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Unhappy Ending

Guest Zetti

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Story Title: Unhappy Ending

Type of Story: Short/Medium fic

Main Character - Liam, Bianca, April, Vittorio and more

BTTB rating – Teen 13+

Genre - Romance, Drama, Angst

Does Story Include Spoilers – Maybe: will advise before chapters

Any warnings: Will advise before chapters (SC, V/D)

Summary – Bianca is married to Vittorio, Liam comes back with Nina in tow. Cracks begin to appear in Bianca’s marriage... will Liam help her or will she find a much more drastic way of getting people’s attention?

Chapter One

Bianca looked over to see Vittorio sleeping with a half smile on his face. She loved him but she wasn’t in love with him. Ever since he returned to get her back, she had allowed herself to be wooed and charmed.

She hadn’t told anyone about this but just before she said I do, she thought about Liam and how much she wanted was just for him to take her away someplace faraway and live her life with him.

However since that didn’t happen, she had to pick herself up and dust her feelings to one side and be the perfect wife for Vittorio.

It wasn’t easy in any way whatsoever but she knew that this is what she had signed herself up for.

Although last night, she had the shock of her life, she dreamed about Liam for the first time since she saw him drive away on his motorbike hurt and crushed.

She woke up with a start. ‘Babe, are you ok?’ she was startled to hear Vittorio speak, just for a moment she thought she was all alone with the world closing in on her and not allowing her to breathe.

‘Yea, just a bad dream. It was silly.’

‘Are you sure?’ he hugged her and pulled back down as they both fell back into a world of slumber


Liam looked around his house again, he was glad to be back but there was one thing niggling at the back of his mind. ‘Was he ready to see a married Bianca? Would it hurt too much or would he be able to cope?’

‘Are you ok?’ Nina penetrated his thoughts

‘Yes, I was just thinking. It’s ok.’ He answered when he saw her bewildered face

‘Are you sure? I can leave you alone for a bit. I know its overwhelming being back here’

He smiled at her, he didn’t know what he had done to deserve such a gorgeous and caring person in his life but he was eternally grateful to have her with him at that moment in time.

‘I am good. He pulled her to him. He pushed a hair out of her face, placed his hands on her face and kissed her so delicately on the lips. His hands went under her shirt drifting upwards before she pulled back down.

‘Not now, we need to unpack and drop me off at the nearest cafe... whilst you go and beg for your job back’

Liam groaned, the thought of going back to the school to work with the one person he left Summer Bay for wasn’t his idea of fun, but then again Nina didn’t know why he left .

He wanted to avoid questions so it was best if he just allowed her to think that he needed time away because of bad memories

‘Do I have to?’ he whined

‘Stop whining, it’s unattractive!’

‘Fine, I will go and beg for my job back.. come on I will drop you off at the Diner...’


‘...So have I done enough to persuade you to give me my job back?’ Liam asked Gina who was sitting at a desk being beckoned on by Romeo and Xavier to agree.

Liam was finding it so hard not to laugh at the two of them but he had to be serious if he wanted his job back

Gina was in the same boat as Liam. The two boys at the door were trying too hard to make her laugh and she was struggling to stop laughing. She couldn’t let on how easy it was for Romeo and Xavier to make her laugh.

She had to be professional around Liam, losing it now would just damage her reputation and that wasn’t a good thing not when she was the principal of a high school.

She looked at Liam with sincerity ‘To be honest, I haven’t a clue where to start in terms of looking for another music teacher, your classes were always good fun, so yes you can have your job back, just don’t leave without letting me know next time. Not good for your reputation.

Liam sighed a breath of relief. ‘Thank you, I mean it and I will not let you down! I promise’

‘Just one more thing, Bianca still works here. I know you both had issues in the past, is that going to be a problem?’

Liam knew that this would come up. ‘I have been away for 3 months, I have no intention of allowing the past to invade the present, and Bianca is in the past, for the sake of the job and school. I will be civil. There will not be a problem this end, I can promise you that’

Gina was satisfied, she stood up, shook his hand ‘That is good enough for me, you can start again on Monday.’

‘Thanks again, means the world to me’


‘So, you’re Liam’s new girlfriend then? Colleen asked being as nosy as she always was

‘Yes, we have been together for 10 weeks, he’s a good man.’

‘I suppose you have heard about Bianca, both of them were so good together, such a shame she married someone else’

‘Colleen! Please, leave the poor girl alone’ Irene chided. ‘Sorry, she seems to be on double annoying mode today, we apologise for just now and for any future conversations’

‘I was only being nice’

‘She doesn’t need it. Now there are customers waiting to be served. Chop Chop!’

Nina was amused; it was funny to see people taking in an interest in her. She had never heard about Bianca before. Liam never really talked about himself really, she had always been curious but put it to one side, now she was wondering if there was more to the reason he left Summer Bay.

She made a mental note to ask Colleen next time about Bianca and Liam. She noticed that Liam had just walked in; he kissed her on the cheek. ‘Want another coffee?’

‘Yeah sure, thanks’

‘So had fun?’ Liam asked

‘Yes, you get your job then?’

‘Oh yeah, after a lot of grovelling...’

‘I bet you aced at that then’ she smiled

‘Hush you... I don’t make a habit of it’

‘You might have to living with me.’

Colleen stopped in her tracks. ‘You live together? Blimey thats quick!’

‘Colleen! Customers!’ Irene commanded again.

‘Ignore Colleen; she’s a bit over the top. No one listens to a word she says’ Liam said

‘It’s true’ Irene added as Nina looked at Liam

‘This town is weird’ Nina commented but she couldn’t wait to get to know everyone especially this mysterious Bianca. She didn’t want any competition but she would eliminate anyone who thought they could have what was rightfully hers.


Right sorry that it taken me so long to get this chapter up. I have been working frantically trying to get my assignments done! Now they are over, can dedicate more time to this fic. Thanks to all who will read and have read previous chapters.

Please Enjoy and comment at the end :)

Chapter Two

Nina sat down after washing the dishes that night, Liam was strumming away on his guitar. She pulled her legs up underneath her and watched him.

