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Gasping for Life

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lol Yup,Kim dead in both of my stories..Anyone would think i dont like him :P

I wonder what will happen to him in my next story. :lol:

Well here is alot of Justin and Airi. :wub:

Things were going great for Justin and Airi, They hadn't know each other for long, But felt like it was a lifetime. They got on so well and spend all their time together. Justin walked down to the beach, He was meeting Airi today. He took off his sandals and walked along the sand looking out for her. Airi jumped up in the distance and waved her arms.

Airi: [shouting] Justin!

Justin smiled and waved back. He ran over and greeted her with a kiss. They sat down at hugged.

Airi: Egan and Gavin are having another party next week, Want to go?

Justin: Sure.

The day before the party Airi decided Justin needed some new clothes, Justin didn't agree but she dragged him along and they ended up in Yabbie Creek buying a lot of new clothes. They arrived home just after lunch.

Justin: Hello? Anyone home?

No one replied, They looked at each other and smiled, Airi grabbed Justin and pulled him onto the sofa.

Airi: I really liked that shirt on you, You looked sexy.

Justin: For that price, I hope so.

Airi laughed and leaned in for a kiss.

Colleen: Yoo Hoo! Only me!

Justin and Airi jumped up.

Colleen: Goodness me!

Justin: It's okay Colleen.

Colleen: In my day..

Justin: What did you want Colleen?

Colleen: I just wanted to see if Sally was here.

Justin: No, No-one else is home.

Colleen: Well tell Sally I came.

Justin: I will.

Colleen dashed out of the house and Justin and Airi laughed. Justin leaned in closer getting ready to kiss her, Airi put her finger over his lips.

Airi: Upstairs.

Airi pulled Justin by his t-shirt all the way upstairs and into his room, Justin kicked the door closed and was pulled in front of the bed. Airi pulled off his t-shirt and pushed him on the bed. Justin smiled up as Airi pulled off her own shirt and jumped on top of him. They both laughed and kissed. Rolling around on the bed, arms all over each other, Justin grabbed Airi and rolled her over so he was on top. He smiled at her and leaned in closer, Kissing her neck and shoulder. He felt Airi's arms move down his waste and to his jeans, She started to undo them and push them down. Justin continued kissing her neck. They heard a noise downstairs that made them stop, Justin got up and off the bed, He tripped and fell on the floor. Airi tried to stop herself from laughing. Justin smiled back and took of his jeans. He tiptoed to the door and opened it. He walked to the top of the stairs to try and hear if anyone had come home. After hearing nothing he walked back into his bedroom, Airi was lying on the bed naked. Justin closed the door and locked it. He walked over to the bed taking off his boxers and climbed on top.


Airi: I'll see you later at the party?

Airi gave Justin a kiss and left. Sally was in the kitchen making dinner.

Sally: She's a really nice girl Justin.

Justin agreed and helped her cut some vegetables.

Sally: I haven't seen you this happy in along time.

Justin: I've been happy, Just..

Sally: A lot more since seeing Airi?

Justin: Yeah.

Sally: Go on then.

Justin: Go on then, what?

Sally: Go get ready, I know you just dying to go meet up with her.

Justin smiled, Dropped the knife and ran upstairs to shower and put on the shirt that Airi found so sexy on him.

He walked up to the house and knew better to knock, No-one would answer even if they did hear it, So he walked in. The party was already in motion, People were dancing at one end of the room and drinking at the other. Justin didn't look around. He knew that Airi would be outside, She liked the air on her skin and the freedom to dance, Or spin. Sure enough Justin walked outside to see Airi looking up to the sky and spinning. Justin sat down and watched her. Her eyes shined in the moonlight. Justin could watch her night and day. The music stopped but Airi continued spinning. She got closer to some steps and Justin jumped up. Airi span away from the steps but tripped over her own feet and fell to the floor, Justin ran over and found Airi laughing.

Justin: [Laughing] You're such a klutz!

Airi: Are you going to stand there laughing and insulting me, Or are you going to help me up?

Justin held out his hands to Airi who pulled on them so hard Justin fell on top of her.

Airi: Now who's a klutz?

Justin and Airi laughed and began to kiss.

