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I'll Be With You Until The End

Guest callyha

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Story Title: I'll Be With You Until The End

Type of story: Long fic

Main Characters: Charlie, Angelo, Leah & Roman. Other characters mentioned

BTTB rating: G

Genre: comedy/drama/romance

Does story include spoilers: None (as far as I'm aware :wink: )

Any warnings: Given before chapter starts - Adult themes (mentions of rape) and Drug References

Summary: Will a revelation bring two colleagues together? Or will it repair a relationship?

Let me know what you think.

I hope I can write it how I want it to be like (does that make sense? <_< )

Chapter 1.

"Leah. Leah?" Irene said as she stood next to Leah.

"I'm sorry, what?" Leah asked as she came out of her day-dream.

"You alright darl? You don't seem yourself"

"I'm fine, just thinking"

"Well don't think too long, you were day-dreaming for a while then"

Irene took the two plates out of the kitchen.

Roman walked in.

"Morning Leah" He said

"Hey, Roman" Leah replied.

"You ok?"

"Why is everyone asking me if I'm alright? I'm fine!" Leah snapped.

Roman stood there, stunned,

"Sorry, you didn't deserve that" Leah said.

"Its fine, you sure you're alright?" Roman asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks" Leah replied. Feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Ok" Roman said as he put his apron on.

Leah walked over to the stove and stirred the soup. She looked over her shoulder when she heard Roman walk.

Roman bent down to grab something from the fridge. Leah watched with a smile on her face.

"Excuse me? Could I get some service?" An woman shouted

Leah jolted as she was spooked out of another day-dream.

"I'm sorry, what can I get you?"

"Faster service would be nice. But, since you're here, I'll have the bacon and feta cheese salad"

"Take a seat, it'll be with you shortly" Leah said as she wrote her order down.

"Could you make sure I have it before half past. I have somewhere I have to be"

"Bitch" Leah said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Excuse me?" Roman asked as he looked to Leah

"Sorry, not you, that woman out there. She's so rude"

"What she said?" Roman asked

"Its her whole manner" Leah said

Roman smiled.

"What?" Leah smiled.

"Nothing, its just, you. You always get like this when something is bugging you"

"You've noticed a patteren?"

"Kind of. Every so often you go like this."

"Like what?"

"Bitchy, irritable.

"Thanks a lot" Leah smiled as she was shocked.

"I've just noticed"

"Do you notice with Charlie?" Leah asked.

Roman's smile vanished.

"I'm sorry. Are you two having some problems?" Leah asked

"Can we not talk about this now?" Roman asked

"Sure" Leah answered. "But if you need me, I'm here" Leah added.


"Got you a coffee" Angelo said as he placed on on Charlie's desk.

"Thanks" Charlie said as she took it from Angelo.

"What no smile?"

"I don't feel like smiling" Charlie said.

"I bet I can get you to smile" Angelo said with a boyish smirk

"Really? How?" Charlie asked, not amused.

"Like this. Watch" Angelo said smiling

Charlie sighed. She dropped her pen on the paperwork she was doing and looked at Angelo.

He wasn't a bad sight to look at.

Cute. Handsome.

"So what you going to show me?" Charlie asked

"Close your eyes" Angelo said.

"What?" Charlie asked

"Close your eyes. Please" Angelo said

Charlie sighed again. Then she closed her eyes.

Angelo checked to see that Charlie had her eyes shut. When he knew they were shut, he walked up close to Charlie, bent down and put his face right near Charlie's. Only leaving enough room for her to see the face he had pulled.

"Open" Angelo said.

A smile and a slight laugh came from Charlie as she looked at Angelo.

He had pulled his mouth out sideways using two fingers, flared his nostrils with two others and opened his eyes with two other fingers.

"See, I told you I could get you to smile" Angelo said, proudly.

"Why do you want ot see me smile?" Charlie asked

"Same reason you like seeing me smile"

"What?" Charlie asked.

"You hate working in misery" Angelo replied.

Charlie looked once again at Angelo.

This time noticing his qualities.

He was caring, fun, loving, considerate.

Something that made Charlie smile with no trouble.

"So did you and Roman have another fight?" Angleo asked

"Excuse me?" Charlie asked

"Well, did you"

"None of your business" Charlie replied

"Well, it kinda is, I mean, if I have to work with you, and you've got that look on your face, I need to know what's made you like that. If anything, so I know I haven't done anything"

"Why do you care?"

"I like working with you Charlie, you're a great partner. And is Sarg. sees you miserable, he'll think I've upset you"

"Look, I know you're looking out for me, but you don't need to"

"You sure?" Angleo asked

"I'm sure." Charlie smiled. "Thanks for the coffee"

"Its alright. But when we go to the diner, you're buying me a doughnut" Angelo smiled.


"Are we going to talk about this?" Roman asked Charlie

"What more is there to say? I've told you, dad wanted me and Ruby to go to the city to see him and Morag"

"Charlie, you never told me. Why can't you tell me? I'm your boyfriend"

"Yea, when it suits you"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roman asked

"It was our two year anniversary three days ago, you never once showed me that you remembered. How do you think that made me feel? Angelo remembered. He gave me a rose"

"Yea, and you love that one rose more than anything I have ever given you"

"That is not true"

"I gave you a pair of earrings for your birthday. How many times have you worn them?"

"I can't wear those type of earrings for work. And you didn't give me them on my birthday. It was three weeks later, when Ruby reminded you. My own sister had to remind you"

"I had a few things going on"

"Yea, I know. You never talked to me about anything Roman, I'm your girlfriend, you should come talk to me. Thats what I'm here for"

"You didn't tell me about your dad"

"I didn't know until we got to the city! How many times have I got to tell you" Charlie shouted.

"This isn't working"

"I'll say"

"Look, I think the best thing for us to do is take a breather" Roman said

"You mean, break-up"

"I mean, we spend time away from each other, and see if that helps our relationship"

Charlie looked at Roman. He was serious.

"Fine" Charlie said as she tried to fight her tears.


Roman sat on the bed looking at the photo of him and Charlie.

Wishing his relationship would go back to how it used to be.

And wondering how it ended up the way it had.

He loved Charlie with all his heart.

But something was different.


Charlie sat on her bed, looking at the same picture Roman looked at.

She too, wondered how her relationship had hit this rocky patch.

They had a great relationship, but just recently, they seemed to fight more.

Charlie phone beeped.

It was Angelo.

A smile swept across her face as she picked her phone up.


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Whoa! Lots of comments. Thanks! :)

Chapter 2

Charlie looked over to the clock sitting on the table beside her.


Charlie sighed and looked up to the ceiling.

Roman was sound asleep.

Charlie through the covers off her, and headed out of the room, grabbing her dressing gown as she walked passed the edge of the bed.

When the door closed behind her, tears fell down her face.

Nicole opened her bedroom door.

Charlie went into the closet to hid from her.

Sleepily, Nicole walked into the bathroom.

Charlie waited until the bathroom door had shut to come out from the closet.

Charlie made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

She opened the cupboard and lifted out a cup.

She looked in the cupboard and saw the cup that Roman had given her when they had gone out on their first date.

Charlie smiled when she remember how it happened.

But she was soon brought out of if when her phone beeped.


23/6/2010 ANGELO

Are you awake?

No stupid question. Look, I know you were miserable at work.

I'm here to lend an ear if you need to talk to someone. X A X


Charlie smiled.

Thanks Angelo. But I'm ok.

See you at work XX


Angelo's phone beeped.

He took another swig out of his bottle before looking at his phone.


23/6/2010 CHARLIE

Thanks Angelo. But I'm ok.

See you at work XX


Angelo smiled.

I see you are still awake.

Look, I'm at Silverfish. Meet me here?

I'll go at 2.



Charlie's phone beeped again.

She looked at the screen.


Reading the message, a bigger smile appeared on her face.

Thanks, but I don't think I'll come out XX

As soon as the message was sent, Charlie regretted it.

She ran to the spare room and grabbed a tatty shirt, a pair of jeans and some flats.

Charlie quickly got dressed and put her hair up.

She then grabbed her keys and left the house.


