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Final Destination - Summer Bay

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Ric turned his head to see 4 girls sat in a circle, He walked over to them.

Nancy: I drink of my sisters, and I take into myself..

Ric interrupts them..

Ric: Hey.

Nancy: What do you want?

Ric: I need help to access the powers inside of me.

After Ric had explained, The girls got him to sit in the middle of them.

Rochelle: I drink of my sisters and I ask for the ability to not hate those who hate me.

Sarah: I drink of my sisters and I ask to love myself more and to allow myself to be loved more by others.

Bonnie: I drink of my sisters and I take into myself the power to be beautiful outside as well as in.

Nancy: I drink of my sisters and I take into myself all the power of Manon.

Ric looked at them all confused by what they were saying, But then they looked at him. Ric started to hear himself speak.

Ric: I drink of my... sisters and I ask for the ability to see more than the eye shows.

Ric waited and nothing happened. He waited some more and still nothing happened, The girls stared at him.

Ric: Is that it?

Nancy: Now you go.

Ric got up and walked away, He started walking down the hill when suddenly lights blinded him, Noises deafened him and he fell to his knees. He got blinded by vision after vision. The noise got louder and louder, He saw flashes of light and then heard the voice of Colleen.

Colleen: Those kids. Why do they even order them if they aren't going to drink them, What a waste.

There was another flash and Colleen spoke again.

Colleen: This is a genius of a idea, I don't know why i didn't do it before.

All of a sudden Ric saw the Diner, He floated above and saw Colleen tipping milkshake back into the machine..Ric looked disgusted. All of a suddenly behind Colleen he saw a figure, Dressed in black. The figure bent down and crawled closer to the milkshake machine, He picked up the plug and put it in the socket and turned it on. Seconds later Ric heard the screams of Colleen.

Ric came out of his vision shocked by what he saw, He felt sick. He tried to lift himself up but collapsed again with another vision. This time he was in the Gym floating above. He saw Kim tightening a screw, Kim stood up and pressure on the seat of the bench before laying on it. Ric then saw the same figure all in black crawl to the bench and used the screwdriver to loosen the screw. Next second the bench had fallen and Kim struggled to get the weights off of him. Ric woke up out of his vision, Sweating and gasping.

Ric: No more. No more.

Another vision came to Ric and it was just as blinding as the others, He was back in the Diner, Floating above. He saw Irene leave the Diner and seconds later Alf came out of the kitchen. Ric looked at him with tears in his eyes. Alf walked to the door and looked outside then came back in. A figure walked in behind, Ric called out to Alf.

Ric: Granddad! Granddad! Watch out! Behind you! Granddad!

The figure behind raised his arm and struck Alf at the back of the head, Ric let out a gasp as Alf fell to the floor and was struck again. Ric began crying. Another flash brought him out of his vision. Before he could regain his breath another flash came and brought him back into a vision. He saw Jack standing next to the table, He hit it with his fists and then heard Jack say..

Jack: It can't be. I got it! I know who killed Alf, Colleen and Kim. And it wasn't Death.

Ric saw the figure walk through the door, Ric got angry and tried to get closer to the figure but he couldn't move. Jack stood up and turned around. Ric saw something being thrown at Jack.

Jack: Wha?! Ahhh! Spider!

Jack jumped around trying to get away from the spider, As he turned around the figure threw some wire around Jacks neck and started strangling him, Ric could do nothing but watch. Jack's body fell to the ground and the figure stood up. Ric watched intensely as the the figure moved forward and then bent down to pick up a fake spider, As the figure stood up in the light Ric could see who it was.

Ric: Peter. Peter Baker is the killer?!

Before Ric knew it he got blinded by another flash of light and saw Peter walk into a room with a plank of wood and trapped it on the handle to the sauna.

Cassie: Help! Someone, Anyone, Help!

Another flash of light blinded him and he awoke on top of the hill in which he fell. Ric fell onto his side and stared, Thinking about what he had just seen. Could Peter Baker really be the killer? And if so, Why? Ric began to think this through when he eyes moved to look at the group of girls still sitting in a circle. Ric concentrated on the one called Nancy, He slowly moved his hand down his waste..

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It was the next morning and Ric came downstairs, Sally and Brad were in the kitchen making breakfast, Sally and Brad were asleep when Ric got home the night before so he didn't have chance to tell him what he saw. Just as he opened his mouth there was a knock at the door. Sally walked to the back door and looked out side. Sally turned back to them confused.

Sally: There's no-one there.

They heard the knocking again. Sally looked back outside.

