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I'll Be Here For You

Guest Danni02

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Chapter 21

“Aww Martha she is beautiful” Charlie said as she was holding the new baby. She was now three week old, born the day after Olivia’s 2nd birthday. They decided to call her Sophie.

“She looks a lot like her big sister” Charlie continued then she looked up at Olivia who was sitting on the couch with a sulk on her face because of the lack of attention she was getting.

“Big sister is very jealous at the moment” Jack laughed then he walked over to where Olivia was sitting and picked her up and gave her a hug. “Aren’t you Olivia” he continued

“No like baby” Olivia said then wriggled in her dad’s arms until he put her down. She ran to the other side of the room and hid behind the chair. Ava looked across the room to where Olivia was hiding.

“Livia” she said then attempted to run across the room but fell pretty quickly. She laughed then got back up to her feet and slowly walked the rest of the way. She sat down next to Olivia and the pair started to talk away in their own little language.

“So she’s not impressed with the new baby then?” Charlie asked

“Not at all” Martha said

“Someone else is getting the attention” Jack said “She doesn’t like it”

“We’ve tried getting her to help, you know, involving her more asking her to bring me a nappy or pick her an outfit, but she’s just not interested” Martha added

“I’m sure she’ll come round one day” Charlie said as Rachel, Tony, Harry and Emily came into the room and Emily ran across and joined Olivia and Ava. Harry was holding a football, as usual, and had a quick look at the baby before running out into the garden. Charlie handed Sophie to Rachel then said she should get going. She walked across the where the girls were sitting and picked up her daughter. “Walky” Ava said and Charlie put her back down and Ava took hold of her hand and then they left.

Charlie left Ava with Ruby and made her weekly visit to the prison. She has been coping much better since Angelo had been sending the visiting orders and although they found it hard to see each other for only one hour a week, it was better than nothing. They always found something to talk about and they only wished they had more time to see each other.

“Hey, how are you today?” Angelo asked as Charlie took a seat

“Yea, good thanks how are you?”

“Great, now I have seen you” Angelo smiled. “So how is Ava, my daughter?” he asked, as always with a huge grin on his face.

“Great, I brought some more photos of her today.”

“I bet she’s changed so much, she will be 18 months now, right?” Angelo asked

“Yup that’s right” Charlie smiled

“I can’t wait to meet her, I hope she likes me” Angelo said

“Of course she will. You’re her dad. I tell her about you every day and show her enough photos so she knows who you are” Charlie said and Angelo smiled.

“So how’s Ruby getting on now? Still playing the lovesick teenager?”

“No, they got back together a few weeks ago.”

“You sure that’s a good idea, after what he did to her?” Angelo asked

“Honestly no, but Ruby loves him and she wants to be with him. She is 17 Angelo, almost 18. I can’t tell her what to do.”

“Except you are the one that’s going to have to be there for her when he hurts her again”

“If he hurts her again of course I will be there for her, but let’s hope that won’t happen”

“Yea or he will have me to deal with”

“And just exactly what are you going to do from inside here?” Charlie asked. Angelo let out a small laugh.

“Yea good point, well I have to get out at some point don’t I?”

“Yea that day can’t come quick enough” Charlie said. Angelo smiled and again took hold of her hand from under the table, to which the officers didn’t notice.

“50 months” Angelo said “or 4 years 2 months”

“That’s ages yet” Charlie said

“I’ll be out before you know it.” Angelo smiled. Then the time had come for Charlie to once again leave her husband.

“Bye Angelo, I love you”

“Love you too Charlie, see you next week” Angelo smiled as he watched his wife walk away.

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This chapter is set 2 and half years later

Chapter 22

Charlie walked along the corridor and put the box down on the floor. She turned to her daughter and a tear started to roll down her cheek. Ruby walked across to Charlie and gave her a hug.

“I’m only moving out mum it’s not as if I’m never going to see you again” Ruby said

“I know, but it’s not as if you are moving round the corner Rubes, you are moving to the city, you are starting uni”

“Don’t worry Charlie, I will look after her” Xavier said as he walked into the room where they were standing.

“Yea because you did a great job of doing that when she thought she might be pregnant” Charlie retorted

“Mum, c’mon that was ages ago it’s forgotten about now” Ruby said

“Yea, and I was wrong to act how I did, but we sorted things, and I promise I will look after her”

“Yea well you better” Charlie said.

“Charlie I was 17 then, I was stupid.” Xavier said

Charlie helped Ruby and Xavier unpack their things and get settled into the flat while Ava ran around playing with the bubble wrap. A few hours later and they had everything away.

“Right, well we better get back” Charlie said as she made her way to the door. “C’mon Ava” she continued.

“Me stay with Ruby” She said and ran across to her sister and hung on to her leg.

“Okay bye then see you later” Charlie said as she opened the door and walked out.

“No mummy wait don’t leave me” Ava shouted then ran to the door and took hold of her hand. Charlie and Ruby laughed.

“I thought you wanted to stay with Ruby?” Charlie asked

“No me go home with mummy” Ava said as she clung onto Charlie. Ruby walked over to Charlie and gave her a big hug and again Charlie felt a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Mum, stop crying” Ruby said

“Sorry, I can’t help it. You’ve really helped me these past few years since Angelo’s been away and now you not going to be there” Charlie said

“Mum, I am always going to be there. I’ll just be a little further away” Ruby said

“Yes I know sorry. I will just miss living with you” Charlie said

“Well I will be home next weekend so you won’t to wait too long see me again and I will only be a phone call away” Ruby said

“Yeah your right. Next weekend? You are coming home as soon as that?” Charlie asked

“Well its Ava’s 4th birthday isn’t? I wouldn’t miss my sister’s birthday” Ruby said and she gave Charlie another hug then bent down and gave Ava a hug.

“Look after mummy for me” Ruby told her

“Yes I will” Ava smiled

“Bye mum, love you” Ruby said

“Love you to Rubes” Charlie said then they left her and Xavier to get settled. She drove back home and went into the house and up into Ruby’s room and sat on the bed. It looked so empty with most of her stuff gone.

Ava ran over to the bed and put her hands on Charlie’s knee.

“Don’t be sad mummy” Ava said and Charlie smiled at her daughter and gave her a hug. Then she walked down the stairs and made Ava some dinner.

It was Saturday morning and it was Ava’s 4th birthday. She ran through to Charlie’s room and woke her mummy up.

“Mummy mummy wake up it’s my birthday” Ava shouted as she was shaking Charlie’s arm. Charlie woke up and got out of bed. She walked down the stairs and made some breakfast.

“When are my friends coming mummy” Ava asked excitedly while eating her breakfast

“Later sweetie” Charlie told her

“But when?” Ava asked

“1 O’clock” Charlie told her, although she probably wouldn’t understand when one O’clock was.

“That’s just ages” Ava said sounding upset just as Ruby walked through the door.

“Ruby” Ava shouted and she jumped off the seat and ran over to Ruby and gave her a big hug.

