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Tues 8 Feb 2011 – Episode # 5227

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Unexpected Kiss “

[ Screened in Australia on Tues 8 Feb 2011 – Episode # 5227 ]


NEXT DAY –Alf is intrigued tah John has either made, or has proposed, so many change to the club. Alf is please when John hand him back to the keys to the place.


Lily sees a TV news report bout Peen’s murder. Irene switches TV off, and tells Lily ta Will didn’t mean to kill Peen, but he did. Lily is RALLY keen to speak to Will – so Irene tells her she will try to9p tee it up.


Colleen is keen to have a party to celebrate that Alf is totally a free man – but Morag doesn’t thank that should be [as Peen is still dead and Will is in jail]. Colleen is undeterred – insists it will be a small celebration [not many ppl beyond family].


Sid complains to Maz bout Indi & Dex not rally pulling their weight with in terms of housework, whish doesn’t help his mood bout kids in genal. Maz however is keen, now that Sid is keen to adopt, to speak to Nic before the party tonight.


Alf talk to Morag bout the many many proposal changes tat John want to make to the club – incl charging ppl for car parking and other money making idea [like pokies] .


Will tall Irene that can’t face Lilly – after what’s happened. He suggests maybe Gypsy should deal with some of this.


Lily & VJ chat. They are tying to think of ways top help out what’s occured. Irene arrives bask home -0 and tells Lily that bad news. When Irene suggest Lily can live with Gypsy [who is keen on the idea], Lily insists Will is in this mess cos of Gypsy.


Colleen is keen for Morag to help her carry something’s for tonight's party. She also wants Morag to keep this a surprised from Alf. Morag still isn’t keen on the idea.

Nearby, Maz & Sid talk to Nic. Sid tells Nic ta he is keen to adopt, but Nic isnlt so suer bout wanting tyo give us her bub – some wamts moer tiom to think etc.


Alf is keen to go over all the changes that John is prposoing, but morag suggest ta he should leave that for morrow. Morag think bout tell Alf bout the party – but doesn’t


Leah & Sid comment tat over in Africa, Miles is unwell – so Elijah is playing nurse. Maz, Romeo, Colleen, Nic are all at the party too – as is john, who Alf REALLY doesn’t like be there when Alf arrives with Morag.


Lily is rally ken to speak to Will. Irene speaks to Watson bout what they can do bout this sitch – and we see a forlorn Will in earshot of all of this [but Lily & co can’t see him].


Nic rally takes it to heart when Leah nearby comments to Romeo that VJ has grown up without a dad. Nic bails – and Sid goes after here. Alf “suggest” that whilst john shouldn’t be here, Alf thinks Irene should be. Alf bails.


Sid talk top Nic bout the bub. He insist she can take all the time she needs to make her decision ..as its not about what Sid & Maz wants etc, its what’s TOTALLY best for the baby.


Irene is on the phone. She is talking to Gypsy – and is keen for gypsy to come and get Lilly,

After the call ends, Irene is surprised to see Alf. He tells her he can admire that way she supported Will all the way. Irene tells Alf bout how Will just won’t speak to Lily bout all of this.


Alf tells Will that he owed it to Lily to talk to her. The distressed Will agrees – and Lily & Will hug as soon as she enter the room. Will says his goodbye to Lily.


Soon after, Lily tell VJ that Will told her things like ta he did that right thing by owning up top the crime inn the end. Both are disappointed that Lily will be leaving town soon.

Lily then briefly KISSES VJ on the lips. He is initially shocked .. but smiles seconds later.


With the party still kinda going when Alf arrives bask at the house, Alf inset to John that he’s got a BIG fight on his hands if he wants to implement all these money making etc changes to the surf club.



Alf masks a life changing decision

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Nicole: purple [gold swirls] low cut v neck top/dark long pants


Leah: yellow mid thigh length dress


Colleen: blue top/dark [green & pink floral] blouse/aqua long pants


Alf: olive green [yellow check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Colleen: pink [red floral] full length dress

Irene: dark [off white floral] low cut v neck top/dark long pants

John: dark jacket/white button up shirt

John: orange * white vert strips button up shirt/dark long pants

Lily: pink [multi colour dots] long sleeve top/dark long pants

Lily: pink [white floral] PJs

Marilyn: dark [partial white * brown] long sleeve dress

Marilyn: dark knee length skirt/leopard print top

Morag: bone long pants/orange elbow length sleeves top

Morag: dark top/orange jacket/dark long pants

Nicole: dark long pants/dark tank top

Romeo: black & white horuiz striped t/denim jeans

Romeo: dark shorts/white singlet

Sid: purple button up shirt/dark long pants

VJ: dark shorts/green [black & white unknown motif] t

VJ: orange [white check] button up shirt/denim jeans

Watson: light blue police shirt/dark blue long pants

Will: white [dark buildings] t/denim jeans


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