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Believe (In Love After Life)

Guest callyha

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Title: Believe (in Love after Life)

Type of story: Long

Main characters: Charlie & Ruby

Others: Teens, Angelo, Leah, Marilyn, Sid etc. Plus Toby, Matt, (others mentioned)

BTTB rating: T

Genre: Drama/Romance/Family

Does this story include spoilers: No

Any warning: Will warn at beginning of chapter if any (V/D)

Summary: Life in the city isn't going too great. Can a move to Summer Bay allow Charlie and Ruby to live life and love again whilst been accepted?

Chapter One

Charlie lay, looking up at the ceiling as she fought off tears that stung her eyes as she held tightly on to them. Her arm stroked the covers on her left hand side- a space once filled with Matt- the coldness of the bed mirrored the coldness Matt had given Charlie only days before; the emptiness in the bed mirrored Charlie’s heart as her mind raced with many answers that couldn’t be answered. Sighing heavily, Charlie sat herself up and glanced at the clock that stood on the bedside table. 7:02 she read as Charlie grabbed her dressing gown and made her way to the bathroom. She turned the towel heater on and the water ready for her shower. As the water splashed over Charlie and ran down her face, Charlie couldn’t help but allow the tears to escape her eyes, each tear held a different heartbreak: one tear that fell represented the loss of a loved one, one tear represented the shattered heart Charlie was left with; each tear fell following the same pattern as the one before, and each rolled of Charlie’s chin and joined the water that vanished down the plug as Charlie continued her shower. As she turned the water off and grabbed a warm towel, Charlie glanced to the mirror and looked up her reflection: her eyes showed she had been crying, but the smile on her face was a contradiction in itself. Charlie wrapped the towel around herself and grabbed a second towel which she wrapped her hair in. She then made her way back into her room and glanced once more at the clock on the bedside table. 7:25 she read as she slowly lowered herself on the her messy bed. Part of her wished she could just climb straight back into her bed and not bother with the day. Sighing once more as she pushed herself up from the bed, Charlie walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed the various clothes she needed for the day. She then walked back into the bathroom to get changed. With her hair still in the towel, Charlie sat herself down in front of the mirror and proceeded to take the towel from her head, but before it was completely away from her head, she rubbed the towel through her hair to rid herself of the residual water that had gathered in her hair.

“Morning” Ruby smiled as she sat herself on Charlie’s bed and looked to Charlie through the mirror

“Morning” Charlie replied, not quite as happily as Ruby had spoken

“What’s wrong?” Ruby asked as she noticed Charlie had turned away and brought her hand up to her face “Mum?” Ruby said softly as she placed her hand on Charlie’s shoulder and bent down so she was level with Charlie “has something happened?” Charlie shook her head as she looked to her daughter

“Every morning I’m like this” Charlie sniffed as she wiped her face “he left a week ago and I’m still like this” Charlie cried. Ruby looked sympathetically to Charlie before she wrapped her arms around her and lay a kiss on her forehead. Ruby didn’t know what to say; she knew what she wanted to say to Matt, but she couldn’t find the right words to comfort Charlie, and because of this, she felt useless as a daughter and a confidant. Charlie and Ruby had always been so close; even after Ruby was told who her biological father was. Charlie had always said to Ruby that ‘sharing DNA with someone doesn’t make them a parent to you. Its how they show their love for you and how they are there for you’. Ruby always new Charlie loved her, and was there for her, just in the way Charlie would hold Ruby when she cried. “Do you think it was me?” Charlie asked as she rose to her feet and began to walk around the room. “do you think I freaked him out too much?”

“No” Ruby replied as she rose to her feet and began to walk over to Charlie “he wanted you to tell him, he wouldn’t let you leave the house without telling him. He couldn’t handle the truth” Ruby said as she placed her hand on Charlie’s arm “it’s him, not you”

“I don’t know, I’m just so confused about this whole thing” Charlie said as she pulled her arm away from Ruby and ran her hands through her wet hair. “I thought we had a proper future together, he told me he wouldn’t leave the same way Robert and Bill did, that he wouldn’t leave me broken”

“They were all jerks, and they never liked me anyway” Ruby replied as she placed her hand once more on Charlie’s shoulder. Charlie smiled when she felt her daughter’s hand on her shoulder. Even after everything with Matt, Robert and Bill, she and Ruby were still close.

“I’m sorry Rubes” Charlie said sadly as she looked to Ruby

“What have you got to be sorry about? It was them not you, if anyone should be sorry, its them” Ruby replied as she looked to Charlie “right, I’d better get going, Toby said he’d meet me to walk to school today, he’ll be waiting for me” Ruby smiled as she looked to the clock on the table “love you”

“Love you too” Charlie replied as she kissed Ruby’s forehead and watched as she left the room. She felt guilty that she had kept this from Ruby for a few days, she still had to talk to her about it, the decision would affect them both, not just Charlie. When she heard the front door close, Charlie then began to make her way down the stairs to grab herself some breakfast.


Toby smiled as he watched Ruby walk along the path toward him. They had both started off as friends but the more time they spent with each other, the more they began to get feelings for each other. Ruby was 13 when they became boyfriend and girlfriend, which concerned Charlie as this was the age she had became Grant’s girlfriend. It was also at this time when Ruby found out how she was conceived; at first she didn’t want to believe, but she knew Charlie wouldn’t lie to her, and promised she would wait and always keep Charlie in the loop. Charlie knew Ruby wouldn’t do anything stupid, but she was glad that Ruby had a good head on her shoulders.

“Hey beautiful” Toby smiled as he took Ruby’s hand and kissed her on the cheek

“Hey yourself” Ruby smiled as she and Toby continued to walk down the path

“How are things with your mum?” Toby asked

“Not so good, she’s devastated, I have no idea what to do” Ruby replied as she looked to the ground. “I’ve never seen her like this”

“Why is she letting you see her like this? Shouldn’t she at least try and hide what she’s feeling?” Toby replied. Ruby stopped and dropped Toby’s hand from hers “what?” Toby asked as he looked to his hand and wondered why Ruby had let go of it the way she had done

“I can’t believe you have just said that” Ruby said, her voice filled with shock and disappointment

“I didn’t mean it like that, its just….”

“No I know what you mean” Ruby snapped as she began to walk away from Toby, hugging herself as she put distance between herself and him. Toby bowed his head and looked to the pavement. He looked up once more with his phone in his hand that had just rung in his pocket. A smile appeared on his face.


Charlie walked along the path, making sure she had her keys and phone in her hand as she walked away from her car and toward the station. Cars drove passed on the road, all the occupants looking happy as they took in the scenery of the city. Charlie loved living in the city, but lately, she had found it increasing difficult to face the city life. She sighed heavily before making her way into the station and to the front desk to clock in.

“Oh, Senior Constable” A voice said as Charlie walked into the reception of the station. She looked to the office and saw the Sergeant standing there with some papers in his hand

“Yes Sarg?” Charlie replied as she closed the door behind her and sat on the chair opposite him

“Have you had chance to think over the position at Yabbie Creek?” Neil -the Sergeant- asked

“Erm, no. I still have to talk to my daughter” Charlie replied

“Well, Charlie, they need an answer from you by tomorrow at the latest. I know you and Ruby have a life here, but, Yabbie Creek Police is also a great opportunity for your career”

“I know. But I still have to talk to Ruby” Charlie replied “I’ll let you know tomorrow”

“Okay” Neil smiled. “I really think you should take the job” Neil began to which Charlie gave him a look “I don’t want you to leave us, you are a fantastic police officer and a valued person at the station, but, I also think living here isn’t going to help you with anything”

“I know. Its just, this place…its my…its our home” Charlie replied

“And it always will be, look, I know I’m over stepping the mark as your boss, but, for nearly ten years I have worked alongside you and seen what each one of your break ups has done to you. You are a great person Charlie, you never deserved anything like this. Take this opportunity whilst its there, it may be the one that you’ve been looking for” Neil smiled a she tentatively placed his hand on her shoulder. Knowing full well that this was inappropriate in the working environment

“Thank you” Charlie smiled as she placed her hand on Neil’s. “I’ll talk to Rubes tonight” Charlie added before she rose to her feet and walked out of the office. She settled herself at her usual desk and listened to the chats her colleagues behind her were involved in. She knew some were talking about her; but not in a bad way, she had the sympathy of everyone at the station, that was comfort enough for Charlie, but still, all she wanted was a break away from all the conversations that went on behind her back -good or bad- and she knew that the only way that could happen, was if she took the position at Yabbie Creek Police Station. Charlie glanced down at the paper Neil had given her before she left the office. She skim-read through it, picking out the important parts that referred to her job. She read that she would keep her Senior Constable job title, but she would have to return her fire arm as the gun she had in the city was designed for city life and banded in costal towns. She would be able to keep her uniform and badge, but she would have to return the stripes that were attached to her shoulders and her name badge too.

“Hey Charlie” Keith called out as he grabbed some keys “in the car now, I need you” Charlie folded the paper up and placed it into her pocket before grabbing her cap from the desk beside her. She then made her way out of the station and into the car that Keith had pulled around front.


Ruby sat on the benches, looking out at the football field as some of the boys played a game over the lunch break. She was approached by Toby and a couple of girls. Ruby briefly looked to Toby before she returned to looking at the footie games on the field.

Toby sighed heavily as he sat beside Ruby. She seemed to slide herself further away from Toby when she felt him sit on the bench.

“Ruby, please” Toby said as he outstretched his hand to hers.

“What do you want Toby?” Ruby asked as she pulled her hand away from Toby’s reach

“I want to apologise. What I said, I didn’t mean it” Toby replied as he sighed with defeat over not been able to take Ruby’s hand

“So why say it? You know why mum is like she is” Ruby cried

“Yea, and look at what its doing to you. You’re moody and crying all the time” Toby retorted

“This affects me too, not just mum, so I’m sorry that this is such a problem for you” Ruby snapped

“Ruby don’t be like this” Hannah -one of the girls- said as Ruby rose to her feet

“You can’t tell me what to do. I thought you guys were supposed to be my friends” Ruby replied as she turned to face Hannah and Stacey

“We are” Stacey replied “we’re trying to look out for you. Its just, you’ve changed in the last few weeks, that’s all”

“Changed how?” Ruby asked, hurt by the comment

“You seem to spend more time with your mum then you do with us, your friends and boyfriend. We’re here for you too you know” Hannah replied

“And who is there for mum? Granddad is in a home, Morag spends most of her time there with him, Aunty Michelle lives in Perth. There is no one there for mum” Ruby cried “I have to be there for her, she needs me”

“Doesn’t she have any friends?” Toby asked sarcastically.

“I can’t believe you Toby, you can be so heartless sometimes” Ruby snapped as she began to walk away from them.

“I’ll go” Hannah said as she began to chase after Ruby. Stacey moved closer to Toby, who looked to Stacey and smiled.

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WOW! Thank you Danni, Carina, Sam, Sarah, ScreamingQueen2006 and ashleyjane for the lovely comments!

Hope this is okay

Chapter two

After walking around the school looking for her, Hannah eventually found Ruby sobbing near the science block. Hannah smiled sympathetically in the direction of Ruby before she continued to walk over to her friend. Ruby saw that Hannah was walking toward her and she wiped her face from the tears that fell easily from her eyes. “Ruby” Hannah said as she placed her hand on Ruby’s shoulder. Ruby turned to face Hannah, the tears still stained her face “come here” Hannah said as she moved closer to Ruby to give her a hug

“I know you all think this is stupid. And that I’m getting too involved in it” Ruby cried as she wiped the tear that fell from her eye

“Well, kind of yea. I mean, Matt and your mum broke up. Why is it affecting you?” Hannah asked as she looked down at Ruby who shrugged at the question

“Erm… it just is” Ruby replied, steering away from the way in which she could see the conversation was going

“Come on Rubes, it has to be something. You’re never like this over a break-up your mum goes through. I know I’m not when mum broke up with Todd” Hannah replied, hoping a similarity would coax Ruby into telling Hannah the truth about the situation

“Its different, I can’t explain it, but it is, its just different” Ruby replied. Hannah nodded her head, although she knew there was something more to why Ruby was the was she was than she was letting on “can we not talk about this anymore?” Ruby said as she pulled away from Hannah

“Sure” Hannah nodded “we weren’t getting anywhere anyway” Hannah mumbled to herself as she and Ruby made their way back to the field. “You can talk to us you know, even if we don’t know the full story” Hannah said to Ruby as they approached the bench where they had left Stacey and Toby

“Yea, I know. Everything is just a mess” Ruby smiled half heartedly as she looked to Hannah and then around to see where Toby and Stacey were.

“Where are those two?” Hannah asked as she joined Ruby as she looked around

“I dunno. And to be honest, the way I feel at the moment with Toby, I don’t really care” Ruby replied. Hannah was just about to reply when she saw Stacey and Toby heavily kissing one another as they leant up against the bike shed at the bottom of the field. Hannah moved around so Ruby wouldn’t see what they were doing. “What are you doing?” Ruby asked as she looked to Hannah, who looked over Ruby’s head to make sure Toby and Stacey didn’t look over in their direction

“The…the sun was in my eyes” Hannah improvised. Ruby raised her eyebrows and looked up

“Han? There is no sun” Ruby replied as she looked back to Hannah, who quickly looked back to Ruby “what are you looking at?” Ruby asked as she turned her head around

“Nothi…” Hannah began to say, but she trailed off as she saw Ruby’s body language change. “Rubes, I’m so sorry” Hannah said as she continued to look to Ruby who had her tear-filled eyes glued on Toby and Stacey.

“You knew?” Ruby asked as she slowly turned to face Hannah

“I thought they we just friends” Hannah shrugged

“How long?” Ruby asked

“Not long. They started to get close after you distanced yourself from us” Hannah replied

“So, you’re saying this is my fault?” Ruby cried

“No, I’m not. But…Toby felt pushed out when you began to ditch us, he wanted to help”

“So instead of persevering and waiting for me, he sucks the face of one of my friends?” Ruby snapped

“Ruby…” Hannah said as she went to move closer to Ruby and to try grab her hands

“No” Ruby replied as she threw her hands up “I’m going” She added before running off. Hannah put her hands to her head and watched as Ruby ran out of the school gates. She sniffed as she turned back around to look back to where Stacey and Toby were. She shook her head as they began to walk back to the bench

“What the hell are you two thinking?” Hannah shouted

“What?” Toby replied as he looked to Hannah with a confused expression on his face

“Ruby saw” Hannah replied causing Stacey and Toby to look at each other and instantly feel bad about their actions.


Sitting at the dining table, both Charlie and Ruby pushed the food around their plates with their forks. Both looking down at the food with the same sad facial expression plastered across their faces. Charlie’s over Matt and Ruby’s over Toby.

“Mum” Ruby said as she continued to gaze at her food

“Yea” Charlie replied. She too, looking at her food still

“Are you alright?” Ruby asked

“Yea, why do you ask?” Charlie replied as she briefly looked to Ruby

“You’ve barely said anything since coming home” Ruby replied as she put her fork down on the plate and looked to Charlie “what’s wrong?” Charlie looked up to Ruby. She could see that Ruby was beginning to get slightly worried. Charlie sighed before she looked back down to her plate.

