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Monthly Home and Away Fanvid Contest?

Guest Frogg

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We could quite easily do a monthly contest. One of the mods or administrators could set a theme (ie. Love) or a song and everyone has a month to get there entries uploaded to youtube and send the links to the moderater. Then a poll could be set up where we can all vote on the winning video.

Anyone interested?

Any mods/administrator fancy setting this up?


I don't see any reason why this couldn't work. I also don't see why the members can't run it. The artwork and fanfiction challenges are run very well with the members coming up with the theme, somebody volonteering to host it and all entries getting sent to them. At deadline day they then post the entries and ask for votes to find a winner. The winner then hosts the next contest or passes it to somebody else. If you have the mods/admins running it you're reliant upon that one person whereas if you do it yourselves you're less dependent. Of course you can pm a mod or admin to ask for help with pinning topics, checking the vote isn't rigged etc.


Ok cool. Thank you. :wub:

If you like I'll have a think tonight and set the first challenge in the morning (uk time) and see if I get any response. If it works maybe someone else can set the challenge next month.


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