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Believe (In Love After Life)

Guest callyha

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Okay, that thing I said about updating on a more regular basis?? yea, not happened (sorry!)

Thank you Carina biancaliamca, Danni, Sarah, Rach, Charis, catty, RR1 and Josietash. Your comments :wub: mean so much, and I'm you are liking this. I hope this next one is alright :unsure:

Chapter Eleven

Charlie swayed back and forth in the sand with Ruby still close to her. She was no longer crying, although tears did still linger on her face. Charlie had a patch of wet on her chest where Ruby had cried hard. Ruby’s breathing was laboured as her grip on Charlie tightened.

“Maybe I should go” Nicole said as she looked to Charlie with a sorry face

“Erm, thanks” Charlie said softly as she looked back to Nicole. Nicole paused for a moment before continuing to walk away from Charlie and Ruby. For what seemed an hour, Charlie sat with Ruby in her arms, looking out to the water. Ruby’s grip on Charlie had softened, but she still held onto Charlie, like a shy child in the middle of a strange group of people. “Baby” Charlie whispered softly in Ruby’s ear “What happened?” Charlie asked as Ruby moved her head slightly.

“They attacked you” Ruby replied with a croaky voice “She said exactly the same thing Matt did, only in a nicer voice” Ruby wiped the lone tear that rolled down her cheek “I know I shouldn’t have shouted, but last time I heard that, look what happened” Ruby said as she looked to Charlie “You lost so much and that’s all I saw” Ruby cried “I saw it happen again”

“Rubes” Charlie said with tears lacing her voice “Why don’t you tell me about things that are still bothering you?” Charlie asked as she tucked a strand of hair behind Ruby’s ear

“You had so much more to deal with. It wouldn’t be fair of me to dump my things on you too. Matt and the…”

“Rubes, no matter what is going on in my life, I will always have time to listen to and help you. My life shouldn’t affect yours like this” Charlie said as she cupped her hands on Ruby’s face and looked her in the eye.

“Do you think I should apologise to her?” Ruby asked as she broke eye contact with Charlie

“Maybe” Charlie replied as she brought her hands to the sand “But only for going off at her”

“Erm, Ruby?” A voice from behind said, sounding full of remorse. Ruby and Charlie turned their heads to where the voice was coming from. Their eyes fell upon Indi, stood like a child who had been told off. Her head was bowed down, her hands at her front, her fingers intertwined with one another as she played with them. “I’m sorry for what I said before” Ruby slowly rose to her feet. Charlie remained sitting on the sand, this was something Ruby was to do on her own “I was totally out of line with what I said, I guess… its just….its something that had always been such a huge issue for me. I know every person is different and circumstances are different, but….I’ve seen what a teen pregnancy is like and…”

“Were you the teen that was pregnant?” Ruby asked, almost with mean in her voice

“No. It was a friend of mine” Indi replied “and she would look for sympathy when she was picked on. She never used protection and ever since then, I’ve…..I’ve never really thought about what my reaction would give to someone” Indi looked to Charlie before looking back to Ruby “I never realised that what I said to people made them react like that. I’m sorry Ruby” Indi said once more as she placed her hand on her chest and took a step forward “I know this is probably not what you wanted when you arrived here, maybe you wanted friends” Indi said as she tucked her hair behind her ear “I hope we can still be friends”

“Why?” Ruby asked as she folded her arms “You know nothing about me, yet you have a go at me without even getting to know me. Why should I be friends with you?”

“I’m sorry” Indi repeated, looking down to the sand in shame

“Look, I’m sorry that I had a go at you, but that’s it. You have no right to say those things about me or my mum. You don’t know what the circumstances were, you’re just like everybody else, assuming mum was a careless teenager” Ruby snapped. Indi looked to Ruby, shocked by the outburst and slightly embarrassed by her assumption. She could tell this was something she was wrong about; just by the way Ruby had reacted. Ruby was about to speak once more but Charlie had risen to her feet and had placed her hands on her shoulders.

“I think we should go home” Charlie said calmly, although inside, all she wanted to do was fall apart. Ruby looked to Charlie and nodded as her eyes filled with tears. Charlie then looked to Indi briefly; she could see the remorse in Indi’s eyes, but she too, was hurt by the assumption Indi had made.


It had been three days since Charlie’s lunch with Gina, Rachel and Martha and Ruby’s run in with Indi. Neither of them had spoken about what was said between Indi and Ruby, as it was still a sore subject with them both, mainly for Charlie. Ruby found herself not been able to look at Charlie in the eye; something she had never not been able to do, and she hated it. Ruby had something she wanted to ask Charlie, but she felt she couldn’t, not after everything Charlie had been through with Matt.

“Rubes, just tell me what it is that’s bugging you” Charlie sighed as she dropped her fork into her bowl. The rattling the fork caused on the side of the bowl caused Ruby to jump slightly.

“I’ve got nothing to tell” Ruby replied as she looked to Charlie briefly before looking back to her near-empty bowl of pasta.

“Ruby Buckton” Charlie said sternly. “Something is bugging you. What is it?”

“Charlotte Buckton” Ruby replied in the same tone “Nothing is bugging me”

“Rubes, come on please” Charlie said, close to tears. Ruby looked into Charlie’s eyes for the first time in three days. Her heart broke as she saw how child-like Charlie had turned to.

“Please don’t hate me” Ruby began as she pushed her bowl from in front of her and placed her hands on the mat “I know you’re not ready to tell people….why…..why you were fourteen when you had me….but, I am” Ruby said as she looked up to Charlie. A tear slowly trickled down Charlie’s face, more wanted to follow, but Charlie held on to them as best she could “You hate me” Ruby said as she looked down to her hands

“Rubes” Charlie croaked as she pushed her chair from under her and walked toward Ruby “I don’t hate you. That’s one thing that will never happen” Charlie said as she stood next to Ruby “I knew you’d be ready to tell people long before I would be” Charlie said as she knelt beside Ruby and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear “Its great that you are strong enough to tell people, I wish I was, but the truth is” Charlie began as tears glazed her eyes and plagued her voice “You will always find it easier to tell people because it didn't happen to you. You're not the one who gets that look when people find out what happened, you're not the one who has what Matt did playing on and on in your head” Charlie cried as she collapsed to the floor. Ruby rushed off her seat to join Charlie as she cried out hard for the first time since that night.

“Mum” Ruby whispered in Charlie’s ear as she tried to comfort Charlie, but it had no affect: Charlie’s head was buried into Ruby, her legs were scrunched up close to her chest, her body shaking with her cries. All Ruby could do was let her mother cry. Ruby’s body shook as she cradled Charlie. She felt guilty that she was fine with people knowing how she came to be yet Charlie was still now where near been able to bring herself to tell another person. Ruby understood completely why Charlie had her doubts about people knowing and why she was very apprehensive about telling people; what Matt said to Charlie that night was something no one should hear from anyone, let a lone a boyfriend who had been with Charlie for five years. “Hey, how about we get into our PJ’s, call for a pizza and put I Could Never Be Your Woman on?” Ruby suggested as she rubbed Charlie’s arm. Charlie sniffed as she nodded her head. Ruby found herself sighing with relief as Charlie moved herself away from Ruby, she was worried that Charlie would have picked up on her shakes as she held her close, but Charlie didn’t seem to have noticed. “Mum I….” Ruby began but Charlie turned to look at her

“Rubes.. I know” Charlie smiled weakly. “How about you order the pizza and I’ll get cleaned up in here” Charlie spoke with the remains of tears in her voice. Ruby smiled to Charlie before walking out of the kitchen and toward the lounge to make the phone call. Charlie inhaled heavily, closing her eyes as she did so, trying to rid herself of the images that flew around her head of that night. Charlie reopened her eyes when she heard Ruby hang up from the phone call. She grabbed the two bowls from the table along with the cutlery, and placed them in the sink.

“Meat feast with extra pepperoni and a huge bottle of coke is on its……” Ruby began but trailed off as she saw Charlie gripping on to the unit, choking back tears that were still wanting to fall “Mum” Ruby said as she walked to Charlie’s side “Mum, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing” Charlie whispered

“Mum” Ruby said again, worried. Charlie slowly turned to face Ruby “Mum you’re really scaring me know, what’s wrong”

“I want it back” Charlie sobbed as she fell into Ruby “I just want it back”


Charlie’s alarm clock rang out as the sun peered in through the slits in the blinds that covered the windows. Charlie groaned slightly as she hit her hand down on the side table, looking for the alarm clock that continued to buzz. Charlie looked to the clock with her sleepy eyes, barely able to open them as she looked to the orange glow of the numbers. 06:30 it read. Charlie buried her head into her pillows before she found herself throwing the warm covers from herself. She grabbed her robe that took a placed on the chair that was just an arms reach away from the bed, and put it on before she walked into her bathroom to put the shower on. When she had had her shower and re-entered her room, she glanced to the clock that read 06:45 before looking to Ruby, who sat half asleep in the chair that stood near to the window.

“Morning” Ruby yawned

“Morning” Charlie replied as she rubbed the towel in her hair “You ready for your first day at school?” Charlie smiled as she looked to Ruby, whose face had dropped slightly

“Yea, if you mean am I looking forward to Indi trying to be all nice to me and just been in my face all the time, then yea. Can’t wait” Ruby replied, with more sarcasm than Charlie thought possible at seven in the morning.

“Rubes, Indi just reacted the same way everyone else has” Charlie replied

“Only hers was so much like Matt’s” Ruby pointed out “But what about Nicole? She didn’t seem to bothered by it, and neither did Marilyn”

“Okay, who’s Marilyn?” Charlie asked, looking to Ruby confused

“She’s a woman who works in the surf club. She’s friendly and easy to talk to. She thought you were my sister, and when I said you were my mum, her eyebrows shot up, but that was it. She just carried on having a conversation with me, like what I had told her went in one ear and out of the other” Ruby answered before yawning once more

“Okay, next time, we don’t stay up until two a.m. we make it one a.m.” Charlie smiled as she yawned

“Its Paul Rudd. I love him” Ruby replied as she rose to her feet “Right, I’d better have a shower. See if that wakes me up” Ruby smiled as she walked over to the bathroom

“Yes you can use my bathroom” Charlie said as she looked to Ruby, who was already in Charlie’s bathroom

“Thanks” Ruby smiled cheekily before closing the door. Charlie shook her head with the smiled still present on her face as she turned to look into the mirror. She felt better in herself for allowing herself to cry like she did, she just felt embarrassed that she had done it in front of Ruby. Seven weeks Charlie had allowed herself to hold back her tears. Seven weeks worth of tears, pain and anger had been bottled up, with nowhere else for it to go. A burden had been lifted, and Charlie had a slightly clearer mind set, but she still wanted that one thing she had lost that night. The one thing she wouldn’t get again. “Mum, remember that you’ve got to come into school with me” Ruby shouted from the bathroom.

“Yea, I remembered” Charlie shouted as she continued to ready herself for work.

“I don’t; get why you couldn’t just get the forms sent to here or the old house” Ruby shouted as the bathroom door handle moved “I mean, you’ve had to hold off going to work for a couple of days” Ruby continued as she made her way to Charlie’s bed and sat down

“Okay, I know I love my job, but, I happen to love my daughter even more, I didn’t want to go to work whilst you weren’t at school” Charlie replied as she looked to Ruby, who blushed slightly “Are you blushing?” Charlie smiled

“No” Ruby replied as she tried to hide her face

“You are” Charlie teased as she walked over to Ruby “Aww, you’re blushing” Charlie repeated as she gently stroked Ruby’s cheek

“I am not” Ruby replied, moving her head away from Charlie. “Shouldn’t you be getting dressed for work?” Ruby said

“I am ready for work” Charlie replied as she stood properly

“Where are your stripes and name badge?” Ruby asked as she saw how bare Charlie’s blue shirt looked

“They should be at the station hopefully” Charlie replied as she glanced to her shoulders.

“Oh right” Ruby replied.” Take it that look means I should get ready for school?” Ruby asked as Charlie nodded “ Jeans and a top should be alright”

“Yea, should be” Charlie replied

“See, that’s something” Ruby said as she stood in the doorway

“What is?” Charlie asked

“I have no idea what the school uniform looks like. And if Lavingston is anything to go by, the uniform will be sh…”

“Fine” Charlie said quickly as she raised her eyebrows.


“Why do I get the feeling that everyone is staring?” Ruby whispered to Charlie as they walked toward the school

“Because everyone is” Charlie replied, looking around to see if she could spot a teacher or a sign that would point them in the right direction “You’re okay aren’t you?” Charlie asked as she quickly looked to Ruby

“Yea, I’m fine, I just wish everyone would stop staring. Its off putting”

“Charlie” A voice said from behind. Charlie stopped and turned around to find Gina stood with her briefcase and a coffee in her hand “And you must be Ruby” Gina smiled as she looked to Ruby, who stood with her hands cupped together

“Yes, this is Ruby” Charlie replied as she walked toward Gina

“Right well, if you’d both like to follow me this way, we can get these papers sorted through” Gina said as she pointed to the stairs that were behind her “And can the rest of you get to your classes please” Gina added as she looked to the students who had gathered in the hall upon seeing an office enter the school with a new student. “Sorry about that, they can be easily distracted” Gina smiled as she placed her briefcase on the floor and her coffee on the table. “Please, sit” Gina said to Charlie and Ruby as she sat herself in her seat. “I have received your school file from Lavingston and I must say, you are a very bright student”

“Thanks” Ruby replied, slightly embarrassed

“But, I also read that you have also missed a few important exams that the school held. Mr. Scaife explained in his letter that the circumstances allowed for Ruby to miss the exams, however, the fact is she has missed these exams” Gina looked to Ruby before looking to Charlie, slightly intrigued as to why Ruby was able to have as much time off as she did, but also why the head teacher allowed it to happen

“Mr. Scaife assured me that missing these exams wouldn’t cause too much of a problem. Rub would be able to retake the exams at her new school, at this, school” Charlie replied

“Ruby will have the chance to retake them, however our exams will be from tomorrow. Ruby wont have a lot of time to revise through all of the material” Gina pointed out. “If you don’t mind me asking, why was Ruby off for one week from the 6th of September and then a few days in November”

“Erm” Charlie began

“Death in the family” Ruby put in. Charlie looked to her and smiled softly before looking back to Gina.

“Oh, I’m sorry” Gina replied.

“Thanks” Charlie replied as she wiped her face. Ruby placed her hand on Charlie’s free hand.

“Right. Ruby, here is your timetable for the school week. All the classes are easy enough to find, but if you struggle, the students should help you find your way around. If you have any questions about any of the classes, you know where I am” Gina smiled as she handed Ruby the paper

“Double geometry?” Ruby moaned as she looked to the sheet

“Is that a problem?” Gina asked

“No, its just boring” Ruby replied

“Oh right” Gina laughed “Well, my son thinks the same. As do the other students” Gina said just before the school bell rang.

“Erm, I’d better get to class then” Ruby said as she looked to Gina and then to Charlie “Have a good day mum and I’ll see you at home”

“Yea, you too” Charlie replied as she hugged Ruby. Ruby walked out of the office, closing the door behind her.

“So, all I need from you now is a signature on a few things and some contact details from you also” Gina said to Charlie as she looked through the paper work she had on her desk.

“Right” Charlie replied, looking to the mass of paperwork that was on the desk.

“Where is easiest to contact you” Gina asked. Charlie looked to her uniform before looking back to Gina “Sorry, stupid question” Gina smiled “Police Station” Gina wrote on the paper “And how do we address who we are looking for?”

“Senior Constable Buckton” Charlie answered “Do you want me to fill the paperwork out?” Charlie asked, knowing how many questions were going to be asked

“That would be easier” Gina smiled “And I also have a phone call to make, so whilst I do that, you can fill these out” Gina handed Charlie a small pile of papers.

“Thanks” Charlie replied with a slight hint of sarcasm in her voice.


“Oi! Class has started, that mean bums in seats please” Miles said loudly as Ruby walked passed his desk. The students sat in their seat, some staring at Ruby as she made her way to an empty seat “I’m sorry, you are?” Miles asked

“Ruby Buckton” Ruby replied

“One sec” Miles said as he looked to a sheet of paper that was on his desk “Oh yes. Hi, I’m Mr. Copeland and this is usually Literature” Miles replied as he waited for the other students to ready themselves for the class. “Right, last lesson we spoke about Macbeth’s worries toward his…” Miles looked to Ruby who sat with her hands on the desk “It would help if you had a book wouldn’t it” Ruby nodded “Dex, scooch over and share your book with Ruby” Miles said to Dex who sat on her left.

“Hi. I’m Dex” Dex smiled as he moved beside Ruby

“Ruby” Ruby replied as she moved her chair slightly

“And if you need help catching up with any of the work, I can help if you like. I’m a geek, if I’m honest”

“A geek” Ruby repeated

“Yes. I find it better to be able to admit it then to deny it. I find it allows me to avoid the toilet dunk”

“Mr. Copeland” Gina said as she knocked on the door whilst opening it “Can I have a word please”

“Erm, yea” Miles replied as he put his cup on the desk and walked toward the door. The students began to mumble to each other and Ruby sat, remaining quiet.

“So” Dex began

“So” Ruby repeated

“I’ve not seen you around before. You new?”

“Well the casual clothes should give that away” Ruby replied

“If you aren’t nice to me I’ll take the book away” Dex replied

“You’re weird, you know that?” Ruby said with a slight smile

“Yes I do. And thank you” Dex smiled

“Thanks for the offer to help catch up” Ruby replied “Although, I could do with a tour guide. Mrs. Austin said things were easy to find, but I have no sense of direction at all”

“Oh well, I can show you around, but I am still finding the school a mind baffler”

“You? Never. Someone as smart as you” Ruby replied

“I know its hard to believe, but its true” Dex smiled “No, I can show you around. But the girls gym change is where I draw the line. My sister might be able to help you there”

“You have a sister here?” Ruby asked

“Yea. Well, she’s in the year above, but she floats around from time to time” Dex replied

“What’s her name?” Ruby asked

“Indi” Dex replied. Ruby’s eyes widened before they glazed over slightly and her face became tainted with an angry expression “Ruby?” Dex said as he looked to Ruby “Are you okay?”

“Yea I’m fine” Ruby replied, trying to sound convincing.

“Okay I believe you” Dex replied as he looked to his book. “Actually no I don’t” Dex said as he put his book on the desk “You’ve met her already haven’t you”

“I might have done” Ruby replied

“Wait a minute. You’re not the girl from the surf club are you? The one who shouted at Indi?” Dex asked

“Why do you wanna know?” Ruby asked

“I nearly choked on my juice. Indi might be my sister, but that doesn’t mean I have to be nice to her or make people be nice to her” Dex replied “So, what was it about then?”

“I’m not going to tell you” Ruby replied “Look, what happened is between me and Indi, so, can you please stay out of it?” Ruby asked. Dex nodded his head, although now his next task of the day was to find out what had been said between Ruby and Indi four days ago.

  • 2 weeks later...
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:o over a week! Really sorry guys, but I had my birthday then my laptop broke then my other computer broke, then I went away......but now I got an update, its blah, but hey.

