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Home is Where the Heart Heals

zara grace

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Story Title: Home is Where the Heart Heals
Type of story: One Shot
Main Characters: Mackenzie Booth, Levi Fowler, Bree Cameron, Mali Hudson
BTTB rating: T
Genre:  General
Does story include spoilers: Yes 
Any warnings: None
Summary: When Mackenzie discharges herself from the hospital while Levi is in the city and upon returning he starts looking for her with no clue where to start.


"Mackenzie, I don't think this is a good idea. You aren't even fully recovered yet, and you need medical care. You should be in here," Bree spoke calmly to her friend, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing Mackenzie's health.

"I understand, Bree, but I need to go home. It's the only place where I can truly recover. If it means you not worrying, you can stay the night with me," Mackenzie insisted. She was struggling in the hospital, and with her brother expecting a video call later that day, she knew she needed to be at home to avoid him finding out she was in the hospital and potentially driving all the way from Queensland.

"Look, Mackenzie, why don't you wait until Doctor Fowler is back tomorrow and see what he says?" Bree suggested, knowing that Mackenzie would likely trust the specialist's judgment more than hers. She hoped Mackenzie would agree to stay a bit longer.

"Bree, no. He would make me stay, and I need to go home today. I'll discharge myself if that's what it takes," Mackenzie declared with determination in her voice.

"Why is it so important to you?" Bree asked, wanting to understand Mackenzie's reasons. She knew she couldn't convince Mackenzie to stay, especially after her previous attempt got shut down, but she wanted insight into her friend's mindset.

"I feel safer at home, and having my friends around me for support is crucial. Mali and Tane are my best friends, and they can get me through this," Mackenzie replied, avoiding mentioning the video call itself.

"I don't like this, but fine. I'll discharge you on two conditions," Bree spoke sternly, prompting Mackenzie to nod, signaling for Bree to continue. "First, I'm staying the night like you said, and you are not to be alone at all. Someone needs to always be with you." Mackenzie agreed with a nod, and Bree added, "Agreed."

Bree started packing Mackenzie's things. "Stay there and take it easy, okay? I don't want you lifting a finger," Bree instructed. Mackenzie nodded, grateful that Bree had agreed to her request. With the doctor's advice in mind, Mackenzie had decided to heed it and take things easy.

At that moment, Dana appeared with discharge papers, which both Bree and Mackenzie signed. Bree then finished packing Mackenzie's belongings, and with Dana's assistance, they carefully helped Mackenzie to the car. The goal was to ensure her trip home was as stress-free and pain-free as possible.


Forty-five minutes later, Mackenzie and Bree pulled up at the farmhouse, surprised to find Mali waiting outside. Mackenzie hadn't informed Mali that she had discharged herself.

As Mackenzie got out of the car, Mali greeted her with a smile and approached Bree, who had also exited the car. "I'm not surprised you're home, Mac," Mali said, and Mackenzie smiled in response. Bree, curious, asked Mali, "Why aren't you surprised?"

Mali looked from Bree to Mackenzie and replied, "Well, she's not about to video call her brother from a hospital room." Mackenzie looked at Mali with gratitude. "You spoke to Dean?" Mali nodded. "He called, and asked me to be in the chat today." Mackenzie smiled, and Bree began to put the pieces together. "So the reason you wanted to be discharged was because of Dean," Bree observed.

Mackenzie looked at Bree and Mali. "Partly, and partly what I mentioned earlier," she explained. Bree nodded, understanding not to push Mackenzie any further. She watched as Mali helped Mackenzie towards the house, grabbing Mackenzie's bags and following them inside.


Once inside the house, Mali and Bree made sure Mackenzie was comfortable on the couch, taking seats on either side of her. After a few moments of settling in, Mackenzie's FaceTime notification appeared. "Remember, don't tell Dean," Mackenzie reminded them. Both Mali and Bree nodded in agreement as Mackenzie clicked to answer the call.

The trio spent the next hour talking to Dean, updating him on everything except Mackenzie's heart issues. They learned from Dean that Ziggy was in Hawaii for a surf competition, and he was looking after Izzy and Jai with the help of Amber. After the hour-long call, Mackenzie looked at her friends and said, "So, thank you for not telling Dean." The two smiled, understanding that keeping things from Dean wasn't ideal, but they also recognized that stressing out Mackenzie at the moment would be unwise. They chose not to express their thoughts on the matter and simply offered their support.


The rest of the afternoon and evening unfolded without major events. Mali, Bree, Mackenzie, and Tane, who arrived home later, spent the night chatting and watching movies until the early hours of the morning. They laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company until around three in the morning when exhaustion finally caught up with them. Some dozed off on the couch, while others found themselves on the lounge room floor, creating a cozy and shared space for a night of camaraderie and support.



The next morning, after a three-hour drive from the city, Levi arrived back at Northern District Hospital. He headed straight for Mackenzie's room, eager to check on his star patient, whom he had been worried about throughout his time away due to her lingering anxiety.

Upon entering the room, he was shocked to find it empty, with new bedding and none of Mackenzie's belongings. Levi walked to the chart, only to discover that it was blank, not displaying Mackenzie's information.

Just then, he heard footsteps, and Dana walked in. "If you're looking for Mackenzie, she discharged," she informed him. Levi raised an eyebrow, concerned. "Since when?"

"Yesterday, Doctor Fowler. She forced Bree into agreeing," Dana explained, providing Levi with a brief overview.

Levi couldn't believe Bree had agreed, and he felt beyond stressed about Mackenzie's condition. In response, he grabbed his keys and left the hospital, driving into Summer Bay to find Mackenzie.


Levi tirelessly wandered around Summer Bay in search of Mackenzie. He checked the diner and Salt before exploring the beach and parks, growing increasingly stressed about her well-being.

After three hours of searching, Levi spotted Remi. "Do you know my patient?" Levi and Remi had history due to Eden, but he wasn't sure if Remi was familiar with Mackenzie.

"I do, why?" Remi asked. Bree had informed her boyfriend about Mackenzie's discharge, so he had a fair idea of what was going on.

"She discharged herself," Levi informed Remi.

"I know. Bree stayed with her at the farm last night," Remi said. Levi raised an eyebrow. "The farm, is that where Mackenzie lives?" Remi simply nodded. Levi, realizing the urgency, asked, "Can you take me there?" Remi understood the seriousness of the situation and agreed to guide Levi to Mackenzie's home.


After a seemingly endless motorbike ride, Levi and Remi arrived at the farm. Levi swiftly dismounted and ran towards the front door, which Tane happened to open at that very moment.

"Is Mackenzie okay?" Levi spoke softly, his voice carrying a hint of stress.

"She's fine. We had a late one last night. Mackenzie, Bree, and Mali are all asleep, so be quiet as you go in," Tane informed them. Levi and Remi nodded, entering the house to find the trio curled up in the lounge. Upon seeing Mackenzie, Levi felt a wave of relief.

A few minutes later, Mackenzie herself woke up and was surprised to see Levi there with Remi. "Levi." Levi approached her, saying, "It's good to see you in one piece." Mackenzie smiled, expressing how she had the best sleep in a long time. Levi noticed her increased relaxation and said, "So I guess you're refusing to go back to the hospital." Mackenzie nodded, and Levi continued, "Fine, but I'm staying here until I know you're okay for sure."

Mackenzie looked at Levi, and he added, "If that helps you stress less, then fine." Levi walked closer to Mackenzie, who replied, "It does." The two shared a silent smile, finding comfort in each other's presence.






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