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Your country's best attribute

Guest Tamxxx

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Good: the thorough and well-developed social services, including health services, unemployment benefit and free schools (including higher education).

Bad: Low penalties for rape and sexual offences - even those in prison for economical offences get a longer sentence.

First of all, I agree about the good thing ;)


You can kill a reindeer and get an higher sentence then if you rape someone *stupid sami people*

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That's what I like about America. If you are sentenced to 'Life', you're in there for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

In Australia, if your sentenced to Life, you are only in jail for 25 years. Except Martin Bryant (Port Arthur massacre), he will never get out, and a small handful of others.

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You can get max 21 years in norway but you can get *sreams after Merc* erhm. "forvaring".. I'm sure Merc will get here soon to help me :P

But what I think is a little sick in USA, is that you can get 500 years in jail, Sure people can't believe they can live for ever`?

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I think that's a surety they cannot get out. If you kill many people over there, you get a life sentence for every person you kill. So if you kill 10 people, you are sentenced to life 10 times over.

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I think that's a surety they cannot get out. If you kill many people over there, you get a life sentence for every person you kill. So if you kill 10 people, you are sentenced to life 10 times over.

But why not just sentence them for life? Instead of finding a number of year(s) for every single person that person has killed and then to add them all up to a great big number like 552 years..? :P

Sorry if it dosen't make any sence :P

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I understand how you mean, although I wish they had something like that in Australia. We are way too soft on people here, little wonder why we have criminals running rampant, and immagrants doing as they please without a thought to others. But that's another matter. :)

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Good: The people here are really friendly, the sights and the school system.

Bad: One of the worst countries for pollution. Centerlink & John Howard.

Edit: I don't know what the heck I was thinking when I did this. So I'll redo it.

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The best thing is the space. When you live out of town as I do it is so quiet at night and on clear nights the sky is full of stars.

The worst thing is our "greed is great" type government which means that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting nowhere!

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