Rach, Sarah, Carina, biancaliamca, RR1, Danni, Charis, JosieTash and Sam. Thank you so much for the lovely comments. they mean a lot. :wub:

Chapter Twelve

Charlie got out of her parked car which she had been in for ten minutes, waiting for the time of her shift to begin and to prepare herslef for the days work ahead. Charlie took a deep breath in as she walked across the car park toward the station. Other officers walked in and out, not looking to Charlie, which made her slightly more at ease. Charlie walked through the door and saw that small town station life was close enough, the same a city station life. Only difference, officer walked empty handed into the station rather than having a wriggling person cuffed in front of them. Charlie smiled softly before she made her way to the desk where a female officer stood. "Charlie isn't it?" The woman aksed as she looked to Charlie. Charlie replied with a nod of her head "I'm Georgina watson, but you can call me Georgie"

"Oi" William shouted from the desk

"And pig-head there is William" Georgie sighed as she pointed to where William was sat.

"I'm not that bad, honest." William smiled "And we also have your badge and stripes here to Senior Constable" William said as he rose from his seat and walked into the office, reemerging with Charlie's badge and the two straps that hed the two stripes on "Here" William said as he handed them to Charlie.

"Thanks" Charlie replied as she proceed to put her badge on

"So, how do you like the bay so far Charlie?" William asked as he hands went into his pockets. Georige smiled before shaking her head and walking away. Charlie slowly looked up to William, continuing to fasten the pin into her shirt

"Its alright" Charlie replied as best she could. In truth, it was great. Fantastic even: Ruby woke up with a smile on her face each morning and usualy went to bed with a smile on her face, and Charlie felt happier in herself. But it was still that one small voice that kept speaking in her ear. That one remark that echoed through her mind nearly every day.

"Just alright?" William asked as he went back to his desk

"Well, yea. Ruby and I have only been here for a week so were still trying to find our way around"

"Who's Ruby?" Georgie asked as she went back to her paperwork

"She's my daughter. I've just been at the school with her teacher now" Charlie replied, squeezing her finger to disrtact herself from showing an emotional reaction to Georgie's facial change

"You have a daughter?" Georige asked. Charlie nodded and smiled when she saw the smile on Georgie's face. "How old is she?" Charlie's smile vanished from her face as dread filled her once more.

"She's, sixteen" Charlie replied

"Wow. You look great for your age" William said

"Aren't you thirty though?" Georgie asked, remembering the year of birth she had read for Charlie in the file.

"Yea" Charlie replied, although she had always hated the response

"Cool" Georige replied, knocking Charlie back slightly as she had never heard the word 'cool' spoken before. Whore? yes, Slut? yes, Cool? never. "Charlie? Are you alright?" Georgie asked as she saw Charlie and how she looked as though she had spaced out "Charlie?" Georgie repeated, waving her hand in front of Charlie as she did so "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine" Charlie blinked "Really" She added as she saw the worried look on Georgie's face

"Are you sure?" Georgie asked as she continued to look at Charlie, ready to catch if Charlie fell to the ground.

"Yes, I'm sure" Charlie smiled as she went to make her way passed Georgie

"Charlie" Jack said as he stepped out of the interview room, holding a radio and a file "You're with me today" Charlie smiled slightly as she made her way over to Jack, she glanced over her shoulder, noticing that Georige had put her head down and was getting back to the work she was doing before she had walked in. William on the other hand, he looked as though he was deep in thought. Charlie couldn't help but smile to herself after the comment William had given her about looking great for her age; she just pushed aside the aspect of the statement that could be taken offensively. "We are going to be patrolling the bay, Colleen Smart has put in a complaint about the noise level coming from the van next to hers. She has also said that there is a creepy man walking around, day and night" Jack read from the paper he had

"A creepy man" Charlie repeated, just making sure she had heard those words right. Jack nodded his head "Alright then"

"So, anyway. How are you and Ruby settling in? Finding everything alright?" Jack asked as he grabbed the keys from under the desk and watched as Charlie signed herself in

"Erm, yea. Ruby's just started at the school now so should hear about that tonight"

"And hows life in the bay so far" Jack smiled

"Different. Its nice" Charlie replied as she followed Jack out of the station and to where the partol car was parked. Jack unlocked the car and opened the drivers side door before getting in. Charlie looked around before she made her way into the car. Jack started the engine as Charlie closed the door "You don't give much time do ya" Charlie smiled

"Nope. I remember training. I was unbuckled and had the door open even before the car had stopped" Jack smiled as he pulled out of the station car park

"My old partner didn't believe in stopping the car to let me out. Everytime I was with him I had to get out whilst the car was still moving"

"City policing sounds so much cooler than small town policing" Jack said "Why did you move here?" Jack asked, suprised to learn what kind of antics city cops got up to

"It was lots of things. My dad and his wife have come here a couple of times together and said that it was beautiful and they always hated leaving. I got offered a job and things going on in my personal life also contributed to the move"

"Shouldn't you not run away from your problem?" Jack said "I don't mean it like that, I mean, running away doesn't solve anything"

"Okay, it was nothing like that. I faced the problem and he left. There was nothing keeping me or Ruby in the city. This job offer came at a really good time" Charlie snapped

"Look Charlie, I'm sorry. I guess its still a sore subject for you"

"Sore" Charlie repeated, her tone laced with sarcasm. Jack looked ahead of him, continuing to drive. He didn't want to push Charlie anymore, his first thought on what happened was becoming clearer to him that he may have been right.


Ruby looked to the water as it broke on the sand. Smiling as she heard the serenity of the bay.

"So, you are really not going to tell me what happened between you and my sister?" Dex asked as he sat himself beside Ruby with a thud

"No Dexter, I am not" Ruby replied "It has nothing to do with you"

"I have to disagree" Dex replied as he held his index finger up "Indi happens to be my sister who I love dearly" Dex began "Therefore I, as the brother, should find a way of trying to help my sister" Ruby looked to Dex with an eyebrow raised "What?"

"Okay, I have no little brother so I don't really know, but, I highly doubt he would want to help me if I was having a problem with someone at school"

"Yea, well, your little brother isn't me. So, what happened between you and my sister?"

"You're not going to give up on this are you?" Dex shook his head and smiled happily when he saw Ruby move herself, readying herself to tell Dex what happened "If I told you that someone I know is my age, so sixteen, and has a mum who is thirty. What would you say?" Dex blinked a few times as his mouth opened slowly

"You're mum is thrity?"

"I said someone I know" Ruby replied

"That person you know is you" Dex said as he pointed to Ruby

"Okay fine. My name is Ruby and my mum was fourteen when she had me" Ruby said

"Young" Dex smiled

"Young? That's all you are going to say? young?" Ruby asked

"Well I can't say that she was old now can I" Dex replied "So that's the thing that happened? Indi reacted badly to that?" Ruby nodded "Don't worry, only the girls in my family over react. I have a tendancy to under react"

"So....It doesn't bother you that I have a young mum?" Ruby asked

"Why would it? Your mum might have wanted to have a child early so she could enjoy having a longer life with you. I dunno" Dex shurgged his shoulders. Ruby smiled as she shyly looked to the sand. She had never heard that before. Or had that reaction before. It was a nice change; finding someone who didn't care. "Right. I'm hungry. Are we going to the diner or what?"

"Yea, the diner sounds good" Ruby replied as she rose to her feet and joined Dex as he began to walk toward the diner.

"So I don't even get a clue as why you moved here? Because I know that I'm a main attraction to the bay but, you had no idea I lived here" Dex asked as he and Ruby walked into the diner

"Mum got a job offer and we needed a change. So we moved here" Ruby replied

"Nothing to do with me?" Dex asked, slightly hurt

"Everything thing to do with you Dexter. I looked at the bay on the net and next to 'Main Attraction/Favourite Places to visit', there was a picture of you, waving and introducing yourself" Ruby replied

"Good feature aren't I?" Dex smiled

"Ah, young Dexter. What can I get you" Colleen smiled as she approached the counter where Dex and Ruby stood

"I will have the usual please Colleen and Ruby, what will you have?" Dex turned to Ruby as he asked

"Just the tuna salad wrap please" Ruby replied

"I'll bring these straight over" Colleen smiled as she finished writing them down.

"Thank you Colleen" Dex replied before he spun on the spot and headed to an empty table. He pulled the chair out and sat on it. Ruby did the same just as Jack and Charlie walked into the diner. Ruby smiled when she saw Charlie

"Mum" Ruby said as she rose to her feet and walked over to Charlie. Dex turned to look at the woman Ruby had called mum. His mouth opened quickly as he kept his eyes firmly on Charlie and Ruby as they spoke "Sorry, I know you're working, but.. you see him" Ruby said as she pointed to Dex, hiding the fact that she was pointing by sheilding her finger with her body

"You mean the boy with his mouth wide open? Yea" Charlie replied as she looked to Dex, who still had his mouth open in awe

"He doesn't care" Ruby smiled

"Care about what?" Charlie asked

"That you were fourteen when you had me. I told you there would be someone who didn't care" Ruby smiled more

"He doesn't care" Charlie smiled as Ruby shook her head

"No and he's still talking to me. I never had that in the city" Ruby replied as she bit her lip in excitement "I have a friend. And hes not judging me"

"Thats great Rubes" Charlie smiled as her eyes glazed over with tears

"Mum" Ruby said, noticing the coat of wet her eyes had

"Rubes not now okay. I'm supposed to be on duty" Charlie smiled

"Okay. Talk at home then" Ruby replied, smiling once more before she walked back to Dex

"What was that about?" Jack asked as he looked to Charlie

"What was what about?" Charlie asked as she looked to Jack after having been smiling at Ruby who was now talking more with Dex

"Ruby said something about Dex not caring" Jack replied

"Well..people judged me when they found out I had a daughter of sixteen" Charlie replied, feeling comfortable with Jack

"What?" Colleen gasped as she walked to the counter, holding Dex and Ruby's food order

"Colleen" Jack said quickly, knowing how sometimes, Colleen would speak before thinking "Can we make an order please"

"Just a sec" Colleen replied, keeping her eyes on Charlie as she walked from behind the counter and across to where Dex and Ruby were sitting. Colleen looked carefully to Ruby as she lowered Ruby's wrap to the table. Dex thanked Colleen but Colleen ignored Dex's words and headed back to the counter. Charlie stood wide eyed as Colleen maintained her look at Charlie. "Is she your daughter?" Colleen asked. Charlie looked to Ruby, who had now spun in her chair to look at what was going on. Dex had already started his food and wasn't paying much attention to what was going on.

"Yes" Charlie replied "Yes she is. Why?" Charlie swallowed hard. She had remembered Morag mentioning the biggest gossip in the bay, but couldn't recall the name of the woman until just now.

"Aren't you a bit young to have a daughter that age?" Colleen replied

"Not that its any of your business, but I don't think so. I love my daughter and I don't think anyone should judge me on the basis of seeing a thirty year old with a sixteen year old child" Charlie replied

"Well, in my day women had to be married before they could even think about having children" Colleen commented

"And In your day a womans place was in the kitchen. Not out here judging me" Charlie retorted before she turned and walked out of the diner. Ruby swiftly followed as Jack was left at the counter with a bewildered Colleen stood with her mouth open in shock.

"Colleen" Irene said as she shook her head "What did you say to her?"

"She has a daughter of sixteen" Colleen replied

"That wasn't Charlie was it?" Leah asked as she looked up

"Yea it was Leah" Jack replied as Colleen put her bottom lip out in a paddy-like way as she was been told off by Irene for her outburst

"I'll go check on her" Leah said to Irene as she removed her apron

"Yea alright love" Irene smiled as Leah walked out of the diner "Colleen, that mouth of your is gonna get you into trouble one of these days"

"She has a sixteen year old daughter! What is the world coming to if an officer of the law has a child that old?"

"For starters, its none of your business so you shouldn't pass judgement. Secondly, I don't think Charlie or Ruby for that matter need this in their lives right now" Jack replied

"I was merely voicing my opinion. I have a right to do that" Colleen said as she placed her hands on the counter to add to her dramatics

"And customers have a right to come in here without getting their head bitten off by you" Irene replied as she glared at Colleen. "Sorry Jack"

"Don't apologise to me, I just hope Charlie will be alright" Jack replied as he held his hand up to stop Irene apologising. He then looked to the door where Charlie had ran out of, followed by Ruby, Leah and now Dex carring Ruby's wrap, his bag and Ruby's.

"Charlie?" Leah spoke softly as she approached where Charlie was sitting. Charlie looked out to the water as it crashed up on the rocks in the distance. "Charlie" Leah said once more, but Charlie remained still. Leah sighed softly as she made her way closer to Charlie and sat beside her. Ruby slowed her pace as she saw Leah settle herself beside Charlie. "Charlie, don't pay any attention to what Colleen says. She has a habit of talking before she thinks" Leah said as she looked to Charlie, who laughed under her breath slightly before she wiped her face from the tear that had escaped her eye.

"Erm, I have your wrap" Dex said as he held Ruby's wrap out. Ruby turned to face Dex and couldn't help but smile at the innocent face that stared back at her. Ruby knew Dex would ask why Charlie ran out of the diner, but for now, Dex was there, not asking and so far, been s a friend

"Thanks" Ruby smiled as she took her wrap from Dex

"And take your bag too. Its heavy and I don't carry heavy things" Dex smiled as he handed Ruby her unusually heavy bag "We have school to get to. Will your mum be alright?" Dex asked as he looked to the patch of grass where Charlie and Leah were sat

"She'll be fine" Ruby replied, althought she wasn't fully sure that Charlie would be. Colleen's reaction was a different version of what they had heard, but still had the same effect on Charlie. Ruby wanted to stay, as now all Charlie would need was a shoulder to cry on, but Ruby knew that in doing so, Dex would ask questions and wouldn't give up until he got an answer that he was happy with. "Come on, we'll be late for school" Ruby added as she walked off, Dex soon follwed after having been looking to Charlie who was still looking out to the water.

"Do you want me to go?" Leah asked after recieving nothing from Charlie

"No" Charlie replied quickly as she grabbed Leah's hand "Can you please stay?" Charlie looked up to Leah with tears glazing her eyes. Leah nodded as she looked to Charlie, her heart breaking slightly to see a comment colleen had made to take such an effect on someone "You think I'm stupid don't you" Charlie said as she wiped her face

"I don't think that at all" Leah replied as she shook her head

"Really" Charlie replied as she looked to Leah with a dis-believeing look on her face

"I don't think its stupid at all. But, I am a little worried though. I know I haven't known you very long, but, from what I've seen and what I've heard you and Ruby say about the city, its making me think that a huge reason you left was the comments that were made over you been as young as you were when you had Ruby" Leah looked to Charlie. Charlie shook her head as she laughed slightly, the only thing she could do to stop herself from crying.

"Robert met Ruby after our first date. Rubes was eight years old and he practically ran out of the house, but before he did he called me a slut for been in my early twenties with an eight year old daughter" A tear fell from Charlie's eye "Then there was Bill. Ruby had just turned nine and Bill and I hit it off, I felt comfortable with him and after I told him that Robert had ran out after meeting her I thought he was the guy that could end everything. I told him how old Ruby was and after he worked out the age I was, he called me a whore. He left after that. I was deveastated" Charlie recalled as she looked to the patch of sand that she had sat in front of. The grains of sand seeped through the gaps in her fingers "And then there was Matt. Ruby was eleven, I was twenty five and cautious. Especially with everything that happened before with Robert and Bill" Charlie wiped her face once more. Part of her wanted to continue as she was finally opening up about her hurtful past; but the other part of her wanted to stop. Even now, talking about Bill and Robert still pained her.

"Charlie" A voice from behind spoke softly as the footsteps came closer. Charlie wiped the residual tears from her face before she turned her body to face Jack as he stood carrying two cups, which Charlie assumed to be coffee, in his hands "I didn't know what food you liked, but I got you a coffee"

"Thanks Jack" Charlie smiled as she rose to her feet. Leah rose to hers too and took a step back as Charlie took the cup from Jack. "I'm sorry about running out like that, I know thats not professional" Charlie began, but Jack held his hand up

"Charlie, its fine. Besides, we're on our lunch break so it really doesn't matter" Jack said before he took a sip of his drink.

"I should get back to work" Leah said as she made to walk away

"Hey Leah" Charlie said, causing Leah to turn back to face them "Thanks" Charlie smiled

"Your welcome" Leah smiled warmly before she continued to walk away.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Jack asked

"Yea, I'm fine. I mean I wasn't, but now I am" Charlie replied as she began to walk away from where she and Jack were stood

"Charlie, you can tell me to butt out or shut up, but...I think I may know why you were so young when you had Ruby" Jack said as he remained in his spot. Charlie stopped where she was stood and slowly turned to face Jack

"You think you do?" Charlie asked

"Yea" Jack replied "If you need any time off work because of it-"

"Jack, I appriciate the gesture. But, it happened so long ago. I just... I have to find a way to stop myself getting like this every time someone says something like Matt did" Charlie replied, cutting Jack off mid-sentence

"If you're sure?" Charlie nodded "Right, well, Colleen Smart, the woman who belongs in the kitchen, is the woman who made the complaint about the creepy guy hanging around"

"Right, okay. Shall we?" Charlie said as she headed in the direction of the diner. Jack looked to Charlie, confused by the sudden change in character. Although he did have to admire the level of professionalism Charlie was showing


Ruby stared out of the window, not paying much attention to the class Liam was trying to teach. Xavier sat opposite Ruby, watching her as she looked to the trees. April sat beside Xavier and Dex was to the right of Ruby. All looking at Ruby as her stare out of the window continued. "Is there something to do with music floating around out there Ruby?" Liam asked as he perched on the edge of his desk. Ruby never moved "Ruby" Liam said a little louder. Dex took a pencil from the case that was in front of him and threw it to the table. Ruby looked to Dex after she felt the pencil hit her on the arm. Dex used his eyes to make Ruby look to the front of the classroom. Ruby's eyes widened slightly as she saw Liam look back at her "not a good start to the class Ruby" Liam said before he returned to the board and continued to write

"Pssst" Dex turned to face Xavier "Who's that?" Xavier asked as he looked to Ruby

"Ruby, she's new" Dex whispered

"Right" Xavier replied as he went back to sitting properly in his desk.

"In groups of four, I want you to research the history of the guitar. This will be in the exam later on in the year" Liam said as he placed the last of the textbooks on the table "Half an hour kids".

"Ruby" Dex whispered as he leaned closer to Ruby

"Dexter, you don't have to whipser" Ruby replied, trying her hardest not to smile

"I know, I thought this would be fun" Dex replied, still whispering "So, This is Xavier and April." Dex introduced Ruby to Xavier and April "and this is going to be a boring half an hour"

"This history of a guitar" April said "Bianca warned me about this"

"Who's Bianca?" Ruby asked

"My sister. She and Mr. Murphy are going out. Bianca is the languages teacher here" April replied

"Do you find that a little weird?" Ruby asked "I mean, having your sister and her boyfriend teach at the school you go to?"

"No. Not really. I mean, I was a student here before Liam started and before he and Bianca got together, but I can't do any of Bianca's classes. Unless she's covering the class" April replied "But, what about you?"

"What about me?" Ruby asked

"Your sister is an officer. You can't do anything illegal without been busted before you've even had chance to do anything"

"I don't have a sister" Ruby replied

"So, who's that chick I've seen you with a couple of times on the beach?" Xavier asked. Dex covered his mouth as he tried to stop himself from laughing

"That 'chick' as you call her, is my mum" Ruby replied, she too, trying to stop a laugh from escaping

"Your mum" Xavier repeated slowly.

