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How do you make Avatars?

Guest freakybuffy

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Well first of all you need the Pictures. I usually get them from the Screencap Section on here and tartydoris.com ans save them to My Pictures. Now you need a image Editing Programm. Most Computers come with Paint. But Paint is pretty useless IMO, so I suggest you get PaintShopPro or even better Photoshop. Now, they cost a bit so if your not prepared to spend a few Hundred Pound or whatever try https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cf...amp;loc=en%5Fus (Its a 30 Day Trial for PhotoshopCS2, apparently the most advanced ImageEditor in the Worl. I highly rocommend it).

Now, when you downloaded CS2, you cn start playing around with Text, Coloring, Lighting bla-bla. When your finished your first Images MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THEM AS .jpg .png .jpeg .gif AND NOT AS .psd. Then you can go to Imageshack.us or Photobucket.com (you need an Account for Photobucket) and just follow the steps to Upload :)

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