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Eurovision Song Contest 2013

Guest Klaabu

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So it's this time of the year again. Do you guys watch it? Your favourite this year? First semi-final was on Tuesday, second semi-final is today and the Final is on Saturday.


We always ridicule it leading up to the contest... and then end up watching it while being quite impressed. I don't think we will be changing that plan this year :lol:!


I do watch this but watch it on delay so I can fast forward some of it . :P Graham Norton was quite funny last year, so will be looking forwards to seeing what gems he comes out with this time. I didn't even know untill tonight when my friend told me we have Bonnie Tyler singing the UK song. Woooooooooooooooo finally a well known person is performing our entry, She's not very modern and in the charts today but its a start. :) Are Jedward taking part this time? :lol:


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