"My mum" Ruby replied with a slight giggle.

"Okay, either she was young when she had you or she looks really good for her age" April said "How old is she?" April asked

"How old do you think?" Ruby asked

"I've never seen her" Aril replied

"When I saw her on the beach last week with you, I thought she was in her twenties. I don't mean her early twenties, maybe twenty six" Xavier replied

"Oh right" Ruby smiled

"Okay so, how old is she?"

"Mum is thirty. Her birthday was a few weeks back" Ruby replied. "So, the guitar" Ruby said as she wanted to move passed the conversation

"Hold on....." Dex said as he grabbed the pen from April "I will wirte. Gets me out of thinking"


He walked into the diner and took a seat opposite the counter. Watching as people walked in and out, smiling as they walked to the counter. Colleen walked out and stood in front of the til. she glanced up and saw him sitting there. His features resembled those of the creepy man who wandered the Caravan Park a few times. Colleen hurried into the kitchen and dialled 000.


Thank you for the :wub: comments guys, I really appriciate them :D I love reading them, they make (part of lol) my da! :D

Chapter Thirteen

Colleen waited in the kitchen, hiding behind the wall and every so often, peering around the corner to see if the man was still sitting there or if Jack or Charlie or any officer had walked into the diner. Irene and Leah stood at the counter, looking to Colleen as she hid but trying to keep face as they didn't want to make it obvious that the police had been called. The man coughed into his hand, causing Colleen to flinch and cower more. Irene shook her head as she looked to Colleen. The man folded the newspaper in half, tucked it under his arm and stood up from his seat. He then made his way out of the diner, not been seen by Leah, Irene or Colleen.

"Sorry" The man said after he bumped into someone. He never looked up from his gaze at the ground. He continued his on his path and headed for the beach.

"Oh" Colleen gasped "Oh thank goodness you're here" Colleen walked out of the kitchen and over to Charlie and Jack, taking hold of Jack's arm for slight comfort

"What's the problem Colleen?" Jack asked as he loosened Colleen's grip from his arm and took a step back. Charlie stood slightly behind Jack with her hands by her side

"That man. He was just here. He left as you two walked in" Colleen replied

"The guy who walked into Charlie you mean?" Jack asked, remebering that someone had bumped into her. Colleen looked up to Charlie and nodded, Charlie smiled softly to assure Colleen that they would do something about it "come on, he might be still around" Jack said to Charlie as he glanced over his shoulder at her, Charlie kept her eyes on Colleen "Charlie?" Jack said as he tapped Charlie on the shoulder "Did you hear what I said"

"Yea, I did, but I think I should stay here" Charlie replied

"Why?" Jack asked

"Look" Charlie replied, pointing to Colleen who still looked scared "Whoever this guy is has really shaken Colleen up. Maybe It'd be a good idea if one of us goes out and the other stays here. See if anyone else saw the man"

"We'll do that then."Jack agreed "Do you want to stay then?" Jack asked

"Can do" Charlie replied. Jack nodded before he headed back for the door. Colleen smiled, knowing Jack was now looking for the man she had seen for just under a week. "Colleen" Charlie said as she turned to face her

"If you've come here to have another go at me you can save your breath. I was merely pointing out something" Colleen cut off Charlie "And I'm sorry. It is none of my business and I'm sorry that you were hurt by my remark" Colleen said, much to Leah, Irene's and Charlie's shock

"You've changed your tune Colleen" Irene siad as she walked over to Colleen, carrying a drink in her hand for her "Here"

"Thank you" Colleen said to Irene as she took the cup from Irene. She then looked upto Charlie who stood, looking around the diner "Senior Constable?" Colleen began "Buckton" she added after reading the name on Charlie's badge. Charlie looked to Colleen "I am sorry"

"Can we leave this for now please" Charlie asked

"No. I want to apologise for my apaulling behaviour" Colleen replied

"Okay, apology accepted" Charlie snapped, hoping Colleen would stop talking about it and move onto the topic of this man that was creeping here out "What can you tell me about this man who you've seen"

"He's a tall man, dressed smartly" Colleen replied

"Colleen, that could be anyone in the bay, you may want to be a bit more specific" Irene said as she looked to Charlie.

"I've never seen his face properly. I just know its him" Colleen replied

"Colleen, if you haven't seen his face, there is nothing Jack and I can do about this. Chasing around after every 'tall' man who are 'dressed smartly' is a waste of police time. Until you can tell us what he looks like or if he has any scars or unusualy markings on him, we can't make an arrest" Charlie said to Colleen

"You're not wanting to help me because of what I said to you" Colleen retorted

"That's not the case at all Colleen. We can't go around the bay, questioning every man who fits the tall and dressed smartly description because its nothing substantial to go on"

"If I kept my mouth shut about you having a daughter, you would have done everything you could have for me" Colleen said. Charlie had to hold her tongue. Colleen was been difficult and Charlie couldn't speak her mind as she was on duty and a protector of the public. Jack walked back into the diner. "Oh Jack, I know you will help me" Colleen smiled

"What's the problem?"Jack asked as he walked over to Colleen and Charlie

"I have given Senior Constable Buckton a description of the man, and she wont do anything about it" Colleen replied. Charlie shook her head and Leah and Irene couldn't believe what they had heard.

"What descrpition was this?" Jack asked

"He's a tall man and smartly dressed" Colleen replied

"That it?" Jack asked. Colleen nodded her head "Colleen, that's not enough. We can't go around the bay, hassling every bloke that fits that description"

"Maybe next time listening to Charlie might be a good idea" Irene said as she looked to Charlie, apologetically.


Dex, April, Xavier and Ruby walked across the grass over to the bench where Indi, Nicole and Romeo were sat. Ruby saw Indi and felt slightly uneasy after what she had said. Indi stood up, looking to Ruby as she did so. A silence fell upon the group. Dex looked to Indi, and then to Ruby as though he was watching a tennis match.

"Awkward" Dex said as a way to ease the tension.

"Ruby, I'm sorry. I..."

"I am too" Ruby said, cutting Indi off "I'm just.. I've never had that said directly to me without my mum been there or the first one to have that said to. And I am sorry I snapped"

"No, you were in the right to snap at me. What I said to you was horrible. I would like it if we could be friends" Indi said.

"I'd like that too" Ruby smiled

"No fight? No slap?" Dex gasped "What's the point of having a verbal bash at each other then?"

"Because Dex, that's what boys do" Indi replied

"I don't" Dex replied

"Again, that's what boys do".

"What was the fight about?" April asked, intrigued

"Well, you can't call it a fight really" Ruby replied "More of a difference in opinion"

"Okay, well, still. What was it about?" Xavier asked.

"Erm" Ruby began "My mum was fourteen when she had me"

"Is that it?" Romeo asked "You're mum was young when she had you?"

"Yea" Ruby replied

"And you had a go at her?" Romeo asked Indi, who bowed her head in shame

"You didn't compare Ruby's mum to Poppy did you?" Dex asked

"Who's Poppy?" Ruby asked

"Poppy found out she was pregnant when she was fourteen and she didn't know who the dad was. She was one of those girls who'd have three and four boyfriends at once. We all knew what she was like, and she was devastated when she found out she was pregnant. No one helped her, we all thought it was something she deserved for been such a skank. Anyway, she came to my house, wanting my help to find somewhere she could dump the baby after it was born. I didn't want anything to do with her or what she was wanting to do. It wasn't the baby's fault and there was no way I was going to help. Poppy had the baby after she turned fifteen and I think she gave the baby to her uncle's wife's sister who couldn't have kids. Poppy went straight back to her old ways. And ever since then, that's all I can see when I hear about woman who had a baby at a young age" Indi answered "Poppy was careless and never learnt. Once a skank, always a skank"

"Did you ever find out who the dad was?" April asked

"Yea, it was her boyfriend's. He was gutted when he found out what Poppy had done" Indi replied. "Ruby, are you okay?" Indi asked, noticing the tears that were falling from Ruby's eyes

"I'm fine" Ruby croaked before hse rose to her feet and left the group

"I'll go" Nicole said as she rose to her feet and chased after Ruby.


"The classroom isn't the best place to hide you know" Nicole said as she walked into the room where Ruby was. She sat on the floor in the corner. Her body showing how upset she was. "Ruby" Nicole said as she knelt beside Ruby. Ruby looked upto Nicole and smiled weakly. "So, I know there is more to this whole thing than just, your mum been young when she had you" Nicole said to Ruby as she leant herself up against the wall beside Ruby "You can tell me you know. I can try and help"

"You can't help. and I can't tell. I promised mum I wouldn't tell anyone until she was ready" Ruby replied, looking down at her hands

"I wont tell anyone Ruby. I can see that this is really getting to you. And if its getting to you like this, then it should be getting to your mum too" Nicole sympathised. Ruby looked to Nicole with plead in her eyes.

"What Indi said about Poppy. The dad wanting to be apart of the baby's life. and how Poppy got pregnant" Ruby began

"Yea" Nicole said, hoping Ruby would continue

"That sounds nice in comparison to what happened to mum" Ruby cried

"What?" Nicole asked

"Mum was..."

"Oh my god" Nicole gasped as she realised "Ruby" She said as she pulled Ruby close for a hug "No wonder why you're defensive"

"Its mum I feel sorry for. She's had this type of reaction from her boyfriends. I've never had it. What Indi said was not even close to what Matt, Robert and Bill said to her. And yet I'm like this" Ruby threw her hands to, show her upset "Mum has always had it hard. Everyone was ok with mum having a daughter, until they found out her age. Everyone would assume she looked younger than she was"

"Ruby I don't know..."

"Its fine. I don't expect you to know what to say. Its not like I'm not okay with it. Mum told me when I was thirteen, I hated knowing. But, I realised that mum has always been there for me, and that I never had to know him. I don't want to know him. He has nothing to do with who I am, he doesn't know me" Ruby continued "Mum was so brave when she told Matt about him. And he said some horrible things to her. Mum never got over that and I don't think she will" Ruby pulled away from Nicole "One of the reasons we moved here was to give us both a fresh start and be accepted with the past that we have. Or more so what my mum has"

"Ruby. I think people are just shocked that there is such a small age gap between you and your mum. I mean, my mum and dad were seventeen nearly eighteen when I was born and everyone was a little weird with them at first" Nicole began "Trust me, once the initial shock dies down, no one will care that your mum was only young when she had you"

"That would be nice" Ruby smiled weakly "I just want this for mum. I just want her to be happy"


Charlie and Jack walked along the beach, carrying another cup of coffee as they discussed the best course of action to follow up on Colleen's complaint. Having nothing substantial to go on made their job ten times harder, but when Colleen Smart had a bee in her bonet, Jack knew it was best to try and sort the problem out before Colleen nagged them every single day.

"Is Colleen usually like this?" Charlie asked

"What? you mean wanting something done straight away and speaking before she thinks?" Charlie looked away as though to say yes, without voicing it "Yes, she is" Charlie looked to the sand as she and Jack continued to walk "I wouldn't take iot to heart, she is a nice person once you get to know her. She just.. she can be a much sometimes"

"I'm sure she is nice" Charlie smiled "So, how long have your dad and Rachel been married?" Charlie asked

"Erm, they're not just yet. They're engaged"

"Oh right" Charlie replied "So, are they waiting until after the baby is born?"

"Erm. I don' think they were. But they might have to now" Jack replied "Dad wanted my younger brother to come over from America but he can't come over just yet"

"You have another brother?" Charlie asked

"Yea" Jack nodded "Have you got any brothers or sisters?"

"No. My mum wasn't able to have anymore after me" Charlie replied

"I take it Ruby doesn't have any brothers or sisters" Jack said as helooked to Charlie

"No" Charlie replied "I'd love to have another one, but I don't think I'll get the chance again" Chalrie added as she and Jack made their way off the beach and headed to the surf club car park. Jack walked over to the bins carrying his and Charlie's empty coffee cups. Charlie stood at the fench, looking back to the beach. He saw he stood there. An officer of the law looking over the residents of the bay. He smiled slyly to himself before he turned to face his car. The door shut, causing Charlie to look over. She saw a red car pull out of the car park and drive off in the direction of the city.

"Ready?" Jack shouted as he walked over to the police car

"Yea" Charlie replied as she turned to face the car, bumping into someone as she did so "Sorry" Charlie said as he heard something hit the floor

"Don't worry" Angelo smiled "It's garbage anyway" Angelo bent and picked the bag he dropped on the ground "But, we will have to stop bumping into each other. One of us is going to sustain injury" Charlie laughed slightly as she and Angelo walked toward the car and bin "And I have a feeling that it'll be me who sustains the injuries"

"Maybe you should say something to me next time" Charlie replied, looking to Angelo with a smile on her face "Then I wont hurt you as much" She added before conitnuing to walk to the car. Angelo stood and watched as she opened the car door and sat in the seat. The smile on his face widening as he watched the car drive away.


Danni, Carina, Rach, Sarah, Charis, RR1 and JosieTash. Thank you so much for the :wub: comments and picking out what you liked. It means a lot to know that you are enjoying this :D

Only a small ish update....

Chapter fourteen

Angelo continued to look at where the police car had left the car park. The smile was still on his face, if not bigger than it was when Charlie had spoken to him. Dorkily laughing to himself, Angelo went to put the garbage bag into the bin before he headed back to the restaurant. As he walked past the pool players, Marilyn caught a glimpse of the smile that Angelo still clearly showed on his face. Marilyn put the towel she was holding on the side and walked after Angelo as he headed up the stairs. Mary –a causal at the Surf Club- took over from Marilyn.

“Strewth” Alf said to Angelo as he saw the look on his face “what happened to you”

“What do you mean?” Angelo asked as he took a piece of chalk from the pot and began to re-write some specials on the board

“You were just about ready to put a hole in that wall over there” Alf pointed to one of the walls in the restaurant “And now you have a grin on your face”

“Its amazing what a bit of fresh air can do” Angelo replied

“Who has put that smile on your face Angelo” Marilyn asked as she rushed over to the bar where Alf and Angelo were. “Or should I ask, what is she called”

“Some Shelia has made you smile” Alf asked as he cleaned one of the glasses that were set out in front of him

“Charlie” Angelo smiled

“As in the new officer, Charlie” Marilyn asked. Alf stopped what he was doing and looked to Angelo, who tried to hide the smile on his face without much luck

“Yea” Angelo replied

“She really has made an impression on you hasn’t she?” Marilyn asked “I mean, you had that same smile on your face a few days ago. And I’m sure it was after you had spoken to Charlie”

“Well, that time we didn’t really speak” Angelo corrected Marilyn

“So what happened then?” Marilyn asked as she grabbed a bar stool and sat herself down. Angelo sighed and looked to Alf for a little help

“You’re on your own mate” Alf said as he put away the last glass and made his way to the door


“You were longer than the three hours” Georgie said after she had glanced at her watch. Jack and Charlie had only just walked back into the station after leaving five hours before hand.

“Yea sorry” Jack replied “Colleen had us there a little longer than we thought. Wanted us to talk to every customer in the diner until we got something” Jack lied. He looked to Charlie after talking, to assure her that he wasn’t going to make her suffering any worse. Charlie smiled thankfully to Jack before she glanced at the clock.

“When did it get to half past three?” Charlie said, shocked after how long she and Jack had spent on a three-hour patrol of the beach and business. “I’d better go. I promised Rubes I get her from school”

“Isn’t she old enough to walk home?” Georgie asked

“Yea, but, every first day back at school, I’ve taken her and picked her up from school. I thought she’d want to stop as soon as she reached high school” Charlie replied with a smile on her face

“So tomorrow, Ruby will walk to and from school by herself” Georgie asked

“I know it seems weird that a sixteen year old is happy having their mum take them to school, but, I can’t explain why we still do it. I’m just happy that she still wants me around and involved in her life” Charlie answered as she walked behind the desk to sign herself out.

“No, I think that’s nice. I never wanted my mum there at the gates waiting for me. But I went to my nephew’s school with my sister and saw the look in her face when he

ran over to her. He’s only seven, but still, I can imagine that the same smile would be there. So, I don’t think it’s that weird. I mean, if it’s the norm for you” Lizzie pitched in as she walked behind Jack carrying files in her hand

“How is Monty now? Last I heard he had chickenpox” Georgie asked

“He’s alright. He’s got a scar just above his eyebrow. He says he’s a pirate now” Lizzie smiled

“Aww” Charlie smiled as she grabbed her bag and keys from under the desk “Erm, right, I’d better go. I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Yea, see you Charlie” Jack smiled. Charlie walked out of the station and headed to her car. Jack had waited until she was no longer seen in the doorway to move. He headed for the office and saw that Charlie was down to work with Williams on the roads linking Summer Bay with the city. He took the sheet down from the notice board and began to tipex out the names. Georgie had followed Jack in, she had doubted what Jack had said about why they were so long, mostly due to the fact she saw the look Charlie and Jack shared.

“So. What really happened” Georgie asked as she sat down at the desk opposite Jack

“What do you mean?” Jack asked, not looking up from the sheet

“You and Charlie left here at half past ten to patrol the beach and what not. We get a call from Colleen saying about a man who was creep and we tell you. That was at no later than quarter to twelve. Its half three now. What went on?”

“Good work there. You should be a cop” Jack replied, hoping he could figure out a way of getting out of the questions Georgie was giving him.

“Jack” Georgie said as she cocked her head slightly. Jack looked over to Georgie “Spill”


Ruby walked with her hands in her pockets over to where Charlie was stood waiting for her. Charlie smiled at Ruby as she came closer, Ruby uneasily smiled back, knowing that she had broken her promise by telling Nicole about Grant.

“Hey” Charlie said as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. “How was your day?”

“Erm” Ruby began as she pulled away. Ruby wanted to tell Charlie that she had found someone to confine in; it was a huge step up for them to have found one person who they trusted enough to tell the truth to. But Ruby knew that Charlie would be devastated in knowing that her past was known “It was alright” Ruby replied “Indi and I made up. She was the girl who said about you not been careful when you got pregnant” Ruby continued “Oh speaking of Indi, she and Nicole, and Xavier, Dex and Romeo asked if I wanted some help catching up with some work. I said yes” Ruby remembered “Is that okay that they come around for an hour or so?” Ruby asked

“I don’t see why not” Charlie smiled “So, how did that exam go that Gina said about?” Charlie asked

“Fine, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. But, that exam result can be used as my actual result if I’m unable to do the proper exam” Ruby answered “Hey mum” Charlie looked to Ruby as they walked closer to the car “What did you and Leah talk about on the banks?”

“I erm-” Charlie sighed “I told her about Bill and Robert”

“What?” Ruby asked

“I just…I started to talk, and I couldn’t stop” Charlie replied, not having much to defend herself with as she did find it so easy to open up to Leah

“You didn’t tell her about Matt did you?” Ruby asked, worrying slightly “Or him”

“No” Charlie shook her head “I Don’t think I’m ready to talk about all that yet. I just want a little bit longer” Charlie said sadly as she looked to the ground. Ruby looked to Charlie, feeling more guilty about what she had told Nicole; because now, there would be an awkwardness between Charlie and Nicole when they came around to the house a little later. “So its nice that you’ve made some friends” Charlie said, changing the subject “That’s something I was right about when we left the city” Charlie smiled as she looked to Ruby, who was looking over her shoulder, back at the school. Charlie looked to the school and then to Ruby; trying to place ‘where’ Ruby was “Rubes?” Charlie said with a slight laugh “Rubes, you okay?” Charlie asked

“Yea” Ruby replied quickly as she turned back to Charlie

“Are you sure?” Charlie asked

“Yes, I’m sure. Stop worrying” Ruby replied, smiling as she said stop worrying. Charlie nodded her head as she and Ruby got into the car. Charlie didn’t believe Ruby: she could see there was something Ruby wasn’t telling her.