Egan: Hey, Guys? You're at a party and people are watching.

Justin helped Airi get up and they walked over to get something to drink. Gavin walked over to him.

Gavin: Hey, Justin. That doctor is living with you right? The one who's husband died?

Egan looked at Gavin and kicked him in the shin.

Justin: Yeah.

Gavin: Have the police found out who did it yet?

Justin was confused about why would they ask about this.

Justin: No, Not yet. There weren't any witnesses. Why?

Egan: He was just being nosey. Let's go Gavin.

Egan looked back to Justin who was watching them. Egan grabbed Gavin's arm and pulled him into the garage.

Egan: What are you doing?

Gavin: I just wanted to know if the police had any leads.

Egan: You couldn't been any more suspicious if you tried.

Gavin: Relax, He doesn't suspect anything.

Egan: Relax?! I'm the one that killed the guy and you basically give us both up and you are telling me to relax?! Besides he does suspect something, Didn't you see the way he was looking at us as we walked away.

Gavin: That's because you were holding me by the arm, Probably thinks we are a couple or something.

Egan: This isn't funny.

Gavin: Fine, Then we will just do something about it.

Gavin opened the door to the garage and looked out at Justin and Airi spinning to the music. He closed the door.

Gavin: Tonight.


Justin: Come on, Let me walk you home. Come on.

Airi: I'm not a little innocent girl, I can walk myself home, Behinds you live in the total opposite direction of where I do.

Justin: A peaceful walk in the dark, Under the stars. It will be romantic.

Airi: You walking me well out of your way to get home late and get grounded? Very romantic.

Justin: Come on. Come oooonn!

Airi: Okay, Okay. Let's go.

Justin and Airi started walking, Talking about the wonderful moment they shared earlier in the day. Justin looked behind thinking he heard something. Airi said it was nothing and accused Justin of being a scaredy cat. They turned the corner and Justin turned back around.

Justin: I'm sure I heard something.

Airi: You're just trying to get closer to me aren't you. Pretending to hear something behind to get me scared and then comfort me?

Justin: Well, That is a good idea. But I'm sure I heard something.

Airi: It's all in your head.

Justin and Airi turned another corner and heard a twig snap behind them.

Airi: Okay, I heard that.

Justin looked around as he got closer to the bush he was pounced at, The person was dressed head to toe in black, His face covered. He held Justin down on the ground. Airi ran over but was stopped by another person dressed in black.

Justin: Airi!

Airi: Justin Help!

Justin tried to fight off the mysterious man and got hit across the head. He saw something shine in the hand of the person, He kicked them in the stomach and managed to get away, He ran towards Airi and the person holding her, He hit the man who fell down with Airi. He pulled at the mans arms to free Airi. Justin was pounced on from behind.

Airi: Justin!

Justin: Give me your hand Airi!

They all struggled on the floor, Justin and Airi to get free and the mysterious men to kill Justin. Suddenly a voice was heard from behind.

Ric: Hey!

Justin: Ric! Help!

Ric ran over, Justin heard a soft whine. The men ran off. Justin crawled over to Airi who was lying on her back with her hand over her stomach.

Justin: Airi? Are you okay.

Airi gasped and looked into Justin's eyes.

Airi: It hurts.

Justin: They got you?

Justin took off his shirt and moved Airi hands, He covered the wound that oozed blood and pushed down.

Justin: It's okay Airi, Everything will be okay.

Ric ran back to them after trying to catch the mysterious men.

Ric: Are you okay?

Justin: Airi got stabbed.

Ric: I'll call for help.

Justin looked back to Airi who was staring into his eyes. Justin whispered.

Justin: [Whispering] It will be okay Airi. Everything will be okay. Help is coming.

Airi lifted her hand up to Justin cheek.

Airi: I love you Justin.

Justin: Everything is going to be okay. Just stay with me.

Airi: Say it back to me.

Justin: I love you Airi, With all my heart.

Airi softly smiled and dropped her hand from his cheek.

Justin: Airi?


A week had past since that night and Justin found it hard to sleep at night, Seeing what had happened at night every time he closed his eyes. Justin walked downstairs early in the morning after getting no sleep.

Sally: Hey, You are up early.