"Mum" VJ shouted

"What's matter VJ?" Leah asked as she entered VJ's room

"I don't feel so good" VJ said

Leah looked at VJ. He was sweaty, but shivering, and to look at him, he was pale and not with it

"Oh my god, VJ" Leah said, panicked.

Leah took VJ in her arms and took him out to the car. She then got in and drove VJ to the hospital.

"I need some help!" Leah shouted as she ran into the hospital, holding VJ.

A doctor went over to Leah.

Taking one look at VJ, he immediately took VJ from Leah and into a room.

"Can you tell me how long he has been like this?" The doctor asked Leah as he examined VJ

"He came home from school two days ago, he'd been complaining of stomach pains. But then his temperature went up, and nothing was bringing it down, then it eventually went down, and then he shouted me tonight, and this is what he was like" Leah said, frantic.

"VJ could you tell me where the pain is, if you have any?" The doctor asked

VJ pointed to his stomach

"Can you describe it?"

"Like I'm been hit in the stomach by a footie" VJ said.

The doctor looked at Leah.

"I want to send him in for a scan, it sounds like appendicitis"

"Oh my god, is that serious?"

"Not if we catch it early. Which is why I would like to do a scan in the next hour" The doctor said as he wrote some notes.

"Of course Leah said as she looked at her pained son.

Leah looked at the clock.



Angelo placed the bottle on the bar top and paid the man.

Just as he was about to stand, Charlie came in.

Angelo smiled as he looked at her.

"Hi" Angelo said

"Hi" Charlie replied.

"I thought you weren't going to come" Angelo pointed out.

"I changed my mind" Charlie said.


The next morning

Leah woke up stiff. She had slept in the chair next to VJ's bed.

VJ was still asleep.

The drip that was going into his veins had knocked him out.

"Leah" The doctor said.

"Yes" Leah said as she stood up

"We got the test results back, I was right, it is appendicitis. And we have caught it in time. We are able to do the operation at eight this morning"

"In two hours?" Leah asked


"What will happen?" Leah asked

"We'll make an incision about an inch or two long and cut the appendix out. It shouldn't take longer than an hour" The doctor said

"Yea, do it"


Charlie wiped her mouth.

She woke up in the front seat of her car.

Her legs were in the passenger foot-well and her head,

"Ouch" Charlie said as she hit it on the steering wheel"

"I'll get it what flavor" Angelo said as he woke

"No flavor. Steering wheel" Charlie said as she sat up, holding her head. "What time is it?"

6:03" Angelo said

"What?" Charlie said as she turned around.

She laughed when she saw Angelo laying with his legs in the boot.

"How did we end up in here?" Charlie asked

"I have no idea. But it looked like we had fun trying to get in" Angelo said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you parked the car across the road. We're in the car, but in the field next to Silverfish"

"Crap! Roman will kill me!" Charlie said


"He needs the car today. Come one, I'll give you a lift back to your house"

"Charlie, we still have alcohol on our breath"

"Only you do, and if we get pulled, show them your badge. You'll be fine".



Roman sent out the last plates of food.

In a mood with himself as he clambered about in the kitchen

"Do you mind! People are trying to eat out there" Irene said as she put plates down on the work side


"What's got up your nose?" Irene asked

"Well, Leah isn't here to help out when she should have been here at eight, Charlie wasn't at home when I got up at 6:30 and I have no help in here" Roman said

"Look, Leah probably has a good reason for not showing up. And as for Charlie, she was probably on the early shift"


Leah stroked VJ's head as he slept.

VJ got out of surgery an hour and a half ago, and was still asleep from the anaesthetic.

The nurse came around to VJ's bed to check his drips.

"Look, you should go home. He'll be out like this for a while"

"I can't leave him" Leah said

"I promise I'll give you a call as soon as he shows signs of waking. He's only young so the anaesthetic has really knocked him, that and the morphine" the nurse said as she changed his morphine drip.

"You promise?" Leah asked

"I promise"


Leah walked in to the diner.

"About time" Roman snapped

"What?" Leah said

"You were supposed to be here like, two hours ago" Roman said guessing the times.

"I'm sorry, but I've had to take VJ to the hospital" Leah said

Roman stood speechless. He's had a go at Leah when she was worried about VJ.

"Sorry Leah, I should have known there was a reason" Roman said as he brought Leah close to him for a hug.

"Its fine" Leah said as she wiped a tear form her cheek

"Is he ok?"

"Yea, he went for an opeartion this morning, he had appendicitis. Doctors say he going to be ok though so" Leah told

Roman embraced Leah.

Leah smiled as she felt Romans strong arms around her.

But she felt bad, her son was laying in hospital, in pain and she was feeling Roman up.

"Look" Leah cleared her throat "I'd better go back to see VJ. He'll be waking up soon"

"Yea" Roman said as he let Leah out of his grasp.


"Coffee?" Georgina asked

"Yes please" Chalrie said as she took one from Georgina.

"So, what happend last night?" Georgina asked

"What?" Chalrie asked

"Come one, you and Roman have a fight, you need coffee to stay awake, that spells make up sex to me. Plus you have a smile on your face that wont go"

Charlie brought her hand to her mouth, Georgina was right, she did have a smile.

"Roman and I haven't made-up. In fact, I was up before him"

"Really?" Georgie asked with disbelief.

"I went out for some drinks. This is a hangover I have"

"And you're smiling about it? Strange" Georgie said before leaving the room.

Charlie sat back in her chair.

Angelo knocked on the door.

"Well I'm glad you look as rough as I do" Angelo said

"Thanks" Charlie laughed. "Look, about last night.."

"Don't. It was fun. We didn't do anything wrong, we're just two work friends who went out for a drink. Nothing more, nothing less, ok"

Angleo said.

Chalrie smiled. But felt dissapointed.

Angelo smiled. He too, felt dissapointed.


Thank you for the comments! They're so lovely! :)

Chapter 3

Leah sat on the chair next to VJ's bed.

VJ had woken up two hours previous.

"Mum, when can I go home?" VJ asked as he put his Nintendo down.

"The doctors just want to do a few more tests on you. And you still have an open wound, they want to keep you in for a little longer to make sure it heals properly" Leah replied as she stroked VJ's hair.

"Mum" VJ said


"Did I nearly die?" VJ asked

"No, why?" Leah asked

"Just because i thought it could be cool to say to my friends that I nearly died" VJ answered

Leah laughed slightly when she heard her sons explanation.

There was a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" Roman asked as he waved.

"Yea, course" Leah answered.

"Hey mate, how you feeling?" Roman asked VJ

"I'm ok." VJ answered.

"I got something for you. I know how boring hospitals can be" Roman said as he handed VJ a new game for his Nintendo.

"Cool!" VJ said as he took the car smashing game from Roman.

"Thanks Roman, but you didn't have to do this" Leah said

"Its no problem. Little man has been through enough. Oh, and I also got you this" Roman said as he handed Leah a monkey holding on to a rope with one hand.

"Hang in there" Leah read the writing with a laugh.

"Thought it would make you smile.

Leah's heart jumped.

"Look, sorry for the quick visit, but I'd better get back to the diner, Colleen's driving Irene crazy" Roman said as he waved.

"Yea, see you later Roman. And thanks" Leah smiled.

Leah watched as Roman walked down the corridor.

She smiled as she thought about what he had just done.

Wondering if her ever thought of her in the same way.

And wondering if anything could ever happen between them.

Leah was taken away from her thoughts when VJ called for her.


Roman sat in his car staring in front of him.

He saw a man help his pregnant wife out of the car.

He was holding a mat, obviously going to a birthing class.

He smiled.

Roman watched as the woman kissed her husband.

Romans then wondered, why his relationship with Charlie was deteriorating.

The smile went from his face.

Roman started the car and drove away from the hospital.

All he thought of on the drive was Charlie.

He wanted their relationship to go back to the way it was.

When they would surprise each other.

A thought crossed Romans mind.

Roman pulled over, took his phone out of his pocket and rang someone.

A smile appeared on his face.


"This is so boring" Charlie said as she slumped down in the seat.

"I know. But what can you do?" Angelo replied as he squashed another fly with his finger.

"You know, the flies don't like it when you do that" Charlie said as she looked at the 17 other flies on the window

"Well, I don't like been bothered by them" Angelo replied.