“Rubes. Come on, please. You’re never this quiet” Charlie said as she put her car keys in the pot on the side and proceeded to remove her shoes “What’s happened?”. Ruby looked to Charlie who had now sat herself on the couch. Ruby didn’t want to tell Charlie that she had told someone about Grant: Charlie wasn’t ready for people knowing yet, especially after Matt and what happened when he found out. Ruby didn’t want Charlie to revert back to the emotional state she was in afterward; it was heartbreaking to see Charlie cry all the time, to see her curl herself up on the couch, clutching to her legs for comfort. Ruby always knew what Charlie was doing when she took herself off to her bedroom, the redness around her eyes and the sniffs coming from her quivering mouth were a give-away. Ruby sighed heavily as she walked over to the couch and sat beside Charlie. Before she even spoke, Ruby wrapped her arms around Charlie and gave her a hug.

“Indi told me more about why she was a bit weird when I told her that you were my mum and how old you were when I was born” Ruby began “Her friend, Poppy, got pregnant and she didn’t know who the dad was. Anyway, Poppy wanted Indi to help her get rid of the baby but Indi said no, after that Poppy was out casted by everyone. Poppy gave the baby away to someone in the family who couldn’t have their own kids. When the baby’s dad found out, he was gutted. He actually wanted to be a part of the baby’s life” Ruby wiped a tear from her cheek “It just made me angry that this girl got pregnant through stupidity and yet she didn’t have to have anything to do with the baby” Ruby sniffed as she wiped more tears from her face “Anyway, I left the group and Nicole came after me. She asked me what was wrong, and I lied to her, I tried to make her leave but she knew something was wrong with me” Ruby looked up to Charlie “I’m sorry mum. I tried not to tell her, but it just came out” Ruby wiped her face again “I never said the words, but Nicole pieced it all together. Mum I’m so sorry, I-“

“Don’t be sorry” Charlie replied as she pulled Ruby closer to her. Ruby rested her head on Charlie’s chest as Charlie began to run her fingers through Ruby’s hair “How was Nicole after that?” Charlie asked, holding back her tears that she could feel in her eyes

“She didn’t know what to say at first. I mean, about what happened to you. But, I don’t think anyone does or ever will” Ruby began “But after, she said that once the shock dies down, no one will care about the age gap” Ruby smiled “I guess she sort of knows how it feels having you parents. Her mum and dad were seventeen when she was born. And even they got the same reaction as we’re getting”

“I’m glad you found someone like that Rubes” Charlie said before she placed a kiss on Ruby’s forehead

“You’re not angry with me are you?” Ruby asked as she sat up “It’s just, you said you weren’t ready for people to know just yet. And so far, nothing has gone in the way you wanted it to”

“I’m not angry. I could never be angry with you Rubes. I knew you would be ready to tell people way before me. And its nice that you have. Don’t be worried about me and what I’m thinking or feeling. I’ve held you back long enough now” Charlie smiled weakly “Now. I’m going to have a shower, get changed and then I’m going to have dinner with Leah. So, you and your mates can have the place to yourselves”

“You don’t have to leave you know” Ruby said with a laugh

“No, I know. But, I owe Leah so much already. So when I was waiting for you I asked her if she wanted to go to Angelo’s for some food”

“You two are close now aren’t you? I mean, it’s like you’re best friends” Ruby smiled

“I wouldn’t say best friends Rubes” Charlie replied “But it is nice knowing that there is someone there who hasn’t really shown any problems with this whole thing”

“Do you think you’ll tell her about Matt and everything?” Ruby asked

“I don’t know” Charlie replied “I mean, it’d be nice to have a friend knowing as well as having you, Dad and Morag knowing” Charlie added “But, its whether or not I can bring myself to go into it all again. Going through it when it happened was bad enough, but having to say what happened…I don’t know”


Ruby finished off tidying the front room up. She placed the cushions back on the couch, made sure the magazines were in the holder, dusted the table and the TV set and she made sure that the shoes were hidden away. The kitchen was already tidy as no one had used it since that morning. Ruby sat herself on the couch and switched the TV on. A smile appeared on her face as soon as she heard the song ‘All Grown Up’, her favorite film ‘I Could Never Be Your Woman’ had just started.

Upstairs, Charlie was sat on the edge of her bed. Holding onto the card she had kept since they were packing in the city. Tears fell freely from her eyes, which Charlie never attempted to wipe away. She felt herself been slightly jealous of Ruby; Ruby was able to tell someone about Grant. About a rape that happened. And yet she wasn’t able to even think about telling anyone. Charlie looked to the card in her hand. She ran her finger along the picture that had always brought a smile to her face. The smile appeared on her face as she looked to the picture, yet tears still rolled down her cheeks.


Danni, Charis, Rach, Carina, RR1, Sarah and JosieTash. Thank you so mcuh for the comments. I appriciate them and love reading them :wub:

Chapter fifteen

Charlie began to compose herself after hearing the doorbell ring. Her face blotchy from crying: her eyes stinging from the tears. Charlie wiped her face using the towel that had her hair wrapped in before she rose to her feet and walked over to her trinket box where she placed the card that she had been clutching onto. Sighing heavily, Charlie grabbed some underwear from the drawer and began to dress herself. Charlie stopped what she was doing when she realized she stood in front of the mirror. She turned to face in front on. A yellow stain on her stomach was slowly fading away. Charlie ran her finger across the line-shaped bruise as a tear rolled down her cheek. Startled from her trance by the sound of footsteps approaching her room, Charlie grabbed a dressing gown from the chair and placed it around herself. She then re-wiped her face and sat in the chair, ready to put some make-up on.

“Hey mum” Ruby said as she knocked on the door

“Yea” Charlie replied as she picked up the concealer stick

“Can I borrow some money to order a pizza?” Ruby asked as she entered the room and sat on the bed

“Yea sure. Erm, can you just make sure I have enough to pay for some food tonight” Charlie answered as she looked at Ruby via the mirror

“Yea” Ruby smiled “So, are you wanting to meet them before you go or are you gonna slip out?” Ruby asked as she walked over to Charlie

“Do you want me to meet them now?” Charlie asked

“It’s up to you. They’re just downstairs now, looking at something. I don’t know what exactly, but something” Ruby smiled

“I’ll be down soon” Charlie replied, smiling. Ruby nodded and spun around to face the door. She then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and headed back down the stairs. Charlie sighed once more as she looked to the mirror.


“Hey Rubes” Xavier asked “Who’s that?” Ruby looked to where Xavier was pointing. It was the picture of Michelle, Elsie, Ross, Charlie and Ruby.

“That is my Auntie Michelle, my granddad, my grandma and my mum. And the baby is me” Ruby replied, pointing to the appropriate person as she spoke

“How old were you?” April asked as she looked to the picture as well

“I think I was a year and a half, maybe younger” Ruby replied

“Wow. You look like your mum. And your Grandma. And your granddad” Dex said as he looked to the picture and then to Ruby.

“Where’s your dad?” Xavier asked. Noticing the lack of a father on the picture “Was he the one taking the picture?”

“I don’t have a dad” Ruby replied

“How can you not have a dad?” Xavier asked

“How about we order a pizza” Nicole intercepted. She could see how unnerved Ruby was looking with the question about her father. “You can buy it Xave”

“Why do I have to buy it?” Xavier asked as he made his way over to the couch.

“Because I said so” Nicole replied as she walked back over to Ruby “Are you okay?” Nicole asked with a hushed tone. She placed her hand on Ruby’s arm; offering comfort if Ruby needed it.

“Yea, I’m okay” Ruby replied. She wasn’t fully okay, but enough to hold herself together for the rest of the evening “So, what have you brought with you to help me catch

up?” Ruby asked after looking around and seeing no evidence of books or anything academic.

“Erm….The dog ate it?” Xavier smiled as he scratched his head, looking to Ruby as he did so.

“We thought we’d just hang out. You know, get to know each other better than we do already” Indi pitched in as she looked to Ruby

“So what TV plan do you have? New release movies I hope” Dex smiled as he sat himself on the couch and took the control box from the table and switched the TV on. Ruby smiled at Dex’s actions as Indi shook her head in embarrassment

So-” Romeo began but stopped when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs

”Guys” Ruby said as she made her way over to Charlie “This is my mum, Charlie” Ruby smiled as she linked arms with Charlie “Mum, this is Xavier, Dex, Romeo, April,

Indi and Nicole” Ruby introduced

“Hi” Charlie as she looked to each of the teens. Xavier smiled awkwardly to Charlie, after the comment he made about Charlie been a ‘chick’ and then finding out she was Ruby’s mum, he had always felt stupid. “Drinks are in the fridge, movies are paid for and I think Rubes ordered a pizza. Enjoy yourselves” Charlie said before looking to Ruby “I’m on my mobile if you need me” Charlie looked back to the teens “Nice to meet you all”

“Yea, and you” April smiled “Have fun tonight” Charlie looked back to April and smiled before she left the house.

“Your mum is nice” Romeo commented as he walked over to Xavier and sat beside him

“Yea she is. And you’re so close” Nicole added “How are you so close? I was never that close with my mum. I’m still not even now”

“Its always been me and mum. Even when mum had boyfriends or had dates. I would come first. She tells me everything and I tell her everything” Ruby replied

“A teenager close with their mum. Not something that happens every day” Xavier laughed

“My mum is somewhere. I have no idea where. She came for a visit a few months ago, but she left after her husband came to the Bay. She’s not really the ‘mother’ type”

Romeo said as he settled himself on the couch

“My mum is still in Europe. I live with Irene. I used to live with Bianca too but she moved in with her boyfriend” April smiled “I don’t think mum would drag herself to the

Bay, its beneath her”

“Our mum left us at the airport. She didn’t want us with her so she sent us to dads place. But I’m wishing she took Dex with her” Indi put in before she went and sat on the

bean bag that was next to the single chair

“You don’t mean that. You’d miss me if I wasn’t here” Dex replied

“Yea. For about five minutes” Indi smiled as she stuck her tongue out.

“Ruby. If your mum ever has a son. Please. Be nice to him and care for him. Us little brothers do need to have someone to look out for us” Dex said to Ruby as Ruby

made her way to the bean bag and sat on it

“Don’t you have any brothers or sisters?” April asked

“No” Ruby shook her head uncomfortably “But I know mum has wanted to have another baby, ever since I was three she has wanted another one” Ruby smiled


Charlie placed her hands on her lap and moved to her left so the waitress could pour some wine into her glass. Unbeknown to Charlie, Leah had invited Martha and Rachel to the meal. Martha drank the wine that was in her glass and placed it back on the table so the waitress could refill it. Leah and Rachel couldn’t help but smirk when Martha did this. Rachel made do with the glass of water that was in front of her with a lemon slice in to give it some flavor. Leah sat, watching as Charlie, who looked shyly around, took in everything that was going on.

“So, have you decided on what you’re going to do for a hen party?” Martha asked as she swayed back in her seat. Her eyes focusing on Rachel at the last moment. Charlie and Leah hid their mouths behind their hands as Rachel opened her mouth to begin to speak

“You asked me that an hour ago” Rachel replied, causing Leah and Charlie to let a slight chuckle out as Martha’s face showed the realization that she had heard that before

“What was it again” Martha asked

“Martha here, have some water before you hurt yourself” Leah smiled as she handed Martha a glass of water “So Charlie. What’s Ruby doing tonight?”

“Some friends from school have gone round to the house. I think they’ll be watching movies and eating pizza right now” Charlie replied

“Is it just you and Ruby then or is there Ruby’s dad?” Rachel asked. Charlie looked to her hands

“No, its just Ruby and me” Charlie replied. The question was fair comment from anyone. People had a right to know if it was just Charlie and Ruby or if there was in fact, Ruby’s father around. It was going into detail that Charlie didn’t want to do.

“Oh, I’m sorry” Rachel replied sympathetically

“Don’t be sorry. He never deserved to know Ruby” Charlie looked to Rachel, who nodded as she heard the answer.

“So Charlie, are you free to come on the hen night?” Rachel asked as she ran her hand over her stomach as her son moved inside her

“Yes I’m free. But, are you sure you want me to come out with you? I mean, I’ve only just moved here” Charlie replied “don’t get me wrong, I’m touched that you’ve

asked me , but you barely know me”

“Well, we’re not going out until next Saturday, so we have over a week to get to know each other better” Rachel smiled “And I wouldn’t invite you if I didn’t want you


“Thank you” Charlie replied, touched by Rachel’s words. “I’m sorry, you have probably answered this question so many times but, are you getting married before the baby is born or after?”

“Before, if possible. Tony and I were going to get married six months ago but Tony’s nephew Brendon was rushed to hospital in the city, so he and Gina went. We wanted Brendon at the wedding if possible, but he has only just started at a new school and too much change for him could be bad, it’s a shame because he’s such a lovely boy” Rachel explained

“What’s the matter with him?” Charlie asked “If you don’t mind me asking”

“He has autism” Rachel replied

“Bless him” Charlie replied.

“Yea” Rachel agreed as she lifted her glass of water to her lips. Leah brought her glass of wine to her mouth and Charlie did the same as Martha placed her empty glass

back on the table.


“Okay. If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you want with you?” Xavier asked as he brought his drink to his mouth

“Matthew McConaughey” Indi replied, to the agreement of April and Nicole

“Why him? What’s he got?” Romeo asked

“Erm, a hot bod?!” April replied

“Okay, in that case. Kate Hudson would be great company on the island. Or Jennifer Aniston” Xavier replied

“Okay we’ll give you that” Romeo smiled “What about you Rubes” Romeo gently hit Ruby on the leg “Who’d you want?”

“Sorry. What?” Ruby asked, bringing herself into the conversation

“Who would you want with you of you were stranded on a desert island?” Xavier spoke with a laugh

“Anyone who is a strong swimmer” Ruby replied.

“That would help” Dex smiled “So. If you and your mum are here. Where are your grandparents?” Dex asked after the question had been niggling away at him

“My grandma died a few years ago. My granddad and his wife are in the city. They’re coming down next weekend I think”

“I’m sorry about your grandma” Indi sympathized

“Thanks” Ruby weakly smiled

“I really can’t get over how close you and your mum are. I don’t know if I should be jealous of you or what” Nicole smiled

“Neither can I. I mean, you seem like there is nothing you don’t tell each other. My mum doesn’t give a stuff about me” April said as she took her can of orange from the


“I guess we are lucky. I’ve always told mum everything. I mean, she’s all I’ve had. I know my grandparents were there to help but, once mum got herself sorted with a job and putting herself through the police academy, we moved into our own place and that’s how its been since. We’re a package, can’t have one without the other”

“Sort of like Dad and us. Whoever ends up with dad has a ready- made family” Dex smiled “Good job Marilyn likes us”

“She likes me, I don’t know about you” Indi smiled “No, in all fairness, there are some people who are able to accept the kids of someone”

“Yea. That sometimes happens” Nicole sarcastically replied

“You not been so lucky?” Ruby asked, intrigued and wanting to know the answer

“My dad was always smart when he got a new girlfriend. They had to have ‘baggage’ as well. I remember one girl who had adopted a kid with her ex and they still shared custody. The girl tried to have the kid re adopted into another family, but adoption doesn’t work the same as fostering” Nicole answered

“Baggage? Is that what you call yourself?” Dex asked “Hi, I just thought I’d introduce myself, I am known as ‘baggage’” Dex mocked

“Not like that” Nicole laughed as she threw a cushion at Dex “You know what I mean”

“Mum hasn’t had that much luck. She met this guy and hit it off with him, and as soon as he met me and realized Charlie was a mother of an eight year old, he ran” Ruby began

“Oh my gosh” Indi gasped “what a jerk”

“Not the word mum used but yea” Ruby smiled awkwardly

“So, was it just that he didn’t want the instant family?” April asked

“He was self-centered. And when he saw that mum would have me as her main priority, he realized that he wouldn’t get the attention that he wanted” Ruby replied

“And Charlie was only what? In her twenties?” Nicole asked

“Yea. Mum hasn’t had that much luck with guys. Looked where she started out” Ruby laughed at the irony “That’s why I’m hoping that she can find someone who can

accept the fact that she was fourteen when she had a daughter, accept me as part of her and in their own life. I just want mum to be happy. She deserves that”

“Sounds like she does too” Indi put in “Wait a minute. Isn’t your mum always bumping into Angelo?”

“Angelo?” Ruby repeated “You mean him at that restaurant?”

“Yes” Indi smiled

“Oh yea, all the time. She had the hugest smile on her face after the first time” Ruby remembered “Why?”

“I’ve seen Angelo a couple of times afterward, and I don’t think the worst news from his family could have wiped it from his face” Indi answered

“Why do girls always find mushy things to talk about?” Xavier asked Romeo and Dex as he leaned closer to them

“I have no idea. The only interesting thing I have heard so far is ‘Restaurant’. And that was at a push” Dex replied. Romeo smiled and nodded in agreement with Dex as

the boys looked over to the girls, who were still engrossed in their conversation regarding Charlie and Angelo.


Music played in the background as Martha moved idiotically around the space on the floor. Leah and Rachel couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Charlie was sat, slumped in her chair, swaying as the effect of alcohol washed over her.

“How many glasses did Martha have?” Rachel asked

“Five I think” Leah replied

“Six. She pinched mine before I started” Charlie corrected as she brought herself into the conversation “although-“ Charlie hiccupped “I’m thinking she should have had

the other two as well” Charlie out her hand on her stomach “Strong stuff”

“Are you going to be alright for work tomorrow?” Leah said with a laugh

“I start at ten. As long as I drink plenty of coffee, I should be fine” Charlie smiled

“Okay” Leah replied “Right, I’d better get you home and then back to VJ” Leah turned to Rachel “Oh wait, who’s going to stay with Martha until Jack get’s here?” Leah said

as she looked to Martha, who was now dancing with the empty bottle of wine she had grabbed from the table

“I can stay” Charlie smiled as she put her hand up in the air

“Are you sure?” Leah replied, looking to Charlie who seemed as though she could curl up and fall asleep anytime soon

“Yes I’m sure. Thank you for tonight and I’ll see you tomorrow” Charlie smiled as she walked over to Rachel and Leah and hugged them gently. Although tipsy, Charlie still maintained her distance from Leah and Rachel as she still was unsure of the friendship that may or may not have been forming.

“Yea. See you tomorrow” Leah smiled as Rachel waved to Charlie and to Martha, but only receiving a reply from Charlie. “She’s going to be bad tomorrow” Leah laughed as she helped Rachel up from her seat. “Bye Martha” Leah said one last time, hoping to get some sort of response from Martha, but Martha just continued to sway with the bottle of wine in her hands. Charlie watched carefully as Rachel and Leah made there way to the entrance. Once she had seen them disappear down the stairs, Charlie made her way over to Martha

“Hey. Jack should be here soon, maybe we should wait downstairs or outside for him” Charlie spoke softly as she placed her hand on Martha’s back

“I love you Charlie” Martha smiled as she cupped her hand on Charlie’s cheek “I really do, I was a bitch to you before. But I was wrong. I love you Charlie and have enjoyed myself tonight”

“I’m glad you have” Charlie replied as she peeled Martha’s hand from her cheek and aided Martha across the restaurant and toward the stairs.