Justin: Still not able to sleep?

Justin: No, Not really.

Sally: Sit down, I'll make you some breakfast.

Justin: Maybe later. I'm going to go for a walk.

Sally: Okay, See you later.

Justin left the house and walked down to the beach. He walked along the beach close to the water allowing it to hit his bare feet as the tide came in. He walked up to the rocks and saw Airi sitting there looking out to sea.

Justin: Airi, Hey.

Airi looked around and smiled.

Airi: Come up here!

Justin climbed up the rocks and sat next to Airi, They held each other and looked out to sea. Justin could relax around Airi. He felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep. He woke up hours later, Laying alone on the rocks. Justin got up and started to walk home. When it came to crossing the road he just walked straight on and turned the corner. He walked up to Egan and Gavin's house. They were always having parties. He walked in hoping to see Airi spinning outside. He couldn't see here, He turned around to see her sitting on the floor next to Gavin and Egan. Airi waved to Justin to come and join them. Justin walked over and sat down. Egan and Gavin looked at him and gulped. They were scared.

Justin: Hey guys.

Egan: Hey, How's it going.

Justin: Good, Yeah.

Gavin: Want a drink?

Justin: Er.. I dunno.

He looked at Airi who had a bottle in her hand and smiled.

Justin: Sure, I guess.

Gavin: Here.

Gavin handed Justin a drink.

Gavin: So, How have you been?

Justin: Apart from not sleeping every night, I'm fine.

Gavin looked at Egan and put his hand in his pocket. Egan nodded.

Gavin: This will help you sleep.

Justin: What is it?

Egan: Just something to help you sleep.

Justin looked at them, He wasn't sure about this.


Airi: Go on, Justin. It will make you feel better and help you sleep.

Justin thought for a second and then took it. Egan and Gavin got up and left him. Justin sat there next to Airi watching people dance. Everything got blurred, Lights flashed in front of him. He tried to get up but fell back. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. He started to sweat and shake. Justin fell to his side and opened his eyes, Everything in front of him was blurred.

Justin woke up the next day, The sunshine practically blinding him as he opened his eyes. He felt sick and threw up. He lifted him self onto his feet. The room was empty. He looked at his watch to see it was after 10, He staggered to the door and opened it. The light hitting his eyes he put his arm in the way. He walked home holding on to fences and walls to keep himself up. Just before he walked up the lane to his house he threw up again. He carried on walking and opened the door. Sally was standing there with the phone in her hand, She turned around to see Justin, Her face looked relieved.

Sally: [On Phone] It's okay, He just came in.

Sally put down the phone and walked over to Justin.

Sally: Are you okay? Where have you been?

Justin: I'm okay. I went to a party last night.

Sally: A party? I have been worried sick.

Justin: I'm sorry, I lost track of time and just woke up.

Sally: You don't look good. Were you drinking?

Justin lied.

Justin: No, I think I just ate something bad.

Sally didn't believe him.

Justin: I'm going to go to bed.

Justin walked upstairs,Opened his door and fell onto the bed. The next few days were rough for Justin, Sally was mad that he went to a party without telling her and was drinking. Airi invited Justin to more parties where Gavin or Egan gave him something to make him sleep and feel better. Justin felt sick and was getting hot and shaking all the time.

Sally: I think I should take you to the doctors.

Justin: I don't need a doctor!

Justin snapped, Sally looked back at him shocked and Justin looked away.

Justin: I'm fine.

Ric: You're not fine. You're always shaking.

Justin: I'm fine. I'm going out.

Sally: Justin!

Justin walked to Egan and Gavin's house, That's the only place he could see Airi, She seemed to spend all her time there now. Justin opened the door and walked in. There wasn't a party but Airi was outside spinning, She didn't need music. Gavin and Egan were sitting down and watching television. Justin walked up to them.

Justin: Hey guys.

They turned around.

Justin: I was wondering if you have any more of those pills. I'm not feeling so great.

Egan: Yup, But this time you are going to have to pay.

Justin: What?

Gavin: We can't keep giving them to you for free.

Justin: Okay.

A week had past and Justin was becoming more isolated from his family. He only wanted to be with Airi. He constantly bought pills from Gavin and Egan and he was running out of money.