Sally: There is still no-one there.

Confused Brad walked over to the door and looked outside.

Brad: You're right.

The knocking continued, Ric walked over to them and looked outside, Ric couldn't see anyone there either, He looked back to them with a confused look. Still the knocking continued. Ric suddenly said..

Ric: The side door!

They all rushed over to the side door. Ric looked out first, There was no-one there, Sally looked out next and couldn't see one, Brad joined them and they all became confused that they heard knocking but no-one was at the door.

Ric: It's coming from over there.

Ric said pointing to the right, They followed the sound of the knocking and saw a big wooden door.

Sally: What is it?

Sally said with fear, Ric slowly walked forward and laid his palm on the door, The knocking happened again, Causing Ric to jump back.

Ric: I remember this, Its the.. front door.

Sally moved forward and slowly turned the handle and opened the door. There stood a delivery man holding a envelope. The trio just stared.

Delivery Man: I have a package for you.

The trio didn't speak or move, They wondered why this person used the front door, A door that is never used, never spoken about, never existed. The delivery man stood there waiting for one of them to speak.

Sally: Okay...

The delivery man held out the package, Sally accepted. The trio continued to stare while the delivery man walked backwards, quickly turned and ran away. The trio returned to the front room, Sally opened the package and read the note. Shocked by what she was reading she put her hand to her mouth.

Ric: What is it Sal?

Sally handed Ric the note and he read it out..

Ric: Tick Tock, Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory Dickory Dock. Tick Tock.

Brad gasped and became confused and asked ..

Brad: What does that mean?

After Sally and Ric explained the meaning of the words 'Tick Tock', Brad gasped again.


Sally: We have to call Peter.

Ric: No!

Brad: Ric, Peter is a cop, He can help us.

Ric: Peter is the killer!

Ric explained what had happened, With the figure from the smoke, The 4 girls, His visions and seeing each of them die and seeing Peter step into the light after killing Jack. Sally was shocked by what she had heard.

Brad: But why would Peter do such a thing? It doesn't make any sense.

Ric: I don't know why, I just know it is him.

Sally: Peter would have no reason for doing this, He saved us from Zoe twice, He nearly lost his life the second time, Why would he do something like this.

Ric: I know its him, I saw it.

Brad: Don't you think maybe you are wrong? These 'visions' may have just been your mind playing tricks on you in this very stressful and upsetting situation.

Ric: I know what happened, I know what I saw and what I saw was real.

Ric left the house and met up with Matilda and Lucas.

Matilda: I still can't believe that Cassie is dead.

Lucas: Where did you run off to last night Ric?

Ric looked at them, He had to tell them. If anyone were to believe him it would be his best mate and his girlfriend..

Ric: I went to see if I could access the powers I have inside me.

Matilda: Did you do it?

Ric: With some help from four girls, At first I thought it was a waste of time and nothing was going to happen, But then suddenly..

Ric explained to them what he saw in his visions.

Matilda: Peter? Peter Baker?

Lucas: No way!

Ric: You believe me right?

Lucas and Matilda: [Together] Of course we do!

Matilda and Lucas looked at each other and quickly said.

Lucas and Matilda: [Together] Jinx!

Lucas and Matilda: [Together] Jinx!

Lucas and Matilda: [Together] Jinx!

Ric stared at them..

Ric: Enough guys!

Lucas and Matilda: [Together] Sorry.

They both looked at each other again. Before they could go back to try and jinx each other Ric spoke.

Ric: That's not all guys. When I got home it was really late so I went to bed, But then next morning before I was able to tell Sally and Brad about Peter the was a knock.. At the front door.

Matilda and Lucas gasped.

Ric: That's not all. There was a delivery man there, He gave us a note.

Matilda: What did it say?

Ric: Tick Tock Hickory Dickory Dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory Dickory Dock. Tick Tock.

Matilda and Lucas didnt know what to say, They were shocked. Matilda looked down to her shoulder and remembered. Lucas finally spoke.

Lucas: So this has something to do with Zoe. Some connection between Peter and Zoe.

Matilda: But they hated each other. Why would Peter be killing everyone and using Zoe's calling card?

Ric thought for a second and then said..

Ric: Maybe its not Zoe that is the connection, But Tracey.

Matilda and Lucas looked confused.


Matilda: What?

Ric: Well Peter was so obsessed with catching Zoe. He worked with Tracey, We all saw the connection between them and then she died. Tracey loved Zoe who was getting revenge on the Bay because she loved Sarah who she believe was killed by the people of the Bay and Sarah got revenge on the Bay because she believed that someone in the bay killed Felix and Felix was harassing Dani because..

