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MANY thanks for the FANTASTIC comments !!!

Red Ranger 1, see below for Joy & Charlie further deal with their new sitch … including Joey imagining if she’s done things differently.

belgshep, see below for Rubes & Joey’s chat … AND the how the other mermaids react to the break up !!!


Charlie [after giving the matter some thought] “YOU can call her, but NOT in earshot of me. Can’t deal with that right now. Yeah, you call her whilst I contact the other “Angels”. I’ll start with Bella. You said she’s here?”

Ruby “Yeah, go for the annexe. April walked home with me too.”

Charlie [after she stands and heads for the annexe] “I’ll deal …..appropriately with this.”


At the farm where the Walkers live, Dex, Indi & Joey have just re-entered the house ……

Dex “And so ends the grand tour of the house AND the yard too. We probably should do something farm-y with this place, but none of us are really farm people. Like, could you imagine me or Indi or Marilyn or even dad helping a cow giving birth? I mean, dad will be GREAT with you if he’s involved in our triplets’ birth. Not that I’m implying that YOU’RE a cow in ANY way, Joey. Yeah, you’re the LEAST cow person I know.”

Indi “Dex, suggest you quit while you’re soooooo behind. [indi turns her head to look at Joey] So, what do you think of your, maybe temporary, new abode?”

Joey “It’s nice here. Would LOVE for Charlotte, Danica & Adrian to grow up in Charlie’s house, but this is nice. Lots of yard to play in when they’re older, IF I’m still here. [Joey’s mobile rings] That’s a surprise, it’s Ruby.”

Dex “We’ll give you some space.”

Joey [as Indi & Dex head out of the room] “Hi, Rubes. Why are you …… how’s everything there?”

Ruby “Keen to know bout YOU 1st. Where are you? Hope you’re OK. Charlie said I could call you. She doesn’t want to ….talk to you or anything. I just want to know you’re OK, safe. You know what I mean.”

Joey “I’m at Dex’s place. He & Sid were at the park that’s just down the street from your house. I’m ……..as OK as I can be. Dex & his fam have been REALLY nice ……so don't have to worry bout me anymore. [Ruby is TOTALLY lost for words, as she doesn’t really know how to feel. She liked Jarlie as her parents, but REALLY doesn’t want to EVER see Charlie, her mum, in a catatonic state again] Rubes, are you still there?”

Ruby “Yeah, sorry ….. just, this is ……. BIG.”

Joey “Think we ALL need time to adjust. I mean, I’m HOPING me living here is just temporary, but I’m not counting on that. Think either you & I or Charlie & I should talk in the coming days. I LOVE Charlie, but I’m not going to push the point …..after ……..[steadies herself] Yeah, we’ll talk again soon. Later, Rubes.”


Ruby relays the info to Charlie, who is pleased that Joey isn’t still wandering the streets after the spiteful argument that ended their ‘ship. Having said that, it’s good that Joey will be living on the outskirts of town – less chance to awkwardly “run into” the women who betrayed her …. AND Charlie has another way to avoid contact with Joey brewing in her mind. She knows this latest thought isn’t without consequence though.

Indeed later that night, not long after Rikki & Bella got home from work, the remaining 4 mermaids who still live in this house are varying degrees of shocked that Jarlie are no longer together ….and that’s not the ONLY surprise this night ……

Cleo “So, do we know where Joey is?”

Ruby “I phoned her. The Walkers have taken her in.”

Emma “Good to know she’s good a roof over her head, even after all that’s happened.”

Charlie “I agree …… she …… hurt me, but glad she’s safe.”

Ruby “Yeah, and Danica, Adrian & Charlotte will ha………….”

Charlie [cutting in sternly] “What did you just say?”

Ruby “The baby names? [Charlie nods] Joey …..named the 3rd child ………..” [her voice trails off]

Rikki [cheeky voice] “Put it this way, it AIN’T Shinji.”

Charlie [as Emma smirks at her wife’s comment] “You said …..Charlotte, didn’t you?”

Bella [after Ruby nods] “That’s pretty cute. Named after Charlie and all.”

Charlie looks pensive. Having Joey name one of the bub’s after her makes tonight AND this whole sitch even more messy, especially when Charlie wants to talk to her housemates about something else, but today’s ALREADY been too much to have to deal with something else. Emma especially can see Charlie’s pensiveness and isn’t keen to pursue it, but Rikki is SURE that there’s more this “family” meeting than “only” finding out the Charlie & Joey have split up.

Rikki “So Charlie, what else?”

Charlie [taken aback] “What …..what do you mean?”

Rikki “There’s something you’re NOT saying.”

Emma [annoyed] “RIKKI !!!!”

Charlie [after steadying herself] “No, it’ll be OK.”

Ruby “Are you SURE about this, Mum ….after today?”

Charlie “It’s OK. Actually Rubes, didn’t say anything to you before but this affects you as well ….and Billy.”

Cleo “Sounds curious.”

Ruby “Yeah. What’s Billy got to do with all this?”

Charlie “Right. [deep breath] Tomorrow, I WON’T be swimming with you “Angels”. I just CAN’T ….. [emotionally] deal with seeing Joey right ……. “ [her voice trails off]

Bella [as Ruby puts a comforting hand on Charlie’s shoulder] “TOTALLY understand.”

Cleo [after she, Emma & Rikki nod at Bella’s remark] “So ……….this is going to be weird then.”

Rikki [straight to the point, as always] “Are you asking us to choose WHO we swim with? You or ….HER?“

Charlie “NO, not at all. I’m expecting birds of a feather.”

Ruby [taken aback] “OH !!!!! So ….does this mean a certain non “Angel” and her “Jazz” b/f DO have to choose? Cos if I do have to, I’m soooooo with you, Mum.”

Cleo “It’s just the CUTEST that you call Charlie Mum now. Sooooo Sleeping Beauty moment you 2 had. [pause] Sorry bout the distraction. Back on topic now. We COULD compromise.”

Rikki “Yep. Been doing a “bit” of that lately, with Kanga and all. Getting good at it.”

Emma “Yeah, TWO swims. We can do that.”

Charlie [surprised] “REALLY !!!! Cos I wasn’t expecting THAT response.”

Bella “Hey, we’re “Angels”, so it will be soooooooooooooooooo “annoying” to do the double. [looks at Charlie] Yeah, swim with you …… “

Rikki [cutting in] “AND …….can we say HER name?”

Emma [after kissing Rikki on the check] “You’ve sooooo mellowed since I put that ring on your finger.”

Rikki “You WANT me to go all “Cordelia Chase School Of Tact”? or [cheeky voice] are you just stirring me?”

Emma [smiley voice] “And why would do that?”

Ruby [as she shakes her head] “You two …… just hopeless.”

Charlie “Soooooo can’t believe ALL that has happened today. [deep breath] Don’t know bout the rest of you, but I’m off to bed.”

Rikki “Good idea. After all, Em deserves …..a little something for being all cheeky before.”

Rikki softly kisses Emma on the lips, whilst Charlie heads off to bed.


Elsewhere in the Bay, Indi & Joey are both in their room, and are chatting before they go to sleep ……

Indi [jokingly] “I won’t need to rush out of get myself a chastity belt, will I?”

Joey [after she smiles] “Nope. NO-ONE’S gonna have to worry bout me THAT way again. Don't deserve it. NEVER should have lied to Charlie. If I told her what happened with your brother from day 1, we MIGHT still be together. Yeah, from now on, it’s just me and my bubs.”

Indi “And hey, at least with Dex you picked a ….not so manly man to, you know, with. Actually, speaking of all that, what ……..”

Joey [cutting in] “ You’re not gonna ask me bout THAT night, are you?”

Indi “NO WAY !!!! My bro and sex, no thanks to hearing bout that. No, I was wondering if will change the name of the bub that you named …… Charlotte?”

Joey “WON’T be changing that EVER. Now, ALL that love & devotion I feel for Charlie will be directed to not just Charlotte, but ALL my babies. Besides that, in a way, Charlie IS these babies’ dad anyway [indi looks at Joey kinda curiously] The night I got moonstruck, it was cos we were frisky, and most times when we were like that, Charlie’s the “guy”. Harness and all that. [indi has an intrigued “did I really need to hear that?” look on her face] Sorry, too much info.”

Indi “Not that I want to get rid of you or anything, but I HOPE you 2 sort things out. [Joey nods]. Oh well, time to “crash” now.“

Indi & Joey each get into their own bed, and Joey is pleased that she VERY quickly goes to sleep and dreams of her life if she’d done things differently ……

It’s the morning after Joey got moonstruck. She’s at the Walker house. Sid & the rest of his family have just bailed for the day when Joey hears her own mobile ringing. She scampers and finds it under Dex’s bed …. with his clothes still strewn about the floor nearby. The call is from Charlie …..

Charlie “My Angel, how are you? Where are you? Are you OK?”

Joey “I’m totally OK. Its sooooo good to hear your voice, especially since I can’t remember a THING that happened last night. I don't even know how I got here, but I’m “good”, if you know what I mean.”

Charlie [tenderly] “Where are you? You took my car ……after I think you got moonstruck.”

Joey “Explains why I can’t remember anything. As to where I am, that’s someone that best to tell you in person. So, are you at home?”

Charlie “Yeah, but now I KNOW you’re safe, I’m going to go to the hospital with Ruby, to bring Billy to our place. He's being discharged today.”

Joey “Meet you at home when you get back. Oh, and your car isn’t far from me, so I’ll drive it home.”

Charlie “Talk soon, my Angel.”

Joey “DEFINITELY, my sexy woman in uniform.”

Joey finds Charlie’s car near the barn and texts Dex – he responds by sending her a message that he too was naked when he woke, just like Joey was. When she reads that Dex had his hand on one of her breasts when he woke, she smirks – as Joey NEVER expected that to happen, a GUY with his hands THERE!!! Joey texts Dex back – telling him she’s gonna tell Charlie all she knows has occurred, and will continue to do so as she remembers what actually happened last night. She urges Dex to tell her when/if he remembers anything.

Charlie arrive home with Ruby & Billy and Joey is there waiting. After Charlie “suggests” Ruby should show Billy their bedroom 1st, and Bilby head off to do just that ....

