Exits: 2001-2500

Posted on February 23, 2008 Categories

Steven Matheson - Episode 2058
After the revelations concerning his affair with Selina, Steven left the bay disillusioned with the way things had turned out.
Has since reappeared in the bay several times since.

Stephanie Mboto - Episode 2120
Whilst bushwalking with Joey, Liam and Casey, Stephanie slipped, falling off a cliff where she died at the bottom in Liam's arms.

Curtis Reed - Episode 2132
After meeting Laura's dopple-ganger Jenna Evans, Curtis left the bay with her to try and make it big after being selected for the pro-surf tournament.

Kelly Watson - Episode 2140
Realising that she was falling behind her contempories staying in Summer Bay, Kelly called off her engagement to Travis and left for the city to continue studying medicine.

Liam Tanner - Episode 2167
Left with his mother to go living in Peru following her kidnapping by his fathers thugs.

Shannon Reed - Episode 2213
Left to live in Paris with Mandy, her lesbian lover in Paris. On leaving she gave Angel's car to Selina.

Selina Roberts - Episode 2273
Left with her honeymoon tickets to move to Bali, where she wished to continue her nursing career after turning down Steven's proposal.
Selina reappeared the following year in a special one-off episode set in England which saw her and Steven reunited.

Casey Mitchell - Episode 2290
Casey decided to go live in America with her father once her obsession with the piano had cost her her friendships.

Pippa Ross - Episode 2343
After falling in love with Ian Routledge, Pippa decided to take a break and go travelling with him. She was waved off from the caravan park by a tragically small amount of people.
Pippa has returned for multiple guest stints.

Lachlan Fraser - Episode 2413
Left with his mother to go to America after a botched operation to remove a brain tumour had left him with brain damage.
Lachlan made a one-off appearance when Chloe visited him in America.

Aaron Welles - Episode 2453
Decided to can his studies to start travelling Australia with Monkey Jam. Ended up in New York.