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Mon 15 Feb 2010 – Episode # 5011

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep,

” Angelo Takes Charlie’s Breath Away … But Not In The Way You’d Think “

[ Screened in Australia on Mon 15 Feb 2010 – Episode # 5011 ]


It’s the morn after the events of ep 5010, and whilst Marsha has finished her breakfast, Liam has only juts got out of bed. He is ken to talk bout last night, but she evades the subject.


Tony tells Rach [holding Harry] he rally can’t work with trey’s dad and want to seel his share of the business. Tony bails, and when Gina enters the room, Rach asks Gina to speak to Trey’s dad bout all this.


Charlie & Angelo finish running. Angelo is ken to talk to Charlie bout house hunting etc, but she doesn’t want to talk bout it now.


Trey’s dad is very pleased when he sees Tony opening the gym. Gina is ken to talk to trey’s dad, but he says they’ll; have to do so later as he has a meeting to go to.


Liam once more tries to talk to Marsha bout last night, but she is so not ken to do so.


Speaking of being evasive, when Angelo talks to Charlie bout butyng a house together, she almost chokes on her drink.


When Marsha finally doe responds to Liam’s queries bout lat night, she tell him that it happened and shouldn’t affect him moving to the farm at all. She changes the subject by suggesting he move in today.


Gina talks to trey's dad bout Tony & the gym... When Tony walks by, trey’s dad comment that Gina suggest he should be more touchy-feely with Tony. Tony instantly comment that Rach must have got Gina to talk to trey’s dad, whilst Gina clearly ISNLT impressed by trey's dad touchy-felly comment.


Angelo enters, and Charlie seems to be OK – but the moment he mentions buying a house together, she start to hyperventilate. Angelo bails.


Gina talks to Tony bout what’s happened. She suggest tat he shouldn’t just sell the share of the business because of these disagreements with trey’s dad


Alf & colleen are little surprised when Marsha tell them Liam’s been a good help on the farm. Colleen almost chokes on her drink with Marsha tell her that Liam is mooing in with her at the farm. When Marsha has bailed, colleen tells Alf that is bound to end in tears.


Tony & trey’s dad reach an agreement bout how things will be run etc at the gym. Trey's dad is pleased tat that is a big load of his mind, but Tony tells trey’s dad that Gina is clearly VERY upset with trey's dad.


Alf enters and talk to Lima. Alf suggest to Liam that Marsha wouldn’t be the only one who might not be able to handle another setback, i.e. Alf is talking bout Liam.


Charlie talk to Marsha bout what’s going on [hyperventilate]. Marsha insists tat Charlie should tell Angelo her concerns bout moving in together etc.


Liam tells Marsha bout the advice etc tea lf gave him. Marsha assures Liam that she [and not Alf] knows what’s best for Marsha.

Later, Liam & Marsha agree to take things 1 day at a time, and see where thing taken them.


Angelo enters, and Charlie tells him she isn’t ready to move in with him. Angelo is kinda ok with that – but he just want to know why [she feels this way].



Charlie admits to Ruby that she’s NEVER lived with a boyfriend [or girlfriend] before

Mink tells Ruby “Xavier was right. You DO have beautiful eyes.”

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Rachel: white cardy/red [white floral] top/dark long pants


Charlie: dark [white vertical stripes on sides] t/dark shorts/white headband


Martha: silver night gown [with dark silver lining]


Alf: light blue [brown check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Angelo: grey [Lonsdale] singlet/dark track pants

Angelo: light blue police shirt/

Charlie: dark [white floral] dress

Colleen: multi colour exercise long sleeve top/white [mauve horiz stripes] headband

Gina: red & gold [orange floral] long sleeve top/dark long pants

Harry: white [dark horiz stripes] beanie/white [grey horiz stripes long sleeve top/dark shorts

Liam: blue [a woman’s face] t/dark long pants

Liam: white [dark check] button up shirt

Liam: white [dark check] button up shirt/dark long pants

Marsha: dark low cut v neck dress

Martha: white [black “Titan” and horse motif] singlet top//denim shorts/wide brim hat

Tony: black SB gym t/dark shorts

Trey's dad : dark grey jacket/white [dark check] button up shirt/grey long pants


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