“Rubes” Charlie began as she put her fork onto the plate and pushed the plate away from in front of her “I got some news last week and…” Charlie trailed off as Ruby dropped her hands on to the table loudly

“You’re not pregnant by him are you mum?” Ruby asked as she looked directly at her mother

“No” Charlie replied quickly. “No” Charlie shook her head as she looked back to Ruby. Ruby breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, what is it then?” Ruby asked

“I’ve been offered a job at Yabbie Creek Police” Charlie replied as she looked down to her hands “I have to give my answer tomorrow” Charlie looked back up to Ruby, who sat, processing everything Charlie had told her “I don’t have to take the job, someone else will be offered it. We can still live here and I can still keep my job” Charlie added “if you don’t want to go, then I wont take the job. This isn’t just my career or future that will change, it effects you as well, and if you aren’t happy, I’ll turn down the offer” Charlie finished. She looked to Ruby and saw the look on her face. Charlie wasn’t sure if it was a ‘I don’t want to go look’ or a ‘let me think about it look’. Charlie bit her lip and looked down to her hands. She picked at the sides of her nails, trying to think of something else she could say to Ruby. The door bell rang, breaking the silence that fell in the room.

“I’ll get it” Ruby said as she rose to her feet and headed to the door. Charlie wiped her hands across her face before she let them rest on her chin. She didn’t like dropping something this huge on Ruby, and she thought Ruby would refuse to go. Charlie was startled from her thoughts when she heard raised voices coming from the hall.

“What the hell is going on?” Charlie shouted as she saw Ruby trying to block the door from Toby

“He wont leave” Ruby cried

“You heard her, leave” Charlie shouted to Toby

“No, not until I’ve explained” Toby replied, shaking his head as he looked away from Charlie and turned his attention to Ruby

“No, I don’t want to see you again” Ruby shouted as she went to close the door on Toby

“Ruby please, I love you” Toby begged

“Leave!” Ruby shouted with more force in her voice. Toby looked to the ground in shame

“Okay, I’m going” Toby replied as he gave Ruby one last look. “But, I am sorry Ruby”

“Just go” Ruby spat. Toby turned and headed out of the porch and walked sadly along the path. Ruby closed the door hard, causing it to slam before she turned to face Charlie, tears streaming from her eyes.

“Rubes” Charlie sympathetically said as she opened her arms to her daughter. Ruby cried as she fell into Charlie and sobbed until her eyes were sore and her voice was croaky. “What happened?” Charlie asked as she ran her hand through Ruby’s hair in a brush-like motion

“He’s been seeing Stacey behind my back” Ruby whispered unintentionally “I saw them today on the field, Hannah told me they’ve been seeing a lot more of each other ever since I went all weird”

“All weird?” Charlie repeated, slightly confused

“Hannah said Toby has been leaning on Stace whenever I became distant” Ruby began “ever since Matt left. They don’t seem to get that you need me” she cried

“Rubes, I don’t need you” Charlie replied as she continued to run her hands through Ruby’s hair. Ruby looked to Charlie and raised her eyebrows “okay, maybe I have needed you a bit over the last few days, but still, that doesn’t give Toby the right to do that”

“They have asked why I am always running back here and making sure you’re alright. I know they’re my friends and I should be able to tell them but, I can’t. Especially not now” Ruby replied as she moved away from Charlie and headed into the front room. Charlie followed Ruby and sat on the couch next to her. “I’m glad I never told them” Ruby said as she shook her head “Hannah said she’d try to help, even though I wouldn’t tell her the truth. Can you imagine how she’d be if I told her? She blabbed about Tanya been pregnant” Ruby said to Charlie as she wiped her face “I hate them. I hate Toby and I hate Stacey” Ruby said with anger in her voice “I never want to see them again”

“You don’t have to” Charlie softly spoke as she began to run her hand through Ruby’s hair once more “I’ll go and talk to the principle tomorrow and see if I can get them to send you the curriculum here” Ruby shook her head “no?” Charlie asked

“No” Ruby repeated “Yabbie Creek, that’s fifty miles from here right?” Ruby asked as she looked to Charlie

“I guess so” Charlie replied “Why?” she asked as Ruby looked to the ground and kept her gaze there

“I think you should take the job” Ruby answered as she looked back to Charlie with a smile on her face.


Thank you so much for the :wub: comments! Danni, Carina, Screaming Queen, Sarah & JosieTash

Chapter three

Charlie sat. Looking at her daughter sitting beside her. Her mouth slightly open from Ruby’s response “You want to move?”

“Yea” Ruby smiled “I mean, yea its going to be difficult, uprooting our lives, but, we have nothing here anymore” Ruby added “Okay, I know we’ll be a longer drive away from Granddad and Morag but, maybe this is what we need”

“Are you sure about this? This isn’t just because of Toby and what’s happened there?” Charlie asked, making sure that Ruby wasn’t thinking with her heart broken

“No, its not” Ruby replied as she shook her head.

“Ruby?” Charlie said as she tilted her head, looking to Ruby as if to say ‘tell me the truth’

“It isn’t” Ruby repeated

“Well, what is it then?” Charlie asked “Because, I was going to tell you about this last week when I found out but, you looked so happy with been here and I….”

“Mum, stop” Ruby smiled as she placed her hands on Charlie’s arms “if you had asked me last week I would still say we should go. So Toby and everyone has nothing to do with this”

“So what is it then?” Charlie asked as she looked to Ruby

“Remember when you told me that, if I was given the chance to do something that would never come again, to take it?” Ruby began to which Charlie nodded her head, although she was still confused “Well, I had the huge chance to go to England for a month to help with my studies. You weren’t able to go, but you knew what it could have done for me, so you were willing to let me go” Ruby smiled “well, this is the same. You have the chance to further your career and I’d be selfish not to let you follow something that could help you”

“Rubes” Charlie’s eyes glazed with tears as she looked to her daughter. Her hand went to her chest as the words still echoed in her ears. Ruby smiled and she moved closer to Charlie, rested her head against Charlie as Charlie wrapped her arms around Ruby and embraced her in a hug.

“So when do we go?” Ruby asked as she pulled away from the embrace and looked to her mother

“Uhm” Charlie began “I think Neil said next week sometime” Charlie replied as she tried to remember the day Neil had said

“So, why does he need an answer tomorrow?” Ruby asked

“In case he had to ask the other officers” Charlie replied “The Senior Constable at Yabbie Creek knows one of us is been transferred, all Neil has to do is send them a fax telling them which one of us is going”

“So, I have to go to school tomorrow” Ruby replied with a screwed up face

“You don’t have to. You can stay home and when I finish work, we can start packing” Charlie said with a smile as she saw the look on Ruby’s face

“We have no where to live though” Ruby said as she thought more about the move “I mean, no house”

“Yea, I know. But there is a Caravan Park. We could stay there until I get a few things sorted so we can rent or buy a place” Charlie replied

“How do you know there is a Caravan Park?” Ruby asked

“When Neil first told me about the transfer, I looked Summer Bay up. Its so beautiful, right near the beach. And there’s a restaurant, a diner…” Charlie began to list, but the look on Ruby’s face made her pause

“Can I have a look?” Ruby asked

“Yea. Its saved on my laptop” Charlie replied as she pointed to her laptop that was on the side.

“Thanks” Ruby smiled as she headed to the laptop

“Right, well, I’m going for a bath. Leave me alone this time will you” Charlie smiled as she gave Ruby a kiss on her forehead when she sat herself back on the couch

“Yes” Ruby replied with a cheeky smile as she opened the laptop. Charlie stood for a moment, watching as Ruby opened the page that she had saved the previous week. The look on Ruby’s face mirrored the one she had twelve Christmases ago. Ruby was only four and she had asked Charlie for a snorkel Barbie. Charlie had always said no to Ruby and Ruby then gave up asking. On Christmas morning, Ruby opened a box that had her name on and saw the Barbie, as she clutched onto the Barbie in her hand, she ran over to Charlie and jumped into her arms. Ruby never let the Barbie out of her sight and every time she glanced at the Barbie, she would light up and her eye’s would be as big as saucers.

Charlie smiled to herself and knew that Ruby’s eagerness to move to the bay was genuine. Ruby’s smile never lied.


Charlie drove along the road in the direction of the school. She was dressed in her police uniform and drivers on the road suddenly changed the way in which they drove. Charlie couldn’t help but smirk at the fact other drivers we sure she hadn’t seen them driving inappropriately.

“What are you smiling at?” Ruby asked as she looked to her mother “its school. Not that fantastic”

“I’m not smiling at that” Charlie replied

“Oh. So, what exactly are you going to say to Mr. Scaife?” Ruby asked as she zipped her bag up, concealing all the library books she had borrowed from school and not returned

“Well, just that…. Well, I’m going to tell him the truth” Charlie replied “that I have accepted a job elsewhere which starts on Monday and that you will be taken out of school as of 3 this afternoon” Charlie said to Ruby whose smile was replaced with a confused expression

“You never said you had to start on Monday”

“I don’t. I thought you’d want to have a week or so to get used to the Bay and the locals” Charlie replied “explore before you start school”

“Sounds good” Ruby smiled “So, when do you start?”

“I find out today. After I’ve spoken with Mr. Scaife I have a meeting with Neil, he’ll tell me more of what I need to know” Charlie replied as she pulled the car into a space. She switched the engine off and unbuckled herself before she opened the door. Ruby did the same and they walked toward the entrance after Charlie had locked the car. Students watched as Ruby lead Charlie into the school and toward the principles office. Some sneered, thinking Ruby was in trouble whilst other’s just watched to see what was going on.

“Mr. Scaife?” Ruby smiled as she knocked on the door.

“Ruby. Charlie” Mr. Scaife smiled as he offered his hand for Charlie to shake. “What can I help you with?” Mr. Scaife asked as he gestured for Charlie and Ruby to sit.

“Erm” Charlie began as she looked to Ruby “I have taken a job in Summer Bay and I start on Monday the 24th, so, Ruby wont be attending school after 3pm today”

“Oh….oh right” Mr Scaife replied, shocked at the news “well, congratulations on the job and I must say, we will miss Ruby here at the school. But, erm, there are a few forms that you will have to fill in Charlie, just for our official records”

“Okay” Charlie replied as she took the forms from Mr. Scaife’s hand as he grabbed them from the file near his desk. “Are you wanting these back as soon as possible?”

“If that’s ok. If you and Ruby are leaving for Summer Bay in the next few hours, I need to get the paperwork sorted and have a copy of Ruby’s confidential file sent to the school she will be attending”

“Well, I don’t actually know if Ruby will be attending the school. Could I take the file with me? Or have the new school write up some more?” Charlie asked

“Well, I suppose that could happen” Mr. Scaife replied as he looked to Ruby and then back to Charlie “You can take those with you to work if you like Charlie”

“Thanks, but, I’m patrolling today, so I wont get chance to fill these in, so, if its ok with you, am I able to stay until I have them finished?” Charlie asked as she looked up to Mr. Scaife before looking to Ruby

“That’s fine” Mr. Scaife replied

“I’d better get to class” Ruby said as the bell rang. “See you later mum” Ruby said as she kissed Charlie on the cheek

“Have a good day” Charlie smiled as she watched Ruby leave the office. Charlie then looked back to Mr. Scaife, who smiled at her, although he was sad to hear that they were leaving.

“Sue? Can you collect all of Ruby Buckton’s details and have copies down and have them put into a file? We’ll shred our copies once Ruby’s new school has received them” Mr. Scaife said down his phone to his receptionist. Charlie continued to read down the paperwork as she filled in the parts she was supposed to.

“Mr. Scaife” Charlie said as she pointed to a section on the paper

“Mark, please” Mark said as he held his hand up to stop Charlie from calling him Mr. Scaife

“Okay” Charlie said slightly taken aback “Here it says……” Charlie and Mark looked over to the door when they heard shouts coming from the corridor. Mark threw the chair from under him and headed out the office door with Charlie right behind him. Some students fled upon seeing Charlie in her uniform whilst others stepped backward, revealing Toby trying to pull Stacey of Ruby.

“Alright break it up now!” Mark shouted as he stood in between the teens and held his hands out, causing a barrier between them “The rest of you class. Now. Stacey Gibbons, Toby Sanders and Ruby Buckton, my office. Now” Mark shouted

“I don’t think that will be necessary” Charlie said angrily “I’ll take Ruby with me now” Charlie said as she took Ruby by the arm

“Mum” Ruby said, shocked by Charlie’s actions.

“Shh” Charlie said to Ruby forcefully. “Can I take those papers with me now please” Charlie said to Mark as she watched him lead Stacey and Toby into the office.

“Sure” Mark replied as he went into the office and emerged with the papers and file that Sue had put together. “Return these papers when you can” Mark said to Charlie as he handed her the file and papers

“Thanks” Charlie replied as she took the papers “Come on” Charlie said to Ruby as she walked Ruby out of the school and toward the car. Ruby ran to the car once Charlie had let her go

“Have you any idea how embarrassing that was?” Ruby snapped


“No, you cant just shout at me like that in front of everyone! Mother or no mother!”


“Mum, no. and you were in uniform as well!”

“Ruby!” Charlie shouted “You’re not in trouble” Charlie laughed


“I’m not mad” Charlie smiled

“What? Well, then why drag me out of school like that?” Ruby asked as she felt her shoulders lift and a smile appear on her face

“Well, if one of us can have an extra day off school or work, then we may as well take it. Besides, I saw the look on your face, I don’t like seeing that look on that beautiful face of your. A smile is the only thing I want to see on it from now on”

“Ok” Ruby replied, blushing slightly at the compliment. “Same goes for you as well”

“What? A day off school?” Charlie replied, avoiding what Ruby had just said

“Mum” Ruby said as she tilted her head to the side “you know what I mean”

“I know I do. But, right now, I have these papers to fill in, work to do and a house to pack up and somehow fit into the car” Charlie smiled, hoping that Ruby would drop the conversation and have packing to focus her over-thinking mind on.


Charlie walked into the station and signed in for the last time. Part of her felt like she should shed a tear -or twelve- for the fact that she was leaving a place where the people had made her so welcome. But the other part of her knew that she was closing the book on that part of her life. Charlie took a deep breath in as she looked around at what her colleagues were doing. She felt sadden as some of her colleagues were more than colleagues to her; they were more like friends that she knew she could rely on -although not 100%- when she needed then most.

“Charlie” Keith smiled as Charlie walked over to him

“Hey Keith” Charlie smiled back

“Here, I got you something to remember me by” Keith said as he handed Charlie a picture frame with a picture of himself and Charlie. They were both drunk and smiling idiotically with streamers and party poppers covering them. Charlie sat on Keith’s knee and Keith had his fingers in Charlie’s side -the reasoning behind the idiotic smiles plastered on their faces- “I always loved that photo” Keith smiled as he noticed the huge smile that had appeared on her face

“Yea, I love this one too” Charlie replied a she wrapped her arms around Keith and hugged him, still holding the photo of them both in her hand

“Hey. When you and Rubes get yourself sorted in the Bay, give me a call. I’ll come and visit you” Keith said as he and Charlie pulled away

“Yea, of course I will” Charlie smiled as she looked to Keith. Keith was like an older brother to Charlie, and would always ask the big brother questions to Charlie’s boyfriends “I may need you at some point” Charlie smiled

“You don’t need anyone, you’re strong enough” Keith smiled. Charlie laughed slightly at the comment before she turned to face Neil after he shouted her name

“Its your half day today, don’t forget” Neil smiled sadly

“Yea, I know” Charlie replied as a new wave of sadness passed over her “12:30” Charlie said as she looked to her wrist and read the time.


Charlie, Keith, Danny and Carl walked into the station just before 12: 30. Danny, Carl and Keith looking just as sad as Charlie did as they headed toward the desk. Charlie grabbed the pen by the side of the register for the last time. She found her name and put 12:30 CB next to it before sighing and putting the pen back down on the desk. As Charlie looked up, she saw a huge bouquet of flowers standing on the ground. Behind were all the officer who were in the station at that moment.