“No” Martha stamped her foot “I don’t want to go. I want to stay”

“we can stay another time. Charlie is tired at the minute and a little tipsy herself”

“You don’t seem it. Wow. You coppers can hold on to you grog” Martha replied

“Okay, come on” Charlie smiled as she headed toward the steps. Jack was ascending the stairs, just as Charlie had walked down three “Oh. Hi Jack” Charlie smiled,

hoping she wouldn’t get told off for letting Martha get like she was

“Hi. Good night?” Jack replied as she looked to his wife; who had now placed her cupped hand back on Charlie’s cheek

“Yea. She might have had one too many” Charlie replied

“You don’t look much better” Jack replied as he looked to Charlie

“I think I look a little better than Martha. I can see straight” Charlie replied “Sort of”

“You going to be okay to get home?” Jack asked, once he had hold of Martha

“I think I’ll just walk, able to walk in a straight line herself, Charlie made her way over to the table where she, Rachel, Leah and Martha had been sitting all night. She grabbed her bag from the table and looked around; making sure no one had left anything. A waitress walked over to the table and began to clear it from all the bottles, glasses, plates and rubbish. Charlie watched as she made light work of all the mess.

“I take it you had fun tonight” A man said from behind Charlie. Charlie turned to face the voice

“Yes I did thank you. The food was nice and the wine. Very strong”

“You can’t remember my name can you?” the man asked

“No sorry, I can’t” Charlie replied, feeling bad that she couldn’t remember the man’s name

“Maybe if I did this” The man began. He took a step forward and bumped into Charlie “Would that help?”

“Angelo” Charlie smiled “Yes, sorry. I should have remembered your name” Charlie replied

“It’s fine. I won’t hold it against you” Angelo smiled.

“So” Charlie began

“So” Angelo repeated

“I’d better get home” Charlie smiled

“Can I walk you home?” Angelo asked “Sorry, it’s just. I know you don’t have a car with you and I don’t want you walking home by yourself” Angelo quickly added.

Charlie looked back to Angelo. The corner of her mouth slowly rising

“Company would be great” Charlie smiled “But, can I just get a glass of water before I go? My mouth is really dry”

“Yea sure” Angelo smiled as he walked behind the bar a grabbed a glass which he then filled with some water. He walked back out from the bar and over to where Charlie was stood and handed the glass to her. Charlie took a long drink from the glass before she wiped the excess water from her mouth.

“Thanks” Charlie replied. As she went to hand Angelo the glass back, she lost her grip on the glass, spilling the remaining water over Angelo’s shirt “Oh my god!” Charlie gasped “I am so sorry!” Charlie apologized as she used her hand to try and dry Angelo’s wet shirt

“Its fine, don’t worry” Angelo smiled “Charlie” Angelo said again as he took her hands in his to stop her from wiping anymore “Its fine”. Charlie looked up to Angelo’s bold, brown eyes. Angelo looked down into Charlie piercing blue –slightly glazed- eyes. “Don’t worry”

“I erm. I should go home now” Charlie said after a brief quiet period of time. Angelo looked to the ground and coughed as Charlie picked the glass from the floor and put it on the bar.

“Charlie wait” Angelo said as he ran across to Charlie “I said I’d walk you home”

  • 2 weeks later...

Man! I suck at updating! Sorry! Been busy, and have nothing to show for it...sucks been an adult.

But anyway... Thank you so much RR1, Danni, carina, Charis, Rach, Srah and JosieTash fr the :wub: comments. I do appriciate them and how patient you are all being xx

Chapter Sixteen

Angelo stood away from Charlie, watching as she gazed out to the calm waters that reflected the moon on its surface. The waves were lapping at her shoeless feet; the slight breeze lifting her wavy hair from her shoulders. Smiling, Charlie turned around to face Angelo.

“You’re so sweet to walk me home” Charlie said to Angelo as she slowly walked up to where he was stood

“No problem. But we have only walked from there to here” Angelo replied, pointing out the fact that they had only walked a few meters if that.

“I like walking on the beach. Feeling the sand between my toes, or if I’m sat, having the grains go through my fingers. I don’t know what it is about the sand or the waves, but it is soothing” Charlie smiled

“I suppose that’s a good reason” Angelo replied

“It is” Charlie agreed. “Angelo?” Angelo nodded “See, I can remember your name” Charlie smiled “What time is it?”

“Coming up two AM” Angelo replied after glancing at his watch

“Hopefully Ruby is asleep, or at least in bed” Charlie replied as she began to walk back along the beach

“Is Ruby your daughter?” Angelo asked as he caught up with Charlie

“Yea she is. I think you may have seen her.” Charlie replied “she’s about this tall with wavy light brown hair, little button nose that she’s had since she was born, big

brown eyes” Charlie smiled as she described Ruby’s appearance

“Yea, I think I remember” Angelo smiled “She looks like you” Charlie stopped in her tracks

“Really? I thought she grew out of that. I mean, she looked a little bit like me when she was first born, but I thought she’d grown out of it”

“No, she still looks like you” Angelo replied “Is it just you and Ruby?” Angelo asked

“Yea. She’s never met her biological father and she never wants to. I’ve been lucky with her. She’s never asked me questions about him even though she does have a right to know about him. I mean, he’s carried on with his life without a care of what he did to me. He’s probably got a wife and a couple of kids, maybe a golden Labrador, a cat, great job”

“I take it he ran a mile when you told him you were pregnant” Angelo said “Jerk”

“I agree with the jerk part” Charlie weakly smiled

“Well he was” Angelo replied “you don’t seem happy now” Angelo noticed Charlie’s sudden change in body posture “was it something I said?”

“No, it’s just, I hate having to think about him. What he did and how he got away with it and how he has just, just carried on with his life” Charlie ranted “sorry, this isn’t a nice conversation to be having with someone who has offered to take me home” Charlie said, remembering that not only was Angelo a stranger to her, but he had his own home to go to and probably a girlfriend

“No, its fine. Don’t worry about me” Angelo smiled “besides, it means we can focus on something else to talk about later”

“Later?” Charlie repeated

“Yea” Angelo replied “So, if he didn’t run off and leave you. What happened? If you don’t mind me asking?” Charlie looked to Angelo and even though she could feel the alcohol, she knew that Angelo was easy to talk to. Unable to stop herself, Charlie sat down on the sand, just meters from her house. Angelo looked down at Charlie who pointed to a patch of sand next to her

“I don’t want to talk about it. I’m not ready” Charlie said as Angelo sat himself beside Charlie.

“I shouldn’t have asked. I’m sorry” Angelo replied, shaking his head

“Don’t be sorry. You’re not the first to want to know. And I don’t think you’ll be the last. But I’m not ready yet” Charlie replied

“So how far is your house from here then?” Angelo asked

“Over there” Charlie pointed to the house that had a light on

“Take it that means Ruby is still up” Angelo pointed to the window where the light was coming from

“Maybe. She has a habit of falling asleep with a book over her face and the side light on. My dad is always doing that, I think she gets it from him” Charlie giggled.

“Come on then. I’ve walked you this far, may as well take you all the way home” Angelo smiled as he rose to his feet. He turned to face Charlie and held his hand out to help her stand. Charlie placed her hand in his and pulled herself up. Tripping, Charlie fell into Angelo’s arms.

”Oh god, sorry” Charlie said as she quickly pulled away from Angelo, embarrassed by what she had done.

“Its fine” Angelo laughed as Charlie bent to grab her shoes and then hurried off in the direction –and safety- of her house “Charlie” Angelo puffed as he reached the path of Charlie’s house. Charlie turned to face Angelo slowly, holding her house key in her hand “Would you like to go out with me sometime?” Charlie’s mouth opened slightly. “On a date” Angelo added. The curtain above Charlie’s head twitched. “Charlie?”


“You can say no if you want to” Angelo said

“No I want to. It’s just, I wasn’t expecting you to say that” Charlie replied.

“So... would you?” Angelo asked

“Yes. I would” Charlie replied. Angelo smiled and nodded his head with delight. Charlie turned and placed the key in the lock and turned it until the door opened. She looked over her shoulder at Angelo, who stood with his hands in his pockets, watching and waiting for her to enter the house and close the door behind her. Charlie smiled to Angelo, who smiled back, before she walked into the house and closed the door behind her. Angelo jumped and punched the air before he made his way back to the restaurant. Charlie lent herself against the door, biting her lip as she thought about what Angelo had just asked her. Smiling, Charlie dumped her bag and shoes on the floor; leaving her keys in the locked door and made her way into the kitchen. She put the kettle on and took a cup from the cupboard and filled it with three scoops of chocolate powder. Charlie then leant herself against the counter, smiling infectiously as she waited for the kettle to boil. “do you want some hot chocolate Ruby?” Charlie asked after hearing the bottom step creak

“Please” Ruby replied as she walked into the kitchen. “And how did-?”

“I’m your mum; I know what you are like” Charlie replied as she poured the hot water over the powder in the two cups. Ruby rested her arms on the table and lent over, watching Charlie as she tried to hide the grin that was plastered over her face.

“I take it that just now has gone well” Ruby smiled, Charlie placed a cup in front of Ruby and looked to her as if to say ‘what do you mean’ “come on, I can tell by the look on your face” Ruby smiled as she watched Charlie try to hide her face again

“Shut up, okay?” Charlie replied “I went out with Martha, Leah and Rachel. That’s it”

“Mum come on. I may have been asleep with the book on my head for a little while-“

“I knew you would be” Charlie put in, hoping to defer Ruby from the Angelo talk

“But I heard voices from outside. I looked out of the window and saw Angelo” Ruby revealed “So, what did he ask you?”

“Haven’t you got school tomorrow?” Charlie asked

“Yes I do” Ruby replied “But, I need to know how this chat between you and Angelo went”

“Why do you need to know?” Charlie asked

“Okay, I don’t need to know. I want to know” Ruby corrected, smiling as she moved closer to Charlie

“I nearly told him about Grant” Charlie confessed. Ruby stood with her mouth open, watching as Charlie sat one of the stools “He offered to walk me home because

everyone else had gone and I had no one to take me home. Anyway, I got talking about you and he asked if it was just us two, I said yea and he thought I told Grant I was pregnant and he ran” Charlie drank some of her drink

“What did you tell him? I mean, I know you didn’t tell him the truth, you’re way too calm for that”

“I told him I didn’t want to talk about it and he was fine with it” Charlie smiled

“Wow. Matt never let you not talk about it. At least that’s a step up and in the right direction”

“That’s what I thought” Charlie agreed “But then I have this voice at the back of my head saying that Angelo is no different; he’ll do the same as what Matt did, and Bill and Robert”

“I don’t think you should listen to that voice. Or mention it again; because if the wrong person hears that, you’ll be taken away” Ruby smiled. Charlie had to smile at her daughters comment; trust Ruby to make a light-hearted comment to a sore and very real subject “How did Angelo seem when you were talking about me?”

“I don’t know to be honest” Charlie replied

“And what did he ask you before he left?” Ruby asked “Because he had a huge grin on his face after you closed the door” Ruby smiled

“He asked me out” Charlie smiled

“Oh my god!” Ruby squealed happily “Mum!” Ruby ran to Charlie’s side “When? Where? What will you wear? We have to go shopping for-“

“We don’t have to go shopping” Charlie butted in as she placed her index over Ruby’s lips “And can we talk about this tomorrow? I have headache staring”

“We could talk about this tomorrow, but you will be up and out of the house before I am so no. You can tell me now” Ruby replied, smiling when she saw the look on Charlie’s face

“You never give up do ya?” Charlie said as she grabbed her cup from the side and made her way to the stairs. Ruby followed, nearly at a jump “I don’t know when we’re going ou-“

“I don’t care about that. I want to know what you talked about on the way here” Ruby butted in as she sat herself on the bed and made herself comfy

“I told you” Charlie replied

“Did you tell me all of it?” Charlie nodded “Okay. Then, when you got to Angelo’s, did he give you a look at all or anything that would suggest that he was going to ask you out?”

“I don’t know Rubes, I just know that I was out with really nice people who haven’t asked me questions that I don’t want to answer” Charlie replied

“And who was the one that said they wouldn’t make friends?” Ruby asked, cupping her hand around her ear

“Alright you were right” Charlie replied, gently pushing Ruby

“I was hoping I would be” Ruby smiled “So who were you with again?”

“Leah, Rachel and Martha. Oh god Martha. I hope she’ll be alright in the morning”

“What’s wrong with Martha?” Ruby asked as Charlie brought her hand to her mouth

“She erm, she had seven glasses of wine I think. She’s very affectionate when she’s drunk” Charlie replied, trying not to smile

“How affectionate?” Ruby asked

“Lets just say, very and leave it at that” Charlie replied before she drank some more of her drink. “Anyway, how did your night go?”

“Great. They are all so nice and just, I don’t know, well I know I can tell Nicole anything: she showed that when Xavier asked where my father was in the family picture. She asked me if I was alright which I thought was really sweet. Hannah and Stacey wouldn’t have done that. Maybe its got something to do with everyone knowing everyone here or the fact that Stacey and Hannah were bitches in the first place. Well, maybe not Hannah because at least she did offer to listen to me and help me when Matt left and everything was a mess. But yea, it was a great night. I think I may have found some friends” Ruby replied. “Mum?” Ruby said after getting no response. Turning to face Charlie she found that Charlie had fallen asleep; the cup was still in her hand “I’ll leave you to it” Ruby whispered with a smile. She took the cup from Charlie’s hand and covered her with the blanket from the foot of the bed before she kissed Charlie’s forehead “Love you” she whispered before she made her way to her own room.


Martha walked slowly out of the bedroom. Her hair flat at one side where she had been sleeping whilst the other side had a life of its own, pieces of hair stuck out from all areas as Martha scratched her head. Her eyes sensitive to the bright light in the room as she entered, barely able to open them wide enough to see where she was going, Martha stumbled a couple of times before she reached a chair to lean against.

“Morning” Jack smiled as he offered Martha a cup of strong, black coffee.

“Morning” Martha replied, her voice lined with a croak

“How are you feeling?” Jack smirked as he sat at the bench, ready to eat the toast that was in front of him

“Like I’ve been hit over the head with a hammer. And then I’ve walked into a pole” Martha replied as she made her way over to the bench to sit beside Jack “I couldn’t have drank that much” Martha said as she brought the cup to her lips

“You had seven glasses” Jack replied, smirking into his cup as Martha lowered hers and looked shocked to jack

“How do-?”

“Charlie said something last night and I got a text from Leah just after we got home” Jack smiled “She was checking you got home safe”

“Oh, that’s nice of her” Martha smiled weakly as she drank some more of her coffee “oh my god!”

“what?” Jack replied after jumping slightly from Martha’s sudden outburst

“How bad do I get when I’m drunk?” Martha asked, her face showing her concern and the seriousness in which she was asking

“Erm, you’re a happy drunk. Affectionate”

“How affectionate?” Martha replied

“Well, for me its great” Jack smiled. Martha hit him on the arm “Oi” Jack replied, rubbing the patch of arm that smarted

“I’m been serious. I think I may have told Charlie I love her. Not in that way, but like a friend”

“And you’re worried about this why?”

“Because I barely know her, and after the way I treated her when we first met it seems like I was using the drink as an excuse to pretend with Charlie” Martha replied, rubbing her forehead as it began to throb

“Okay, firstly, I don’t think Charlie will see that like that. She’ll see the funny side I’m sure –she did last night. And secondly, I’ll see her at work soon so I can see what she is like with me” Jack replied as he rose to his feet and went to get two aspirin for Martha

“Thanks” Martha replied as she took the pills from Jack “I mean, it’s not that I don’t like Charlie, last night I saw a woman like Leah, Rachel or me –she wanted to be out and have a laugh with some people that she knew. The fact that she has a daughter never even crept up, only when Rach asked what Ruby was up to” Martha put the aspirin into her mouth followed by some coffee and swallowed “It’s just-“

“You can’t seem to put the fact she has a daughter behind you” Jack finished

“I don’t know, maybe” Martha nodded. “I mean, if Ruby was at most ten years old, then maybe it wouldn’t be like this for me. I know it shouldn’t be bothering me like this because I have seen how much Charlie’s face lights up when Ruby’s name is even mentioned, and that’s so nice to see” Martha paused “I don’t know why I can’t seem to

move away from my first thought on this. Leah and Rach have”

“Well, Leah has spent more time with Charlie and has probably seen that there is more to her than a working mum. Maybe you should get to know Charlie. She could probably do with some friends”

“What about Rach though? She hasn’t had a hard time with this”

“I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with Rach been pregnant and able to talk to Charlie about pregnancy and a baby”

“But she has Leah for that. VJ is a lot younger than Ruby”

“But if it’s a connection between Charlie and Rach then it’s something to talk about. Maybe that’s what you need to do”

“But I have nothing in common with Charlie” Martha said, confusing herself at this hour in the morning

“Maybe you should try and find one then”

“I just don’t like the fact that Charlie was fourteen” Martha replied as she rose to her feet and headed to the bathroom. Jack looked to Martha as she opened the door and walked through. Part of him wanted to tell her what he thought had happened to Charlie: but he wasn’t fully sure that that is what happened and if it was true, it wasn’t Jacks place to say anything on the matter.


Angelo walked into the kitchen of his restaurant, smiling as he switched on all the stoves and ovens –ready for his chefs to come in. He switched the radio on and spun round on his heels in time with the music, and walked to the door, changing his sway with the music. Angelo then began to take the chairs down from the tables as he stood beside the tables, smiling more with each chair he placed on the ground.

“Morning” Marilyn beamed as she made her way behind the bar “I’ve just come to put my bag behind here. We have the schoolies this week don’t we and I don’t want my

bag downstairs. At least up here it’s safer”

“Morning to you” Angelo replied, looking up to Marilyn with the huge grin still on his face

“What’s this grin for?” Marilyn asked as she made her way across to Angelo happily

“Can’t a guy just be happy?”

“You may as well be, you were dopey yesterday and sneezy the day before that. You’re going through the seven dwarves at the moment” Angelo looked to Marilyn, the comment she had made was bizarre, yet it hadn’t altered his facial expression “Okay then, who is your snow white?” Marilyn asked as she placed her hands on her hips “Ooh! Is it Charlie? She was meant to be coming here last night” Angelo looked away, the smile still on his face “She was here!” Marilyn squealed happily “so, what happened?” Marilyn asked as she pulled a chair out from under the table and leaned forward, resting her head on her hands as her elbows rested on the bar.

“I asked her out after walking her home. She said yes” Angelo replied, unable to keep himself from saying the words.

“Oh my god” Marilyn beamed “I knew there was something between you, ever since I first saw you after you and her bumped into each other” Marilyn gently hit Angelo on

the arm “Well, where are you taking her?” Marilyn asked

“I’m not sure just yet. I’m just getting over the shock that she said yes” Angelo replied, still smiling

“Why are you shocked?” Marilyn asked

“Well, she was tipsy when I asked her. So maybe she said yes because of the alcohol”

“Or maybe, she said yes because she wants to go out with you” Marilyn replied. “When did you ask her? Where did you ask her?”

