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No Such Thing As A Happy Ending

Guest Charlie-brax

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Story title: No such thing as a happy ending.

Type of story: Short/Medium fic.

Main characters: Charlie, Brax, Ruby & Casey.

Rating: T

Genre: Drama, Romance

Does the story include spoilers: No

Any warnings: put it at the beginning of each chapter.

Summary: What happens when Charlie gets put in a coma, after bein in a fatal car accident. No one knows about their relationship. Can he hide their secret for much longer and how will Ruby react?

Chapter 1- Lights

Charlie's POV

I hopped in the car, excited about the wonderful knews i had just recieved. I could wait to tell Brax and Ruby. I turned the music up and i drove off, on my way to 'Angelo's'. I was around halfway there. My favourite song came on the radio, i leaned down to turn it up. As i looked back up i saw a flash of light! My ears were ring and all i could hear was 'bip bip bip bip'. I wanted to know what the sound was. I was hurting. My legs were aching and i was having trouble breathing. I undid my seat belt and tried opening the door. It was stuck. I had no way of getting out. I was hurting all over and i was all alone. All by myself. I thought of Brax and Ruby, waiting for me to never turn up at Angelos.

All of a sudden, a white flash covered my eyes. I was no longer in the car, but not outside of it. There was blood everywhere, coming from my car and from the taxi that i had boared into. I was in shock and couldnt breath. I looked around. I saw people running around. It was chaos, a few people near my car and a few near the taxi. I was confused. What were they all doing near my car? I was already out? I slowly got closer. I gulped as i saw my own body, lying there. Blood covering me and i was unconciece. Was i dead? Was i alive? I had no idea. The paramedics finally got here. They slowly got the door open. "Shes alive!" one of them called out, as they checked my pulse. I followed them into the Ambulance as they tried to stabalise me.

Later, we arrived at the hospital. Sid met the paramedics at the entry to the Emergency door. "Name is Charlie Buckton, 29 years of age. No illnesses, no allergic reactions" called out one of the trainee paramedics. They rolled me into a room where they lured me onto a hospital bed. I watched as they connected cords to me and tried to stabalise my heart. "1.. 2.. 3!" yelled Sid as they punc started my heart. "1.. 2.. 3!" he yelled again. Just then i heard a bipping noise. It was my machine. I was alive.


Ruby's POV

I rushed through the Emergency room doors and raced to the counter. "Charlie buckton!" i said. "she was in a car accident. Im her daughter!" the lady smiled at me and typed something into the computer. "Try 207!" she said. I ran as fast a i could. I walked in to find Sid looking at some charts at the end of her bed. He turned around and looked at me. "Ah.. Ruby! I need to talk to you!" he said, sounding all serious. I nodded, as i sat down and grabbed my mothers hand. "u

M.. Its about Charlie. I am afraid that i have to inform you that she is in a deep coma. She may never wake up!" he said, looking down. This was the worst part of being a doctor. Sid left he room and i cried. I cried and cried and cried. I was still in shock and couldnt believe that something like this eould happen to a good person like my mum.

Just then, Brax stormed into the room. He had teary eyes. "What are you doing here?" i asked, confused a ro why a riverboy had come to see my mother. He bit his lip. "umm, Casey told me to check on you." he answered. Obviously it was a Cover! "im fine!" i replies, gripping to my mothers hand harder.

Brax' POV

I couldn't stand being in there. Ruby would just cry while Casey comforted her. I had to try and stay strong. They didnt even know about our relationship. I would tell them eventually! just not right now. I sat down, in the waiting room. I dug my face into my hands. I started to cry. Why did this happen to her? She was a good person an didnt deserve any of this. I sniffed back my tears, as Casey walked towards me. "Can we go home, Ruby wants to stay the night an she needs some alone time with Charlie. I nodded, reluctantly.


ACE opener, especially.............

 My favourite song came on the radio, i leaned down to turn it up. As i looked back up i saw a flash of light! My ears were ring and all i could hear was 'bip bip bip bip'. I wanted to know what the sound was. I was hurting. My legs were aching and i was having trouble breathing. I undid my seat belt and tried opening the door. It was stuck. I had no way of getting out. I was hurting all over and i was all alone. All by myself. I thought of Brax and Ruby, waiting for me to never turn up at Angelos.

 I gulped as i saw my own body, lying there. Blood covering me and i was unconciece. Was i dead? Was i alive? I had no idea.

 She may never wake up!" he said, looking down. This was the worst part of being a doctor. Sid left he room and i cried. I cried and cried and cried. I was still in shock and couldnt believe that something like this eould happen to a good person like my mum.

Just then, Brax stormed into the room. He had teary eyes. "What are you doing here?" i asked, confused a ro why a riverboy had come to see my mother. He bit his lip. "umm, Casey told me to check on you." he answered. Obviously it was a Cover! "im fine!" i replies, gripping to my mothers hand harder.


Chapter 2

Brax' POV

I walked in to Charlie's hospital room with Casey. I found Ruby, lying on the bed with her mother. She had fallen asleep and had big red puffy eyes, from all the crying she had done. She heard me close the door and she instantly woke up. Still tired, she wiped her eyes and sat in the seat next to the bed.

"How is she?" i asked.

"She still hasnt woken up yet. The doctor said she may never wake up!" she said, burstin out in tears. Casey went up and hugged her. I watched Charlie. She looked so still and dead. Like there was no life left in her. My eyes started to water and i couldnt stop myself. Tears started to fall out of my eyes. I turned, and ran out of the room.