“From all of us to you. We will miss you Senior Constable Buckton” Neil smiled sadly as he offered his hand out to Charlie so she could shake it. Charlie bit her lip and held onto the tears that wanted to fall from her eyes as she outstretched her hand to meet Neil’s. As they joined, Neil pulled Charlie closer for a hug. “This is off the record officers” Neil said, causing the officers to laugh and then join the hug. Charlie stood, dead centre of the hugs, now crying tears of happiness and joy


Danni, Carina, Sarah, JosieTash & Catty, thank you so much for the comments :D

Danni, you're a star, thank you so much for the help :D

Chapter four

Charlie arrived home, carrying the bouquet of flowers and the photo she received in her hand. She saw that there was a drum on the front lawn with a petrol can beside it. Charlie walked over to the drum and looked inside to see what was in. Ruby’s school uniform, a few books, some paper and envelopes were layered up in the drum. Charlie screwed her face up in wonder at the sight as she made her way into the house. She couldn’t see Ruby anywhere in the rooms, but she could hear her walking around and rummaging for things up stairs. Charlie smiled to herself when she heard Ruby sing to herself as she -presumably- cleaned up. Charlie then put her things down on the table and walked over to one of the cupboards, she grabbed a jug and filled it with water and then stood the flowers into it. She smiled as she took a step back and looked at the flowers that her colleagues had bought her. She then looked to the photo of her and Keith. She felt the smile on her face become slightly bigger before she heard footsteps from behind her. Charlie spun on her feet and was met by Ruby

“Hi” Ruby smiled as she placed the box down on the floor

“Hi” Charlie replied “Is this what you’ve been doing since ten this morning?” Charlie asked as she looked in the box and found Ruby’s collection of elephants standing in the box

“Yea. Well, I did think about going into the city and shop until you got home, but I thought I’d do this, you know, get rid of the crap we don’t need any more and keep everything that we do need for our new lives” Ruby smiled as she watched Charlie take one of the elephants out of the box and hold it delicately in her hands. Charlie ran her fingers over the elephant’s trunk. It was lifted up, revealing the bottom side of the trunk -a sign of good luck- “Maybe this is our good luck” Ruby said as she placed her hands on top of Charlie’s and looked to her

“Yea” Charlie smiled as she looked to Ruby. Ruby rubbed her hands on Charlie’s before she walked out of the room and back up the stairs. Charlie remained in the space she was stood in. She looked to the elephant that was in her hands and then to the box. Charlie put the elephant back into the box, sighing as she did so. Charlie then made her way up the stairs to see how much Ruby had got done.

“Hey” Ruby smiled as she moved another box

“Wow” Charlie said as she looked around the now bare room “You’ve been busy”

“I’ve only done my room. I wasn’t sure what you wanted to keep and what you wanted to throw away” Ruby replied as she looked in all the drawers around her room to make sure she didn’t leave anything. When she looked back over to Charlie, she noticed that Charlie was looking in a white shoe box. “Mum, what are you doing?” Ruby asked as she walked over to Charlie

“What’s in the box Rubes?” Charlie asked as Ruby took the box from her

“Nothing” Ruby shrugged

“Ruby Buckton” Charlie said as she placed her hands on her hips

“Charlie Buckton” Ruby replied, in the same manner as Charlie had spoken. Charlie smiled at the response “sorry” Ruby replied before she went and joined Charlie

“Its fine” Charlie smiled once more as she placed a kiss on Ruby’s forehead

“No, no its not” Ruby said as she looked to Charlie “Mum, I hate feeling like this. I know I only saw Toby and Stacey yesterday, but it’s the fact that its been going on behind my back and for a week nearly. And that Hannah knew!” Ruby wiped her face, there were no tears rolling down her face, but she just needed to wipe away the feeling of tears “the box is full of things Toby gave me when we were together. Letters, cards, things like that”

“What are you going to do with them?” Charlie asked as she tucked Ruby’s hair behind her ear

“Did you notice the drum outside?” Charlie nodded “Well, I was thinking that we could burn all the horrible memories and leave them here and take the good memories to the Bay and make new ones there” Ruby continued “and I thought you could do the same”

“Yea, sounds good” Charlie smiled.

“Good” Ruby replied as she put the shoe box onto her bed and made her way out of the room and down the hall. Charlie bit her lip and turned to face the window. She peered out and saw the drum, slowing filling with Ruby’s memories, and wondered if she should add her things too. Her shoe box was slightly bigger than Ruby’s was, and fuller. But the reasons behind ridding herself of them was greater than Ruby’s, and if Ruby was able to rid herself of hers, why was Charlie battling with the nagging voice in her head? Charlie nodded her head -as though she was agreeing with the thought that had just crossed her mind- and walked out of Ruby’s room and down the hall to her own room. She went to the closet and opened it up. The clothes hung from the hangers, and the -many- shoes lay in perfect lines along the bottom of the closet. Charlie switched the light on and rose up on her tiptoes to reach one of the boxes that was on the shelf. Taking the box over to her bed, Charlie looked to her door to check Ruby hadn’t followed her before sitting herself down and opening the box that she had closed the lid on for the last time the night Matt slammed the door in his disgusted anger. The wad of letters were thick and the little boxes inside looked old and worn. A tear trickled down Charlie’s face when she took a small card from the box. Holding the card with her thumb and index finger, Charlie ran her other index finger over the writing as she balanced the box on her legs.

“Mum?!” Ruby shouted as she walked along the hall “where are you?” Charlie wiped her face and quickly put the card back into the box before lifting the covers up from her bed and putting the box under the covers. “Mum?” Ruby said once again as she peered her head around the door “hey” Ruby smiled when she saw Charlie sitting on the bed “Have you been crying?” Ruby asked as she noticed the slight dampness that was on Charlie’s cheeks. Charlie sniffed and shook her head “convincing” Ruby replied sarcastically as she walked over to Charlie and sat beside her

“I want to burn everything. I need to. But, I just don’t know if I can” Charlie said sadly, looking to Ruby briefly before she looked to the ground “There’s one thing that…I don’t want to burn” Charlie cried as she looked to Ruby. Ruby sympathetically looked to her mother and wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her gently. Charlie welcomed the comfort from her daughter and wept softly in her arms. Ruby ran her hand through Charlie’s hair, soothing her as she continued to weep

“Mum, if you don’t want to burn it, then don’t” Ruby whispered “Keep it” Charlie pulled away from Ruby slightly. She wiped her face and pushed her hair away from her face

“I don’t know if I can” Charlie replied as she shook her head

“Mum, I think you should keep it. You were so happy about it and to leave it here with the bad memories doesn’t seem right does it?”

“I guess you’re right” Charlie smiled as she went to move the covers from where she had hid the box “I kept most of the things” Charlie replied as she handed Ruby the box. Ruby smiled softly to Charlie before she removed the lid and looked inside. She took the card in her hand that Charlie had had hold of only moments before, she too, ran her finger over the writing that was to the side. A small smile appeared on her face and she reached out to grab Charlie’s hand

“Come on” Ruby said as she rose to her feet. Charlie stood up too, grabbing the box with her left hand and followed Ruby out of the room.


Stepping forward, Charlie threw the box she held in her hand, into the drum. Ruby then threw hers in on top of Charlie’s and handed Charlie the box of matches she had grabbed from the house. Charlie poured some of the petrol onto the contents of the drum before she stepped back. Ruby lit one of the matches and threw it into the drum, the petrol caught light and a flame shot up into the night sky. The fire crackled as it burned through the mountain of paper, cards and boxes. The wall of heat the fire gave off coaxed Charlie and Ruby closer to the fire, holding their hands out towards the controlled flames. They watched as the flames ate through the papers, making them no longer visible to the eye, the black charred edges of the paper was soon engulfed in a warm, orange coat. Ruby continued to add some things to the drum, each following the same pattern as the things that had gone on before. Seeing that there was no longer anything beside her to place onto the fire, Ruby looked to Charlie and smiled

“Shall we go finish packing?” Ruby suggested

“Yea” Charlie replied as she placed the card into her pocket. Ruby smiled as she saw Charlie remove her hand from her pocket, then turned to face the house. She made her way into the front room and went to the cabinet that was filled with trinkets and photos of the family throughout the years. Ruby took hold of the one with Elsie, Ross, Charlie, Ruby and Aunty Michelle. Ruby looked no older than 18months old, Charlie held Ruby in her arms with a loving smile on her face as she looked to her daughter. Elsie had hold of Ross’ hand and they looked to Charlie as she held Ruby, both with smiles on their faces. Michelle stood beside Charlie, looking on with a happy smile on her face.

“I’ve always loved this picture” Ruby smiled “All of us together on it” Charlie smiled and walked over to Ruby. “I don’t like the thought of leaving Granddad here”

“I don’t like it either Rubes. But, once we get settled, he can always come and stay with us” Charlie replied as she placed her arm around Ruby and glanced down at the picture Ruby was holding. “The photographer took the picture at the right time didn’t he”

“What do you mean?” Ruby asked

“After he took this one, you were sick everywhere. Aunty Michelle got covered”

“Ooooh” Ruby replied as she looked back to the picture

“Not what she said” Charlie laughed “But, after that you said Orry Ichelle” Charlie smiled as she remembered Ruby speaking “Michelle couldn’t be mad with you anymore, so she took you inside and cleaned you up”

“See” Ruby said as she looked to Charlie

“See what?” Charlie asked

“That smile on your face. You can still smile, pictures hold happy memories too” Ruby added as she put the picture in the box and wrapped her arms around Charlie

“I know Rubes” Charlie replied as she kissed Ruby’s forehead

“And that’s why you kept it” Ruby said “Reminds you of a happy time” Charlie held back her tears. Her eyes stung slightly as she looked down to Ruby and smiled

“Come on, lets get this finished” Charlie said as she let Ruby go and began to empty the cabinet.


“Right, all the boxes are filled, all the rooms are emptied. Should we put them in the car now or wait until tomorrow?” Ruby said as she joined Charlie on the couch

“I can’t see a thing out there now, so we may as well do it tomorrow when there is some light” Charlie replied as she pointed out of the window to show Ruby the dark sky. “I reckon, we should cal the pizza place, order the biggest pizza they have and just eat pizza and watch all the trashy movies on the movie channel. What do you think”

“I think that’s a great idea” Ruby smiled “I’ll make the call” Ruby said as she grabbed the phone and placed their usual order. Charlie scrolled through the movie listings and found one that they would both enjoy watching. Charlie pressed play to load the movie, and then pause so she and Ruby could change from their clothes and into the pyjamas. The doorbell rang and the delivery boy had arrived with the pizza and bottles of lemonade that came free. Ruby paid the boy and then took the pizza into the front room. Charlie had brought her duvet from her room and put it on the couch, ready for Ruby and her to wrap themselves up in it. Ruby put the pizza box on the table and sat on the couch next to Charlie. Charlie smiled to Ruby before pressing play. The movie began and Ruby opened the box, taking two slices and handed one of them to Charlie.

The credits rolled, listing the cast and crew. Charlie and Ruby lay fast asleep on the couch. Ruby rested her head on Charlie’s stomach as Charlie rested her head on the arm of the couch. The crusts were all that was left from the pizza and the lemonade bottles were empty. Both mother and daughter slept soundly as the minutes ticked by, bringing with it, moving day for the Buckton girls.


Thank you Danni, Carina, Sarah, Charis(Hi by the way and glad your exams are over), ScreamingQueen2006(hope your relly is alright), JosieTash, Sam and Catty. For the :wub: comments. Youre the best :D

Chapter five

Ruby stood near the car, looking to the house she had grown up in as Charlie locked the front door for the last time. Charlie sighed as she heard the lock click into place. She unhooked the house keys from her set of keys and posted them through the letter box before walking across the lawn to join Ruby and looked back to the house. Together they stood, soaking in the last few seconds they had at their old house and their old lives.

“Ready?” Charlie said as she wiped her face

“Mum, you’re not crying again are you?” Ruby asked as she looked to Charlie

“I can’t help it” Charlie replied as she smiled slightly to Ruby, who shook her head with a slight laugh that escaped her mouth.

“No, I know you can’t. I’ll miss this place too” Ruby smiled as she placed her arm around Charlie and rested her head on Charlie shoulder. “Can I drive?” Ruby asked as she smiled cheekily to Charlie

“Next year yea” Charlie replied as she gently bumped Ruby to the side “Come on, lets go”


The blue car drove along the road that went parallel with the crystal blue waters of Summer Bay. The wind blew into the car through the open windows, lifting Charlie and Ruby’s hair. Charlie looked out of her window for a brief second, smiling at the view of that met her eyes. Ruby looked out of the window also, glancing down at the beach, watching the surfers as that rode the high waves that crashed on to the golden beach. Few cars were in the car park so Charlie swung the car into one of the many free spaces. Ruby smiled to Charlie as she switched the engine off. The car fell silent and all that was heard was the water washing up on the beach, soothing and calm.

“We’ve been driving for three hours. The water looks great” Charlie said as she unbuckled herself form the car “Coming for a swim?” Charlie asked as she opened her door

“Totally” Ruby smiled as she rushed to unbuckle herself and join Charlie at the back of the car. Charlie had put a gym bag in last that had hers and Ruby’s bikinis in. They always enjoyed going swimming, and so it made sense that Charlie was already prepared with the swimming gear “Erm, problem” Ruby said as she looked around

“What?” Charlie asked as she opened the bag

“There is no where to change” Ruby replied

“We’re parked near the bush. Just hide” Charlie smiled

“Mum!” Ruby gasped “Isn’t that illegal?”

“Only if an officer catches you” Charlie smiled as she began to remove her skirt. Ruby shook her head with a smile on her face as she began to undress herself. Soon enough Charlie and Ruby were in their bikinis. “Race ya” Charlie said as she grabbed the bag and began to run toward the beach

“No fair!” Ruby shouted as she shut the boot and chased after Charlie. They laughed and chased one another across the sand, enjoying the first moments in a new town. Ruby ran to Charlie with a smile plastered on her face “This is actually happening isn’t it?” Ruby smiled

“Yea. Yea it is” Charlie replied as she wrapped her arms around Ruby and kissed her forehead softly.

In the distance, Romeo and Xavier walked along the topside of the beach carrying their surf boards. They saw Charlie and Ruby on the beach, running along, pushing each other and laughing. Xavier hit Romeo on the arm and pointed toward Charlie and Ruby as they continued to walk along toward the beach.

“Maybe they want to learn how to surf” Xavier said as he looked to Romeo

“I doubt it. Girls don’t like to surf as much as guys, it’s a masculine thing” Romeo replied

“Dude, your sister is a surfer” Xavier pointed out

“Yea, but, Mink compared to those two?” Romeo said, Xavier smiled and nodded as he thought about the comparative “See”

“Anyway, how many have you got for classes?” Xavier asked as he pushed his board into the sand and proceeded to put his wet suit on.

“A few. Not enough to allow me to go full time surf teacher, but John has said that I can always be the lifeguard” Romeo replied as he pushed his board into the sand also

“That’s something at least” Xavier said as he pulled the zip to his suit up “At least your near water and a board if anyone asks”

“Yea, and the chances of that happening are slim” Romeo replied.

“Hey, erm, do any of you two know if the diner is open?” Ruby asked as she walked over to Romeo and Xavier

“Erm, yea, its open” Xavier replied

“Okay, cool. Thanks” Ruby smiled before she turned back and walked toward Charlie. Romeo and Xavier looked to each other, and then back to Ruby as she bent to pick her towel up from the sand. Charlie smiled to Ruby and Ruby linked her arm through Charlie’s and they headed up the beach back toward the car. Nodding to each other, Romeo and Xavier ran toward the water, dove in and then ran straight back to their boards. They quickly ran the towel through their hair and unzipped their suits, making them into shorts like they were previously. They then pulled their boards from the sand and walked with a quicken pace back toward the diner.