“I asked her outside her house last night. She had no one to walk her home so I offered”

“And you just straight out asked her out? Bold move”

“No. we got talking and I saw something more in Charlie. I saw a woman, not just a mother” Angelo replied “I reckon if she lived a little further away, we could have had a deeper conversation”

“Well, how deep was the conversation you had on this short walk?” Marilyn asked

“Enough for Charlie to agree with me in what I called Ruby’s father” Angelo replied

“Wow” Marilyn replied “What did you call him?”

“A jerk” Angelo replied

“Did she give any reason why she agreed with you?”

“Only that he has moved on with his life without caring about what he did to her” Angelo replied “It could be anything. But it has to be big because she hates talking about it. She freezes nearly but is able to actually speak”

“So; are you looking forward to the date then?” Marilyn smiled

“Not any more than I should be” Angelo replied, hiding the growing smile on his face.

“Angelo you haven’t been able to stop smiling the whole time I have been sitting here. Obviously you are more excited about this than you are letting on”

“More excited about what?” Alf asked as he walked from the door to the bar where Marilyn and Angelo we sat

“Angelo asked Charlie out on a date last night and she said yes” Marilyn smiled

“Good on ya mate” Alf smiled “maybe now we can talk about something else at work”


Charlie quickly glanced to her watch as she headed for the diner. She had just dropped Ruby off at school: answering the second round of a million questions Ruby was asking her. Charlie couldn’t help but smile and feel happy that Ruby showed an interest in her life, more so looking out for her because she knew that Ruby could just as easily be a difficult teen and not share any interest or care for her. People had always commented on her relationship with Ruby, and always said how they were best friends –something other women wished they could share with their own daughter.

“Morning Senior Constable” Colleen smiled as Charlie made her way to the counter “what can I get you?”

“Morning Colleen. Just a strong coffee please” Charlie replied as she opened her purse to get some money

“Where’s that lovely daughter of yours?” Colleen asked, noticing Charlie was stood at the counter alone

“She’s at school” Charlie replied as she handed Colleen some money

“Ah yes, I suppose she should be, at with her being sixteen and all” Colleen looked to Charlie

“Thank you” Charlie said as she took the cup from Colleen

“I would also like to tell to that that creepy man I saw in here and at the caravan park hasn’t been back since I spoke to you and young Jack”

“That’s good to know” Charlie replied as she made to walk away. Charlie’s phoned bleeped, causing her to smile when she realized she could use this as an excuse to leave the conversation she was having with Colleen. Morag’s name appeared on the screen above a box where her text message was held. Charlie opened the message up, but when Leah began to talk to her, Charlie canceled the text and put her phone back into her pocket.

“You don’t look so bad this morning” Leah smiled as she pulled a chair out from under the table

“The fresh air last night helped clear my head” Charlie replied, a smile formed on her face

“Take it that smile on your face means someone walked you home?” Leah smiled, causing the smile on Charlie’s face to increase

“Angelo offered to walk me home and I accepted” Charlie smiled

“Have you seen Martha this morning?” Leah asked

“No” Charlie shook her head “Not yet, and judging by what she was like last night when Jack came and picked her up, she won’t be in a perfect state this morning”

“Did she have any more after Rach and I left?” Leah asked

“One more I think” Charlie replied, trying to remember what Martha got up to last night.

“and Charlie, I know that we seemed like we were prying into your life, and I just want you to know that it wasn’t done to make you feel uncomfortable. And if you need someone to talk to about anything, I live right next door” Charlie looked to Leah, confused “You started saying something about Matt….Martin your ex, and you seemed scared nearly”

“It’s nothing. Just a break up and you keep thinking that you could have done just one thing different to keep the relationship going. That’s all” Charlie lied

“Okay, well, if that’s all it is” Leah replied, not convinced of the feeble story Charlie had just told

“It is” Charlie smiled weakly

“Well, my door is still open if you want to bitch about him” Leah smiled

“Thanks” Charlie smiled

“No worries” Leah replied before standing up and heading back to the kitchen to do some more work. Charlie took her phone from her pocket and went to reopen the message she received from Morag when she was distracted once more from the message, this time by Angelo who made his way over to Charlie.

“Hi” Angelo smiled

“Hi” Charlie replied, slightly shy

“How are you?”

“Good thanks. You?” Charlie replied

“Good” Angelo smiled. Angelo folded his arms across his chest as an awkward silence fell between the two of them “so erm. I got to work this morning and realized, that I forgot to say where and when for our date” Angelo began “That’s if you still want to go out that is”

“Yea, I still want to” Charlie replied

“Great. Erm, how about I pick you up from your place at seven on Saturday?”

“sounds great” Charlie replied


“Oh no wait” Charlie quickly said “I can’t do this weekend. My dad and step-mum are coming from the city to stay for a few days. “Sorry”

“Don’t be sorry. Its fine. We can arrange to do this some other time” Angelo replied, slightly dis-heartened. Charlie looked to Angelo; his little face looking sad pulled at her

“I’m free tonight” Charlie said, surprising herself with her outburst

“Really? Are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you into going out” Angelo replied

“No don’t be stupid. Tonight is fine” Charlie replied

“Okay, I’ll be round at eight then? Give you chance to chill out after work”

“Sounds good” Charlie smiled.

“see you tonight” Angelo smiled before he turned to walk away

“Yea, see you tonight” Charlie replied as she smiled uncomfortably. As Angelo vanished from Charlie’s sight, Charlie began to fret about her night ahead: part of her wanted to call the date off -the part of her that was hurt by Matt. But the other part of her wanted to move passed what happened –the part mostly influenced by Ruby and her reassurance that someone in the bay would find no problems with Charlie been the mother of a daughter fourteen years younger than herself.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for the :wub: commets and for been soooooooooo patient. I appricate the comments and the time you take to read my fic and it makes me :D when I read them all. Sarah, Rach, Danni, RR1, JosieTash and Carina :wub: thank you

Chapter Seventeen

Ruby walked into class with a smile on her face. The look on Charlie’s face after Angelo had left the house the night before was still clear in her mind. Ruby never thought she would see her mother smile like that again –especially with the cause been a man. Matt had damaged Charlie to a point where it seemed she wouldn’t recover, Ruby still had no idea what it was that made Charlie get out of bed on that day. Neil rung up saying Charlie had the week off work, Keith would come around and offer a shoulder to cry on, but none of these seemed a good enough reason to get Charlie to snap out of her state. Ruby placed her books on the desk and sat herself on the seat, still smiling as she thought of Charlie’s smile. But her smile soon vanished when she saw three names on her file that she didn’t want to see or even hear again. Stacey ‘n Toby ‘n’ Hannah woz ‘ere 07! :P was written on the side of the file. Ruby slammed her hand down hard on top, covering the names with her right hand out flat. Her eyes stung as she thought of the betrayal she had received from them: Hannah for lying to her, Stacey for pashing her boyfriend and Toby for cheating.

“Rubes, you okay?” April asked as she entered the classroom and sat on the row beside Ruby.

“I’m fine” Ruby replied

“So why do you look angry, and why is your hand covering your file?” April asked, seeing right through Ruby’s lie

“At my old school, my boyfriend cheated on me with one of my best mates and my other best mate knew about it and never told me. I’ve not thought about them for nearly three weeks and I’ve just seen their names on here. We were in science and we were bored so they put that they were here in 2007” Ruby replied as she showed April the writing

“Here” April said as she took the file from Ruby’s desk “Easily sorted” April said as she poured some tipex onto the writing and spread it over until the writing was no longer visible. “I’ll write, Xave, April, Dex, Indi, Nicole, Romeo and Ruby were here instead” April smiled. Ruby laughed “I can’t believe your mates did that though”

“Can’t really call them mates. None of them understood why I would always be with mum after Matt left” Ruby began, not thinking of who she was talking to

“I’m sorry what?” April asked

“Mum and her boyfriend Matt broke up and it left mum devastated. Things happened and Matt said some pretty nasty things about mum and me for that matter, but it really crushed mum and no one was there to look out for mum. Granddad was too far away and Morag was with him” Ruby began “Matt took a lot away from all of us, and it was awful for all of us, more so mum”

“Oh Ruby” April sympathized

“And Toby, Hannah and Stacey couldn’t understand why I would be with mum. Toby called mum selfish for not letting me leave her. Mum was telling me to go, but I knew I had to be with her” Ruby replied

“Well, they’re behind you know. And you have new mates who aren’t going to call your mum selfish. Well, I’m not, your mum seems really nice”

“Thanks” Ruby smiled “Things were so hard for mum for so long, and she’s just sorting her life out now. Its just little things that keep putting us back there. Like, me seeing their names on my file. To you it seems stupid, but to me, it means something”

“Its not stupid. And I don’t know what Matt did or said, but whatever it was, it sounds really bad and you and your mum have obviously moved passed it really well”

“Not very well” Ruby said as she looked to the names that now filled her file. April sat back, not knowing if asking Ruby more questions would upset her or help her “Sorry” Ruby said as she closed her file “I know you probably didn’t want to hear that”

“No its fine. Its obviously bothered you, otherwise you wouldn’t have said anything” April replied, smiling to Ruby

“It just gets me so angry. With everything that mum went through I thought I could rely on my friends and have them to lean on when I needed them” Ruby wiped a lone tear that trickled down her face

“Listen, how about we forget this all now, and I come around to your house tonight and we can finish this conversation off?” April suggested as she watched the happy face of Ruby finally disappear from her face “How are things with your mum and Angelo?” April asked, hoping the question would move Ruby away from been miserable for the rest of the day

“Really good so far” Ruby replied, smiling infectiously “He asked her out on a date and they’re going on one tonight” Ruby squealed excitedly “I’m so excited, and I’m the one who is going to be at home. It’ll be a role reversal: I’ll be the mum waiting for the daughter to come home from their first date with a boy”

“Wait What?” April asked, unsure if she had heard right, but the smile that was plastered on Ruby’s face was the answer April didn’t need “When did Angelo ask her?”

“Last night” Ruby replied “Angelo walked mum home and they got the garden path, and I heard some noises and looked out of the window, and saw Angelo ask mum out. I asked her when she got in the house and she told me everything” Ruby smiled

“So me coming over tonight might be a bad idea” April began “I mean, if you were going to continue telling me about those three”

“I think I’ve hidden behind my feelings on them long enough now. Mum has told me I can tell her, I have –but, just not everything. She was too…..broken after Matt left and I couldn’t bring myself to tell her everything that went on at school. Not only with Toby, Stacey and Hannah, but the other kids as well”

“I don’t get it. You and your mum are two of the nicest people ever, and you were treated really badly” April vented “I don’t get that”

“Matt thought mum lied to him, he had a massive go at me, made mum choose between him and me. Turns out blood is thicker than water” Ruby replied. April was just about to say something more when the classroom filled with students and Bianca came into the classroom, telling the students to take their seats and get their text books out.

“I hope you all remembered that today we begin your assignments” Bianca smiled as the students sighed heavily.


Charlie walked along the path toward the station, looking to the sandy beach she could see in the distance. The conversation she and Ruby had whilst still in the city went through her mind. Ruby was right, moving to the Bay has helped. In just a few weeks in the Bay, Ruby has found herself friends who are there for her, Charlie has found herself at some ease with the locals, the job she was offered has been great so far, and to top it off, Charlie had a date with someone who didn’t seem to care about Ruby and Charlie having a fourteen year age difference between them. Charlie smiled to herself; thinking why she didn’t make the move sooner than she did, why she didn’t move the day after Matt left. Just as Charlie approached the door, her phone bleeped again, this time Morag was ringing

“Morag, Hi…..Sorry I was busy…..you what?....erm, well I’m out tonight, but I think Ruby will be at home…..You’re going to see Alf first?.....okay, well I’ll see you then…yea, I will…bye” Charlie bit her lip as she placed her phone in her jacket pocket. Morag and Ross were thinking of spending a week with Charlie and Ruby and Charlie was now finding herself wishing she had read the text when it first came through; maybe then she could have cancelled the date with Angelo.

“Morning” Georgina smiled as she walked passed Charlie and through the door “who was that on the phone?”

“My step-mum” Charlie replied as she followed Georgie into the station

“Morning Charlie, you are with Georgina today” Jack said as soon as Charlie was in his eye-line. Charlie looked to Jack and then to Georgina, both sharing the same confused look on their face

“Morning” Charlie replied before Jack headed into the office

“What did you do to him?” Georgina asked

“Nothing” Charlie replied “I don’t think” Charlie looked to the office door “Unless Martha was really bad this morning after last night”

“Jack is used to Martha after a night out. I remember when she flirted with every guy who walked passed her. That was last year”

“Well, what was that about then?” Charlie asked, feeling slightly hurt by Jack’s coldness. Georgina shrugged her shoulders before walking into the office to find out where she and Charlie were. Charlie walked behind the counter and signed herself in.

“What was that about?” Georgie asked as she closed the door and sat opposite Jack

“What was what about?” Jack asked

“You know what. Yesterday you and Charlie got along really well and now you’re been really rude and barely acknowledging that she’s here”

“Nothing” Jack replied

“Whatever. Look, if it has something to do with last night and Martha, then leave that outside the station don’t bring it in here” Georgina replied

“Its nothing to do with Martha and last night” Jack replied “Martha and drink is a combination that even I can quite grasp”

“What is it then” Georgina asked “I’m not going anywhere until you say something”

“If I go out there and partner up with Charlie, will that get you off my back?” Jack asked

“No, because you’ll still be like this” Georgie replied “look, I don’t know what is going on with you, Martha and Charlie, but I’m gonna guess it has something to do with Ruby. And if it is that, I thought you had an idea of what was the story there because you defended Charlie for a while”

“Martha saw something in Charlie last night”

“You mean, through her eyes that couldn’t see straight”

“Look, Martha might have been drunk but she still knows what she saw” Jack retorted

“and what did she see?”

“a mother who didn’t want to talk about Ruby’s dad or her previous relationship”

“And, what did you think the reason behind it was?” Georgina asked as she folded her arms across her chest

“I got the impression that Ruby’s dad…that Charlie was…that Charlie got pregnant without consent”

“Okay. So, why the sudden turn around? You’ve been on Charlie’s side since she first arrived”

“Martha isn’t too sure on…”

“Who cares what Martha thinks!” Georgie shouted “Look, I know she is your wife and everything, but let’s face it, her judge of character isn’t the best. And aren’t you old

enough to make your own mind up?” Georgie finished before walking back out of the office. Jack slumped back in his chair, looking to the door that was now closed.


Charlie looked out of the window at the tress that passed the car as Georgie drove along the road. The happy face she had woken up with had vanished from her face and was replaced with a look of melancholy.

“Droves Road. That’s got to be around here somewhere” Georgie said as she glanced out of her window. “Charlie?”

“Sorry. what?” Charlie said, looking around to Georgie quickly

“Don’t take what happened this morning to heart”

“I can’t help it” Charlie replied, tears lacing her voice

“Jack told me something in the office, and you can tell me to butt out of you want, but…is Jack on the right lines about Ruby’s dad?”

“What did Jack say?” Charlie asked

“That maybe you got pregnant without consent; that you didn’t want to get pregnant”

“Would you want to be fourteen and pregnant?” Charlie asked, fighting the tears that stung her eyes

“Well, no”

“There you go” Charlie replied

“But, to say you didn’t want to get pregnant, you and Ruby have a close relationship, everyone keeps saying it and I only say a little bit of it but even then I could see it”

“Ruby was the one good thing that came from everything that happened. I never wanted to get pregnant, but after I found out I was and felt her move inside me, I knew

that it would be me and my baby; no one else would matter”

“What happened?” Georgie asked as she pulled the car into the side of the road

“I don’t think now is the time to talk about it” Charlie replied

“Charlie, sometimes talking to a stranger helps”

“Strangers aren’t always good, and you aren’t a stranger”

“Okay, sometimes friends can help”

“Thanks. But, I can’t. Not yet”

“So you’re just gonna let Martha and Jack make you feel like this”

“Like I said before. Me and my baby; no one else would matter”


Ruby sat on the edge of Charlie’s bed; watching as Charlie walked in and out of her wardrobe, each time with a new item of clothing. Charlie looked excited, nervous, happy, scared as she glanced to each item of clothing she had laid out on the bed next to Ruby. Charlie never looked Ruby in the eye as she knew Ruby would distract her with a million questions. Charlie sighed heavily as she placed a blue top with a white Chinese design down the right hand side.

“I’m not going” Charlie huffed as she sat on the floor, leaning against the bed

“Mum, come on” Ruby said as she lay on the bed with her head near Charlie’s “I’ll help you if you want”

“It’s not just not knowing what to wear Rubes” Charlie said as she placed her hand on top of Ruby’s “Its, what’s people are saying”

“You mean Martha and Jack?” Ruby asked “Pay no attention, Martha just seems like she is a stuck up cow and Jack is her lap-dog. You deserve to be happy mum”


“Maybe if they knew. I don’t mean Matt, I mean about how you got pregnant with me. That seems to be the elephant that no one can turn a blind eye to”

“But why should they have to know? Why can’t they just accept the fact that a thirty year old has a sixteen year old daughter? I’m not the only one to have a baby young”

Charlie replied

“If I knew that I’d tell you” Ruby sympathetically smiled “Oh yea I forgot to tell you. April is coming over tonight”

“Oh right”

“Yea, hope that’s alright” Ruby asked

“Yea its fine” Charlie replied “Oh. Before I forget; Dad and Morag are coming to the Bay a little later. Morag wants to see Alf before they come here; Morag knows how to

get here”

“Cool, I haven’t seen Granddad in ages” Ruby beamed “Hey; do they know you’re going on a date?”

“No and that’s how I want to keep it okay?” Charlie replied

“My lips are sealed” Ruby replied as she mimed a zipper over her mouth “So what are you wearing tonight then?” Ruby asked as she sat herself up.


Ruby walked along the beach with April, Nicole and Indi beside her. April had texted Ruby just after Charlie left asking if it was alright to meet at the beach. Ruby Okayed it as she found it would help keep her quiet about Charlie’s date.

“Yea, so Matt called mum a liar, a slut, tramp, skank. Anything that he wanted to call her really. Mum was crushed; she thought Matt was so different that Robert or Bill and then I came into the room after hearing the shouting and then he laid into me. Calling me a mistake and saying I ruined mum’s life and the life Matt would have with mum, so I had a go at him and then he slapped me. I knew I should have stayed with mum –maybe what Matt did to her I could have stopped- but I was so scared by him that I ran. Next thing I know, Granddad, Morag and I are at the hospital with mum”

“Oh my gosh” April gasped as she, Indi and Nicole covered their mouths in horror

“What did he do to your mum?” Indi asked as she placed a comforting hand on Ruby’s shaking arm

“Caused her to fall hard into the banister. She still has the bruise now, and she collapsed like, seconds after hitting the banister”

“Why did he push her?” Nicole asked

“I don’t think he pushed her, more like made her fall so she wouldn’t come after me” Ruby replied

“So, he stopped a mother tending to her kid?” April said, causing Ruby to nod “Why?”

