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It's My Life

Guest Melbelle94

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Story Title: It's My Life.

Type Of Story: Long Fanfiction.

Main Character: Alexis, Trey, Charlie, Brax, Ruby, Ric And More.

BTTB Rating: A.

Genre: Drama.

Any Spoilers: Not Sure.

Any Warnings: Abuse, Sexual Content, Language, Maybe Rape(Not Sure).

Summary: Would you life this if it was your life? To be controlled like this.

Would just like to say this is a different kind of a story but give it a go. :)


Hey there readers, I didn’t want to confuse you all so I thought I would put a little thing about the characters in so you could refer back here if you didn’t know who they were.

This story was originally written with all the old characters from the show but I have changed it so there are new characters as well.

Alexis is Charlie’s daughter, and Ruby’s twin sister.

Ruby is still with Casey and Charlie is with Brax.

Heath is now with Bianca, and April is back with Dex.

Indy is with Romeo and still at school, while Sasha finally is dating Xavier, this is what made Sid and Roo realise they could really be together and are now planning their wedding.

Gina is still running the school and happily married to John, this couple is the pair who inspired Leah to forgive Miles and marry him, causing VJ to finally have a father.

The wedding of Miles and Leah is what brought Sally back to the bay with her whole family; Cassie came back and with a surprise as she is dating Lucas. Ric also came back with a big smile him and Mattie are still together.

With their friends all returning this gave Belle and Aden a reason to stay as they were going to move away to live with Amanda, thankfully things changed.

Nicole is single but had moved in with Irene to help care for her as the cancer has returned.

Colleen is still the same as are Marilyn and Alf.

Now for the characters I have added, they would have to be Alexis, Trey, Cooper, Coby, Mac, Damien, Cade, Jay and Zach.

As the story goes on you will find out more about the relationships between these guys, but Trey is Ric’s half-brother, and he is also leader of the crew Beaters.


Chapter One.


Ric Point Of View:

Walking into the privet school I felt a sudden sense of power come rushing back to me, I hadn’t set foot in this place in almost a year and I was shocked to see the people we were here to see actually there standing in front of us just down the steps. When Charlie told us she had another daughter who was Ruby’s twin sister and whom she called Alexis I thought nothing of it until she began to tell us stories and this is what brought me back to Brooklyn Privet School in the city to meet the girl Charlie thought was so sweet and innocent.

We were standing at the top of the steps looking down on Alexis who was standing at her locker talking to a few of the guys, I knew these weren’t just any guys they were all part of Treys crew Beaters. How do I know that? Well I was in that crew for a long time in my past well that and I am half-brothers with their leader, not that anyone needs to know that detail. Speaking of Trey this was when he turned up and I had to stop Charlie as she and Brax were about to walk down there towards her daughter.

“Don’t” I said putting a hand on Brax’s shoulder.

“Ric mate let go, what’s up? As I was about to answer Mattie my girlfriend and the rest of the Summerbay people who had come along gasped.

‘Damn it Trey why’d you have to hit her?’ I thought to myself.

“I’m going to kill that bastard” Charlie said in an outrage she was a cop so this was expected, Casey hugged Ruby tighter to his chest as she was going into shock over what had just happened.

“Calm down Charlie” I said sighing as I saw Coby walking towards us. “Let me do the talking we don’t need her in anymore trouble” I said, Charlie reluctantly nodded and the whole town went quiet, I moved Mattie to the side of me and grinned at Coby.

“Hey Ric man, haven’t seen you in nearly a year way to long aye?” He said as he reached us and we did the gang handshake.

“Hey mate, I know I know been busy though” I said as I noticed the way he eyed Mattie, I knew this was making her uncomfortable so I only allowed him to do it for a moment longer before I cleared my throat, this caused Coby’s eyes to dart to me and I shook my head which caused him to nod slightly. We both turned to notice the other boys heading up to us, Trey who was holding onto Alexis tightly.

“Ric mate” Coop said as we did the gang handshake.