Charlie “Before you say ANYTHING, my Angel, apologies for last night. Sooooo stupid of me to want to be THAT frisky with you on the night of a full moon. The way things went last night, it was like the full moon affected ME too, made me go all TOTALLY horny.”

Joey “So you’re saying you were behaving like a I-soooooo-NEED- to-have-hot-raunchy-sex kind of MALE last night?”

Charley [playfully] “You COULD say that.”

Joey “So you were WAAAAY keen to have your hands on me, in the most erogenous places AND be inside me?”

Charlie “Put it this way. The only time that I’ve EVER previously been THAT frisky is the night with consummated our awesome marriage.”

Joey “Well, you were sooooo horny that I think you got me PREGNANT!!!!!”

Charlie [taken aback] “Sorry, what ????”

Joey “Cos we were BOTH so frisky, and got me moonstruck. Given that I can’t remember much bout last night, well, after I bailed from this house anyway. Gosh, I’m babbling, like Cleo .... or Dex. Actually, funny I should say that. [serious voice] Charlie, I need to tell you about this morning.”

Charlie [tenderly] “Go ahead, my Angel.”

Joey “I woke up at the Walker house. I was naked, and so was DEX when he woke. I woke up in his bed. Our clothes strewn about the floor, so looks like I, you know, with a GUY. So, what so you think?”

Charlie ponders what her wife has just told her, and ........

Charlie [sternly] “Sooooo angry at you ...... [smily voice] sounds like I’m gonna get NO sleep in about 9 months time.”

Charlie hugs Joey, before oh so kissing her beloved wife !!!!!

Joey “You’re sooooo amazing !!!!!”

Charlie “After what happened with Rubes, how she was conceived, I’ve always wanted more kids but never thought it would happen and now, it will. [Charlie PAHSES Joey] We gotta tell Ruby she might have a little brother or sister soon”.

In the following weeks, Dex and then Joey [who she sees a full moon on TV during a rom com Jarlie are watching] remember EVERYHTING bout THAT night. Joey eagerly tells Charlie bout the triplets she is expecting, and Dex delights in telling Denny Hamlin [the silly American foreign exchange student] AND his dad what occurred …and whilst Sid is initially quite shocked, he’s VERY pleased that his intriguing son has “scored” with a girl.

Jarlie & Dex are overjoyed when Joey’s “late” and the ultrasound confirms Joey’s words THAT night [that she’s preggy with triplets] and Dex moves into the “Hunter house”. Like Billy before he regained his memoires, Dex sleeps in the same room as Ruby, but Dex only has [platonic] eyes for the mother of his children.

Joey has a blissful 9 months carrying her kids and a complication free labour – giving birth to Danica, then Charlotte, then Adrian .......

......and in the days after mother & children come home form the hospital, Joey [whilst she breastfeeds Charlotte] looks lovingly at Charlie, who is bottle-feeding Adrian, whilst Dex and Billy [in toy unicorn mode] tickle little Danica !!!!!

Joey wakes the next morning in a happy mood, and she smiles as she gladly had remembered her dream. Joey knows it’s never going to be that way, the blissful way things were in her dream, but it’s a good way of fighting the wall of negativity that’s in her mind ... and cursing her decision not to tell her beloved Charlie from the start about what happened THAT night..

The dream also helps her mood because she lied to her fellow “Angels” as well [of course] and after Sid drops her off near the rock pool, Joey contemplates her mornings from now on. Although she’s here a bit earlier than normal, she’s not expecting a favourable reception from not only Charlie but ESPECIALLY Rikki as well. Indeed, Joey decides to start the swim without the others – as it’s not like they’ll WANT to swim with her anyway, she thinks. Joey is about to dive into the ocean when .....

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Saturday, 28/05/11 !!!!!!!

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MANY thanks for the COOOOOOOOOOOOL comments !!!!!

Red Ranger 1, see below for Jarlie’s 1st post break up encounter !!!!

belgshep, Joey’s especially concentrating on one of the triplets below.


Rikki [calls out] “Going without us, eh? Now THERE’S a way to beat Em on our morning swims.”

Emma “Not that it would be very fair. [smiley voice] I’d launch a protest with the “Angel” division of FINA, the world swimming governing body.”

Bella [enthusiastically] “And you just KNOW that Em would ACTUALLY do that, if she could.”

Joey “Why are you all here? I mean I know you’re about to swim but .....sounds like we’re gonna swim together.”

Cleo “We’re “Angels”, “sisters”. It’s what we do.”

Joey “But SURELY you know about ......” [her voice trails off]

Rikki “Yep. You’re an IDIOT, but, on the bright side, the rest of us get to swim TWICE each morn from now on.”

Cleo “Charlie thought we’d side with you over her, but this way, best of both worlds.”

Joey “So, will Charlie, Rubes & Billy be waiting here when we get back?”

Rikki “No. Em’s military precisioned this to the MICRO SECOND, to allow you time to bail before the others get here. Charlie wants it this way, so .... given that I can “hear” Em thinking that we’re about to be behind schedule, I think we should head off. You can check my wife’s mobile if you like. She’s got today ALL mapped out.”

Emma “Well, if I didn’t, we wouldn’t be at the diner in time to chat to Roo, after we finish our swims, kissing every so oft as we do.”

Rikki [enthusiastically] “Good point. LOVE our Kanga kissing sessions.”

Bella [as Rikki kisses Emma softly on the lips] “Now, let’s see if ANYONE to make it to Stewart’s Point and back quicker than Em today.”

Emma [smiley, but determined voice] “Not gonna happen.”

Joey [as she looks down & runs her hand over her belly] “Bye baby bump. See you when I’m back in “land mode” again.”

The 5 mermaids dive into the water, and although Rikki & Bella got quite close, Emma is victorious once more .......AND Joey, after quick drying herself with her mer-powers, bails just minutes before Charlie, Rubes & Billy arrive – just like Charlie & Emma planned.


Later that day, Joey, Dex & Sid got to the hospital to speak to Dr Fields about the ultrasound .....

Dex “Well, apart from these three being the most beautiful foetuses EVER, what’s the goss Doc?”

Lucy [as she points to the ultrasound image from yesterday”] “Everything is totally fine with these two ........”

Dex [cutting in] “Danica & Charlotte. Sorry, sooo excited. Continue.”

Joey [concerned] “What about Adrian?”

Lucy “We’ll have to keep an eye on her. This could be a leap I’m making, but I THINK your.........sitch could be reason.”

Sid “Her “Angelness”?”

Lucy “Indeed. The foetus is VERY healthy, but it has some characteristics that intrigue me, and I DON’T mean that she looks like Joey when she’s in the water. All I’m saying in that I want to keep a close eye on things.”

Joey “The strangest pregnancy in history continues.”

Lucy “Speaking of which, now that the official part of this appointment is over, would you mind if I, by the water in a secluded spot, examined your belly ... when you’re in “Fin Land”, let’s say?”

Joey “We call it “sea mode”, and I’ll have to talk to my “sisters” about this. Doctors & “Angels” AREN’T such a good mix.”

Lucy “Just to make it clear, I only want to SEE your non pregnant “sea mode” belly. It fascinates me.”

Joey “Sounds better, but I’ll still talk to Cleo and the others about this.”

Lucy “OK. I’ll wait your response.”

Dex “Look forward to seeing at the next check up, Doc.”

Lucy [as Dex, Joey & Sid exit the room] “See you then.”


A few days later, Joey is at the diner with Lucy. Its lunch time and they’ve just come from near the rock pool where Lucy, as she promised all 5 mermaids, looked at but didn't touch/scan Joey whilst she was in “sea mode”. Lucy, like all those who reside in Summer Bay, was told/shown the mermaids’ secret but to actually see one of her patients COMPLETELY loose their baby bump when she gains her tail [and vice versa] is just ASTONISHING !!!!

Joey & Lucy go to the counter to pay for their order when Charlie [in uniform] enters the diner. It’s the 1st time that Charlie & Joey have seen each other since they broke up. Joey looks lovingly at her wife, but ……………….gets a DEATH STARE in return !!!!

Joey was hoping that time MIGHT have changed things even just a little, but THAT death stare is the same level of intensity as the one Charlie had the day they broke up. Joey bails form the diner with her head bowed, whilst Lucy [although she doesn’t VOICE her opinion] isn’t impressed that Charlie stressed a pregnant woman like this.


A few weeks later, Charlie & Ruby chat at home ……

Ruby “How are things in your world, Mum?”

Charlie “Well, those River Boys are still a pain in my side, especially Brax. He thinks his charm can get him anywhere, but I KNOW him & his lot are dodgy. Just gotta prove it. I’m sooooo glad that you’re with Billy, and not someone like Casey. [Charlie sees the look on Ruby’s face] Why are you smirking at me like that?”

Ruby “Cos last time I checked, I’m NOT your boss at the cop shop. [Charlie has a “what are you talking about?”look on her face] I was asking about my mum the PERSON, not SGT Buckton the cop.”

Charlie “Sorry Rubes, but the only person I’m personally interested in is YOU. You’re my world, so ........is there anything you’d like to tell me? I mean, has anything happened tween you & Billy since we has THAT chat? You know, the day before ......a certain BIG moment in my life happened.”

Ruby “I haven’t even thought about talking to my man bout that. I’m enjoying the closeness tween you & me .... AND I’m not keen of having another “boat” in my world rocked.”

Charlie “Are you holding back ......cos of me? That you think that you’re going forward and leaving me behind, cos if that’s it, I LIKE seeing you 2 and Em & Rikki and Bella & Cleo kissing. Makes me think there’s hope for ME in the future. To find someone I mean, but I’m talking a LONG way in the future, and yeah, good to know that love exists in the world [Ruby has a BIG smile on her face] OK, what’s THIS latest smirk about?”

Ruby “Good to hear that you’re not so down on love. Not rushing you, but just sayin’, I wouldn’t mind a stepdad OR stepmum, if you go there. Even if it’s …………you know who.”

Charlie “Rubes, I’m nowhere NEAR in that kinda headspace with, you know. Don’t know if I’ll ever be ….[Charlie sees the concerned look on Ruby’s face] but you know me & love …. ALWAYS a weird combo.”