There was always this angelic vibe when he played his music, like he was in his own little world. She had struck gold when it came to him and she was not about to let him go for anyone.

Bianca's name was getting more and more on her nerves every time she thought about it, she had resolved to ask Liam about it but she didn't want to disrupt his music.

His music always lulled her into a fantasy where everything was right with the world and nothing was wrong at all.

She always felt at peace with the music, which was strange to her at first because Liam's type of music was never her thing.

She knew in time she would get used to it because she loved this guy, he was her life and she knew that whilst she was not his first priority but in time that she would be. She wasn't the type of person to give up on what she really wanted.

'Hmm...' Liam stopped strumming away

'What?' Nina asked

'Nothing, this song just doesn't want to be written'

Nina smiled and hugged him from the side. 'It will be fine'. She laid her head on his side and kissed him

Liam hugged her back while putting his guitar on the floor. 'Shall we take this upstairs?'

'I don't know, shall we?'

Liam smiled, pulled her to her feet and walked with her up the stairs to the master bedroom.

He brought into the room and kissed whilst kicking the door shut with his new trainers.


'Has April come back yet?'

'No, well have not seen her yet'

'Strange, she would normally be back by now'

Vittorio shrugged 'she is probably with Xavier again'

Bianca frowned; it was not like April to stay out all night and not come back early in the morning without letting her know about it at all.

'Don't look so worried, she will be fine as per normal. She will come sauntering through the door in a while with a guilty look on her face'

Bianca smiled; she could just imagine April doing that especially after her mother whisked her away for a few weeks after she had got married.

'Yeah, I suppose, I will leave it for an hour and if she hasn't come back by then, I will ring around'

Vittorio smiled at his wife's concern, he didn't think she had the maternal instinct but now he was certain that she did, he was going to try and get another addition to the family.

He knew that she wouldn't go for it just yet but he was optimistic that soon she would share his desire to have a child together.

His phone rang 'hello'

'When are you coming back?' the mystery voice asked

'As I said before when I can'

'Is she pregnant?'

'No' he said guiltily

'She needs to be pregnant!'

'I know, it looks bad if she isn't, she will be, just going to take a bit more time than expected!' he raised his voice

Bianca came in from the kitchen 'you ok?' she asked

'Yes' covering the screen of his phone 'Just government businesses... don't worry'

'Ok. You sure?'

He nodded and then she smiled before retreating into the kitchen.

'Hurry up the process! The sooner she is the better for you'


Vittorio hung up the phone, told Bianca he was heading out for a walk and retreated to the beach, he found a quiet corner and thought to himself… how can I get her pregnant when she refuses to regularly sleep with me? We share the same bed and yet it feels like she isn't even there.

He looked at the water, and decided to go for a swim. As he entered the water, it felt cold and it lapped against his skin sending shivers up and down his spine. He felt good because all his troubles seemed to wash away as he enjoyed the water

Liam walked onto the beach looking for Nina, but instead he found Vittorio walking out of the water, he picked his shirt up. He had not realised that Liam was there.

'Vittorio' he said as a gesture when he walked to him but he didn't respond just walked away holding his shirt in his hand.

Liam shouted out to him 'I just want to clear the air!'

Vittorio stopped 'Fine' as he turned around to face him. 'What?'

'I am not back for Bianca, as your phone calls seem to suggest. I am with someone else'

'Good, because she is my wife and I love her'

'I know that, I am happy with my girlfriend, Bianca is a past memory'

Vittorio scoffed at that 'I am not fooled. I know that you have feelings for my wife, she is too hard to forget' he wanted to add more but he wasn't going to be drawn into a fight, not today.


Bianca walked into the diner to buy dessert for the meal she was cooking. To her surprise, she saw Liam.

She had no idea that he was back in town. It was a surprise all right; he never indicated that he wanted to come back when she rang him


'Are you ever coming back?' Bianca asked on the eve of her wedding

'I cant; I can't watch you be married to that stuck up jerk'

Bianca sighed 'Don't do this, you have friends here. I don't want to be the person who stops you from being with your friends. You have a life here'

'Not anymore, my life has disappeared from there. It isn't fair for me to try and start over again there when I will constantly be reminded about you and your marriage'

'What if we move away? Would you come back then?'

'No, the memories will still be there. Its best I move away and move on from the past'

Silent tears poured out of Liam's eyes, it was too painful for him to consider not being with Bianca. She was his life, it wouldn't matter to him where she was, he would be with her.

That couldn't happen now though, she had chose 'him' 'Prince Charming'

He didn't deserve her, he was worthless and she was so valuable. He was still bitter that she went to him but he wasn't bitter towards her just him.

'You still there?' Bianca asked

'Yea. I need to go, got to go to work. Don't ring me again, live your life and I will live mine'

'Bye' She said 'I love you' but he had already hung up but on the other side, Liam mouthed I love you too' as the tears became louder till he was crouched up on the floor crying.

Flashback Over

Liam saw her but he didn't go towards her, he got his coffee from Irene and walked straight past her.

Bianca was confused. She didn't know why he did that. She shrugged it off and walked to the counter. Irene smiled and then handed her a letter. 'Liam wanted you to have it. He said it was important and that you should open it when you are ready. I did say he should give it to you but he was adamant that I do it.'

'Thanks, Can I get a mud cake please'

'Small or Large?' she asked

'Large.. I feel like divulging!'

'Good for you' Irene replied as she boxed up the cake and handed it to her. Bianca paid her and walked out of the diner. She had already placed the letter in her handbag.

She didn't know what to do with the letter but she knew she had to do something. It would drive her mental otherwise & she had vowed to dedicate her efforts to her marriage. That had to be her first priority.

Next Chapter:

Will Bianca open the letter?


Sorry for the shortness of the chapter. I didn't want to reveal too much too soon :P

Chapter Three

Sunday Morning

April walked home hand in hand with Xavier. She had not been home the previous night. She didn’t know how Bianca would react. She was tempted to ring her and tell her instead of feeling her wrath face to face but she wasn’t sure how that would go down with her.