“Hey Coop, hey Trey” Trey grinned as we did the gang handshake, once you have been in the crew you never really leave. I noticed that Alexis was looking at Charlie and Brax, she must have been in shock to see her mother with someone and I chose to ignore her for a moment, but would have to talk to her soon as the boys would become suspicious.

“So what brings you to the city Ric?” Trey asked curiously.

“My girlfriend and her friends are thinking of changing schools, isn’t that right Mattie?” I asked giving her a look that said go with me on this, which caused her to nod. I quickly glanced at Alexis and knew I would have to say something. “Lex you going to say hi to me or what?” Trey cleared his throat and removed his arm from her waist, she walked up to me meekly and I raised an eyebrow.

“Hi Ric, sorry” She said in a small voice as she leaning up to kiss my cheek. “How are you?” I smirked.

“Fine, with a bit of a push you’re doing alright” I said nodding towards Trey she gave a small smile and walked quietly over to her boss/boyfriend.

“You in town for long Ric?” I shook my head at Trey.

“No, we head back home tonight but will be back out tomorrow” He nodded.

“Lex car with Coby and Coop” Alexis looked up at him and nodded before walking over to me and kissing my cheek.

“Bye Ric” She said quietly.

“See you round Lexie” She nodded and walked out between the boys.

“How longs she been working for you?” I asked as we walked out of the school slowly, everyone else was following giving Trey and I some space.

“About 9 months I recon” I nodded slightly.

“Much trouble?” I asked smirking as we stopped on the side walk.

“Sometimes, look I gotta go, but we should catch up for a couple of beers when you’re in town next” I nodded.

“Sure thing Trey, it’s been a while” I said we did the gang handshake and he then walked across the road quickly. I watched him drive away before I turned around to talk to everyone.


Come On Guys Review/Comment It Please.



Ric Point Of View:

As we walked along the beach I noticed Charlie nudging Brax following there line of sight I saw they were looking down to where Alexis stood.

“I have to go and talk to her” Everyone looked at me and Charlie took a step forward.

“We want to talk to her Ric” I nodded.

“I know Charlie and I will do my best but it’s more complicated than you think” With that I turned and walked along the beach and up to her.


“Hey Lexie” She turned and looked at me meekly, she knew now she wasn’t my friend she was the girl that worked for Trey.

“Oh hi Ric” And she leaned up kissing my cheek.

“Lexie while his out there on the jet ski or whatever; tell me what you were thinking? I mean you knew what he was like he was my mate, my brother! You knew what he was like and you knew damn straight not to get involved with him” She knew I wouldn’t hit her unless she got me really angry, but she also knew there was nothing stopping me so she flinched away.

“I know I’m sorry, I am having a tough time and I made the wrong choice, but I can’t get out of it and you know that I just have to make the most of it. Can you please go you need to?” She said looking up eventually.

“First don’t take the tone you took with me ever again” She looked down as I scolded her. “And second I know it’s hard and you’re having a tough time and third why do I need to leave?” I asked, quickly lifting her chin with my fingers.

“Because if Trey sees you questions will be asked, and I just can’t handle that, please tell my mum to go home” I looked at her and nodded.

“Okay I will go for now, but I am going to be around Lexie” She nodded and kissed my cheek.

“I know Ric, I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you it was wrong of me” I nodded and walked back along the beach to where everyone stood.


“Ric, what’s going on? I told you I wanted to talk to her” I sighed and looked back to where Lexie stood.

“You need to give me more time, it’s not as easy as it looks” Charlie sighed and wrapped her arms around Brax.

“I’ve heard about this crew Ric, they are worse than us Riverboys or at least that’s what the cops say” Heath said grabbing Bianca by the waist and looking over at April.

“They are worse at something’s Heath not all. They used to have it in for you guys are you were named the worse gang they just wanted to top that” I said looking towards Mattie.


Alexis Point Of View:

Ric had just left when Zach came to stand next to me, I looked up quickly so he knew I was acknowledging he was there and I looked back again.

