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Tues 24 Nov 09 – Episode # 4992

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” Tattooed On Your Soul “

[ Screened in Australia on Tues 25 Nov 09 – Episode # 4992 ]


Reg is talking to Aden out font of the resort. Aden's new Job is as valet. Reg tell Adan tat if he scatshes any cars,m the damage when come out of Aden's pocket. Reg "suggest" tat Aden should go inside Adan put ion the company uniform - which Aden doe not seem that keen on - but he complies.


Whilst Nic appear to be sunning herself in te house [sunglasses on and all] Liam talk to her. He's annoyed at how Aden still isn;'t OK with their 'ship - but Nic insists ta he will come round.


Leah talk to Miles bout tee BIG Xmas lunch that she is planning 0- Adan she gets him to taste some of Te food. Leah can tell that Miles still is pretty downbeat at present.

in main area, Geoff still isn't having luck on the jobs front. Ruby is very keen for the two of them to get intimate soon - she even comment on planing a big night for them. he tells her ta he does not like the planned approach - that it should be a surprise/just happen. after Geoff bails, Ruby has a look on her face suggesting tat she's just had an idea.


Nic is painting her toenails - and Liam starts sing about that.

Liam answers the door - its Poppy, so he does not fully open the door. she is keen on guitar lesson - he suggest ta she should call 1st. Poppy bails.


Katy sees Aden Adan coomsts on how she all but completely ignored her on the night of the formal. Aden insists that he was keeping his distance, but still ensuing no harm came to her.

when they see Poppy get in her car and drive off, Katy tells Aden that Poppy & Lima slept together.


Aden tells Nic bout Poppy and Liam.


Poppy arrives and is REALLY ken to be together with Liam. hover, Nic arrives home - and well and truly tells Poppy to get out of her house. [Nic used te word skank more that a few times]. Poppy does bail.

Nic then can't believe in when Liam kinda says tat its her fault tat he slept with Poppy - becau Nic wouldn't sleep with him.


Geoff enters the house - he has some flowers. ther;s no sing of ruby - until he opens her bedroom door. Ruby is in there .... there are blue fairy lights over the bed .... its all VERY cool and romantic. they waaaaaaaaaaaay start kissing.


VJ & Miles are playing video games when the hear Nic entry tr house. Miles wonders waht it happening - as Nic looks "down". she tells him that shse's been soooo stupid with all this Liam business. he disagrees - saying that all relationships are terrible.. Miles tell Ni to ignore that he just said that. Nic bails.


Miles talk to Leah about what he said to Nic. he add that its only his 'ships that are terrible. Miles looks very glum through most of thi ep.


Ruby & Geoff are in her bed ./... its clear tat they've recently slept together. Geoff comment ta he heard Irene come home. Ruby starts to9 get out of te bed .... before she realises tat he is kidding.


Aden has a go at Lima bout Nic, but Alf suggest tat Aden should bail before he doe sometihtg he'll regret Adan doe bail.


We hear Belle in vopiceover as Aden rads her letter. she tells him that if he is read this letter, Irene must have had Good rason to give it to him. Belle tells Aden that if he has fallen for someone, she must be pretty special, and that Belle wants Aden to be happy. Belle says tat she knows tat she will always be tattooed on Aden's soul, and will alwasys be there watshing over him.

later, Poppy arrive. Liam isn't ken that she is here - esp. when she shows him that she has bought some drugs with him. he tells her to leave - and she tells him tat she realises not ta he was just using here. poppy bails.


Aden answers his boss's radio calls to being his car to te front of the resort. after Aden gets in te car, Katy [in back seat] puts her hands over Aden;s eyes. reg see this and blames Aden. Reg tells Aden that the job is over [when this shift is done].


Leah isn't keen on watch another blood & guts DVD with VJ, but Miles agree to do so.

Ruby tells Nic ta she & Geoff slept together, whilst Nic tells Ruby that Nic realises tat she is in love with Aden.


Poppy arrives and gets out of her car,. she clashes with and bout Nic. she then demands he park her car. after she walks ways, Aden does get in her car [VW beetle convertible]. as he streets driving, he throws away the valet hat he has on.


Nic & Liam clash bout their 'ship - incl Nic telling Lima ta she ralises tat this ;ship is ALL about sex for him. she tell him ta its OVER !!! Nic bails.


Aden sees Nic and stops the car near her. he "suggest" ta she should get in. Nic tells Aden ta he just can't came her and say tings like that. Aden "suggest" so her to get in - and she doe this time, with a bit of a smile on her face.



Nicole & Aden get arrested for "borrowing" that car

an old male friend of Leah's arrives in town

Miles shocks Leah when he kisses her

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Ruby: white [pink straps & trim] wide strap mid thigh length dress


Leah: dark wide strap top [gold speckled straps]


Miles: dark button up shirt/white [full moon on dark background] t/dark long pants


Aden: dark [white logo on chest] polo

Aden: dark jacket/white t/dark long pants

Aden: dark suit/dark button up shirt/dark [white dots] tie/dark valet hat

Alf: white [dark check] button up shirt

Geoff: white t/denim jeans

Katy: white [dark mosaics] top/dark long pants

Liam: white [red check] button up shirt/blue [dark blue swirls] t/dark long pants

Nicole: dark [white trim] singlet top/dark [white vert stripes on each side] shorts

Nicole: dark singlet top/black lather long pants/dark sunglasses

Poppy: dark mid thigh length dress/silver necklace

Reg [sands] “: dark suit/dark button up shirt/dark [white dots] tie

Ruby: white [red floral] top

VJ: white [dark headphones]/dark shorts


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