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The Resort. What would you want to see?

Guest 630si

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so we have recently seen the resort project go up in smoke, and various resort plans have come and gone in summer bay over the years, I for one would love to see a resort development actually be successful on the show. There would be some great new sets! and the town could be a great tourist town.

Imagine for a second the resort was happening... we know they planned shops and apartments etc, so i'm asking what sets would you want to see?

I wouldve loved to have seen a grocery store/convenience store, some apartments obvs, and some of the younger characters could have moved into them to start married life etc, and perhaps a hotel, with the introduction a new family running it.

What sets would you want in the Summer Bay resort?

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I think this is all very strange. Over the years alf has always been the one who has been against ANY development in the bay. I've been watching long enough to remember when they didn't want the Sands built. So I am a bit dubious about Harvey being the one objecting.

I agree that the development could lead to more storylines I doubt that it would actually happen. Again we have the Sands and they hardly use it. It gets mentioned sometimes when someone checks in. We have an occasional event there but it is not used to the full potential. I mean all it would take is for someone to get a job there??!!

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I think this is all very strange. Over the years alf has always been the one who has been against ANY development in the bay. I've been watching long enough to remember when they didn't want the Sands built. So I am a bit dubious about Harvey being the one objecting.

I agree that the development could lead to more storylines I doubt that it would actually happen. Again we have the Sands and they hardly use it. It gets mentioned sometimes when someone checks in. We have an occasional event there but it is not used to the full potential. I mean all it would take is for someone to get a job there??!!

Thats true i had forgotten about the sands!! which shows you how often it is used. Indi could get a managing job there or something and hey presto!

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I seem to recall Alf was actually in favour of the Sands and invested in it, it was Ailsa that had a problem with it and they fell out as a result.And Alf was the one actually organising the developments and clashing with Michael and Pippa during the '90s.It was only after Ailsa died that he seemed to morph into Alf Stewart:Enemy of Corporate Scumbags and he seemed to have got over that by 2008, when he was initially in favour of the development until the toxic waste story came out.I think nowadays we're meant to see Alf as distinguishing between developments that benefit the town's economy and ones that are going to wreck the town for a fast buck.

It is a shame that these storylines often come to nothing but I agree it probably wouldn't have affected the show much if it had gone ahead.Be interesting to see if Harvey's tourism idea goes anywhere or just fizzles out.

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It is a shame that these storylines often come to nothing but I agree it probably wouldn't have affected the show much if it had gone ahead.Be interesting to see if Harvey's tourism idea goes anywhere or just fizzles out.


I guess though, with yabbie creek a stones throw away, that appears to be a larger town, perhaps, other than the resort storyline, it would be interesting to see more of that. I recall a few years back the young ones (about the era Ric was in it) where they were in yabbie creek and there was a shopping outlet place with a pharmacy etc. im sure i didnt dream it! :)

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It's something I've touched on before, but since every guest appears to have a house in which no guest has lived in before, Summer Bay, the rural and at sometimes desolate location that we've seen in TEY has now appears to have become a place of a very reasonable size. I think this may be slightly because it appears Palm Beach is heavily developed over the 25 years the show has filmed there. Anyway, I don't think any resort is really needed from a storylining purpose. This is Home and Away, not Crossroads. It's supposed to be a soap based on family relationships, not some shoulder-padded big business, lies and deceipt of the 80's power soaps.

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