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Rhys Wakefield (aka Lucas) - age

Guest Drew

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I'm sure you were the same thirteen years ago with Angel and Finlay, TheMaster.


I don't recall being quite so pathetic whe I was 13. :P I had teenage crushes but I didn't go on and on and on and on and on about how hot they were.


Are you calling me pathetic?

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I don't think the internet was around then to allow you to do so :P  :P


I agree with what the other bloke said.

These silly little girls annoy me.

Sure, i can think someone is good looking..hell, get a woody for Beth..but that is different from being materialistic.

As much as they wont admit it..they are judging a persons worth based on their looks.

If my kids ever acted like that then i'd make them sleep in the shed.


How old are you Master? I thought you were like in your teens lol


Im 78!

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I don't think the internet was around then to allow you to do so :P 


Well it wasn't around when I was 13, we still used abucuses and slates at school...LOL...but according to the profile information Frankie is only a few years older than you Ryan. :D

My kids are your age and younger and I partly agree with The Master..I'd be horrifed if they did that....I wouldn't make them sleep in the shed though.....I would come up with something far worse... :P and so would they...they are on the net all the time...I have to beat them up to get on here.. :lol: ...and they dont't make inane and totally pointless repetetive comments all the time. I make the occasional comment in the appropriate thraad...e.g the one about who would be your dream love interest..thats light hearted and frivolous...and yep I think certain actors are better looking than others...I am human.... :D But, It bugs me because so many kids are obsessed with looks these days, and think that's all that counts..its a sad indictment on society that we are raising generations of kids who are image obsessed. If that makes me a boring old fart then so be it.


I could always ban mine from watching Dora and Hi5 for two days!

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I don't think the internet was around then to allow you to do so :P  :P


I agree with what the other bloke said.

These silly little girls annoy me.

Sure, i can think someone is good looking..hell, get a woody for Beth..but that is different from being materialistic.

As much as they wont admit it..they are judging a persons worth based on their looks.

If my kids ever acted like that then i'd make them sleep in the shed.


How old are you Master? I thought you were like in your teens lol


Im 78!


78? lol

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