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An Extraordinary Xmas

Guest home and away fanatic2

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Summary: 5 lines max

Thanks, the librarians.

This story is about Jack and Martha and there son Ethan at Xmas enjoy.






It was a warm summer morning in Summer Bay.

Ethan had woke me and Martha up by jumping on the foot of the bed.

"Wake up Mummy, Wake up Daddy, Santa was here."

Me and Martha rolled out of bed and followed an over excited Ethan out to where the tree was.

There were presents piled everywhere...well that was until Me and Ethan ripped into them.

Martha stood back and stared at us boys tearing into gifts.

"Don't you think that you should be waiting Jack"Martha laughed

"Aww come on Martha, it is Xmas after all"I responded

"I'll wait"she giggled

After me and Ethan ripped into our gifts we left Martha to clean up the mess.

Ethan is over excited because 'santa' got him a new car set and a small paddling pool.

I got a new B.B.Q set.

Martha recieved some jewellery and some chocolates.

There was one small box in the back which no-one put there.

I opened it to see a note saying.....

Be WARned you Are NoT saFe nO-oNe IS SO wATCh yOuR BaCK CauSe i cAn sEE yoU ANd i KnOw whErE aLl yOuR FamILy aND FrIenDs LiVe.


"No this cant be true it really can't"Martha said

"Mummy what does that mean"Ethan asked, not knowing what it meant

"Don't worry honey, you keep playing"I said, as Martha was in shock

We looked in the box to find another note on the box.

It read.....

LOoK ON thE wiNDOw oN yOuR LEfT aNd be PrePareD

We turned to our left and saw this message

Beware Protect your Son as he is already coming to me.

We turned to see Ethan walking to a guy in a suit with a maSk on and he had a peice of candy in his hand

"ETHAN NOOOOOO"Me and Martha screamed

Too late the guy grabbed a now screaming Ethan and had run out into a get away car.

I ran after the car but could not see the number plate of the car as it drove too fast.

A note flew out......

YOU WiLl NEvEr bE AblE TO FIND YoUr sOn aliVe agAIn

siGnEd cHiLd StALKeR


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