To her amazement when she did ring home, Bianca was relieved that she was fine and made her promise not to do it again.

‘It was strange, she never normally does that.’

‘Just count yourself lucky that she did then’ Xavier commented.

‘Yeah, I suppose. I better be off. I will talk to you later on babe’ she kissed him on the lips, smiled and then walked off to her house.


Sunday mid morning

Liam thought to himself. I hope she reads the letter. She should understand if she just reads the letter!

He was getting himself worked up and he didn’t even need to. If he was to move on, then she needed to read the letter, accept his feelings and live her life without thinking about him.

He smiled to himself, damn his ego was so big, and he assumed that she constantly thought about him. She might be more interested in her own life and her husband.

Irene interrupted his thoughts ‘Darl. I am going to close soon but do you want anything?’

‘Latte please.’

‘Sure thing darl. You ok?’ she asked as she walked to the coffee machine

‘Just got a few things on my mind that’s all’

‘Bianca things?’

‘Yea amongst other things, my head is just too messed up at the moment. Need a breather’

‘I know what you mean darl. Life is hard at time isn’t it?’

‘You’re telling me. I just need a few hours to myself. But with living with Nina and lesson planning, doesn’t feel like I am going to get any time at all. But hey got to roll with the punches’

Irene laughed ‘You will be fine. A few hours on the beach watching the world go by will do the trick love!’

He smiled back as Irene gave him the latte. ‘Thanks. Its a plan. Lets get me home now to my girlfriend. Thanks’

‘What for? I didn’t do anything!’ she chuckled

‘You know what for. Cant have been easy giving Bianca that letter especially when you know what’s in it’

‘Yea but she is married. Best to leave it well alone and move on’

‘I intend to. Thanks’

‘You’re welcome darl. Am going to close up but sit and have your latte. You can walk me home.’

‘Of course, no problem Irene’


Monday Morning

The next morning, Liam took Irene’s advice. He told Nina he was going out for the day to clear his head.

Nina barely acknowledged him. She was too busy unpacking everything. It had been a week and she hadn’t done much at all.

She began to place the entire cutlery in its places. She moved the layout of the kitchen several times until she was finally sure that it looked right.

She was known to be a neat freak but she didn’t see it as a bad thing just a learning cycle or at least that’s what she said to Liam.

Moving on from the kitchen, she placed all the candles and ornaments in various positions on the mantelpiece.

She looked at the room and decided she needed some cushions to make it more homely and maybe a throw to go over the beiger sofas.

The house in her opinion should look like a home, hers and Liam’s home. Although over the last few days, his mind had been elsewhere. She couldn’t get him to focus on them at all. It was so weird she thought because he would open his mouth to say something and then just snap it shut.

She didn’t say anything at the time or the times after that but she was concerned that maybe he was still thinking too much about Bianca.

She didn’t know how to ask if she was being completely honest. Asking your partner whether or not he thinks about his ex isn’t the normal way of going about things.


Monday Evening

Xavier smiled when April popped her head around the door. ‘Coast clear?’

‘Palmers got a meeting and mum’s got something on in the city’

April smiled as she came to sit down next to Xavier. ‘So… what you been up to since last night?’

‘Not much…’ he carried on watching TV. April snuggled up to him, resting her head on his shoulders.

Xavier put his hands around her and they both got comfortable on the couch watching some drama that they weren’t even interested in.


Tuesday Afternoon

‘Does everyone have a pen?’ Bianca asked her students that morning.

A resounding answer of yes came from throughout the room. ‘Good. Now, today isn’t a language lesson. I want you all to write down an A4 side on who you are, what makes you unique’

Students frowned ‘Why?’ One asked

‘I have a idea for this group but I cant implement it till I know about all of you. The quicker you do it, the quicker the lesson finishes, but I want it done properly otherwise you will do it again and again till I am satisfied! Understood’

All the class nodded, ‘Good’

Bianca sat down. She got the letter and was contemplating whether or not to read it. In the end she decided to open it

I know you and so you wont read it on your own because otherwise the tears will come pouring out. You are special and unique to me but I have to move on. If I don’t then it will lead to more pain and suffering on both sides. Just know this, I love you and I will never stop. Life is never easy but in time you will get used to not having me around. Vittorio might be a jerk but he loves you. Take care and be happy, that’s all I ever wanted for you


Next Chapter: Nina reveals a secret...


Warning: Sexual content in this chapter

Chapter Four

‘I think we should go on holiday’ Vittorio said.


‘Hmm… Somewhere hot and where no one will recognise us’

Bianca wasn’t sure ‘I can’t get more time off, maybe in the summer?’

‘I am sure I can charm Gina into allowing you a few weeks…’

‘Sure you can but I wont let you.’ She firmly stated.

‘Why not?’ he asked like butter wouldn’t melt

‘Its unprofessional. That’s why’

Vittorio appeared to give up. ‘Fine summer it is’

Bianca smiled. She had got her way on this one… maybe the next time she wanted something, he would be more willing to accept it.

‘Have you got any plans for the weekend?’ Bianca asked

‘Not really, got a conference call tomorrow morning but no not really’

‘I was thinking of taking April on a trip to Melbourne, tomorrow for a few days, so she can get the new clothes she wanted for her birthday a while ago’

‘What did she say about it?’

‘She can’t wait, she wants to get out of Summer Bay for a while’

‘Why don’t I com with you’ Vittorio suggested. ‘Bring my credit card’

‘Oh I have your credit card, and it’s a girly thing, no men allowed’

Vittorio smiled, so typical Bianca to already have his credit card ‘Ok, fine, I won’t come’ giving up yet again. It might give him time to put his plan into action.

He needed to get Bianca to Italy as soon as possible so that the people would want to crown him King.

It was doing no good for his reputation for him to be in Australia whilst his people were revolting against the monarchy for not being able to provide them with a stable king.

He had a plan to lure Bianca to Italy with the promise of a few weeks in the palace by themselves.