“Missed you” she said

“Yea I miss you too” Ruby said

“Hey, mum how are you?” Ruby said as she went over and gave her a hug.

“Yea I’m good how are you?” Charlie asked

“Yea fine” Ruby said

“Doesn’t sound to convincing?”

“Yea I’ll talk to you later”

“Where’s Xavier?”

“Not coming, he stayed in the city”


“Like I said, I will talk to you later” Ruby said as she walked across to the table where Ava had returned to and was tucking to her breakfast.

“So how’s the birthday girl?” Ruby asked her

“Good. I’m 4 today” Ava smiled

“Yea I know, Happy Birthday” Ruby said

“Where is my present?” Ava asked

“Ava don’t ask people for presents” Charlie said

“Sorry mummy” Ava said

“And” Charlie said

“Sorry Ruby” Ava said and she gave her sister another hug

“You will get your presents later, when your friends come around” Charlie said. Ava looked up at her mum and smiled.

“I’m going to play” Ava said as she jumped off the seat and ran through to the living room and started pulling her toys out of the toy box.

“So what’s going on with you and Xavier?” Charlie asked

“He’s just so annoying” Ruby said

“So you have lived with your boyfriend for a week and have had an argument already” Charlie said

“He’s just so messy, he never picks up after himself and leave dirty dishes all over the place” Ruby said and Charlie started to laughed

“What’s so funny” Ruby asked

“The way you were talking I thought you had some major argument. Not some silly fight over dirty dishes”

“It wasn’t silly Charlie! We should both be taking our turns doing stuff. It’s not fair I have to be the one to do it all the time”

“Yea well what did you say to him?”

“Just shouted that he never does anything”

“So you haven’t actually asked him to do anything?”

“I shouldn’t have to ask him”

“Ruby, he’s a guy just ask him” Charlie said then she went through to the living room and took Ava up the stairs to get her ready for her birthday party. A few hours later and Rachel and Emily, Martha, Olivia and Sophie had arrived and a couple of Ava’s friends from nursery. The girls were running around playing and the adults were talking when the door bell rang. Charlie got up to answer it and couldn’t believe who she saw standing at the other side.

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Chapter 23

She jumped forward and wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged him tightly. They looked at each other and shared a long passionate kiss. Eventually the broke apart and Angelo put Charlie down.

“Angelo what are....why.....how” Charlie said unable to string a sentence together.

“Well can I come in then I will explain” he said

“Yes, why did you ring the bell in the first place, it’s your house Angelo”

“It didn’t seem right to just walk in after 4 and half years Charlie”

“Yea ok I suppose” Charlie said sounding shocked. They walked into the house and Angelo sat down at the kitchen table. Charlie closed the door leading from the kitchen to the living room and then joined Angelo at the table. They took hold of each other’s hands and stared at each other, nobody saying anything. A few seconds later and the door opened and Ruby came through to the kitchen.

“Hey mum is everything....” She started to speak then looked up to the table “Oh my god Angelo are you out of prison?”

“Ruby can you please just let us talk” Charlie said “Tell them Angelo is back and if it’s ok can they just leave now”

“Yeah I will” Ruby said and she closed the door again

“You are out aren’t you?” Charlie asked

“Yes I am” Angelo smiled. Charlie let out a huge grin and then a sigh of relief.

“I don’t understand you still have 18 months of your sentence left” Charlie said sounding confused. “How can you be out?” she continued

“Good behaviour, the promise of never killing another human, I don’t really know Charlie as soon as they said the words you are getting out I just didn’t pay attention to the rest, all I could think about was getting to be with you and our daughter” Angelo said and Charlie smiled and leaned forward in the seat and the pair shared a passionate kiss.

“So where is my daughter, I would love to meet her” Angelo said smiling and the pair stood up from the table and linked hands then walked through to the living room. Ava was sitting on the couch next to Ruby and Charlie let go of Angelo’s hand and looked at Angelo as he looked at his daughter for the first time. Tears came into both of their eyes.

“She is gorgeous” Angelo said as he walked across to where Ava was sitting and Ava looked up and jumped off the couch and stood up in front of Angelo and looked up at him. Angelo bent down to her level and smiled.

“Hey, Ava I’m your daddy” he said as he took hold of her hand. Ava looked at him for a few seconds then pulled her hand away and ran across to where Charlie was standing and hid behind her grabbing onto her tightly.

“I no like him mummy tell him to go away” Ava said from behind Charlie. Charlie pulled Ava’s hands off her and turned around and bent down to her daughter’s level.

“Hey, sweetie that’s your daddy” Charlie said

“No I don’t like him” Ava said “Tell him to go away” Charlie looked up at Angelo and saw the look of sheer disappointment on his face.

“Ava that’s not nice, you’re hurting your daddy feelings. Say sorry to him” Charlie said but Ava shook her head.


“Ava, now” Charlie said but again Ava just stood there shaking her head looking down at the floor.

“Ava Sofia Rosetta say sorry to your daddy right now” Charlie said more sternly

“Sorry” Ava said, although it was very quiet and she kept her gaze firmly on the ground.

“Tell him to leave now” Ava said

“No he is staying” Charlie said

“I’s said sorry. I no want him to stay” Ava said

“Well mummy wants him to stay”

“Well Ruby don’t” Ava said

“Hey, Ava, I want him to stay too” Ruby said. Ava looked up and started to cry.

“Why is no-one’s being nice to me? It’s my birthday, yous are meant to be” Ava cried then she ran up the stairs and into her bedroom. Charlie walked over to Angelo and hugged him.

“Give her time, she will come around” Charlie said

“I didn’t expect her to run into my arms and be best friends with me straight away but I didn’t expect that either” Angelo replied.

“I will go speak to her” Ruby said and she walked up the stairs and into Ava’s room. Charlie and Angelo sat on the couch and Angelo put his arm around her and Charlie snuggled into him.

“This feels nice” Angelo said

“Yeah it does” Charlie smiled and they shared another kiss, but broke apart when they heard Ava shouting something at Ruby. Charlie and Angelo walked up the stairs and into Ava’s room. Ava looked up and saw Angelo standing in her room and ran across and tried to push him out. Angelo looked up at Charlie with a look of disappointment and then walked out of the room.

“What’s that bag for Ava” Charlie asked

“Me staying with Ruby if that man’s staying”

“Stop being silly, you are staying here” Charlie said

“Why” Ava asked

“Because I’m your mummy and I said so. That’s why”

“Not fair” Ava said then she jumped onto her bed and hid under the covers.

“What do we do?” Ruby asked

“Just leave her, she will come round eventually” Charlie said. They walked out of her bedroom and back down the stairs. Charlie sat on the couch next to Angelo and put her hand on his knee.

“She’ll come round in time” Charlie said

“Yea I know” Angelo replied

“Well I’m going to go to see Nic. See you later” Ruby said and then she left. Angelo and Charlie looked into each other’s eyes and couldn’t stop smiling at each other. Angelo got up from where he was sitting and pulled Charlie up off the couch and kissed her softly. He pulled back and led her up the stairs.

