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Wed 24 Feb 2010 – Episode # 5018

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” What Planet Are You From ??? “

[ Screened in Australia on Wed 24 Feb 2010 – Episode # 5018 ]


Ruby & Xavier are taking underneath the pier. Xavier insist to ruby it’s was Mink who kissed him – not other ways, and he comet it’s just another on of tee many crazy things Mink seems to do.


Leah is SOOOO not keen on having a grand re-opening tonight of tee new diner, despire Irene’s willingness AND tee advantage of having great word of mouth campaign [Colleen].


Xavier vehemently lays down the law to Mink – insisting she should stay away from him AND that ruby isn’t his g/f. we also wonders just what planet Mink is form – whilst she [as always] gives as good as she gets.


There’s a continuing unease tween Marsha & Liam – but she insist he doesnlt have to move out of her if he doesn’t want to.


Next day, Mink looks very forlorn as she sits on the rocks.


Xavier isn’t pleased when he sees that it’s Mink who’s just arrived. She tire to apologise to him, but he think she’s just saying that [sorry] to get tee heat off her for a while. Mink bails.


Liam orders a juice and when Alf gives drink to him. Liam is distracted when he sees Marsha, so when he goes to bail, alf has to remind Liam to take the folder that Liam had with him. Alf then goes into storeroom, and talks to Marsha bout her sitch with Liam. Sound like tee unease tween Liam & Marsha is about that Marsha isn’t sure bout their ‘ship … maybe moving on to quick form Hugo [that last bit is pure speculation].


Trey’s dad is rather surprised when Tony tell him Leah isn’t ken on having a grand re=-opening for tee diner.


Leah & colleen enter. As colleen talk bout how it’s great the business as back [sand will soon, morrow, be up and running again] Leah doesn’t like being here. She thinks they shouldn’t be clelebrating – given what happened here.

Note – here’s a look at the diner …… http://www.backtothebay.net/news/2010/02/2...ier-diner.shtml


Xavier sees Liam and wonders why he is here. After Liam tells him bout tee guitar lessons, Xavier gives Liam direction to tee music room.

Xavier then talks to Ruby. Although he didn’t say this to Mink earlier, he tells Ruby he seriously thinks Mink was being genuine when she apologised to him.


Trey’s dad talks to Leah. He tell her he think she is thinking to emotionally bout this diner sitch – she shoud be looking at it from a business point of view. He also tell her that this wouldn’t be like a celebrations [the re-=opening] but it WILL send a message to tee community that Leah etc can stand up for herself – and tee good ppl of the bay won’t be bullied to the drunken idiots who trashed tee place on Australia Day.

When trey’s dad is gone, Leah phones Irene – telling her the gran re-opening IS a goer after all.


After ruby gets a text from Leah [bout the diner], she sees Mink. Ruby well and truly gives Mink a piece of her mind – reminding etc Mink bout how auger’s life isn’t that easy [esp. Hugo’s death etc and all]. Ruby vehemently “suggests” that mink shouldn’t paly with other ppl’s lives just because mink’s life is so horrid. Ruby bails.


Ruby talks to Xavier bout her clash with Mink, incl Ruby telling him she scored a “direct hit” on mink. They agree top attend the diner party this arvo.


After Tony & trey's dad talk bout the their business [the gym[ for a bit, talk turns to the diner re-opening. Tony is surprised when trey's dad says he wouldn't be attending. Tony suggest he should – as it will TRULY futter show what a tolerant [note – I’m trying t think of better word that that, but can’t] the bay is.


Martha is surprised when Liam entry the house – as she is only half dressed for tee diner ting tonight. When she asks, Liam says he won’t he going to tee re-opening.


Mink & Alf talk bout her sitch. Alf tell mink that she is one of the most “ballsy” ppl he’s ever known – but he is surprised that she is surprised tat ppl react [badly] when she stirs them. When Mink tell Alf “this is who I am”, Alf suggest ppl – even Mink – can change if they truly want to.


Colleen greets the many guests etc to the re-opening. She comments to Leah & Irene the local media are here. When Marsha arrives, colleen wonders if Liam will be here too. Marsha rather sternly tells colleen that Marsha isn’t responsible for everything Liam does.

Xavier & ruby are talking when Mink approaches. She tell them they rally should ignore anything.

After she walk away, Xavier comments to ruby tat once more Mink sounded genuine. When Xavier realises there's something more going on with Ruby, she tells him its weird being here – as this is where Geoff got his burns [when he pushed Ruby aside and got hit buy the fallimng beam instead]. As ruby is that uncomfortable, both bail.

Leah isn’t handling this party either. She remarks there is more ppl her than she thought there would be. After that, Leah does into the storeroom. She barricades herself in ….. and starts hyperventilating.



Leah’s still muchly scared being round lotsa ppl

Angelo talk to both Charlie & Alf bout his ‘ship with Charlie

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Ruby: light pink & white dress/white headband with a pink flower on it


Marsha: red [white floral] warp around dress/dark belt/dark bra & briefs


Irene: blue [silver trim] low cut v neck top/white long pants


Alf: dark shirt/olive green long pants

Alf: yellow [dark check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Colleen: hot pink [red floral] dress/floral necklace

Colleen: red [dark floral] top/dark [yellow?] floral] maxi skirt

Irene: dark [orange floral] top/brown long pants

Leah: dark [embossed mosaics] top/dark cardie/dark long pants

Leah: grey cardie/white top/dark long pants

Leah: white low cut v neck top/dark long pants

Liam: olive green button up shirt/white [blask & red unknown motif] t/dark long pants

Liam: white [dark check] button up shirt/olive green vest?

Marsha: pink [white floral] low cut v neck top/blask & white halter bikini top

Marsha: white knitted top/grey [dark vert stripes] shorts

Mink: dark [gold mosaic] mini dress

Mink: dark [gold ribcage like motif] t

Mink: dark halter bikini top/dark shorts

Mink: dark wetsuit

Ruby : SBH uniform

Tony: black [with silver on each side] SB gym t/ dark shorts

Trey's dad : white [dark vert stripes] button up shirt/grey suit

Xavier: red [dark circles and “suburban” logo] t

Xavier: red shirt/grey [dark horiz stripes] v neck t

Xavier: SBH uniform


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