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A weird dream I had

Guest emmasi

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I didn't know where to post this, but seeing as it was about Neighbours, I thought what they hey. Here will do.

Paul was in hospital with amnesia, and he had a nice Asian wife who was visiting him, but he didn't know who she was, and apparently no one else had heard of her either. So everyone started thinking that she was just trying to scam him, and she got really upset... I was sad for her :(

Harold had come to visit Paul on his Salvation Army rounds, and thought that the Christian thing to do would be to comfort the Asian lady, even though she might be lying. (Didn't catch her name - I don't think she spoke much English either.) But then he got distracted by seeing a man visiting his boyfriend in the hospital, and they were kissing, and Harold was all very disgusted by it and marched off, leaving poor Asian lady to fend for herself :(

Next scene, Harold was in the coffee shop, complaining about it to Lou, who was laughing at how flustered Harold was. Lou asked "What about Gino?" and Harold said that that was different. Before he could articulate why, one of the gay guys came in, wearing a Salvation Army uniform... Harold told him he had no right wearing it if he was going to flaunt his sinful behaviour in public, but the guy said that Harold was the one behaving sinfully, turning his back on a good man and a friend because of one thing he didn't agree with.

It was quite interesting. I woke up thinking "Wow. Neighbours would never do that." Then I thought, "Wait, what am I talking about? Neighbours would totally do that!" So now we wait to see if any of it comes true :P

About halfway through the dream, I also thought that I woke up listening to "Tomorrow" by Silverchair. And when I actually woke up, that's what was playing... so anything could happen...

Sorry if this has been a giant waste of time, but I just felt like sharing :P


I had an even stranger dream once last year, during the month I spent in Africa. In the dream I was watching Neighbours for the first time in a month, and there were new opening credits, which bizarrely enough, included Philip and Hannah, Billy and Caitlin, and, strangest of all, Josh and Rachel from HAA. And a couple of unfamiliar ones who I think I assumed were the new No. 30 housemates, before realizing this was not going to happen.


And I'm sure Rachel and Josh would fit right in :D

Probably, especially if Josh was revealed to be Paul's illegitimate son. The timing wouldn't work but it would be no worse than when we thought Oliver was. The fact that he's dead and probably buried would be a problem, but Soap characters fake their deaths constantly. And to get maximum dramatic effect, they could not reveal that Daniel Collopy was Josh until Rachel walks into the General Store, becoming a season cliffhanger.

Then all they'd need to do is add from practically any American show and Neighbours, Home and Away and Little Britain would be part of the Tommy Westphall universe. Look it up.


Could work considering Daniel Collopy actually was on Neighbours. I love that dream Jem, it would be a great storyline and Neighbours would totally do that. Now if only Declen and Ringo were involved somehow *Goes off daydreaming*



I had a H&A one the other night. Mattie and Lucas slept together, and Kirsty and Kane came back with their baby, using fake ID's to slip past the Summer Bay police force... Which worked, until a Rita Skeeter type character (muck-raking journalist from Harry Potter) kept prying into everyone's lives, trying to expose all their secrets for the sake of a story. It was fun :). Particluarly the Mattie and Lucas part :wink:

Not that that has anything to do with Neighbours...


until a Rita Skeeter type character (muck-raking journalist from Harry Potter) kept prying into everyone's lives, trying to expose all their secrets for the sake of a story. It was fun :).

It wasn't Colleen, was it? Cause I think she still works for the paper, and if this is a prophetic dream it would make so much sense.

You're lucky, my dreams are all nigh impossible.


lol, it wasn't her, but now that you mention it, that's probably why it worked so well in my head, because I'd seen Colleen doing the same thing on the show :P


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