"Still doesn't mean you can do that to them"

"So can you think of what we can do?" Angelo asked

"No" Charlie replied

"Do what I'm doing. Its fun"

"No thanks, I don't want to spoil you boyish fun" Charlie said with a smile.

"Ok, so what do you want to talk about? The weather?" Angelo laughed

"Its raining. Loudly" Charlie answered

"With a chance of clear spells later in the day" Angelo laughed.

"With a high of 19 in the east" Charlie smiled

"We need to stop listening to the weather report" Angelo laughed

"Yea" Charlie replied.

"Coffee?" Angelo asked as he took the flask out of the back

"You did come prepared." Charlie answered as she nodded

"I'm a man of hidden talents" Angelo smiled.

Charlie took the coffee and had a drink.

"Traffic duty. Nothing worse" Charlie moaned.

"I got a joke" Angelo said as he sat up straight in his seat.

"What?" Charlie asked, not too impressed.

"I've got a joke. want to hear it?" Angelo asked

"Go on then" Charlie said, not amused.

"How do you repair a broken tomato?" Angelo said

"Don't know"

"Tomato Paste!" Angelo said

Charlie looked at Angelo. She smiled when she saw the big grin on his face.

"You idiot" Charlie laughed

"Told you it was good" Angelo said

"It wasn't that good"

"It passed the time slightly"

"Yea, slightly" Charlie answered

"So" Angelo asked

"So?" Charlie replied

"Do you want to talk about what's going on between you and Roman?" Angelo asked

"Not really no" Charlie replied

"Look. If you're not happy with him, why are you still together?" Angelo asked

Charlie looked out of the window.

She didn't know the answer.


"The wound looks good, you will have to clean in twice a day; once in the morning and once before bed, the dressing itself is easy enough, saline water to rinse the wound, then sorbsand on top of the wound, and then one of these dressings" The doctor told Leah as he showed her what she needed

"Can he still have baths though?" Leah asked, feeling stupid for asking a question like that.

"He can, but the bath can't go over the bandage. Its a pain I know, but its the only way to keep infection out. Once the wound heals he'll be fine to submerge under the water"

"How long will it take to heal?" Leah asked as she looked at all the dressings

"A wound that size? About two weeks, maybe a little longer" The doctor replied.

"Thank you" Leah said to the doctor as he walked out of the room.

"Does this mean I can go home now?" VJ asked as he sat up.

"Yea. I'll pack your things" Leah smiled.


Roman arrived back at the house.

"Nicole?" He shouted.

Nicole and Ruby walked through the kitchen


"Hi Ruby"

"Hi Roman"

"Nic, I don't suppose you could sleep over at someones house tonight could you?"

"I could see if Irene will let me stay. Why?"

"Just planning a night with Charlie"

"Ok, I shouldn't have just heard that" Ruby said as she walked to the front door

"Sorry Rubes" Roman said

"Its fine, just creepy to now what Charlie will be up to tonight" Ruby replied

"See you later Rubes" Nicole said as Ruby opened the door

"Yea, see you" Ruby replied.

"So what are you going to be doing tonight?" Nicole asked

"I'm going to see if I can get Charlie to tell me whats wrong. And if you are in the house, we can't shout"

"Is that what you think your relationship is now? Fights?" Nicole asked

"That's all we do Nic. Fight. If its not about work, its about little things like earrings, and if its not earrings, then its work"

"Dad, you just have to find a balance" Nicole said

"Whoa. I did hear you right. My seventeen year old daughter giving me relationship advice?"

"Yea you did. I've lived with mum long enough"


The rain became heavier.

Visibility on the road became difficult.

"I can barely see" Angelo said

"Slow down" Charlie said

"I'm going to have to pull over. This is too dangerous to drive" Angelo said.

Angelo pulled the car into the side of the road.

A loud noise was heard

"What the hell was that?" Charlie asked

"I dunno. Let me go see"

Angelo got out of the car.

Charlie followed.

"Perfect" Angelo said as he looked at the car, bellied on a boulder.

"How are we supposed to get that off?" Charlie asked.

"I have no idea" Angelo replied.

Charlie and Angelo stood looking at the mess made.

Getting soaked as the rain pelted on their backs.

Charlie's eyes followed Angelo as he looked around the car for idea on how to free the car.

She smiled.

"I think I'm well and truly stuck" Angelo said.

"Lets see" Charlie said as Angelo stood up.

Angelo looked at Charlie as she did the same as what he had just done.

A smile appeared on Angelo's face.

Charlie stood up.

They looked into each others eyes.

Smiled at each other when........


Thank you for the lovely comments :)

Chapter 4.

"All available units requested for back up. Car 453" The voice over the radio said.

"Hold that thought" Angelo said as he walked away from Charlie.

He swore under his breath.

"Car 453. Rosetta and Buckton unable to assist. Over"

"Car 453. Copy that" The voice said.

Angelo walked back to Charlie.

"Where were we?" Angelo said as he stood back where he was.

"I think we should try to get the car out. Either that or start to walk back to town" Charlie said.

Angelo turned around.

Both their faces fell.

If control hadn't radioed them, what would have happened?

A smile appeared on their faces.

"We should take everything we can out of the car, guns, bullets, phones. Just in case someone comes across the car" Angelo said as he opened the door.

"Perfect. Don't suppose there is a coat or brolly in there?" Charlie said as she rung out her hair.

Angelo watched. Mesmerized.

"Angelo?" Charlie said as she looked at Angelo.

"What?" Angelo said as he came back

"You spaced" Charlie said.

"I was thinking" Angelo lied.

"Fair enough".


"Mum!" VJ shouted from the front room.

"Yea?" Leah said as she came into the room.

"Can we go out? I'm bored" VJ said

"VJ, we can't go out, not until I've got the ok from your doctor."


"VJ. Look, I was so scared when you were in hospital. I didn't know what was going to happen. So I don't want to have you back in the hospital, you might think its boring, but, I don't want to go through that again" Leah told the young boy.

"Ok. Want to play tennis on the Wii?" VJ smiled

"Sure. But don't get upset when you loose" Leah said

"Mum, I'll win" VJ smiled

"We'll see" Leah said as she put the Wii on.


Roman sat on the couch.

Waiting for Charlie to walk through the door.

Nicole was at Irene's, Ruby was at Xavier's,.

Everything would be perfect.

He looked at his watch. 6:54PM

Charlie finished work at 7.

She'd be home at 7:15.


"Angelo" Charlie said.

"What?" Angelo answered

"Look" Charlie said as she pointed to the bush

"What is it?" Angelo asked

"I don't know. Go have a look" Charlie said as she pushed Angelo forward

Angelo waded through the tall grass. And squat behind the bush.

Making a small hole in the bush, Angelo looked through.

"Charlie" He whispered

Charlie followed Angelo's path.

"Oh my god" Charlie said.

They watched.

Two men and a woman walked in and out of a building.

Each time, carrying something different.

"What do you think they are?" Charlie asked

"I don't know. Come one, we'd better take a closer look"

Angelo crept froward.

Charlie right behind.



Roman tapped his fingers.

He glanced at his phone.


He looked through his phone book.







Roman pressed green.

You've reached Charlie Buckton. I can't get to the phone so please leave a message.

"Typical" Roman said as he threw his phone on the chair.


Leah turned the light off in VJ's room.

She smiled as she closed the door.

VJ was home and going to be ok.

Leah walked into the front room and sat on the couch.

She looked at VJ's games that were laying on the floor.

Leah picked up the game that Roman had bought for VJ.

Leah looked at her finger.

The ring glistened in the sun.

Her husband walked over to her and swept her off her feet.

"I love you Mrs. Harris"

"I love you, Mr. Harris" Leah smiled back

Leah put the game down.

She cupped her face in her hands.

Why was she thinking about Roman as her husband?



Roman walked up and down the living room.

Charlie finished work an hour and a half ago.

She should have been home.

Its these fights we've been having. She's left me.

Roman grabbed his keys and his phone and walked out of the house.



Angelo and Charlie had hidden themselves behind a metal wheel.

They kept looking over at the building to see what was going on.

"Do we call for back up?" Charlie asked

"We don't know if we need back up" Angelo said

"Can you see anything?"

