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All your stories are so good, so I'm a bit reluctant to post mine... but I will anyway. I've written 3 chapters, but this is only the first, so I hope you like it! Im nearly 12, so I'm not that good, but I'll let you decide! Anyway, here it is :D Its called 'Life Among the Dead.'

Chapter 1- A new day has come

(insert alarm sound here) Uh, do I really have to get up yet? Was Tracey’s first thought after being woken by her alarm. Today was her first day at her new school, which meant making new friends. She hated having to try and ‘fit in’ with everyone. Ever since her parents died in a car accident, she had been so negative and dreaded even getting up every morning. She found it such a struggle. The only good thing that came from her parents’ deaths was that she realised something… different. She could talk to the dead. Because of this, it made her feel like she had some importance. She felt special, unique.

Tracey rolled over a looked at a picture of her, her mum and her dad. She felt tears well up in her eyes, yet only a single one rolled down her cheek. Go away tears, I’m sick of crying, she thought, yet she didn’t wipe it away like she normally would, she just let it flow down her cheek. She lay like that for what seemed like forever, when she finally decided to get up and get ready for school.

She pulled out just about everything from her drawers and her wardrobe, just to find her favourite jeans and her worn out shirt. She couldn’t find them. She couldn’t do anything right, or have anything the way it should be, it seemed. Tracey just wanted her life to go back to normal. Why me, why does everything that goes wrong have to happen to me? Since when have I deserved this, she thought. She then looked at her alarm clock. It read ‘7:15.’ 15 more minutes of freedom before I have to get on a bus to go to the hell they call school. She picked out the closest outfit, which wasn’t exactly what she wanted to wear. She quickly swapped it for something else, and got changed so that her sister, Mary, didn’t come in, nagging her to hurry up. She grabbed her bag, shoved her books in and said goodbye to Mary, before running out the door and getting on the bus.

Tracey got on the bus and looked around. She felt like everyone was looking at her, when in reality, it was just her imagination. She felt so out of place, she just wanted to curl up, go to sleep and never wake up. The bus was pretty crowded, but Tracey eventually found an empty seat at the back of the bus. She hoped no-one noticed her; she wanted to be a shadow in the background, non-existent. The bus ride seemed like forever, but eventually she arrived at school. ‘Great. I’m here. No going back now…’

xo :)

  • 1 month later...

Hello, just seeking a few readers...

I have a story on Fanfiction.net, it has three Chapters so far. It's a Harry Potter Story, Set in the time of Harry's Parents. It basically follows their 7 years at Hogwarts and Adulthood. Here's the link - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3993314/1/The_Years_and_Beyond

The Characters are Lily, Snape The Marauders, And OCs - Arianna, Jade, Sam, Brooke, Nick, Steve, Darren, Lisa, Dan Shadows and loads more :P It'll be a long Story, posted as one, not 8 different ones. So all the Years were given names, just to tell them Apart.

Year 1 - Shadow's Law.

Year 2 - Sariah's Sorrow.

Year 3 - Freedom's Lament.

Year 4 - Fire's Ignited.

Year 5 - Enchantment's Darks.

Year 6 - Inferii's Call.

Year 7 - Hallow's Destiny.

Adulthood - Death's Beckoning.

Drop me a Comment on FF.net, please, if you have an account.

Here's the first Three Chapters, if you want a little taste...

Chapter 1 - Shadow's Law


"Mum! MUM! Look what flew through my window!" Eleven year old Lilian Evans came flying down the old creaky stairs of the Evans Household, holding, rather odly, an old looking brown owl in her gloved hand. She had an excited grin on her face as she waved the bird in front of her Mother Lyra.

"Dear god! That isnt real is it?" the thirty-six year old spitting image of her daughter shrieked, dropping the soapy pot she'd been holding, causing it to make a great shattering noise. The handel broke off, and Lyra cursed.

"Butterfingers, your mother!" Lily's dad suddenly entered the kitchen, clutching big buldging folders of Paperwork. Jay was a man with a profession, as he called himself, but he didnt seem to have just one job. He was a Lawyer, and a darn good one at that, but he was trained as a teacher, a dentist and he did some archaeologist work as well. He was always being called in as a substitute for a day in the local Schools, brought in for an emergency in the dental clinic and going off on the odd excavation with some people nobody knew much about, funny people, Lyra called them. Lisa Hayes, Dan Shadows and Georgia Lexley. They sounded ordinary enough to Lily.