Ric then got confused.

Ric: Anyway, Maybe Peter is getting revenge on the people of the Bay because he believes that we are responsible for her death.

Matilda and Lucas agreed, That must be the reason.

Matilda: But Sally and Brad didn't believe you?

Ric: Brad said that the visions was just me dreaming something up because of the stressful situation.

Lucas: What about Sally? What did she say?

Ric: She said that Peter had no reason for doing this as he had saved up from Zoe twice before.

Matilda: Twice? I don't think you can count the second time as saving us.

Ric: What are we going to do? Sally and Brad don't believe me.

Lucas: They are probably phoning Peter right now about the note.

Ric: We have to get back there.

Sure enough when the trio returned to the house Peter was there talking to Sally and Brad about the note.

Sally: Do you think it is Zoe?

Peter: It is her calling card and we thought she died once before, There is a chance that she could be back.

The trio stared at Peter who noticed them doing that.

Peter: Are you three okay?

Ric: Fine.

Ric said sharply, Peter looked back to Sally..

Peter: I will take the letter to check to see if it has any finger prints on.

Peter got up and left..

Ric: The only finger prints on there will be his.

Brad: Ric, We don't know for sure that Peter is the killer.

Ric: I know!


Ric left the house with Matilda and following, They walked along the beach discussing what they will do next. When they saw Drew and Belle.

Belle: Hey guys!

Matilda and Lucas: [Together] Hey.

Drew looked at Ric wondering why he was staring at him.

Drew: What's wrong? Have I got something on my face?

Ric continued staring at him and then said..

Ric: Nothing.

Drew: Then why are you staring at me?

Matilda and Lucas looked at Ric as he blurted out.

Ric: It's your father.

Drew: What's my dad?

Ric: He's the murderer. He killed Colleen,Kim,Jack

Far away in the distance a broken man screamed..

Tony: Jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Ric: Cassie and my granddad!

Drew: That's ridiculous!

Belle: Yeah, Drew's dad is helping. How can you think he is the murderer.

Ric: I just know.

Drew: Well your wrong!

Drew knocked Rics shoulder as he walked past, Belle followed.

Ric: I know I'm right and we have to stop him.

Matilda and Lucas agreed.

Matilda: But how?

Ric: I don't know yet.

Drew said goodbye to Belle and walked to the police station, He opened the door to Peter's office and saw Peter sitting at his desk. He stood there are stared at him wondering. Could it be true? Surely not.

Peter: Drew. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?

Drew: Everything is fine..I just..

Just before Drew spoke Lara Fitzgerald entered Peter's office.

Lara: Peter there is someone out here who asked to speak to you.

Peter: I'll be right there.

Peter walked out of the office leaving Drew alone. Drew stood there for a few seconds before moving closer to the desk, He saw a note on the table saying 'Tick Tock..[You know the rest]'. Drew moved behind the desk and tried to open the drawer. It was looked, He looked around for a key and then opened the drawer. Inside the drawer he was shocked to see some of Colleen's hair, A screw, A tin of baked beans, A fake spider, A brochure from the sunbathing parlour. Drew quickly closed the door but as he turned around he saw Peter standing there watching him.

Drew: Dad!

Peter: What were you doing in that drawer?

Drew: Nothing.

Drew stared at Peter while being too scared to move. Peter stepped forward and Drew tried to step back but bumped into the chair. Peter put his hand on Drew's shoulder and said.

Peter: You're my son Drew and I love you. But..

Peter leaned closer to Drew and whispered in his ear.

Peter: [Whispering] I will kill you.

Peter stood back straight and looked at Drew who gulped.

Peter: Go home Drew. I'll see you later.

Drew slid past Peter and put his hand on the door handle. Before he could turn it Peter spoke.

Peter: You'll be okay Drew, As long as you don't tell anyone!

Drew nodded and opened the door and ran out.


Drew ran up to Ric who was sitting on the beach alone.

Drew: You were right!

Ric jumped up and asked Drew what he meant.

Ric: Right about what?

Drew: My dad, He is the killer.

Ric stared at him, Drew was shaking.

Drew: What are we going to do?

Ric: I don't know yet.

Drew: He knows that I know.

Ric: He knows that you know?

Drew said again..

Drew: He knows that I know.

Ric: He knows that you know..

Drew: That's what I just said. What are we going to do?

Ric: Just stay out of his way until I can think of something.

Drew: I can't believe he killed all those people.

Ric got up and started to walk away from Drew only to stop and turn around to say.