"Only statues" Angelo said

"Statues?" Charlie replied


"What kind?"

"I don't know. They're armless"

"You don't know that, there maybe drugs in them"

"No, I mean, they have no arms" Angelo laughed

"Oh right" Charlie said as she blushed.

"Freeze" A man said as he aimed a gun at Charlie and Angelo.

Angelo and Charlie slowly turned around.

"Stand up" The man said

Angelo and Charlie looked at each other. Slowly they rose to their feet.

"Came alone? Where's you're car?" The man asked

"Over there" Angelo pointed

"Why didn't we hear you" The man asked

"The car wasn't driven" Angelo answered

"A comedian? Well, lets see if you find this funny" The man turned his head, still aiming the gun "Bobby!"

Another man came to where Charlie and Angelo were.

"Looks like we have a little trouble" Bobby said.

The other man -Clyde- nodded.

"You take him. I'll have the girl" Bobby smirked.

Charlie wriggled as Bobby grabbed her.

"Get your hands off her!" Angelo shouted as he threw a punch at Bobby.

Bobby turned around and punched Angelo.

Angelo fell to the ground.

"No!" Charlie shouted as Bobby threw her over his shoulder.

Clyde grabbed Angelo.

Angelo flopped over Clyde's shoulder.

As the two men carried Charlie and Angelo to the building, the woman closed the doors to the van.

Charlie watched carefully.

"Next time, keep your noses out" Clyde said as he dropped Angelo to the floor.

Bobby placed Charlie on the floor.

She tried to got to Angelo's side, but Clyde stopped her.

"Do gooder" Clyde said as he touched Charlie's arm.

"Get your hands off me" Charlie spat.

"Calm down" Clyde said as Charlie struggled to loosen herself from Clyde.

"Don't waste your time" Yasmin said as she looked into Charlie's eyes. "Come on babe, we got everything we need"

Clyde looked at Charlie.

He brought her close to him.

Charlie trembled with fear.

"Adios" Clyde said. He then kissed Charlie on the lips and pushed her back.

Charlie's head made contact with the wall.

She slid down the wall.

She watched as the doors closed.

She heard as the chain was locked.


Everything went into darkness.


"Another pint please mate" Roman said as he took his wallet out of his pocket.

"Need company?" A woman said to Roman

"No, thanks" Roman said

"Neither do I" The woman said as she sat on the stool beside Roman

"Can I get a dirty martini please" The woman told the bar man.

Roman looked at his watch.


"You waiting for someone?" The woman asked


"Then why have you kept looking at your watch and the door since you came in?"

"Its something I do alright?" Roman snapped.

"Ok, sorry" The woman said.

"No, I'm sorry. I've got a few problems at home, and I shouldn't be taking them out on you" Roman said

"That's ok. I'm Pamela" Pamela said as she held her hand out

"Roman" Roman said as he shook Pamela's hand.

Roman and Pamela smiled at each other and began to talk.



Wow! Lots of comments!

Thank you! I really appreciate them :)

And its nice to see you all have different takes on this.

Chapter 5

Roman awoke the following morning.

He glanced at his watch. 5:13AM.

Roman then looked to the woman on his left.

She was blond.

Charlie isn't blond.

Roman sat up quickly.

What had he done?

Should he wake the woman up? Or leave?

Roman quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

He saw the woman's clothes dotted around the room.

"Crap" Roman said under his breath.

"What's the rush honey?" The woman said as she walked down the stairs.

"I've, got to go" Roman said as he put his foot in his shoe.

"Oh, Charlie?" The woman said as she picked up a bottle of wine

"How do you know Charlie?" Roman asked

"Its all you talked about last night. Even after we came back here. I gotta tell ya, a new girl doesn't like the guy to talk endlessly about his ex"

"Charlie isn't my ex" Roman said

"Didn't sound that way to me" The woman said

"Look, I don't know who you think you are, I can't remember your name, but Charlie and I have hit a rough patch, we'll work it out" Roman said.

"Again, not what you were saying last night" The woman said.

"Quick question, then I'll go"


Roman looked at the woman.

"No, we didn't. You wanted to, and believe me, I wanted to, but, I couldn't have sex with you when you kept saying Charlie"

"Ok" Roman said.

"Its, Pamela"

"What?" Roman asked

"My name. Its Pamela"

Roman smiled at Pamela. Then walked out of the house.


Two hours earlier

Angelo woke up with banging head.

Raising to his feet, Angelo tried to get the door open.

He felt his belt for a torch, but he couldn't feel it.

"Crap" Angelo said.

Angelo looked around, the moonlight lit up parts of the warehouse where he was.

He saw silhouettes of boxes and an odor of substances.

Angelo scratched his head.

Was Charlie right about drugs been in?

"Charlie. Where is Charlie?" Angelo said when he realized Charlie could be in danger.

Angelo turned around.

He wobbled a bit when his head became woozy.

"Charlie?" Angelo said when he saw something on the floor.

Angelo walked over to object on the floor.

"Ow!" Angelo said when he kicked a metal tube.

He heard a murmur.


Angelo heard the murmur again.

Angelo squinted to see if helped.

He sat down beside where he heard the noise.

He felt as her chest moved up and down.

He felt the coldness of her body.

Angelo wrapped himself around Charlie.

NOW 5:13AM

Angelo woke when the sunlight caught his eye.

"Oh my god., Charlie" Angelo said when he looked at his hand.


Angelo rolled Charlie over on to her back.

Dried blood marked her face from the wound on her head.

"Don't die, please don't die" Angelo said as he took his shirt off to cover the wound.

After Angelo was sure that the wound was covered, he took his phone out and called an ambulance.



Rang the alarm in Ruby's ear.

"Ugh!" She said as her arm stretched over to hit the button.


Ruby stared at the ceiling.

"Darl? You up?" Irene shouted

'If I wasn't before, I am now' Ruby thought to herself. "Yea" Ruby shouted

Ruby threw her covers off her and got out of bed.

Opening the door, Irene was stood on the other side.

"Whoa, Irene" Ruby said as she suddenly stopped in her tracks

"Ruby, Its Charlie" Irene said

"What? What is it?" Ruby asked, looking at Irene's concerned face

"Angelo has just phone from the hospital, Charlie has suffered a head injury and is in theatre"

"Oh my god!" Ruby said.

"Wait, where are you going?" Irene said as Ruby ran passed her

"My sister is in the hospital, I have to be there for her" Ruby said

"But you're still in your pajamas" Irene said as she followed Ruby.


"Yea, sure. I can come in" Leah said as she looked concerned. "Alright, bye"

"What's wrong?" VJ asked

"Why are you up this early?" Leah asked as she turned to face her son

"The phone woke me up." VJ said

"Irene is busy today so she has asked if I can cover her shift" Leah told VJ

"But, whose looking after me? Not Aunty Colleen" VJ said

Leah laughed "No, not Colleen. Rachel."

VJ smiled


Leah walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see Roman chopping salad and vegetables.

"Erm, Roman. Should you be here?" Leah asked

"I work here don't I?" Roman asked

"I mean, what happened last night"

"How do you know?" Roman asked

"Irene told me"

"How does Irene know?" Roman asked. "Never mind, look, nothing happened"


"Last night, nothing happened. I met a girl, went back to hers, but nothing happened" Roman said as he faced Leah.

Leah stared at Roman.

"Leah? What's wrong?"

Leah stood. her mouth opened in disbelief in what Roman had just confessed.

"You were with another woman?" Leah said

"It wasn't like that. Charlie and I had a fight, I tried to make it up to her, she never showed. So I went to a bar, that's when Pamela came over and started to talk to me"


"Look, I know what you're thinking. But you can't make me feel any more worse then I feel right now"

"I wasn't talking about that woman" Leah said

"Then what were you talking about?" Roman asked

"Charlie is in the hospital. She suffered a head injury last night and was rushed in this morning"

Roman's heart sank.

"Oh my god" Roman said.

He ran out of the diner, nearly sending Colleen flying.

"Slow down you mongrel!" Colleen shouted.


On the drive to the hospital, Roman thought about what he had done. Or nearly done.

He should have known there would be a reason why Charlie was late.