“That was quick boys, was the waves not good?” Irene asked as she saw Romeo and Xavier stand at the counter

“No, they were rubbish” Xavier replied

“So, I take it you want your grub now rather than later?” Irene smiled

“Yea, please Irene” Romeo replied

“Take a seat, I’ll bring them over” Irene smiled. Romeo and Xavier made their way over to a spare table and seats. Just as they sat, Charlie and Ruby walked into the diner. They headed for the counter, looking at the menu on the wall.

“Oooh, eggs Benedict. What’s that?” Ruby asked as she read it from the menu

“Order it and find out” Charlie replied as she continued to look at the menu

“Maybe I wont, I’ll just have a hot chocolate and a toasted crumpet please” Ruby smiled. Charlie looked to Ruby; crumpets and hot chocolate was the Saturday morning breakfast Charlie had invented for them so they could have a pyjama day without feeling so bad about it.

“Hi, what can I get you?” Leah asked as she walked to the counter where Charlie and Ruby were still stood.

“Hi, can we get two toasted crumpets and two hot chocolates please” Charlie smiled

“Yea, sure. Do you want cream on the hot chocolates?” Leah asked

“Not on mine thanks, erm, Rubes?” Charlie asked as she looked to Ruby, who was distracted “Rubes” Charlie laughed as Ruby turned back to face Charlie quickly


“Cream, do you want any?” Charlie asked

“Erm, no. thanks” Ruby replied before retaking her gaze

“No, thanks” Charlie said to Leah.

“So, I take it you are new to the bay” Leah said as she made a note of their order

“Why do you say that?” Charlie asked as she looked in her purse for any loose change that might have been floating around

“Well, I’ve never seen you before and you were staring at the board for a while” Leah smiled

“Oh, right” Charlie smile back “Yea, we just got here. Well, about half an hour ago, we just stopped off to have a swim”

“Oh, so you’re not living in the bay” Leah asked

“We will be. Once I find somewhere for us to live. At the moment we’re just going to look into the Caravan Park. You couldn’t tell me where that is could you”

“Yea I can, but, erm, I also know of a place that has just gone up for rent” Leah replied

“Oh really” Charlie smiled

“Yea, its on James’ Street. Its actually next door to me, the house is beautiful. I can show you the house after my shift if you like” Leah said to Charlie

“Erm, yea, that would be nice. Thank you, you don’t have to go to so much trouble” Charlie replied with a smile

“No problem. I was friends with the guy who used to live there, he asked me to make sure it was well taken care of” Leah explained

“Well, thank you” Charlie smiled “I’m Charlie by the way” Charlie said as she offered her hand out to shake

“Leah” Leah smiled as she shook Charlie’s hand

“And this is Ruby” Charlie said as she pointed to Ruby

“Hi” Ruby smiled as she turned when she heard her name

“Hi, I’m Leah”

“Nice to meet you” Ruby smiled “Erm. I’ll go grab a seat” Ruby said to Charlie with a smile

“You go to. I’ll bring your order to you when they’re ready” Leah smiled

“You sure?” Charlie asked

“Yea” Leah replied before heading into the kitchen. Charlie turned whilst looking down at her purse, zipping the coin section up, when she felt herself bump into someone

“Oh god, sorry” Charlie said as soon as she felt the contact of another person

“Not god. Angelo. And it was my fault” Angelo smiled as he slid backward. Charlie couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape from her

“Charlie” Charlie replied

“Nice to meet you Charlie. And I’m sorry about bumping into you”

“Don’t be. I wasn’t looking where I was going” Charlie replied as she looked to Angelo once more before walking away. Angelo smiled and watched as she continued to walk toward the table where Ruby had sat herself down.

“Who was that?” Ruby smiled as she leaned into the middle of the table, to add privacy into the conversation

“Angelo” Charlie replied as she placed her purse, keys and phone on the table

“Angelo?” Ruby repeated

“Yes, Angelo” Charlie replied

“Okay.” Ruby smiled slyly. “So, what was Leah talking to you about?”

“Erm, there’s a house up for sale or rent on the same street she lives on. She said she’d take us to see after her shift” Charlie replied

“Oh right. So, we may actually have a house this time next week” Ruby smiled

“Yea, hopefully” Charlie smiled

“Am I still having next week off school?” Ruby asked

“I’m thinking you’ll have to go to school on the Wednesday” Charlie replied

“Why?” Ruby asked

“I have to go to work on Wednesday, I think. And I can’t leave you at the….wherever we will be next week”

“Mum, I’m 16. You can trust me to stay out of trouble you know”

“I know I can, but, if I get found out that I’ve had you out of school for longer than is needed, I’ll get it in the neck. And I really can’t be dealing with all that again” Charlie replied as she looked to the table where her hands were playing with the napkin that was placed in the centre of the table.

“Mum, what happened last time, I needed to be off school with you. You were in no state to be alone. Granddad couldn’t come and help, neither could Morag. And Matt wasn’t much use” Ruby replied as she placed her hand on top of Charlie’s. Charlie smiled as Ruby did this.

“But still. Can you go to school?”

“Only because its you” Ruby replied with a cheeky smile.

“Here you are” Leah smiled as she placed the plates and the cups down on the table “Erm, Charlie. I finish at 12 today, so, if you like, I can meet you at the surf club just after. I can take you to see the house”

“Erm, yea, that sounds good” Charlie replied

“Okay good. I’ll leave you to it then” Leah smiled before walking away

“She seems friendly” Ruby said as she went to bite some of her crumpet

“Yea, she does” Charlie replied as went to drink some of her chocolate.

“Not even one hour and so far we have spoken to, or, in your case, bumped into some really nice people” Ruby smiled as she glanced at the clock that was on the wall “The Bay seems great already” Charlie laughed slightly as she put her cup back on to the table. Ruby looked to Charlie’s side for a brief moment before grabbing her cup and bringing it to her mouth “So, when do you have to go to school?” Ruby asked as she looked back to Charlie, holding the cup in front of her mouth

“On your first day. Mr. Scaife should have sent the details to the school by then” Charlie replied

“Mum, Mr. Scaife doesn’t know what school to send them to” Ruby replied

“I know, but he will. At least once I’ve called him on Monday telling him the address” Charlie smiled

“Oh right” Ruby replied “So where is this house?” Ruby asked before taking a sip of her drink

“On James Street. Wherever that is” Charlie replied.


“Surf Club” Ruby repeated “You know, maybe a huge sign about would help”

“You mean, like that one” Charlie replied as she pointed to the huge sign that had an arrow pointing to the building

“Yea, like that” Ruby replied, feeling her face redden slightly

“Only you Rubes” Charlie laughed as she placed her arm around Ruby

“Yea yea” Ruby smiled as she hugged Charlie and headed toward the Surf Club to meet Leah. They walked in and saw people playing pool and chatting. They also saw Angelo walk up the stairs carrying a box of wine bottles followed by an older man, also carrying a box of wine. They also saw Romeo and Xavier sat at one of the tables; still in their wet suits and with a juice bottle in their hand.

“Charlie, Ruby” Leah smiled as she walked over to them “Hi”

“Hi” Charlie replied “Erm, thank you so much for doing this for us”

“No worries. Its fine” Leah smiled as she wiped her hands out in front of her, assuring Charlie that this wasn‘t a problem at all “Okay, erm, have you got a car?” Charlie nodded “Right, I’ll drive there, so if you just follow me in the car, we’ll be there in about ten minutes” Leah smiled as Charlie nodded. Leah turned, and made her way out of the Surf Club and to her car. Charlie and Ruby got into their car and followed Leah to James Street. The drive was only a few minutes, a nice walk only taking about ten minutes. Charlie noticed a sign which said Yabbie Creek, so she knew she was only a few minutes away from work. Leah stopped her car and pulled into her drive. Charlie indicated, and pulled up to the curb. She and Ruby then got out of the car and looked to the house Leah was pointing to.


Thank you RachlovesH&A, Danni, Carina, Charis(enjoy your weekend away0, ScreamingQueen2006(I hope everything goes well with your relly and the doctor) & Sarah for the comments! :D

Chapter 6

The fence stood proudly at the edge of the well kept garden. Flowers filled the dirt tracks that were in front of the fence. Ivy climbed the outside of the beautifully white-washed house. Shutters -painted the same colour as the fence- were open, revealing the large windows that allowed lots of light through into the house. A tear trickled down Charlie’s face. Ruby took Charlie’s hand and squeezed it gently. Charlie looked to Ruby, smiled to her and wiped the tear that rolled down her face.

“So, what do you think?” Leah asked as she happily walked over to Charlie and Ruby. “It may need a couple of coats on the outside, but inside its fine. Fully furnished and everything. Mr. Wilson had new things put in”

“Its lovely. In fact, its like the one my parents had in the city” Charlie replied. Leah smiled

“Oh. So, do you want to have a look inside?”

“Don’t we need an agent or someone to do that? Isn’t it illegal to enter the house?” Ruby asked as she looked to Charlie and then to Ruby

“So you do listen to me when I bring work home with me” Charlie smiled as she looked to Ruby

“Sometimes yea” Ruby replied

“Not in this case. Mr. Wilson wanted a quick sale or rental. He’d prefer sale, and he’s willing to drop the price a little, but ….” Leah replied. She saw the looks she was getting from Charlie and Ruby when she mentioned sale, and stopped herself from continuing

“How much is it for sale at?” Charlie asked

“How do you have enough money?” Ruby asked

“When mum died she left me some money. I was going to use it for the other thing, but seeing as though I never got round to having it, it can go toward us” Charlie replied, looking to Ruby who in return, squeezed Charlie’s hand a little more.

“I don’t know how much. But, don’t you want to have a look inside first?” Leah replied

“That might be a good idea” Charlie replied

“Ok, I’ll just go get the keys” Leah replied as she headed for her own house.

“I didn’t know you were going to use the money for that” Ruby said to Charlie once Leah was out of earshot

“Well, I was gonna use how ever much was needed to sort all that out. Getting the room sorted and everything. And then the rest I was going to spend on you”

“Me? Why me?” Ruby replied

“Because I always want you to know that, no matter what happens for me in my life, you will still be the one person I will never forget about.”

“Aww, mum” Ruby replied with tears in her eyes “You could never forget about me” Ruby added as she wrapped her around Charlie and gave her a hug.


Jack sat at his desk with some case files in front of him. Avery sat at his desk in front of Jack and the other officers stood next to Jack, talking about a few things, none of which related to any case that the officers were working on.

“So, when does this new officer get here?” Officer Williams asked

“Anytime from 1” Jack replied “And they wont be working, its just to sign a few things and give them a show around before Wednesday”

“Do we know anything about him?”

“Charlie? He’s got an impressive summary here. Says he was able to solve a case within three weeks” Jack said as he read from the notes he had written down.

“What case was it?” Georgina asked as she handed Jack a coffee.

“Doesn’t say. We’ll have to find out when Charlie gets here” Jack said as he took a sip of his coffee. Georgina walked over to her desk. She shook her head and sighed as she sat down.

“And I’m sure he’s single, and cute” Officer William’s teased as he walked passed. Georgina outstretched her arm, trying to hit Williams in the leg, but he went away too fast.

“Jack” Michael shouted as he covered the phone with his hand

“Yea?” Jack replied as she looked over to Michael

“There’s an altercation at the wharf in the Bay. Mrs. Smart is on the phone now”

“Ok, I’m on my way. Get more info from her and radio them through. Georgie, with me” Jack replied as he grabbed the keys and headed toward the door with Georgie following behind.


Marilyn smiled to Martha as she handed two juices over the counter. Martha took them from Marilyn and headed back to where Rachel was sitting. Marilyn put the money into the till and walked out from behind the counter and toward the stairs that leaded to Angelo’s restaurant. A non-casual member of staff walked behind the counter and began to serve the next customer. Marilyn began to ascended the stairs, tripping on one as she reached the top.

“Here” Martha smiled as she handed one of the drinks to Rachel

‘Thanks” Rachel replied as she took one from Martha. “So are you and Jack still coming around to ours for some dinner tonight?”

“Yea, if you are still wanting us” Martha replied

“Of course we are. You can help me get Tony to finish off the baby’s room” Rachel smiled

“He still hasn’t finished?” Martha asked as she eyebrows shot up “He does realise the baby is due in four weeks”

“He says he’ll get round to it. John has him at the gym nearly all the time, trying to come up with new ways to get people in”

“Well, I’ll see what I can do. He might listen to me” Martha smiled

“Thanks. I know Tony will be getting tired of me saying about the room, but, I want him there when this baby is born” Rachel replied as she ran her free hand over her stomach “And I want to be able to bring him home from the hospital and into his room to sleep. I don’t want to have to wait another few days until he’s done the room”

“I know you do” Martha smiled as she placed her hand on Rachel’s arm. “I’ll talk to Jack tonight when he gets home, see if he can talk to Tony”

“I thought you were going to talk to him”

“I will, but Jack can be back up if Tony doesn’t start the room” Martha replied, causing Rachel to laugh slightly.

“Hey Angelo” Rachel smiled as Angelo walked over to them

“Hey ladies. Erm, you haven’t seen Marilyn have you?” Angelo asked as he leant on the back of the chair

“She just went up the stairs to your place” Martha replied

“Oh right, thanks. Anyway, how are you feeling Rach” Angelo asked as he sat himself in the chair beside Rachel

“Alright. Tired, but alright” Rachel replied

“Cant be long now can it?”

“No, four weeks” Rachel replied

“Has Tony got around to sorting the baby’s room out yet or is that still a working progress?”

“Working progress” Rachel replied with a smile

“Right, well, I’ll leave you ladies to it” Angelo smiled as he rose to his feet and headed toward the stairs. Martha glanced to the door and saw that Jack walked in, a smile appeared on her face and she rose to her feet and walked over to him

“Hey, I thought you were at work until late tonight” Martha said as she pulled away from Jack’s lips

“I am. Colleen called the station saying something was up at the wharf. We’ve just finished there. I’m gonna grab a juice for me and the guys and then head back to the station” Jack replied “Sorry, I know I’ve been working stupid hours lately, but we’ve been short staffed recently” Jack added when he saw the disappointment in Martha’s face “I’ll make it up to you, I promise” Jack added as he took Martha’s hands in his

“Really?” Martha smiled

“Really” Jack repeated with a smile.

“Ok. I’ll see you later then” Martha said before she kissed Jack and before she walked back to Rachel.


“So we’re really getting the house?” Ruby smiled

“I don’t see why not. I can just about afford it. We’d have to be careful what we spend, but yea, we’re buying” Charlie replied as she and Ruby entered the diner after having followed Leah there. “Wait a minute”


“What time is it?” Charlie asked as she instinctively grabbed her right wrist, looking for the watch she had removed to go into the sea

‘Erm. Just after quarter to 1” Ruby replied after looking at the clock that hung on the wall ‘Why?”

“I have to go to the station. Neil called them and arranged a meeting for me” Charlie replied

“A meeting?” Ruby asked

“Well, not so much a meeting as such, more like a quick brief and introduction to the other officers before my shift on Wednesday” Charlie replied

“What time do you start on Wednesday?” Ruby asked

“Nine, I think. Why?” Charlie asked

“You have to sign a few things at school for me” Ruby replied

“Oh yea. I’ll just tell them that I have something to do before hand”

“Why not tell them the truth?” Ruby asked


“Mum don’t” Ruby butted in “We’ve started new here, don’t let what happened in the city hold you back”

“Its not that. I told Mr. Scaife about you didn’t I?” Charlie replied

“Yea. But I was in high school already when you and Ma….Him first got together. So nothing had happened” Ruby replied “Is that what you’re worried about?”