“Hey Lex” I could tell in his voice that he wanted something.

“Hi Zach” I said looking out towards the water.

“So what were you and Ric talking about?” He asked me, I looked at him and shrugged.

“Nothing important Zach” I said.

“Then you wouldn’t mind sharing” He said giving me a sly look, I hated Trey’s boys but I could never say that

“I would mind sharing with you” I said looking at him.

“Really? But you will share with me” I turned around in surprise to see Trey stood there arms crossed.

“Trey, when did you get out of the water?” I asked, slightly stunned.

“Long enough ago to hear the end of your conversation with Zach, now what were you talking about?” I looked at him and he gave me a harsh look.

“Nothing, I was just saying I have nothing to share because nothing was said between me and Ric” I said looking towards the ocean.

“That was a great lie Alexis now the truth” I looked up at him.

“What?” I asked, what made him think I was lying?

“Now Lex, I want the truth” I looked at my feet; I had to come up with an excuse.

“Well we were talking about….” I started.

“Lex” Trey said impatiently.

"Well we were just talking about school. It was no big deal” I said.

“Well if it was that little you should have just told me” He said smiling and brushing his hand against my cheek, I looked up.

“I know Trey, I’m sorry” He nodded and I buried my face in his chest.

“Hey Alexis, come get drinks with me” Cooper said standing a little away from us.

“Get drinks by yourself” I said, my head never moving from Trey’s chest, well that was until he pushed me away and put his hands on my shoulders.

“Hey none of that Lexie, he is one of my boys go and get drinks with him and make sure you behave yourself” I looked up into his eyes and pouted, he just gave me a look.

“Yes Trey” I said as I walked up to Cooper.


“Cooper” I said, he looked down at me. “Why did I have to come?” I asked he smirked.

“So you could explain to me why you lied to Trey” He stated, I looked up quickly.

“I didn’t lie” I said hoping he let it drop.

“Yes you did, don’t play stupid with me. You lied when you said it was about school, when really it was about Ric and you discussing Trey and how you have made the wrong choice” I looked at my feet.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“I was listening, now you tell him the truth Alexis or I will. Grab them drinks” He said looking at me. “Lexie grab them or I will tell him” I quickly grabbed the drinks, and sighed. ‘Great so now I have to tell him trouble here I come’ I thought to myself as I followed Cooper.


Comment/Review Please.


VERY intriguing so far, especially.............

 Ric mate let go, what’s up? As I was about to answer Mattie my girlfriend and the rest of the Summerbay people who had come along gasped.

‘Damn it Trey why’d you have to hit her?’ I thought to myself.

“I’m going to kill that bastard” Charlie said in an outrage she was a cop so this was expected, Casey hugged Ruby tighter to his chest as she was going into shock over what had just happened.

 “Lexie while his out there on the jet ski or whatever; tell me what you were thinking? I mean you knew what he was like he was my mate, my brother! You knew what he was like and you knew damn straight not to get involved with him” She knew I wouldn’t hit her unless she got me really angry, but she also knew there was nothing stopping me so she flinched away.

“I know I’m sorry, I am having a tough time and I made the wrong choice, but I can’t get out of it and you know that I just have to make the most of it. Can you please go you need to?” She said looking up eventually.

 “I’ve heard about this crew Ric, they are worse than us Riverboys or at least that’s what the cops say” Heath said grabbing Bianca by the waist and looking over at April.

“They are worse at something’s Heath not all. They used to have it in for you guys are you were named the worse gang they just wanted to top that” I said looking towards Mattie.

 Now Lex, I want the truth” I looked at my feet; I had to come up with an excuse.

“Well we were talking about….” I started.

“Lex” Trey said impatiently.

 “Yes you did, don’t play stupid with me. You lied when you said it was about school, when really it was about Ric and you discussing Trey and how you have made the wrong choice” I looked at my feet.


Kind confused by how all the new characters and how everyone is inter-related, but I think I get it.

Enjoying this story so far, more soon please :D


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