Ruby “Well, since it sound like you’re at least thinking maybe about getting into a ‘ship with someone, maybe now I’ll talk to Billy bout what you said.”

Charlie “No rush, just good to know that it sounds like you’ll be getting back on the metaphorical horse .... [excitedly, as she pays attention to the song on the radio] Hey, that’s LIAM’S song !!!!”

Ruby gets up off the couch and turns up the volume of the stereo nearby ..... as it’s especially COOOOOL for Rubes that the song is largely based on “Kisses Hurt So Much”, the song that Liam & Ruby created/performed for the SBH production last year of “Romeo & Juliet”.

Ruby [happy voice, when the song is finished] “As good a music teacher that Liam is, I’m sooooooo glad that he’s had BIG success with this song.”

Charlie “Yeah, Bianca was telling me he MIGHT be doing a promo tour of Europe, cos the song’s been MASSIVE here in Oz .......AND now, I might LEGITIMATELY be able to call you & your b/f Bilby, since you’re kinda famous now.”

Ruby [after shaking her head a little at her mum’s comment] “MAYBE Liam’s success will bring good fortune to ALL of us. I mean, I still prefer The PIERCES over, well, ANY singer or group, as they’re just.......GLORIOUS !!!!! ...... but yeah, maybe our love lives will MUCHLY improve, especially YOURS .... after what Joey did.” [see The Pierces pic etc below]

Charlie “Sounds like a plan to me.”

Ruby [after she stands and walks to the door] “OK, I’m gonna head out. Go over to Nic’s house. Hope I can guess which one of Tessa’s cuddly toys Billy is today. [as she heads out the door] Catchya later.”


Five weeks later, Cleo & Bianca are at the surf club. These 2 and Charlie made arrangements yesterday to meet here to chat, but Charlie is running late and hasn’t arrived as yet ......

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Thursday, 2/6/11

“Glorious” - The Pierces


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This episode and indeed this ENTIRE fic is in memory of/dedicated to my great friend Sue [aka belgshep] who passed away this week.

Red Ranger 1, MANY thanks for your continued support & comments !!!!


Bianca “I want to talk to you about something before Charlie gets here.”

Cleo “What is it?”

Bianca “You’re still in contact with Joey, aren’t you? Beyond just swimming with her I mean.”

Cleo “DEFINITELY. We dark haired “Angels” gotta stick togther.”

Bianca “How’s everything going with the triplets?”

Cleo “All’s going well. The obstetrician is still REALLY intrigued by Adrian though.”

Bianca “How do you mean?”

Cleo “From what Joey’s saying, her doctor in one of the best in her field, but she’s not keen to go all testy with Joey & the bubs. I mean, Joey’s doctor was working in America for quite a while, like Rachel Armstrong is now, but she’s back in Oz now. Joey told me that if she was like you or Charlie or, well, anyone who’s NOT an “Angel”, her doctor would have done more tests, especially to do with Adrian, but yeah, med tests and my “sisters” & I ……” [her voice trails off]

Bianca “Yep, I definitely know what you mean. [pause] BTW, how’s Joey coping with the way Charlie’s treating her? I’ve seen Charlie’s if-looks-could-kill face when she sees Joey when Charlie & I are having coffee and the like at the diner.”

Cleo “It hurts her a little when Charlie does that, but mostly Joey STILL feels she deserves it. I will say that I think those death stares are LESS death starey these days, if that makes sense.”

Bianca “I was thinking the same thing. Do you think there’s a chance they’ll get back togther?”

Cleo “Bella & I hope so. Rikki ….is being, well, very Rikki about their chances.”

Bianca [after she thinks about how pessimistic Rikki can be] “Backtraking a little here ….since we were talking about Adrian and the like before, any thoughts, plans about having kids? ….OR Bella doing so?”

Cleo “We’ve not talked about really. [Cleo sees the inquisitive look on Bianca’s face] I mean, I get the feeling that my Cougar DEFINITELY wants kids. Just certain things she’s said about herself, the way she grew up ….that her parents were soooo busy managing 1 great hotel round the world to the next that maybe Bella got everything money can buy, but didn’t really have a close bond with her folks. That’s why it was only just before the 4 of us moved here to the Bay that Bella ‘fessed up to her parents about her BIG secret. I mean, I don't think she ONLY wants kids because of her own childhood, but it’s a contributing factor.”

Bianca “Any thoughts on HOW you’d go there? ......as ít’s not like you’re going to “do a Joey” and get preggy after being moonstruck.”

Cleo “Haven’t really thought that much about it, or even if one or BOTH of us will somehow become biological, giving birth and all, mums or if we’ll adopt or whatever. Still, at least we’re prepping in a way ......when we cuddle or look adoringly at, or do, well, ANYTHING, involving little Tessa. [pause] So, any plans of your own with Liam to do with bubs?”

Bianca “Haven’t talked about it, although ........because of Nicole’s baby and Joey’s pregnancy, I seriously thought about talking to him about maybe starting a family, but now he’s had all that WONDERFUL success, #1 on the Aussie charts AND going really well O/S too, which is why he’s over in Europe at the moment.”

Cleo “That’s just sooooooooooooo great, and Rubes ALWAYS loves it when hears the song on radio, given how instrumental she was in its creation. [Charlie enters the building and heads towards Cleo & Bianca] Hey, it’s Charlie. [Charlie sits with them] Bet you’re glad you’re not having this little soirée with Em. She’d put you in the naughty corner for being late.”

Charlie [as Bianca smirks] “Sorry, got held up. What were you talking about while waiting for me?”

Cleo “Nothing much.”

Bianca [tentatively] “Kids.”

Charlie “In other words, Joey.”

Bianca “Maybe.”

Cleo “Apologies, but I’m gonna have to bail. Made plans with Bella, and it’s not like we can’t chat at home Charlie.”

Charlie “TOTALLY understand.”

Cleo [as she bails] “Later.”

Charlie “Bianca, how’s Liam going overseas?”

Bianca “It’s sounding pretty awesome. Would have loved to have gone with him, but the thought of being in the same continent as my mother again was just too .....chilling. Liam and I have been keeping in contact mostly via Skype. [bianca’s mobile rings] Hey, speak of the devil. It’s Liam. Back soon Charlie, better reception outside.”

Whilst Charlie contemplates her own love life, or lack of after the bust up with Joey, Bianca exits the building and answers the call ......

Bianca “Hi darling, how’s everything there? [surprised voice, upon hearing his response] What? [cheeky voice] You’re joking with me, aren’t you? [worried voice, after his reply] Come on, Liam. This .... can’t be happening. It just CAN’T. Surely we can talk about this. [sullen voice, after his response] Thanks for letting me know in person, I guess.”

The phone call ends and tears well in Bianca’s eyes. She & Liam have been through soooooo much....and now, Bianca’s been TOTALLY blindsided.

In the surf club, Charlie’s getting intrigued/worried. Bianca’s been outside around 10 minutes or so now, and this isn’t usually a time of day that Liam contacts Bianca or vice versa. Charlie waits another 5 minutes, before she heads outside and finds Bianca in tears. Charlie hugs her friend. Slowly Bianca’s tears ease and Charlie continues to hug her friend til Bianca slowly releases herself from the embrace .......

Bianca [after steadying herself] “Liam’s going to be in the news. He’s back together with his ........”

She starts crying again and Charlie holds Bianca’s hand, letting her friend well & truly know that Charlie is there for her.

Bianca [very teary voice] “He’s back together ...........with his ex, the mother of his child. “

Charlie is lost for words, both because of her own sitch AND Bianca’s new reality. All Charlie can do is hug her devastated friend once more, hoping Bianca will see that the whole world isn’t against her .........and when Bianca’s tears ease a little ......

Charlie “Wanna come back to my place, talk about this? How to win him back .....OR make a voodoo doll of him.”

That comment brings a bit of a smile to Bianca’s face admits the tears, and she softly kisses Charlie on the right cheek. Bianca ends the hug, and ......

Bianca “You’re a great friend, Charlie.”

Charlie “So .......are we going to head for your place or mine?”

Bianca “Yours. Don’t want to have to deal with April or ANYONE right now.”

Charlie “Then its good that no one SHOULD be at my place either.”

Charlie puts her arm round the back of Bianca’s neck, with her left hand coming to rest on Bianca’s right shoulder, and it stays that way as the 2 of them head for Charlie’s house.


After Charlie & Bianca arrive and sit on the couch side by side, Charlie isn’t sure if she should start the chat or let Bianca set the tone. Like if Bianca “lets fly” and badmouths Liam to hell ... just to vent her anger and the like, then Charlie can easily join in the cheater “bashing”, given her own experiences most especially with Joey.

Although the 2 woman are alone in the house, Charlie notices the radio is on. Most likely left on by Ruby or Rikki, and Charlie’s only paying attention because although she knows the pain her friend is in, she doesn’t quite know what the best way she can “be there” for Bianca is. Charlie decides that she’ll hug her blonde multi lingual friend, but as she moves towards Bianca, the announcer on the radio tells the Summer Bay world that Liam is back together with his ex.

Bianca cries once more and whilst Charlie DOES goes through with the hug, it’s with more emotional support than she was initially planning – before she heard THAT announcement on the radio. Bianca REALLY appreciates it – that Charlie is soooooooooooo there for her, and as they break away from the hug a minute or so later, their eyes meet and Bianca KISSES Charlie on the LIPS!!!!!!

Charlie is taken aback. She NEVER expected that, and Bianca sees/feels the shock on her friend’s face. Bianca quickly bails from the house – leaving behind a shell shocked Charlie. Shell-shocked because she NEVER thought Bianca would do such a thing AND because the brief kiss was ...... quite much better than nice actually.

Charlie wonders if she should make the next move, or let Bianca come to her. Charlie muchly thinks about what to do, and it doesn’t help when she hears Liam’s smash hit song - the one that lead him back to his ex AND to Bianca kissing Charlie - on the radio.

Charlie takes a deep breath, and decides to let Bianca make the next move.


Meanwhile, at the caravan park, Billy & Ruby have just entered one of the vans and locked the door behind them ......

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Tuesday, 7/6/11

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MANY thanks for the FANTASTIC comments !!!!