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Chapter 24

It had been 6 weeks since Angelo was released from prison and Ava was slowly warming to him. She had never addressed him as ‘daddy’ but she didn’t seem to mind him being in house anymore. Although she didn’t seem to like it if Angelo got too close to Charlie, she would run in between them and push Angelo away.

“Right, Ava time for bed” Charlie said as she stood up from the couch. “Go brush your teeth then I will come up and read you a story” Ava looked up at Charlie then ran over to Angelo. She put her hands on his knees and looked up at him.

“You can read me a story if you wants” Ava said

“Yea I liked that” Angelo said as he looked up at Charlie they smiled at each other and then he went upstairs with Ava. A little while the later the door bell rang and Ruby and Xavier walked into the house and through to the living room.

“Hey mum, how are you?” Ruby asked

“Yea fine thanks, how are you guys? What brings you here?”

“Yea good thanks, we have some news” Ruby said “Where’s Angelo?”

“He’s up the stairs reading Ava her bedtime story”

“She seems to be accepting him now” Ruby said

“Yeah she’s really started too interacted with him more lately” Charlie said “Angelo is over the moon. “So what’s this news?” Charlie asked

“Well I was going to wait till Angelo came down” Ruby said then Charlie looked down at her daughters hand and noticed the ring.

“Oh my god your engaged” Charlie said then gave her daughter a hug. “Congratulations”

“What this congratulations in order for?” Angelo asked as he was coming down the stairs.

“Me and Rubes are engaged” Xavier said

“Congratulations mate” Angelo said as he shook his hand then gave Ruby a hug.

“Yea thanks, we don’t want to have a long engagement either, we want to be married within the next 3 months”

“Three months? Ruby what’s the rush?” Charlie asked then looked down at her daughter’s stomach.

“No I’m not pregnant, we just want to get married and celebrate our love for each other” Ruby said

“And you really think that you will be able to plan a wedding in a few months”

“Well we have it pretty much planned actually” Xavier said. “We want to get married here, in the bay, with Harry as a page boy, and Ava, Emily, Olivia and Sophie as the flower girls.” He added

“Right and what about a minister, a location, a cake, a venue for the reception, invitations for the guests and not to mention the cost.” Angelo said

“Well we were hoping that you would help with that” Xavier said “And mum and Uncle Tony” he added.

“Do you really think now is the best time to get married?” Charlie asked

“What do you mean?” Ruby asked

“Well you are only 20 Rubes and your still students”

“Mum, I love Xavier and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. We are going to get married and you can’t stop us”

“But you want me to pay for it”

“Please Charlie, we love each other and want to do this” Xavier said

“Can’t you just have a longer engagement? Save up some money and get married when you are finished uni”

“We want to be together Charlie. I thought you of all people would understand that with being separated from Angelo for so long” Ruby said and Charlie let out a sigh.

“Yea ok, you’re right, if you love each other and want to get married then let’s go for it” Charlie said

“What so you will help us pay” Xavier asked

“Yes we will” Charlie said and Ruby jumped up from the seat and gave her mum a hug.

“Thanks mum” she said “Well we are going to go tell Rachel and Tony the news, is it all right if we stay here this weekend” Ruby continued

“Yeah of course” Charlie said

“Great. Well we’ll be back later” Ruby said and they left. Charlie and Angelo had just settled themselves on the couch with a bottle of wine when the phone rang and Charlie went to answer it.

“That was Jack, Martha had a little boy, born at 6.28pm, weighed 6lbs 7oz. They have called him Matthew. Mum and baby both fine.” Charlie said as she made her way back to the couch and sat next to her husband.

“Great, I bet Jacks chuffed after having two girls” Angelo said

“Yea I guess he will be” Charlie said

“Charlie?” Angelo said as he moved her hair from in front of her face


“What would you say if I suggested that we started to try for a baby?” Angelo asked and Charlie sat there for a few moments looking deep in thought before a big smile came onto her face.

“I would say yes”

“So we are trying?” Angelo smiled

“Yes, we are trying” Charlie smiled and then they shared a kiss. Angelo got up from the couch and started to walk up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Charlie asked

“Well we are trying aren’t we? C’mon” Angelo grinned. Charlie laughed then got up from the couch and followed him up the stairs and into their bedroom. They started to kiss softly then moved across to the bed as Ava came running into room.

“Hey, Ava was wrong?” Charlie asked as she pulled back from Angelo and walked across to where her daughter was standing.

“I had a bad dream” Ava said

“C’mon, mummy will take you back to bed and you can tell me all about it” Charlie said as she took hold of her daughter’s hand.

“No I want him to take me” Ava said as she let go of Charlie’s hand and ran across to where Angelo was standing. “Will you take me” She asked him as she took hold of his hand.

“Yea of course I will” Angelo said and he took his daughter back to her room.

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Chapter 25

Charlie left the station and went back home. She walked into the living room to find Ruby and Xavier watching TV.

“Hey, where’s Ava and Angelo?” She asked them

“Upstairs, playing” Ruby answered. Charlie walked up the stairs and into Ava’s bedroom. She couldn’t help but laugh at seeing her husband wearing a pink fluffy tiara, pink beads around his neck, with a dolly on his knee and a plastic tea-cup in his hand.

“Something funny?” Angelo asked her as she walked into the room still laughing.

“Yeah, you” Charlie laughed

“Hey, I’m bonding with my daughter aren’t I? I don’t care how silly I look” Angelo replied

“Yea I guess” Charlie smiled and she gave her husband a kiss and for the first time Ava didn’t seem to mind this.

“Mummy what are you doing in here?” Ava asked

“I just came to see my husband and daughter after coming home from work. I’m allowed to do that am I not?” She asked her daughter

“No. We are playing go away” Ava said.

Charlie watched them play for a few minutes then she left the two to bond some more. She went back down the stairs and into the living room where Ruby and Xavier were sitting.

“So how are you getting on with these wedding plans?” Charlie asked

“Well got the venue booked today. It’s going to be on the 24th June. It’s longer than we wanted to wait, but we still booked it anyways”

“That’s only 4 months Xavier, it’s not a lot of time to plan a wedding.” Charlie said as Angelo and Ava were walking down the stairs. Ava ran across the living room and jumped into her mother’s arms and gave her a big hug.

“What was that for?” Charlie asked

“Just cos” Ava smiled then she ran across to the toy box and started to pull out some toys.

“Come play this with me” Ava said and she ran across to Angelo and took his hand and pulled him across the room.

“Love the pink fluffy Tiara Angelo” Xavier laughed.

“Forgot I still had that on” Angelo laughed then lifted his hand up to his head and took it off.

“Hey leave it on” Ava shouted and put it back on his head. “Mummy doesn’t he look nice”

Charlie looked at her husband and let out a small laugh “Yea he looks lovely” Charlie said as Angelo look up at her with a big grin on his face.