She would be very annoyed that he had tricked her to become King, but she knew that it was what he wanted so she would come around to it.

Besides she would love being Queen, with servants at her disposal. Having her every whim catered for or at least that’s what he thought she wanted.


Liam and Bianca met up on the beach that afternoon through mutual consent, the other really wanted to know where they stood. ‘I read the letter; you really want to move on?’

‘Yes, I have to; it isn’t fair for either of us to be stuck in this endless cycle of pain and misery’

‘I know, I just wish it could have been different, we can be friends cant we?’

‘We are friends, that has never changed’

‘Good, come on, we will go to the diner and grab a coffee. You can tell me about your girlfriend’

‘How about we all have dinner? To show there is no problem with us being friends and them as well’ Liam suggested with a cheeky smile.

‘Good idea, I want us to be able to see each other and not feel awkward’ smiling back at him

‘So… you met her in the city?’

‘Yea, it was totally by accident, I was going to the café near the hotel and my usual way was blocked by a road accident so I went the long away around and I met her sitting at my table, we had a little get to know you and it developed from there’

Bianca smiled. It was a lot different from when they first met but then she was a very angry and annoyed person when she first arrived in the bay.

‘Very different to how we met then Toothpick’ using the name she had given him when she met him on the beach

‘I know, but she is definitely unique.’ He smiled

Colleen came over ‘what would you both like?’

‘A skinny latte’ Bianca said

‘Espresso’ Liam added

‘Okay. They will be ready soon’

‘So how was the wedding?’ Liam moved the topic to Bianca

‘it was good, the planning was the best part though, the parties and the dancing before hand was so much fun!’

‘Any pictures?’

He asked, just for the sake of being civil, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to see it but he knew he had to. It didn’t really make any sense to him but that was the way it was.

‘Yes, she got her iPhone out and showed him a picture of her in her wedding dress. He took the phone and looked at it

It was a strapless dress with embroidery on the top half of it whilst the rest flared down tastefully she looked beautiful in it.

‘I have a picture of me with April and Charlie. My bridesmaids’

Liam scrolled through the pictures till he found it, it was a plain pink dress which looked really elegant.

He noticed the ring on her finger he zoomed into it. It was a white gold ring with a diamond set within it.

He handed the phone back to her, ‘it looks like it was an interesting and fun day for you.’

‘You don’t have to try and be happy about the day, I know its painful. Don’t torture yourself. That’s not fair on you’

She was trying to be considerate, since being married, she had managed to calm down.

Colleen brought over the drinks. As they were drinking, Bianca mentioned she was going to Melbourne the following day

‘April wants to go and get some new clothes and it will do me good to get away for a bit.


Nina was in her room in her new lingerie that she had brought a few days ago. She heard the door go and she instantly knew Liam was home.

She called down the stairs ‘Liam?’

‘Yea babe, you coming down?’

‘Nah, I think you better come up’ she said to him from the top of the stairs.

She retreated to the bedroom and Liam frowned as he made his way up the stairs. He took his trainers off and left them on the side of the stairs as he walked into the room.

Nina was lying on the bed with her hands on the duvet she smiled seductively. Liam closed the door with a massive grin on his face.

He leant on the bed; she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his face down to meet hers.

Liam kissed her lips; she reciprocated with a passionate clinch back. He moved his hands to rest on her stomach, moving them up and down.

She moaned in pleasure as his tongue darted in and out of her mouth. She pulled his shirt off, moved up the bed slightly so Liam was fully on top of her.

He moved his lips down towards her neck whilst Nina unzipped his jeans, he stretched so he could wriggle out of them.

He turned his attention towards her lingerie. He unclipped her bra, pulled it off and threw it across the room.

She smiled and pulled his face to meet hers as they started to kiss passionately once again, rolling around the bed, exploring all the different areas of their bodies.

He moved his hand down and removed her knickers without moving away from her lips.

Next thing she knew, he was inside her, moving in and out so steadily whilst increasing in rhythm.

After a few moments, the thrusts began to get more and more violent as she arched her back, digging her nails into his back as they both climaxed simultaneously.

They lay next to each other, getting their breath back. Liam turned around to face her. She did the same. They smiled at each other; she kissed him, snuggled up to him while pulling the blanket around them as they both fell asleep.

Wedding Dress: http://www.h7h7.com/dresses-alineprincess-...da0946-782.html

Ring: http://www.ernestjones.co.uk/webstore/d/67...;cm_mmca3=adult

Bridesmaid Dresses: http://www.h7h7.com/dresses-chiffon-strapl...m0079-2759.html

Next Chapter:

• April reveals something to Bianca...

• Vittorio gets a visitor but who is she?


This is a short chapter, I didn't want to reveal too much too soon. Vittorio will get his visitor in the next chapter.. see if you can guess who it could be..

Chapter Five

‘April, come on and turn your light off, we have a very early start in the morning. No time to be messing around especially if we want to get there in good time’

April sighed but she turned her light off. Bianca smiled. She was glad that her orders still worked with April.

‘She turn it off?’ Vittorio asked as she walked into her bedroom.

‘Yeah, she is more excited than she lets on.’

‘Am glad she is looking forward to it though, it’s good for her to have fun with her sister’

‘Yea, especially when she is going to be so busy with school and life’

‘And Xavier’ Vittorio added

‘Yea true, she seems to be spending more time with him than I would have expected of her’

‘She is 17 and in love, she is growing up a bit too quickly though’ Bianca added before Vittorio got a chance to say anything.

The phone rang. Bianca went to answer it ‘Hi, its Liam, just to let you know that we are partnered together for the residential to Perth next month’

‘Yea I know I made it so we would be. It was before you left; I can try and change it if you want me to...’

‘No its ok. But I can’t meet you to talk about it till after my trip’

‘Oh thats fine, I need to get on top of my lesson planning over the next few days anyways’

‘Have fun’ she said sarcastically

‘Oh I will do, don’t worry!’


‘Ok, ring me when you get there and drive safely!’