It’s ironic that whilst in real H&A, Liam/Bianca split after his music career wasn’t going so well, I had the opposite …….UBER successful Liam was their downfall !!!


Billy “Why are we in the van like this? You were so mysterious on the phone.”

Ruby “A couple of reasons. The 1st of which …..is this.”

Billy [as Ruby hands him a bag from a fashion boutique] “What’s this?”

Ruby “It’s just something for literally the most AMAZING b/f in the universe.”

Billy reaches into the bag, and pulls out an electric blue low cut thin strapped mid thigh length dress .

Billy “Rubes, this is BEAUTIFUL.”

Ruby “Hope you’re wearing undies to match.”

Billy [cheeky voice] “Maybe.”

Ruby “If you’re gonna try on your pressie, I’m going to find out.”

Billy “So THIS is why we’re in this van.”

Ruby “It’s ONE of the reasons.”

Billy “Sound intriguing. So, will you help me ditch these boy clothes?”

Ruby [very happy voice] “Just try and stop me. [Ruby pulls the right side of Billy’s shorts down a little] Sexy GIRLY panties. Good boy.”

Rubes removes Billy’s t shirt, before he ditches his shorts and then puts on the blue dress Ruby bought him.

Billy “Feels even BETTER on my skin than it looks.”

Ruby “There’s a maxi dress in the bag for you too, but this shorter dress suits MY purposes for today better.”

Billy “You're being soooooo mysterious. I LIKE it, but …just wondering why?”

Ruby “Gotta admit, I’m buttering you up. [billy looks at her curiously] I want to talk about our ‘ship.”

Billy [after Ruby sits down and Billy follows her lead] “What do you mean?”

Ruby “Well, I really like you ….and I like the way you like to dress. I guess that’s because I’m used to seeing 2 people in girls clothes kissing, with Mum & Joey and Rikki & Em and the like, and, don't get me wrong, I’m not ready to have kids yet, and don’t want you going against what you believe in. [Ruby sees the confused look on Billy’s face] I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’ve lived with Cleo too long. [deep breath] Anyway, I wonder ………since we both really like kissing & caressing each other, if …..we can go a bit further?”

Billy “How do you mean?”

Ruby “A few days ago when we were kissing, I got a little surprised. I had my hand inside the back of your shorts & undies and, well, I groped your backside, and you didn’t even seem to flinch. It’s like, thought you’d have said something, because that’s one of the parts of your bod that is covered where you’re REALLY from, but you haven’t said anything …or reciprocated. I guess, I just want to know how you felt about that.”

Billy “I was surprised that you didn't go there sooner, but I thought were just being VERY respectful of my beliefs.”

Ruby “I was, but …….. “ [her voice trails off ]

Billy “But what?”

Ruby “Um ......something Mum said convinced me to try something like that.”

Billy “The way you’re sounding, it was a ......toe in the water ......and although I get why you were embarrassed, telling me about the advice from your mum, but I would have DEFINITELY talked to my folks bout this if I was still at home and interested in a girl.”

Ruby “DOESN’T surprise me. Families seem more .......”tight” in “Jazz” land.

Billy [a little tentatively] “That toe in the water thing, what’s your plan?”

Ruby “I was soooooo confident leading up to this, but now ...... [deep breath] OK, I don’t want to have babies yet, but I’m keen to ......touch the places involved in that. To have you REALLY with your hands on me, and the same with my hands on you. So, what do you think?”

Billy “I’d say ..... the length of BOTH our dresses makes sense now .... and you’v ......”

Ruby [cutting in, enthusiastically] “Yep, got NO bra on right now.”

Billy “Sounding quite confident of your plan again from the sound of it.”

Ruby “Well, that whole thing with your backside, AND us talking like this, has given me hope. Of course, I KNOW I’m going to get more out of this than you.”

Billy “Cos of your .......chest?”

Ruby “Nicely cleaned up there, and YES. So ......are you keen on this? .....and I mean, this won’t be an everyday thing. Just when we’re in the mood for .......”rabbitting”, before we want to start a family of our own.”

Billy “You’re REALLY thought bout this, haven’t you?”

Ruby “There are people in this town who’ll tell you it’s ALL I think about.”

Billy “The whole “Backseat Buckton” thing?”

Ruby [churlishly] “Maybe.”

Billy “I’m not ..... 100% sure bout your plan.”

Ruby “No rush. Just an idea I had.”

Billy [who’s really liking how understanding Ruby is being] “But maybe .......if I tried a toe in the water myself .... with your chest?”

Ruby [loving the sound of that] “Sounds good to me, but can we go for a less MANLY nickname here, like ……puppies?

Billy [after Ruby chuckles at her own comment] “What was that about?”

Ruby “Couldn’t help it. [billy looks cluelessly at her] Referring to my boobs that way, when a LOT of people in this town probably actually think that I’m a bitch. [short pause] Moving on, I KNOW there are little boy dogs too, but yeah, puppies or pups sound good, and although it’s not the sexiest way to talking about them, I know you PLAYING with my pups will be VERY sexy. [short pause] Billy?”

Billy “Yeah.”

Ruby “Just do the UNIVERSE a big favour. Just SHUT me up & kiss me & touch me.”

Billy smiles, as he loves how respectful Ruby is being AND her nervous rambling is pretty cute, so he kisses her softly on the lips before they PASH each other. As they kiss, Billy reaches behind Ruby’s neck and undoes the knot that’s holding her halter neck dress in place ..... which lets her puppies TOTALLY off the leash!!!!!!! Rubes ADORES it when Billy really puts his hands on her, tentatively at 1st, and they BOTH waaaay enjoy it when Billy REALLY sensually caresses Ruby’s breasts.......before the lovers, with Rubes taking the lead, put their hands up under the dress, up the leg of the other …..UBER touching the most private of places !!!!!!!!!


A while later, with Ruby & Billy fully clothed once more .......

Ruby [VERY happily] “Billy, I know that I hyperbolise bout this a lot of the time, but you REALLY are the most AMAZING b/f in the universe!!! I mean, I’ve gone all the way with other guys, and ...you just don’t know how much you just pleasured me!!!!”

Billy “I’m not the ONLY one who’s awesome, Rubes. I’ve not, you know with a girl, but it’s going to be soooooo amazing when we make babies together.”

Ruby “Sounds like a plan, and now, when I feel like tearing your clothes off, there’s a non me getting as big as a house way to do it. This is just ....... [VERY happy voice] I LOVE today, just like I LOVE you !!!!!!”

Billy [smiley voice] “A million times likewise. [billy softly kisses Ruby on the lips] Although I don’t plan on going anywhere, anytime soon, do you love me enough to go HOME with me if I wanted to?”

Ruby “MUCHLY. After all, you know how much I LOVE getting about in only my undies, and if I went with back there, I could be that way 24/7 !!!!”

Billy ”Don’t know bout you, but I feel like pashing again.”

Ruby “Here’s my answer to that.“

Rubes eagerly kisses Billy, with more intensity than she’s EVER kissed him before, now that they’ve taken their ‘ship to the next level .... having their hands ALL over each other !!!


Three weeks later, Dex, Joey, Sid & Marilyn are at the hospital. They are in the waiting room before Joey’s latest ultrasound. Marilyn is keen for them all to talk about a subject they’ve only briefly talked bout over the last few weeks ....

Marilyn “We REALLY need to have an honest, all cards on the table discussion about what we’ve been tippy-toeing about.”

Sid “Are you sure THIS is the right place to talk about whether Joey should have a home birth?”

Marilyn “Yes, it is. She’s 24 weeks now. The birth IS something we really should be talking about.”

Sid “OK then, a hospital birth is the BEST option. I know Joey’s sitch isn’t par for the course, but that’s why we should be HERE when the time comes.”

Dex “Although I’m USUALLY Mr Alternate. Actually, one day if someone ever DISAGREES with that, I’m going to be cross …..cos it means I’ve become dull and …[worried voice] normal.”

Sid [trying not to sound to annoyed] “Dex, was there an actual point in the middle of all of that? Your opinion. Birth here or not?”

Dex “There was meant to be, but I sidetracked myself. BAD me. Anyway, the bubs’ best ..... everything will be here. Yeah, best chance if ...... “

Dex doesn’t want to finish that sentence. The mere THOUGHT of things going wrong could jinx then, maybe.

Marilyn “But a home birth will be sooooo spiritual and healthy and NATURAL, especially on the great little farm we live on.”

Sid [noticing that Joey is listening intently to all of this, but not saying anything] “Joey, you’re being remarkably quiet in ALL of this.”

Joey “I’m just weighing up my options, seeing what you all have to say. You’ve ALL been soooooo good to me. Taking me in, treating me like part of your family.”

Sid “Trying not to pressure you, but are you inclined either way? Birth here at the hospital, in a safe environment? .....or at home?”

Joey [after she notices the kinda annoyed look on Marilyn’s face] “Right now, sound like it’s 2 to 1 for a hospital birth, an.......”

Dex [cutting in] “You’re not going to go all “Grey’s Anatomy” on us, are you? A vote for the bubs as well as yourself?”

Joey [smiley voice] “No, I’m not going to “do a Callie” on you. Well, not about this anyway. I’ve been thinking of asking Lucy her opinion bout this. If she thinks a hospital birth is best, I’ll go with that. Likewise a home birth.”

Joey sees that Sid is pleased with that idea, as he thinks the obstetrician is SURE to suggest that the birth – especially for a 1st time mum expecting triplets – should be at the hospital. Marilyn, of course, has the opposite look on her face to Sid .... but either way, they’re going to find out soon, as Dr Fields calls them into the ultrasound room .....

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Monday, 13/06/11

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MANY thanks for your comments!!!!

I’m soooo enjoying everything to do with Ruby & Billy …. especially given his background [only 1000 of his species], so his views on sex are somewhat different to Ruby’s. See below for where the Joey’s bubs will be born!!!!


As Sid, Marilyn and especially Joey & Dex listen intently to the sound of 3 baby heartbeats filling the room .......

Dr Lucy Fields “As you can hear, all 3 are sounding VERY healthy, including Adrian. In those terms, she’s as normal as you or I or her siblings there inside Joey, and although I’ve not run tests to back up my theory, I STILL think there’s something going on with her. I’ve tested Charlotte & Danica. Both are perfectly healthy, and the way I’d expect them to be at this stage of the pregnancy.”

