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Remind me who is the baby

Guest WYN100

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It seems ridiculous to me to criticise either of them. Both Scott and Kim are reacting as you would expect. Scott loves Hayley and suddenly dicovers he has a son, is he supposed to pretend that he is not elated? He and Hayley both offered Kim the opportunity to spend time with Noah, when Scott must have been desperate to hold Noah, his son, knowing for the first time that Noah was his.

Kim is grieving. He loved Noah and truly believed , like everyone else that he was his father. As a prevoous poster said, it was for him like losing a child. That's big stuff to deal with.

So I think there are no baddies here, just three people coming to terms with one hell of a messy situation. They all need sympathy and support but in different ways. Irene and Flynn were the only two who grasped that.

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I have to admit that Scott was fairly selfless when he found out the truth, and he was willing to allow Kim to spend some extra time with Noah. But I still can't get over how selfish he was before, acting as though it was no big deal to take Kim's son to another country. That really irked me.

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I don't think Kim over-reacted. It would be the same if Noah had just died.

As for the France thing, how could anybody think that would be OK? To just take a child, a newborn, away from his father. What if Kim had said to Hayley "I've been offered a job and me and my girlfriend are moving to France with Noah, you can like it or lump it"? I really thought they were unreasonable.

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It was a bit silly of Hayley and Scott to think that Kim would just stand back and let them go to France. I think Scott and Hayley were both really mature in the way they were willing to let Kim say a proper goodbye to Noah, despite the fact they must have been desperate to go home and play happy families. Scott now has a lot to catch up on, nothing will replace the nine months (or however long it was LOL) of thinking he wasnt a Dad, and missing out on the 1st week of his sons life. Likewise, nothing will make it easier for Kim, loosing his son, even if it was only for a few months.

I think Amanda played a brilliant part when she was confronted by Flynn, now that IMO was a proper little temper tantrum!

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It was a bit silly of Hayley and Scott to think that Kim would just stand back and let them go to France. I think Scott and Hayley were both really mature in the way they were willing to let Kim say a proper goodbye to Noah, despite the fact they must have been desperate to go home and play happy families. Scott now has a lot to catch up on, nothing will replace the nine months (or however long it was LOL) of thinking he wasnt a Dad, and missing out on the 1st week of his sons life. Likewise, nothing will make it easier for Kim, loosing his son, even if it was only for a few months.

I think Amanda played a brilliant part when she was confronted by Flynn, now that IMO was a proper little temper tantrum!

I dont think that they expected him to just stand back...they expected him to sit down and discuss it like an adult..instead Kim punched Scott......and Hayley was understandabaly freaked out...she did not want her son near anyone whose repsonse to anything he did not like was to hit out..to be violent... and had up until then she been in two minds about the whole thing...and Kim then slaps a court order on them. They wanted to sit and discuss it. Hayley's little speech at the mediation session was very reasonable...Kim knew this that's why he rushed out in a strop...he knew what she was sayng was not unreasonable...Hayley wanted to look at how they could meet all of their needs...Up until this point...and to some extent when he was in hospital... Kim was only thinking of himself. He certainly wasn't thinking of Noah. It would do Noah no good at all to have parents who resent each other and who prevent each other from fulfilling their dream and aspirations.

It is never black and white in these situations, as separated parents often have to face the issue of a new partner in the other parent's life.. and of job changes which might require relocation. It could just as easily have been Kim who had an overseas job offer, and who wanted to have regualr contact with Noah being brought to visit him regularly. Were Hayley and Scott supposed to make very decision about their future based on whether or not Kim would like it? Kim would have objected if they had moved to Brisbane, never mind France. However hard it is for the absent parent, he or she cannot expect to be able to drop by to see their child/children whenever they feel like it, or to have the parent with custody drop everything to fit in with what they want. Life is sadly never that simple.

Kim's immaturity shone through throughout this storyline. Interestingly the experience seems to have made him grow up a bit judging by the current Australian storylines.

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I dont think that they expected him to just stand back...they expected him to sit down and discuss it like an adult..instead Kim punched Scott......and Hayley was understandabaly freaked out...

The thing with that though is Kim only punched Scott because Scott was being an absolute ass and basically pushed him towards it. Talk about hitting a guy when he was on the ropes, Kim was holding it together until Scott started teasing him about how he lost Hayley to him, etcetera etcetera. It was very belittling the way he did it, like "look at you, you couldnt hold onto your girlfriend, I stole her away from you cos I'm much better than you are." I would have hit the j/o too.

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See now you've got me on one of my pet hates!

How the writers change Scott's personality to suit the situation even when it makes no sense at all!!! GGGRRRR!!

It all started when Dani started writing her book. Scott was always a loving, supportive boyfriend, he saw her through a very rough time. Kane coming back and starting a relationship with her sister. He supported her when she kissed her tutor, when she was sent to jail for trying to kill Kane. Supported her through her parents break up etc. Then suddenly turned into a macho he man who didn't trust his girlfriend to work with another man. Who absolutely refused to consider moving to the city for her career.

A couple of weeks later he is packing to move to the city with a woman he has only met and knows so little about he finds out she is married!!


And Hayley too! Slept with Kim when she thought she had no chance with Scott but couldn't forgive him for kissing Josie when he thought they were over!!

OK deep calming breaths... Rant over.

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