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Guest JosieTash

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MANY thanks for your FANTASTIC comments and continued support for my fics!!!

Red Ranger 1 & ~JarlieFanEver~, as you’ll see below, Joey isn’t the only one who is surprised by the new ‘ship!!!

Before I get to the finale of my longest fic [in terms of episodes] ever, I kindly wonder what are your favourite moments of this fic? ......... and an overall impression would be MICHLY apprecaited !!!


2 weeks later, Charlie & Bianca meet up at the diner. They chat nonchalantly, behaving just like the friends that most people in the Bay know them to be. They are doing so whilst Charlie waits for a phone call or text message …… telling her that some VERY important mail has been delivered.


Meanwhile, Indi arrives home from a uni lecture just as a courier pulls up. The delivery dude gets her to sign for some mail which is addressed to Joey. After Indi enters the house, she instantly hears the bubs giggling & laughing so she puts that mail on the kitchen table and she goes to join Dex & Joey as the play with the triplets. As she enters the room..………

Indi “I still can’t believe it.”

Dex [who looks over his shoulder towards Indi, whilst he cuddles Danica] “Believe what?”

Indi “How …..intriguing you can be when you’re around people your own age or older, and yet you’re ….amazing with the triplets.”

Dex “And there wasn’t even a hint of sarcasm in that sentence ….which is a surprise.”

Joey “Gotta say, I had no idea how Dex & I and the rest of this fam would fit together when Dex & your dad invited me to stay here, but until I’m back together with Charlie, it’s that best place for me & my gorgeous bubs.”

With Joey is cuddling Adrian and Dex is doing likewise with Danica, Indi tickles Charlotte who is in the cot and thinks of her own sitch ….. of how she’s not ready for kids just yet, and how Romeo hadn’t voiced his opinion as the subject at all. All of this makes Indi forget that Joey’s got mail.


Back at the diner, Charlie’s phone beeps ……

Bianca “Who is it? Is it the text we want?”

Charlie [softly, but excitedly] “Yep, it’s the courier. The package has been delivered.”

Bianca “So, we can you know what.”

Charlie leans over and KISSES Bianca, in front of everyone in the pretty packed diner. Feels sooooo good for both women to publicly express their affection. The kiss starts with their lips softly touching before things get a little bit more intense.

Their lip lock is interrupted by the crashing of plates behind the counter….

Leah [flustered/apologetically, after she was the one who caused the commotion] “Sorry, everyone”

Colleen [after rushing to the counter from in the kitchen] “What’s up, Leah?”

Leah [as she begins to clean up the mess] “It’s nothing.”

Charlie [after she approaching the counter] “Sorry Leah. Didn’t mean to cause trouble. Thought you’d be more accepting.”

Leah “I would. I am. Just soooo unexpected.”

Colleen “What are you talking about?”

Bianca “Charlie, do you want to tell Colleen or should I? “

Charlie “I don’t mind either way.”

Bianca [tentatively] “Charlie and I have “hooked up”. [confidently] Yeah, we’re together.”

Colleen [after Bianca kisses Charlie on the right cheek] “No wonder Leah was shocked.”

Charlie [after a deep breath] “And that’s not all.”

Colleen “I shudder to think.”

Bianca “We’ve been secretly together for months … just to see if we’re TOTALLY right for each other, which we are.”

Charlie “Rubes, April & everyone in my house knows.”

Colleen “THAT house. MORE secrets”

Leah “So, are you both very happy?”

Bianca [very happily] “Ecstatic.”

Charlie “SNAP !!!”

Leah hugs Charlie and then Bianca, whilst Colleen heads back into the kitchen in a huff.


At the farmhouse, Joey, Dex & Indi are still playing with the triplets when .....

Indi “Hey Joey, I just remembered. As I got home, a courier showed up with some mail for you. It’s on the kitchen table. Sorry, but I ...... “

Dex [cutting in] “Got distracted by these three lovely ladies.”

Indi “Slightly.”

Joey “A courier delivered that mail. Sounds intriguing. Better check it out.”

Joey gently puts Danica back in the cot, but as she heads out of the nursery, Charlotte starts crying ......

Indi [who is holding Charlotte] “I know that sound. She’s hungry”

Dex “Agreed.”

Joey “I’ll take her with me and she can feed whilst I check out my mail.”

Indi hands Charlotte over to Joey, who takes the bub with her as she walks to the kitchen table. After she sits down, Joey opens the A4 size envelope with a letter opener before she removes her top and Charlotte eagerly starts to breastfeed from her mum.

As the bub does so, Joey removes the contents of the envelope. Instantly, she is DISTRAUGHT !!!!!! Charlie wants a DIVORCE !!!!!!!!!!!! ........

Joey [in tears, with Charlotte still feeding from her] “My life …is in RUIN !!!!!”

THE END !!!!!


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