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What should happen for the 30th Year of Home and Away?

What should happen for the 30th Year of Home and Away?  

18 members have voted

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Do you think Home and Away needs a refresh? A new Theme Song? then vote. Lets tell Home and Away what we want.

You can vote for more then one thing in Question 1.

I will state right now that I am voting for more family stuff. Please don't deride people for their opinion, very unlikely though, as this forum seems really nice.

  • Inactive.User changed the title to What should happen for the 30th Year of Home and Away?

So I've put new foster family ideally like for Marylin and John to foster, or Roo, but yeah fostering in general with maybe 3 kids not just 1.


Also less of the drugs/bed hopping etc. I get it's a soap and still need that stuff but it would be good for it to just cool down a bit, since the Braxtons rocked up and Summer Bay has gone ghetto. It would be good to have some happy moments not followed by sorrow. Like after the Leah/Zac wedding was the whole Charlotte stuff and Zac went to jail. After Luc's birth and the Billy/VJ wedding, Billy died and the custody battle started. Not saying it has to be all sunshine and lollipops, but some happiness might be a nice change.


Also, I'd like some comedy like Neighbours does. Justin being scared of needles was good. More stuff like that from time to time.


And bring back the opening credits. Not just for the anniversary but for good, with 5 nights a week.


I'm all for old characters returning, depending on who comes back.


Anyone else wonder how long the show has left? All good things must come to an end. I feel the show slipping a bit. I wonder if we will have a 40th anniversary?


The show has improved a lot in this year but still has a long way to go. It still feels like Neighbours is closer to H&A than H&A is.

I get this vibe that the 30th will go past without any refs to the past and will just concentrate on the current characters. Which is a shame if they do as they should remember the past. The EastEnders 30th tended to just concentrate on the here and now apart from the mention of Reg Cox. An anniversary of a show should be about looking back as the past shapes the future.


I watched the original pilot again about a week ago and it was amazing watching it 30 years older!!

I think it would be an amazing to pick out some of the fans favourite over the past 3 decades. Particuraly the early years and assess what would happen if the storylines presented themselves again to the current cast. What has changed and how would we deal with the same issues as way back when.  


Personally I don't really want them to just bring back 100 past characters from all eras. 

I just feel the show moves on from those eras and characters are better left in their eras. Look at the mess with Will. 



yes, we couldn't have all of the ideas but it was quite fun thinking it up. I remember reading somewhere that there was so much footage not used for one of the anniversary episodes as so many had been brought back. I agree with that. It's important if it ever happened to not disregard the current cast/characters. I do think it's only right to give a nod to the all three decades. I'd love to see Bobby again. Crazy that Nicolle Dickson was only in the show about 5 years in total! Appreciate your comments. 


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