“Jealousy. Mum had always made it clear to Matt that no matter what happened, I’d be mum’s priority and Matt never liked that. Every chance he got to send me away

he’d do it”

“At least he’s out of your lives now” Nicole smiled

“Yea, and you have us here. And the guys, when they’re not surfing” Indi added as she and the girls looked to the water to find Dex splashing in the water –chasing his board- and Romeo and Xavier riding the waves


Angelo swallowed hard as he looked nervously across the table at Charlie, who sat, shaking gently under the table as she tried to calm her nerves.

“Has anyone ever told you, you have the softest brown eyes?” Angelo asked, breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen between the two of them

“No. Besides, my eyes are blue” Charlie replied, finding her shaking legs had gone

“No wonder no one has told you” Angelo replied, feeling slightly embarrassed but unable to stop smiling as he heard the slight laugh come from Charlie “I should have checked if you like seafood before I booked the table here”

“Its fine. I like seafood” Charlie smiled

“Oh good” Angelo replied

“Ask me” Charlie said after looking to Angelo and seeing that he was looking as though he wanted to know something

“Ask you what?” Angelo replied

“I can tell you want to ask something, so ask”

“No. I asked you on a date because I want to get to know Charlie the person, not Charlie and her past”

“But, my past is part of me”

“Okay then; were you fourteen when you got pregnant or were you thirteen?” Angelo asked “See; that just felt so wrong to ask”

“Why?” Charlie asked

“Because I don’t expect you to tell me; I can figure out for myself that you were fourteen when you had Ruby but everything else that goes along with it I don’t need to

know. Just like I don’t need to know about that other bloke who was an idiot to let you go”

“Thank you” Charlie smiled

“For what?” Angelo asked

“For making me feel like a woman and not some tramp who got herself pregnant young”

“Charlie, I don’t see that. When you walked into the restaurant and I heard you laugh for the first time, I was sold” Angelo smiled

“How can you be like this with me and you barely know me?” Charlie asked as she looked to the man who seemed too good to be true

“How can you want to go on a date with me?” Angelo asked

“I asked first” Charlie replied

“Ladies first”

“It was nice to be asked about me and not about Matt or anything else that is in my past. You were more interested in me and I guess I liked that” Charlie replied, smiling

as she fiddled with the napkin in front of her

“So, how have you and Ruby settled into the bay?” Angelo asked

“Really settled really well; I don’t know if you know them but she’s hanging out with Dex, Indi, Romeo, April, Xavier and Nicole”

“Yea I know them. They’re a good bunch of kids”

“They seem it. I’ve only met them once, but Ruby’s always talking about them”

“So is Ruby the only child you have then or do you have any more or do you want any more?” Angelo asked

“You go straight to the point don’t you”

“I didn’t mean you and me have a kid I meant-“

“I know what you meant” Charlie laughed “I would love to have more kids; but I’ve just, I’ve never had the chance to have another one” Charlie replied, looking back

down to her napkin

“But you and her are really close though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that closeness. Ever”

“I have been so lucky with Ruby, she was no trouble when she was a baby” Charlie smiled “She still is no trouble; but I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing”

“Why would it be a bad thing?” Angelo asked

“I just think that, she could rebel at any time and I don’t want that; Ruby is the only family I have. I mean, I have an aunt but she lives in Newcastle and my dad lives in

the city and it’s a trek to get him all the way here”

“Is he disabled?” Angelo asked

“He has Alzheimer’s. My step-mum takes care of him”

“I’m sorry” Angelo said as he looked to Charlie

“Thanks” Charlie smiled weakly “Anyway, what about you; you got much family?”

“Two brothers and a sister” Angelo replied

“Big family” Charlie replied

“Italian, what can I say”

“Mamma Mia!” Charlie smiled

“Funny” Angelo smiled


“So where’s your dad Nicole?” Ruby asked as she looked over to Nicole

“Prison” Nicole replied

“Why?” Ruby asked

“He killed a man in the line of duty and is serving some time as punishment” Nicole replied

“I’m sorry”

“Thanks but, you don’t have to be. It took a lot of guts to admit to what he did and I admire that about him. I miss him like crazy though” Nicole replied

“I’ve just realized something” Dex said as he pointed his finger up

“What? That you aren’t actually my brother?” Indi replied

“If only that were true my dear sis” Dex smiled “No, what I realized is we have all –except for Romeo- got a better relationship with one parent as the other isn’t around”

“How you figure that?” Xavier asked

“Well, Ruby and her mum, Indi and me with our dad and you with your mum” Dex replied

“What about April? And Nicole?” Indi asked

“Excellent point” Dex replied, unable to think of a better response

“So Ruby, can you surf?” Xavier asked

“Sort of. My aunty Michelle taught me and mum a few years ago” Ruby replied

“Do you want to learn again?” Xavier asked

“No thank you” Ruby replied

“Wrong answer” Xavier replied as he rose to his feet and took Ruby by the arm and dragged her down to the water

“Xavier no!” Ruby screamed with laughter in her voice “Don’t” She added as Xavier picked her up

“Don’t what?” Xavier asked as he walked into the water

“Drop me” Ruby replied

“I wasn’t going to drop you” Xavier smiled

“No!” Ruby laughed as Xavier threw Ruby out of his arms “You are so dead” Ruby said as she wiped her hair from her face. Romeo, Dex, Indi, April and Nicole joined Ruby in chasing Xavier along the beach. In the distance a man and woman stood at the fence, watching as the group of teens chase each other, laughing as though they had not a care in the world. The man smiled and rested his hand on top of the woman’s hand.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you SOOOO much Sarah, RR1, Carina, JosieTash, Rach, Danni & Charis for the :wub: comments.

(I am aming to get another update up sooner rater than over a week later :lol: ) so, fingers crossed.

Hope you like this chapter :unsure:

Chapter Eighteen

Ruby laughed as she sat herself on the sand, watching as Romeo, Xavier and Dex chased Nicole, Indi and April. They had no worries about anything in their life: and now, because of them, Ruby realized she had no worries; none were overly bothered about the age difference between her and her mum and that was the only thing Ruby –and Charlie for that matter- had ever wanted. Ruby glanced down at the sand before looking around at the scenery; taking a second look at the couple who were still stood, watching the teens on the beach as they laughed and played with no care in the world. Ruby smiled infectiously as she jumped to her feet and began to run along the beach to the pathway. The man who once stood at the fence, made his way to the top of the path; ready to catch the happy teen as she leapt into her Granddads arms.

“Ruby my darling” Ross smiled as a lone tear rolled down his cheek

“Granddad” Ruby smiled as she squeezed Ross

“How are you” Ross asked, smiling as he and Ruby pulled apart

“I’m great. This place; it’s amazing. Morag, you were right” Ruby replied as she hugged Morag

“I thought it’d help you both” Morag smiled

“It has. You should see mum; everything about her has changed. She’s slowly opening up to our next door neighbor, she’s a really nice lady, She’s called Leah, I don’t

know if you know her. But there’s her, Bianca and Rachel”

“Leah? Yea she is one of the easiest people you can talk too”

“Mum was talking to her the first day we arrived here and they haven’t stopped really. I can’t complain though, I’ve got my mum back; she doesn’t let what happened

hold her back anymore”

“If I ever see that Matt again…” Ross said coldly as he made a fist

“Granddad don’t waste your energy. Mum and I have made a new life for ourselves here”

“Speaking of Charlie, where is she?” Morag asked as she looked around, expecting to see Charlie around as Charlie and Ruby were inseparable

“She’s on a da-“ Ruby began but stopped herself “On a driving thing for work”

“Driving? For work?” Ross asked

“Yea” Ruby nodded “anyway, I thought you were going to see Alf?”

“We are. We just got here, well, we have been to the police station; we were going to surprise your mum but, to our surprise she wasn’t there” Ruby bit her lip “So we

thought we’d come to the beach and have a look out and see if we could see either of you before we went to the Surf Club”

“Well, you’ve found me. How about we got to the Surf Club?” Ruby smiled

“But what about your friends?” Ross asked as the group stood on the sand, looking at Ruby as she spoke with Ross and Morag

“Do you want to meet them?” ruby asked as she looked at the teens and then back to Ross

“Why not” Ross smiled

“Cool. Wait here and I’ll go and get them”


“Why has Angelo gone on a date with her?” Martha asked as she scooped some food on to her fork

“Angelo asked her out” Jack replied as he wrote something in one of the files that was open on his desk

“Does he know what he’s letting himself in for? An instant daughter for starts; and she’s not going to be that easy to get along with” Jack kept his head down in the files “Jack? Did you hear what I said?” Martha said as she looked to Jack “Jack?” Martha tapped him on the shoulder

“Yes I heard you” Jack replied coldly


“Well what? Martha, I get it; you hate Charlie and if not Charlie, then the fact that she has a daughter and she was fourteen when she had her. But you aren’t even giving them a chance; you’ve made your mind up. Well, so have I. I don’t care that Charlie was fourteen, I don’t care that Ruby has no contact with her dad, I don’t care at all. Something happened there against Charlie’s wishes” Jack seethed as he rose to his feet and walked out of the office; slamming the door behind him as he did so. Martha sat on the desk, opened mouthed at the reaction Jack had given her. Envy crept over Martha’s face as she looked at the name on the desk at the other side of the office: Senior Constable Charlie Buckton.

“Maybe you should give Charlie a chance” Georgina said as she sat herself in Jack’s seat

“Why do you care?” Martha asked

“Well, I saw how Charlie was on her first day here; Jack never questioned Charlie about Ruby’s father; and because of this, Charlie seemed relaxed. But, after you, Charlie, Rachel and Leah had gone on and Jack had spoken to you, he was different with her, and Charlie was crushed. Something did happen to Charlie; and if everyone else can look past the age difference, why can’t you?” Georgina replied

“Because I’m the only one who hasn’t been sucked into the sob-story. Charlie was a stupid little girl who got herself pregnant and I’m the only one that can see that” Martha said as she glared at Georgina

“You believe that. But you will have to apologize to both Charlie and Ruby sooner or later” Georgina finished as she grabbed her car keys and bag and made her way out of the office. Martha shook her head as she continued to look to the door. She placed her rubbish in the bin beside Jack’s desk and jumped down from the table, she was about to leave when she saw a file mark ‘Charlie Buckton’ on the side. Martha did stop for a minute or two, wondering if she should look or if she shouldn’t. But soon enough, curiosity got the better of her.


Rachel lowered herself into one of the seat as Tony went to the counter and ordered some food for them both. Rachel sat, smiling with her hand on her stomach as her son moved around inside her; doing somersaults and giving her stomach high-fives.

“Hey Tony, how are you doing?” Irene smiled as she walked to the counter

“Yea, good thanks. Can’t say the same for Martha and Jack though”

“Why?” Irene asked

“Difference of opinion with the whole Charlie and Ruby mother-daughter thing” Tony replied “To be honest, it’s doing my head in”

“There’s a few people that won’t let it drop. Colleen is a nightmare. Every time Charlie or Ruby come to the counter, she mentions something about the age difference. I feel sorry for them both; they’ve moved her from the city for a good reason, and they’re copping all of this from narrow minded people” Irene replied to which Tony nodded in agreement “Anyway darl, what can I get you?”

“Two chicken salads and a coffee and OJ please” Tony replied

“I’ll bring it over” Irene smiled

“Thanks” Tony replied before he made his way over to Rachel

“What were you two talking about?”

“Jack and Martha and they’re split difference”

“Maybe we should just stay out of it”

“I want to, believe me I do, but every time we see them they’re at each other’s throats” Tony looked down at the table “Anyway, how are the plans looking for Saturday night?”

“I have no idea. Leah is organizing all of it. All I know is that we are meeting at Leah’s house” Rachel replied

“Who’s going?”

“Leah, Bianca, Irene, Charlie, Colleen, Gina, Martha, me obviously”

“Belle not coming?” Tony asked

“She and Aden couldn’t get the time to come over. Her photography business has really hit off and she’s booked up. Aden isn’t doing too badly either; he has his own trawler business. Irene couldn’t be more proud”

“Can’t they get over for the wedding though?” Tony asked

“I wasn’t able to ask that much; Belle was rushed off her feet. I’ll give her a ring a little later and see if she and Aden are free to come over” Rachel replied


Time had moved quickly and it was now nearing eleven o’clock. Charlie and Angelo were still at the restaurant and still talking about childhood memories.

“Anyway, mum had to hose me and Paulie down” Angelo smiled

“Sounds lovely” Charlie laughed

“What about you? You ever fallen into a mud pond?”

“No” Charlie smiled

“Okay, what about something you and your dad have done?”

“How do you mean?” Charlie asked

“Well, my dad took me on my very first fishing lesson. He pulled me out of school and it was just him and me”

“That’s sweet” Charlie smiled “Erm, I guess it was when I was pregnant. I was having a hard time with everything; been pregnant, seeing the dad at school every day and having no one to talk to about what happened. So my dad took me away for a day; he made me forget that I was pregnant and that I had this huge mess back at home. I never wanted to go back home; I wanted mum to come with us and we just start new, just my mum and dad, me and my baby”

“You’ve got that now though”

“Yea, but look what had to happen”

“What had to happen?” Angelo asked. Charlie looked to Angelo; for the last three hours he had made her feel like a woman and not some tramp with a kid –which was what the last three men made her feel like- “You can tell me. I’m a mate” Angelo smiled

“Where do I start?” Charlie nervously laughed “Well” Charlie cleared her throat “I was always nervous when it came to a new boyfriend; not only because of him, but because I had Ruby to think about. If I got hurt, she’d get hurt and I never wanted that”

“Who’s him?” Angelo asked

“Ruby’s biological father” Charlie replied quietly

“Sorry to interrupt. But it’s our closing time. I’m going to have to ask you to leave” A waiter said as he stood at Charlie and Angelo’s table. Charlie looked around to find the chef and three other waiters sat at a table and the restaurant bare.

“Sorry” Charlie smiled as she rose to her feet, taking her jacket form the back of her chair.

“Here” Angelo handed the waiter some money

“But you’ve already paid sir” The waiter replied as he looked into his hand at the twenty dollars that was placed in his palm.

“I know, that’s for letting us stay a little longer” Angelo replied as he walked around the table to Charlie “Ready?”

“Yea” Charlie smiled

“So, what about Ruby’s dad?” Angelo asked as they walked along the path

“Can you not call him that? He doesn’t deserve to have that title” Charlie replied, looking to Angelo with desperate eyes

“Sorry” Angelo replied “Him”

“What did you first think when you found out that Ruby was my daughter and I was fourteen when I had her?” Charlie asked as she looked to Angelo

“I thought that, it was a little young, but I put that down to you wanting to spend time with your kid and be a young parent” Angelo replied

“Really? That’s what you really thought?” Charlie asked

“Yes” Angelo replied.

Charlie smiled thankfully to Angelo “You’re not like other guys are you?”

“I guess not” Angelo replied “Don’t give up” Angelo added as he placed his hand gently on Charlie’s chin and pushed her head up

“I already gave up” Charlie replied


“I can’t get it right; any of it. I thought Bill was different –but I was wrong. I thought Robert was different –again I was wrong. Then came Matt; I thought I had finally got it right, thought I could have the boyfriend and add to my family –I couldn’t have got that more wrong” Charlie sniffed as a tear rolled down her face

“Charlie” Angelo spoke softly as he placed his hand gently on Charlie’s face, using his thumb to wipe the tear from her cheek.

“He raped me. Ruby’s biological father raped me. I left it too late to have justice; I didn’t tell anyone until I was four months pregnant” Charlie cried “I couldn’t cope with seeing him every single day at school, looking at me, knowing what he had done. I felt ashamed; he took so much away from me; so much that I can’t get back” Charlie sat herself down on the beach they had walked to. Angelo looked to Charlie and saw the change from Charlie woman to Charlie teenager; she looked scared, embarrassed –like she would have done on that night- Angelo’s heart went out to her; he knew something about the situation was bad, but he had put it as a teen romance gone wrong; not this, not a rape.

“Charlie” Angelo said sympathetically as he sat beside Charlie

“I don’t want your pity; I don’t want any one’s pity. It’s one thing I never want” Charlie said as she looked to Angelo “I just want the whispers to stop. No one has ever been able to accept Ruby and I as mother and daughter until they know what happened. Well, everyone except Bill, Robert and Matt” Charlie added “I don’t know why you’re bothering with me. Things won’t work between us; save yourself the heartache; find a woman who doesn’t have years of mess chasing her”

“But I don’t want-“

“And save me as well. I can’t handle a fourth man who leave the same way; I’m not strong enough for that” Charlie cried as she rose to her feet and began to run.

“Charlie” Angelo shouted as he looked to Charlie as she ran away. Shaking his head, Angelo rose to his feet and began to chase Charlie. “Charlie” Angelo shouted again as he gained on Charlie

“Just leave it Angelo. I should never have agreed to a date. It’s not fair on you and it’s too soon for me. I still have Matt in my head” Charlie said as Angelo took her arms in his hands, looking into her eyes.

“Charlie; I’m not going anywhere. I want to get to know you, I’ve liked spending this evening with you and I want to spend more time with you”

“Angelo no; I’m sorry” Charlie cried as she broke free from Angelo’s grasp and fled to her house. Ross sat on the bottom step, waiting happily for his daughter to arrive; but was surprised to find her crying. “Dad” Charlie sobbed as she fell into his arms. Ruby and Morag walked out of the front room to find Ross comforting Charlie –the picture all too familiar for Morag and Ruby to take; the last time they saw Charlie sobbing her heart out in Ross’ arms was when she had woken up in the hospital. Ruby walked over to the front door and looked through the curtain at the side. She saw a dis-heartened Angelo looking to the ground.

“I won’t be long” Ruby said to Morag as she pointed to the door. “Angelo” Ruby said as the door closed behind her “What happened?”

“She doesn’t want to hurt me” Angelo replied sadly. “She said she still had Matt in her head” Angelo fought off tears as he looked to Ruby “How serious were they? I mean, if she still has him in her head?”

“It’s not that kind of stuck in head. It’s the other kind” Ruby replied

“You’ve lost me”

“What has mum told you?” Ruby asked

“Only about you biological father” Angelo replied

“Step in the right direction I guess” Ruby said to herself “Look, mum isn’t doing this to make you feel bad about yourself; she really does like you, it’s just Matt did a lot to both of us”

“Like what?” Angelo asked “Rubes, please. I really like your mum and I want to see her again. If I know then, maybe I can help; maybe I can help Charlie see that not all blokes are like Matt”

“You really want to help?” Ruby asked

“I just want to see Charlie again. I want to help”

“Alright” Ruby said as she walked back to the house with Angelo following. “Only if you’re sure”

“I’m sure” Angelo replied. Ruby nodded before she opened the door.


Danni, Carina, Sarah, Rach, JosieTash ad Charis. Thank you for he lovely comments, I appriciate that you leave them after reading :).

Most of you have said you were't a fan of Martha when she was on the show.....can you tll I was another person who wasn't a fan?? lol

anyway: LOOK! its here before a week! GO ME! :lol:

Chapter Nineteen

Angelo followed Ruby into the now-bare entrance of the house. Charlie, Ross and Morag were nowhere to be seen. Ruby looked into the front room to see if they had gone to sit on the couches; but all that was there was the TV on pause.

“Wait here” Ruby said to Angelo before she ran up the stairs.

“Angelo?” Morag said as she walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand “what are you doing here?”