Thanks for the comments! :)

I enjoy reading them :):wub:

Chapter 6

The doors hit the walls on either side as Ruby burst through them.

"Where is she?" Ruby demanded with tears streaming down her face

"Who?" A nurse asked

Ruby looked around. She didn't see Roman or Angelo, or anyone who knew Charlie.

"Charlie Buckton"

"Are you family?" The nurse asked as she looked at her papers

"I'm her sister. Please, let me see her" Ruby begged.

"She's still in theater, you can wait here though"

"I don't want to wait here. I want to see my sister!" Ruby demanded

"This is where Charlie will be coming after surgery. I suggest you take a seat" The nurse replied.

Ruby nodded. Tears still falling sown her face.

Irene ran up to Ruby.

"Come here" Irene said as she opened her arms to Ruby.

Ruby looked up at Irene. She couldn't fight the tears anymore. Ruby embraced Irene's arms and burst into tears.

Irene gently stroked her hair and whispered 'Shhh' whilst rocking Ruby slightly.


"I'm fine, it was just a punch" Angelo said as he tried to get out of the room

"I'm sorry Mr. Rosetta, but until I'm sure you're ok, I'm not letting you go"

Angelo glared at the doctor.

He could see where the doctor was coming from, but at this moment in time, he didn't care about himself, all he cared about was Charlie.

"Doctor, you're needed in the ER" A nurse said as she opened the door.

"Excuse me" The doctor said to Angelo.

Angelo smiled and put his hand up.

When the door had closed, Angelo counted to twenty.

Angelo then rose to his feet, walked to the door and opened it. Carefully peering out of the door to make sure he could walk out.

As he closed the door behind him, Angelo whistled to himself as he walked down the corridor.


"No, I'm sorry. I've got a few problems at home, and I shouldn't be taking them out on you" Roman said

"That's ok. I'm Pamela" Pamela said as she held her hand out

"Roman" Roman said as he shook Pamela's hand.

Roman and Pamela smiled at each other and began to talk.

'How can I tell a complete stranger I'm having problems at home, but I can't talk to my own girlfriend about?' Roman thought as he drove into a space at the hospital.

The time from finding out about Charlie until now, felt like days.

Roman wiped the two tears on his cheek.

One for Charlie.

And one for what he nearly did...


"Where's Irene?" Colleen asked as she walked into the kitchen

"Morning to you too" Leah said as she finished switching appliances on

"Sorry love. Where's Roman?" Colleen asked.

Leah sighed. "Charlie is at the hospital, Roman is there now, and Irene took Ruby" Leah said

"Oh my god. Poor girl." Colleen said. "What happened?"

"Colleen!" Leah said as she turned around sharply

"I was only asking"

"Charlie is in the hospital. The details of how she ended up their are no ones business except the police. Butt out" Leah said.

Colleen stood, dumbfounded by the outburst from Leah.

Leah walked out of the diner and onto the pier.

Leah remember the conversation she and Roman had earlier that morning

"I mean, what happened last night"

"How do you know?" Roman asked

"Irene told me"

"How does Irene know?" Roman asked. "Never mind, look, nothing happened"


"Last night, nothing happened. I met a girl, went back to hers, but nothing happened" Roman said as he faced Leah.

Leah stared at Roman.

"Leah? What's wrong?"

Leah stood. her mouth opened in disbelief in what Roman had just confessed.

"You were with another woman?" Leah said

"It wasn't like that. Charlie and I had a fight, I tried to make it up to her, she never showed. So I went to a bar, that's when Pamela came over and started to talk to me"


"Look, I know what you're thinking. But you can't make me feel any more worse then I feel right now"

"I wasn't talking about that woman" Leah said

"Then what were you talking about?" Roman asked

"Charlie is in the hospital. She suffered a head injury last night and was rushed in this morning"

Roman's heart sank.

"Oh my god" Roman said.

Leah didn't know what to think.

'How could Roman do -or at least contemplate to- cheat on Charlie? I thought he had morals.

That's one of the reasons I li...'

Leah shook her head to come out of her thoughts.

Should she be a good friend to Charlie and tell her what Roman told her?

Or/ should she see if Roman is man enough to say what he did?


The phone vibrated.

The woman staggered up to the phone.




The woman looked at the name on the screen


The woman pressed to listen to the voice messages.


Time of message; 5:47AM


Angelo walked around the corner to find Ruby in Irene's arms.

Ruby looked over to Angelo.

"Angelo" Ruby said as she broke away from Irene.

"Rubes" Angelo said as he held the teen in his arms.

"What happened?" Ruby asked

"Our car got stuck and we stared to walk back to town. But we saw something and went to check it out. Next thing we know, Charlie has a gun aimed at her head, and we're been hauled to a warehouse. I don't really remember getting in the building, I think I took a punch but Charlie. I don't know what happened.

I woke up with her in my arms and there was blood coming from her head" Angelo said, breaking down

"Come here" Irene said as she walked over to Ruby and Angelo.

The three of them stood. Holding each other. Leaning on each other for support.



Thank you so much for the comments!

Chapter 7


Was all that was heard in the room.

A fuzzy line swept across the screen.

Charlie lay asleep in the bed.

Her face bruised with a couple of scratches near her eye.

A white bandage covered the gash in her head caused by the blow to the wall.

Charlie's eyes fluttered.

Staring at the ceiling, Charlie panicked.

"Someone's buzzing in here" Anurse said as she entered Charlie's room.

Ruby and Angelo looked over from where they were stood.


Roman took a deep breath. He'd arrived at the hospital thirty minutes earlier, but felt like he had betrayed Charlie.

'Ok, now' Roman said to himself as he tried to take another step forward.

"Do you need help there?" A doctor called out

"No, I'm good thanks" Roman said.

The doctor smiled at Roman. Roman -feeling stupid- walked through the doors and up to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for Charlie Buckton's room" Roman said as he tapped on the desk

"Are you family?" The woman at the desk asked

"I'm her boyfriend" Roman replied

"Ok. Stop tapping on my desk please" The woman said before looking on her computer. "Yea, she's in room 234. Just down the corridor" The woman said

"Thank you"


Roman walked up to Ruby.


"Where the hell have you been!" Ruby said as she hit Roman on the arm repeatedly.

"I just got here" Roman said in defense

"Leah called you, she called you" Ruby sobbed.

"Come here" Angelo said as he brought her close to him

Roman looked on, feeling like a spare part.

The nurse walked out of the room.

"How is she?" Angelo asked as he, Ruby, Roman and Irene looked up

"Charlie is awake, and everything looks promising. You can go see her, although, can we keep it to family please" The nurse said .

Ruby pulled away from Angelo and ran into the room. Roman followed, swallowing hard as he did so.

Irene and Angelo looked at each other and smiled.

"Irene..." Angelo began

"Hey, it's not your fault." Irene said as she gave Angelo a hug.

"It should have been me"


"Rubes" Charlie smiled when she saw Ruby enter the room

"Hey" Ruby said lovingly.

Charlie smiled at Ruby. "You ok?"

"Me? I'm not the one with a bandage on my head. What were you doing out there?"

Charlie's eyes followed Angelo as he looked around the car for idea on how to free the car.

She smiled.

"I think I'm well and truly stuck" Angelo said.

"Lets see" Charlie said as Angelo stood up.

Angelo looked at Charlie as she did the same as what he had just done.

A smile appeared on Angelo's face.

Charlie stood up.

They looked into each others eyes.

Smiled at each other when........

Charlie smiled. "Angelo and I were driving back to the police station. And he couldn't see. The car got stuck so we started to walk"

Ruby looked at Charlie, as Charlie told Ruby what happened, she noticed a slight smile on Charlie's bruised face "We came across a building where some guys were doing something. Next thing I know, I'm falling down the wall with blood pouring out of my head". Ruby took hold of Charlie's hand and squeezed it tenderly.

Charlie hadn't noticed Roman at the foot of the bed.

"Hi Charlie" Roman said, with his head slightly lowered.

"Hey" Charlie smiled

"How are you?" Roman asked, knowing it wasn't the brightest of things to ask.

"Head hurts" Charlie replied.

Ruby looked at Charlie and Roman, she could feel the tenseness in the room. "I'll go check on Angelo, see how he's doing"

"Could you tell him thanks" Charlie asked before Ruby left the room.