“That what happened with Matt will happen here?” Charlie broke her gaze in Ruby’s eyes to look to the ground “Mum, you can’t think like that. We decided to move here together. To start a new life”

“I know, I know. Its just…” Charlie trailed off.

“Okay. I get it” Ruby smiled

“I will tell…I will…but…..”

“When you’re ready” Ruby finished

“I’m sorry Rubes” Charlie cried

“Mum, don’t be. I guess all this is easier for me” Ruby replied. “Hey. How about I come to the station with you. Maybe that will help”

“Thanks, but, I need to learn to do things by myself Rubes. You’ve got your own things to do and new friends to make”

“I know I do. But, its only been over a week since Matt left and a little longer than that for the…” Ruby paused “I coming. I want to” Ruby smiled as she looked to Charlie. Charlie wiped her face and smiled back to her daughter. Leah was nowhere in sight so they made their way back out of the diner and toward Charlie’s car.


Again, thank you so much Sam, Danni, JosieTash, RR1, Sarah, Carina, RachlovesH&A for the :wub: comments xx

Hope you like

Chapter Seven

Jack stood behind the desk in the reception, holding a thick file in his hand. His face contorted as he read through the findings from the case.

“I hate I when cases make us have faces like that” Charlie smiled as she walked up to and stood at the desk

“Yea, there a pain” Jack agreed as he continued his gaze on the file. “Can I help you?” Jack added as he closed the file.

“Yea, I’m looking for a Jack Holden” Charlie said as she looked around the station. Jack looked up to the voice. His eyes slowly raised up until they made contact with Charlie’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Who are you?” Jack asked

“You’re Jack?” Jack nodded. “I’m Charlie Buckton. You’re expecting me” Jacks -And all the other male officers- eyes widened.

“You’re Charlie?” Jack said, his voice slightly high

“Yea, I can show you my drivers licence if you like” Charlie smiled, amused at the reactions she received

“No, no, no, I believe you, its just, we were sort of expecting…”

“A 6ft man with huge muscles?’ Charlie finished

“Well, yea” Jack confessed

“Sorry to disappoint you, I’ve only got little muscles” Charlie said as she folded her arm, showing her muscle

“Its not a disappointment” An officer said who stood near the office, his comment causing Charlie to turn around slightly with a smile on her face.

“Anyway” Jack said, trying to keep some professionalism, “We have a spare uniform for you, although it maybe a bit big. But we can ring for a new one” Jack continued as he looked through the documents on the desk.

“So I take it you’re in charge?” Charlie asked as Jack handed Charlie a few papers.

“For now yes” Jack replied “Erm, you don’t start until Wednesday do you?”

“That’s right. I hope that’s still alright. I’ve just got a few things to do at my daughters school, and she doesn’t start until Wednesday” Charlie replied

“Yea that’s fine. Which school is your daughter going to?” Jack asked

“Summer Bay High” Charlie replied

“My aunt is the principle there” Jack said, causing Charlie to panic slightly. “Don’t worry, she’s nice enough. Not like other principles” Jack smiled, trying to take the look of panic from Charlie’s face.

“Erm, I’ll see you on Wednesday then” Charlie smiled as she grabbed the rest of the paperwork Jack held in his hand “Bye” Charlie added as she walked quickly out of the station. Jack watched, looking confused as to the sudden change Charlie had just shown.

“Okay, I’ve never said this before. But, been a police officer has finally paid off” an officer said as he walked over to Jack whilst looking to the door.


Charlie walked to the car, breathing heavily as she fought of the sudden dread she felt. Ruby grabbed the door and pushed herself up as Charlie got into the car and grabbed hold of the steering wheel and focussed on a tree she could see through the windshield of the car.

“God mum, you scared me” Ruby said as she put her hand on her chest. “Mum” Ruby said as she noticed the look on Charlie’s face “Mum, what happened?”

“Jack’s aunt is your new principle” Charlie replied monotonously

“So?” Ruby replied “Oh” Ruby added as she realised “Mum, I don’t think the principle will tell Jack” Ruby said as she placed her hand on Charlie’s

“You don’t know that Rubes” Charlie cried as she turned her head to face Ruby

“No, I know I don’t. But, you wont be telling the principle how you had me” Ruby replied

“I know, but, it’s the looks I’ll get from them. And I know they’ll think I was a stupid young kid, and its that that I can’t cope with” Charlie said as she looked to Ruby with tear-glazed eyes. “I can’t go through it again” Charlie cried “I don’t think I could handle it again”

“Mum. Don’t do this to yourself. Please. I know we can be happy here, and I know you know that too. What happened with Matt, that wont happen here, things will be different”

“How can you be so sure?” Charlie asked

“Because we’ve already met some really nice people. People who are going to be cool with this”

“Rubes, I really wish I could share your optimism. I really do” Charlie began “Its just..”

“What Matt did really hurt you” Ruby finished.

“Yea” Charlie replied “And it started with the looks I got”

“This will be different. I promise” Ruby replied as she moved herself -as best she could- closer to Charlie and wrapped her arms around her. As she rested her head on Charlie’s shoulder, Ruby looked out of the window and wondered if Summer Bay was the place where they could both find the love after their life in the city. After the pain that Charlie had gone through and after the treatment Ruby had received from Matt.


“So?” Martha said as she opened the fridge and grabbed an open bottle of wine “Did Charlie turn up?” Martha asked as she handed Jack a glass of wine

“Yea” Jack answered, still bewildered by the fact Charlie is a woman

“Well, is he everything you were expecting?” Martha asked as she sat down next to Jack, drinking her wine.

“Sort of” Jack replied

“What do you mean ‘sort of’?” Martha asked

“Charlie Buckton is a woman” Jack answered

“A woman? You sure?” Martha asked. Questioning what she had just heard, mostly due to the fact that she read the previous history on Charlie.

“Martha, she was gorgeous! Of course I’m sure” Jack replied.

“So she’s made an impression then” Martha asked as she took another sip of wine

“Yea. The guys were drooling all over her. I think it may cause some problems” Jack said

“What kind of problems? Martha asked

“Charlie was only in for 5 minutes, and, you could see the level of professionalism drop. Plus I think Charlie just gained another two stripes on her uniform”

“How is that a problem?” Martha asked

“Every time Charlie is around the guys, they loose focus on what they are supposed to be doing. What if we’re out on a job and someone has a gun? If Charlie is around, they guys will be more focussed on her than what they’re meant to be doing” Jack answered

“Ok, firstly, stop worrying. Charlie is a big girl, I’m sure she can cope. Secondly, you can’t really tell her she can’t work with you because she’s too pretty” Martha replied

“I just..”

“Jack stop. Worry about Charlie and the guys on Wednesday” Martha smiled as she placed her hand on Jack’s shoulder. Jack smiled uneasily “What is it?”

“Nothing” Jack replied. Martha raised her eyebrows and looked to Jack “Okay, well, Charlie checked that it was still ok for her to start on Wednesday, I said that was fine, and its because Charlie has some paper work to do with Gina at the school for her daughter” Martha’s eyes widened

“High School? Charlie has a daughter, high school age?”

“Yea. I’m assuming she’ll be in first year. Charlie doesn’t look that old. Maybe a little younger than me, and I’m thirty-one” Jack replied

“Okay, so Charlie has a daughter. I still don’t see what the problem is”

“No, its no problem. Its just, she looks so young”


“Are you sure you’re ok?” Ruby asked as she emptied the last box into the cupboard

“Rubes, I’m fine” Charlie replied as she collapsed the box she had just emptied. When the box was collapsed, Charlie hit her hands down on the box “You’re right, I need to find a way of thinking positive about everything, I need to keep what happened with Matt in the past” Charlie said as she looked to Ruby “You’ve been able to do it, I should be able to too”

“Yea, but, for me it was easier. All Matt did to me was hit me with words that just bounced right off me” Ruby replied

“But you never deserved to have them things said to you. Not even by someone like Matt. And I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him” Charlie said to Ruby as she walked over to Ruby and took her hand

“Mum, don’t. You did this when it happened, and you made yourself more poorly“ Ruby replied “I was fine”

“But I’m your mum, I’m supposed to look out for you, take care of you. Not the other way around” Charlie cried

“Mum. Matt had left you, you were still recovering from the m…. from that. There was no way you could have done that and look out for me. I had to be the one looking out for you” Ruby replied “Look at you, I mean, you’re still not fully over it. I’m not, it was devastating, but, we just have to focus on what we can and will have here” Ruby said as she moved the strand of hair from Charlie’s face to behind her ear.

“You know what” Charlie said as she pulled herself away from Ruby and wiped her face. “You’re right. You were right about the move, everything. So, I’m going to call Leah, and take her up on that offer of a meal tonight. What do you say?”

“I say that’s the mum I know” Ruby smiled as she hugged her mother.


Charlie and Ruby ascended the stairs from the Surf Club to Angelo’s. Charlie never made the connection, she was concentrating more on been positive and making at least one friend in the bay. Ruby looked around at the decor in the restaurant, she stopped looking when she noticed the two boys from the beach. Ruby bit her lip and walked closer to Charlie.

“Charlie, Ruby” Leah smiled as she stood up from the stool at the bar. “How are you settling in?”

“Alright” Charlie replied as she pulled away from the hug “Thank you so much for helping us out. I can’t believe how quick its happened. I thought it’d be longer” Charlie replied as she took a seat at the bar.

“No problem. Like I said before, Mr. Wilson is a great man, I wanted to help him find someone who would take care of the house” Leah replied

“What can I get you Leah?” Alf asked as he wiped one of the glasses with the towel

“Can I just get a glass of red please” Leah answered “Erm, Charlie. What would you like?”

“Medium white please” Charlie replied as she looked to Alf.

“You new to the bay?” Alf asked as he placed a glass on the bar top and proceeded to pour some red wine into it

“Yea, just moved here” Charlie smiled

“And I take it Leah here is helping you settle” Alf asked as he took some white wine from the fridge and poured it into a second glass

“Yea” Charlie replied as she took the glass from Alf “Thank you”

“So, where have you moved from?” Alf asked as he put the bottle back into the fridge

“The city. A job offer came up here, and I decided to take it” Charlie smiled

“I have a sister in the city. She was supposed to come for a visit a few weeks ago, but something in the family happened, so she didn’t” Alf replied.

“I didn’t know Morag was supposed to be coming for a visit” Leah said to Alf. Alf was just about to speak once more when Charlie began to choke. “Charlie? Are you alright?”

“I’m….fine…I’m just gonna…get some air” Charlie spluttered as she rose to her feet. Charlie wiped her face as she headed for the balcony that looked over the beach, she breathed in deep, trying to calm herself down, not only from choking but from finding out that Alf and Morag were siblings. Ruby looked form the bar at Charlie, she could tell Charlie was composing herself.

“Will Charlie be alright?” Leah asked Ruby as she looked back to Ruby

“Yea, she’ll be fine” Ruby replied as she took a sip of the juice Alf had served her

“Angelo, mate. We don’t have anymore of the Shiraz left after the three in the rack” Alf said as Angelo emerged from the kitchen and behind the bar

“We don’t?” Angelo asked, Alf shook his head “Damn. Erm, I’ll call the supplier. Erm, can you push any of the other wines?” Angelo asked

“I can try mate, but these posh ones, they like the Shiraz” Alf replied as he pointed to a table filled with people and about seven bottles of wine.

“Do the best you can, they’ll just have to demote themselves” Angelo replied as he grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“Alright mate” Alf replied as Angelo walked away from the bar and toward a table near the balcony. Angelo smiled to the customer and opened the bottle in front of them, he poured the first glass for them both before putting the bottle on the table. He turned to walk away when he felt himself bump into someone

“Excuse me” Angelo said as he moved himself from the body he had bumped into, placing his hands out, ready to catch whoever it was he’d bumped into. “Charlie” Angelo smiled as he straightened himself up.

“Angelo” Charlie replied with a smile “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going”

“No, it was my fault” Angelo said as he shook his head “Here, let me get you a drink. On the house” Angelo smiled as he led Charlie back to the bar.

“Charlie, you alright?” Leah asked as Charlie retook her seat

“Yea, I’m fine. Sorry, I just, needed some air, that’s all” Charlie replied.

“Here you are” Angelo smiled as he placed another glass of wine on the bar top. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a supplier to call” Angelo said as he spun on his feet and grabbed the phone from the wall. Charlie bit her lip as she watched Angelo, she then looked to her hands that was on the bar top. Ruby smiled as she saw the look on Charlie’s face.

“So” Leah said “We should have a table in about five minutes. Xavier came over when you were outside”

“Oh right” Charlie replied

“Charlie, are you sure you are alright?” Leah asked as she looked to Charlie

“Yea I’m fine. don’t worry” Charlie replied. Leah nodded at the response, but she was unconvinced. “So, how long have you known Mr. Wilson?” Charlie asked, changing the subject.

“About six years. But I’ve lived next door to him since I moved here, and that was nearly ten years ago” Leah replied

“Leah, I don’t suppose you know who they are do you?” Ruby asked as she pointed to Xavier and Romeo

“The smaller of the two is Xavier Austin, if you enrol at the High School you’ll be in the same year. His mum is the principle there. And the other one is Romeo Smith, he lives at the Caravan Park House with Alf and Miles and Nicole”

“So everybody knows everybody here?” Charlie asked, trying not to show that she was fretting inside

“Yea. We’re like a huge family” Leah smiled

“I can see that” Charlie smiled “It must be nice”

“It is. You think you’re alone, but, you just look around you, and you realise that you’re not alone. At all” Leah replied. Charlie turned to face Ruby as Leah spoke, smiling as she looked to Ruby who returned the smile.

“Looks like we made the right decision, moving here. Its lovely” Ruby smiled “Don’t you think mum?” Ruby added as she looked to Charlie. Charlie nodded happily, but when she looked to Leah, the smile disappeared and a slight essence of worry filled Charlie’s face. Leah sat, looking open-mouthed at Charlie and Ruby.

Had she heard right? Did Ruby just call Charlie mum?

Leah’s jaw moved up and down. But no sound came out. She looked on, bewildered at the echoing word that went through her mind. Blinking, for what seemed to be the thousandth time, Leah focussed on Charlie and then to Ruby, trying to work out how Charlie could have a daughter the age Ruby was.


Hey guys, sorry for the delay, my memory stick broke lol and I lost all the work. Danni! thanks for the help in getting it all back!

Anyway, thank you Danni, Rach, Carina, lollypop, Sarah, RR1, Charis and JosieTash for the :wub: comments. They mean a lot :D

Chapter eight

“Mother and daughter” Leah spoke after what seemed hours. Her mouth was slightly dry from it been open, yet she wasn’t overly shocked that she had heard the word ‘mum’ been spoken from Ruby’s lips, and for it to be referring to Charlie. She could see the closeness the two had, just by watching them; but she never thought it would be from them being mother and daughter. -or at least, a small part of her thought that- Leah had a sip of her water

“Leah…..” Charlie began, as if to explain herself

“Charlie, you have a daughter. So what? I have a son” Leah replied as she held her hand up to stop Charlie from talking “I don’t need to know how you got pregnant. I mean I know how you got pregnant, but I don’t need to know the circumstances. It just…it explains so much” Leah smiled

“I’m going to go to the bathroom” Ruby said after a brief silent period had fallen.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?” Leah asked as she leaned closer to Charlie “I mean, I reckon you and I are the same age, but, Ruby. She looks fifteen or sixteen” Leah added

“She’s sixteen. I was fourteen when I had her” Charlie replied “I was thirty a few weeks ago” Charlie added, feeling herself wanting to pull away from the conversation because she had a dread wash over her that how Matt reacted would be repeated with Leah. But part of her wanted to carry on talking. Charlie wasn’t sure if it was because Leah had one of those faces or if Charlie genuinely wanted to tell Leah.