Ric: I'll stop him.

He continued walking.

Meanwhile at Amanda's house Amanda was talking to Peter about the recent murders.

Amanda: I can't believe it. I'm so scared, What if something happens to me? I know I wasn't on the bus or anything, But what if something happens to me? I'm so scared Peter, I'm just glad to know I have you here. I can't believe this is happening. What if something happens to me? What would I do.

Amanda continued to moan and whine and all Peter heard were nails down a chalkboard, Finally he snapped.

Amanda: Peter! What are you doing? No! Peter! Put me down! Where are you talking me?! Peter! Peter! Peter! What are you doing? No, Peter don't do that!

Peter finally had enough and gagged Amanda. He carried Amanda into the kitchen and got some rope from under the sink, He tied her arms behind her back and her feet together, He picked her up and carried her outside. Amanda was still whining..Peter walked down the steps carrying Amanda and threw her into the pool. She sank to the bottom of the pool, Peter looked down at Amanda who looked back up. Bubbles came up to the surface and then minutes later stopped. Peter walked away.

Drew appeared from behind the bushes, He saw everything. He couldn't believe what he saw. He knew his father was the murderer but to see it happened took his breath away. He stepped back and stood on a twig, [Crack] Peter turned around to see Drew, Drew ran away with Peter close behind.

Drew ran down a lane and across the park, Peter got closer and dived at his legs throwing him down to the floor, They struggled. Peter got on top of Drew and pinned his arms down.

Drew: Let me go!

Peter just looked at him, He was his son, His own flesh and blood. He couldn't kill him, But he knew that Drew would give away his secret. What could he do? Peter let Drew get up. Drew was surprised by this and slowly walked backwards, Peter just stared at him

Peter: I told you, I will kill you if I have to. But if you don't tell anyone then I wont have to.

Drew didn't speak, He gulped and continued walking backwards. He knew Peter expected a answer from him, He had to speak.

Drew: I won't.

Drew turned and ran. Peter looked on. He knew that his son was lying, But no matter what he said, He couldn't really kill his own son, He had to take another action.


Belle was at home, Irene was making her clean up after avoiding it for so long she finally ran out of excuses.

Irene: I want it all cleaned girlie, That doesn't mean hiding it so no-one can see it's there.

Belle: I know Irene.

Irene: Really? That doesn't explain why last week I found a load of empty biscuit boxes under the sofa cushions.

Belle laughed while Irene didn't look amused.

Irene: I want this whole house cleaned by the time I get back.

Belle: Where are you going?

Irene: Diner. I need to pick up the books.

Irene left the house, As soon as she walked past the windows Belle sat down and grabbed the television remote.

Irene: Oi! Girlie!

Belle jumped.

Irene: Get back to work!

Belle put down the remote and Irene walked away. For awhile Belle was cleaning the house, Until she got to the table where she saw a opened magazine, She sat down to read it. Behind her in walked Peter. Peter stood there staring at Belle. He knew he had to do something to stop Drew from talking, But killing his girlfriend. Would that do it? Or would it make him tell. Peter didn't have another option, He couldn't kill his son without trying another way to keep him quiet. He walked forward. Belle heard a creaking noise behind her.

Belle: Just taking a break Irene, I have been working. Nothing is hidden under the sofa cushions.

There was no answer, Belle turned around and saw no-one. No-one was there. Belle shrugged and carried on read.

Peter came out from the kitchen with a knife and walked over to Belle, He stood behind her while she read her magazine. He closed his eyes for a second and then suddenly he put his hand over her mouth and the knife to her throat. Belle tried to scream and put her hands up to try and pull away Peters hand.

Irene came home and put the books on the table. She looked around the house to see it even messier than before with Belle no where to be seen.

Irene: What in blue blazes! Oi Buster!

Irene walked to the bathroom door and pushed it open, Belle wasn't in there. She walked to the bottom of the stairs and shouted up.

Irene: Oi Girlie! I thought I told you to clean the house by the time I got back. It's messier than before.

Irene looked around the house and threw her arms in the air. While waiting for a response from Belle she got annoyed and walked up stairs. Suddenly Irene ran downstairs and picked up the phone.

Irene: [speaking to self] Where is that girl?

After a few seconds of ringing on the phone..

Irene: [speaking on the phone] Oi! Girlie! Where are you? You just ran out of the house leaving it in more of a mess than it was before. I want you back home now!

Irene put the phone down and looked at the mess of the house.


