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Thurs 23 Jul 09 – Episode # 4904

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep,

” Charlie, Why Do You Care What a NOBODY Like Martha Thinks ??? “

[ Screened in Australia on Thurs 23 Jul 09 – Episode # 4904 ]


After Martha talk to Rachel bout how worried she was bout Hugo, Rachel talk to Tony bout arranging a hen’s night for Belle.


Annie comments to Irene tat she thinks tat Belle isn’t herself at the moment, But Irene suggest tat it just feels that way as Belle isnlt around all te time [since she doenlt live at te is house any more]. Annie is keen of Belle to have a hen’s night, but Irene sys that nothing’s been planned as yet.


After Belle gets of tee phone, Aden is surprised to hear that Belle isn’t plan on having a hen’s night. He convinces there t has one – but she insists at that if she has a hen’s night, he’s got to have night out with tee boys. Belle contacts Rachel – telling Rach that Belle has changed her mind.


Next day, Leah ^ Rachel are looking fwd to ten hens party tonight, whilst Irene is VERY pleased with tee large Cath of fish that Aden &* Giubsy bring in.


Colleen talk to Belle bout the hens party – and how, opposed toy old days where brides to be got sensible gifts, now get risqué ones. Colleen also comments on how tired tat Bell looks.

Charlie enters the room and Belle invites her to the hens' party. Charlie accepts – but whins he has left tee room, colleen voices her concerns [since Martha will be at tee hen’s party etc]. Belle insists tat life’s too short to worry bout such petty things.


Gibsy tells Irene tat he thinks, at this rate the business will be profitable aging in about 2 months. Gibsy also makes a comment bout how good he is with money.

Annie & Leah approach -= and Irene is a tad intrigued by Annie & Leigh’s suggestion that they will have at the hens night a contact to se who can make the best wed dress out of toilet paper.


Rachel tell Belle tee waaaaaaaay distressing news tat her tumour is spreding rapidly – its now speed to her bones & liver.


Alf is surprised when Leah mentions tat Aden is having a buks’ party – but he say tat they can no dooby arrange of something to occur an Noah’s.

Charlie talks to Leah – and she is worried bout attending the party. Leah, like Belle, say tat Charlie should come – departed tee opinions of annoying ppl like Martha & colleen


Annie * irene are talking when Bell enters. They are surprised tat she hasn’t had a hair done – but she say there was a mix up at hairdressers.

Belle tells Irene tat she isnlt sure if this wedding is the best idea – esp. since Aden isn’t getting what he deserves. Irene doesn’t pick up on hat Belle is tying to imply and insists at that Adelle will be a GREAT married couple.

Annie renters the room – she is VERY ken to do Belle’s hair for tee party tonight.


Tony bails as the like of Martha, Colleen, etc arrive for tee hen’s night. When Charlie arrives, she gets an icy reception form Martha.


When Tony arrives, he is annoyed tat Aden didn't invite him tho tee busk party. Aden tells him tat t6her isn’t one and that Aden only said he was having buck party so Belle would have a hens night. Tony suggests tat they should go to Noah’s and Aden agrees.


Alf congratulates Aden on thee upcoming wedding, and when Gibsy enters, he eagerly decides to call lots of his mates to make it a real bucks party for Aden.


Colleen judge the contest of whose made tee best dress out of toilet paper – naturally, wit tee contest being tween Belle *& Leah, colleen awards tee prize to tee bride to be.

Martha & Charlie clash in tee kitchen – well, Marsha tells Charlie that she will NEVER understand Charlie/Angelo OR give the ‘ship her blessing. Charlie is clearly [annoyingly] affected by what Martha has said.


Alf “suggest” tat Aden * co should bail as its getting late etc. a mate of Gibsy starts to tell Aden tat he should join the business that they are in, but Gibbs quickly stop the guy FOM saying anything further [so obviously Gibsy is up to something dodgy].


The hens party also come to a close wit serval ppl bailing – and whilst Leah makes a jokes at her own expense, saying tat the party can't be over as she hasn’t danced on eth tails yet [think earlier tis year], Rachel and other s are VERY pleads tat belle seemed to have a GREAT time tonight.


After Tony & Aden enter, Aden tells Tony that he’s been more of a dad to Aden' than Aden’s own dad ever was.


Belle talk t9o colleen how great it will be spending the rest of her life with Aden. That chat is interrupted when Rach starts having contractions.

Rachel is worried as they can’t contact Tony, and colleen’s tales of birth woes aren’t helping. Colleen is also surprised when Belle say tab she can drive Rachel to tee hospital - as she hasn’t had a drink all night [unlike everyone else, even Charlie]



Looks like there’s no time f Rachel to wit til Tony get to the hospital before their bub is born

Belle suggest to Aden tat he should ask Nicole to be his best man at wedding

Nicole catches Belle taking medication

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Rachel: red low cut v neck knee length dress [with black top beneath]


Belle: black [newspaper headlines] t/apple green short skirt


Leah: red & white tie dye knee length dress


Aden: blue singlet/bone long pants

Aden: dark [various numbers] polo/dark long pants

Aden: green [white crest] t/brown shorts

Alf: bone Noah’s button up shirt/dark long pants

Alf: white [blue check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Annie: baby pink knee length dress

Annie: red & white tie dye top/apple green shorts

Annie: white t/denim shorts

Belle: white halter neck “wedding dress”

Belle: dark strapless top/dark long pants

Charlie: black [with red floral motif near tail] one should knee length dress

Charlie: yellow singlet top/dark long pants

Colleen: gold blouse/red top/multi colour full length skirt

Colleen: red [black & white floral?”] t

Don Gibson: 2 tone blue vertical stripes polo

Don Gibson: dark polo

Gibby’s [chatterbox] mate: white & grey polo

Irene: off white elbow length sleeves blouse/dark long pants

Irene: red long sleeve blouse

Irene: white [brown floral] long sleeve top/white long pants

Leah: white strapless “wedding dress”

Leah: red low cut v neck top

Martha: dark grey knee length dress

Martha: olive green jacket/grey & maroon singlet tops/denim jeans

Rachel: black [partially red] v neck top

Rachel: white [red swirls] top

Tony: green [apple green stripes across chest] polo shirt/denim jeans

Tony: red sports t


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