“Charlie. I don’t need to know” Leah smiled as she placed her hand on Charlie’s. Charlie smiled softly as a lone tear fell from her eye

“Sorry. I just…Ruby said coming here would be the best thing for the both of us. I kept the offer a secret from her for a week because I thought she was happy in the city. Turns out she was just as miserable there as I was” Charlie replied as she wiped the tear that had slowly rolled down her cheek

“Oh I’m sorry Charlie” Leah replied sympathetically. “You don’t have to tell me”

“No I know” Charlie began as she smiled to herself “I thought I couldn’t talk about this. But, I’ve realised I can’t push what happened out of my mind. I have to face it and if I can’t talk about it, then I’m stuffed” Charlie continued “Matt, my ex-boyfriend, I was with him for five years. I loved him and I’m sure he loved me. But you know how that goes”

“Yea, you think that’s it. The one, for keeps” Leah added as she drank some more of her wine “And then everything goes south. They find a reason to leave you”

“Or they don’t believe you, shout abuse at you and your daughter” Charlie said before bringing her glass toward her mouth. Leah was about to reply to Charlie when her phone rang.

Ellie, what’s wrong?” Leah asked as she listened to Ellie “Oh god, alright, I’m on my way, as soon as you hear my car pull up, go, I’ll pay you tomorrow or something” Leah hung up and grabbed her bag “I’m sorry Charlie, my babysitters dad has been rushed into hospital…”

“Its fine. Go” Charlie replied, nearly choking on her drink as she assured Leah it was fine for her to go

“I’ll speak to you when you get home, yea?” Leah nodded as she backed toward the door. Charlie nodded in response as Ruby made her way back to Charlie. Leah waved and smiled to Ruby before she disappeared down the stairs.

“What’s that about?” Ruby asked as she sat herself down, looking back to Charlie after looking at the door where she had just seen Leah looking worried

“Erm, the babysitter has a family emergency. Leah’s gone home to be with her son” Charlie replied as she brought her glass to her mouth once more

“Mum” Ruby said as she looked to Charlie and saw how at ease Charlie was, mixed with a little apprehension “are you alright?” Charlie swallowed what drink she had in her mouth and put the glass back on to the table.

“Yea. Why would you ask?” Charlie replied as she smiled.

“Because, and please don’t take this wrong, but, you seem, happier” Ruby began. Charlie sat herself up slightly and looked to Ruby “I told you not to take this wrong” Ruby said as she held her hands up after pointing to Charlie

“I’ll give you two minutes to make your point” Charlie smiled as she grabbed Ruby’s hands and placed them on the table

“Did you and Leah talk about Matt? Or something that happened in the city? Because, you seem happier in yourself” Ruby began. Charlie looked to Ruby, still waiting for Ruby explain her previous statement. “You know what I mean, like, one minute a baby can be happy bouncing around, and then after its burped, it’s even happier. You’re sort of like that” Ruby explained. But she was met by Charlie’s bemused face.

“Are you comparing me to a baby’s belch?” Charlie asked, trying not to laugh

“No…Well, in a way yes, but all I mean is, whatever you talked about, its helped. And I think you know yourself that its helped” Ruby replied

“It has. It really has. After Matt, I didn’t think I could tell anyone. I thought that you and I would always get the same treatment.” Charlie replied as she played with her fingers “But, talking to Leah, I found myself not even attempting to hold back, I told her how old I was when I had you, and she didn’t even care” Charlie smiled

“I told you” Ruby smiled

“But its not the full story though is it Rubes. And it’s that that I don’t think I can cope with” Charlie replied on the verge of tears

“Mum. Matt was a jerk, he was self-centred and obnoxious”

“I know. And I know that people are going to figure it out sooner or later, but, it doesn’t mean that I’ll ever be ready for that day” Charlie smiled awkwardly

“Mum. I really don’t think Leah, Irene or any of the other people we have met here are going to say or do what Matt did. I don’t think they’re like that. And, I understand that you aren’t ready for people to know just yet, and I’m not going to tell anyone. I saw what happened to you and I hated watching you like that. I don’t want to have that happen again” Ruby said as she took Charlie’s hand in hers and squeezed it gently “We just have to believe that what happened in the city, won’t happen here"

“It wont happen here” Charlie repeated

“Exactly” Ruby smiled “How about we go and walk on the beach. Its stuffy in here and I don’t want to go home just yet” Ruby suggested as she looked out of the doors and then back to Charlie.

“Sounds good. I’ll just go and pay” Charlie smiled as she rose to her feet. Ruby watched as Charlie walked over to the bar to pay for the food. Ruby knew that she would see her mother relaxed and at ease, but she never planned on it been this quick. Ruby couldn’t help but smile to herself when she realised that, Charlie was on the right path to heal her past scars, to move passed that part of her life and focus on the new life she and Ruby would have in the bay. Tears glazed over Ruby’s eyes as she rose to her feet and began to walk over to Charlie. “Thanks Alf” Charlie smiled as she took the receipt from Alf

“No worries love” Alf replied as he closed the till. He smiled back to Charlie before walking down the bar to the next waiting customer. Charlie turned and was met by Ruby.

“Hey” Charlie smiled “Rubes, are you ok?” Charlie asked, noticing the glaze in Ruby’s eyes

“Yea, I’m just… I can see the difference in you already. This time two weeks ago, I didn’t think I’d see this happen. At least, not as soon as this”

"Aww Rubes" Charlie smiled as she felt Ruby's words in hit her heart. “Come here” Charlie said as she opened her arms out. Ruby smiled as she placed herself in Charlie’s embrace. Neither one of them caring that they were still in the restaurant with people staring at them. “Ready for that walk?” Charlie asked as she gently tapped Ruby on her back

“Yea” Ruby replied as she pulled away from Charlie and began to walk out of the restaurant.


“I guess I should be able to place all this behind me, but there’s one part of me that doesn’t want to forget it” Charlie said as she walked along the beach with her right arm linked through Ruby’s left arm.

“I don’t think you should forget that part either. Even though it didn’t go the way you we hoping it would, you still we happy about it, and so was Granddad and Morag. If you let yourself forget about it, then you are letting Matt control you” Ruby replied

“I know. Your right, I’m just making this harder for myself really aren’t I?” Charlie asked as she looked to Ruby. Although Ruby was only 16, she was so wise. Charlie never took the credit for that: it was something Ruby’s Grandmother had instilled into her from a very young age. Ruby looked to her mother and shook her head.

“No. Matt made this hard on you” Ruby began “He made it hard on both of us. And you know what Granddad and Morag would have done if they were anywhere near Matt” Ruby smiled

“Yea. No kids for him” Charlie replied with a smile

“It will get easier mum. I know I’ve had it a little easier than you, but, it will get better” Ruby spoke softly as they continued to walk along the beach. Charlie glanced down to her daughter as they continued their walk and the smile on her face grew. Charlie had no idea how she would have coped if Ruby wasn’t there at the house when Matt left. Charlie had no idea what would have happened if Ruby wasn’t in the house the night Matt found out about Ruby’s biological father. All that Charlie knew was, Ruby was her rock. The one person who would be there for her no matter what.

“I’m sorry Rubes” Charlie said to Ruby as she stopped walking.

“Why are you sorry?” Ruby asked, confused as to why Charlie was apologising.

“I always seem to turn to you first. And I don’t even think about what it is doing to your own life” Charlie cried

“Mum…” Ruby began but Charlie spoke over her

“No Rubes, its not fair on you. And, even though Toby pashed your friend, it was things that was going on with me that caused that to happen”

“Mum no. It was my choice to stay with you, you needed me and, I needed you” Ruby said as she took Charlie’s arms and held them tight.

“How did you need me?” Charlie asked, remembering the state she was in afterward

“For the hugs. I may only have lost one thing, but it still hurt. And, even though you needed the hugs more than I did, I was getting the comfort I needed” Ruby smiled with tears in her eyes. Charlie looked to Ruby and smiled as she pulled Ruby close for a hug.


Walking along the top, over looking the beach, Jack and Martha paced slowly; holding hands and enjoying the peaceful night the Bay offered each and every night. They’d been to one of the many restaurants in Yabbie Creek, a favourite place of Martha’s.

“Dessert wasn’t that good at the restaurant. What shall we have?” Martha asked as she stood in front of Jack, biting her lip suggestfully.

“Charlie?” Jack replied

“Charlie? What’s Charlie?” Martha asked as she looked to Jack, confused by his response. Jack looked down onto the beach, Martha followed his eye line and saw two women stood on the beach. Martha assumed the taller and older looking one was Charlie.

“Charlie!” Jack shouted as he made his way over to Charlie and Ruby

“Who is that?” Ruby asked through the corner of her mouth

“That’s Jack. A new colleague” Charlie replied as she wiped her face

“Hey. How you doing?” Jack asked as he looked to Charlie and then to Ruby and back again

“Good thanks. You?” Charlie replied

“Yea, good. Martha and I have just got back. Saw you down here so I thought I’d do some introductions” Jack smiled as Martha joined the little group. “Charlie, this is Martha. My wife”

“Hi, I’m Charlie and this is Ruby” Charlie replied as she pointed to Ruby, matching the action with the voice.

“Hi” Martha said to Ruby, who smiled in response. “So you’re Charlie?” Martha asked as she looked back to Charlie

“You read my file?” Charlie asked, noticing the look on Martha’s face upon the utterance of Charlie’s name

“No, Jack said a new officer was been transferred. Jack assumed it was a man, so I did too” Martha replied

“Oh right” Charlie smiled “It does sound like I’m a man though doesn’t it?”

“Only a very little bit” Jack replied

“That cleared that up” Ruby smiled “So how long have you two been married?” Ruby asked.

“Nearly a year” Martha replied “What about you Charlie? Ever been married?” Ruby’s eyes widened. Charlie fought the urge to shed a tear.

“Erm….no. I don’t think marriage and I will agree” Charlie smiled, feeling that a smile would be better than the tears that she wanted to let fall down.

“Have you got your daughter sorted at the High School yet?” Jack asked

“No. That’s on my list” Charlie replied

“Oh yea, Jack said you have a daughter” Martha said as she gently hit Jack “Is she at home with the babysitter or something?”

“No” Charlie replied “This is Ruby. My daughter” Charlie smiled

“Oh, oh right” Martha replied, her voice slightly higher than she anticipated. “Wow” Martha spoke. The only word that she could think of at that moment. Charlie and Ruby looked to each other. Jack’s facial expression was one all to familiar.

“Jack are you ok?” Ruby asked, her voice slightly croaky as she held onto the cry

“Yea, yea, I’m fine. I was just…. I thought you were younger” Jack replied “I thought you’d be a first year” Jack added

“No, year 11” Ruby replied, her voice still croaky. The ocean was the only thing breaking the silence. Charlie fought the urge to run, Ruby fought the urge to join Charlie; and Jack and Martha didn’t know what to say. Martha’s phone rang. Jack, Martha, Charlie and Ruby breathed a sigh of relief quietly to themselves as Martha went to get her phone out of her bag. Martha held her index finger up, excusing herself from the conversation that she was having on the phone. Jack contorted his face and looked back to Charlie and Ruby, pointing to Martha as he did so. Charlie managed to nod her head without letting a tear escape her eye. It was this action that made Jack turn away from Charlie and Ruby and walk after Martha, who had rushed herself along the beach. Charlie cried out loud as Jack got out of ear range. Her cries pierced through Charlie, memories of that night came flooding back; the pain Charlie felt, the humiliation, the anger. “Mum”

“I can’t do this” Charlie cried hard “Not again”

“Mum please. What are you going to do?” Ruby asked as she watched Charlie walk back up the beach “Mum please!” Ruby shouted as she chased Charlie, a hard task to do when your legs were half the length of your mothers “Mum please, tell me what you’re thinking” Ruby said as she hurried alongside Charlie.


Jack sat in front of the TV, staring at the black screen. His mouth open in awe and his thoughts making no sense. After he and Martha had got home, Martha had gone for a shower. The phone call was a courtesy call from the phone company, but Martha used it as an excuse to leave.

“I can’t believe that about Charlie” Martha said as she walked from the bedroom into the front room

“What?” Jack asked, still staring at the TV screen

“Charlie Buckton, a thirty year old woman has a sixteen year old daughter” Martha replied “How stupid can you be?”

“Who’s stupid?” Jack asked as he slowly looked around to Martha

“Charlie. She was fourteen when Ruby was born. Didn’t her parents say anything to her about contraception?” Martha spat

“Martha, that’s not fair” Jack replied

“What, you want me to feel sorry for Charlie? That one stupid night landed her pregnant? No I’m not going to feel sorry for her.”

“Martha. I can’t understand why you’re acting like this” Jack said with a raised voice “You have no idea how Charlie got pregnant”

“Sex, Jack. Charlie would have had sex. That’s where babies usually come from” Martha replied with a derogative tone

“I don’t think it was just that” Jack replied

“How other way is there? Charlie and her boyfriend had sex, they weren’t careful and now Charlie has a daughter”

“I just….I don’t think Charlie had any say in getting pregnant” Jack replied

“You’re on her side?” Martha asked “Jack, you barely know her. Why are you okay with her having a daughter that age?”

“It has nothing to do with me or anyone else. Charlie has a daughter, its not the end of the world. And have you seen them? They’re so close”

“What does it matter that they’re close?” Martha asked

“It matters because we shouldn’t be bothered by the fact that Charlie has a kid. If we didn’t know their ages, we’d be fine” Jack replied

“You don’t know that. You’re just saying that” Martha spat

“You know what. I’m going for a walk. I can’t listen to anymore of this” Jack said as he hit his legs with his hands and rose to his feet. Martha watched Jack as he headed for the door

“Where are you going?” Martha asked

“Just out. I’ll be back later” Jack replied without looking back. Martha stood, looking at the doorway, shaking her head as she did so.


“Charlie” Jack said as the door opened

“Hi Jack. Is there a problem?” Charlie asked as she used the door to shield herself.

“Yea, actually there is.” Jack replied “Can I come in?”


Thank you Danni, RR1, Sarah, Charis, Carina, ScreamingQueen2006, Rach & JosieTash for the :wub: comments. I enjoy reading them and are glad you like reading :D

Chapter Nine

Charlie continued to look at Jack as he stood in the door. He looked sincere as he stood, looking back at her. “Erm, come in” Charlie apprehensively said as she took a step back, opening the door more as she did so

“Thanks” Jack replied as he entered the foyer.

“This way” Charlie said as she led Jack into the front room. Jack followed Charlie into the room. He saw all the little ornaments and the photos placed in certain parts of the room. He noticed the picture of Charlie holding a baby -he assumed it was Ruby- with Elsie, Ross and Michelle. He noticed a few more pictures of Charlie holding Ruby as she grew older in years; ranging from a newborn baby to the sixteen year old she was now. “What’s the problem Jack?” Charlie asked as she sat herself on the couch

“I’m sorry” Jack said as he lowered himself into a chair. “Martha and I leaving like that, it wasn’t….nice”

“Jack, its fine. Don’t worry” Charlie replied

“Its not just that, Charlie. I know you saw the look on mine and Martha’s face when you told us Ruby was your daughter” Jack began to say. Charlie moved herself on the couch, as if she weren’t comfortable in talking more about what happened “See, like that one” Jack pointed to Charlie’s face “When we got home, all I kept seeing was the look on your face. I’ve seen that look on a woman’s face at work a couple of times before. I know why they had that look on their face, and I think you….” Jack trailed off. He didn’t want to utter the words ‘raped as a teen’

“I appreciate you coming around Jack, I do….but” Charlie began to reply, but the tears she had held onto finally won her over

“Hey” Jack said softly as he went to Charlie’s side. “I’m sorry Charlie”

“Its not you….its just, something else” Charlie replied “But, uhm, thanks for coming around here” Charlie smiled “You didn’t have to”

“No. I did.” Jack replied

“Mum!” Ruby shouted as she ran down the stairs

“I’ll erm….I’ll leave you to it.” Jack said as he rose to his feet. “And Charlie?” Charlie looked to Jack “I am sorry”

“Its fine” Charlie smiled. “See you later”

“Yea, bye” Jack said before leaving the house.

