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Job Interview

Guest Laura

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I wasn't sure where to post this so thought I'd just make a new thread..

I have a job interview on Monday with Thomson (travel agents) and I really, REALLY am bad at interviews, I honestly don't know why I bother but can someone please help as I usually sit there not knowing what to say and even say "dunno" to things. Like has anyone had an interview with a travel agents before or anyone know what kind of things they may ask and what I could say...


I just did an internal at school about this and we had to do a pretend interview about our placements we went out on. Our teacher gave us a sheet full of questions that usually come up. I didn't keep it, but a few i can remember were:

Tell me about yourself

What do you do in your spare time?

What are your hobbies?

What do you know about the company?

Why do you think you will be suitable for the job?

And at the end make sure you have a 2 or 3 questions to ask, such as:

Will i get a chance of training to improve?

Will i get a chance for a promotion?

Hope that helps :)


Ahh the dreaded job interview! Well I was freaking out about the interviews I got over here, so one night I did a google search of interview type questions and then it actually made me worse trying to think of answers for all the possible questions that I could have gotten! Anyways, back to you, I'd say it would be good to have some knowledge of the company. Be enthusiastic, and take your time with you're answers. I'd say it would be good to have an answer ready for the question 'Why do you want to work for us?' as there's a good possibility that that could come up. You may possibly be asked about strengths and/or weaknesses that you have, and if you get asked about weaknesses then I'd suggest you also state how you are trying to improve on that weakness. Try to think of times where you have worked in a team and what your role was, and if you've ever went out of your way to help a customer (in a previous job) as often, those type of questions can come up. You should definitely have a couple of questions to ask them at the end of the interview, this shows interest in the job.

So hopefully this helps you......

Good luck :D


To those who have no idea what questions are asked at interviews, I have got a list of interview questions that I am going to put here. I hope this helps:

1. Tell me a bit about yourself. (break down in to four sections: personality style, why you want to work in the sector, tell them what you done in the past that relates to that job and what you like to do in your spare time.

2. What do you think the role will involve. (research around the job description or job role and the company).

3. How would you decribe excellent custome service. (this question mainly relates to retail work). Here you should use an example of when recvieved excellent customer service or an example of giving customer service.

4. Can you give an example of when you have worked as a team?

5. What personal strengths would you bring to this role?

6. What are your weakness?

7. Can you give an example of when you have had to solve a problem?

8. What is your understanding of equality and diversity?

for example, equal access to services, not prejudging someone or stereotyping. Treating everyone equally and fairly.

9. Do you have any questions?

(This shows interest. You should not ask in an interview about pay. Instead ask about whether particulaly equipment is required, access to further training, dress code or opportunities for promotion. Do not ask about anything that is already mentioned in the job description and answer is already provided as this will suggest that you haven't read the job description.

That is all the questions I have. Hope this helps anyone.


Thank you for the replies. I didn't get the job though lol. oh well.

Really sorry to hear that. Well at least you got an interview. I mean up to yet, I have never been offered a job interview considering I am constantly applying for jobs. But you could always use the questions above as guidelines if you get another interview. If that helps. Did they give you any f?eedback in to why you didn't get the job?


Funnily enough (well not funnily, but I hope you understand if you keep reading...

I was offered a job interview and I happened to just come across this thread and it was really helpful.

And then yesterday I found out that I got a job from the company, not what I applied for, but he felt impressed with me and created a job for me.

So thank you Laura for creating this thread, and to darkcloud for posting those interview questions. :)


Funnily enough (well not funnily, but I hope you understand if you keep reading...

I was offered a job interview and I happened to just come across this thread and it was really helpful.

And then yesterday I found out that I got a job from the company, not what I applied for, but he felt impressed with me and created a job for me.

So thank you Laura for creating this thread, and to darkcloud for posting those interview questions. :)

No worries, I am glad to be of any help. I did actually have an interview yesterday and it went with great success. I didn't actually prepare answers for them questions, I had no worries anyways, most of the questions actually related to health and social care, where as those questions I posted where general questions.


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