"Ly..." Jay started, now pouring himself a Coffee. He was speaking in his don't-kill-me-but-I-kind-of-agreed-to-something-very-stupid tone. The red-head standing in the doorway still clutching the owl sighed. Her dad was obviously going out on another mystery excavation.

But Lyra shushed him and gave him a significant look. "What we talked about last night! Shadow's Law and all that... Now, Lily Pet, why do you have an owl in your hands? Is it even alive?"

"It flew against my window. Knocked out, the poor thing." Thankful that she'd been noticed, but a little peeved about not hearing what her dad had to say, Lily handed the bird over to her mother, and only then Lyra noticed an envelope tied to it's leg.

"What's this?" her mother said to herself, suspiciously. She detatched it with dificulty, as whoever had tied the envelope had done a fine job, but just as Jay offered to do it, she got it.

Der Miss Lilian Evans,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will be collected along with five other to-be first years by our Game Keeper Hagrid, Two Weeks before start of term (1st of September). We enclose a train ticket and your list of books, and you will be buying your supplys when Hagrid collects you. We hope to see you very soon.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonnagol,

Deputy Headmistress.

"Oh!" Lily exclaimed, happily, her eyes shining.

"Lyra!" Jay said firmly. "I need to talk to you and Lily."

"What about Petunia? Can't it wait until she's back from The Dursleys?" annoyed, Lily's mother handed the letter to her youngest daughters and then pulled out the Booklist and Train Ticket. "Anyway, what is this about? This is what the Snape boy was talking about. He was telling the truth. Of, Lils, I can't quite take this in!"

"I think you should listen to what dad has to say! He's been trying to get your attention since he entered the room!"

"Alright, Jay, go on. What is it?"

"Dan Shadows and his wife are going to Hawaii for a few Months. He let me in on a secret. It's about the Wizarding World." he gestured to Lily and smiled. "He knew Lily would get the letter. He's the one who enforced Shadow's Law, so he ought to find out everything about Hogwarts anyway. His daughter Arianna however is going to Hogwarts as well and she can't go to Hawaii so... I sort of agreed to letting her stay here. I mean, it'd be good for Lily to make a friend for when she gooes to school..."

"You invited a stranger to stay for the Summer, basically?"

"Well, yes. She should be arriving soon. I tried to tell you last night..."

"I don't want someone else living here!" Lily shouted, but she went un-heard, and was forced to watch the painfully heated discussion between her parents.

"You obviously don't have a choice." Lyra finally said. "Okay. But if she's... funny... like Dan I swear..."

"She's perfectly respectable, she is apalled at what Dan gets up to."

"But if she turns out to be any trouble..."

"Right. I understand."

Chapter 2 - Light Up The Sky


Potter Mansion was certainly busy that Friday afternoon. It wasnt just the fact that it was James's best friends Birthday Party that evening, but also that Savannah and Jayden Potter were leaving on an auror quest, somewhere in Malasia. James was worried. They'd never had to rush off so fast, but apparently this was urgent. They couldn't even stay for Sam's birthday. With Savannah and Jayden leaving, and the oldest of the Potter kids, Lisa and Darren staying for a Summer course at Hogwarts, James was on his own.

He hadn't told Sam about it. She'd be upset, even though her Sister Rachel and James's Sister Brooke would be there, she was very fond of Savannah and Jayden, them having cared for her for years when her parents were in Azkaban. Yes, James knew Sam would be just as worried as he was, and to be honest, it soothed him a little. Brooke wasn't so bad, even though they were the same age and about the same maturity level, but Brooke was tough and didn't get along with her Parents much. That way, she found out more about stuff.

"James." his thoughts were interrupted by Brooke herself, Wild, dark purple hair, all messed up due to the heavy wind that had suddenly swept over them.

"I just heard Savannah and Jayden talking. They were talking about Shadow's Law or something. The Shadow's daughters gone to stay at some muggle family's house, but apparently the youngest daughter is going to Hogwarts. I heard about this Arianna, she's a bit odd, her Parent's are deatheaters... and she has a sister in Azkaban, who was only 12 when she was sentanced to three years. She's returning to Hogwarts this year, Jeanette is..."