Sid "I know that you’re not keen to do any tests on Adrian, but that’s MY grandchild in there.”

Lucy “I get where you’re coming from, but I’ve seen and done tests on unborn children with disabilities. I KNOW what I’m talking about when I say that Adrian is different to those and her siblings. I’ll add that the day I started work here at the hospital, and Rikki & the other "Angels" told me about them almost being some Dr’s guinea pigs, I swore that I’m NOT going to the one who starts that process happening to Adrian AND Joey.”

Sid can hear the conviction in Lucy’s voice, and its worrying him about which way she will vote now, in terms of where the triplets will be born.

Marilyn “Dr, with what you’ve just said .......actually, Joey or Dex should be the one to ask you.”

Lucy “Ask me what?”

Joey “We’ve been discussing whether I should give birth here or at home.”

Dex “Just to recap, it’s currently 2 to 1 in favour of here at the hospital, with the mother of my children going to vote whichever way you do, Doctor.”

Joey “Lucy, you’ve been so supportive and well aware of my sitch, and you’ve delivered countless babies. Your call is the BEST call there can be.”

Lucy “I suggest a home birth. I ........”

Sid [sternly cutting in, whilst Marilyn smiles] “Dr Fields!!!!!!!!”

Lucy “Hear me out. It’s cos of Adrian, the tests that would have to be officially done on her if she’s born here, BUT I’ve only gone with this option for one reason. I’m going to be there EVERY step of the way. I won’t say that Joey’s room at your home will look exactly like a hospital room, but that’s basically my thinking. I’ll be speaking to Nurse Julie, see if she’ll be on board with this plan AND, Dr Walker, I’ll have an ambulance on standby. There, I HOPE that covers everything.”

Dex “Glad you didn’t say anything about a POLICE escort, cos I wouldn’t count on you getting one. BTW, what you said sounded ........” [pauses, as he looks for the right words]

Lucy “A bit scripted?”

Dex “Well, yes.”

Lucy “Given Joey’s ........everything, it’s crossed my mind that you might go for this option.”

Joey “Sounds ......best of both worlds.”

Marilyn “Not quite what I had in mind, but at least it will be at home.”

Sid “I must say that I’m quite impressed how much thought into this.”

Dex “Sounds like the perfect non-conformist way to do things. MY way to travel.”

Joey “Totally a home-spital birth it will be then. Thanks, Lucy.”

Lucy “There were day that I wondered whether coming back to Oz was the right thing to do. ALL of that’s been erased now.”

Joey “All VERY magical, you could say.”

Marilyn “The wonder of the universe at work.”

Lucy “Looking forward to seeing you all at your next appointment, or better still, I’ll drop by your place sometime before that. Scope out this, what did you call it?”

Joey “Home-spital. I’ve been hanging out with the father of my children for waaaaaaay too long.”

Dex “The pleasure is ALL mine, Joey.”

Lucy “Let’s make it for ......3 days from now. Yeah, that has a good ring to it.”

Sid [as Joey smirks] “Agreed.”

Marilyn “Look forward to you seeing our place.”

Lucy [as Joey & co bail] “Definitely. See you then.”


Two weeks later, and it’s now been over a month since Bianca “planted one” on Charlie. They’re not spoken in ANY way since. Both, especially Charlie, has thought of contacting the other, but Charlie isn’t keen to possibility loose a friend OR go back on her word [that Bianca should make the 1st move].

Bianca also doesn’t want to totally wreck theri friendship so talking to Charlie again, after her understandably shocked reaction to the kiss, isn’t something Bianca is looking forward to. In fact, Bianca decided – as she bailed from tee house THAT day – that she’d let Charlie make the next move. Bianca knows that she hasn’t seen or heard from Charlie in the weeks that have followed, but technically they are still friends – and Bianca’s been VERY busy with school, and those River Boys are no doubt still causing Charlie no end of trouble, as she tries to “nail” them for something.

The funny part is that Bianca, who’d NEVER thought about kissing other female THIS way in her life, more than liked that brief kiss, and she liked how Charlie is a such a string willed, beautiful woman/person/whatever. MAYBE in sea of Mr Wrongs that Bianca had gone out with, Charlie is MISS Right for her. Bianca has seen Charlie in the distance at times, like on the beach or she’s chosen NOT to enter the diner or surf club when she can see that Charlie is there. Yeah, better to live with the thought that they are still friends than deal with the realities which might destroy that.


Charlie & Bianca aren’t the only people contemplating what’s going on tween them though. Ruby is sitting through what could be the MOST boring double period of ........whatever boring subject that she is in. Ruby’s THAT bored with the documentary that Gina’s put on for them to watch that she’s, instead of watching the boring doco, thinking about how everything in her life is mostly going well for her, i.e. great boyfriend, great relationship with her mum and the like, but Rubes also thinks of things that AREN’T so good ....that more than once, she’s been by Charlie’s side when she’s ignored or death stared Joey. Ruby hasn’t spent that mush time lately with the woman she used to call stepmum. Rubes would love it if Jarlie got back together, especially since it would be just the best to see everyday Joey’s getting ever bigger baby bump.

Ruby looks about the room and remember/realises that April is sitting to her right. Rubes also realises that whilst she & Bianca & April have “hung out” together on several occasions lately, Ruby can’t recall Charlie telling her any amusing, or in fact ANY tales of Bianca & Charlie doing anything together. Rubes almost wishes she could read April’s mind – to see if Bianca has talk bout Charlie recently. Ruby thinks bout texting April in class, but she decides to go all “old school”. She quickly writes April a short note on some paper from her A4 sized notebook. She folds it and, as silently as possible, reaches over and puts the note on April’s desk. Although April is somewhat more interested in the doco than Ruby is, she looks at the note - which says “Has Bianca talked bout my mum lately?”

April smirks, as the whole idea of Ruby writing & passing a note to her is more than a tad intriguing AND she also wonders why Rubes didn’t wait to the end of the lesson to ask her. The note however made April realise she’s in the same boat – she’s hung out with Charlie & Ruby, but there’s not been a Scott/Buckton 4some for anything of late. April writes her reply – on the line under where Ruby wrote her note at the top of the A4 page – and folds it, then puts it on Ruby’s desk. “Actually, no”, it reads. Ruby wonders why Bianca & Charlie’s friendship has gone “south“. Maybe Bianca disagreed with Charlie kicking preggy Joey out of home, but Ruby doesn’t really think that to be the case – especially since Bianca knows all about people cheating on her [Liam, Vittorio].

Ruby writes another note - “Mum’s not talked about Bianca either. Ideas as to why?”, but Gina notices this decidedly “old school” behaviour when Ruby passes the note to April, so when the doco ends minutes later ........

Gina “Class, I want you to start writing a 1000 word essay on how the topic of the documentary you just watched relates to modern life. Start now, and finish it for homework tonight. April & Ruby, outside with me please. [the trio exit the classroom] I HOPE these notes are to do with your studies.”

Ruby “What we were “talking” about AFFECTS our studies.”

Gina “Show me. [April hands her the notes] Couldn’t this “chat” about Bianca & Charlie have waited?”

April [as Ruby thinks the lack of cohesion tween Bianca & Charlie is more important right now] “Sorry, Mrs Palmer.”

Ruby [sullenly] “Yeah, sorry.”

Gina [sarcastically] “Sooo heartfelt, Ruby. [authoratively] It WON’ T look good if you don’t do well with this essay, and then Charlie & Bianca will REALLY have something to worry about.”

The trio head back in to the classroom, with Ruby trying to “wing” the essay, whilst still thinking of her mum and Bianca.


That night, after Ruby & April talked about the issue further after school finished for the day, and Rubes agreed she would talk to Charlie bout the sitch .....

Ruby “Mum, I’m going to just come out and say it. [Charlie looks concerned] I got in trouble at school today.”

Charlie [sternly] “RUBY !!!!”

Ruby “It was because of YOU.”

Charlie [taken aback] “What do you mean?”

Ruby “I was “talking” in class with April about you & Bianca.”

Charlie [worried voice] “Why? What have you heard? Who told you about the kiss?”

Ruby [shocked voice] “KISS??? What kiss?”

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Friday, 17/06/11

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MANY thanks for ALL your GREAT comments !!!!! ……

…… See below for the rest of the mother/daughter chat ……and Charlie & Bianca also having a D&M !!!!


Charlie “It’s nothing.”

Ruby “The way you just said that tells me otherwise. [tenderly] Come on, ‘spill’. “

Charlie [deep breath] “Well …… NO, I can’t do it. [Ruby looks at Charlie adoringly] OK. [deep breath] The day we all heard that Liam got back together with his ex, I was comforting Bianca ….and she kissed me. [There’s a shocked look, but no other reaction from Ruby] I was shocked she did that, and she saw that and ran ……and still IS running ……and so am I.”

Ruby [trying to take all that in] “Sooo ….. if we’ve planned to go to the diner, and you’ve seen her there, that’s why you’ve suddenly changed plans?”

Charlie “Can’t deny it.”

Ruby “You …..hate Bianca cos she kissed you? [Ruby sees a loving look on Charlie’s face] O M G !!!! You LIKED the kiss? [Charlie nods] And you think …… what ARE you thinking?”

Charlie “She kissed me. HER move next. Knows where I live, my work, my phone. Knows I’m at least bi, if not full on gay now.”

Ruby “But ….. you’re more ….adept at this kinda thing than Bianca is. Like …..I’m more experienced in ….all things [softly] sexy [normal voice] than my Billy.”

Charlie “What if she HATES me? Her world’s just been turned upside down and I REJECT her and all.”

Ruby “The way this kiss sounds ……like it wasn’t just a peck on the cheek.”

Charlie “Not at all. She started it, but I briefly turned it into a pash. God!!! Why am I telling you all this?”

Ruby “Cos we’re that BEST mother/daughter besties since the Gilmore Girls. [Charlie smiles] THAT’S a better look. [pause, as Ruby gathers her thoughts] I know what this town is like, but if there’s a chance that you & Bianca can truly be together, and you want that, think you should try, or at the very least, find out what she thinks. BTW, I don’t have a clue. She’s said nothing to April as of this arvo. Actually, either you or I could get April to talk to her sister, wonder how she feels about you.”