“Mum. Morag just phoned and…” Ruby trailed off when she saw the look on Charlie’s face. “Mum, you ok?”

“Yea, I’m fine” Charlie replied, choking back tears

“No you’re not” Ruby said as she rushed to sit beside Charlie “What is it?” Charlie turned to face Charlie. The tears the dampened her face, her eyes stung, yet she had a small smile forming from the corners of her mouth.

“His face might have had the same expression as Matt, but his reaction was totally different” Charlie smiled “Why couldn’t Matt have said those things? That’s what I needed to hear, not what he said” Charlie sniffed

“What did Jack say?” Ruby asked as she moved a strand of hair form Charlie’s face

“Well, maybe not what he said exactly, just the way he said it and the understanding he had” Charlie replied “He apologised for what happened on the beach” Charlie said as she looked to Ruby “I think he knows” Charlie revealed

“Knows what?” Ruby asked as she looked to Charlie, who was now pacing the room.

“He said that he had seen the look I had on my face with a few women at the station” Charlie said as she placed her hands around the back of her neck and let her elbows fall in front “I think he’s seen the signs and knows about…erm…”

“That night?” Ruby finished

“Yea” Charlie replied as she leant herself against the wall. “I don’t know what to do”

“About?” Ruby asked as she turned herself on the couch so she faced Charlie

“About all this. In a way I’m glad Jack sort of knows, or at least figured something out for himself, but that look.” Charlie shook her head “Getting Matt out of my head and in the past is going to take longer and going to be a lot harder than I hoped for”

“Mum, maybe this is a good thing that’s happened” Ruby began, causing Charlie to look at her suddenly “I mean, Jack is obviously a man, and if he has been able to near enough be civil with you even after knowing about Grant, then, I don’t know, maybe it means that what happened, doesn’t change people’s views and opinions on us”

“No us Rubes, its never been us. Its not you they sneer at, it me. I’m the stupid girl who got herself pregnant. And if people found out what happened, they didn’t believe; they’d much rather say it was made up. Charlie Buckton’s way over trying to get sympathy for it” Charlie replied as she looked to her hands, almost in shame for having Ruby going through this again. “And, Jack never actually said that he knew. It was more a case of, he recognised some of the signs that a woman portrays after a rape” Charlie said, feeling her body shuddered at the word rape.

“No mum. It is us. I’ve always been apart of this remember?” Ruby replied as she began to make her way to Charlie “It was me you were pregnant with, and it was me you carried in your arms when the neighbours passed comments, and it was me who helped you through the Matt mess. You and me mum. Always and forever. Not matter what” Ruby smiled as she wrapped her arms around Charlie’s waist and leaned on her chest. Charlie wrapped her arms around Ruby, returning the embrace.


Jack walked into the house. Tony and Rachel were sat on the couch, each with a cup in their hand as Martha grabbed her drink from the unit in the kitchen. Jack smiled awkwardly; he knew the night would go one of two ways. Either him and Martha forgetting about the elephant in the room, or then talking to Rachel and Tony about what caused the elephant to appear in the room. Martha turned and saw Jack still hovering near the table where he would always place his door key. She smiled at him, receiving a half-hearted smile back.

“Where have you been?” Martha asked as she sat on the chair beside the table

“I went to see Charlie. She looked upset after we spoke to her” Jack replied as he took his jacket off and placed it on the kitchen bench. Tony and Rachel took a long drink from their cups. They could sense the slight tension in the room.

“So what did Charlie have to say?” Martha asked as she looked to Jack

“Nothing. I did the talking” Jack replied as he grabbed his beer and made to sit on the chair opposite Martha “I saw the look on her face, I knew something was up, I went to see if she was alright”

“Maybe we should go” Rachel suggested as she placed her cup down on the table

“No, don’t go because of this. We’ll talk about it later” Martha said as she looked to Rachel and then Tony “Please, stay”. Tony and Rachel looked to each other before sitting back down on the couch. “Thank you”

“So dad, you got around to sorting the baby’s room out yet?” Jack asked, changing the way the conversation was going

“Erm, no not yet mate” Tony replied with a sigh. His noise was the last human made noise that filled the room. Silence fell in the house, a lone cricket outside made the only noise. “I’m sorry, but, who is Charlie?” Tony asked, letting his curiosity get the better of him

“She is the new police officer at the station” Jack replied

“Who has a few skeletons in her closet” Martha added

“I thought Charlie was a bloke?” Tony said as he turned his head slowly to face Jack, whilst his eyes were still on Martha

“Yea, so did everyone at the station” Jack smiled “But she’s really friendly”

“Yea, friendly” Martha replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, only to realise that, she had spoken the truth. Which was why Martha found herself doubting her own opinion she had made of Charlie. Maybe she was to quick to judge Charlie, after all, Martha wasn’t all squeaky clean. “Jack, where did you say Charlie lives?”

“Why?” Jack asked

“I’m going to apologise” Martha replied

“Erm, maybe not go around now. Ruby had the phone in her hand. I think maybe something has happened” Jack said to Martha “Maybe go around tomorrow or something” Martha sat back down.

“Are we missing something here? What happened on the beach?” Rachel asked as she looked to Jack and Martha simultaneously

“Erm” Jack began as he looked to Martha. Martha slightly shrugged her shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. Its to do with work” Jack lied, protecting Charlie.

“Yea, I couldn’t follow it. It had something to do with a policy thing” Martha added “Flew over my head” Martha laughed, hoping it would be enough to throw Tony and Rachel off asking anymore about it.


The waves broke upon the sand. Surfers showed off their skills in the early morning waves. Fishermen stood in the shallows, trying to catch the fish that had moved on from them. Charlie and Ruby emerged from the water. Water dripping from their hair and trickling down their backs. The rising sun behind them was picturesque. Charlie looked back over her shoulder as she continued to walk closer to where she and Ruby had placed their towels. Ruby looked up from the sand to find Charlie walking backward as she continued to look at the rising sun. Ruby smiled to herself which turned into a laugh. Charlie turned around when she heard her daughter laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Charlie asked as she took the towel and proceeded to wrap it around herself.

“Nothing” Ruby replied as she tried to rid herself of the grin that plastered her face

“I’ll give you fifty dollars if you can wipe that smile off your face” Charlie said as she placed her hands on her hips. Ruby looked to Charlie, the smile still present on her face. Biting her lip, Ruby focussed on trying to remove the smile, but it didn’t work. If anything, the smile became bigger, causing Ruby to let another laugh out “Okay, I’ve saved fifty dollars” Charlie smiled “What are you laughing at?” Charlie asked,

“I just….I saw that look again” Ruby replied as she rung her hair, ridding herself of the last bit of water that had gathered in her hair

“What look?” Charlie asked, looking around to see if she could figure out what it was Ruby was laughing at.

“How at ease you are” Ruby smiled “Its just, its nice to see that”

“And this is making you laugh?” Charlie asked, hiding the laugh that she wanted to speak

“Well, yea. What was one of the last things you said to me before we left the city?” Ruby asked as she looked to Charlie. Charlie thought for a moment, she closed her eyes and smiled when she realised Ruby had won that little bet. Ruby had said Charlie would find herself been happier as soon as the move was made; and Charlie been Charlie, didn’t believe that.

“Okay, fine maybe you were right” Charlie laughed “I may be able to smile a little easier than I have done before, but it still doesn’t mean that everyone will be alright with this”

“Mum, I know that you may never be able to tell anyone about him, but, at least they’re reacted differently to the way Matt did” Ruby replied “At least they are still talking to you and not accusing you of things”

“Yea, I know” Charlie replied as she looked down “Its just, I’ve never been ashamed of you or that fact that I kept you. I just, I don’t understand why Matt and everyone else would rather believe I was careless” Charlie continued, almost in a cry.

“Mum, don’t let Matt get to you this much. He left nearly two weeks ago. And aside form the occasional tear, you’ve been my mum. The strong woman that everyone wants to be around. I looked up to that person, I hated seeing her like she was. And now, I know that where she is now, is a good place. She can find someone new, mett new people and become friends with the locals. You can have everything you had in the city, right here” Ruby smiled

“You have this all planned out don’t you?” Charlie asked. Ruby smiled as she nodded. “And you really think I’m strong?” Charlie asked, again, Ruby nodded

“So strong. You got passed Robert and then, Bill. And now Matt” Ruby replied “I don’t think anyone else would have been able to” Charlie was about to speak, but Ruby stopped her from saying her first word. Ruby knew what her mother was going to say; Charlie would find a way of putting a downer on herself, she always did. After Robert left and after Bill. And now that Matt had gone, Charlie was even harder on herself. And what happened wasn’t Charlie’s fault. It was Matt. If it wasn’t for Matt, Charlie wouldn’t have had to go through that, she wouldn’t have had to grieve like she did. She wouldn’t have had to lock herself away in her room for hours at a time, wishing things were different. “How about we make a pact right now. We wont ever talk about Matt ever again. He was a jerk and didn’t deserve you as a girlfriend and he didn’t deserve me as a… as a whatever I was to him” Ruby said as she looked to her mother “Promise to never talk about him again?” Ruby asked as she held her index finger up

“Promise to never talk about him again” Charlie replied as she held her index finger up and placed the tip of her finger on Ruby’s. Ruby smiled as she and Charlie brought their hands back to their sides.

“Okay, so. We’ve been here three days now, and so far, you are the only one to make a friend. How is that right?” Ruby asked as she grabbed her bag form the sand and waited for Charlie to do the same

“I haven’t exactly made a friend Rubes” Charlie replied

“Okay, so what do you call Leah?” Ruby asked

“An acquaintance” Charlie replied

“An acquaintance?” Ruby repeated. Charlie nodded. “Okay, so what you told Leah the other night, you tell that to all your acquaintances?”

“Okay, maybe she’s not an acquaintance. But, other than the fact that she works at the diner, she has a son and that she lives next door to us, I don’t know anything about Leah” Charlie replied

“So, what made you talk to her about me? Something that you’ve found it difficult to talk about ever since Bill, if I’m honest” Ruby asked as she and Charlie walked slowly along the wet sand

“I don’t Rubes” Charlie replied “I really don’t know”

“Maybe you’ve found a friend?” Ruby suggested.

“Or an enemy” Charlie muttered to Ruby as she saw Martha jog along the sand, heading for them.

“Charlie, Ruby” Martha said in between breaths.

“Martha” Charlie replied

“Listen, I’m sorry about how I acted. I guess, it was the fact that Ruby is older than I thought that got me. I really don’t care that you have a daughter, plenty of people do” Martha began “I just, I wasn’t expecting to find that out about you, especially after what Jack told me about your police file. Everything that you had accomplished in the city, and with a daughter? I just…I….”

“Its fine Martha” Charlie replied as she looked to Martha

“No, no its not. You should have heard the things I said about you. I’ve thought of myself as that person who never judged anyone before I got to know them. But, after Jack and I left you here, I judged you. I assumed you were some stupid teenager who got herself pregnant” Martha rambled “I know that might of happened” Charlie looked to Ruby, the tears stung her eyes “But, its not my place to assume that that is what happened. I’m sorry Charlie, and if I’ve made things difficult for you, I apologise for that” Martha said as she clutched her chest, adding to the sincerity of her apology

“Martha, its fine. After 16 years I’m pretty used to that reaction. Don’t worry” Charlie replied, desperately clinging onto the tears that wanted to be cried

“Are you sure?” Martha asked

“Yes, I’m sure” Charlie weakly smiled “Don’t worry about it”

“Okay, but only if you’re sure” Charlie nodded “Okay. Well, Gina, Rachel and I are going to be having some lunch at Angelo’s a little later. You and Ruby are more than welcome to join us if you want”

“That’s nice of you to offer but…”

“Mum would love to go, but, unfortunately, I have a few things to do” Ruby butted in “What time is the lunch?”

“Half 12” Martha smiled “Listen, I’d better go, but, I’ll see you later” Martha said after glancing at her watch.

“Yea, see you later” Charlie smiled. Martha smiled back before she continued jogging along the beach, Ruby braced herself for the small chat Charlie was just about to have with her. “Okay, why aren’t you going?” Charlie asked

“Whoa, I thought you were going to say something else then” Ruby replied, shocked by Charlie’s actual words “Erm, well. Gina, Rachel and Martha are adults, so your kind of people to make friends with. I just thought, if I wandered around long enough, I’m bound to find some teenagers” Ruby replied

“Okay” Charlie smiled

“You’re okay with that?” Ruby asked

“Yea. Rubes, I can’t expect you to be by my side for the rest of my life. I’m a big girl” Charlie smiled “And besides, you can make some friends before school on Wednesday”

“As if I’m going to make a friend before Wednesday. They go to school on Monday which means I have the rest of today and tomorrow to make friends” Ruby replied

“Rubes, you’ll make friends. Look how easy you made them in the city“ Charlie smiled

“Yea, and look how that turned out” Ruby replied, which was met by an awkward silence “Mum, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded” Ruby said as she saw the disheartened look on Charlie’s face

“No, I know you didn’t. But, I’m your mum and the drama that went on in my life spilled out into yours and caused the….”

“Mum, I don’t blame you, so can you stop blaming you?” Ruby cut Charlie off “And didn’t we both agree to leave this behind us?” Ruby asked

“Yea we did. I’m sorry” Charlie replied. By now, Charlie and Ruby were just about to walk on the path that lead from the beach to where the surf club, diner and Angelo’s was. “You said Morag rang. What did she want?” Charlie asked, remembering Ruby had shouted to Charlie when Jack was round at the house

“Oh yeah. Granddad and Morag wondered if it was alright if they came and stayed with us for a while. Morag has family here and she wants to see them. Plus it’ll be great for Granddad, coming here and seeing the ocean. He loves things like this”

“Yea he does” Charlie smiled as she looked back to the beach. The waves continued to crash on the shore. Surfers continued to show their skills. Fishermen had given up and the beach now occupied those few early morning runners.


:o Nearly a week since I updated! I'm so sorry! I will try to make this a more regular occurance (is that the right word??/spelling??) But I really appreciate your :wub: comments and love that you enjoy this. Sarah, Danni, Carina, RR1, Rach, JosieTash, Charis: thank you :D

Chapter Ten

After what seemed hours of them looking out to the water, Charlie and Ruby turned to face the car park. The smile on both their faces had continued to be there from talking about Ross coming to the Bay with Morag. “How long can Granddad and Morag stay with us?” Ruby asked as she and Charlie walked slowly toward the car park.

“As long as they want to” Charlie smiled

“Good” Ruby replied “Two months without seeing him is just too long”

“Yea” Charlie smiled with a tear present in her eye “We both could have done with him” Charlie said as she looked to Ruby

“And Morag. Matt wouldn’t have know what hit him” Ruby laughed “When we get home I’ll make the bed up in the spare room” Ruby said, changing the subject from Matt

“Will you? That would be a huge help” Charlie replied

“Yea sure” Ruby smiled “Mum” Ruby asked with the intention of wanting something

“Yes” Charlie replied in the same tone

“Am I alright to borrow twenty dollars?” Ruby asked

“Yea sure” Charlie smiled “Why?”

