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Deja vu anyone?

Guest Adele

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Another difference Tom Cruise is weird and Katie Holmes has issues for marrying him and having is baby that is wrong. Then again there is alway Catherine Zeta-Jones and Micheal Douglas....

Why is having his baby wrong? Just because you think he is weird, doesn't mean she shouldn't love him.

I don't really know anything about their relationship, but I think it's a bit difficult for random members of the public to judge them when they have never even met them! :rolleyes:

Not because I don't like him, or because he is "weird", but I really don't think Katie Holmes should be bringing a baby into Scientology. As Tainted Muse pointed out, they force silent births, but that is just one of the allegations against them from former members. Others have claimed that they were forced away from their families, and some people who used to be in the higher orders of the cult say they were forced to participate in sex rituals as children and young teens.

I don't like Tom Cruise much, I'll admit, but I do think Katie Holmes is an idiot to be buying into this cult. He's an idiot in the first place to support them, and she's an idiot to join in, and especially to bring a child into it. I really hope Scientology doesn't become the latest trendy religion.

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