superman's girlfriend Posted July 12, 2010 Report Posted July 12, 2010 Bernard Curry There’s nothing quite like the anticipation of a new child, and sitting down with Bernard Curry, excitement is written all over his face. It’s a slightly nerve-wracking coincidence that the day we wind up sitting down for our interview, Sonya Bohlen, Bernard Curry’s long-term partner, has reached full term in their pregnancy.Their son is due at any moment, transporting the couple into the next stage of their life together. At the time of meeting, Curry had chosen to take a break from work in preparation for his new role as a father, and is in between filming the conclusion of Home and Away and the second season of Beauty and the Geek, for which Curry assures me the production team search far and wide for the most vacuous of beauties, and the geekiest of geeks. Asked if he enjoyed the first season, Curry reinforces the fact that Beauty and the Geek was a transformational programme, capable of affecting real change in the contestants, and its something of which he’s extremely proud. Having grown up in Melbourne as part of a large family (with five children born within seven years of each other they are naturally close, despite being scattered across Australia) the couple are are now based in Bondi, and Curry waxes lyrical about the lifestyle this affords them. Until the imminent birth of their son life is currently filled, therefore, with lazy mornings, regular gym sessions, lunches with Sonya, and relaxing afternoons in the shade with a book (Curry is currently flicking between a Dawkins tome and a selection of baby books). There’s a real depth to Curry. His conversation reveals an intelligent observation of life, and he presents a relaxed and positive character. Curry is adamant that we should all take time out and take stock of how lucky we are. Lucky to be living in a city of such natural beauty, and one that holiday makers travel far and wide to visit and photograph. It’s also an environment that Curry finds conducive to preparation for fatherhood - although he’s under no illusion as to how much life is soon going to change. Having grown up in Australia, Curry feels he has been infused from birth with an ease of nature. “If you’re going to generalise Aussies, they’re stress free, easy going, laconic. Growing up in Australia has allowed me an inherent happiness. There’s something joyous about that; and it should never be taken for granted. I’ve seen people who are unhappy, and I never want to be like that.” More than this, Curry believes happiness is a choice, and one that he actively makes every day: “Life is there to be grabbed by the horns. Everything I approach is with a wink and a smile. I really love that about life in Australia. I can’t imagine anywhere I’d rather bring up a child.” At 36, Curry feels like he’s well prepared and better equipped to be a father approaching it at an older age. He’s clearly craving to be a hands on Dad, and has already relished in his role atthe ante-natal classes with Sonya. There are still fears, however. Being an actor, Curry is concerned about having to provide for his family, although acknowledges the fear is irrational, having forged a successful career. Despite the genes, Curry is not going to push his son into acting. Rather, he wants to observe his son, notice his strengths and talents, and encourage him in whatever he chooses, every step of the way. His career has taken a back seat in our conversation, despite having appeared in some of Australia’s most popular dramas over the last few years, including a revealing part in Packed to the Rafters. Indeed, for the last year, Curry has been featuring in Home and Away, which, with over a million viewers, affords him significant attention. This is a side of life that Curry clearly enjoys although, he reinforces his personal mantra “it’s nice to be important, but it’s important to be nice”. But it’s The Junction Boys, of which Curry is most proud, in which he starred with Tom Berenger. Clearly happy with his performance, Curry is rightly proud to have acted alongside a prestigious Hollywood actor as a peer. And this is something he hopes to do more of in the near future, as he makes plans to move to LA in early 2011. Later this year, Curry will briefly join the growing Aussie contingent State-side to secure representation, before moving the family over for ‘pilot season’ early next year. But in the eyes of a soon-to-be new Dad, 2011 is an awfully long way away. Asked what his plans for the future are? Well, to be a good father of course. Bernard and Sonya welcomed son Fox, in May. _______________________________________ He's the man! hopefully hollywood doens't change him too much but believing Ryan Kwanten aussies are hard to break and they have another reputation to keep, Bernard "satisfies" that criteria, i'm not suggesting he should go into the pornindustry but.. Not sure he'll be part of the h&a reunion up in LA but i'm sure he'll have one h&afriend there waiting, hint the interview
myken Posted July 12, 2010 Report Posted July 12, 2010 Thanks for posting! He seems really nice, and I am one of those people that really liked him as Hugo as well. That niceness shone through when playing Hugo I think, even though Hugo did some bad things.
HAA Girl 08 Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 Bernard seems nice and genuine - something that I don't think is common among many actors these days. Thanks for posting!
j.laur5 Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 Bernard seems nice and genuine - something that I don't think is common among many actors these days. Thanks for posting! Yes, that's why Hugo fooled so many viewers because Bernard is such a nice person.
superman's girlfriend Posted July 15, 2010 Report Posted July 15, 2010 I've bought Junction Boys , it'd better be nice
-Kevin- Posted July 18, 2010 Report Posted July 18, 2010 Bernard seems nice and genuine - something that I don't think is common among many actors these days. Thanks for posting! Yes, that's why Hugo fooled so many viewers because Bernard is such a nice person. He fooled everyone because Hugo had a nice side of his character
j.laur5 Posted July 19, 2010 Report Posted July 19, 2010 Bernard seems nice and genuine - something that I don't think is common among many actors these days. Thanks for posting! Yes, that's why Hugo fooled so many viewers because Bernard is such a nice person. He fooled everyone because Hugo had a nice side of his character Yes, I always liked Hugo and always had a nice side.
superman's girlfriend Posted July 23, 2010 Report Posted July 23, 2010 Probable the best of his American movies
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