Egan: I'm not giving you any more unless you have the money.

Justin didn't know what to do, He came around to see Airi who wasn't there, He couldn't find her anywhere and to top it all of he was feeling sick, He knew what would make him better but didn't have the money.

Gavin: Come back when you have the money.

Justin left and walked to the beach, He sat on the rocks and wondered what to do. He thought he heard Airi talking from behind and quickly turned around, He slipped and fell off the rocks.

Justin: Ah!

Justin got up and limped home. He opened the door and walked to the freezer.

Justin: Hello?

No-one was home, Justin opened the Freezer and took out some ice, He wrapped it in a towel, He hobbled over to the chair and sat down, Putting the ice pack onto his ankle. He looked around the room and saw the tin that Sally keeps the caravan money in. Justin quickly looked away and closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He couldn't take it. Justin took a deep breath and stood up. He walked over to the sink and dropped the ice into the sink. He walked over to the desk and looked at the tin. He saw his own arm reach for the tin. He opened it and took out the money. There wasn't enough for what he wanted, but he put it in his pocket anyway. He put the tin back and turned around. He saw Ric's wallet on the table and walked over. He put his hands on the table and stared at it. He picked it up and opened it, As he took the money out he heard someone walked down the stairs. He quickly put the money in his pocket, Dropped the wallet back on the table and walked out. He had stolen from his own family. He made his way to Gavin and Egan while thinking it over. Could he really do that to them. He still had time to change his mind and put the money back, But he kept walking.


This story didn't really go the way I wanted it.

Originally in my head it included more SB characters,But as I got writing it,It just didn't turn out that way.

I found it more of a chore to write it,Even though I liked the story in my head.

As of 1 minutes ago,I have finished the story..But its not really indepth stuff..I just didnt have the effort to put everything I wanted in it.

I will post the rest over today and tomorrow for those that are still interested in it. :)

Gavin: Here.

Gavin threw the pills at Justin and told him to leave. Justin walked out the door.

Gavin: I know you said we wouldn't have to worry about him if he was taking those drugs, But him coming around here everyday doesn't make me feel safe.

Egan: It'll be fine. He wont be a problem.

Justin didn't know where to go, He couldn't go home. Not after what he had just done and what he had in his pocket. He hadn't seen Airi in a long time and just didn't know what to do. He started walking and soon found himself in front of Airi's house. Her father was a drunk and was never at home. Justin walked around the back and opened the window to Airi's bedroom. She left it open in case her father ever locked the doors on her. He climbed through and into Airi's bedroom. The room was empty, He walked to the door and opened it slightly. He couldn't hear anyone. He shut the door and walked to Airi's bed. He pulled the pills out of his pocket, He was only meant to take one but he took them all.

Rachel: Justin? Can you hear me? Justin? We need to bring down his temperature.

Nurse: He's stopped breathing.

Sally: No!

Present Day.

30 days had past since that night. The night he nearly died. 30 long days. He was taken to a retreat to get clean and sort himself out. But finally today was the day that he was coming home. Sally and Brad were coming to pick him up any minute. He was outside with his bags packed pacing the driveway. Suddenly Justin saw Sally's car turn the corner, A smiled beamed across Justin's face. Sally parked the car and got out. Justin ran up to her and hugged her.

Sally: Are you okay?

Justin: I can't wait to get home.

Sally: We can't wait to have you home.

After Sally had spoken to his counsellors they were on their way back to the bay, They drove past the 'Welcome to the Bay' smilie sign. Justin's face brightened up, Sally looked back at him and smiled.

Sally: Sorry it's just us picking you up. The others wanted to come but couldn't.

Justin: That's okay.

Justin knew that they were planning a surprise party, Sally couldn't hide it from him. They drove up the drive way and walked through the door.

Everyone: [shouting] Welcome Home!

Justin tried to pretend he was surprised, But he wasn't.

Sally: You knew didn't you?

Justin laughed at her. Everyone greeted Justin and 3 people handed him a drink.

Justin: Thanks, Don't think I am that thirsty though.

After the welcoming had settled down people were enjoying the party. Justin walked up to Ric.