‘We will. Don’t worry April will keep me in check’

April grinned cheekily and it didn’t do much to make Vittorio feel better. ‘dont spend it all... i wont have anything left!’

Bianca kissed him on the cheek, got into the car and waved him away from the door before she set the car up and pulled away from the kerb.

‘So are we getting a hotel then?’ April asked

‘Already booked a 4 star one with adjacent rooms, double bed with minibar included’

‘And Vittorio?’

‘Oh don’t worry about him... he will have a heart attack when he sees the bill but he will get over it’ Bianca smiled to herself.

April looked at Bianca smiling to her as well; she put in her iPod and aimed to get some sleep before they got to Melbourne.


Some time later...

‘Come on wake up. We are at the airport!’

They got out of the car and picked up the 2 suitcases they had brought along.. they didn’t bring much with them because they would taking a lot back.

Within a few hours, they had boarded their flight which would take them about 2 hours to get to where they wanted to go.


They had arrived at their hotel, April quickly took the best room much to Bianca’s annoyance but she soon got over it as she got the best view of the city. The sun was setting and had a set a redish/orangish glow around the buildings against the nightfall. It was exquisite.

She loved seeing nature bright up the world around her. It looks so perfect and normal.

'So, food?' April asked

'What do you want?'

'No fish but other than that, am not bothered'

'Ok... lets have pasta.. spagetti carbonara sound ok?' Bianca asked as she looked at the menu

'Sounds great'

'Ok will ring down and ask for it to be delivered'


April sensed Bianca was in a world of her own. She wasnt sure why but she didnt want to find out. She had too many things of her own to worry about.

Her phone rang. It was Xavier. 'Hey. you get there?'

'Yes. Am at the hotel. Just gonna get something to eat'

'Have you done it yet?'

April moved away from Bianca and walked into her room, shut the door. 'Not yet, I dont know whether I am ready yet.'

'Babe...' he started

'Dont' April interjected 'I cant deal with it right now, I am going to do it now' she decided 'I will do it & then let you know'

'Shall I stay on the line?'


April went to her bed and pulled out a pregnancy test from the bag. She walked into her en-suite with her phone on speaker 'can you hear me?'

'Yea. You ok?'

'As okay as I can be' she replied.

She did the test 'Its done. We have to wait a few minutes'

'Ok' Xavier replied but he was so nervous, he didnt know what to do or what he would do when he knew the results. It wasnt something that he knew anything about.

A couple of minutes later...

'April...' Xavier asked

April breathed in and reached for the preganancy test. She looked at it 'its positive' she said before putting it down

Xavier was shellshocked, he didnt speak. He didnt know what to say to her, it was such a upheaval for both of them.

He said 'I will talk to you later...'

April didnt even register his reply, she had wrapped the test up and thrown it into the bin, which was to be collected in the morning. The test would be gone but the baby wouldnt.

She went and lay on her bed. So many different emotions were running through her at that moment. Anger, frustation, annoyance, fear, uncertainty and sadness.

She was angry that she had allowed herself to get into this situation, she had no idea of why she got herself into this situation. She was frustated because now that she was in this situation, she had no idea how to get out of it.

All her emotions were making her feel like she had nowhere and no one to turn to. April realised she had to tell Bianca but she was terrified of how she was going to react.

Nevertheless she had muster up the courage to do it because she was the only one who could. She walked into the room.

'Oh hey. Wondered where you had got to.. foods here'

She smiled 'Can we talk?' she asked

'Yea sure...'

'I dont know how to do this to be honest' she admitted

'What is it?'

'I'm pregnant'

Bianca didnt move for a moment, she looked at April who had tears streaming out of her eyes, she couldnt move or say anything to her at all for a few moments

'What? How long have you known for?' she said once she had regained her composure

'Not long'



Bianca sat down. 'Here eat this' handing April a plate of spaghetti 'let me just take it in. We will carry on as normal until I know what we need to do'

April thought to herself, we, its my problem.

'Dont worry, it will be okay'

April wasnt sure but she just nodded and slowly somehow managed to get the food down her throat.


Next Chapter: Vittorio gets a visitor, will he cheat on Bianca?

  • 4 weeks later...

I am back.. finally. Here is the next chapter. It is short but I dont want to give away too much yet.. enjoy and let me know what you think as per usual :)

Warning: Sexual content. You have been warned.

Chapter Six

2 weeks later… (Bianca is still in Melbourne)

He woke up to an empty bed; he stared up at the ceiling. It was meant to be white but yet he could see cobwebs all over the place. So typical of Bianca he thought as he smiled, he couldn’t see Bianca cleaning it. He would have to do it himself.

Vittorio heard the door go. He frowned. Who would it be at this time? He shrugged his shoulders and went to open it.

To his surprise, a brunette stood in front of him.

'Long time no see'

'What are you doing here?' Vittorio asked

'You know what. Why did you marry her?'

'I love her' he said without hesitation

She scoffed as she walked into the living room, taking her shoes off; she sat on the sofa making herself at home.

A couple of minutes later after they stared each other out, 'Can I use the bathroom?'

'Sure. It’s the 2nd door on the right around the corner. He pointed towards it. 'I will be back in a moment' he said as she went to the bathroom.

She pretended that she hadnt heard what he had said. She walked to the bathroom and sorted out her makeup. She wanted to look flawless for him. She had no plans to walk away with nothing.


Nina and Liam were on the sofa. Liam was wearing his boxers while Nina was in one of his oversized t-shirts.

Nina walked to the kitchen and filled her glass up with water from the tap, the past few days she was always thirsty.

‘You okay?’

‘Yea, I need to tell you something’

‘Okay, go on’ He sat down on the kitchen chair, Nina sat opposite to him.

‘I only found this out a few days ago. Came completely by surprise’

Liam frowned ‘What is it?’

‘Okay. I…’

The phone rang abruptly cutting Nina off.

‘Hold that thought for a few minutes’ he said as he picked the phone up


‘Liam. There is a staff meeting this morning. Are you going to attend?’ Bianca asked

‘I will be, why?’ he enquired

‘I need your help’


‘I need you to tell Gina that I will not be in the Bay for another 3 days.’