Charlie “I’m not that keen to lose a friend.”

Ruby “You already ARE.”

Charlie “What do you mean?”

Ruby “You two haven’t talked in WEEKS. Have avoided each other even though you LIKED the kiss, and I KNOW you could deal with the likes of Colleen and other who aren’t that keen on same sex …..or …… keep this tween you two till you’re sure. Like meet, “hang out”, do what couples do, whatever, and do it HERE. [Charlie shakes her head, in a good way] What was that?”

Charlie “Cos of you. I KNOW you liked me & Joey, and yet sounds like you’d be happy if I got together with Bianca.”

Ruby “Saw you & Joey pre the pregnancy & the lies. You were great. Saw you after. NEVER want to see you THAT way again. Now, you look happy. Happy with the thought getting back on the bike, or the horse, or whatever. Yeah, tell Bianca how you feel …….AND if you two get serious, she & April can move in with us. After all, getting crowded at Irene’s, with Gypsy & Lily back in town and staying with there.”

Charlie [smiley voice] “So, I should “hook up” with Bianca cos the Bay has a housing crisis?”

Ruby [cheeky voice] “Of course.”

Charlie “OK. I’ll send her a text, to meet me tomorrow.”

Ruby “I’ll make sure I’m elsewhere, like “hanging” with Nic & Tessa or Billy ……and the “Angels” could go for a swim, because Cleo just “hates” spending time with Ronnie.”

Charlie “In ways, can’t believe how supportive you are.”

Ruby “It’s ALL to do with Billy. Happiness being the most important thing in the universe, no matter which way you find it. In fact, although he’s NEVER had issues with it, here’s something I’ve never been that keen to share with people. You know that night you caught me only in my undies and Billy in girls clothes?”

Charlie “THAT was quite an unforgettable night.”

Ruby [as she think of how Joey revealed that same day that she’s preggers] “‘Slightly’. Well, Billy STILL likes to dress that way. He’d do it ALL the times, go to school in a dress and all, if he could.”

Charlie [smiley voice] “Does this mean your ‘ship’s weirder than mine?”

Ruby [after she chuckles] “Actually sounds like you’re taking in Billy’s taste in clothes better that I did for a while.”

Charlie “Like you said, happiness is VERY important BUT it’s good only the 3 of us know at Billy’s still into clothes like this. [Ruby chuckles] What was that about?”

Ruby “Peoples’ acceptance of Em & Rikki, Bella & Cleo and no doubt you & Bianca if you get together, but, yeah, you guys could be hand in hand at the diner, kissing there, but no way could Billy wear the dresses I’ve bought him there …..except if he, say, “Jazz’d” into a girl. Maybe my secret online from another part of Oz girl friend.”

Charlie “Do you need me for this part of the chat? [Ruby looks at her curiously] In your own thoughts there. [Ruby shrugs her shoulders a bit] You’re right though, bout Billy. Actually, temporary non “Jazz” solution. MAYBE convince Xave, Romeo, Dex and other boys to join Billy, just for a day even, wearing the girl’s uniform to school.”

Ruby [kinda shocked voice] “Can’t believe that this is all happening. That you’ve just suggested that .....AND how I’ve just thought that Romeo’s already done this, and how kinda “smashing” he looked in the girl’s uniform that day. Prepping to play Juliet and all.”

Charlie “I know society’s not ready beyond …..maybe men in kilts, but it’s worth a shot ….and I’m SOOOO glad that you’re accepting of Bianca & me …..if we happen.”

Ruby “I’ll THINK bout this whole en masse boys in girl’s clothes thing at school …. whilst I leave you alone right now so you can text Bianca.”

Charlie “Thanks, Rubes ….. for everything.”

Ruby’s response is a BEAMING smile, before she bails to her room.


The next day, everyone bar Charlie has bailed from the “Hunter House” – with Bella & her 3 fellow mermaids unaware as to why Charlie has asked to have the house to herself today. Bianca arrives and sits on the couch in the longue room next to Charlie.

Bianca [almost under her breath] “Feels weird being on this couch again, after so long,”

Charlie [after she only JUST was able to catch what Bianca said] “We can sit at the table, if you like.”

Bianca “No. Couch is good …..maybe. What did you want to talk to me about? Your text was non descript, and unexpected, and weird.”

Charlie “Weird???”

Bianca “April told me that she got in trouble at school. Something to do with Rubes. April wouldn’t elaborate, which ISN’T like her these days.”

Charlie [a little tentatively] “They got in trouble …..cos of you & me.”

Bianca “How do you mean?”

Charlie “They’re worried our friendship has gone “south”. Mind you, sounded like Ruby was GLAD of the distraction, as Gina’s class sounded pretty boring from the way Rubes described it.”

Bianca “I’m glad that I don’t THINK that I’ve ever bored her at school.”

Charlie “How could you, with THAT voice of yours ….. speaking eloquent languages like Italian & French.”

Bianca “Glad she like my class.”

Charlie “That’s not ALL she likes.”

Bianca “Sounds ……intriguing.”

Charlie “She likes the sitch tween us.”

Bianca “We’re not intriguing. US, you & me, is, seems, non existent.”

Charlie “Us as friends or ….. what do you mean?”

Bianca “Of COURSE I mean friends. What ELSE could I be talking about?”

That comment DOESN’T fill Charlie with encouragement, as she’s not ready to bare her soul when Bianca doesn’t at all sound interested …..BUT Ruby is right. Charlie is more experienced in girl on girl. Sure Bianca’s lived in Europe, but there’s never been any mention from Bianca or April about the older of the Scott sisters having a dalliance with another woman. Charlie decides to go for it - end the confusion, hopefully ……

Charlie “Bianca, [deep breath] what did you think of our kiss? Like it? Hate it? Like me? Hate me? Just ……what did you think?”

Bianca’s confused. She detected no sign of whether Charlie liked the kiss, just LOTS of questions about it. Bianca DID like that kiss, but being rejected right now isn’t something the sultry blonde is keen on.

Charlie sees the confusion on Bianca’s face, and “takes the lead” once more ……

Charlie [after taking Bianca’s hand in hers] “Whatever ELSE I did the day you kissed me, I LIKED that kiss. Like, REALLY liked it. Wouldn’t mind doin’ it again …..ANY time, if you’re keen.”

Bianca smiles and has that heart laid bare soulful look on her face, and she’s a bit teary …. but Charlie can see that these are happy tears. Charlie gently runs her right hand down Bianca’s right check. Such tender hands, Bianca thinks.

Bianca “So ….what happens now?”

Charlie “Looks like you like me. Like, REALLY like me,”

Bianca “Think I do.”

Charlie “Think you want to kiss me some more?”

Bianca [soulful, slightly cheeky voice] “Maybe.”

Charlie takes that as a good sign, and softly kisses Bianca on the lips. Feels good to Bianca who, after several more soft kisses, turns it into a full on PASH!!!!!!

Charlie starts caressing Bianca’s arms and her dress-clad back, with Bianca following suit with the caressing soon after. Charlie is REALLY enjoying this, but she’s not so lost in the moment that she realises that any private parts touching might be just a BIT too much for Bianca, but what’s going on right tween them is waaaaaaaaay hot as it is.

When the PASH ends, with both all smiley …..

Charlie [loving, excited voice] “Don’t know about you, but THAT was soooooooo my fave kiss EVER !!!!!!”

Bianca [happy voice]“It was …… didn’t think I’d EVER feel this way bout another woman.”

Charlie [smiley voice] “Never thought I’d feel this way AGAIN.”

Whilst Bianca basks in the kiss, Charlie knows she could too, but she wants to get things …….on same page.

Charlie [as she strokes Bianca’s cheek] “Bianca, beautiful Bianca, sorry to go all real world on you, but ….how do you want to handle us? [bianca looks at Charlie curiously] REALLY like you. God, do I EVER, but want to see where YOU think our ‘ship should go.”

Bianca “Like ……what do you mean?”

Charlie “Who should know? Should we be set in stone before word gets out bout us? After all, people know we are friends, but …… I copped SOOOO much flack when I “came out”, and then Joey & I went “south” the 1st time.”

Bianca [concerned voice] “Trying to talk me OUT of your bed, are you?”

Charlie “Not trying to sound like that. You’re beautiful, sultry ……words can’t describe how much, but …….want no chinks in our amour when we go public. Doesn’t mean we can’t still do stuff together when we’re, say, alone HERE.”

Bianca “This sounds ……. “ [searches for the right words]

Charlie “Planned?”

Bianca “Yeah …..sound like you’ve REALLY thought this through.”

Charlie [as she runs her hand through Bianca‘s hair] “Though bout you AND how sexy we can be.”

Bianca “I’ve never been with a woman before.”

Charlie “But you know what you like when you’re, you know .....and ..... “

Bianca [after Charlie smiles and chuckles] “What’s that about?”

Charlie “No, can’t say it.”

Bianca “Whatever you’re not saying, it’s makin’ you hotter to me right now.”

Charlie “OK, I’ll “spill”. You’re going to hate it though. [smiley but loving voice] I can sooooo teach you, teacher.”

Bianca [laughs, and goes with Charlie’s said] “Sounds like I’m gonna be your VERY sexy student.”

Charlie [happy voice, as she follows on from her 1st humorous comment] “Best thing is, last time was with a woman, I was but the learner, now I am the master.”

Bianca [sultry voice] “But you're soooooo beyond NOT evil”.

Charlie [tenderly] “Wanna go to my room?”

Bianca beamingly smiles, and Charlie stands up, reaches down and takes Bianca’s hand in hers. Bianca’s sooooo floating on air as she stands and is led by Charlie to the main bedroom of the house….…

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Wednesday, 22/06/11

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MANY thanks for your EXCELLENT comments!!!!!

See below for more Charlie/Bianca …..and an intriguing way to keep their ‘ship a secret !!!!


An hour or so after Charlie led Bianca to the bedroom, these 2 are still the only people currently in the “Hunter House”. Bianca & Charlie are naked under the covers in Charlie’s bed AND are both very muchly with the smiling, blissfully hand in hand.

