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Final Destination - Summer Bay

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Ric: Sally?!

There was no reply.

Ric: Brad?!

There was no reply.

Ric: Rachel?!

There was no reply, Suddenly the lights came back on. Ric ran downstairs only to be greeted by a empty room. He saw something on the table and walked towards it. It was a note, Ric read it out aloud..

Ric: I know you know Ric. Now come to the school!

Ric walked to the school but didn't go inside. He stood near the bushes waiting to see or hear something, Someone came up from behind him and he jumped around.

Matilda: Ric?

Ric: Maddie!

Ric ran to Matilda and hugged her. He saw Lucas next to her and he grabbed his arm.

Ric: Are you guys okay?

Lucas: We're fine. But Dad and Beth were taken.

Ric: So was Sal, Brad and Rachel.

Matilda: We found a note on the table, It's from Peter.

Lucas: It said. I know..

Ric: you know. Now come to the school. I got one too.

Drew: So did I. Although mine just said, Come to the school.

They turned around to see Drew standing there. He explained that Dan and Leah were also taken.

Matilda: What are we going to do?

Ric: We have to go into the school.

They all turned to look at the school, It was pitch black but with light coming from the windows. They could make out a figure inside walking around.

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Thanks :D

I actually just came to update it :P

Matilda: We can't just walk in there, We have to be prepared. We have to know what we are going to do before we do it. We have to have a plan.

Ric: Our families could be in there! They could already be dead. As far as I am concerned the only plan is to kill Peter Baker!

Ric stepped forward but was pulled back by Matilda.

Matilda: This isn't like the movie's Ric and we aren't in some television programme. This is real life, We need a plan!

Ric: Okay, Okay.

Ric: Well if he is like any villain he will go into a speech why he is doing it and how we got in the way of his evil doings. While he is doing that someone should take him by surprise.

Matilda: That should be you Ric, You are the one that can end this.

After discussing what they should do they walked towards the school. Matilda and Lucas went around the back of the school. Drew went around the side of the school to a window he knew was always open. Ric walked through the main door. It was dark and quiet. He stood by the lockers and looked around, He couldn't see anything down the hallway, He heard a bang from behind and jumped around. He saw a note pinned to the notice board, He slowly walked up to it looking around as he did. He got to the noticed board and pulled down the note. It simply said..

Ric: Main Hall.

Ric turned around, The door down the hall way straight in front of him led into the main hall, He couldn't see any light from underneath the door or heard any sound. He slowly walked forward while looking all around in case Peter jumped out at him. He got to the door and stop. He still could not hear a thing. If he opened this door Peter could be straight behind to kill him. But then Ric thought back to all the horror movies he has ever watched. The villain always explains his motive, Peter wouldn't kill him until he explained why. Ric slowly opened the door. He saw Sally and quickly pushed the door wide open. Sally was tied to a chair at the end of the hall. She was gagged and tried to speak. Ric moved forward, He got half way into the hall then heard aloud bang coming from behind him, He jumped around and saw that Peter had slammed the door and was standing there. He smiled at Ric.

Peter: I thought you would be smarter than this Ric. Coming straight into the lions den.

Ric didn't answer he just stared Peter right in the eyes. Peter walked forward and Ric walked back.

Peter: Here alone? Where are the others? Too scared to come.

Ric laughed.

Peter: Or hiding somewhere to try and strike when I'm least expecting it?


Matilda and Lucas had gone round the back of the school, But couldn't find a unlocked door at the back, So had forced a window open. Lucas climbed in first and made a fail attempt by falling through.

Lucas: Ow!

Matilda: Shh!

Lucas: Sorry, But that hurt.

Matilda made it through with ease. Lucas looked on un-amused as she smiled cheekily at him.

Matilda: This gives me a rush!

Lucas: What? This place?

Matilda: Doing something I'm not supposed to.

Matilda: Where do you think Peter is hiding?

Lucas: I bet the Main Hall. Its big and in the center.

They made their way to the main hall as quietly as possible. They went around the back and opened the door to the stage. They snuck in and hid behind the curtains.

Peter: Or hiding somewhere to try and strike when I'm least expecting it?

Matilda and Lucas looked at each other. All they could do now is wait, Wait until Ric gave the signal.

Peter: What do you want Ric? Death by milk machine? Death by strangling? Death by drowning? Death by sand? Death by sunbed?

Peter chuckled.

Peter: Or how about.. Death by beans?

Ric got angry.

Ric: I will kill you for what you did to my granddad!

Peter chuckled again.

Peter: I thought about it Ric and I see you being a struggler. So i decided on the good old fashion gun.

Peter pulled out his gun and pointed it at Ric. Ric jumped back. Matilda and Lucas looked on shocked.

Ric: Why did you do this? Kill all those people?

Peter: Nobody has control over life and death, Unless they're taking life, Causing death.