Charlie, Rachel, Martha, Ruby and the kids walked into the shop and looked around. Ruby picked out some dresses for the girls and they were all very excited about them, except for Sophie who was still against wearing a dress.

“No dress” Sophie said as she pushed it away.

“I want to wear sparkly shoes” Emily said and she twirled around the shop in her dress.

“Me too” Olivia said “I want sparkly shoes”

“Mummy can my shoes be sparkly too” Ava asked

“I don’t know you will have to ask Ruby if you are allowed to wear sparkly shoes” Charlie told her daughter.

“Please Ruby” the three girls said at the same time.

“Oh I don’t know about that, I will have to think about it”

“Please Ruby” Olivia said as she ran up to her and gave her a hug.

“Oh I think that would be okay” Ruby said and the three girls cheered and jumped up and down. After a long struggle Martha eventually got Sophie into a dress.

“It’s yucky. No dress” Sophie said as she tried to pull it off. She started kicking and screaming and went into a full blown temper tantrum in the shop.

“Aren’t the terrible two’s great fun” Charlie said

“Oh I just love them” Martha replied

“And you’ve got a third one to come to them aswell” Rachel added and she looked into the pram at Matthew who was sleeping soundly.

“Yea it’ll be great fun, can’t wait” Martha laughed

“Mummy when will I get a little brother or sister” Ava asked

“One day soon hopefully” Charlie said and Rachel and Martha looked up at Charlie.

“We are trying” Charlie told them

“Thanks great Charlie”

“Yea thanks” Charlie smiled

“Well I’ve got wedding dresses to go try on” Ruby said then she walked across to a rail and picked out a dress. She went into the changing room and a while later she appeared out with the dress on.

“Aww Ruby its lovely” Charlie said and then a tear started falling down her cheek.

“Mum, don’t cry” Ruby said

“Sorry, I can’t help it. I just can’t believe you are 20 already and getting married in 2 months time.” Charlie wiped the tears from her eyes as Ava ran across to her and took her hand.

“Don’t cry mummy”

“It’s ok sweetie they are happy tears” Charlie said as she gave her daughter a hug.

“This is it, this is the dress” Ruby said

“It’s gorgeous Ruby” Rachel said

“Yea you look lovely Ruby” Martha added

Ruby and the girls got changed back into their clothes, much to the delight of Sophie. They paid for the dresses then went out for some lunch then they headed back to the bay. Ava ran into the house and up to where Angelo was sitting.

“Do you want to see me in my dress for the wedding” Ava asked

“Yeah” Angelo said

“Mummy mummy let me show the man me in my dress” Ava said. Charlie helped Ava get the dress on then she twirled around room for ages.

“Right Ava, time to take it off, you need to keep it clean for the wedding” Charlie told her

“No I’m never taking it off” Ava said

“Now Ava, you want to keep it clean and pretty for the wedding don’t you?”

“I will keep it clean” Ava shouted

“Ava if you don’t take it off now, you won’t get to wear your sparkly shoes” Ruby said

“No Ruby, that’s not nice let me wear the shoes”

“Well take the dress off then” Ruby told her

“Ok” Ava said and she ran up the stairs and got changed.

Charlie and Angelo were sitting in the bathroom waiting for the results to come through.

“I really hope it’s positive” Angelo said

“Yea me too, but don’t get your hopes up Angelo. We haven’t been trying for long and I haven’t really had any reason to think I’m pregnant”

“Well you doing a test aren’t you?”

“Yea just to shut you up” Charlie said “You’ve been on at me for days to take a test” she added

“Sorry I just really want this so badly. And I missed it all with Ava.” Angelo said

“Yea, I know” Charlie smiled then looked down at the test. “It’s positive, Angelo I’m pregnant” Charlie smiled and a huge grin appeared on Angelo’s face. He picked Charlie up into his arms and gave her a big hug.

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Chapter 26

Charlie and Angelo walked along the corridor and into the room. She lay on the bed and pulled her top up and Rachel squeezed the gel onto her stomach. Angelo took hold of Charlie’s hand and grinned.

“Congratulations. Your 10 weeks pregnant.” Rachel told them.

“Great, thanks Rach” Angelo ginned and he kissed Charlie on her forehead. They left the hospital and walked along to the diner.

“Charlie, can I tell everyone about the baby, just that I didn’t get to say the words the last time” Angelo asked as they were walking into the diner.

“Well actually, I never got to tell anyone the last time either” Charlie said

“What? What do you mean?” Angelo asked looking slightly puzzled

“Well Colleen over heard me and Ruby talking about it and well I think you can guess the rest” Charlie said.

“So Colleen told everyone you were pregnant”

“Yeah she did” Charlie said and Angelo laughed.

“I don’t know why I’m surprised at that. It sounds very Colleen like” Angelo said and Charlie laughed.

“But yea, you go ahead and be the one to tell them” Charlie smiled. In the diner they met Martha, Jack, Morag, Tony and the kids.

“Mummy I missed you” Ava yelled and she ran across the diner and jumped into Charlie’s arms. Charlie lifted her daughter up and gave her a hug and a kiss.

“I missed you too” Charlie said

“I stayed at Olivia’s all night” Ava smiled feeling proud with herself.

“Yea I know, good girl” Charlie said. Ava looked at Angelo and leaned across and put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

“I missed you a little bit but I missed my mummy more” Ava said then she put her arms back around Charlie. Angelo smiled at his daughter and ruffled her hair.

“I missed you too Ava” he said then Charlie put her down and she ran back across to the table. Charlie and Angelo walked across to the table and took a seat. Angelo looked at Charlie and smiled then he looked back at everyone else.

“We are having a baby” Angelo grinned

“Congratulations mate” Jack said and he shook Angelo’s hand. Then Tony did the same. Morag and Martha gave Charlie a hug then they had some lunch.

“Mummy I don’t want a little brother or sister now” Ava said as she was eating her toastie.

“Oh and why not?” Charlie asked

“Well last night Sophie was stealing our toys and Matthew cries too much” Ava said

“Oh right, well you are still getting one” Angelo said

“Well don’t let it steal my toys” Ava said and the adults laughed at her.

“Don’t laugh at me” She said as jumped off her seat and ran across to Charlie and hid behind her.

Charlie, Angelo and Ava were at Ruby and Xavier’s house in the City helping sort out final preparations for the wedding. It was now only 2 weeks away and Ruby was getting very stressed out. The alterations on her dress came back wrong and it had to be sent away again, Ava sneakily put on her dress and somehow managed to rip it so badly it was unfixable and the store had to order a new in and they didn’t know if it would be delivered in time for the wedding, there was a mix up with the cake order, Rachel had forgotten to order the flowers and all of a sudden Ruby was mad at Charlie because she would have a bump in the wedding photos.

“I’m only 15 weeks pregnant Rubes, I’m hardly huge yet, you will hardly notice the bump.”

