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Tues 10 May 2011 – Episode # 5292

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Ruby Vs Summer Bay “

[ Screened in Australia on Tues 10 May 2011 – Episode # 5292 ]


John gives the SB competitors [incl Miranda, Xave, Romeo & VJ] a big pep talk before the carnival.

The SB competitors head onto the beach – where there are lotsa official, spectators etc. Xave is quite surprised when he sess Ruby …as she is dressed in the colours of Mangrove River [MG]. Rubes tell Xave that Casey asked her to compete of his team, and she agreed. John, Gray * Miranda join in on the verbal stoush.


Ruby talk to Casey – although her decison to compete for MG was for him, she now esp. wants to best Miranda and co cos of their comets tat she’s 2nd best. Charlie isn’t so keen on Ruby compete for MG – but Brax likes ta Rubes is showing in public ta she’s in a;’ship with Casey.


Miles & Leah are chatting as they arrive and the carnival. They talk to Elijah with is talking to VJ about his unassuming ace toady.

As Xave & Romeo warm up for there races, Xave is focus on Miranda – whish Romeo suggests he shouldn’t be.

The girl’s surf ski race is the 1st event – and Rubes & Miranda verbally sper before hand. Te race starts and during the event, Miranda is leading round the marker bouy when Rubes tries to pass her on the outside line – their surf skis collide and Rubes is knocked off her ski by Miranda’s paddle. Gary & the MG ppl [like Brax & Heath] howl in protest – and both Gary & John approach the judge’s bout the clash. Miranda wins the race. Ruby finishes – but well behind Miranda.

Sid treats Rubes after the collision in the water. Charlie & rubes clash over the crash – whilst rubes think the Miranda is in the wrong, Charlie doesn’t think it’s that cut & dry. Gary & John clash over the judge’s decision to call it a racing incident [neither girl penalised].

In other races, Xave is victorious, whilst VJ tries his heart out without success.

Xave is presented with his trophy for wining his race – but he’s not elated – as monets beefer, Miranda told him that there is no chance of Xave/Miranda as Miranda has a b/f that she met at uni.

Romeo winds his race …. which mean Te Summer Bay has broken MG's 5 year wining streak at this carnival. Amongst the SB celebrations, Gary doesn’t look [health wise] so good.

Indeed, when SB are presented with the trophy for wining the carnival, Gary collapse – with Ruby rushing to get Sid.


Gina talks to Roo, commeing on the rescue of Gary after what happened on the beach. Xave talk to John – about how he totally lost Miranda, but john liked that Xave went Very well today [and stuck to the task of trg etc for this].

Roo doesn’t look so surprised when Sid tells her tat he & Maz are still having trouble with George.


Charlie sees various SB & MG ppl … and sense te trouble is brewing. Indeed, when she sees Ruby, she ”suggest” Rubes gets out of her right now. Both groups [sB & MG] are keen for Ruby join them/show her loyalty ….. looks Ruby chooses Casey/Mangrove River, a fight ensues twen the river boys and some of the [unknown] Summer Bayers. Charlie & Brax try to break up the fight. Charlie is knocked unsconscious when he is hit in the back of the head.



Looks like there’s trouble when Angelo goes pig shooting with the Braxton’s

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Ruby: green & bleu 1 piece swimsuit/green & bleu surf cap/green jacket/dark shorts


Gina: sky blue low cut l/s top/ straw wide brim hat


Leah: blue & red top/dark cap


Brax: dark t

Casey: green jacket/green & blue top/blue, green & white shorts

Charlie: police uniform [incl cap]

Elijah: orange t

Gary O’Connor: green, blue & white t/straw wide brim hat

Head Judge: white polo

Heath: dark shorts

John: blue [orange on shoulders] jacket/ straw wide brim hat

Miles: dark [grey unknown motif] t

Miranda: blue & orange [like a female track & field athlete] 2 piece outfit/blue jacket/orange &* blue surf cap

Romeo blue & orange singlet/blue & orange “shorts”/ orange &* blue surf cap

Roo: straw wide brim hat/dark low cut halter dress

Sid: grey polo/yellow fluoro vest

VJ: blue & orange singlet/blue & orange “shorts”/ orange &* blue surf cap

Xavier: blue & orange singlet/blue & orange “shorts”/ orange &* blue surf cap


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