Bianca REALLY can’t believe this. It’s ….. Charlie’s amazing, and girl on girl ……it’s just something Bianca NEVER had thought of being part of her life before THAT kiss. Despite all the joyous feelings, a bit of a worried look starts to show on Bianca’s previously ALL serene, happy face. Charlie, who’s TOTALLY on Cloud 9 because of how ……..all-the-wonderful-type-adjectives-in-the-world that she is feeling at the moment, sees the look on her new lover’s face. Charlie wonders several things to herself …. does Bianca now NOT like the idea of Chanca [Charlie/Bianca], because it felt and SOUNDED like Bianca REALLY enjoyed it when we got “hot & heavy” ? ….AND do I want to spoil this oh so yummy special time by having a big D&M?

Charlie decides to bask in the moment, but Bianca is keen to air her feelings ….

Bianca “Charlie, that was beyond ….. everything, but worried that I’m …..using you …..rebound to get over Liam.”

Charlie realises that Bianca COULD think the same about her, after the recent marriage break up with Joey. Charlie quickly gathers her thoughts and .....

Charlie “Didn’t FEEL like I was bein’ used, ESPECIALLY when you’ve been soooooooo soooooo BRAVE, admitting your feelings for me in a small town.”

Bianca [cautiously] “But …… wonder if it’s REAL. Really like you, and NO man has EVER ….. EVERYTHING’D me in the bedroom as you did. Maybe, you were right before.”

Charlie “Bout what?”

Bianca “Keeping this thing we’ve just started close to our chests.”

Charlie “Til we KNOW we’re solid? Yeah, sounds good to me. So, are we going to tell anyone? Can tell you that people in this house beyond know how to keep secrets.”

Bianca “Just April & Rubes for now. Gosh !!!!! What will my mum say?”

Charlie [kinda mockingly] “That it’s GREAT you’ve hooked up with a fine, upstanding member of the Summer Bay community.”

Bianca [as she runs her right hand down Charlie’s right cheek] “Don’t think she’ll “buy” that, but you’re soooooooo worth it.”

Charlie REALLY likes the sound of it. Bianca’s so beautiful and sexy AND for a person who was a girl on girl sex virgin, Bianca is an ….OMG !!!!! natural.

Bianca [hoping the answer to this question is a LONG time form now] “How long before people get home here?”

Charlie [VERY happily] “Told Rubes & Em that I’d text them when the house is free again.”

Bianca “They’re a while away then?”

Charlie “Long as WE want them to be.”

Bianca [sultry voice] “Good, cos I’m REALLY keen on more of you & me and ALL things sexy.”

It’s Bianca who, unlike the 1st time Chanca got carnal, “takes the lead” this time – when she gently puts her hand on Charlie’s right breast, before Bianca muchly fondles & kisses & caresses her lover’s boobs. Charlie then kisses her g/f softly on the lips …..and Chanca steadily become VERY intimate once more.


1 week later, Charlie gathers together everyone who lives at the Hunter House in the longue room. Bianca, April & Billy are invited too. Before Bianca & April made their way to Charlie’s place, Bianca informed her sister what this is about …… that Bianca & Charlie have “hooked up”. April is initially surprised in a number of ways. It’s like, Bianca spent a fair bit of her life in Europe and yet it’s in pretty conservative Summer Bay that she falls in LOVE with another woman. April also realises that THIS must be the reason Charlie & Bianca weren’t talking to each other a number of weeks ago AND why Ruby’s been a little cagey when April’s talked to her about Bianca or Charlie this past week.

After everyone has gathered together at the Hunter house, Bianca wonders to Charlie why Billy is here as well. Charlie tells her secret g/f that all will be reveled soon. Bianca & Charlie then reveal their clandestine ‘ship to Emma, Rikki, Cleo, Bella & Billy …..AND how Chanca have secretly [not even Ruby knew about it] been “together” at this house at least once this week when everyone else was out. The mermaids take it in their stride, cos of their own girl on girl ‘ships AND that they know how important secrets are.

Bianca notices that Billy whispers something to Rubes, which makes Ruby smile. Bianca wonders what the exchange was all about, and Ruby tells her that Billy has thought of a great way to mask Bianca & Charlie’s ‘ship. Bianca wonders if Ruby is suggesting an even more scandalous dalliance [tween teacher Bianca & school student Billy]. Charlie, realizing what Billy & Ruby are most likely going to suggest, advocates that Bianca & Billy can be seen at various places together – like having coffee at the diner, but Bianca AND April are very wary of these ideas. The “game changer” is when Billy, who’s [strangely to the Scott sisters] in oversized clothing, beyond surprises Bianca & April ….by morphing into an exact replica, voice & all, of Christian Slater.

Ruby informs the Scott sisters of what happened to Rubes, the 5 mermaids, Gypsy Nash & Rachel Armstrong [teleported to an alien world, with clones of the 8 in their place here on Earth] …….AND, after taking ALL of that on boards, April comments on how she’s overheard Gyps & Lils talking at home about an alien planet, but they’ve always told her it’s a bit of a game that mother & daughter play together.

Bianca & April realize that the Bay’s new secret ‘ship is totally a viable one – especially now that Billy will be helping Bianca mask her new “thing” with Charlie ……and as they all discuss/put forwards ideas about Bianca’s new boyfriend [name, looks and the like], its’ revealed that the caravan park house residents also know all about Billy [including the nickname for when they wants him to morph - “Jazz”.] …….whilst everyone eventually agree that Bianca’s new boyfriend will be a more “scrubbed up” version of Liam. Yeah, like a Liam/bank manger cross and go by the name CL [the initials of Billy’s fave racing driver Craig Lowndes].


Over the next month, Bianca and her new “b/f” CL are seen on a semi regular basis out & about – the diner, beach, surf club – by many many people of the Bay. Colleen & Irene note that, looks wise, CL [who never reveals what those initials mean to anyone who doesn’t know his true identity] is similar to Liam. The new “lovers” don’t always “hang out” exclusively with each other …..they every so oft having coffee and the like in the diner with the likes of April, Charlie & Rubes.

All of this allows Chanca to really get to know each other, even to the point where Bianca secretly stays a weekend at the Hunter House – after telling Irene that Bianca & CL are off on a bit of a getaway up coast ……..although, even with planning like that, Charlie & Bianca realise they can’t be intimate when, well, anyone [especially Gina & Xave] are home next door as Bianca has a habit of being rather loud when she’s in the throws of passion with her new gal pal Charlie.

The clandestine ‘ship also has one other effect …….. Charlie is much more cordial towards Joey. No more death stares or ignoring her estranged wife. Indeed, when they do “run into” each other, they engage in small talk, which, although Charlie doesn’t realise it, makes Joey think that think marriage MIGHT be able to saved after all ….like Jarlie Mark 3 may be on the cards. Joey doesn’t want to push the point though, as she knows that Charlie is well aware that Joey would like them to get back together yesterday [so to speak], so Joey will wait to Charlie come to her ….saying that the ice has melted and the Joey is forgiven AND Jarlie can get back to where they were before THAT one-in-500-years FULL MOON changed everything.


2 weeks later, Ruby is in a confident mood. School is going well, it’s REALLY fun to be one of a few people in the Bay to know about Chanca AND her own ‘ship with Billy is [pardon the pun] out of this world …..so she finally works up the courage to talk to her b/f about something Charlie suggested a number of weeks ago …..

TO BE CONTINUED ……..on Monday, 27/06/11

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  • 1 month later...

MANY thanks for the GREAT comments & wishes of support with all I went through/still am going though.

This is a pretty short episode, just to ease me back into the game, so to speak.


Ruby “Billy, how keen are you to go to school dressed like a girl?”

Billy “This sounds ….intriguing. Why?”

Ruby “What if we have a day where all the girls dressed in the boy’s uniform and vice versa. Teachers too [smily voice] yeah, Miles in a dress. THAT would be ….different.”

Billy “Sounding like a fun idea ….but have you approached ….. anyone bout this, ESPECIALLY any of the guys who go to our school?”

Ruby “No, but I’m DEFINITELY all for this idea, and I bet Dex would be too ….. with those blogs of his when he was….what’s her name …..that’s it, Sheila.”

Billy “Do you think Mrs. Palmer will go for it?”

Ruby “She might. She seems more …”chilled” since she spent time with Vanessa, that old friend of hers earlier this year.”

Billy “Think you should talk to the girls at school bout this AND Xave's mum ….and some of the guys ….see if people are keen bout this.”

Ruby “No problems. Guys dressed as girls, girls dressed as guys. Should be fun AND icing on the cake, have it as a fund raising day for …..whatever. That could, should sway some people.”


2 weeks later, after a letter went home to parents etc, it was waaaaaaay safety in numbers – Casey, Xave, Dex and all – for the boys as they went to school not only in dresses bout make up as well …to get the full girl experience. Same deal with the male teachers like Miles, women’s clothes and all, with lotsa of money being raised from a gold coin [$1 or $2] donation for charity ......... with the female students in ties, shirts & jeans.

It wasn’t only the clothes & make up that were swapped for this intriguing day that Ruby proposed and for the most part organized. It’s bathrooms as well - and it felt especially weird for Rubes when she spotted “Backseat Buckton” still etched into one of the male toilet cubicle doors. Felt good though knowing all that is behind her …..with her beloved Billy sooooooooooooo in her life full time now.


In Ruby’s room after the school day is done …….

Ruby “So, how was that?”

Billy [beyond happily] “Literally AMAZING, especially after all you said bout how society …..and yet, yeah, today I felt just like one of the crowd, with ALL the boys dressed as girls and vice versa. You’re SOOOOO the BEST, Rubes.”

Ruby [after Billy muchly kisses her] “And you looked sooooo smashing in a dress today, as always. Don’t know if a tie is my “thing” but you’re soooooo worth it.”

Bilby muchly PASH ……. whilst Gina decides that Ruby’s idea [swapsie day] will be now be an annual affair at SBH.


The day of the triplets birth is fast approaching, and just like Dr Fields said it would be, Joey’s room at the Walker farmhouse does have a hospital feel about it, with a “few” portable medical monitors in there – with Lucy, Nurse Julie & Sid all prepped on how to use them, especially on Adrian.


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MANY thanks for the EXCELLENT cooments !!!

