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Neighbours Hits Back At Racist Remarks

Guest Nathan.

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Neighbours was recently accused of being racist with a lack of ethnicities in its regular cast. Well it seems that they're trying to fix that with a new Korean exchange student named Sunny Lee moving in with the Kennedys when Rachel leaves for London next year. She'll be a regular character. The chick who plays her, Hany, was a finalist in the Dolly competition but missed out. It seems she got the better deal because Mauricio and Chelsea (Simon and Teagen) haven't been upgraded to permanent characters yet :P


I hope Annie and Jai are not upgraded to regulars.

Um... what :huh:? Is that really their names, or are you comparing them to H&A... Or are you getting confused? Or am I just being daft? (Sorry in advance if I've ruined a perfectly good joke...)

Whoever the new kids are, I don't like them either. Well, it's not so much them I don't like, it's just the fact that they've been attached to Donna. Donna is brilliant. She doesn't need to be weighed down with unnecessary hangers-on. It's Ned and the Parkers all over again :( (Not that Ned was ever as good as Donna, but *I* liked him.)

As to what this thread is actually about, I really hope that this girl was hired in her own right, and not as a reaction to this racism stupidity. Katya was of some kind of Asian decent, I'm sure of it, as well as Connor's girlfriend Lori. They even had an interracial-cross-Tasman baby!!! SCANDAL!!!! :o

Racism. Bah. If Neighbours was anymore liberal, every scene would consist of the characters drinking tea naked. And I'm not about to rule that out.


Okay, thank you. That was probably really obvious to everyone but me :blush: I feel dumb for asking, but Neighbours has been known to steal current H&A names before. Kim for example.


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