"Sure" Ruby replied, smiling at Charlie before shutting the door.


"Hey mate, when I've cleaned up these pots, we can go shopping if you like?" Rachel said to VJ

"Sure" VJ replied, unenthusiastically.

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked


"There's something bothering you. Listen, I can help if you talk to me you know?" Rachel told VJ

"Mum has never left me when I've been poorly"

"VJ, your mum couldn't help this. She didn't want to leave you with me" Rachel said.

"I know. Aunty Charlie is at the hospital, so mum had to work for Roman. I know"

"Aunty Charlie?" Rachel asked

"Yea. Charlie is cool. She plays footie with me, lets me have ice cream. She's cool."

"You know, if Charlie heard you tell her this it may help her get better. And the sooner Charlie gets better..."

"The sooner mum can look after me" VJ smiled. "Can we got to the hospital now to see her?" VJ asked with a grin on his face.

"Let me just ring the hospital, and your mum, to see if we can., alright?" Rachel said.

"Yea. Thank you Rachel" VJ smiled.


Roman stood at the foot of the bed, unsure of what to say. He was racked with guilt, but why should he be? He never slept with Pamela, only had a couple of drinks with her. And all he would talk about was Charlie. So he obviously loves Charlie.

"Roman?" Charlie said

"What?" Roman said

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. You?" Roman asked

Charlie looked confused. "Roman, whats bothering you?" Charlie asked

"Nothing" Roman replied

"Roman, something if obviously wrong. You're jumpy, not completely here, there's something you're hiding" Charlie said

"There's nothing" Roman said again.



Charlie sat in the front room at her home.

She wasn't wearing the bandage anymore, instead, it was a plaster that covered all the wound. The scratches on Charlie's face had healed, but the bruising was still obvious- her eye had a lovely purple tint-.

"Charlie, I'm going out for like, an hour. I'll be back as soon as I can. Is there anything you need?" Ruby asked

"For you to stop worrying about me" Charlie said as she smiled at Ruby.

"You only came out of the hospital yesterday. And Roman hasn't shown any signs of helping" Ruby said


"Well he hasn't! Come on, you have to admit, ever since he came to see you in the hospital last week, he's not been his self"

"Ok, I'll give you that. You don't think its this do you?" Charlie said as she pointed to the plaster.

"If it is, then he's a jerk."


"What? Well, he's leaving you to fend for yourself"

"Ruby, I have a small wound on my head with a couple of bruises and some scratches, I can take care of myself"

"What about the emotional trauma"

"What about it?"

"You haven't talked about what happened, not really, and Roman hasn't shown any interest"

"I don't want him to" Charlie said

"Fine. I'm going. Is there anything you want?" Ruby asked for the last time

"No, thanks" Charlie replied.


Angelo sat at his desk.

"Angelo" Ruby called out.

"Jeez" Angelo said after jumping out of his skin

"Did I scare you?" Ruby asked

"Only a little. What can I help you with Ruby?"


"Why? What's wrong?" Angelo asked as he rose from his seat.

Ruby saw something that she never saw in Roman.

Angelo looking worried. And genuinely caring towards Charlie following what had happened.

'Charlie and Angelo' Ruby thought to herself.


Roman stood in the diner holding a sharp knife.

Thoughts of that night went through his mind.

"Don't you ever answer your flipping phone?" Irene asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"What?" Roman asked

"Your phone? I've been ringing you for ages!" Irene said.

Roman's eyes widened. Pamela had his phone.....


Pamela played with the phone. Wondering if she should return the phone.


Pamela stood up, grabbed her keys and headed for the door.

'Summer Bay' Pamela said to herself, trying to remember where Roman said he was from.



:) Thank you so much for the comments! I love reading them! :)

Chapter 8 (Picking up where Chapter 7 finished)

"Irene, I gotta go" Roman said as he took his apron off.

"What's the rush?" Irene asked

"I forgot, Charlie asked me to pick her some medication up from the chemist. She'll kill me if I don't go and pick them up"

"Alright, tell her to get better soon and I'll be around to visit her" Irene shouted as Roman ran out of the diner.


"Charlie?" Angelo said when he saw Charlie walk in through the door of the station.

"Yea?" Charlie answered

"What are you doing here?"

"I work here" Charlie smiled

"I know, but, shouldn't you be at home. Resting?" Angelo pointed out

"I can't sat and stare at those four walls any longer. I feel like an inmate"

Angelo laughed. "Well, I do. Roman is barely at home, when I get up in the morning he's gone out to work, when I go to bed he's still out. I don't know why. All I want to do is talk to him, sort things out"

Angelo looked at Charlie. He saw the tears well up in her eyes, but Charlie held them back. "Look, I know I'm just a colleague, but if you ever need someone to listen, I'll be here. With a big ear"

Charlie laughed. "Thanks Angelo"

"So firstly, I need you to go home" Angelo said as he pointed to the door.


"Charlie, you've just come out of hospital, you still have the stitches in your head, you look like Hermann Munster!"

"Thanks Angelo" Charlie said as she playfully hit Angelo on the arm.

"Now you're abusing me. Another reason to go home" Angelo said as he smiled at Charlie.

"Fine. But I'm not going home" Charlie said

"Where are you going them"

"We are going out" Charlie said


"You and me"


"Your shift finished half an hour ago. And seem as though I get bored at home, and you wont let me back to work, I thought I could take you somewhere for some lunch. As a thank you for saving my life" Charlie smiled

"I didn't do that" Angelo said,

"Angelo, you did, stop been so modest. I'm taking you out" Charlie repeated.

Angelo smiled as he watched Charlie walk out of the station in front of him.

'Finally' He whispered to himself.


"Pamela!" Roman said as he banged on the door. "Come on I know you're in!"

"Excuse me?! Some of us are trying to get some shut-eye. Could you keep the noise down?" A neighbor shouted out of her window

"Sorry, I'm just looking for Pamela" Roman said to the woman

"Pamela? Sorry, she doesn't work through the day" The woman said.

"Right. Do you know where she is?" Roman asked

"She left here about half an hour ago, something about spring bay?"

"Summer bay?" Roman asked

"That might be it, look, I have only just got in after a night out with my mates, I don't know the full details. But I would appreciate you leaving, and shutting the hell up!" The woman shouted before slamming her window down.

"Crap" Roman said to himself


"Excuse me?" Pamela said to the waitress "Could you tell me where Summer Bay is?"

"Yea, get yourself on the main road, head toward the hospital and there should be a sign telling you where to go" The waitress answered

"Thank you" Pamela said

Roman's phone vibrated


"VJ?" Leah shouted as she walked into the living room

"In here mum!" VJ shouted from his bedroom

"Hey, mate. How you feeling?" Leah asked

"I'm a lot better now. I want to go back to school though. I'm bored." VJ said as he slumped down in his bed

Leah laughed slightly "You sound just like Charlie. Maybe you two should stop hanging out with each other."

"No, I like Charlie"

"I know, Rachel told me about your little chat last week"

"I hope it helped. Charlie is cool" VJ said

"Hey, I'll talk to your teacher a little later, see if you can go back on Monday"

"But that's ages away" VJ moaned

"Its four days away" Leah said

"What day is it?" VJ asked

"Thursday" Leah reminded him

"I hate Thursdays"


"Nah, straight through to answer" Charlie said as she hung up her phone and let out a long sigh

"Any thing I can help with?" Angelo asked

"Find out why he's been so distant. Why he doesn't want to talk about our relationship, does he think that the spark has gone, is it something I have done? Want me to continue?" Charlie asked as she looked at Angelo

"Its nothing you have done. Trust me." Angelo smiled

"See, how can you know that?"Charlie asked

"I've seen how you are when you're together. You love each other, you're just going through a rough patch" Angelo said

"You think?" Charlie asked

"I know" Angelo smiled

"Angelo, you're such a good friend" Charlie said.

Angelo didn't know what to say. So he smiled.

Time passed and neither had realized that theirs hands were held on the side of the table. That they were leaned into each other. That they looked like a couple on a date.

A waiter came over and knocked them out of their trance.

"Can I get you anything else?" The waiter asked

"No thanks" Angelo said after clearing his throat.