Ric: So you did this to be in control?

Peter: Control and revenge.

Ric: Revenge for what?

Peter rubbed the gun up against the side of his head and looked at Ric with insane eyes.

Peter: You see Ric, I never got it before.

Ric: Got what?!

Peter: Don't interrupt me Ric!

Peter pointed the gun at Ric. Matilda gasped and tried to make her way off the stage to Ric, But Lucas pulled her back.


Lucas: [Whispering] Shh! Not yet. He'll be okay.

Peter: I never got them. Sarah, Zoe and even Tracey. All taking revenge for the ones they loved.

Ric: You loved Tracey?

Peter: I knew she had it for Zoe, But that didn't take away what I felt for her.

Ric: She betrayed you.

Peter: I thought about that, For months I thought about nothing else. Sarah killed for Felix, Zoe killed for Sarah, Tracey killed for Zoe. Who would of thought all this goes back to Felix. It started with him and will end with you. And you never even met the guy.

Ric: If he was as psycho as you. I wouldn't of wanted to.

Peter: He was a psycho, He never had real reason to start terrorizing. He was just drugged up. Same with Sarah. She did love Felix, But she was the one that killed him! Too drugged up to realize it though. Then along came Zoe. Zoe, Zoe, Zoe.. She got under my skin. All those little games she played and what did she really do in the end? She killed some old lady that had nothing to do with anything.

Ric: But why? You loved Tracey, But why kill?

Peter: I get sick! Sick and tired of protecting the likes of you! And her!

Peter pointed to Sally. Sally looked fearfully at Ric.

Peter: How many times have I saved your lives? And for what? Really what for? Just to save them again? Sick and tired of it all! What did any of you ever give me?

Ric was disgusted by what he was hearing, But was secretly looking around for Matilda, Lucas and Drew. Are they okay? Are they in place?

Peter: For months my heart was hurting and I never knew why. It was always back to Zoe and Tracey. Was I hurting because I couldn't stop Zoe or was it simply a case of loving Tracey. Then I realized it was because of Tracey. I loved Tracey! And she was killed.

Ric: She killed herself.

Peter: She was murdered by the Bay! So I took my revenge, Or at least half of it. Still got a few more people to kill.

Peter moved forward and pointed the gun at Ric. His trigger finger twitched, Sally tried to scream, Lucas held back Matilda and Ric knew what was going to happen next, So he blurting out.

Ric: Tracey didn't love you! She used you! Like everyone else!

Peter smacked Ric around the head with the gun, He fell to the floor.


Drew: No!

Drew ran out from a side door into the middle of the hall, He bent down to Ric who was breathing and awake.

Ric: [Whispering] I'm okay.

Drew helped Ric to stand up. Peter looked at Drew.

Peter: My own son. Who would of thought I would end up killing my own son. Who would of thought that it took my death, Fake one at that to get my son to recognize me as a father. And now he stands here opposite me, Not with me.

Drew: I would never stand with you!

Matilda: [Whispering] We have to do something, We have to go out there.

Lucas: [Whispering] Not yet.

Lucas held Matilda back.

Matilda: [Whispering] The plan has changed, Drew is out there, The surprise has gone. We have to help them.

Matilda jumped out from behind the curtain followed by Lucas, Peter looked up.

Peter: Ah! They there are.. Complete at last. The Fantastic Four.

While Peter was looking up at Matilda and Lucas, Ric dived at Peter, They both fell to the ground. Peter had dropped his gun. The struggled, Ric trying to keep Peter down and Peter trying to get away to get the gun, For the first time Peter was the weaker one.

Ric: Drew! Get the gun!

Drew ran towards the gun, But Peter put his leg out and tripped Drew up. He put his arm around Ric's neck and pulled him down, He managed to get on top and free from Ric, He pushed away and ran to his gun. He picked it up and Pointed it at Drew and Ric, Before he had time to steady himself Ric jumped at him again, The gun shot out. [bang!] Ric and Peter were back on the floor struggling, Gun still in Peter's hand. Ric punched Peter in the face and Peter retaliated back by hitting Ric in the side with the gun. Ric groaned in pain as he fell to his side. Peter stood up and pointed the gun at Drew, Lucas and Matilda who were coming towards him.

Matilda: Ric?! Are you all right? Ric?!

Ric: I'm okay.

Peter turned around and kicked Ric in the chest.

Matilda: No!

Drew ran towards Peter and took him by surprise, Peter shot the gun. [bang!] Drew fell to the ground. Everyone stood their frozen and silent. Drew didn't move, Drew had fallen onto his stomach, Blood seeped from under him.


Peter: Drew?

Peter was shocked, He slowly moved forward and bent down to Drew's side. He put the gun down and pushed his son over onto his back. Drew's eyes were closed, He wasn't breathing. Peter scooped up Drew in his arms and held him close. He looked down at his face and shed a tear. He put his back onto the floor and put his hand out for the gun, He couldn't find it. He moved his hand across the floor and looked around for the gun. He quickly turned around and stood up. Lucas stood there pointing the gun at Peter. Peter smiled at him.