Justin: Ric, I just want to apologize..

Ric: You don't have to say anything, We already went through this at the retreat. It's all okay.

People were starting to leave the party, It was getting late. All the food was gone and Colleen decided she wanted to play again, That was enough to get people making up excuses to leave. Justin picked up a plate and carried it to the sink. Sally took it off him.

Sally: You don't have to help clean up. You just got home.

Justin: I don't mind, It was my welcome home party.

Sally: And that's why you're not cleaning up. Go upstairs and relax.

Justin: Fine.

Justin walked upstairs and opened his door, He saw Airi sitting on the bed. He closed the door and stared at her.

Justin: How long have you been here?

Airi: I came to you for you to help me, Not to destroy yourself.

Justin: What do you mean?

Airi: You know what I mean, I thought you loved me.

Justin walked down the stairs and stood in front of her.

Justin: I do love you.

Airi: With all your heart?

Justin: With all my heart.

Airi: Then why haven't you helped me. You let them get away with it and nearly killed you to.

Justin: Get away with what?

Airi: My death!

Just then there was a knock at the door, Justin quickly turned his head to the door and back to Airi who had vanished. The person knocked at the door again.

Justin: Come in.

Sally: Just wanted to check that you were okay and today wasn't too much for you.

Justin: No.. no, I'm fine. Today was good.

Sally smiled and closed the door. Justin turned back to the bed. He stood there staring and then sat down on it. Her Death? What did she mean by that? Airi was dead? But he had been seeing and speaking to her for weeks, But he also saw Flynn the day he nearly died and he knew Flynn was dead. Could it of been the drugs? Justin thought back and realized that he saw Airi before taking them. Did she really come to see him to get the people who killed her to pay for it? How would he know how to find them? Justin couldn't sleep that night, His first night home. He felt good and healthy, But couldn't stop thinking about Airi and what she had said. The morning had come and Justin woke up only getting a few hours sleep, It was obvious to Sally as he walked downstairs.

Sally: Are you okay? You don't look like you have slept.

Justin: I'm fine, Just had some stuff in my head.

Sally looked at him worryingly.

Justin: Really I'm fine. What's for breakfast?

Justin decided to walk along the beach, That's where he and Airi had their dates, Airi loved the air and the wind. She just wanted to be outside. Justin walked up to the rocks and sat down. He couldn't stop thinking about what Airi had said. She came to him to make the people that killed her pay for it. But how was Justin going to find them. Just then Justin heard some noises from behind him, He turned to see Gavin and Egan verbally fighting. He didn't go over to them, He had to stay away from them, For himself and for the people he loved. But he couldn't stop watching them, Egan pushed Gavin and walked away, Egan tried to catch him.


Thanks :D

And,Yes Airi is dead. :(

Karl: Hey!

Justin turned around to see Karl by the rocks.

Justin: What do you want?!

Karl: Don't get all stressed. Just wanted to see how you were after Airi's death.

After only realizing last night that Airi died a month ago, This was a subject that Justin wanted to speak about.

Justin: What do you care?

Karl: I cared about Airi.

Justin: Of course you did.

Karl: I did. I'm her brother.

Justin: What? You're her brother?

Karl: Yeah.

Justin: But you shouted at her.

Karl: That was about our mother, She left years ago and I had found her, I wanted Airi to come and see her, But she didn't want to.

Airi: She never told me any of that.

Karl: She never wanted to talk about it, She liked to think of herself as parentless.

Karl: So, How are you?

Justin didn't know how he was. In shock, Devastated, In denial, broken hearted. He really didn't want to get into it.

Justin: I'm okay.

Karl: Yeah, Right. Okay.

Justin looked out to sea as Karl climbed up the rocks and sat next to him.

Karl: Look, I just. I came to see if you had any idea who those blokes were that killed her.

Justin: No, They were dressed in black.

Karl: Did they speak? Did you recognize their voices?

Justin: No, They didn't speak.

Karl: Well what were you doing before this happened?

Justin: I was walking her home from a party.

Karl: At Egan and Gavin's?

Justin: Yeah.

Karl didn't reply, He sat there thinking it over.

Justin: You know, They were acting odd that night.

