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Tues 22 June 2010 – Episode # 5102

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” Paris Protest “

[ Screened in Australia on Tues 22 June 2010 – Episode # 5102 ]


Nic is helping Rubes with her assignment, but Ruby’s thoughts are clearly elsewhere. Nic reminds Rubes that there’ no chance of Ruby/Liam.

Ruby is keen to change subject, an is pleased when she sees that Nic is clearly interested in Penn [who is talking to Alf].


NEXTY DAY – After they stop running, Xavier tell Tony taunt they’ll most likely have help today [clearing out the farm shed].. As they head of the surf club, Xavier sees Liam. Whilst Tony continues his journey, Xavier talks to Liam – apologising for his behaviour of late.


Angelo &* Charlie are totally overjoyed they are together again. Indeed, they’ve been so together that Charlie is running late fop work. They kiss several times before Charlie bails,


Ruby is VERY pleased when Charlie tells her GRTEAT news. She is surprised Charlie hasn’t done her usual freak out with such tings are happening. Ruby wonders if all of this will lead to tee M word, and whilst charley thought she meant marriage, ruby was actually talk bout moving in together. Charlie picks up on teeth all is not well in tee Ruby-verse though, but although ruby hints at Ruby liking Liam [ire Ruby being interested in a man she can’t have], chalkie doesn't push the point of wanting to really know what ruby is talking bout.


When Alf & Tony talk bout tee farm shed, Alf comments it’s really in a big mess. Tony then talk to Nic bout tee boxing classes – but she thought that he was joking when he asked her if she wants to be part of them.

Nic is about to head to school where she sees Penn. He suggests he will walk her – but she is worried that he will corrupt her. Penn tell Nic that she’ll just have to take a chance.


Ruby is pleased when Liam tell him that Xavier apologised for what’s occurred of late. They agree to meet up later to do tee singing/songwrtiting thing.

After Liam walks way, Xavier introduces ruby to April – he comet that Ruby is his ex.

Soon after, Ruby is talk to Nic bout what happened. Ruby isn’t keen to deal with Nic suggesting she is jeao9t of Xavier /April, so Ruby asks Nic questions bout Penn & Nic.


As they walk along, Nic & ruby see that Peen is nearby. Ruby comment that he must be waiting there for Nic. After Ruby head of to doing tee music ting with Liam, Nic comets to Pen that he seem too cool to admit he was waiting for her., peen tell Nic that he IS cool for admitting that he was waiting.


Tony open the door to tee shed – and is a total mess inside, i.e. there's junk all around. Tony looks disheartened. April insist that shed isn’t so bad, - but Xavier tell her what’s been going on twen Rich & Tony [tension over the boxing].


As Angelo aits to be interview by Wilson, Charlie talks to him. she is worried bout what he is doing, but he’s not worried bout losing his job as that is noting compared to Charlie admitting she love him.


Like she was when she was doing the assignment lat night, ruby is distracted when she & Liam are doing ten music t8ing. He wonder if they can use some of her issues as a basis for a song etc, but Ruby tells him its all too raw atm. she also tell him its helping to have a distraction like working on these songs.


Tony regains faith in what he’s doing with the boxing program – after April tells him & Xavier about what happened when she & a friend were amongst many protesters agonist the use of fossil fuels in Paris. Her friend got roughed up pretty badly [by the police?] – and April just froze as she didn't keno what to do. April tells them a boxing program like one would have definitely helped.


Tony tells Rachel she should hear what April has t65o say, but Tony is clearly disheartened once mo0re when Rachel shows him some of the documented cases of women being badly hurt whilst boxing.


Charlie can’t believe it when Angelo [in handcuffs] tell her that they’ve totally thrown the book at him [i.e. they are making an example of him]. Angelo is taken to the cells and locked up.


Penn has just finned drying the dishes when fall heads off to bed. He wants Nic to talk bout the former ‘ship tat is obviously still affecting her – but she doesn’t. Penn doesn't tell Nic anything bout himself either.

Nic tells Penn if he is going to kiss her now is the time. He suggest the she kisses him - but she doesn’t


Sid Walker has packed up0 all his things – looks like he is about to movie. His kids Indi & Dex arrive. He is surprised that they want to be with him – gievn that their mum is bout to leave the country. They tell Sid it was their mum’s idea that they should stay with Sid.



Miles sees Nic & Penn kissing

Maz confronts Colleen – after she writes a letter to the newspaper

Miles tell Colleen that Maz is dieing

The Walkers return to the bay

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Nic: light pink [red straps] thin strop top


Ruby: white & blue wide strap top


Rachel: white [dark trim] top


Alf: olive green [yellow check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Alf: blue & yellow check shirt/bone long pants

Angelo: dark shorts

Angelo: light blue (police uniform) button up shirt/ dark blue long pants

April: SBH uniform

April: white [red dots] scarf/red & white horiz striped top/dark shorts

Charlie: light blue police shirt/dark blue long pants

Dexter: green t/denim jeans

Indigo: white [dark unknown motif] top/denim knee skirt

Liam: grey & white check shirt/red t/dark long pants

Nic: red knee length dress

Nic: SBH uniform

Penn: dark t/dark long pants

Penn: denim l/s shirt/dark long pants

Ruby: SBH uniform

Ruby: white [upside down triangle on bust] thin strap top

Sid: grey polo/dark long pants

Tony: dark t/olive green shorts

Tony: white singlet/brown & white diag stripes shorts

Tony: white t/dark long pants

Xavier: blue singlet/denim shorts

Xavier: dark shorts/reed [white “aprisa energia”] singlet

Xavier: SBH uniform


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