“Yeah I know sorry, but nothing seems to be going right. Maybe this is a sign that we shouldn’t get married”

“C’mon Rubes, It’ll be fine, everything will work itself out” Xavier said as he gave her a hug.

“Yeah well I hope so” Ruby said

Charlie and Angelo stayed for a few more hours before deciding they should go back home.

“Mummy can I stay at Ruby’s tonight” Ava asked as they were leaving.

“No not tonight sweetie” Charlie said

“Please mummy. You want me too don’t you Ruby”

“Mummy said no, you can stay another night” Ruby said as she hugged her little sister goodbye.

“But mummy please I don’t want to stay another night. Let me stay tonight” Ava screamed then started bang her feet on the floor.

“I said no. Now c’mon lets go” Charlie said as she took her daughters hand and pulled her out of the room. They drove back home with Ava sulking in the back of the car. She didn’t speak to Charlie during dinner and Angelo was the one who was had to bathe her and read her a bedtime story.

“Someone is mad at mummy” Angelo said as he walked back down the stairs and laughed.

“It’s not funny Angelo. She has to learn she can’t always get what she wants”

“Well I’m sure by tomorrow she will have forgotten all about it and be best friends with mummy again” Angelo said

“Yea I’m sure she will” Charlie said and Angelo smiled looked down at Charlie’s stomach.

“Now, it would be nice if you were a daddy’s child” he said as he stroked her stomach. “I can’t wait to meet you” Angelo smiled then looked up at Charlie and smiled at her. “I’m so excited to be able to experience this with you this time”

“Yea me too” Charlie smiled and the pair shared a kiss.

Charlie and Angelo settled themselves on the couch with a DVD. Angelo put his arm around Charlie and she snuggled into him. Just as the DVD was starting Charlie heard a bang from upstairs.

“What was that?” Charlie said as she sat up on the couch and looked at Angelo.

“What was what?” Angelo asked

“That noise”

“I didn’t hear anything”

“Angelo, there was a bang, how could not hear it?” Charlie said as she stood up from where she was sitting and made her way across the room to towards the stairs.

“Well I never heard anything, but maybe it was from the DVD. Charlie, sit back down” Angelo said. Charlie sighed then went back to the couch and settled herself next to Angelo. After the DVD finished they went up the stairs and Charlie went to check on Ava. She walked into her room to find the window open and Ava nowhere to be seen.

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Chapter 27

“So there’s no way you think she could have went to Ruby’s place” Const. Watson asked

“Yeah because a 4 year old could easily climb out of a window and down the side of a house and get to the city all by herself” Charlie said

“Sorry Charlie but I have to ask these questions.” Const. Watson said

“You shouldn’t even be here. You should be out looking for my daughter” Charlie yelled

“Hey Charlie c’mon yelling at Georgina isn’t going to help is it” Angelo said as she took hold of Charlie’s arms and held her tightly but Charlie immediately pulled away from him and walked to the other side of the room.

“Well maybe if she didn’t ask stupid questions and realise that someone has taken her I wouldn’t need to shout” Charlie yelled. Then the door bell rang and Ruby walked through to the living room and up to where Charlie was standing.

“Oh mum, we will find her” Ruby said and Charlie burst into tears and fell into Ruby’s arms.

“Xavier and his mates are looking around the city in case somehow she did manage to get herself there” Ruby said as she held her sobbing mother.

“Good at least he is doing something to help” Charlie said through her tears as she shot a quick glance at Angelo.

“We have a team out looking Charlie” Const. Watson told her as she walked across to her and put her hand on her shoulder. “We will find her” she continued. Charlie wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up and made her way to the door.

“Charlie where are you going?” Angelo said as he chased after her

“To find my daughter” she yelled not looking back at him

“Charlie, just the officers do their job. We need to stay here in case she comes back” Angelo said and Charlie turned back around and looked at Angelo.

“In case she comes back?” Charlie yelled. “In case she comes back? Angelo she won’t come back because she’s been taken. We need to find her. I know my daughter and she wouldn’t run away, no matter how upset she was” Charlie turned around and started walking away from the house. Angelo chased after her and grabbed her arm and turned her round but Charlie pulled away quickly.

“C’mon Charlie just come back in the house.”

“No I need to find my daughter” She yelled

“Charlie please stop stressing yourself out as much, it can’t be good for the baby”

“Stop stressing out? Angelo my daughter has been taken how can I not stress out”

“She is my daughter too Charlie” Angelo yelled then turned and walked back into the house.

“Well if it wasn’t for you maybe she would still be here” Charlie yelled and Angelo turned around to face Charlie.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Angelo asked

“I said I heard something last night and you said there wasn’t anything. You didn’t let me go check. If you let me go check then maybe she would still be here” Charlie yelled and then she walked away from the house.

“Mum” Ruby shouted as she chased after Charlie. Charlie stopped walking and turned around and looked at her daughter. “Just come back in the house. You aren’t in any state to go out looking for her. Please come inside mum”

“No Ruby, I need to be out looking for my daughter” Charlie shouted “No one else seems bothered”

“Please just come back inside. Let the police do their job”

“I am the police Ruby”

“C’mon you know what I mean” Ruby said. Charlie let out a sigh then started to cry again. Ruby held her and let the tears fall.

Two days later and there was still no sign of where Ava could be. Angelo spent most of his time with the officers trying to find her and looking for clues as to who could have taken her. Ruby stayed in the house with Charlie, who spent all day sitting in Ava’s bedroom clutching onto her favourite teddy, hardly speaking to anyone, but mainly Angelo. Today was no different and Angelo attempted to speak to Charlie before he left but she just sat there staring directly in front of her clutching onto the teddy. Ruby made her some breakfast but she didn’t touch it.

“Mum you have to eat” Ruby said

“I’m not hungry”

“You have to eat and stay strong for the baby” Ruby told her and Charlie looked up at Ruby then started to eat but moments later a huge pain shot across Charlie’s stomach and she grabbed it tightly. Ruby drove her to the hospital and then phoned Angelo.

“I’m so sorry Charlie” Rachel said as she took her friend’s hand. Charlie sat in the hospital bed and looked directly in front of her and out the window.

“Can I leave now?” Charlie said not looking at Rachel.

“Charlie, do you understand what I’m telling you?”

“Yes, I lost the baby. But I have to leave. They might have found Ava, I need to go home.” Charlie said and Rachel stood up from where she was sitting and went out into the corridor and looked up at Ruby and Angelo. They got up from where they were sitting and walked into the room. Ruby walked across to the bed and gave her mother a hug.

“Don’t worry about it, we can try again” Angelo said as he tried to take Charlie’s hand but she pulled it away.

“I don’t want to try again. I don’t care about another baby, I just want Ava back” Charlie cried.

“I know, so do I Charlie, but the police are doing the best they can” Angelo said and he again tried to take Charlie’s hand but she pulled it back.

“What are you doing here anyways?” Charlie asked

“Charlie, you have just lost our baby. I’m here to comfort you”

“I don’t want you to be here.” Charlie said not looking at him.