Karl: Who? Egan and Gavin?

Justin: Yeah, Gavin asked by Kim, That guy that was killed and if the police had leads. Egan dragged him away.

Karl: How do you know Kim?

Justin: He was married to my Foster mother's, boyfriend's sister. They asked me about them before..

Karl: When?

Justin thought back and was shocked to realize..

Justin: They day he was killed.

Justin turned his head to Karl.

Justin: You know, They said that it was two guys dressed in black, They were seen running away.

Karl: They killed Kim?!

Justin: And Airi.

Karl: Why did they kill her?

Justin knew why and it hurt him to say it.

Justin: Because of me, They probably wanted to kill me because I found it odd they were asking questions about Kim's murder, They probably wanted me dead so I wouldn't say anything. But they..

Justin put his head down. Karl put his hand on Justin's shoulder.

Karl: It's alright.

Justin: It's my fault.

Karl: It's not your fault! It was theirs. And they will pay for it.

Karl got up and walked away, Justin wanted to stop him from doing something he might regret but couldn't gather any effort to move himself from that rock. Justin looked around and realized that it was dark, He had sat there hours staring into his own subconscious. He got up to go home.

Justin: Airi.

Justin saw Airi sitting on the beach, He ran over to her.

Justin: They killed you, Egan and Gavin. They were the ones weren't they?

Airi nodded.

Justin: Why did you never tell me this before?

Airi: You had to find out by yourself.

Justin: But when they gave me those drugs..

Airi: I thought that would show you the truth about them.

Justin: I was feeling bad, I thought it would make me better. But it nearly destroyed me and my family.

Justin: I'll make sure they pay for what they did to you.

Airi: The only way I want them to pay is by going to jail.


Justin looked down, He wanted to hurt them so bad, But that wouldn't make them truly pay for killing Airi and it would also get himself into trouble, He looked up and Airi was gone. Justin was walking home when Karl found him.

Karl: Hey! We have to do something about Egan and Gavin.

Justin: I know, We should go to the police.

Karl: I was thinking more along the lines of taken action ourselfs.

Justin: No, We can't. I want to hurt them so much,But we can't do that.

Karl: Yes, We can. And we will. We have to.

Karl grabbed Justin's arm and they walked to Egan and Gavin's house.

Justin: We can't do this, We have to go to the police.

Karl: We will.

Justin: Come on then.

Karl: After.

Justin: After?

Karl knocked on the door. When he got no answer after a second, He knocked again.

Egan: Hang on!

Karl kept knocking and knocking.

Egan: Alright already!

Egan opened the door and Karl grabbed him and pushed him in.

Egan: Get off me!

Gavin ran towards Karl when he shouted..

Karl: Get him Justin!

Justin didn't know what to do, He froze. These were the people that killed Airi and Kim. But Airi was right, This wasn't the way that they should pay for it. On the other hand it was two against one and that one was Airi's brother. Justin ran towards Gavin and dived at him. Gavin fought against Justin, While Karl hit Egan. A massive fight broke out only stopping with Gavin ran away from Justin's grip and Egan knocked out by Karl. Karl was still hitting him. Over and over. Justin grabbed Karl's arms but got hit in the face. Justin finally managed to stop Karl from hitting Egan. He just laid there. His face covered in blood and eyes closed.

Karl: Where's the other one?!

Justin: He, He got away.

Karl ran out to try and find him. Justin stood above Egan, He started to stir. Justin got out his phone and called the police and ambulance. Before they got there Justin ran out. He ran to the beach and sat on the rocks crying. Hours had passed and Sally walked up to the rock.

Sally: Justin? Are you okay?

Justin wiped his face and got off the rocks.

Justin: Yeah..

Sally: I was just talking to Peter. Egan was found beaten up and was taken to the hospital.

Justin: Is he alright?

Sally: Rachel said he will be fine.

Justin: He killed Airi and Kim, Him and Gavin.

Sally was shocked by what she had just heard.

Sally: Are you sure? How do you know this? And where is Gavin?

Justin: I'm sure, I was thinking back and realized that they were asking weird things about Kim and Rachel and then the police. I, I don't know where Gavin is.

Sally: Who attacked Egan?