‘Is something wrong?’

‘I can’t say’

‘So there is something then’

‘Like I said’

‘Yea, I know, you can’t say. Fine I will talk to Gina for you. Speaking of which, better go, the meeting is soon’

‘Thanks, take care’


'Why are you here?'

'For you. And don’t give me the spiel about loving her and wanting to be faithful, you didn’t while you were engaged and you don’t now.

She stood up and dropped her coat. She was completely naked and Vittorio couldn’t deny that she was gorgeous and that the chemistry wasn’t there.

She was undeniably gorgeous but he wanted to resist temptation but the voice at the back of his head said ‘go for it’

She moved towards him… she unbuttoned his shirt, grabbed hold of his hands and led him up the stairs..

By the time, they had both got to the top of the stairs; Vittorio had no clothes on 'Lucy. We shouldn’t be doing this.

Lucy moved away from him slightly. She moved her head to the side 'you sure?' I can just go down, put my coat on and leave' she paused 'Do you really want me to do that?'

Vittorio was so tempted to let her go but he gave in and pulled her towards him. He opened the door and walked in backwards pulling her with him.

The door swung shut with a push of his foot. She smiled at him as he moved his lips from her lips down towards her neck.

She groaned as his kisses gained momentum and moved even further down towards her breast.

He fondled her right breast and licked the nipples of her left breast.

He then put his hands on the arch of her back and lifted her onto the bed, as he was doing that, she put her legs around his waist.

A few moments later, she screamed as Vittorio had took began to suck at her left breast violently and she dug her nails into his back, scratching him all over.

Vittorio entered inside her and they slowly rocked together as he climaxed inside her.

Next Chapter:

What did Nina want to tell Liam?

Bianca returns..

  • 1 month later...

Thanks. Sorry for the long wait

Chapter 7

Liam felt a chill as he walked into the staff-room. Gina smiled ‘Is Bianca with you?’ she enquired.

‘Actually, she wanted me to let you know that she wouldn’t be able to come today because she is still stuck in Melbourne.’

‘Right’ Gina pursed her lips. She wasn’t happy at Bianca’s absence but she knew why, Bianca had assured her it was all okay. Maybe she needed to ring her again.


Gina picked the phone up. Xavier was just about to head out for a walk when he heard his mother say ‘Hello?’

‘Bianca. Are you ok?’

Bianca replied ‘No. We have a problem and its serious’

‘Okay. What is it?’

‘Is Xavier there?’

Gina turned around and beckoned Xavier to come forward. She put the phone on speaker ‘He’s here. Its on speaker’

‘Right’ Bianca put her phone on speaker ‘April is here too’

Gina was more and more confused, Xavier looked terrified at the prospect of his mother finding out. He had not even come to terms with it himself.

He had spent the past few days contemplating what to do, whether or not he was ready for a child. If April wanted to keep it, how would he be able to support them both? All these questions were running through his mind and no solutions seemed to be appearing.

‘I think April and Xavier have something to tell you’

‘Ok’ she turned towards Xavier and said ‘what is it?’

‘Don’t get angry, we didn’t know at the time’

‘Know what?’ she frowned.

‘April’s… pregnant’

Gina’s eyes widened. She wasn’t sure if she had heard that right. ‘Sorry say that again’

‘He’s right.’ Bianca said and just for a moment, Gina had forgotten she was on speaker.

‘Whats done is done, what matters now is what we do next’

Gina was taken aback, she sat down for a few minutes as her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.

‘What have you decided?’ she asked after a few moments of silence on both sides

April’s voice came onto the phone ‘I am not keeping it, I cant but I cant get rid of it’

‘So what? You are putting it up for adoption??’

‘Yes, it’s my only option in my eyes’

She turned to Xavier ‘what do you think?’

‘I am supporting April’s choice, if I am honest I am not ready for a baby at all’

‘Gina’ Bianca interjected, for a moment there Gina had forgotten Bianca was on the speakerphone.


‘So when are you returning to the bay Bianca?’ Gina asked later on that afternoon

‘We are just getting ready to make our way to the airport’

‘And the baby?’

‘April hasn’t done anything yet but then again I don’t know what she wants to do. I have to support her in whatever she does decide.

‘What do you mean, I thought she was putting it up for adoption’

Bianca sighed, ‘I thought Xavier had told you, she is contemplating an abortion, she is struggling with it’

‘It is a big decision’ she said

‘I know but she has to make it for herself’

‘Thanks Gina’

Sorry its so short, I am just easing myself back in, sorry for the long delay, been on placement had no time to do the chapter but normal service should resume soon x

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry its later than I said.. Updates will be weekly from now on. Thanks

Chapter 8

Bianca had been out for a few hours to do some marking at the school. She needed some space.

Gina spotted Bianca in one of the classroom marking some books. ‘Hard at it I see’ Gina commented

‘Yes, well I need to do this now before I fall behind.’

‘Good, nice to see a determined and dedicated teacher’

Bianca mustered up a smile but it was very hard because her whole life seems to be going wrong.

‘Anyways, I will leave you to it, got paperwork to fill in’


Vittorio lay in his bed with Lucy sleeping next to him. He knew that Bianca was going to be back soon so he needed to get rid of Lucy.

He shook Lucy gently on the shoulder ‘babe, you need to get up now’ he urged

‘Mm’ she groaned as she opened her eyes ‘Why?’ she whined

‘Bianca will be here soon’

However Vittorio didn’t realise that Bianca was already at the door ‘She is already here’ she said in cold and distant voice.

Vittorio spun around and stood up so he was face to face with her. She was furious, Lucy quickly put on her clothes and stood up

‘Get that slut out of my room now’ she demanded quietly

‘Slut?’ Lucy said ‘Hark at who’s talking’

Bianca’s eyes narrowed ‘now’ she said to Vittorio, not even moving her eyes from him as she spoke.