“Right, well I’ll go then shall I?” Angelo said as he walked away

“Mum what are you doing? Why are you pushing him away?” Ruby asked as Rachel came back into the room.

“So can I go home now?" Charlie asked Rachel

“In a couple of hours yeah” Rachel said

“Great thanks” Charlie said

Angelo came home for some dinner and found Charlie in her usual place at the end of Ava’s bed with Ava’s teddy in her hand. He walked across to the bed and sat down beside her and put his arm around her but Charlie shrugged him off and walked out of the room. Angelo followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Charlie we have to talk...” Angelo started to speak but Charlie cut him off. She turned around and looked at him and tears started to stream down her face.

“Got a letter today. Noticed it when I came back from the hospital.” Charlie said then she walked out of the kitchen and back up the stairs.

“Well where is it, what did it say?”

“You took my brother’s life and you didn’t get punished for it. 6 years isn’t enough and you didn’t even serve 6 years. How can you be allowed to continue your life when you have ruined my life, and my parents life, took a father from 2 kids and ended the life of someone. You are going to pay for what you have done. It’s all your fault Angelo. It’s your fault someone has taken my daughter” Charlie yelled.

“She’s our daughter” Angelo shouted “Did you give this letter to the police” Angelo asked

“Of course I did” Charlie yelled

“Ok well at least it’s a start, we know who has her” Angelo said then Charlie walked back into Ava’s room and slammed the door shut. Angelo walked back down the stairs and sat next to Ruby who was sitting on the couch.

“So what happens now” Ruby asked

“We start speaking to his family and friends. We go round his house and see if we can find any clues”

“Right yeah” Ruby said

“Ruby I have a bad feeling about this” Angelo said

“And what’s that feeling?” Charlie asked from behind them

“Charlie, I didn’t see you there, I thought you went to bed?”

“Yeah well I’m not am I? I came down for a drink. So what’s this feeling?”

“Charlie you know as well as I do when a child goes missing the first 24 hours are crucial”

“So what are you giving up on our daughter?” Charlie yelled

“Charlie” Angelo said

“Get out” Charlie yelled

“What Charlie, let me explain” Angelo said

“Just get out, I don’t want to see you ever again, it’s all your fault Ava’s been taken, she been gone for 3 days and you just give up on her, shows how much you love her doesn’t it” Charlie yelled

“Charlie of course I love her, she means the world to me”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t love her. You have known her all of 6 months. And she hasn’t even called you dad yet. I can see why you wouldn’t care” Charlie cried

“Of course I care Charlie, I love her so much and we were bonding more and more every day. The moment you told me I had a daughter and I saw her picture I felt a huge rush of love for her.” Angelo yelled.

“You just gave up on her Angelo” Charlie yelled “Get out now. I don’t want to be with you anymore”

“Charlie please” Angelo said

“Just get out” Charlie yelled then Angelo left the house. Charlie fell to the floor and started sobbing and Ruby walked across to her and held her tightly as she cried.

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Chapter 28

Charlie was sitting in Ava’s bedroom clutching onto the teddy and a single tear fell down her cheek. Morag came into the room and sat beside her. It had been 2 weeks since she told Angelo to leave the house and she hadn’t spoken to him since.

“Angelo came round again” Morag told her

“And” Charlie said

“He wants to see you Charlie. You are his wife and your child is missing and you’ve just lost his baby”

“Yeah well I don’t want to see him. And I don’t plan on being his wife for much longer either”

“Charlie don’t do anything you will later regret”

“Like what? Divorce him?” Charlie asked “It wouldn’t be a regret”

“Charlie, you are not thinking straight at the moment. Your daughter is missing and you’ve just had a miscarriage. Your emotions are all over the place. You still need to grieve for the child you lost”

“I have” Charlie said as she could feel her eyes welling up with tears.

“Charlie, you haven’t” Morag said but was interrupted by Ruby who appeared at the door and asked for Morag to come across. She got up from where she was sitting and went out into the hall and looked at Ruby.

“Its Ava’s dress for the wedding. It’s just been delivered. What do I do with it?” Ruby asked

“Bring it in here” Charlie shouted from the bedroom.

“You weren’t supposed to here that” Ruby told her as she walked into the room

“Yea well I did” Charlie said as she took the box from Ruby and opened it. She looked at the dress as tears fell down her face and then she hung it up on the back of the door and sat back down at the end of the bed.

“So it did come in time then, just. You should be getting married in 2 days time and I had to ruin that” Charlie cried

“Don’t be so stupid. You didn’t ruin my wedding day. Your daughter, my little sister is missing. I think that’s more important.” Ruby said and she gave Charlie as hug. “Xav and I are only 20. We have plenty of time to get married.”

“She was so looking forward to being a flower girl. She told everyone she met that she was going to be one.” Charlie cried.

“And she still will be a flower girl.” Ruby said and she put her hand around her mum. We will get her back and then we will have the wedding and everything will be perfect.” Ruby assured her mother.

“Not everything” Charlie said as she played with her wedding ring.

“You know you can fix that mum” Ruby said

“Maybe it’s too late to fix things” Charlie said then she stood up from where she was sitting and walked across to the window.

“Oh it’s never too late Charlie. Don’t do this to yourself. You love Angelo very much and you need him more than ever right now. Don’t shut him out” Morag told her.

“I was horrible to him. I blamed him for our daughter going missing. I threw him out of house and told him I never wanted to see him again and I’ve been ignoring him for the past 2 weeks. Why would he still want to be with me?” Charlie sobbed.

“Charlie, Angelo won’t hold anything against you. You are hurting and not thinking straight at the moment, Angelo knows that and he just wants you to let him in. You are his whole world, Charlie, he adores you. He would do anything for you” Morag told her as she put her hands on Charlie’s shoulders. “Let him in Charlie, let him comfort you.” Charlie stood there for a few seconds saying nothing then she put her hands on her stomach and it was as if reality had hit her.

“Our baby. I lost our baby” Charlie cried and she fell to the floor. “I never even let him comfort me. I never even let him grieve when I lost his child.” Ruby walked across and sat on the floor next to Charlie. She put her arm around her and Charlie cried with her head resting on her daughters shoulder. They didn’t say anything to her. They just let her cry for the baby she lost. After a while Charlie stopped crying and sat up and learned against the wall as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“You know we already had names picked out. If it was a girl Angelo wanted to call her Amelia. We were between Joshua and Jacob for a boy. I told him I didn’t care about another baby. I didn’t mean that. I want to have more children with him. I do. I just want him to come home.” Charlie cried.

“Well there is only one way to fix that darling” Morag told her

“I can’t. Not yet. I’ve hurt him too much. Maybe its best we stay apart.” Charlie cried and then there was the sound of a door slamming from down the stairs and then footsteps running up the stairs and into Ava’s bedroom. Charlie looked up to find Angelo standing in the door way.

“Angelo what are you doing here?” Ruby asked as she walked across to where he was standing.