"Why would they go somewhere because of Shadow's Law?" James wondered.

"Do you not know what it is?"

"A set of Law's to do with Hogwarts, right?"

"Yes, or so it is said. There is a set of Law's to do with Hogwarts, but... Savannah said something about the fake Law being in Hogwarts and that it doesn't really apply... The real law is actually something dark, dangerous..." Brooke lowered her voice "I reckon it's something to do with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, about their loyalty and conditions and stuff. It's dangerous. The Shadow's lost the real law when they were trying to hide it. Aurors, muggles and Death Eaters are searching for it. I know it's dangerous."

"How do you know so much?" James asked, amazed at his sister who was only 2 months older.

"That's... irrelavent. But James, I..."

But Brooke didn't finish her sentance. A frighteningly powerful bolt of lightening struck the sky. Light was multiplied by 100, and the two Potter's ducked down, blinded.

Chapter 3 - All These Things That I Will Do


Arianna was trouble. Lily knew this by instinct the first time she saw her. Black hair in thick wiry curls tied back in a tight ponytail, Tall and slim, bony arms and legs and bright blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. But she wasn't so pretty when you got close up. Her skin was too pale, faded scars everywhere, she was a little too thin, her face was shrunken in on itself, her lips a thin line, her eyebrows practically non existant. Strangely enough there was so much life and rebellious-ness coming from her that you could hardly call her ugly.

"This is Arianna." Jay said, pretty lamely. He could obviously feel the tenseness between the eleven year old small, chubby red-herad and the eleven year old tall, bag-of-bones who looked more like Fifteen.

"Hello..." Lily said.

"Right. Yes. Hi. You're a little... chubby aren't you?" Arianna raised her eyebrows, cruelly.

Better than an anorexic skeleton; Lily thought but refrained from saying this as Jay was already looking quite uncomfortable. He quickly said he'd be off and slammed the door shut. Lyra was staying at her Sick Aunt's place for the week. They were alone. Arianna dropped her tiny bag and demanded Lily to carry it up to her room.

This was rather odd, considering the bag was the size of a purse and probably feather-light, but nethertheless, Lily followed Arianna up the stairs.

"The wizardring world seems to have been struck by lightening... Probably my Dad... He does like doing that." The black-haired girl mused, as an owl flew through the window carrying a paper, and reading the headline.

"What's wrong with a bit of lightening?"

"It's not like, your type of lightening. It's like it, but it's made up of dark curses. They're fun to make... I can't do any magic, not allowed to I mean, but I've helped dad put them together. I prefer it when they're colorful, but usually they're disguised as normal lightening. I can't wait to go to Hogwarts."

"Do you learn... dark curses in Hogwarts?"

"Of course not. It's against Shadow's Law." Arianna's tone changed. It was so final, it silenced Lily.

"But one day... I'll do something great in Hogwarts..." she smiled eerily, then evilly, then suddenly got very.. lively.

"Call me Anna, by the way. I don't like who I'm named after. Some crazy old witch. Arianna-Jayne Lawood. She was quite famous, but very batty. I suspect we'll learn about her in History of Magic. My Mothers Great-Great Grandmother, she was. Wrote a schoolbook."

"I knew I'd heard of her name." Maybe Arianna - or Anna - wasn't so bad. When you got over her looks and... truthfulness.

"Do you want to go to Diagon Alley? I mean, we don't have to go with that person from the Wizarding World. We could go now."

And Lily found herself agreeing.


"I did not think you would leave your precious daughter, Shadows." a faint voice said.

"She is safe."

"She's staying with a muggle family?" The voice breathed.

"Yes. She should be of use to us. The girl..."

"With the Evans girl, right?!

"Yes, m'lord."

"How about your wife? Oh yes. Dead. Excuse me. She was a waste of space anyway."

"Yes, m'lord." Dan said, uncomfortably.

"You will do great things, Shadows. Just wait till we retrieve the law..."


This is a chapter from a novelised version of a screenplay I've been working on for a couple of years. It's part Sci-Fi Action, part workplace drama, kind of Battlestar Galactica meets The Bill. Working title: Usogumbian Invasion Earth 2530. If anyone's interested I'll post the second chapter next week.