Charlie and Angelo pulled their hands away from each other.

"Look.." Angelo began to speak

"Don't. We're just friends" Charlie said

"Just friends" Angelo smiled back.

But it was obvious, they both wanted more....


"Can I help you?" Charlie asked as she went to her front door.

"Hi, I'm Pamela, I have Roman's phone. He left it at my place last week"


Thank you for the comments! :):wub:

This chapter has more to do with Charlie/Roman then anyone else. They still have parts, but just not as dominant as Roman and Charlie ;)

Chapter 9

"Last week?" Charlie asked as she got her key out of her bag

"Yea, He left it at my place. He was in a bit of a rush to leave" Pamela said as she moved away to let Charlie unlock the door.

"Ok, well, thanks, I'll give it to him when I see him" Charlie smiled as she took the phone

"Wait, aren't you going to ask me in? Or ask why Roman was at mine?" Pamela asked as she pulled the phone back towards her.

"To tell you the truth, and I'm not trying to be rude, I have a banging head, I just need time to my self. I'll tell Roman you dropped by though" Charlie said as she went to grab the phone out of Pamela's hand

"I don't think you understand. I'm not leaving until I see Roman" Pamela said as she put her hand on Charlie's shoulder, holding Charlie back

"Fine, you wait here, I'm going in" Charlie said

"Who are you? By the way. I told you who I was, don't you think its polite to tell me yours?" Pamela said as she blocked Charlie's path to the door.

"I don't have to tell you anything" Charlie said.

"Fine." Pamela said as she sat herself down on the step.

Charlie shook her head in disbelief.

'Last week? I had my accident then' Charlie suddenly thought to herself.

Charlie sighed. She didn't want to ask Pamela the question, but she knew she had to. "Sorry, what day was Roman at yours?" Charlie asked

"Awe, so you want to know?" Pamela asked, sarcastically

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Charlie asked

"Fine. Last Wednesday night, well, actually it was more like Thursday" Pamela replied

Charlie eyes glazed over.

"Hello?" Pamela said as she waved her hand in front of Charlie's face.

Charlie stood there. Frozen to the spot. Her eyes focussed on something in the distance. Her thoughts to Tuesday and Wednesday of the previous week.

Roman and her had had another fight about nothing -something which was an indicator that their relationship wasn't going so well- And they hadn't spoken about the fight when they woke up the next day. Charlie remembered receiving texts from Angelo and meeting up with him on the Tuesday, and then doing traffic duty on the Wednesday -complete with hangover and fantasizing about her and Angelo- and then waking up in the hospital on the Thursday night.

"What night?" Charlie asked, her voice shaky -almost as if she were about to cry-

"Wednesday or Thursday. My nights seem to merge together"

"I don't care about your nights. What happened between you and Roman?" Charlie demanded

"Nothing. Well, we did have a few drinks, made out a little, harmless messing around, but no sex. A real downer" Pamela remembered.

Charlie stood. The words she was hearing made her feel sick. "Then what?"

"God, I wanted sex, and I think he did too, well, that's what his body language was telling me, but he kept going on about his ex -Charlie-, I tell ya, if he wasn't so cute, I'd have thrown him out of my house"

"When did Roman leave?" Charlie asked, whilst inside she was dying.

"He left the next morning. But I caught him leaving. He said something about work, or jerk, I don't know. But he did ask me if we had sex."

"Anything else?" Charlie asked as she tried desperately not to hit the slapper

"He talked about problems in his relationship" Pamela said as she played with Roman's phone.

Just then, Roman pulled up to the gate.

"Oh, here's Roman now. I should just give him this now. Thanks for listening..." Pamela broke off to find out Charlie's name

Roman's face dropped when he saw Pamela stood near Charlie. He edged closer to the house. "Charlie, I can explain"

"Charlie?" Pamela asked, confused.

"Charlie" Charlie said, using her strength.

Pamela's mouth widened. She'd revealed everything to Charlie.

"Leave here now. Don't look back, just leave" Charlie said sternly to Pamela, who retreated quickly.

"Charlie! I can explain!" Roman said as he ran over to the front door, hoping to catch Charlie before she shut the door in his face.


Angelo walked into the diner with a smile on his face.

Ruby slurped the last part of her milkshake and made her way to Angelo.

"Got wind Angelo?" Ruby said as she sat down opposite Angelo

"No, why?" Angelo asked, slightly confused.

"You've got a grin on your face that could get you a job in Alice in Wonderland" Ruby smiled

Angelo raised his hand to his face, he felt the curve of his lips forming a smile. A smile that Charlie had put there.

"I had lunch with Charlie" Angelo said

Ruby smiled slightly. Even though Roman was a nice guy, she never really thought much of them as a couple -more like friends- now Angelo, every time Charlie came home from the station it was Angelo this and Angelo that. It was nice to see.

"My sister put that smile on your face, with conversation?" Ruby asked

"I don't know if I should be talking about this to you" Angelo said as he leaned closer to Ruby.


"You're sixteen"

"So?" Ruby said

"Shouldn't you be hating your sister, pissing off your dad and hanging out with your mates?" Angelo asked.

"Nope. I'd rather be here. Getting the juicy gossip. Can't get rid of me Angelo".

"Not even if you go to get me a burger with fries and a coke?" Angelo asked

"I'll get you that, but I will be back" Ruby smiled.

Angelo sat back in his chair.

Thinking about what good a couple he and Charlie would be. He loved working alongside her, he loved the conversations they shared, everything about Charlie he loved. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her. And when he woke up next to her in the warehouse, for a brief moment, he got a glimpse of what every morning could be like.

But, how could Charlie and I be a couple? Charlie is with Roman, and Charlie works alongside me, and we are friends. It might not work out


With VJ fast asleep. Leah poured herself a glass of wine, took her shoes off and put her favourite romance on; An Officer And A Gentleman.

When Richard Gere walked up to Debra Winger and scooped her up in his arms, Leah thought about that been her and Roman.

Roman would walk into the kitchen at the diner wearing the white suit, and scoop Leah up in his arms and passionately kiss her. But one thing stood in the way of all this fantasizing. Charlie.

Charlie is one of my best friends. How can I be thinking of been with Roman when she is with him? I'm an awful person for thinking this.

But then Leah looked at her mantel piece. She looked in the center. A picture of Charlie and her stood proud.

Then Leah though back to what Roman had told her last Thursday.

About him and Pamela.

How can I still like Roman after this?


Thanks for the comments!

Chapter 10

"Charlie please!" Roman shouted through the door.

Charlie stood in the front room, staring at the door. She felt sick to her stomach. Her body trembled as she though of what happened and what could have happened. Charlie's thoughts soon changed again when she thought about the way Roman has been with her over the last week. Distant. Not very talkative. Shady. Nervous. It all made sense now, Roman was worried his 'fling' would be found out.

"Go away!" Charlie screamed at the door.

"I'm not leaving until I talk to you. I'll stay out here all night if I have too!" Roman shouted back

No word was spoken between the two.

Roman took a step backwards from where he was stood to take a look at the situation he had got himself in. He'd opened up to a complete stranger, ignored Charlie when she needed him, pushed her away, treated her badly. And all for why? Because they had a fight,. But it wasn't just a fight. It was the last in a long line of fights.

Roman then thought: Is this all worth it?

Next morning

Charlie put on her uniform, a strange feeling as the trousers were buckled and the shirts was fastened.

Slowly -and sadly- Charlie descended the stairs, taking one at a time and without much effort.

Walking over to the coffee pot, she poured some in her flask, grabbed a bagel and headed for the front door.

Charlie stopped for a moment. Roman didn't come in the house last night, so where did he go? Back to hers?

Charlie wiped the lone tear that rolled down her cheek.

She out stretched her hand and turned the handle on the door, this action caused the door to creek open and Charlie to jump a little.

'Pull yourself together Charlie' Charlie said to herself.

There he was. Roman. Curled up in a little ball as he slept.

Part of Charlie felt sorry for him -the caring side that made Charlie have a conscious- and the other part -the scorned girlfriend- made Charlie smile. Roman had slept outside all night. Not only was it cold, but it had rained also.