“I need to speak to Charlie. Alone” he said. Morag and Ruby looked at Charlie and she nodded her head and they left the room. Angelo walked across to where Charlie was sitting and sat down beside her and they sat in silence for a few minutes then Angelo took a deep breath and turned too looked at Charlie.

“He phoned me. She’s ok.” Angelo said

“What? He phoned? When?” Charlie asked

“About 10 minutes ago, I came round as soon as the call was over. She is okay Charlie, he’s not hurt her.”

“How can you know that for sure” Charlie said

“He let her talk to me. She’s fine.” Charlie let out a huge sigh of relief.

“So what happens now? Has he asked for anything or does he want us to do anything? Are we getting her back?”

“He wants to meet us on Monday at 2 0’clock. He’s given me directions to an abandoned warehouse where he is going be”

“Why Monday? That’s another week away, why is he making us wait”

“C’mon you know why Charlie” Angelo said

“Ok, we need to go the station tell them about this and get something sorted for the team being at the warehouse” Charlie said as she rose to her feet and started walking towards the door. Angelo got up and chased after her and grabbed her arm and pulled her round.

“No Charlie, he said no police”

“Well they always say that. It doesn’t mean it has to happen that way”

“Yea and you know that when the police come in when they're not supposed to that's when people get hurt”

“Angelo we are police officers, we know how to be careful in these situations” Charlie said

“I’m an ex-police officer Charlie”

“Whatever, just because you’re not in the force anymore doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten how to handle situations” Charlie yelled

“Charlie, promise me you won’t tell anyone about this. For Ava’s sake” Angelo said

“Well if it is for Ava’s sake I don’t have a choice do I. But if anything goes wrong and she gets hurt I will never forgive you”

“I know, but it won’t go wrong. Charlie we can do this together ok. Trust me" Angelo said and he moved forward to hug Charlie, and for the first time since Ava was taken she let her husband comfort her. He stood there hugging her tightly not telling her that the real reason they were meeting at the warehouse was for a swap. Angelo for Ava.

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Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! :D I hope you like this next part. :unsure:

Chapter 29

For the next week Charlie and Angelo communicated very little. He was still living at Jack’s house and Charlie kept a distance between them when he did come round to the house. Occasionally she would let him comfort her but mostly she would just pull away. “Mum why are you still pushing him away. I thought you were going to let him comfort you? Ruby asked

“I was but then.....”Charlie trailed off “It’s complicated Ruby”

“Well if you tell me about it, maybe I can help you” Ruby said.

“I can’t Rubes. It’s just between me and Angelo”

“Right fine then” Ruby said and she got up from where she was sitting and walked out of Ava’s room. A few minutes later and Angelo walked into the room and sat beside Charlie. He put his arm around her and she pulled away for a moment but then she let him hold her.

“So we are getting her back today” Angelo said but Charlie just sat there saying nothing. “So what you are back to completely ignoring me again?” Angelo asked. Charlie looked up at him and stood up and moved across the other side of the room and leaned against the wall.

“We don’t know what’s going to happen today Angelo”

“He gave me his word that Ava would be there and be safe”

“He kidnapped her Angelo” Charlie shouted “Can we really truly believe she will be there and be safe and that we will get her back” “Yes Charlie, I give you my word that Ava will come home safe today”

“How can you be so sure? Angelo, what are you not telling me?”

“Nothing” Angelo replied quickly

“Oh there’s something. Angelo what is it?”

“Nothing honestly, now let’s go and get our daughter” Angelo said and he tried to take Charlie’s hand but she pulled away and walked behind him. They walked out of the house and got into the car and drove to the warehouse in silence. They got out of the car and walked into the building and saw Ava sitting on a chair in the middle of the room with Grants brother, James, standing behind her. Charlie screamed out her daughter’s name and ran forward and Ava jumped off the seat and ran into her mother’s arms. Charlie picked her up and held her tightly, tears streaming down her face.

“Mummy don’t cry” Ava said and Angelo walked across to them to put his arms around his family and held them tightly for a few minutes.

“Right family reunion is over for you Angelo” James said as he made his way across to where they were standing. Angelo parted from the hug and looked at Charlie who was still clutching onto Ava.

“What does he mean?” Charlie asked

“You were right, there was something else Charlie”

“Well what? Angelo tell me”

“For you to get Ava back, I had to let him take me instead”

“What do you mean take you?”

“Charlie, he wants to kill someone as justice for his brother’s death. And that someone is going to be me” Angelo said

“Wrong Angelo, as I was about to tell you, I’ve got a new plan” James said

“And what’s that? Angelo asked him

“I have decided that if I was to end your life, I wouldn’t be making you suffer like I am, so I’m going to end the life of the person you love the most. So that’s brings me to the question, is its Ava or Charlie?”

“Please don’t hurt them they don’t deserve this. I was the one who took your brother from you, just punish me”

“But that wouldn’t be any fun. You wouldn’t have to live everyday of the rest of your life without the person you love the most.”

“No that wasn’t the deal. We did it the way you said. No police, we just meet here for a swap and leave” Angelo said

“I don’t like that plan anymore” James yelled “You took my brother from me. I want you to suffer”

“Take me then” Charlie said

“Charlie, no, Ava needs her mum.”

“You heard him. It has to be Ava or me. He’s not hurting Ava. She’s only a child. This way she gets to go home and be safe”

“No, she needs her mother. Charlie I couldn’t live my life without you” Angelo said

“Well I couldn’t live my life without you” Charlie cried

“As touching as that sounds, someone has to pay for my brother dying” James said “I will take Charlie from you. You better put your daughter down. You don’t want her to get hurt do you?” Charlie put Ava down and told her to run back across to the seat and shut her eyes. She didn’t want her daughter to witness what was about to happen. James lifted out a gun from the side of his jeans and aimed it at Charlie. Angelo ran in between James and Charlie just as the gun was fired and took the bullet deep into his chest. Charlie screamed and fell to the ground as James ran from the warehouse.

“Stay with me Angelo” Charlie cried “Angelo, c’mon stay with me, don’t leave me, please Angelo” Charlie cried as she lay over his body.

“I love you Charlie” Angelo said, then his eyes closed.

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Chapter 30

Charlie, Morag and Ruby stood at the graveside. Charlie stepped forward and kneeled down and moved her hand across his name. She arranged the flowers in front of his grave and stepped back next to Ruby and Morag. The three of them stood there in silence staring at the headstone.

“Mum we should get going” Ruby said and Charlie nodded and the three of them turned around and started to walk away. Charlie stopped walking and turned around and looked at the headstone. “Be back soon, dad” Charlie said and then they got into the car and drove to the hospital.

Charlie, Morag and Ruby were sitting waiting in the hospital and Ava was sitting on Charlie’s knee tightly holding on to Charlie’s arms. Angelo was still in surgery and all they could do was wait.