Even more than 250 years after the development of the Luxveloc Drive, humanity’s destructive instincts had not been curbed. The most destructive war since World War III itself took place in the early 2500s: the South American War. An alliance of terrorist cells across South America, all determined to have Earth’s technological advances in their control, revolted against their countries, leading to more than half of the continent being annexed in one week. The Americans, Canadians and the Australians fought back for 5 years, and eventually a truce was declared. A new country was created, which became known as Usogumbia. But neither side were happy with the outcome. The Americans wanted to liberate the Usogumbian dominion. The Usogumbians wanted to expand it.

20 years later, Usogumbia elected a genuine megalomaniac for a president, and it was clear from the beginning that the war was not over…

Chapter I

November 15, 2530, 11:30 pm

The night shift on the Terran Colonial Starfighter Carrier Liberator had started, and Commander Steven Mercer, the ship’s Executive Officer and Commander of the Liberty Starfighter Squadron, entered the bridge to do his job, which was to keep an eye on the long-range sensors. The bridge was empty, as during night shift the ship was supposed to remain “anchored,” except in the event of an emergency. Only one officer was ever required in the cockpit at this time of night, and tonight it was Steven’s turn.

Steven had mixed feelings about duties like the night shift. There were times when he preferred the unexpected, especially the adrenaline rush that only came in dogfights. These times usually came immediately before a particularly brutal battle. Any kind of loss would leave him depressed. Whelan seemed to have noticed this, and he always assigned Steven to night shift to let him recover from any post-traumatic-stress.

Liberty Squadron had always had a high mortality rate, so it was ironic that the last 4 deaths had been on the ground, in a commando raid, and after six completely peaceful months. Lt. Cmdr. Richard Wannon, the ships Pilot and Gunner, had been in command of a small commando group that had been sent to raid a Usogumbian Covert Operations Headquarters. None of them had made it out alive, although the information retrieved had proven invaluable: 3 renegade Usogumbian ships had later been destroyed with no losses on the TCF side. Steven and Rick had been good friends, and it had been painful to choose his replacement. He made it easier by promoting another friend and requesting new pilots straight from flight school.

Unfortunately, he had accidentally ordered one extra. Captain Whelan didn’t really care, he decided that he could use a back-up pilot for when the rest of the staff were on missions. But because of Steven’s mistake, Whelan had given him even more night shifts than usual, until he had had the chance to get over Rick’s death.

Steven looked up as he noticed Whelan’s computer screen lighting up, as it picked up a transmission. As they were “For Captain’s Eyes Only,” Steven was barely able to get a look at the details as they were transferred immediately onto a memory stick. Steven was suspicious though: their current mission was supposed to be a training exercise for the five new pilots, which he, as squadron commander, was in charge of. So what were these orders if they weren't for him?

Steven pulled out the stick and left the bridge. He walked through the hub corridor and crawled through the tube to the starboard flight corridor. He pressed Captain Whelan’s doorbell, and the door opened a few seconds later. Steven entered, and waited for Whelan to switch his bedside light on.

“Sorry to wake you Captain, but there are some orders for your eyes only, which means that they don’t seem to be relevant to the training mission. Is it possible we’re being recalled for some reason?”

Whelan got out of bed and started to put on a dressing gown. “I don’t know what that’s about, but I’ll tell you what I can at the meeting in the morning.” He walked over and took the memory stick. “Good night Steven.”

“Good night Captain,” Steven replied as he closed the door.

Whelan walked over to his computer and switched it on. He inserted the stick and opened Media Player. The image of Whelan’s friend and superior Admiral Morgan Christiansen appeared on the screen. Whelan pressed play.

Admiral Christiansen’s voice was played from the computer. “Good morning Captain Whelan. Your mission, should you choose to accept it...”

Whelan groaned at the cliché and listened to his orders.


Just wrote this as a sort of experiment to see if I could shake off this damn writersblock. Believe it or not, I still have it. <_<


Pulling up alongside the curb of a club on one of Melbourne's busy avenues, Cristian Dean vacated his jet-black SUV in preparation for the task at hand. Onlookers and two constables were his only obstacles, who tried to contain the situation from behind a strip of police tape. Thanks to the traffic, their back-up was delayed, leaving the perfect opening for attack.