‘You better go Lucy’

‘Fine’ she huffed, she walked to Vittorio kissing him on the cheek, smiling at Bianca but Bianca didn’t move her gaze from Vittorio.

He looked terrified at the prospect of her exploding but it didn’t happen. She simply said ‘Pack your stuff now and get the hell out of my house’

‘Can we talk first?’


Bianca walked down the stairs, she looked passive as April walked in from her walk on the beach

‘Hey Bianca’ she said not sensing the tension in the air

‘April’ she responded

April looked at Bianca. ‘Are you okay?’ she asked with concern in her voice’

‘Yes. Just waiting for Vittorio to pack his bags’


‘I caught him in bed with Lucy’


She nodded

‘As in the Lucy that you caught him with on your engagement? Lucy? That Lucy?’

‘Yes, that Lucy!’

‘Wow. The nerve of him. What a jerk!?!’

‘More fool me. I married him! I should have known that he couldn’t change!’

‘You weren’t to know. Leopards don’t change their spots but he did a good job of it. It’s hardly your fault. He doesn’t deserve you’


Liam and Nina were waiting at the hospital for her results. Nina was terrified at the prospect of the worst happening.

‘Whatever happens, we will get through it together’ Liam reassured her. ‘I am with you, you are my life babe’

‘Thanks’ she put her head on his shoulder. She needed him at the moment and he was willing to everything for her, she was happy as she could given the circumstances’

‘Nina White’ the doctor called

Nina stood up. Liam stood up as well ‘I need to do this alone’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, I will be fine, as long as you are outside waiting for me’

‘I will be. I promise’

Liam kissed her head and Nina walked into the room with the doctor.


The wind blew the cobwebs off the door as Xavier and April lay on the bed in each other’s arms. Every night for the past few weeks they had spent every night with each other, they didn’t really talk but when they did, it was all about April’s decision to adopt the baby.

‘I keep playing it around in my mind but I just feel that instead of ending its life, we can give it a chance at another one’ Xavier said for the first time since April had announced her decision.

‘I know, this baby is not a game to play with, it’s a real human being, a part of us, can we really do this?’ she questioned him.

‘It’s not a question of whether we can but more that we have to, we are not ready for a baby. Trust me’ he replied

‘I know, I just feel that maybe we need to have more time’

‘We only have 3 months left’

‘I know, I hate not knowing what I want to do anymore’

Xavier looked at April. ‘We will figure it out; at least I hope we do’

‘Yes, only thing is that since Bianca and Vittorio split, I just feel like I am living in a major stress zone’

‘I know, what about if you live with me?’ Xavier said

April pondered that idea, it wasn’t a bad idea, just running it past Bianca was going to be the hard part.

‘Why not’

Next Chapter

What is wrong with Nina?

  • 2 weeks later...

Here we go :)

Chapter 9

It was a dull and miserable morning for Bianca, the weather was scorchingly hot and the beach looked beautiful to everyone but her. She hated how her life was in tatters.

The man she thought loved her, had cheated on her, she was contemplating divorcing him but the drama and media attention that came with it, denied her the chance to do it.

If it was just her then she would be fine, but knowing Vittorio he would drag in April and her baby.

She didn’t know what to do, she had no close friends that she could rely on anymore apart from Charlie, but she was so caught up in her own relationship drama, meaning that she couldn’t effectively give Bianca any decent advice.

She hated having no control over her life, it was scary and daunting.


‘Do you both want anything?’ Leah asked Nina & Liam

‘Mineral water’ Nina replied

‘Nothing for me’ Liam answered

‘Coming up’ Leah smiled

Liam took Nina’s hands in his, ‘what did the doctor say?’

‘It was inconclusive, I had another test yesterday, they are going to try to fast track the results, I should find out today or tomorrow’

Liam didn’t even know how to respond. He just held her hand, and smiled at Leah when she came to give Nina her mineral water.

‘Are they going to ring you?’

‘Yes, the waiting is too painful, I would rather know right now and deal with it, whatever happens’

‘Well whatever does happen, remember this, you have my support and love. I am not going anywhere’ just for a moment there, he thought about Bianca, but he shook that thought from his mind, he had no time to concentrate on her, not when Nina needed him more than ever.


April was now 5 months pregnant, she was glowing throughout but she had finally decided to wait till the birth before making a decision, like Bianca had said, it was a big decision and she should wait till she was 100% sure before carrying it out.

April hated seeing Bianca in pain, she might have been feisty and loud but when she was hurt, it was painful, April could also feel her pain & misery, she wished that Vittorio had never entered her life; Bianca would be a lot better off.

Her phone rang, Xavier’s name came up on the screen. ‘Hello’

‘hey, sorry I didn’t ring this morning, I was working’


‘Yep, got the job at the restaurant in Mangrove River, it pays okay’

‘What are the hours like?’ she enquired.

‘Well. I work 5 to 12 on Fridays, 2pm to 12am on Saturdays and 12pm to 5pm on Sundays’

‘So basically all weekend’ she replied

‘Yep, but like I said, it pays okay and if we do decide to keep the baby, it will help a little’

‘Yea, fair enough. So when do we get time together?’

‘I am coming around right now, I will be there in about 5 minutes babe’

‘Okay’ April said and just as she hung up, she felt a searing pain in her stomach, within seconds, she was clutching onto the sofa as the pain became unbearable.

A few moments later, she collapsed on to the floor. She looked very pale. About 3 minutes later, Xavier walked in. ‘April!’ he ran to her to see if he could revive her.

Once he realised he wouldn’t be able to revive her, he phoned for an ambulance, he was shaking, and he hoped that the baby would be okay. He wanted her to keep the baby more than he would admit freely to his family and to April.


‘So how is she?’ Bianca asked frantically as she rushed into the hospital

‘She is in theatre. They won’t tell me anything apart from that she is in good hands’

Bianca hugged Xavier; she knew the pain that he was going through right now when you could lose your partner.

‘She will be fine’

‘I hope so and the baby.’

Bianca didn’t say anything back to him. Although she did want the baby to be okay, she knew from the start that April was going to get attached to the baby.