Charlie stopped just after she got passed Roman. She watched as Roman slept.

Is the problem in our relationship something I have done? Can we ever fix it? Charlie wondered to herself.


"Who am I staying with today mum?" VJ asked as he walked out of his room.

Leah looked at VJ, that looked that said, 'Sorry, but you can't stand her'

"Not Aunty Colleen" VJ moaned

"Yes. Sorry VJ, Rachel got called in at work and Charlie has stared back today" Leah told her son

"How come Aunty Charlie can go back after one week and I can't go back after two?" VJ asked

"Because, Charlie is older" Leah said, knowing that her reasoning wasn't the best in the world

"This sucks" VJ said

"I know, but its only for today. You have me all weekend" Leah said

"Yippee" VJ said, sarcastically.

"Look, how about I bring home some chocolate ice cream and you and me can sit in front of the TV and watch one of your favorite films" Leah suggested

"Ok" VJ said, unhappily.


"What's that smile for?" Nicole asked Ruby as she walked up to her

"What smile?" Ruby asked. Nicole gave her a look. "Fine, Charlie and Angelo went on a date" Ruby said

"Oh my god. Seriously?"

"Yea! Can you believe it?" Ruby said

"I thinks its nice for them, but, what does my dad have to say?" Nicole pointed out.

"Don't know"

"Are Charlie and him still having these fights?" Nicole asked

"Yea, I don't think Charlie can take anymore of them"

"I can't believe dad is doing this to her. I mean, after everything he went through with mum he's seriously stuffing things up for himself again" Nicole said

"I thought you liked Charlie and him together"

"Don't get me wrong Charlie is great, but, my dad, if he has his mind on something else, he won't clean the before mess up. He'll leave it"

"So what does that mean for Charlie?" Ruby asked

"Either dad is going to do everything he can to get back together with her, or he's going to break her heart" Nicole said. "But I don't get it. Only last week he asked me what I could think of that could help his relationship"

"When was this?" Ruby asked

"I don't know, Tuesday? Wednesday?" Nicole remembered. "Why?"

"Charlie had her accident last Wednesday/Thursday. Maybe that's why there's some tension between them. Roman didn't understand why Charlie never showed up, until, he realized she was in hospital" Ruby said

"What? And you think he's feeling guilty for doubting her?" Nicole added

"It's possible" Ruby said.


"Morning" Angelo smiled as Charlie walked into the station.

Charlie looked over to him, not speaking, just smiling sadly.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Angelo asked, concerned.

"Nothing" Charlie said, teary

"Say that again, without the tears." Angelo said

"Nothing" Charlie said after she tried to hold the tears

"Not very convincing. Come here" Angelo said.

Charlie walked over to Angelo. Angelo took hold of Charlie's hand and lead her into the office.

"I don't want to over step any marks here, but, you're upset. You're close to tears, and this could effect your job. Charlie, tell me what's wrong, I might be able to help"

Angelo watched as Charlie wiped the tears from her face. Her whole body shook.

"Roman. He, spent the night with some women last week" Charlie sobbed

"Charlie" Angelo said sympathetically

"The woman said that, Roman told her about problems he was having in his relationship. And that he wanted to sleep with her.." Charlie couldn't continue. No words came out of her mouth, only the pained cries of a broken-hearted woman.

Angelo took Charlie in his arms. Holding her close to him as he comforted her.

Charlie rested her head on Angelo's chest, his heart beat soothing Charlie as she cried her heart out.


Roman walked into the diner. Three hours after his shift started.

"What time do you call this?" Irene asked

"Sorry. I got locked out of the house" Roman spoke in monotone.

"Wasn't Charlie there to let you in?" Leah asked, laughing as she asked

"Yea. But she wouldn't let me in" Roman replied

Leah and Irene looked at each other, confused.

"Why?" Leah asked

"She found out about Pamela" Roman said

"That woman who you were with?" Leah said. Her tone of voiced completely changed

"What?" Irene asked

"Last week, I wanted to surprise Charlie, so I made her favorite meal. When she didn't turn up, I thought she was still mad about or argument we had earlier in the week. So, I went to a bar. And got talking to this woman"

Irene looked at Roman. He looked so sad and angry. Angry with the choice he made last week, and sad because of what he had done to Charlie.

"Get yourself home, cleaned up and go find Charlie and explain yourself" Irene said

"I can't. She wont listen to me" Roman said

"Can you blame her? I mean, you used to be a man who put a woman's needs first, never treated her bad, loved her no matter what. Charlie hasn't done anything to you that means you could do this to her!" Leah said

"Leah?" Irene said

"Well. Roman just go, and hope Charlie can bring herself to forgive"


"I can't blame him entirely" Charlie said as she walked along the beach with Angelo


"It takes two people to argue. Maybe him nearly sleeping with Pamela, and me been hit on the head was something telling us that these arguments are stupid. Every relationship has its little tiffs" Charlie said

"Yea, but not to the extent where one of them thinks that their relationship is over just because of an argument" Angelo said

"So you're telling me that you have been in a relationship where the arguments are meaningless?"

"Yes. We argued once about who would cook tea that night. I ended up cooking and that night, well"

"She showed her appreciation." Charlie added

"Yea" Angelo said.

"Angelo, what would I do without you. You're such a good friend. Thank you for listening to me ranting" Charlie said

"Its fine. I just wish there was more I could do" Angelo said

"You're doing it." Angelo looked confused "Listening" Charlie added.


"See, that's what's Roman's supposed to be doing. Not Angelo" Nicole said as she tapped Ruby on the shoulder.

"Looks like we're about to see it now" Ruby said as she pointed to Roman.


"Charlie!" Roman shouted as he ran down the beach to where Charlie and Angelo were stood.

"Roman" Charlie replied, taking a step back from where Roman had ended up.

Angelo, feeling uncomfortable, took his hand away from Charlie's. "I'll leave you too it. See you Charlie"

"See ya, and thanks" Charlie smiled.

Angelo smiled back. Charlie watched as Angelo walked up the beach to the top side of all the bushes.

"Charlie, let me explain" Roman said as he went to take Charlie's hands.

"Roman no" Charlie said as she pulled her hands away. "We need to talk. So talk"

"Charlie, I am so sorry for the way you found out. I never wanted to hurt you, but I have. Nothing happened with Pamela. We just talked"

Charlie flinched when Roman said her name. Another blow to the stomach -as it were-

"But something did happen. It might not have been physically, but it was emotionally. You told her we were having problems in our relationship. You don't tell a complete stranger that!" Charlie said

"I thought I wasn't going to see her again" Roman said, trying to defend himself

"It doesn't make it ok. Roman, I'm your girlfriend. You're supposed to talk about things to me. And we're supposed to sort our problems out. Not complete strangers we meet in bars who only want sex!"

"But here's the thing Charlie, we don't talk, we shout. And I'm getting tired of it!" Roman said.

"Ok. Here and now, tell me what has pissed you off" Charlie spat

"You and Angelo" Roman said

"We're friend and colleagues. And that's not what's bothering you" Charlie replied

"You and Angelo have been more than friends. And Lily" Roman said

"Whose Lily?" Charlie asked

"My brother's wife. She died four weeks ago, I told you about it, and asked if you would come to the funeral. We were coming, but then you cried off"

"I didn't cry off, work called me in, four officers were injured when a building site collapsed!" Charlie said

"You never told me that" Roman said softly

"You wouldn't give me chance to explain. You made me feel like a lousy girlfriend." Charlie said. "Is this what's been bugging you?" Charlie asked

"I honestly thought, we were in trouble" Roman said

"I think we are" Charlie said. Roman looked up. "Its taken four weeks, 20 arguments, a near miss drunken mistake and a blow to the head to get us here"

"What are we going to do?" Roman said.

"I think we need time apart" Charlie said.


"So you're telling me, you knew about Pamela" Irene said

"Kind of" Leah replied

"How can you 'kind of' know?" Irene asked

"Roman blurted it out when I asked him why he was at work last week. He thought I meant about her but I was meaning Charlie"

"Well, I hope they sort things out soon. Something like this should have happened to them" Irene said as she picked up two plate.

' And not to Roman.' Leah said to herself, as she -once again- found herself picturing a life with Roman as he husband.


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