“Well, if I’m going to be walking around aimlessly for however long it takes you to have lunch, I may need to buy a book or three to occupy myself” Ruby smiled

“Yea, that’s fine” Charlie replied as she placed her arm around Ruby. Ruby looked up to Charlie before she rested her head on her shoulder as they continued to walk.


With Ruby having a shower, Charlie was left sitting in the front room. Happy that she was moving on passed Matt and everything that happened in the city by making new friends in the bay, but at the same time, she felt sick to her stomach. Jack’s facial expression was the same one Matt had given six weeks previous, but the apology was new. As was Martha’s. and Leah? Her reaction was the opposite. Entirely.

“So, who are Morag’s family here then?” Ruby asked as she walked into the front room.

“Where do you want me to start?” Charlie replied “Her brother is Alf, who was at the restaurant when we were with Leah. Martha is Alf’s granddaughter, therefore Morag’s niece. And I think Morag mentioned someone else, I can’t remember her name, but, Morag says she’s the biggest gossip” Charlie smiled

“So, we have moved from no family to been surrounded by family?” Charlie nodded “Maybe this is why you have found it easier to open up about Matt and everything” Ruby suggested

“Yea, maybe” Charlie smiled “Only they don’t know everything” Charlie pointed out as she looked down.

“Yea, okay, maybe they don’t know why you two broke up and they don’t know what Matt did, but so far, reactions to me been your daughter are better than his” Ruby replied, looking to Charlie with sympathetic eyes “Anyway. How come you know the people’s names and I don’t?” Ruby asked

“I was wondering when you were going to say something” Charlie smiled “Morag came around to ours a couple of years ago, she mentioned that her niece had just got engaged” Charlie answered

“Oh right” Ruby replied as she removed the towel from her hair. “So, you looking forward to this lunch?” Ruby asked as she sat herself beside Charlie and handed her a hairbrush

“Erm” Charlie began as she made a start on brushing Ruby’s hair. “Yes and no” Charlie replied

“How can you be positive and negative about this?” Ruby asked

“Because, it’ll be nice to have some friends, but, at the same time, I’m just….I’m worried that….”

“That history will repeat itself?” Ruby finished

“Yea” Charlie replied as she stopped brushing Ruby’s hair.

“Okay. Firstly, you are having lunch with women. And they are more likely to not even question why. Secondly, stop doubting this” Ruby said as she took Charlie’s hands in hers. “Matt part three isn’t going to happen” Charlie was just about to speak but Ruby put her index finger over her lips “Don’t mum. Make friends, not pain” Charlie smiled

“You sound like fortune cookie. Do you know that?” Charlie said as she pulled Ruby into a hug

“Yea I know. But I’m better for you than a cookie” Ruby smiled as she snuggled close to Charlie.


As Charlie ascended the stairs to the restaurant, Ruby took a seat in front of the juice bar, watching Charlie as she took each step. Marilyn wiped down the last table before she walked back to the bar. She smiled to Ruby as she quickly washed her hands and wiped them down her front. “What can I get you?” Marilyn asked

“Just an apple juice thanks” Ruby replied as she handed Marilyn $5.

“That your sister going for a lunch date?” Marilyn smiled as she used her head to point at the stairs. Ruby looked over her shoulder and saw a woman walk up the stairs.

“No. I don’t know who she is” Ruby replied, shaking her head as she turned to face Marilyn

“No, I don’t mean her. I mean the woman who went up before. You know, the tall one with the jeans on and the white top with a black flower on” Marilyn said, describing what Charlie was wearing

“Oh, her?” Marilyn nodded “ No, I don’t have a sister. She’s my mum and it’s a lunch with Gina, Rachel and Martha” Ruby replied

“Oh right. Your mum?” Marilyn replied, slightly taken aback “So I take it you and your mum have just moved to the bay?” Marilyn asked

“Yea” Ruby replied after swallowing her mouthful “Got here a few days ago”

“Still trying to find your way around?” Marilyn asked as she handed Ruby her change

“Erm, no not really. Granddad’s wife Morag, has family here so when she tells us about the places she has been, its like we already know. And mum has a great sense of direction, and we have already been to the police station. That’s one of the reasons we moved. Mum got offered a job here and she took it” Ruby smiled. “We know where a few other things are too, its just, the high school and the hospital we’re not sure on yet”

“Well, Gina Austin is upstairs, and I’m sure she will meet your mum and tell her or explain where the school is; its not that far from here. And, the hospital is just down the road; a few miles” Marilyn replied “Are you a bit like me?” Ruby looked to Marilyn, slightly confused by the question “I’m always doing things to myself, thank god my boyfriend is a doctor, that’s all I’ll say” Marilyn laughed “Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself, how rude” Marilyn said as she realised, placing her hands out flat on her face in horror “I’m Marilyn”

“I’m Ruby” Ruby replied

“Well Ruby, its nice to meet you” Marilyn smiled as she looked to Ruby “And I’m sure you will love living here in the bay”

“Well, so far, its been great. Everyone is really friendly” Ruby replied

“That’s good. Have you met any of the teens yet?” Marilyn asked

“Erm, no. That’s actually on my list of things to do today whilst mum is at lunch” Ruby replied “Walking around and seeing if I can see anyone”

“Well, Xavier and Romeo will be on the beach a little later. They teach surf to some of the kids on a Saturday and Sunday. And they have a couple of mates who watch” Marilyn said as she pointed out of the door toward the beach

“Oh right” Ruby replied

“I don’t know if that’s a way you young ones meet or whatever, but it could be a start” Marilyn smiled


“So Charlie” Gina said after calming herself after laughing “How are you finding the bay?” Gina asked

“So far so good” Charlie nodded as she placed her glass of juice down on the table “its so beautiful and so easy to find your way around. I can see why all of you love it here, and why you are going to raise a child here” Charlie replied. Looking to the blooming Rachel as she said about the child.

“Yea, Tony and I think so too” Rachel smiled as she placed her hand on her stomach

“Do you know what you’re having?” Charlie asked

“A little boy” Rachel smiled

“Another nephew for me” Gina laughed “You’d think one of us would be able to have a daughter” Gina added

“You never know, Jack maybe able to have the daughter” Martha smiled

“You two are trying are you?” Gina smiled

“No…No, not yet. Jack wants us to be settled into married life fully before we have kids” Martha replied “And to be honest, I don’t think I’m ready for a baby” Martha added as she looked to Charlie unintentionally. “Besides, Rachel and Tony’s baby will be enough for me at first”

“Babysitting duties” Rachel smiled as she placed her hand on Martha’s back

“And Xavier” Gina smiled

“So what about you Charlie?” Rachel asked “Have you got any kids, or wanting any?”

“Erm” Charlie began. She had no problem saying that she had a kid, or more so a teen, it was the ‘wanting anymore’ that was the cruel one to ask “I have a daughter” Charlie smiled. Gina and Rachel smiled to when they say Charlie’s face light up as she smiled

“So, where is she then?” Rachel asked as she looked around the restaurant

“Downstairs where I left her” Charlie replied as she drank some more of her drink. Gina and Rachel’s mouths dropped

“She’s downstairs?” Gina repeated

“Yea” Charlie replied

“Well, is she with someone?” Gina asked

“No, by herself. That’s if she hasn’t bumped into anyone” Charlie replied

“I’m sorry, but you’ve left your daughter downstairs by herself?” Charlie nodded “How old is she?”

“Sixteen” Charlie replied

“She shouldn’t be left on her own downstairs at that age, anyt….” Gina trailed off when she realised the age Charlie had said “Sorry, How old did you say?”

“Sixteen” Charlie replied once more. This time a slow rush of dread crept through her body. Martha looked to Charlie, she wanted to take Charlie’s hand and assure her that everything was going to be fine, but if Martha did this, Gina and Rachel would realise Martha already knew. So instead, Martha smiled to Charlie, hoping this would ease Charlie a little as she sat, frozen to the seat as she looked to Gina and Rachel who had a look of disbelief on their faces.

“You must have been young then, when you had her” Rachel said

“Yea, I was fourteen” Charlie replied which was met by silence. Charlie fought the urge to run off in a teary state; it was something she was determined not to do. Not only because she had promised Ruby that she would only focus on the future in the bay, but because she had nothing to be ashamed about. Charlie has a child who happens to be a teenager. Charlie was young herself when she had the child. It didn’t bother her that people would be shocked at first when they found out; it was the treatment she and Ruby received after finding out that Charlie didn’t want to happen. Bill freaked out when he found out; and Matt? Well, Charlie hated what he did.

“So” Gina cleared her throat “You are the Charlie Buckton with whom I have a meeting with on Wednesday?”

“Yea” Charlie replied, her voice slightly croaky

“What’s her name?” Rachel asked

“Who’s name?” Charlie asked

“Your daughter’s” Rachel replied with a slight laugh

“Ruby” Charlie smiled

“So is it just you and Ruby then?” Gina asked

“Yea” Charlie smiled

“What about Ruby’s dad?” Rachel asked.

“Erm..” Charlie began. She shifted in her seat, a sign that she felt uncomfortable with the question “No, to be honest I don’t really care where he is” Charlie replied, fighting the stinging of tears in her eyes

“Things didn’t end well?” Rachel asked, feeling slightly stupid with asking it as Charlie was only 14 and asking if things ended badly wouldn’t have even mattered at 14

“We erm….we ended before we began” Charlie replied, finding these words the easiest to speak. “Anyway” Charlie said, hoping to move on from talking about Ruby’s father “Is this your first baby?”

“Yea” Rachel replied as she placed her hands on her stomach. “But its Tony’s third, so he’s an expert and I’m a novice” Rachel smiled

“So you can get him doing all the dirty nappies and the three am feeds” Charlie smiled

“They’re the worst” Gina smiled “Three am”

“And the five am” Charlie added “but the six am for a cuddle aren‘t so bad” Charlie smiled

“Ruby was that bad was she?” Rachel asked

“Not really. For the first couple of weeks she was, but she was poorly. She had to have antibiotics every four hours. I hated hearing her cry, but my mum and dad helped and after a while, she wouldn’t cry” Charlie smiled “Ruby was more of the, 1am 3am and then sleep through until 9am kind of baby”

“That sounds like heaven” Rachel replied

“It was” Charlie smiled “Until I had to go back to school. At one point, I never saw Ruby for two days because of the times I went to school and when she was asleep” Charlie continued “I would come home and she would be asleep. I’d only spend about half an hour with her at most”

“So, what did you do about that? I’m assuming you went back to school a couple of months after Ruby was born” Gina said as she looked to Charlie. Charlie smiled uneasily, she found herself opening up to these women about her past, more so when she was fourteen, something she had never done with anyone. Charlie had only been with Rachel, Gina and Martha for nearly an hour, but it felt like she had known them her whole life.

“Erm… Ruby was four months when I went back to school. And she was six months when I was home-schooled” Charlie replied

“You were home schooled?” Rachel repeated

“Only until Ruby was a year old. By then I was able to spend the morning before school with her, and the afternoon after school with her”

“That sounds like it was so nice” Rachel smiled “Haven’t you ever wished though that, maybe you weren’t as young as you were?”

“I don’t know if I can answer that” Charlie answered. The truth was, Charlie had always seen that Ruby was meant to be there, to help her through what happened when she was fourteen.

“How about we change the subject?” Gina suggested as she saw how uncomfortable Charlie was getting. Martha and Rachel nodded as Charlie took her glass and took a long drink from it. “How’s Tony getting on with the baby’s room?”


After been sat, looking out to the water as surfers rode the waves and windsurfers glided over the water, Ruby made her way from the beach to the diner. She had read her book and was now finding herself becoming slightly bored. She had been used to been with Charlie -something she never minded- and she found herself missing Charlie right now.

“Hey Ruby” Leah smiled as Ruby walked passed the counter and sat herself at a table “You okay?”

“Yea. Just running out of things to do” Ruby smiled

“Aww, well, I’m sure Charlie wont be much longer” Leah replied as Nicole and Indi walked through the door. “So, what can I get you?”

“Can I just get a hot chocolate please” Ruby smiled

“Yea sure. I’ll got get it for you” Leah smiled before walking away. Ruby looked to the side where she had placed her bag. She took the book she had read cover to cover out of her bag and placed that on the table. She sighed heavily as she looked at the cover

“If you don‘t want to read it, then don‘t“ Indi said as she stood near the table. Ruby looked up to the voice.

“It’s the only thing I have to do” Ruby replied

“Well, can’t you play pool?” Indi asked

“I can, but I don’t have anyone I can play alongside” Ruby replied

“Well, I can if you like” Indi smiled.

“Erm, I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but, why are you talking to me?”

“I’ve seen you around town a few times now. And, I remember what its like to be new in town, and I thought I could help you settle into the bay” Indi smiled

“I’m Ruby” Ruby smiled

“Indi” Indi replied “And this is Nicole” Indi said as she pointed to Nicole

“Hey” Nicole said as she walked up to where Indi and Nicole were.

“So, you want to play pool?” Indi asked

“Yea” Ruby smiled as she rose to her feet. Leah looked from behind the counter and saw Ruby leave with Nicole and Ruby. “So, do you two go to the High School?” Ruby asked as they walked into the Surf Club

“Yea, unfortunately. But its our last year, so” Indi smiled

“Oh right, well, at least there’ll be people there I already know” Ruby smiled

“You aren’t in Year 12 are you?” Nicole asked

“No, year 11” Ruby replied as she shook her head

“So have you just moved here?” Nicole asked “I’ve never seen you before”

“Yea, me and my mum got here a few days ago” Ruby replied

“Is it just you and your mum?” Indi asked as she placed the balls into the triangle

“Yea” Ruby smiled

“Where is your mum?” Nicole asked

“Upstairs. She and some women are having lunch” Ruby replied “Actually, its more like afternoon tea now” Ruby added after looking at her watch

“And you didn’t get invited?”

“I didn’t want to go” Ruby replied “Besides, I think mum could do with having at least one lunch with them before having to mention the fact that she has a sixteen year old daughter”

“Why would saying she has a sixteen year old daughter be a problem?” Nicole asked

“Mum is only thirty” Ruby said, instantly feeling the regret creep upon her.

“Your mum was fourteen when she had you?” Indi asked, shocked

“So? My mum and dad were seventeen when they had me” Nicole replied, giving Ruby a little comfort in the fact that there was at least one person in the bay who’s mum was young when they were born

“Yea, but, seventeen years old is better than fourteen. For starters, they would have nearly finished high school, not only be half way through” Indi argued “Sorry, but, that just seems to me that your mum and dad were reckless” Indi said as she looked to Ruby “Its common sense to use protection” Ruby’s eyes stung with tears.

“You don’t know anything about me!” Ruby shouted before she ran out of the surf club. Nicole shook her head as she looked to Indi, who bowed her head in shame. Charlie -who had heard Ruby’s voice - came running down the stairs.

“What’s going on?” Charlie asked Indi

“A girl called Ruby just ran out of here” Indi replied, sounding upset. She watched as Charlie ran out after, looking worried. Indi then looked up to find Gina stood with Martha and Rachel behind. The customers in the surf club looked on as Gina placed her arm around Indi, who continued to look at the door where Ruby had ran out in tears, and where the woman had gone, looking worried.


Charlie caught up with Ruby who sat on the beach,. Crying hard into her hands as Nicole knelt beside her, unsure of what to do. “Rubes” Charlie said softly. Ruby looked up, her tear stained face broke Charlie’s heart.

“Mum” Ruby cried as she moved to her knees. Charlie quickly knelt on the sand next to Ruby and took Ruby in her arms, Nicole rose to her feet and took a few steps back as she watched Ruby seeking the much needed comfort she sought from her mother.


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