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Dan Ewing: I never understood Neighbours

Guest Light of the Bay

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Yes both show are entertainment and I dont admit they should be ambassadors for Dowun under as alot of our shows here shouldnt which I am sad to see air overseas.

Yet with their popularlity and support from fans all over the world they created an image of Australia that has made them

I know things are not as romantic for day to day life.

Sadly I found out what people where like in real life and it has disapointed me and runied my love of some things Aussie! Yet Im trying not to blame eveyone yet Im so sadden that some in your part of the world are as bad as us Yanks! I remember an Aussie project where someone said "People talk about how great we are and how nice" speaking about what a great country Australia was to that affect yet hearing from people I know there Things have changed in the past years!

I dont want to offend anyone just saying what i been told!

I do like( and still have some friends) Down Under yet Im very, very disapointed at stories I heard.

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Yes both show are entertainment and I dont admit they should be ambassadors for Dowun under as alot of our shows here shouldnt which I am sad to see air overseas.

Yet with their popularlity and support from fans all over the world they created an image of Australia that has made them

I know things are not as romantic for day to day life.

Sadly I found out what people where like in real life and it has disapointed me and runied my love of some things Aussie! Yet Im trying not to blame eveyone yet Im so sadden that some in your part of the world are as bad as us Yanks! I remember an Aussie project where someone said "People talk about how great we are and how nice" speaking about what a great country Australia was to that affect yet hearing from people I know there Things have changed in the past years!

I dont want to offend anyone just saying what i been told!

I do like( and still have some friends) Down Under yet Im very, very disapointed at stories I heard.

Well unless you live in Australia you really don't know do you? I've lived in Australia my entire life and all of my friends and family are wonderful people. But life is what you make it, there will always be negative souls in every single country, no matter how great it is.

You are sounding very naive and judgmental, but mostly naive. Why don't you just look at those who have disappointed you as individuals instead of letting those select individuals ruin any love you had for the country?

Besides I think it's all relative. In my experience the core moral values and community spirit Neighbours represents is alive and well in my life and always has been. Whereas I know there will be a family elsewhere within Australia who has a very different take on their own life - like I've said before, life is what you make it. It's about where you life, who you interact with, what your goals are, what you love to do... Etc. Plus living in a small seaside town like up near Palm Beach will be completely different to a community living in inner city Melbourne.

I think Neighbours represents a certain type of Australian - but of course they don't represent the entire population. It would be naive to think it does. Just as it would be naive for Australian's to think everyone in the UK was upper class/royal.


Yes both show are entertainment and I dont admit they should be ambassadors for Dowun under as alot of our shows here shouldnt which I am sad to see air overseas.

Yet with their popularlity and support from fans all over the world they created an image of Australia that has made them

I know things are not as romantic for day to day life.

Sadly I found out what people where like in real life and it has disapointed me and runied my love of some things Aussie! Yet Im trying not to blame eveyone yet Im so sadden that some in your part of the world are as bad as us Yanks! I remember an Aussie project where someone said "People talk about how great we are and how nice" speaking about what a great country Australia was to that affect yet hearing from people I know there Things have changed in the past years!

I dont want to offend anyone just saying what i been told!

I do like( and still have some friends) Down Under yet Im very, very disapointed at stories I heard.

Sorry but what?Have you ever been here?You're basing your opinion of an entire nation on gossip.With all respect that doesn't make any sense.

I don't have a problem with Dan preferring one over the other but as an actor he should think about what he says more carefully.Heaven forbid he should need to work on something on Channel TEN or even Neighbours some day.

People were annoyed with Melissa because she seems ungrateful for what the show did for her career.Regardless of if she likes it or not a large part of her fanbase would be HAA fans and to talk about it like she did makes her sound like a snob.


NO Lynd I never been there yet friends and people I know have, I had friends all around Australia from Sydney to Perth, From Northern part to Victoria and I respect and like that part of the world however I have had my problems and issues and friendships have been lost! I currently hurt over the actions of people I though where friends? Yet I did hold you to a higher standard. I apprecate those who are still talking to me.

Yes Dan should have been more respectful and I think fans understand actors sometimes dont get along on sets and I heard that from sources. Yet maybe one day as you said that might be something he will regret?

Spot on about Melissa, sadly I could telll you they are worse actors who have issues and dont care. At least she made an apology I understand actors sometimes have a bad day yet like a Trek actor told us a a convention, Stay home if they are in a bad mood.

My friend in Sydney once sent me a newspaper as I exchanged gifts for years with friends. In it was an article about a star who was at the Opera House and acted awful demanding food be order from outside for him and wanted a seating area all to himself so he wouldnt be bothered. I loved the reply saying "Maybe he should put a bloody paper bag over his head" if he wanted to be left alone!

I hurt at a few Ausie stars I wont meition. I disapointed yet I have heard some good stories like my friend who visited his Sister in Sydney and seen some of the H&A cast. Said they where nice people. (She a reporter and meets alot of well known people)


Yet I did hold you to a higher standard. I apprecate those who are still talking to me.

Again this just sounds naive. You obviously chose the wrong sort of 'friends' or you chose to be friends with people that you were not compatible with. Those so called 'friends' of yours do not represent Australia - so I don't know why they have managed to alter your entire opinion on Australians. You've got a very black and white mind set and seem to be making judgements based on the acts of individual actors and it's all based on celebrity gossip.


Do I feel Naive yes, Did I chose wrong friends yes I have. Im hurt people I knew turned on me without warning!

I dont want to hate all of you in that part of the world yet IM upset to know you have as bad people there as we do here and its NOT gossip as the people I talked to had access and was "In the know". So yes I now believe the terrible things I was told since that answered alot of questions I had.

I know friends IN Australia and the UK who had bad encounters with thier Favorite actors and its hurt thier image of that character and the shows. Yet The still watch the shows. Thats how I feel!

It disapointing to be told "They care" "Hes a good Bloke" and thats not the case!

IF I offended anyone Down under Im sorry yet please understand I am hurt at somethings that happen.

Yet theres some I wish bad luck and as one of my sources said "they will have to live with it"

  • 1 month later...

Although I agree that Neighbours is a lot more community driven compared to Home and Away these days, I have to say I find Neighbours very boring even at the best of times. Home and Away has taken measures to push the show into a more modern soap opera, does that mean it's sometimes OTT, sure, but visually it's more appealing and the storylines are a lot more exciting and clever.

The problem I have with Neighbours is the fact that, to me, it's the same show now, that it was 20 odd years ago. It hasn't really moved on in any sort of way aside from set changes and that's probably why it's ratings have declined while Home and Aways have risen. Although I do miss the slightly more community feel of Home and Away, it hasn't completely lost the origins of it's roots. It still maintains elements of the show that made it so popular, such as tear away kids being fostered by members of Summer Bay and incomplete families being taken in and nurtured.


The problem I have with Neighbours is the fact that, to me, it's the same show now, that it was 20 odd years ago. It hasn't really moved on in any sort of way aside from set changes and that's probably why it's ratings have declined while Home and Aways have risen.

Hmm, to me that shows a complete ignorance of reality!

Both shows have seen a huge decline in ratings compared to those of 20 years ago. Neighbours' ratings continued to decline as its producers blindly continued down the route of turning the show into an OTT cop drama and focussing on a single group of characters. This falling ratings only became worse as it was moved to a digital channel.

Improved characterisation and story-lining has improved the show immeasurably over the past 18 months, and that has seen a dramatic improvement in the ratings (for a digital channel). And as far as I know it is often the highest rating show on a digital channel in Australia.


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