Cristian took strong marching strides towards them, ducking under the police tape and immediately becoming the focus of everyone's attention. Liberating a silenced 9mm pistol from the belt of his jeans, he aimed his gun at the constable guarding the door, who could only look on in horror as two bullets perforated his torso. The shocked gasps and terrorised faces of the crowd prompted the other constable to turn around and investigate, having formerly had his back facing the assassin as he assured various onlookers that everything would be okay. A promise he was unable to keep. In what seemed like a split second, Cristian ejected two more rounds of ammunition from his firearm, killing the remaining constable in the exact same manner - one to the heart, one to the head.

Screams escaped the crowd as he quickly sprinted towards the entrance of the club, opening the glass doors with latex-gloved hands before entering. Cristian paused to lock the doors from the inside, more so to keep his target trapped in rather than to keep people out. He wasn't sure how the mark would react and the operation's failure had a severe penalty.

Stealthily making his way through the darkly lit corridors leading to the club's epicentre, Cristian cocked his gun and pulled back the safety clip, ready to finish off the cartridge in which had only two bullets left. His back against the wall, he infiltrated the bar area, where numerous clubbers-turned-hostages squatted on the dancefloor in trepidation, illuminated by the eerie glow of verdant lasers. A street gang of young men aged between 19 and 21, wearing hoodies, were stood over them, brandishing baseball bats and machetes.

Stood at the farthest end, lingering in the doorway just behind them, Cristian raised his gun to meet with the ringleader's back, where he pumped the remainder of his ammo into the hooded youth. The last of his bullets ripped through the left side of the boy's back and head, showing an evidently anatomical knowledge of the assassin's skills.

"Drop the blades," Cristian warned instantly upon his furtherance into the club, now surrounded by the equally shocked and frightened raiders. Unaware of their assailant's gun now being empty, they followed suit, causing a loud and unsynchronous clunk as their weapons plummeted to the aluminium floor. The hostages' faces depicted their mixed emotions: were they now safe or were they being held captive by someone far more dangerous than a bunch of wannabe gangsters?

Cristian approached a young oriental women, dressed in a black designer pantsuit, where, for the first time that night, he looked receptive. "Susie Oyama?"

"Yes?" the woman stepped away from the bar, where she was previously stood, obviously having not feared the youths who she knew only pretended to threaten her life. They didn't have what it took to kill someone. Not like her and Agent Dean, who she awaited the arrival of after relaying text messages between her and the man who sent him.

"Your boss hired me to come and collect you."


I'm considering writing writing a short Fic again based on One Tree Hill. I think I write it better than original or HAA based Fics. Characters include Rachel/Brooke/Nathan/Peyton/Dan. I'm dissing the others in this, because they (especially Haley) annoy me. Basically same idea that Rachel is modelling Brooke's Clothing Line, but when Brooke gets the news that her label will be axed, both the designer and model are torn. But Brooke had a backup plan in case something like that happened. Rachel on the other hand; not having studied in college, is going downhill. The two girls move back to Tree Hill where they find things have changed. Haley left Nathan, in the same style as she did in Season Two (went on tour with Chris), and Nathan and Peyton realize that the love they had six years ago had not fully died out. But Nathan is in a state, and Rachel finds out he was broke and made a dodgy deal with his lunatic of a father, Dan. Note Dan was never put in Jail for the murder of Keith, I never liked that he confessed, because that was so not typical Dan. Anyway, Dan gave him Money but then destroyed Nathan's life by destroying everything he had or cared about. Rachel is desperate, so she tracks down Dan and asks for help, and he's happy to have another person to rip apart.

Peyton and Brooke had an argument a few years back and turned from best friends to bitter enemies. Now that both Nathan and Rachel are under Dan's control, can Peyton forgive Brooke's fatal mistakes? Will she turn her in for what she did two years ago, or will she take the blame?

For people who don't know OTH Character Pics:

Rachel Gattina

Brooke Davis

Peyton Sawyer

Nathan Scott

I'm writing this Fic now, almost 5 months later :P I'll post it here when it's finished. :)


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