all she thought about.

“I need to get rid now”

“Darling its ok, calm down” said King Mark behind her. She turned around and looked into his eyes which were full of warmth and love. Prince Charming was in his room looking through Cinderella’s belongings when his phone beeped.

His text was a picture of Cinderella with a knife to her head with a message saying pay up or she dies.

Craig was in his room sorting through his clothes when he saw a note, the plan is in motion love Mia. “Oh man” he murmured to himself “how could I forget?”

Cinderella was in her room just as Mia walked in, she walked up to Cinderella and pulled her towards her with a grip on her hair “Just a quick message, keep your hands off Craig or I will cut you hair off and serve it up to your husband”

She recoiled “You are sick”

“I know, don’t you ever forget it”

Cinderella fell back on the bed and couldn’t believe she was stuck between two people like a puppy. These two people obviously had issues with each other. She ran out of the room and headed for the stairs where she tripped up a guard and took his swipe card. She ran hurriedly down the stairs and headed out through the nearest fire exit. She prised the door open and ran for her life. She ran for the gates and as she got there she opened it with the swipe card and left the building running for her life.

Prince Charming heard a commotion and asked the nearest servant what was going on. She replied “Cinderella was spotted running towards the palace” His heart jumped as he ran towards the gates. Cinderella ran in and straight into his arms. “Oh god it was horrible” she cried

“Its okay, you are safe now” as he comforted her in his arms for a long time.

“Cinderella don’t do this” came Craig’s voice and as she heard his voice she realised that all the weird sensations she had been feeling were all because she had fallen in love with him. It scared her to feel like that.

“Craig, don’t”

“Come with me, please?”

“What? This cannot be happening” he watched as Cinderella looks into Craig’s eyes

Queen Eliza had woken up and asked Prince Charming “what is going on” but as she saw Craig, she worked it out. She realised it was over and that Prince Charming had to know the truth.

She told the guards to let Craig in. “We have to talk” directing it at Craig, Cinderella and Prince Charming. She led them into the dining room and sat down at the round table before talking to them.

Prince Charming started by asking Craig “why are you trying to pinch my wife?”

“Why? Because she loves me”

Cinderella didn’t say anything but when Price Charming saw her face he knew that she had fallen for him.

At this point, Eliza interjected and told Prince “I am going to tell you something, that I know will shock you”

“Ok” unsure of what it was

“Craig is my son but not by your father”

Cinderella sucked her breath in as she realised that is why Craig looked like Prince Charming. “She gave me up for adoption when she had me, when I was searching for my birth parents I found her.”

“You planned this so you could get the throne” said shocked Cinderella

“At first but then I fell in love with you”

“He wanted to back out as soon as he realised he loved you but I persuaded him not to”

King Mark and his best friend walked in. Staring daggers at Craig and Cinderella, Eliza nodded at him. “Craig your father is here”

“Eliza, what is going on?” she put her hand up to stop him.

Craig intervened by asking Cinderella “will you marry me?”

Prince gasped at that but pleaded with Cinderella “don’t leave me for him, please I will do anything for you”

Cinderella didn’t say anything as she made her decision. She turned to Craig. “Craig I will marry you but it will be a long engagement”

“How long?” taking her in his arms

“One year”


“So I can divorce the prince and be happy”

“You can divorce him in 3 months”

Cinderella thought about this and then said “I know, but this is for our future”. At this point, Prince Charming was in his fathers arms crying.

Two years later Cinderella married Craig and changed her name to Emma. “This marriage is a match made in heaven”

“That is so true”

They drove off into the sunlight, bringing together all their hopes and dream together on what was their amazing journey of love.


It's good, I like it :)

I have one tip for you though, be careful so you don't have too many clichés.

I wrote this a while ago. I really liked the idea, but I don't think it turned out good at all.

This story is not pointed at any specific religion or faith, it's a general attempt of reviewing some of my thoughts when it comes to the world today.

People like us

My heart is beating, and I can sense that I'm breathing faster than usual.

I have done this many times before, but the heart never beats less, because some things never change.

This is not acceptable.

"No Larry, our faith doesn't allow that," she said when I asked her, and ever since I have heard those words every time I stand up and do the thing I'm not allowed to do.

Maria's voice keeps rolling like thunder in my head as I gather my notes and walk up to the stage.

Maria isn't the one making the rules, I know that, but she's the one looking after us, making sure we're following the rules.

Me she can't look after, because I lie.

That's not acceptable either.

As I stare at the crowd I wonder if I'll ever get to experience the fantastic things my faith promises, me who do two things I'm not allowed to do, over and over again.

I can see her on a chair in front of me. Maria is stroking her dark hair away from the forehead, and her big, friendly eyes stare at me; she's waiting for me to start speaking.

I see her, and I think that I'm probably wrong, while she is right; what I'm hiding is wrong, and not acceptable.

But still I keep lying while I talk to them about what I believe, and I wish could have a little faith in people like me as well.

It's over within a few minutes, but it doesn't feel any better afterwards.

Just like last week it's no relief being done.

Because even though I'm no longer speaking to the crowd, I continue to lie to them.

Outside is James, waiting for me with his bike.

He doesn't want to come inside, because he doesn't want to believe in things that don't have faith in people like him.

I can feel Maria's eyes staring at me when I smile and walk towards James.

"But Larry," she once said when we were alone, "Why don't you bring James, your best friend?"

I lied a little then as well, told her my best friend didn't believe in things like that.

James doesn't believe in those things, but he's not my best friend either.

James is more, and he has faith in people like us.


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