It’s great to come back to this fic ….. but there’s not that much left of it at this stage !!!!

~JarlieFanEver~, soooo glad you’re enjoying !!!

Red Ranger 1, see below for what happens when Joey gives birth !!!!!


On the day of the birth, there’s one other person aside from the Walker clan, Lucy & Nurse Julie at the farmhouse – and that’s Cleo. Lucy wasn’t keen to do any tests on Joey around the time of the birth [including after] so she talked the rest of the mermaids. Rikki was the most unwilling – even with the news about the portable not-connected-to-the hospital monitors. Emma & Bella are lees skeptical than Rikki, but both are very cautious about what could happen so they decline. Cleo is totally intrigued by Lucy’s theories about Adrian, and for the little bub’s sake agrees to be a test subject for Lucy to compare to …..it’s Cleo’s scientific curiosity that’s over riding everything else. Rikki tries to convince her fellow “Angel” to change her mind but she gets nowhere.

Joey is expecting this labour to be intense ……and long …… after all, we’re talking a 1st time mum with triplets ……and Joey is soooooo on the money …… she’s in labour for TEN hours from the time her waters broke to the birth to the last of the triplets …with Dex being there as best as he can, really taking his fatherly role totally beyond seriously. After Joey pushes & pushes & pushes, it’s the VERY healthy Danica who is born 1st. That’s at the 7 ½ hour mark, with the new mum muchly straining & sweating even with an epidural.

It’s Charlotte who is next to be born ….at around 8 ¾ hours. Healthy just like her already born sibling, but whilst the newborn is blonde, Danica has dark hair. Joey continues to strain ….with Marilyn actually being quite helping, keeping Joey as soothed & calmed as is possibly in this immense time.

Naturally, word spreads throughout the Bay of Joey’s ordeal. It reminds Leah of when she gave both to VJ, which was also quite a lengthy process, whilst it affects others in different ways. Emma & Bella, despite their original hesitation, make their way to the farmhouse, but Rikki holds her ground ….. deciding instead to go for a swim to de-stress. Ruby is in 2 minds about all of this ….part of her is keen to be by the side of her estranged stepmom at such a momentous occasion but Rubes ultimately uses her mum’s actions as a guide …..and since Charlie is [deliberately or otherwise at this time] enjoying Bianca, Ruby decides not to go to the farm.

It’s getting close to 10 hours since Joey’s waters broke, and Lucy is VERY pleased when little Adrian’s head starts to crown. She urges Joey to really push, despite knowing that the new mum’s gone waaaaaaaaay beyond the pain threshold. Joey pushes one more time and Adrian is born !!!!!

Like her siblings, Adrian is VERY healthy so Lucy is muchly keen to see is her long held suspicions are correct. She already knows that test results from Charlotte & Danica didn't show up any irregularities, but is a tad concerned that Cleo is now a little apprehencious about being tested [even in “land mode”]. Cleo takes a deep breath …. weighing up the risks of what being tested could mean to her future, but her desire to know whether Adrian is a kindred spirit is more powerful, so Lucy performs a small number of tests on her. The Dr is surprised that they don’t reveal anything, especially since the mermaids can use their powers whilst they’re sans tail …..so she suggests that Cleo be tested in “sea mode”. Emma, Bella and especially Cleo are pleased that Rikki isn’t here. She’d “hit the roof” if she heard such a proposal AND would beyond waaaaaaaaay try to persuade Cleo not to go through with it …..even with how careful Lucy is being.

Cleo again weighs up her options …..and decides it’s worth the risk, so once Cleo is all taily & scaly, Lucy performs the same tests that she did before …..finding definite differences to Cleo’s previous test results. Joey, who’s over the moon yet exhausted cos of her strenuous ordeal, is VERY keen to know what the deal with her youngest child is ……so whilst Joey lovingly holds Charlotte and Dex does likewise with Danica, Lucy oh so gently splashes Adrian with water. Lucy’s muchly surprised ….. Adrian doesn’t change, and although the baby doctor isn’t that keen now to perform any tests, Joey, Cleo & Dex suggest that she should – even with Adrian looking like a normal baby. Lucy does …….. and they reveal similar irregularities to Cleo when she’s in sea mode!!!!!!!!!

All are “slightly” astonished, even Lucy despite her theories that something was going on, whilst Emma whispers to Bella that it looks/sounds like Adrian, at the moment, has dormant mermaid genes …..just like how Ruby & Billy won’t know till each of their kids are 5 year old if they can “Jazz” like Billy or not.


In the weeks that pass following the triplets’ birth, Joey, Dex and the rest of the Walker clan begin to adjust to having Danica, Charlotte and Adrian [who is blonde like Charlotte] around.


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MANY thanks for the WONDERFUL comments!!!!

Red Ranger 1, I knew I couldn’t have Adrian with a tail, but I wanted her differenet somehow and yeah, the dormant idea fitted best ….. and there will be another part of the story after this episode ……and there has to be sequel ….. given the way this fic will end.

~JarlieFanEver~, soo glad you like my ideas etc


Joey & Dex love all of their triplets very much but whilst Joey especially forms a bond with Charlotte, Dex does likewise with Adrian and Marilyn & Indi do so with Danica. Everyone in the house AND the Bay note how well, despite the triplets definitely not being a “picnic”, that Joey & Dex are coping.

Indi & the rest of Joey’s family are also VERY aware of how keen Joey is to be reunited with her wife, highlighted by Joey oft saying that her heart muchly belongs to Charlie ….. but the triplets’ birth has merely reinforced Charlie’s thoughts of how unfaithful Joey has been. All of this makes Charlie set in motion events to sever marital ties with her wife …….. starting with Bianca & CL breaking up.

A few days later at the diner, a sullen Bianca is having coffee with April when Irene approaches ……..

Irene “So darl, what’s up?”

Bianca [kinda sullenly] “It’s nothing”

Irene “Not buying it …. especially since you look like your dog died, if you had one.”

April “She’s ……..” [April stops herself, as it’s Bianca who should break the news]

Irene [after waiting a bit] “Is someone gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”

Bianca [with tears welling in her eyes] “It’s ….. CL & I. We’ve ………..” [her voice trails off]

Irene “What happened, love?”

Bianca [tearful] “I …..”

April [cutting in] “She doesn’t want to talk about. I tried to get it out of her, but I couldn’t.”

Bianca [“slightly” frustrated] “If you must know, ANOTHER man left me to go overseas. CL scored a BIG job promotion …. and he’s flying out to the US …..soon, whenever. I like him, but I like it here in the Bay more.”

Irene hugs Bianca and April joins in ….. with both Scott siblings being pleased that they’ve pulled the wool over Irene’s eyes AND with Bianca also thinking how grateful she is to Billy to providing her with cover for her actual [waaaaaaaaaaay clandestine] ‘ship with Charlie.


Two months after Bianca’s break up with CL [which is 3 months after the triplets were born], Charlie meets up with Morag. Before she did so, Charlie muchly thought about what’s going on ….. how happy she is with Bianca AND how Joey seems to have muchly settled into her life as a mum with the Walkers ……...

Morag “Charlie, you sounded quite …. intriguing on the phone when you rang to arrange this meeting?”

Charlie “Well, you’re quite close to me, and should know something before most of the town … I mean Ruby knows, and the rest of the people in my house know.”

Morag “Spit it out, Charlie.”

Charlie “I’ve …… I’ve found someone. I thought that I couldn’t love anyone more than Joey, but I have. Right under my nose. [Morag has a curious look on her face …. knowing that her step daughter has constantly made interesting choices in the past] What are you thinking?”

Morag “About how close to your chest that you’re playing this …. and how neither Ruby or Colleen has told me … which tells me, that I wish I’d been in town lately. Tell me you’ve not hooked up with someone you REALLY shouldn’t have? And whilst we’re on the subject, have you apprehended Darryl Braxton & those River Boys yet?”

Charlie “No, but we’re getting really close, and how could you even THINK that I’d go out with one of them?”

Morag “Ruby did.”

Charlie “Only cos she was REALLY ……. “ [Charlie stops herself, as Morag doesn’t know Billy’s secret]

Morag [sternly] “Charlie.”

Charlie “Rubes was pretty messed up when she went out with Casey, but now she has Billy so it doesn’t matter. [pause] Anyway, [deep breath] I’ve hooked up with Bianca [Charlie sees the subdued surprised look on Morag’s face] This isn’t just a fling. We’ve been secretly together for months ….and Ruby’s REALLY happy for us. Yeah, REALLY likes us together. [pause] Morag, what are you thinking?”

Morag “That it sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this, BUT I still urge you to be careful. You know what this town is like, even with ‘ships like yours being ….more accepted these days.”

Charlie “My new love & I soooo aren’t going into this blindly. That’s why we’ve been secretly “hanging out”. Bianca’s stayed over at my place a few times, so we totally KNOW this is real, which is why I wanted to talk to you today. [Morag raises her eyebrows, and Charlie takes a deep breath] I want to start afresh with Bianca. I ……I know I’ve “probably” said this before, but I’ve never felt this way bout ANYONE before. Even with Joey ….. so yeah, I want to get a divorce.”

Morag [who can hear the emotion and especially the conviction in her stepdaughter’s voice] “Sounds like you REALLY have thought this through. I’d like to speak to you & Bianca AND Ruby before I draw up the papers, but from the way you’re sounding, the meeting I’ve should merely be a formality.”

Charlie “Thanks, for being so understanding.”

Morag “Even with your previous relationship with Joey, don’t expect other members of my family to be.”

Charlie “I can handle Colleen, and Roo’s not been an issue since Rikki saved her life.”

Morag “Good to hear. Since it sounds like we are done here, I’ll head off.”

Charlie “Yeah, Bianca & Ruby will be at school right now, so I suggest we all meet here at my house around 4pm this arvo.”

Morag [after she stands up] “Agreed. See you then.”


Later that day, Morag does meet up with Charlie, Bianca, Ruby AND Rikki who’s curious about what’s going on. Morag can muchly see how much Chanca love each other; how much Ruby approves and, through Rikki, of how supportive the 4 mermaids who live in this house are of Charlie/Bianca…….so she agrees to draw up the divorce papers when she returns to the city


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