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Tues, 14 Apr 09 – Episode # 4832

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep,

“ Just When I Thought That We Wouldn’t EVER See Nurse Julie Again ... “

[screened in Australia on Tues, 14 Apr 09 – Episode # 4832]


Rachel, with Tony’s assistance, performs CPR on Belle. Hugo phones an ambulance.


Gina insist to Xavier tat he just can’t make big decisions like this on his own – but she does “get” tat he was doing this for Brendanl;s sake..

Hugo arrive, aden tells them bout Belle’s collapse. He realises things are tense, and Gina tells Hugo that there is something to Xavier has to tell him bout Roman.


Nic & Miles are by Roman’s bedside. She decides to bail to study. She kisses Roman on the forehead before bailing.

However, when she gusts into the corridor, she sees the ambulance officers wheel in Bell in a trolley – with Rachel [still in wed dress] and Dr Young treating her.


Hugo initsnatly verbally attacks Xavier – insisting that he only kept quiet to save his own backside. Xavier rally takes offence to this – and charges towards Hugo. The crash to the ground – and Gina “suggest:” that they should stop. She insists tat they need to figure out togt5ehr what is best to do.


Aden is looking at a framed pic of Adelle when Nic enters. She tells him that Belle OD’d at the reception and is in hospital.


Hugo is walking long when Alf pulls up beside him in his ute. Alf hops the Brendan wasn’t too upset etc by the weeding, aden when he ads that Xavier seems to have a great bond with/is a great carer to Brendan.


Xavier overhears Hugo & Gina talking bout the situation. Whilst Higo insist tat Xavier never seem to learn form his mistakes, Gina points out that she thought the same once of Hugo. Hugo tells Gina that he doesn’t think that Xavier will be able to handle the consequence ofg his actions [possible jail”] any beetr than Brendan.


Dr Yong, Rachel & Nurse Julie continue to treat Belle. They are pleased that she is now responding to pain. Dr Young suggest that Rachel should go – since it’s her wedding day. Rach goes to back away – but Belle “crashes” once more and its hands on deck.


Gina & Hugo are talking bout whish way they arte going to handle to Brendan situation when tony arrives. although tony suggest tat he can just catch a cab to the hospital, Hugo insist on drove him.

A stressed Brendan enters the room, followed by Xavier. Brenda sound like he’s had a bad dream, but Gina & co are relieved when Brendan then seems to be only worried but having come wedding cake.


Rachel ^ co aerie able to stabilise Belle.

By roman’s side, Leah & Miles comment bout how “great” a wed day that Rach has had.

In corridor, Dr young approaches Rachel [still in weeding dress btw]– he requests her to speck to belle, who still won’t admit tat she need help.

Rachel goes into Belle’s room – and isn’t taking any if belle’s excuses etc [“this has been a big wake up call for me”]. When belle insist that she isn’t going to go to a drug clinic of her own volition, Rachel goes all "hardball" - insisting tat she going to write a report that will lead to Belle being checked into a rehab facility as an involutinary admission.

When Rachel leves the room, belle starts to cry.


Gina & co agree that it’s best for Brendan to live with Gina for a while. Brendan esp. Hugs Xavier before he bails with Gina & Hugo.


The like of Geoff, Annie & Nic are by Belle’s bedside. Even Geoff admits tat he’s been too hard on bell since he found out. Belle is concerned that Aden bailed for the hospital as soon as he was told that belle would be ok.

Leah is by roman’s side in the ICU room when he wakes. She calls to med staff and Dr Young & Nurse Julie tend to Roman. Afar they remove that breathing tube for his mouth, Dr Young does some sight etc tests on Roman – who tells them that he can’t see!!!


Martha tells Xavier tat Roman is awake. After she heads for the shower, Xavier makes a phone call – he asks for Senior Constable Buckton.


Aden is in the kitchen when the phone rirng. Nic leves a msg on the machine – saying that Roman is awake.


Dr young tells Nic, Leah & an esp. Shocked Aden that Roman is blind – they don’t keno if it’s permanent or temporary.



Roman emotionally pushes Leah away

Joey tells Charlie "you broke my heart" - Charlie's response "I broke mine as well"

Nicole finds out that Xavier knew who did this the whole time – and calls him gutless

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Nicole: mottled silver singlet top


Nurse Julie: mauve [work] blouse


Rachel: ivory thin strap low cut v neck wedding dress


Aden: /dark button up shirt/dark long pants

Aden: green [white crest] t/dark long pants

Alf: dark suit/white button up shirt/electric blue tie

Annie: orange thin strap knee dress

Belle: black wide v shaped straps knee dress

Brendan: black & white striped polo/red cap

Brendan: grey t/ white [dark check] PJ long pants

Dr Young: burgundy button up shirt

Geoff: dark suit./white button up shirt/blue tie

Gina: blue long sleeve blouse/white top

Gina: dark long sleeve top

Hugo: black [zebra head] t

Hugo: dark long pants/white button up shirt/electric blue tie.

Leah: electric blue halter neck long dress

Martha: electric blue halter neck long dress

Miles: brown t

Xavier: blue [light blue surfing motifs] t/dark long pants

Xavier: dark long pants/dark blue button up shirt


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