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Fri, 7 Nov 08 – Episode # 4755

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Kirsty Isn’t a Mermaid, But ….. “

[screened in Australia on Fri, 7 Nov 08 – Episode # 4755]


Miles walk on the wharf for a bit before he stops. He looks deep in thought about what he overheard Kirsty saying to Leah at end of previous ep.


In the kitten, Leah talk to Rachel; about what’s been happening in her life – how she’s been alienating ppl [Kirsty, Irene] because she has feeling for miles. Leah mushily thanks good friend Rachel orf listening to her rave on like this.


Tony tell jack that all of this things to have a baby stuff isn’t as fun as he thought it would – esp. since Rachel has put got them both on a strict regime [no alcohol or caffeine, organic foods etc].

Talk turns to Martha – jack says that she is enjoying the retreat. Tiny gets wore that jack is too close to this to thinks clearly about it, but jack insist stat he likes that its his job to investigate the toxic waste/cancer cluster thing.

Roman approaches Tony & jack and suggetstaht they should all spend the day out on the Blaxland morrow. Both agree.


Next day, Leah goes to kirsty's van and she apologises form what she’s been saying etc of late. She tells Kirsty that its all because miles was a great fiend to Leah about Dan died and that she thought that she was gong t loose that if Kirsty & miles got together.

The 2 seal their renewed friendship when Kirsty accepts Leah’s inviter to rtcahel;’s place for a girls get together today.


Leah & Rachel are talking about their lunch together today with Kirsty, the nearby Bridget wands if she can join in – and they say she can. Bridget then apologises for all but inviting herserelf.

Tony arrives, And whilst Leah gets a hamper for the boys Blaxland trip today, Rachel & Tony both acknowledge that things are tense tween them at the moment. Both come to the agreement that maybe that she just let nature take its course – and not be so stressed aboyt6 this whole get pregnant business.


Miles is in the kitchen and when Alf sees the fishing rod that miles is going to take out on the Blaxland today, he comment that there’s little chance that miles will catch anything with it.

After Alf bails form the room, Kirsty enters, she tells mile stat she wants to pay her final rent before moving out – but when she goes looking in her bag for the money, several letters etc fall out she picks them up and puts them in her bag, and give miles the money.

However, after Kirsty leave the house, Miles finds one of the envelopes that fell out of Kristy’s bag – its form KANE!!!


Ad roman, Tony, jack & miles get on the boat, Alf say stat there is no way they’ll catch a fish today. They bet him $50 that they can =- Alf thinks it’s that easiest $50 he’s ever made.


Rachel & Leah set up the chars et in the back yard, and when Leah offers Rachel some food, Rachel syuas that she’s not that hungry fight now.

Kirsty & Bridget arrive, and the girls laugh bout the fishing bet that the boys have made.


With the boat anchored in the river, Tony tells jack that he might have caught something, but it ended up being just some seaweed.


The girls talk about what Leah might do with the money. When the suggestion of a new Drop In Centre is made, Leah insists baht she’s doesn't think that she’s up for a challenge like that.

Bridget then, it look deliberately, knock over her drink – and when the others clear the table, so other things don't get affected, and take the other tikghs inside, Bridget takes Leah’s drivers licence out of her purse and pouts it in back pocket.


Miles starts to tell Roman about how he found that letter form Kane, but that concentration is broken off when roman gets a bit on his line. With differing advice coming FOM the others as to the best way top land the catch, the fish escapes.

Roman &* co realise that there’s no way that they are going to catch a fish – as its geeing late in they day – so they decide to call on some help.


Kirsty approaches Roman and co. with what looks like a BIG fish wrapped up in a tarp. They thank her for doing this.

Alf approaches and Tony & the boys show him te fish they caught, but he comments that he didn’t know that engine of the Blaxland would have enough life in it to get to new Zealand and back, as the fish is an NZ snapper. Everyone laughs about it though.

[note – my ep title refers to the fact that in an episode of “H2O – Just Add Water”, mermaid Cleo assisted good friend Lewis by attracting a big fish to his line so he won a fishing competition. Note 2 – kinda ironically, Lincoln Lewis was an extra in the H2O ep that I just refer to].


Kirsty & miles talk about how they both had a good day today.

Miles then brings up the letter -0 and Kirsty tells mile stat she wrote to kine to tell, him that she wouldn’t be funding his appeal and is moving on with her life. Kisrty ads that this letter is Kane’s reply – and that he is happy for her.


Bridget & Alf talk bout how it was good that the fish thing bought some needed laughter to ppl. Bridget’s phone rings – and she tells Alf that she has to talked thiols call., she walls away

Nearby, Tony & jack talk bout hpo great toady was – and how jack told Martha about their fishy story. Jail then tells Tony that he HASD to catch the ppl responsible for the toxic waste!!!!!

In the store room, Bridget bis on the phone, she tells the person on the other end of the line Leah’s divert licence number etc and ask for whatever she wants done [fake ID???] to be fast tracked. Bridget seem very happy when is sound like whatever she wants done CAN be dine very quickly.


Rachel is siting on the front steps when Tony approaches. Both apologises for the way things have been tense tween them -0p and Rachel have extra sperical reasons to do so. She beamingly tells Tony that she is PREGNANT – and Rachel has to mort gorgeous smile in her face is they hug to celebrate the GREAT news.


After Roman & Miles have eaten some of THAT fish, roman wonders what has happened about the letter that miles was talking about earlier [on the boat]. Miles say that he spoke to Kirsty 0 mand believes what she told him [Kirsty moving on form Kane]. Indeed, Miles tells roman that he is going to talk to Kirsty fight now.


As miles approaches Kristy’s van, So does Kirsty. She’s just taken in some washing etc. mile tells her that he overheard Kirsty & Leah’s chat at the diner. Kirsty is sooooooooooooo worried but mile assures her that she doesn’t have to be. Mile tells Kirsty tat he wants them to be together – and they waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay kiss!!!!!



Melody tells Matthew that because ppl think she’s an angel, she can get away with murder [so to speak]

When Alf threatens to go to the police about Bridget, she tells him that her cancer has returned

Angelo is furious at belle - she is attacked [by Angelo????] and ends up in hospital

It’s A Designer Label [iADL]


Rachel: red t/dark brown & aqua beaded necklace


Leah: dark purple thin strap top/tan knee length skirt


Kirsty: white [strawberry motifs] halter neck knee length dress


Alf: dark blue [white check] button up shirt/bone long pants/wide brim hat

Bridget: white long sleeve blouse

Jack: bluey-grey t

Jack: red t/black & white [nightscape?] shorts

Kirsty: red [white sports team logo] scoop t

Leah: red low cut v neck top

Miles: green button up shirt/olive green t/bone shorts

Miles: dark button up shirt/grey [green & orange rainbow] t/ dark long pants

Miles: grey button up shirt/dark [black & white photo of a man] t/brown long pants

Rachel: blue wide strap top/dark long pants

Roman: black singlet

Roman: dark t/ dark long pants

Roman: white singlet/dark shorts

Tony: blue t/dark long pants

Tony: brown polo


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