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Wed, 27 May 09 – Episode # 4863

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Fish Finder “

[ Screened in Australia on Wed, 27 May 09 – Episode # 4863 ]


Miles doesn’t respond when Alf & Hugo call out to him to bring them another spotlight. Alf & Hugo then start search of Miles – using tat spotlights to check the surrosuing waters. Miles has a torch with him - and uses it to alert Alf & Hugo to where he is. They rescue him.


Next day, Belle is on the phone with Irene’s lawyer, tying to get something achieved – but it’s doesn’t sound like she is ggeting anywhere.

When off the phone, Colleen talks to Belle – about a favourable front page story in the paper bout Irene.

Aden enters and things are oh so icy tween him & Belle still.

Liam enters and excitedly tells Belle tat he is going to be in a recording studio today with some mates.


Watson & Charlie talk bout the bottle shop robbery. Charlie thinks tat its too professional for anyone around these parts. She esp. comments bout how one of the robbers performed CPR on the woman.

Angelo enters – and tells Charlie that his car tyres have been slashed again. When she suggests that he should ride a bike to work, he reminds her tat bikes have tyres too – which they both kinda laugh about.


Tony is working out on the beach press alone. As he finishes Aden enters the room – and wonders, with all the training that Tony has been doing, if Tony is going in a triathlon. Tony says that it’s because of something like that.

After Tony walks ashy, Aden sees Liam in the next roo. Liam is talking to some ppl – and one of them hands Liam something. Aden looks suspiciously at what’s happened.


Rachel & Belle are talking. Rachel insists that although Belle is worried bout Irene and others, that Belle has to remember to look after herself as weal. Belle suggests thatt Rachel should come to the prison with her – and Rachel agrees.

When Rachel bails, Belle clashes with Aden. He tells her that he thinks he saw Liam involved in a drug deal, but Belle doesn’t believe Aden. Indeed, she tells him that Aden should be thanking Liam for keeping Aden out of jail [with the newspaper interview deal]. As the scene ends, Aden is mushily frustrated.


Angelo is annoyed with Charlie tells him bout the shark hunt that Hugo & co are on =- esp. when Angelo wanted to go out on boat with Hugo to the attack site.

Angelo also tells Charlie tat all he way top do whilst he is in the bay is to prove himself to the townsfolk [that he isn’t the creep they think he is etc].


Rachel & Belle talk to Irene – who tells them that she’s been dreaming/thinking a LOT bout Lou. They are worried bout her – but she vehemently denies that she’s been droning whilst in prison. Because Irene is looking a mess [bags under her eyes etc], Belle & Rachel wonder about thins – and Irene fires back by saying that there aren’t any beauty salons her in prison. Visiting time is then over – and Irene is led out of the room.

Soon after, Irene is led into her cell. She sees that there is [another] bottle of alcohol there – and she starts drinking it.


Bell tells Rach bout how worried they are bout Irene. Rachel reminds Belle that she shouldn’t be letting this overawe her.

After Rach bails, Aden approaches Belle – but she doesn’t believe Aden when he suggest tat Lima was scoring drugs of someone today.

Aden bails and Lima enters the room. He is REALLY excited bout what’s happening in his life – and suggests that they should get some takeaway and talk bout it.


Alf, Miles & Hugo decide to head for home – as the only thing that they’ve “caught” on this trip is Miles [when he went overboard].


Irene is lying on her bed when THAT prion guard says that she is allowed to eat etc with the other prisoners again. Irene says that she wants to stay in her cell. Hen the guard is gone, Irene drinks some more.


Oh Hugo’s boat, the fish finder that they’ve bought with them starts beeping rapidly. The trio sees something in the water nearby – they are shocked by whatever it is that they see [i.e. we the audience aren’t shown what it is].


Liam is really excited bout being into music and touring again. He even suggets that Belle should come on a national tour with him. Lima then kisses Bell and when she initially tries to push him away, he doesn’t back off. A 2nd attempt of more successful; - and bell backs this up by seeing that she meant it when she said tat she want to take things slowly.

After Belle bails, Liam throws some of the takeaway food at the wall – he’s way frustrated.


Rachel and Tony are talking. She tells him that she is worried bout Irene, and she favourably comments bout how waaaaaaay waaaaay in shape the Tony is these days [not tat he was out of shape in the 1st place].

Angelo enters the room, and Tony &* Rachel bails. Angelo sits with Charlie – and she isn’t keen on talking bout Jarlie when Angelo tries to bring up the subject of the difficult break-up of the all girl pair.

Angelo’s mobile rings – he sounds surprised by what he’s heard.


Angelo approaches Hugo’s boat – and monets after Alf & co partially remove the cover off what they found in the water, they comment “Angelo, meet [the very dead] Lou DeBono”



Why is all these bad things happening in this [supposedly] sleepy little town ??

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Belle: red [unknown black motif] scoop top – with green singlet top neath/dark long pants


Rachel: royal blue singlet top/dark long pants


Charlie: black leather jacket/denim jeans


Aden: black & grey horiz striped t/dark long pants

Aden: black singlet/dark long pants

Alf: brown polo shirt/olive green long pants/wide brim hat

Angelo: dark blue police button up shirt & matching long pants

Charlie: light blue (police uniform) button up shirt

Colleen: yellow floral blouse/dark blue top/

Corrupt Prison Guard: light blue blouse/dark blue tie/dark blue cap

Hugo: light blue [deer motif] t/red shorts

Irene: green prison t/

Liam: olive green button up shirt/black [white & red “V8” logo] t/dark long pants

Miles: brown t/Bone shorts/olive green hat

Miles: black [uSA landmarks motifs] t/brown shorts

Tony: red t/dark [2 white vert stripes on each leg] tracksuit pants

Tony: black [with silver on each side] SB gym t/dark shorts

Watson: light blue police shirt/dark blue long pants/


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