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Tues 21 Aug 09 – Episode # 4922

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” Rachel And The Real Estate Agent “

[ Screened in Australia on Tues 21 Aug 09 – Episode # 4922 ]


Leah approaches Ton and tells him that Rachel hasn’t eaten anything recently. Leah also suggests tat Tony should get some rest – but Tony insists tat he can’t sleep til he knows tat Harry is safe.


Before Watson bails, Charlie insists tat she keep a close eye on Jane.

Angelo suggest tat cahrlie should go home and get some ret, bunt she insists tat she can’t. Charlie tells him tat she is going back to what feels like an empty house with Ruby not there. Charlie is worried bust her daughter, but Angelo tries to re assure him when he remnind her teat Geoff went to the city with Ruby.


Nic & Indi enter, and Alf comets bout how late it is. When Nic asks, he tells her that he saw Aden here ealier with Gibsy. Nic is worried bout Aden.


Tony struggle to stay awake beefier he dories fall asleep and the table.

Meanwhile, it’s all too much for Rachel – she decides to take action. She bails from the house.


After Angelo gets off the phone [insisting tat he wants that warrant TONIGHT], jug enters =- and tells Angelo to go easy on Aden is he finds him at the wharf. Hugo doesn't believe tat Aden is involved with the illegal activities deliberatly, as that he is just grieving etc because of Belle. Angelo initis tat if Aden is there, there’s nothing that he can do [has to charge him]. Hugo respsnd by saying [mockingly] that Angelo is “all heart”.


Rex is rather surprised to find Rachel rummaging about in his kitchen. She considers where the baby formula is, but he has NO idea what she is talking bout. Rachel wonders where Jane is 0- but she doesn’t beehive Jane when she says tat she was in a room where Reheel didn’t look [i.e. rach thinks that Jane has just returneed form where she is hiding Harry].

Watson & Avery enter – and escort tee distressed Rachel form tee house.


Hugo tells Aden & Gibsy tat the police are on there way 0 and tat he wants Aden out of there. Aden & Gibsy are convinced when they her sirens – sand Aden bails with Hugo.


Next day, with boxes of “missing baby” posters nearby, Charlie speak to Rachel bout last night. Rach insist that Jane has her child but Charlie reminds Rach tat they didn’t find Harry at Jane’s house – AND that the police also had to deal with tee matter of Rach breking into Jane’s house. Rach insist tat she’s got to go out and look for her son.


Angelo is annoyed tat Hugo tipped off Aden & co lat night, as the police had to chase Gibsy and co for ½ hours before catching up with them. When Angelo suggest t6o Aden tat he is lucky that he wasn't there, Aden mockinly comets tat he [Aden] is the luckiest man in the world.


When Aden wonders why Hugo is helping Aden, Hugo comment tat he did similar silly things after the love of his life died. Aden throws it back in his face – insisting that he and Hugo aren’t mates.

Moments after Hugo bails, Indi sits with Aden. He tells her tat he’s only here til tat bottle ship opens – so he can get drunk.


Rachel asks several unknown ppl if they’ve some another woman with her baby – to no avail. She then ask a woman named Megan, who is pleased tat they’ve finally met in person – as she’s spoken to Rach on the phone bout a cottage nearby that Rachel is renting etc.


When Watson suggest tat maybe its time for them to look in drains/rubbish bins etc for Harry, Charlie insists that Jane wouldn't hurt Harry – esp. given her own loss recently.

Charlie tat suggests that they should check worth real estates agents – for listing under Rachel’s name.


Rach sees Jane exit the house with Harry in her arms. The police arrives moment later. Jane insists that the baby belong with her, but Charley is able to get her to see reason. Charlie uses her own experiences [“loosing” ruby] to get through to Jane – insisting batt although it was bad that Jane lost her child, taking Rachel's is also wrong. Rachel is UBER relieved when she takes Harry in her arms.


Rex tell Charlie the he has no idea that Jane was suffering etc, but Charlie insist that Jane appeared calm etc as she was totally focusing on her goal [of taking Harry].

When Jane & rex are out of the room , Angelo tri to assure charlie tat thing will turn out ok tween Charlie ^& ruby.


Aden is drinking, and suggests tat Indi should join him. He even pours for alcohol into her glass.


Rach, Tony &* Harry are on the bed – gleefully a happy family together again.


As Aden continue to drink, Indi comments bout how worried Nic is bout him. Nic enters, and isn't pleased to find Aden with his head near Indi's crotch. Indi quickly bails, whilst Nic has a go at Aden. He throw tat back in her face – insisting tat he doesn’t care bout anything [as he ascends the stairs].



Jai tells Annie tat he wants to get back together with her

Kirsty & miles has a BIG fight

Irene given Aden a letter tat Belle wrote

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Indi : silver singlet top/dark long pants


Rachel: grey blouse/Red [red floral near collar] wide strap top/dark long pants


Nic: aqua & white thin strap] knee dress


Aden: dark singlet/dark long pants

Aden: dark hoddie/denim jeans

Alf: bone Noah’s button up shirt/dark long pants

Angelo: dark blue police button up shirt & matching long pants

Avery: light blue (police uniform) button up shirt/ dark blue long pants/police cap

Charlie: light blue (police uniform) button up shirt/ dark blue long pants

Don Gibson: red [partial blue] jacket/dark t/denim jeans

Harry: light blue [dark trim] beanie

Harry: blue beanie.

Hugo: 2 tone blue [with aqua patch on chest and red sleeves] t/khaki long pants

Hugo: 2 tone brown check shirt/denim jeans

Indi: dark [red floral] knee dress

Jane: dark top/grey cardie

Jane: white latticed top/dark long pants

Leah: white t

Megan [real estate]: dark blue long sleeve top/light blue top/denim jeans

Nic: yellow v neck knee dress

Rachel: white shirtdress/dark top

Rex: dark t/white [blue vert stripes] shorts

Rex: red [blue check] shirt

Tony: brown polo

Tony: white [dark “23” and dark sleeves] t

Watson: light blue (police uniform) button up shirt/ dark blue long pants/police cap


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