“Hi Morag; erm, I wanted to see Charlie” Angelo replied

“She’s not up for seeing anyone right now” Morag replied “If you come back tomorrow or even next week; that would be great”

“I can’t leave Morag; I’m involved in this now”

“Oh? And how exactly are you involved?” Morag asked

“Charlie told me about Ruby’s biological father; and how Matt left”

“Did she tell you everything to do with Matt?” Angelo shook his head “Then you’re not involved. It’s messy and a very delicate situation Angelo, I know you mean well; god knows I do after the Kelly mess up-“

“So you know I can help” Angelo butted in

“Angelo, Kelly and Charlie are two very different cases; Kelly needed putting back on her feet, Charlie doesn’t need putting back on her feet, she needs a change of luck”

“Morag” Ruby said, leaning over the banister “Granddad wants you”

“I’ll be right up” Morag replied “Maybe you should go” Morag smiled softly to Angelo as she headed up the stairs

“Actually, mum wants to see you Angelo” Ruby put in as she crossed Morag on the stairs “She’ll be down in a minute”

“Okay” Angelo smiled


Jack sat at the table after grabbing a quick snack before bed. Georgina had gotten through to him and he knew she was right: Martha’s judge of character wasn’t the greatest, and her opinion of Charlie was based on what Martha had seen of Charlie and Ruby and not of her actually taking the time to get to know either of them. Jack felt shame wash over him, he knew he was right about what happened to Charlie when she was young, and yet he let Martha make him think differently.

“When did you get home?” Martha asked as she walked to the fridge and grabbed the juice from the door

“Just now” Jack replied coldly

“Don’t you start with me; I’ve had it in the neck from Georgina” Martha said as she sat opposite Jack

“I didn’t say anything” Jack replied

“It’s not what you said it’s the way you said it” Martha replied “And have you noticed, ever since Charlie came to the bay, you and I have had more problems?”

“Stop blaming Charlie. You don’t have any idea what you are talking about okay? Get to know Charlie before you judge her anymore” Jack snapped “and for your information, we had problems long before she arrived” Jack added before he walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom. Martha looked to her bag that rested against the chair in the front room. She had placed Charlie’s file into before she left the station; everything was contained in that file, even the details that were supposed to be sent to the hospital in case of medical emergencies for Charlie or Ruby. Martha thought about putting the file back when she had got it from, she knew this was crazy; what she was thinking of doing was crazy, but part of her wanted to finally piece together what had gone on, why Charlie was so reclusive about her past, about Ruby’s dad. “What are you doing?” Martha said to herself as she placed the file back into the bag

“Who are you talking to now?” Jack asked as he walked over to Martha

“No one” Martha replied quickly as she threw the bag on the ground and turned to face Jack

“What’s that?” Jack asked

“What’s what?” Martha replied

“That bag you’ve thrown on the floor?” Jack asked as he bent to get it

“It’s nothing, something for wo-“ Martha trailed off as Jack looked at the name on the file “I’m sorry”“How stupid are you?

Have you any idea the trouble I can get into?” Jack said angrily to Martha

“I wasn’t thinking” Martha replied

“You have to take this back to the station you know” Jack said as he glared at Martha

“Can’t you do it? I mean, you can drop it back in when you go to work” Martha asked

“No, this is your problem Martha. And after you have taken it back to the station, you can go around to Charlie’s house and apologize to her and then stop all of this” Jack replied


“No buts Martha. You’ve turned into someone I don’t know. Everything about you has changed; and you can’t put all of that on Charlie”

“I just don’t get why, Charlie can get herself pregnant at fourteen and have people feeling sorry for her, and I have a pregnancy SCARE at sixteen and I’m called a tramp”

“Well, you kind of were” Jack replied

“Take her side why don’t you” Martha scoffed

“Look, you were reckless, let’s face it. Charlie wasn’t; every time someone mentions the lack of a father in Ruby’s life, she freezes. Something bad had to have happen to her”

“I will give you that, she does seem closed about that” Martha agreed

“And as for this file”

“I haven’t read it. All I’ve seen is the name on the front” Martha replied

“Are you sure that’s all you’ve seen?” Jack asked

“Yes” Martha nodded

“I can’t believe you” Jack said, shaking his head as he walked away from Martha and headed to the bathroom for a shower. Martha lowered herself into the seat, tears forming in her eyes as she looked on at the door that Jack had closed behind him.


Charlie slowly sat on the sofa next to Angelo, moving to her left away from Angelo –who felt slightly dis-hearted by the action after having been in close proximity to Charlie for most of the evening. Charlie fiddled with the tie from her dressing gown, looking only to the red of swirls that covered the tie. Eye contact with Angelo was hard for Charlie to do; she hated how she left Angelo.

“Angelo, I’m sorry about leaving you out there” Charlie whispered unintentionally

“Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you” Angelo smiled

“You don’t deserve this, it’s such a mess” Charlie sobbed “Matt isn’t in my heart; he went as soon as I was told at the hospital. But he’s in my head. Every little thing I do, I’m always looking back, over my shoulder, seeing if he’s there. I hate having him there, I hate been controlled by him” Charlie lost her voice as the tears streamed from her eyes, unable to hold them back, Charlie allowed them to fall freely down her cheeks, landing on her lap. Angelo looked to Charlie and saw that what Morag had said was true: Kelly’s case was much simpler than Charlie’s; but it wasn’t going to detour Angelo from wanting to help. Angelo took a tissue form the box that was on the table, just a stretch away from where he was sitting. He saw how shaky Charlie’s hands were so he wiped Charlie’s face himself; the connection of his hand on Charlie’s face caused her to flinch and move back in her seat. Angelo moved his hand away from Charlie’s face quickly, hoping this would be enough to show Charlie that his intensions were good. Unable to speak, Charlie began to lean into Angelo; Angelo wrapped his arms around Charlie, and held her close; none spoke or moved. The only sound came from clock in the room as it ticked, indicating the time had now gone past midnight. Ruby stood in the doorway, hugging herself as he own tears fell from her eyes; the picture she glance at of Charlie been rocked as she was held was the same as the one ten weeks previous, only this time Angelo had replaced Ross.

“Maybe the date was too soon for Charlie” Morag said to Ruby as she stepped off the last step. Ruby turned to find Morag stood just behind her

“It’s not too soon; mum wanted to go on the date. I think she wants to tell Angelo what happened but is scared about having to talk about it again” Ruby replied as she slowly walked to the kitchen; her arms still folded across her chest “It’s never going to be easy for her”

“No its not; but, we were all there for her at the start and all we have to do is carry on been there for her; and then, maybe she’ll be able to open up more, tell people”

“I thought me telling people was hard, I can’t even imagine how hard it will be for mum” Ruby replied as she sat at the table

“What do you mean ‘telling people was hard’?” Morag asked as she stopped putting the chocolate powder in the cup

“I told some friends about Matt and what he did to mum and me and what he took from us” Ruby replied, slightly regretting having told them.

“I hope you know what you are doing Ruby. Not another repeat of Lacey, Robbie and Harriet”

“You mean Stacey, Toby and Hannah” Ruby replied

“Whatever. Look, my point is, you know how that week was for your mum, for all of us; are you sure that telling your friends was the best thing to do?” Morag replied, looking to Ruby as she processed everything

“I’ve lived with this whole thing over my head for so long, and I had no one I could trust to tell anything to. I hated it and in the last few days, I’ve been able to trust these guys more than I thought I could. They didn’t care that mum was fourteen when I was born; they didn’t even flinch. I’ve found people who I can open up to, mum can do the same. She can still have love after the life she’s left behind; god knows she deserves it”

“I just think telling Angelo might be the wrong move to make” Morag put in as she handed Ruby a cup of hot chocolate

“Is that because you don’t like Angelo or because he is a man?” Ruby asked

“I know Angelo means what he says; I know that he will listen to Charlie if and when she begins to talk. The only concern I have is of Charlie’s mental state as she tells him, and that is if she tells him”

“Because he’s a man?” Morag nodded “Maybe mum needs to do this, I mean, in the last few days my mum has been coming back to me; she’s smiling more, laughing more, it was as if she had finally been able to look on in her life and see herself settling down, maybe giving me a little brother or sister, I mean, come on, you and I both know how much she wants another baby”

“I know Charlie wants the happy life, and I know she deserves it. But I just don’t think Angelo is the right person to tell this too” Ruby nodded her head as Morag brought her cup to her mouth. Just as Ruby was about to do the same, Angelo appeared at the kitchen door.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt” Angelo said as he knocked on the door

“Its fine, don’t worry” Ruby smiled as she placed her cup on the side

“Charlie’s asleep on the couch, I laid her down and put a blanket over her” Ruby thankfully smiled to Angelo “Can you tell her that she can call me anytime tomorrow? I have to go to the city for this new menu order thing and I leave pretty early in the morning”

“Yea course I can” Ruby smiled “Angelo, thank you”

“No worries” Angelo replied before turning around and heading toward the front door. Ruby followed so she could lock the door behind him. Morag walked in to the front room to find Charlie sound asleep on the couch –just like Angelo had said he had left her.

“Should we leave her down here?” Morag whispered

“Yea, I just won’t watch TV before I go to school” Ruby replied

“Is Charlie at work tomorrow?” Morag asked

“Half day I think” Ruby answered “Why?”

“I was just asking” Morag smiled.

  • 2 weeks later...

Danni, Catty, Rach, Carina, Sarah, Charis and JosieTash. Thank you so much for the :wub: comments.

Chapter Twenty

The sun rose over the bay, shining down on all of the inviting feature the bay had to offer. Early morning surfers took to the water to catch the waves, runners ran along the shore as the water broke at their feet. Angelo glanced to the house he had left the night before, longing to be of some help. Sighing heavily, Angelo closed the car door and pulled out of the car park, driving passed Morag who was on one of her early morning walks.

“Stone the flamin’ crows!” Alf said as he saw Morag walk along the beach “When did you get here?”

“Hello Alfred” Morag smiled as she stood next to Alf “Yesterday afternoon”

“Where’s Ross?” Alf asked, noticing that Morag was alone

“He’s still asleep. The excitement of seeing Charlie and Ruby took a lot out of him” Morag replied

“Aye I supposed it would” Alf agreed “So erm, how long you staying this time?” Alf asked as he placed his fishing rod on the sand and turned to face Morag

“I don’t know just yet. But I know that Ross wants to spend more time with Charlie and Ruby, more so Charlie”

“I’ve been hearing things about Charlie. What is going on there?” Alf replied as he placed his hands on his hips

“Nothing you need to be worrying about Alfred. And what have you been hearing?” Morag asked

“Nothing much, only she and Ruby moved here to get away from the pressures of the city” Alf replied “Oh and Colleen keeps going on about how Charlie had a child young. Didn’t we all?”

“Colleen and that mouth of hers” Morag said, with slight aggression in her voice “Colleen does know that they are my family and what she says about them has something to do with me”

“Angelo’s got himself involved too. I heard him and Marilyn talking about Charlie and Ruby the other day. He seems infatuated with Charlie”

“Oh I know. He was round last night asking for her” Morag replied

“He’s not a bad bloke”

“I know, but I think Charlie doesn’t need him in her life at the moment, she needs to get herself sorted out properly”

“You make it sound like she’s broken and needs a mechanic” Alf laughed

“If only it were that simple” Morag replied as she looked around, upon seeing Leah leave her house, Morag said bye to Alf and made her way to where Leah was walking “Oh Leah” Morag said

“Hi Morag, when did you get here?” Leah smiled

“Yesterday afternoon” Morag replied

“Oh right. How is Ross doing?”

“Better now that he’s with Charlie and Ruby” Morag replied

“I bet he will be” Leah smiled “How is Charlie?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about” Morag began

“Okaaay” Leah replied, slightly dubious as she went to re-open the door to her house.


Martha walked along the path to the station, constantly looking around as she clutched the bag which contained Charlie’s file; worried that someone would catch her with the file and do more than shout at her. As she walked through the door, she felt as though all eyes were on her; watching her carefully to see what she was doing. Swallowing hard, Martha made her way to the office, hoping no officers were in there to stop her from dumping the file and leaving. As she peered in through the door, Martha kept tight hold of the file; fearing what would happen to her and to Jack if she lost the file.

“Jack isn’t working today” Avery said as he walked over to Martha, who had just managed to place the file back where she had got it from where she had taken it from.

“Yea, I know. He asked me if I could come in and see if he left his wallet here” Martha lied

“Oh, alright. Have you found it?” Avery asked

“Yea, Jack just texted me, it was in his jacket pocket the whole time” Martha laughed slightly, Avery smiled back, not too sure on Martha’s little tale, but giving her the

benefit of the doubt, he took that as the truth and went back to what he was doing before-hand. Martha sighed with relief as she headed for the door –for freedom from the mess she could have got herself into-.

“What did she want?” Georgie asked as she walked over to Avery

“Jack left his wallet here last night” Avery replied

“Really? Coz he told me it was in his car before he left here” Georgie questioned. Avery’s face changed with puzzlement as he watched Georgie walk into the office “That wasn’t there when I came in an hour ago” Georgie said as she pointed to the file that now on the table “Was it there when you were just in?”

“No. No I don’t think so” Avery replied “why?”

“Martha has had it in for Charlie for a while now; Charlie had a kid at fourteen and has had people take her side and when Martha was around that age, she had a scare and she got called a tramp”

“Well, she kind of still is. Well, not so much now since Jack, but still tarty” Avery replied

“She hasn’t read the file has she?” Georgie asked as panic washed over her. Georgie had read some of the file –having received Charlie’s permission- and read about the rape. Georgie herself had never been in that situation, but as a police officer, she knew the after effects of a rape and what the victim felt like.

“I don’t know” Avery replied, shrugging his shoulders as he replied. Georgie looked to Avery and then back to the file. Part of her wanted to pursue what had happened; not only because it is classed as stealing, but because it would mean she could charge Martha. But the other part of her didn’t want to; for Charlie and Ruby’s sake.


“I don’t think Charlie will want to talk to me about things that have happened in her past” Leah said as she sat herself down on the couch next to Morag after handing her a cup of tea

“I think she will. I know myself that you would be a good thing for Charlie, she needs this and to be honest, so do Ross and I. These last two or three months have been so draining, Ross is having really bad days and barely any good days”

“I thought Ross was doing fine” Leah reminded

“He’s only started to do a lot better ever since Charlie told us she and Ruby were moving here. Ross would always worry about Charlie when they were in the city; he would then forget to take his medication and then he would get himself into a frenzy” Morag confessed

“I never knew it was that bad” Leah sympathized. “Why didn’t you ever tell us?”

“It’s never been my place to say. Everything happened to Charlie and very little happened to Ross and I; Ruby got involved at one stage and that’s when it happened.

When Ross and I realized that something had to happen” Morag looked down to her cup “No father should watch his daughter go through something like that; especially when it was caused by the hands of the man who was supposed to love her” Morag looked to Leah “I know I’m asking a lot, but; please, can you let Charlie tell you, maybe then we can move away from everything that has happened in the past”

“I’ll try” Leah replied

“Thank-you Leah” Morag smiled


Charlie placed the pot of coffee on the table along with the orange juice, the toast, the butter, the jam, milk and cereal before sitting down and pouring herself a coffee and a bowl of cereal. Ruby sat at the other side of the table, looking straight to Charlie, who ignored the stares from Ruby as she began to eat her cereal.

“Are you just going to keep the elephant then?” Ruby said

“What elephant?” Charlie asked

“Yesterday breakfast you wouldn’t shut up, now you’re really quiet and last night you had a date with a guy who seemed really interested in you and who was really worried about you when he came into the house” Ruby replied

“Do we have to talk about this now?”

“Yes mum we do. Matt isn’t in our lives anymore; he can’t hurt you anymore than he already did. We have a new life here; I’m the happiest I’ve been since before Matt. And Bill and Robert for that matter”

“This is exactly why I wasn’t going to date anymore”

“You are just going to stop seeing men? Become a nun? Stop wanting to find love?” Mum you can’t. Someone is out there who can make you feel like you’re supposed to. Angelo could be the one”

“Rubes, I know Matt isn’t here and that he can’t hurt me; I know that, but, he might not be in here, but he’s in here” Charlie replied, pointing to her heart and head


“So why don’t you follow your heart? Listen to it, what’s it saying?” Ruby asked

“I can’t tell. It’s beating too fast” Charlie smiled

“Would that have something to do with Angelo?” Ruby smiled

“Maybe” Charlie bit her lip “I was able to tell him about Grant and even before he knew the truth, he didn’t care that I was young. Bill and Robert didn’t give me chance to


“So already he has out done two boyfriends” Ruby smiled “And what did Angelo say after you told him about Grant?”

“He was sorry. All he wanted to do was hug me. And I just ran from him”

“But he came after you: So that’s three boyfriends he’s beaten”

“If that’s so, then where is he?” Charlie replied, looking to Ruby on the verge of crying

“He had to meet a supplier for work or something to do with work. He did tell me and he also said that you could ring him whenever you wanted” Ruby replied “Are you

going to ring him?”

“I don’t know Rubes. After the way I treated him-“

“Look, I have no idea what you two spoke about when he went upstairs, but what I know is he was still wanting to help you; even though he was going to the city today.

He’s not the giving up type if you ask me”

“But is he too good to be true?”


Angelo sat on the chairs in the waiting room of the printing place. His order was nearly ready and Angelo could then make the journey back to the bay to finish off his conversation with Charlie. The door of the printing place opened and a man dressed in a smart-looking suit walked in, carrying a photo with three people on.

“Excuse me; you haven’t seen this woman have you? or the teenager?” The man asked a woman stood near the desk. The woman looked at the photo before shaking her head. The man smiled weakly at the woman before he turned to another customer “Have you seen the woman on this photo? Or the teenager?” Again, the customer looked to the photo before shaking his head

“Who you lost now Mr. Lowis” the woman behind the desk asked

“My girlfriend” Mr. Lowis replied as he walked over to the desk. “I went to work the other day and when I came home the house was empty. Everything was gone; even the only picture of the baby that we were going to have”

“Let’s have a look at the photo” The woman said “Nope, haven’t seen her. Pretty though”

“Isn’t she?” Mr. Lowis agreed “I miss her. I just want to find her and bring her back home” Mr. Lowis said “Are you from around here?” Mr. Lowis asked Angelo as he turned to face him

“No, I live close to the coast” Angelo replied

“So you drive around a bit. Worth a shot. Have you seen anyone of these?” Mr. Lowis asked as he put the photo in front of Angelo. Angelo looked to the photo and then to Mr. Lowis

“No, can’t say that I have”

“Mr. Rosetta” The woman behind the desk said. Angelo rose to his feet and walked to the counter. He handed some money over before taking the back of printed menus

from the woman. He turned round to find Mr. Lowis glaring at him.

“Thank you” Angelo said to the woman before he walked out of the printing shop and down the street to his car.

“Where does that guy live?” Mr. Lowis asked

“I can’t give you that piece of information, you know that” The woman replied

“Of course” Mr. Lowis replied. He then turned to looked out of the window and say Angelo pull away, there wasn’t much point of writing his license plate number down as he didn’t live in the city. Mr. Lowis turned back around to face the desk and saw a piece of paper on the ground. He walked over to the desk and picked the piece of paper

up from the ground.

It read:


Angelo Rosetta

112 Summer Bay


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