Justin didn't want to say, He didn't want Karl to get into trouble. Justin shook his head.

Justin: I don't know.

Sally didn't believe him but took his hand and they walked home. Ric and Brad were there talking to Peter.

Sally: Peter? Why are you here?

Peter: Egan has given a statement, He says that you beat him up Justin.

Justin: What? It wasn't me, It was..

Justin paused and looked at Sally..

Peter: Who?

Justin didn't answer.

Brad: You need to tell us Justin. Who was it?

Justin: It was Karl.

Ric: Who's Karl?

Justin: Airi's brother.

Peter: Where is he now?

Justin: He ran after Gavin.

Peter: Why did he attack him?

Justin: They killed Airi.. and Kim.

Peter, Brad and Ric were shocked by what they had just heard.

Brad: They killed Kim? Rachel is at the hospital now saving the life of the person that murdered her husband!

Sally: Brad, It's okay.

Brad: It's not okay Sally. He shouldn't be anywhere near her.

Peter: He will be dealt with.

Brad ran out of the house with Sally following. Peter left to find Gavin.


Thanks for reading it all and sticking with it :D

Here's the final chapter.

Ric: I can't believe it. When did you find this out.

Justin: Just today, Earlier. I was just thinking back and it all just clicked.

Ric: Why didn't you tell anyone?

Justin: I don't know. Karl was there and we were talking and I told him. I was coming home when he grabbed me and took me there.

Justin paced the room.

Ric: It's alright, They'll find him and they will both be charged.

Justin shook his head and walked towards the door.

Justin: I have to find him.

Ric ran after him.

Ric: What are you going to do?

Justin: I'm going to find Gavin.

Ric: No!

Ric grabbed Justin's arm and stopped him.

Ric: Let Peter sort it out.

Justin: I have to find him.

Ric: Justin..

Justin: He killed Airi.

Ric: I know, but you can't hurt him.

Justin: Who are you? The Ric I know went after those that hurt the people he loved.

Ric: I'm just trying to stop you getting into trouble.

Justin walked away, He was determind to find Gavin, He didn't know what he was going to do after, He just had to find him. After walking around for a hour and still not seeing him, Ric tries to get Justin to go home.

Ric: Maybe Peter already has him. Beside Sally and Brad will be home by now, We should go back.

Justin: I'm not going anywhere until I find him.

Ric: Didn't you hear what I just said? Maybe Peter already has him.

Justin: He hasn't.

Ric: How do you know that?

Justin: Because he's there.

Justin pointed to the school roof, He saw Gavin walking around on it. Justin walked forward but Ric grabbed him.

Ric: You can't go up there, I'm going to call Peter. Just stay here.

Ric got out his phone and Justin ran to the school.

Ric: [shouting] Justin!

Justin walked up to the school and opened the door. He saw that everyone was still in class, He began making his way upstairs.

Justin: Gavin!

Gavin turned around to see Justin ontop of the roof.

Gavin: What are you doing here?

Justin didn't reply, He just looked at ahead and walked forward.

Gavin: Look, We didn't mean to kill her.

Justin: You were after me.

Gavin gulped and looked away.

Justin: That doesn't matter. You will still pay for what you have done.

Gavin looked around for away to get past, Justin walked forward. Suddenly Gavin jumped at Justin and pinned him to the ground, They fought, Hitting each other and rolling around until they were at the edge of the roof. A crowd had gather below and they all gasped. Ric put his hand to his mouth. And then ran towards the school and up the stairs. Justin managed to get the upper hand and started punching Gavin, Once he started he couldn't stop. Blood covered Gavin's face and he put his hand up.

Gavin: Stop! Please.

Justin looked up and saw Airi standing there. He got off Gavin who got up and ran. Ric grabbed him and pinned him to the ground. Justin walked over to Airi.

Justin: Airi.

Ric and Gavin looked at Justin.

Airi: It's okay now Justin. Everything will be okay.

Justin smiled.

Justin: Yeah.

Ric: Who are you talking to Justin?

Justin turned to look at Ric, He felt a hand on his cheek and turned around.

Airi: I love you Justin.

Justin: With all my heart.

Airi stepped back and disappeared.

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