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The Stalker

Guest Chris J

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I'm resisting just going to the episode section of this site to find out who it is. I really want to though, but i'm not. I'll let the suspense build and build, and then let the rush come when i see the stalker unmasked. Can't wait for that moment :D

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Well......last night's episode ended with Peter arriving at this warehouse or something, after following the lead from the stalkers fertiliser they had bought. They got to this place, and inside one of these rooms, was boxes, and behind the boxes was all this stuff about the stuff that has been happening because of the stalker. There was also a home made bomb made by the stalker as well. They got told the name of the person renting this room, but i've forgotten it now, i never bothered to latch onto the name of the person who was renting that room, but i know they are male though. The name was male i know this much, but that's all i know. I love it how there was some fertiliser, just sitting there under one of the front boxes waiting for Peter to "accidentally" see it :D Don't you just love how soaps work. As if a real life stalker is going to be careless enough to leave fertiliser infront of the boxes where it can be seen. Still anyway, it makes for a damn good storyline anyway.

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