Casey's POV

I watched as Brax ran out of the hospital room and into the bathroom.

"Whats with him?" Ruby asked, sounding confused. I shrugged. Ever since Charlie's accident, he had been really weird.

"Its almost as if.... Nah!" said Ruby, i looked at her confused.

"Almost as if.. They were a couple?" i asked. I was thinking the same thing. We both laughed. That was never gunna happen.


Brax walked back in and sat in the chair of the corner of the room.

"ahh brax. What exactly was that all about?" i asked, as i walked towards him.

"Nothing, i just had to do something!" he replied, i could tell it was a lie. I decided to leave it. I knew that if i kept going, he would just get angry and snap at me.

Charlie's POV

I was on the beach in my white bikinis. I was sitting on the sand and Brax came up to me. Board in hand with dripping hair. We were alone on the beach and no one was around. He pulled me up and pulled me in for a kiss. Just then, Ruby and Casey walked down the beach. They looked like they already knew about me and Brax and i was confused. Just then, I was kissing Brax when his face changed. And he turned into Grant. I screamed. My heart was beating fast and i ran. I just kept running and running but i was getting now where. I was in the same place as i started out?

Ruby's POV

'cough' 'cough' i looked down at Charlie. Her eyes were starting to open. "Charlie!!" i screamed. She looked at me and smiled. "Where' Brax?" she asked, as if she was gunna die i ahe didnt see him. I looked at her confused. She looked around. She was hyperventilating and wasn't gunna settle down until she saw him. The nurse tried to settle her down but it wasnt working. Just then Brax and Casey walked in. "BRAXXXXX!" she screamed as she tried to reach for him. He saw she was awake and ran! Thry kissed. Casey and i gasped. It was true. We had guessed right. "Charlie.. You andd Brax?" i asked, still confused as to why she didnt tell me. Casey just stood there, mouth hanging open. They were still sitting there, in each others arms. They completely forgot that anyone else was in the room.

"I love ya Charlie Buckton!" Brax said. She smiled up at him.

"I love you too Daryl Braxton!" she replied. They smiled at each other an i could tell that it was true. They really did love each other.


That was cooooooooooool, especially.............

 She had fallen asleep and had big red puffy eyes, from all the crying she had done.

 "Almost as if.. They were a couple?" i asked. I was thinking the same thing. We both laughed. That was never gunna happen.

 I was on the beach in my white bikinis. I was sitting on the sand and Brax came up to me. Board in hand with dripping hair. We were alone on the beach and no one was around. He pulled me up and pulled me in for a kiss. Just then, Ruby and Casey walked down the beach. They looked like they already knew about me and Brax and i was confused. Just then, I was kissing Brax when his face changed. And he turned into Grant. I screamed. My heart was beating fast and i ran. I just kept running and running but i was getting now where. I was in the same place as i started out?

 "Where' Brax?" she asked, as if she was gunna die i ahe didnt see him. I looked at her confused.

 hry kissed. Casey and i gasped. It was true. We had guessed right.


Chapter 3

Charlie's POV

I woke up suddenly and jolted up in my bed, screaming. A nurse came runnin in and looked at me. "Whats the matter?" she asked gently. "ohhh, it was just a bad dream!" i replied, breathing out a sigh of relief. It actually wasn't just a bad dream. It was more like a flashback. Goin back to the accident. It felt so real, i was hurting the same way and i relived this tragedy. Just as i layed back down, Brax walked in. "What was the screaming about? I was worried.." he said. I smiled at him. It was so sweet, having a riverboy worrie about me. Ruby had told me how he ran out of the room when he saw me how i was, with bruises and scratches and the fact that i was in a coma. An that every night, Casey heard him cryin himself to sleep at night and it stopped the day that i woke up. "Just a nightmare!" i replied, hoping that he wouldnt worry. "Can you stay in here tonight?" i asked. He nodded. "id love to, sargeant!" he replied. He than climbed up in the small bed with me. We snuggled up together and i finally fell asleep.

Casey's POV

I strolle into the hospital room, closely followed by Ruby. I smiled, as i saw Charlie and Brax had fallen asleep in the one hospital bed together. Brax suddenly woke up when i sat down on the chair across the room. "Morning!" i said, givin him a cheeky smile. He looked at me, then looked at Charlie and he quickly jumped out of the bed. "Umm, ill be back!" he said, a he rushed out of the room. Ruby giggled and sat in the seat next to me.

Brax' POV

I went into the hospital cafateria and bought a coffee. I sat down at the very back table. What was i thinking. Now Ruby and Casey knew. I smiled. We now didnt have to worry about telling them. But what was Charlie gunna do?

Just as i finished the coffee, i saw Casey walk in with the biggest grin on his face.

"We already knew Brax!" he said. I sighed. "Thankgod for that..... Wait, how long have you kn...." i said, but Casey cut me off. "Yesterday, she was asking for you. Then you came in and kissed her. Yoy hadnt realised that we were in the room. She was mental, as if she was desperate to see you!" he replied, repeating the event yeterday in his head. Brax smiled at the thought of this. She really did love him as much as he loved her.

Ruby's POV

"Soo, Brax huh?" i asked. Charlie blushed at me. "I couldnt resist.. Its been going for a while now!" she said, with a smile spreading across her face. "So... Do you love him?" i asked, knowing the answer. She looked at me and smiled. "Ill take that as a yes!" i said. "It better be a yes!" said Brax a he came back in the room. "Heeeey!" said Charlie, as she suddenly got excited. "I missed you!"


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