Peter: Are you going to shot me? Kill me? Quiet little Lucas?

Lucas: You killed my brother!

Peter: [Mimicking Lucas] You killed my brother! You killed my brother! Boo hoo! Little Lucas.

Lucas shot the gun, [bang!] Matilda and Ric gasped. Peter fell to the ground. He put his hand to his shoulder and got onto his knees, staring at Lucas. Blood oozed between his fingers. He slowly looked up. Lucas stood their shaking.

Peter: I guess I was wrong about you.

Peter got up and walked forward.

Peter: Are you like your brother? Are you a killer?

Before Lucas could speak or move Peter kicked him in the chest, Lucas flew back into the wall hitting his head and slumping to his side.

Matilda: Lucas!

Peter walked over to him and took the gun from his hand. He turned around and smiled. Ric had stood up and Matilda was standing behind.

Peter: The boy always protects the girl!

Ric: Matilda you have to get out of here.

Matilda: I'm not leaving you.

Ric: Go Matilda!

Matilda walked back slowly, Peter walked towards Ric.

Peter: Stop!

Matilda stopped walking.

Peter: If it wasn't for you Ric, Everyone would have had a less painful death and Drew would still be alive.

Ric: What are you talking about?!

Peter: Death! I'm talking about Death! If you hadn't of had that vision of yours then you would all be dead by now and my son would be alive and everything would be fine and dandy, But because of you. It had to be done the hard way!

Ric: You set up that road accident?

Peter: I, Ric was in the other car.

Peter laughed.

Peter: I knew what time the bus would be coming across that road, So i waited around the corner. I planned to use the car lights to blind the driver, Your granddad, And force him off the road and down the hill. No-one would of survived it. No-one did, But they were the wrong people. You were meant to die! So I had to plan another way to kill you all.

Ric: Didn't quite succeed though did you.

Peter: Not yet.

Peter aimed the gun straight ahead and shot, [bang!] Ric ran to Matilda and pushed her down. He shot again [bang!] and Matilda screamed.

Last chapter will be up tomorrow :D


Thanks :D

Well,This is the final chapter. Hope you like it :D

Ric: Are you okay?

Matilda: I'm okay.

Ric: You have to get Sally and get out of here.

Peter: Nobody is going anywhere!

Ric protected Matilda by standing in front of her. Peter pointed his gun and shot, [bang!] Ric turned around and hugged Matilda. Sally tried to scream as Ric and Matilda fell to the floor. Peter walked over to them he pushed Ric off of Matilda with his foot. Blood covered them and the floor. Peter looked to Sally and smirked.

Peter: Two birds, One stone. Or Two annoying brats and one bullet.

A tear dripped down Sally's cheek. Peter continued to stare at Sally until he felt a tug to his arm, Ric grabbed the gun from Peter who had turned around to see him, He lunged towards Ric who fired the gun. [bang!] Peter fell to the floor. Ric struggled to get up and stood over Peter. He kicked him in the leg, Peter didn't move.

Ric: The main character always survives!

Matilda reached up and grabbed Ric's legs, Ric jumped back and screamed.

Matilda: Don't forget his beauty girlfriend.

Ric: Maddie! You scared the life out of me!

Ric helped Matilda stand up and they held each other tight. Ric looked around to see Sally still tied to the chair, He quickly ran over, Put the gun on the floor and untied her.

Ric: Are you okay Sal?

Sally stood up out of the chair and hugged Ric and Matilda.

Sally: I'm fine, I'm okay.

Lucas: Hey! Don't ask about me.

Ric and Matilda: [Together] Lucas!

They rushed over to Lucas and helped him up.

Matilda: Are you okay?

Lucas: Apart from being kicked into a wall and knocked unconscious. Yeah I'm fine.

They chuckled.

Ric: Where are the others?

Sally: He tied them up in one of the class rooms.

Matilda: I have to see my mum.

Ric, Matilda and Lucas walked towards the door, They walked past Peter slowly, Ric looked down at him.

Ric: The villain never wins. I thought you would of known that by now Peter.

They walked away. Peter jumped up from behind. Sally grabbed the gun off the floor and shot [bang!] [bang!] [bang!], Ric, Matilda and Lucas turned around. Peter stood still arms in the air ready to strike at Ric, But he didn't move. Blood poured from his mouth and chest. He looked down at his chest and then at Ric. He smiled..

Peter: No-one ever really dies in Summer Bay, I thought you would of known that by now Ric.

Peter fell back onto the floor. Ric looked up to Sally who smiled back at him.

Ric: Sh!t I'm lucky!

Lucas: You know, There's always a sequel, right?

Thanks for reading :D



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