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Remind me who is the baby

Guest WYN100

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HI ! I don't expect anyone to agree with me or anything, but just HAD to say after watching Tuesday's UK episode == Kim - GET OVER IT !!, GROW UP and QUIT WHINGING !! Sorry for him about the accident of course, but -- he's NINTEEN !! for Pete's sake, not NINTEY !! He can have MORE babies, and ever since Hayley went back to Scott, even baby Noah has been behaving more maturely than Kim has !! Like - HELLO ? - you're NOT the father, you never WERE the father , and to be moaning on and on at poor Flynn who's only got 2 months to LIVE !! Try taking THAT problem to your cot and see how you like it Kim the whinger !! oops sorry forgot , there'd be no room, it's too full of your self-pity !!!

Anyway, there you go - out of my system !! lol ;) - and sorry Kim fans, nothing personal to you -- promise !!!!

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This is so harsh. Kim just effectively lost his baby! I think if anyone deserves to be berated it's Hayley and Scott for being so selfish, particularly Scott. Surely he would understand how Kim feels regarding taking the baby to France? Especially after the whole fake baby fiasco with Amanda. I hate what they've done to Scott's character. I can't stand him anymore.

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I'm sure he will get over it eventually but within 5 minutes! Do you really expect him to not be bothered?

OK fair enough !! I surrender ! Its just for some reason it really got under my skin yesterday - and remember, Scott's had nine plus months of NOT knowing he's the father, hasn't he , and that's quite a biffie too, isn't itr ?

However I totally agree with you about Scott's character - he used to be both likeable and credible, but now as far as women are concerned particularly (Hayley the first time with not seeing how she felt, Lisa, Amanda), he seems so totally incapable of seeing what's under his nose and going along with virtually anything they say no matter how transparently manipulative and wrong it is !!

My theory is that he may have started to go increasingly weak towards the end of his time of playing second fiddle to Danni most of the time ?

Anyway sorry again if I came over too harshe - and I'm really not horrible - - - honest !!!!

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I'm sure he will get over it eventually but within 5 minutes! Do you really expect him to not be bothered?

OK fair enough !! I surrender ! Its just for some reason it really got under my skin yesterday - and remember, Scott's had nine plus months of NOT knowing he's the father, hasn't he , and that's quite a biffie too, isn't itr ?

But for Scott it's a good thing. For Kim it's a horrible thing. Quite a difference, wouldn't you think? Put yourself in Kim's situation for a minute before you pass such harsh judgement.

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I think that's quite an immature view. Put yourself in that situation: you have a child who you love and would do anything for, only to find out that it isn't your child at all. He didn't know the baby was never his; he fully believed all along that Noah was his flesh and blood. It's the same as losing a child, he's going through a grieving process.

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