“Mum are you mad at me for following you to the warehouse?” Ruby asked

“Mad at you? Ruby if you didn’t listen to the conversation me and Angelo had this morning and followed us to the warehouse and have the brains to actually think that you should have the police and an ambulance there James would never have been caught and Angelo would more than likely be dead. So no Ruby I am far from being mad at you” Charlie smiled and then she gave her daughter a hug but then she hit her across the arm.

“Hey what was that for” Ruby asked

“For listen to our conversation”

“But you just said it was good thing I did”

“Yea that time but don’t do it again”

“I won’t” Ruby said

“Good” Charlie said and she hugged her daughter once more. They sat in silence for a few minutes before a tear started to fall down Charlie’s cheek.

“I can’t lose him Ruby. I can’t live without him.”

“Be strong mum, he will pull through” Ruby said as she put her arm around her.

“You don’t know that Ruby. He was shot. He is in a bad state”

“Believe in him mum. He is strong enough to pull through this” Ruby said then Ava turned her head and looked up at Charlie.

“Mummy did the man take me away because I was mean to you? I didn’t talk to you because you wouldn’t let me stay at Ruby’s house. Is that why you sent me away?”

“No sweetie, mummy didn’t send you away. That man was a bad man who wanted to punish daddy so he took you from us”

“I’m glad he gave me back.” Ava said as she hugged her mother tightly. Tears were falling down Charlie’s face as she held her daughter.

“Me too sweetie” Charlie said then Ava moved her hand over Charlie’s stomach.

“Has the baby been born yet?”

“No sweetie, there’s not going to be a baby anymore”

“Was it because I said I didn’t want one anymore?”

“No, something went wrong in mummy’s tummy” Charlie told her daughter

“Well maybe you could put another one in?” Ava asked

“Yea, I hope so” Charlie said as the tears continued to stream down her face.

“Mummy, what have I told you about crying?” Ava said as she wiped the tears from Charlie eyes. Charlie let out a small laugh and hugged her daughter tightly.

Rachel walked around the corner and across to where they were sitting. She looked down at Charlie and put her hand on her shoulder.

“He’s out of surgery, he is awake and responding. He’s going to be fine.” Rachel said. They all let out a sigh of relief.

“Can I see him?” Charlie asked.

“Yes, right this way” Rachel said and Charlie left Ava with Ruby and Morag and walked along the corridor and into the room where Angelo was.

“I will leave you two to talk” Rachel said and she closed the door. Charlie walked over and sat on the seat next to the bed.

“I thought I was going to lose you” Charlie said.

“Looks like you are stuck with me for a while a longer” Angelo grinned and he moved his hand closer to Charlie and she took hold of it for a few seconds before letting go.

“You lied to me Angelo. You told me to trust you. You said everything would be fine and that no one would get hurt. But yet here you are lying in a hospital bed after being shot”

“I said Ava wouldn’t get hurt. Never said anything about me”

“And you think that makes a difference. You still took me there knowing you were putting yourself in danger”

“For Ava’s sake Charlie, I was willing to do anything to get Ava back to you safely”

“Even if it meant leaving Ava without a father and me without a husband”

“Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but it all worked out in the end didn’t it, I mean we are all safe and alive”

“He tried to shoot me Angelo. You put us in a lot of danger”

“But I took the bullet for you. Doesn’t that count for anything?”

“Of course it does but I’m still mad at you for putting us in danger”

“I’m sorry Charlie. I love you so much I was only trying to make things right, it was my fault Ava was taken and I brought so much pain and devastation into your life and I couldn’t stand seeing you like that, I wanted to fix it”

“Angelo, it wasn’t your fault Ava was taken, I didn’t mean that. I was upset, my emotions were all over the place. I’d just lost the baby”

“Charlie, it was my fault. I killed Grant and that’s why she got taken. If anything happened to her I would never have forgiven myself”

“Well she is ok and so are we so everything worked out in the end. Angelo I’m sorry for...”

“Hey, its okay you don’t have to apologise or explain anything to me. You were just trying to cope with everything” Angelo said cutting Charlie off.

“But I was horrible to you Angelo. I wouldn’t let you comfort me. I never let you stay with me when I lost the baby. I told you I never wanted to see you again…”

“Okay, so you didn’t cope very well, but that’s understandable considering all that you were going through, but all that matters is that I love you and can understand your behaviour and want to move forward from this and be a family again.

“I don’t understand how you can just look past how I treated you”

“Because I love you so much Charlie, you are my whole life and I would anything for you” Angelo said.

“Including take a bullet for me” Charlie smiled and leaned forward and they kissed softly.

“I love you so much Angelo” Charlie said then there was a knock on the door and Ruby walked in with Ava.

“Someone wanted to come see you” Ruby said as Ava run over to the edge of the bed. She stood on the bar at the bottom of the bed and then on her tip toes and leaned forward and kissed Angelo on the cheek.

“Missed you” She said then she jumped down from the bed and sat on Charlie’s knee.

“I missed you too Ava” Angelo said

“It’s great that you are okay Angelo” Ruby said as she gave her stepdad a hug. “Are you two ok now? You back together?” Ruby asked and Angelo turned and looked at Charlie again as if waiting on her to decide the answer.

“Yeah we are back together” Charlie smiled.

“Great” Ruby said and she left the room to let them talk some more.

It was a week later and Angelo was still in the hospital. Ava went running into Angelo’s room and jumped up on his bed and chucked a picture in his face.

“I drew this for you” She shouted sounding very please with herself.

“Ah Ava thank you is lovely” Angelo said and he put the drawing on the bedside table. Charlie walked across the room and greeted her husband with a kiss then sat down on the chair and Ava jumped off the bed and onto Charlie’s knee.

“You know Ava there is another seat there” Charlie told her

“I know but I want to sit on your knee” Ava said then she held onto Charlie’s arms tightly.

“Still being really clingy then?” Angelo asked

“Yup follows me everywhere I go and is always holding on to me.”

“Has she slept in her own bed yet?”

“No, still sleeping in our bed” Charlie said “I think she’s scared if she stays in her room she will get taken again”

“Poor girl, we will get it sorted though” Angelo said

“Yeah it’ll just take some time” Charlie said and she gave Ava a hug.

“Good news Angelo, you can go home today” Rachel said as she came into the room.

“Great” Angelo smiled

“You hear that Ava? Daddy’s coming home” Charlie said

“Yey” Ava shouted “Thank you for looking after him well Dr Rachel” She said and jumped off of Charlie’s knee and ran across to Rachel and gave her a hug.

“You’re very welcome Ava” Rachel said

“Well that’s everything sorted, so you can home Angelo” Rachel said

Angelo got out of bed and changed into some clothes and was ready to leave the hospital. He took Charlie’s hand and they shared a kiss before they left the room. They were walking along the corridor and Ava pulled their hands apart and took hold of Charlie’s hand. She pulled on Angelo’s top and they stopped walking and he looked down at her.

“I love you daddy” Ava said as she took hold of his hand. Angelo looked up at Charlie with a huge grin on his face before looking back down at his daughter.

“I love you too Ava” he said and then the three of them walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

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