Thanks :D

Well that was a short chapter,So i'll put a bit more up now :P

Drew ran over to Ric's house and walked in. He saw Ric talking to Lucas and Matilda.

Ric: Drew? Are you ok? You're out of breath.

Drew: I ran all the way here.

Drew sat down and told them that he saw Peter murdered Amanda!

Matilda: We have to go to the police.

Ric: He is the police.

Drew: He said he would kill me if I told anyone.

Ric: He still doesn't know that I know?

Drew: I don't think so, No.

Suddenly Drew's mobile rang making them all jump. Drew looked at it.

Drew: It's from Belle. She says to meet her at the beach.

Matilda: We'll come to, We need to talk about what we are going to do.

They walked along the beach looking for Belle, The beach was deserted.

Drew: She said to meet her here.

Matilda: I can't see anyone.

Lucas: Wait! What's that?

Lucas pointed to a small pile 200 yards ahead. They all ran closer.

Drew: What the!

Matilda: What is that?

They got closer and where shocked to see..

Ric: Legs?

Drew: Belle?

They ran up to a pair of legs sticking out from the sand. Belle's mobile was next to the pile along with a note, Lucas read the note.

Lucas: It was you or her Drew, I trust now you will know how far I will go to keep you quiet.

Drew: That's Belle?

They all stood there, Shocked by what they saw. Belle was buried head first in the sand.


Sally had phoned for a meeting at her house. The group arrived there to see Sally, Brad, Rachel, Tony, Beth, Irene, Dan, Leah and Peter..Peter looked at Drew and then saw the rest of them staring back at him. Did they know?

Sally: Where have you guys been? You shouldn't be going off without telling anyone where you are going.

Peter: Sally's right guys, You have to be careful.

They all looked at Peter who was looking right back at them. Ric continued to stare while they others spoke.

Matilda, Lucas and Drew: [Together] Sorry.

Sally: Come and sit down. We have something to tell you.

Dan: It's about Amanda and Belle. They were found murdered today.

They weren't shocked by what they had heard, Drew told them about Amanda and they all found Belle. But they acted shocked, Peter knew that Drew knew about both murders, But the others didn't want Peter to suspect them.

Leah: Have you got any leads on this Peter?

Peter shook his head.

Dan: You must have something by now, After all these murders there must be clues and evidence.

Drew knew there was evidence, He thought back to all the stuff he saw in Peters desk drawer. Would it still be there now? Should he get it to expose Peter before anyone else gets killed? But would anyone believe him. After all anyone can have fake spiders, Screws and brochures. But what about Colleen's hair. That's evidence! But then Peter is a cop, It would be normal for him to have evidence. Is there any way that they can prove that Peter is the killer?

Sally: I have been thinking, We are all going to go to Pippa's, To get out of the bay.

She turned to Ric.

Sally: We will be safe there.

Ric couldn't believe what he was hearing, Sally wanted him to come with her. Of course he wanted to. But he couldn't leave Matilda, Lucas and Drew behind. And even if they weren't a issue, Ric knew he was the only one that could stop this. He couldn't leave.

Catching up to the end.. Maybe posted tomorrow.


Sally: Ric?

Ric: I can't leave.

Brad: What? Why not? No-one is safe here.

Ric: I can't leave Matilda and Lucas.

Drew looked upset.

Ric: Or Drew.

Tony: Lucas and Matilda are coming with us. We are going to go to the city.

Dan: And Drew is coming with us, We're going to go to my parents.

Sally: If we are all out of the Bay, We can't be hurt.

Ric knew that it doesn't matter where they went Peter could find them and one day they would come back and he would still be here. Ric looked at Peter who was scanning his eyes around everyone. He didn't look amused, Shocked by what they all had said.

Sally: [shouting] Ric!

Sally shouted upstairs to Ric who was packing his bags.

Sally: [shouting] Ric!

Ric: [shouting] I'm coming.

Brad: [shouting] Hurry up mate, We have a plane to catch.

Rachel: Are you sure it's okay for all us to go to Pippas?

Sally: It's fine. I spoke to her earlier, She is setting up the beds. We all have to stay together and get out of here.

Sally walked to the stairs and shouted at Ric again.

Sally: [shouting] Ric!

Suddenly the lights went out. Brad screamed.

Sally: Get the torch! Its under the sink.

Sally screamed for Ric.

Sally: [shouting] Ric! Are you okay?! Get down here! But be careful.

Ric: [shouting] I'm okay, I'm coming.

Ric tripped up the stairs in his bedroom and moved his hand across the wall to help guide him. He heard screaming and banging coming from downstairs.


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