April had never really been a teenager even though she was a teenager; she seemed wiser beyond her years.

A few moments later, the doctor came to see Xavier and April’

‘Miss Scott?’ as Bianca now preferred to be called

‘Yes, that’s me, how is she Doctor Green?’ she said

‘Come with me to my office’

Bianca beckoned Xavier with her. Once they had reached the office, ‘Sit down please’

‘What is it?’ Xavier asked, his voice sounded desperate, he loved them both so much and he needed to know that they were okay.

‘Its bad news, she is very critical. She could lose the baby but we are trying to prevent that, the surgeon are still operating on her but they can’t stop the bleeding, as she is a rare blood type, the only source is about 3 hours away.’ He paused but neither of them could say anything, they were still in shock.

‘What does that mean?’ Xavier said in his slow sad voice

The doctor looked at them ‘I am really sorry to say this but you should prepare for the worst’

Xavier saw that Bianca was shaking, he held onto her hand, he didn’t know what good it would do but he thought that she needed him at the moment.

Bianca was glad that Xavier was there, she felt like her whole world was falling apart.


‘I am afraid that the extensive test has come back as positive, you have cancer of the stomach’

‘What does that mean?’

‘Well as we have discovered relatively early, we will start on chemotherapy and take it from there’

Nina was hesitant but she asked one question ‘Is it terminal?’

‘We won’t know till we do a scan.’

‘When can you do one?’

‘We have booked you in for one in half an hour’

‘and how long till I get my results?’

‘It depends on the scan machine’


Liam and Nina were sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for the scan results, Nina was still processing the fact she had cancer.

The doctor walked in, it was almost impossible to read her face.

‘Well looking at the scan, the cancer hasn’t spread anywhere, so hopefully with extensive treatment we can assess your progress’

Nina breathed ‘when do I start?’

‘You are booked in for the first round in two days’ time. I know this is hard, but as long as you concentrate on getting better then you will hopefully beat this horrible disease’

‘Have you been through this?’

She nodded and added ‘It wasn’t stomach cancer, it was breast cancer, but still painful all the same.’

‘Thank you so much Doctor’ Liam said before he walked out of the room

Next Chapter: Will April and the baby survive?


I didnt want to say this before but this next chapter will be the last chapter of this fic. Its been a long way to this point, there may be a sequel, who knows. I want to say a big thankyou to all who have read this fic, the time you have taken to read and comment means the world to me. Thanks ever so much and here is the last part. I hope you think it does justice to the fic. :wub:

Chapter Ten

6 months later

A lot had changed in six months; times had healed some wounds but reopened other wounds. Summer bay had changed in so many ways but not in the superficial sense but through the bonds of the townspeople.


Liam and Nina had come so far in 6 months, Nina had survived the cancer and was now training to become a teacher.

The cancer had taken over her life for so long but now that she had beaten it, she wasn’t going to dwell on it.

Far from it, she wanted to let it be in the past, she wasn’t going to be a victim. She loved Liam and Liam loved her. She was ready to make the next step and she was going to do whatever it took so that she could do it.


The diner had reopened after a few weeks of mourning; it was 5 months to the fateful day when April lost her life.

Her battle to survive consisted of many machines putting fluids in and out of her body had given up on her. Xavier relived the moment when he felt the life of her fade away in his arms.

She hadn’t even woken up since the operation; he had no idea how to tell her that they had lost their beautiful baby a few days before.

He had named her Savannah, she was buried not a long way from April’s house. He wanted her to be buried with him.



The burial had just finished, Xavier and Bianca stood next to each other. Over the past few days they had been the support system for each other although it was very hard for them to stay strong with others around them.

Bianca was still very infuriated that her mother and April’s father never showed up. The two people, who brought her into this world, couldn’t be bothered to even give her the send-off she deserved.

At the diner, the food had been set out but no one felt like eating at all. They were just moping around the place. The atmosphere was so miserable like someone had sucked out all the happiness out of the bay.

‘Are you okay?’ Liam asked Xavier.

‘As well as I can be’

Liam surveyed the room and sat down next to Xavier ‘I can’t imagine what you are going through. I know you might have heard a lot of this but if you need me to do anything then I will’

‘Actually I do need one thing’ he asked

‘Name it’

‘I need somewhere to stay, my place has too many memories and I need somewhere that isn’t there really’

‘No problem’ Liam replied although he wasn’t sure about Nina, she might not want him there but Liam wasn’t going to worry about that at the moment, it wasn’t the main thing he had to worry about.

‘Thanks mate; I will bring my things later’



‘I miss you already, so much has changed and I don’t know where to go now’ Xavier said to the grave where April and Savannah lay’ he was kneeling down, sorting out the flowers that people had placed there.

‘Life goes on but I don’t know to live my life without you’

“I need to say goodbye although you're with me.

I stand beside your grave, yet you are here.

I miss you terribly and hope you miss me,

But when I turn to you, you're always near.

I talk to you as though you lived within me,

Not changed but simply moved in from outside.

I know each day you must a little leave me,

But here, as always, you must be my guide.

You were and are and will be, just as ever,

In many minds and hearts, not only mine.

No physical event can such love sever;

Death is a dimension, not a line.

And so goodbye does not mean you are gone:

So long as I still love you, you live on.”

He recited the poem that he had said at the funeral, it brought tears to his eyes but despite the pain, he knew that April was in a better place and that her pain & suffering was over.

Whilst her pain was gone, she left behind so many numb and sad people who had no idea how to recover. Life isn’t the end but the beginning of a better life; Xavier remembered that the priest had said.

So many thoughts were running through his mind. ‘How can life not be the end, I will never see her smile again, her laugh, the feel of her skin against mine’

‘So long as I still love you, you live on’ he repeated as he stood up, smiled at the grave and then for the first time, he walked away with hope for his future.


There are some bits to tie up, I may do another one/two shot to tie it up but for now this is it. Thanks for everything. I will be writing a new fic so I hope you will read that :)



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