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Thurs 12 Aug 2010 – Episode # 5139

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” Detention For Adults “

[ Screened in Australia on Thurs 12 Aug 2010 – Episode # 5139 ]

Note – most of this ep involves flashbacks [many of them brief] so the summary flows better the way I’ve done it today.


In SBH corridor, Liam tells Bianca she the most obnoxscious non princess he’s ever met – and she slaps him. This is witnessed by Gina.

In SBH classroom, Gina speaks to Lima bout what occurred. When he start talking her bout the 1st day he saw Bianca [THAT red dress on the beach etc], she suggest that he shouldn’t have gone bask that far. Gina tells Lima she might have to bring the disciplinary board into teis if he’s mot more co-operative.

Liam tells Gina that it all rally started in the diner lat night. We then see him talking to Irene bout how infuriating that Bianca is. Irene suggests a he should be talking to Bianca bout this. Naturally, Bianca walks in to the diner when he’s commenting bout how infuriating dhe is. Bianca bails moment later.

Gina wonders if there's moor to the story – and we see [art Angelo’s] a brief verbal stoush tween Bianca &n Liam. Alf then suggests to Bianca she shouldn’t be rubbishing this town – as media are doing that already. As he say this, he hand her the local paper – with a “Bay of Death” headline [bout THAT needlestisk injury].

Charlie introduces herself to Bianca – and they seem to be quite friendly straight away, incl Bianca telling Charlie [after asking bout an AVO] that she found her fiancé in bed with another woman.

As that’s going on, Alf comets to Angelo on how packed the place is today – but Angelo tell Alf that his family haven’t spoken to him bout Angelo’s new business. Angelo ads that he has a strange ‘ship with his family for various reasons.

We cut back t9o Gonad interview Liam bout what occurred. She still wants to know the cause of the slap. He tells her that she should be asking Bianca but Gina insists that she is asking Lima for his view.

We see another flashback to the night before – when Liam arrives at the beach house. They are on the back patio when Liam apologies for what he said art diner. She is shocked [and indeed laugh at Liam] when he asks her out to dinner. Liam bails,

Back to the interview, and Liam insist he has no idea bout what the slap occurred.


Gina starts her interview when Bianca – asking for her side of events.

Cut to the diner lat night, and Liam badmouthing Bianca to Irene. Bianca doesn’t bail when she hears this. Indeed, after she entrs Te builing, she puts at laet $70 in a charity tin. Thing then get rather flirty tween Liam & Bianca.

Back to the interview – and Gina “suggest“she doesn’t need to hear all that.

Bianca tells Gina bout last night at Angelo’s – how she talked to Charlie bout her past, i.e. being engaged to a man whose family sooo didn't like her [and thought the Bianca was only into the guy for him money]. Bianca ads that her man was to be married to another woman [arranged marriage] and in the end the woman who she found her man in bed with was the woman he was pre-arraned to marry.

As Bianca talk to Charlie, Angelo intervenes. He tells her opening this restaurant has opened a big can of worms with his fam.

Gina [sBH] wonders how all that is relevant – and we see that confrontation & the slap once more.

We then se Bianca’s version of what occurred at the beach house. Lima is INSIDE the house when he asks her out on a date.

Gina [sBH] tells Bianca that that is different to the way that Liam told her things happened.

There’s a brief flashback to a kiss tween Liam & Bianca – near surf club]

Gina [sBH] tells Bianca she will think bout what’s occurred. When Bianca bails from the room, she walks by Lima who is right outside the room.


Charlie talks to Angelo bout Bianca – how they’ve become friends and how Bianca is different from the way Ruby described her. Charlie *& Angelo both [of course] think its beacuse Bianca is ruby’s teacher.

Angelo & charley then talk bout his family. He tells her that his family's restaurant burnt down on "his watch" – and although he was in line to take over the business when parents retired, they put his brother in charge [because of the fire].


NIGHT TIME – Liam is rambling a bit when he tells Angelo & Alf he is planiing to writ8e a book bout all he DOESN’T know bout women. He also comet on how all the women round him are crazy [but you get feeling he is referring to Bianca & Ruby].


Charlie& Bianca are having a meal together and by the way that Bianca is talking bout Liam, Charlie teases her that Bianca must like Liam to talk bout him the sway she is. Charlie is surprise to hear Bianca & Liam kissed.

Into flashback mode, and we see Lim & Bianca near surf club. They of course are verbally sparring with each other [incl Bianca telling Liam she was trying to protect him from trouble, re Ruby]. Liam kisses Bianca – to get her to be quiet. She kisses him back – and Bianca is celery upset when she bails.

We then see the clash in the school corridor, incl the slap

Back to the present, and Bianca agrees with Charlie when she says she wasn’t expecting the story to end like that.


NEXT DAY – after Bianca & lain apologise to each other, Gina approaches. She tells them they better get along – as she is assigning them to do an inventory of the school library every day after school for the next 2 weeks.

After Gina walks way, Bianca seem rather more intrigued by 2 text messages she’s got from Vittorio [her fiancé] than she is of what Liam has to say.



Miles & Sid are both concerned bout Indi/Romeo

Looks like Liam tells Charlie bout Ruby getting drunk

Ruby gets Indi to supply her with alcohol

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Bianca: red nightgown/red nightdress


Charlie: red thin strap knee dress


Bianca: grey [blue vert stripes & trim] top/dark knee length skirt


Alf: dark shirt/bone long pants

Alf: white [various colour vert stripes] shirt

Angelo: dark shirt/dark long pants

Angelo: dark singlet/grey shorts

Bianca: dark knee length dress/black & white check belt

Bianca: dark top

Bianca: grey low cut v neck mid thigh dress/dark belt

Charlie: dark top

Charlie: white [green trim] singlet top/dark shorts

Gina: dark low cut v neck l/s top/grey top

Gina: grey suit/dark top

Irene: aqua blouse

Liam: white [dark check]/dark [full moon] t

Liam: dark vest/white [blue & red check] shirt/dark long pants

Liam: white [dark check] shirt/dark [white “ramones”] t


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